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Academic year: 2022



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Septemberl~QZ5/.\ COU.f::C:: ii ,

Original: ENGLISH.C-













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A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 2


~HER, Technical Adviser, Ministry of Public Health


~cretaire d1Etat au Plan




fnipotentiaire et Directeur au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres

,\1-.J:_,, ___ ...J _ _ T"\DtJ'D"T

Conseiller technique au Ministere d1Etat


~harge d1affaires, .Arnbassade



Abderrahmane LABLOU, Conseiller des Affaires etrangeres

., ,

Professeur et Doyen de la Faculte de Droit et des sciences economiques

-Y f rr ~ ---~-'-~ d I Alger

,\ - -..L -. ~ .! - ,.... - :a __ -

[embre du Conseil national economique et social [embre du Conseil national economique et social

Conseiller au 11inistere de 11Interieur

us-Directeur de la conservation des gisements au Ministere de de 11energie

Sous-Directeur des Eaux et forets au Minist9re de 11Agriculture et .graire

Ingenieur en chef au Secretariat d1Etat


11hydraulique 'edologue


11Institut national agronomique d1Alger


Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto

Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario FEDERICO, Subsecretario de Recursos H1dricos

BJ\RBERIS, E.~bajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Eduardo BRADLEY, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario

Carlos Roberto CAVOTI, Subsecretario de Ciencia y Tecnica


ARGENTINA (cont.) Suplentes

A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 3

Reynaldo A. BERTINOTTii Director General del Servicio Meteorol6gico Nacional Dan J. BENINSON5 Gerente de la Protecci6n Radiol6gica y Seguridad de J.a Comisi6n

Nacional de Energia_At6mica

Jose Jorge Maria GARCIA, Director de Recursos Naturales9 Ministerio de Agricultura Vicente Guillermo ARNAUD1 Consejero de Embajada

Hector C.J. SAINZ BALLESTEROS5 Consejero de Ernbajada Conse;ieros

Jorge B. SAGGESE9 Primer Secretario de Embajada Domingo A. FRENCH9 Primer Secretario de Embajada

Martha Stella Gil MONTERO9 Director de Relaciones Exteriores5 Subsecretaria de Ciencia y Tenica


Peter HOWSON1 M.P.5 Minister for the Environment9 Aborigines and the Arts (Head of the Delegation)


J.G. BEALEi New South Wales Minister for Environment Control V.O. DICKIE5 Victorian Minister for State Development

Sir Lenox HEWITTi Secretary, Department of the Environment9 Aborigines and the Arts Sir James PLIMSOLL, Ambassador tc the United States of America

Sir William REFSHAUGE5 Director-General of Health Alternate Representatives

J.D. PETHERBRIDGE, Ambassador to Sweden

W.K. PILZ1 Under-Secretary, Dep~rtment of Environment Controli New South Wales J.C. FRASER, Chairman5 Environment Protection Authority, Victoria

C. N. BARTON 9 Co-ordinator-General, Q,nciencland

W. G. INGLIS, Director of Environment and Conservation, South Australia O1BRIEN9 Director of Environment Protection, Western Australia


A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 4


J.F. POTTINGER, Director of Environmental Control, Tasmania

H.J. HIGGS, First Assistant Secretary, Department of the Environment, Aborigines and the Arts

A.I. McCUTCHAN, Senior Assistant Secretary, Department of National Development J.B. ALLEN, Assistant Secretary, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organization Advisers

G. UNKLES, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Shipping and Transport G.L.V. HOOTON, Assistant Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry

R.S. MERRILLEES, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations


Ingrid LEODOLTER, Minister for Health and Environmental Protection (Head of the Delegation)


(Deputy Head of the Delegation) Erwin WENZL



BAHRAIN Ali FAKHRO, Minister of Health


A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l p~e5

A. RAZZAK, .Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Sweden (Head of the Delegation)

M. K. A. JAIGIRDAR, Second Secretary, Embassy, Stockholm


Le Prince ALBERT (assiste par M. DIDISHEIM, Conseiller) (Chef de la delegation)

L. SERVAIS, Ministre de la Sante publique (Chef adioint de la delegation)

J. GAULS, Chef du Cabinet du Premier Ministre

J.-J. VERROKEN, Membre de la Chambre des representants

S. HALTER, Secretaire general du Ministere de la Sante publique J. LEROY, Ambassadeur


A. STENMANS, Secretaire general des Services de programrnation de la politique scientifique

A. BAEYENS, Secretaire general du 11:i.nistere des Affaires economiques

J. SALMON, Ministre plenipotentiaire M. de SERRANO, Senateur

M. ERRERA, Conseiller scientifique aux Services de programmation de la politique scientifique

M. RENSON, Charge de mission aux Services de programmation de la politique scientifique, Directeur operationnel du Programme national R-D environnement

M. HUYGHEBAERT, Attache aux Services de programmation de la politique scientifique M. DUFAYS1 Conseilleur au Cabinet du Premier VJinistre, assurant le Secretariat de la


M. DUBOIS, Attache aux Services de programrnation de la politique scientifique, assurant le Secretariat de la delegation

M. HANNEQUART, Premier Conseiller, Bureau du plan

M. de WILDE, Conseiller adjoint, assurant le Secretariat de la delegation


A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 6

BELGIUM (cont.)

M. HERTEC.ANT, Chef de Cabinet du Ministre de la Sante publique.

A. NOKERMAN, Chef de Cabinet adjoint du Ministre de la Sante publique A. LAFONTAINE, Directeur de 11Institut d1hygiene et d1epidemiologie M. THIENPONT, Conseiller au Cabinet du Ministre de la Sante publique

M. HENDRICKX, Directeur general de 11Administration de 11amenagement du territoire et de 11urbanisme

M. QUINTIN, Charge de mission au Cabinet du Ministre des Travaux publics

M. PAUWELS, Inspecteur general de 11Administration de 11amenagement du territoire et de 11urbanisme

M. DELREE, Directeur divisionnaire des mines

M. PEERENBOOM, Premier Conseiller


11Administration de l'industrie

M. de MEYER, Directeur general de 111\dministration de 11enseignement superieur et de la recherche

M. POULAERT, Directeur de la recherche N. PIRLOT, Conseiller



11Administration de l'enseignement superieur


- Chef de service


11Administration des arts et lettres L. DENONNE, Directeur general de 11Administration de 11hygiene et de la medecine du


M. DUPRIEZ, Conseiller au Cabinet du l'flinistre du travail

M. ZUALL1\ERT, Ingenieur en chef, Directeur


111ldministration de la securite du travail

E. CLICHEROUX, Directeur general de 11Administration des eaux et forets M. CORNET cl.1ELZIUS, Conseiller au Cabinet du Ministre de 11agriculture Conseillers


DELOURME, Secretaire general adjoint


la Federation generale du travail de Belgique R. SCHOONBRODT, Conseiller au Service d1etude de la Confederation des syndicats


P. I-LlTRY, 1ldministrateur


la Federation des industries belges M. BORMJ'J'ifS, Delegue de la Federation des industries belges M. DUBRULLE, 11.dministrateur, Inter-Environnement

J. FOU1lliGE, 1ldministrateur, Inter-Environnement

Vme. POLLET-T1lSSIN, Administrateur, Inter-Environnement



A/CONF,48/INF.5/Rev.l page 7

Oscar von BORRIES, Ingeniero, Der,artamento de Recursos Naturales y del Med.io Ambiente, Ministerio de Planificacion


-~. K. J. MASIRE, Vice-President, Minister of Finance and Development Planning (Head of tbe Delegation)

B. GAOLATHE, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Water .Affairs A. C. CAMPBELL, Director of Wildlife and National Parks

E. L. SETSHWAELO, First Secretary, Permanent 1-'.Iission to tbe United Nations R. J. R. BARRETT, YJinistry of Agriculture


Jose Costa CAVALCAlifTI, Minister of State for tbe Interior (Head of the Delegation) Representatives

Aluizio Napoleao d.e FREITAS REGO, Ambassador to Sweden

Miguel A. OZORIO DE ALMEIDA, Ambassador, Special Advisor to tbe Minister for External Relations

Paulo de CASTRO MOREIRA DA SILVA, Vice-Admiral, Director, Research Institute of tbe Navy

Carlos Calero RODRIGUES, Ambassador, Assistant Secretary-General for International Organizations, 1-'.Iinistry of External Relations

Henrique BRANTIAO CAVALCANTI, Secretary-General, Ministry of tbe Interior Alternate Representatives

Rubens VAZ DA COSTA, President, National Bank of Housing

Espedi to DE FREITAS RESENTIE, r!finister, Assistant Secretary-General for Inter-American Organizations, l'Iinistry of External Relations

Isaac KERSTENETZICY, President of tbe Brazilinn Institute of Geography and Statistics Bernardo DE AZEVEDO BRITO, First Secretn:ry, Permanent Yrission to the United Nations Aimone CAMARDELLA, Hationctl Institute of Technology, I,'.Iinistry of Trade and Industry Mario TRINTIADE, Representative of Brazil on the United Nations Committee on Housing,

Building and Plnnning


A/CONF.48/IliJF.5/Rev.l page 8

Technical Advisers

BRAZIL (cont.)

Jose Candido DE MELO CARVALHO, Adviser to the President of the Brazilian Institute of Forestry Development, Ministry of Agriculture

Fausto Pereira GUIMARAES, Adviser to the Presid.ent of the Water Company of the State of Guanabara., Member of the Working Group on Environmental Pollution, Ministry of Health

Flavio Dionysio DE ANDRADE COSTA, Superintendent of the Agency for Environmental Sanitation of the State of Sao Paulo

Adhemar Da COSTA JVIACHADO, Adviser, Office of the President of the Republic Vinicius FONSECA, Ministry of Planning and General Co-ordination


Luiz Felipe DE MACEDO SOARES GUIMARAES, Second. Secretary, Permanent Delegation to IBIBSC0 Marcia Paulo DE OLIVEIRA DIAS, Second. Secretary, Embassy, Stockholm.

Raphael Valentino SOBRINHO, Second Secretary, Under-Secretary for International Co-operation, Ministry of the Interior

Paulo Alfonso SOUZA DOS SANTOS, Second Secretary, Embassy, Stockholm

Nario GRIECO, Second Secretary, United Nations Division, Ministry of External Relations Washington Luis Pereira DE SOUSA NETO, Third Secretary, Di vision of Specialized.

Agencies, Ministry of External Relations Parliamentary Observers

Francisco Accioly Rodrigues da Costa FILHO, Senator, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Commission on Constitution and Justice

Jose Roberto Faria LINA, Member of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the Special Commission on Environmental Pollution


Dante Pires REBELO, Confederation of National Industry Paulo Monteiro NENDES, Confederation of National Industry Braz JULIANO, Metropolitan Sanitation Agency for Sao Paule Secretariat

Stella Batista PEREIRA, Chancery Officer, Ministry of External Relations Daisy Maria SJlvlPSON, Clwncery Officer, Ministry of External Relations

Jane Delnney CODA, Translator, Permanent Mission to the United Nations


Francois J3UYOYl1., Nedecin, Directeur general de la Snnte publique, President n8.tiono.l d 'by giene

du Conseil~




A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 9

Simon Nko10 ETOU1iJ"GOU, .Ambassadeur


Bruxelles (Chef de la delegation) J. Madou NDENGUE, Charge d1etude assistant au Ministere du Plan

Langue TSHOBGNY, Ministre conseiller, .Ambassad.e




Jack DAVIS, P.C., M.P., lfi.nister of the Environment (Head of the Delegatio~) Alan MACNAUGHTON, P. C., Senator (Deput:v Head of the Delegation)


Victor GOLDBLOOM, Ministre d. 1 E:tat responsable de la guali te de l' environnement, Province de Quebec

viilliam YURKO, }'ILA, Minister of the Environment, Province of Alberta

Eymard CORBIN, Member of Parliament, Parliamentary Secretary to the :i'Iinister of the Environment

Paul TREMBLAY, Associate Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs Alternate Representatives

Glen BAGNELL, MLl1., lfi.nister of Mines, Province of Nova Scotia Neil BYERS, Minister of the Environment, Province of Saskatchewan

G. W. N •. COCKBURN, MLA, Minister of Fisheries and Environment, Province of New Brunswick William C. DOODY, l1LA, Minister of Mines, Agriculture and. Resources, Province of


R. F. SHAH, Deputy Minister, Department of the Environment

G. F. BRUCE, Department of External Affairs (Secretary-General of the Deleg~.tiop) Advisers

T. C. BACON, Department of External Affairs

P. J. BEAULIEU, lfi.nistry of State for Science and Technology J. A. BEESLEY, Department of External Affairs

E. BIGGS, Deputy Minister, Department of the Environment, Province of Ontario Peter BIRD, Department of National Health and Welfare


D. BURWASH, Department of External Affairs G. C. BUTLER, National Research Council

CAMPBELL, Department of the Environment

DRAHOTSKY, Ministry of Industry, Trad.e and Commerce

thur J. HISCOCK, Environmental Control Commission, Department of Community Services, Province of Prince Edward. Island

KEITH, Department of Environment MACDONALD, Canadian Labour Congress

MACNEILL, Ministry of State for Urban Affairs


A/CONF. 48/INF. 5/r.-,ev .1 page 10

CANi1.DA (cont. )


George MhNUEL, National Indian Brotherhood.

W. R. M,illTiliT, Department of the Environment David McCREERY, National Youth Conference D. P. McINTYRE, Department of the Environment H. V. MORLEY, Department of .Agriculture

D. A. MUNRO, Department of the Environment

J. K. NAYSMITH, Department of Indian J,i'fairs and Northern


~T. NORMINTON, Canadian Federation of Agriculture



P ANIIBURST, Canadian International Development Agency R. W, PARSONS, Ninistry of Transport


V. C. RAUDSEPP, Deputy Minister, Department of Hater Resources, Province of Bri tisb Colombia.

Louis RENZONI, Mining Association of Canada

E. F. ROOTS, Department of Energy, ~Jines and Resources J. E. THIBAULT, Department of External .i\ffairs

Delegation Officers

Ricba.rd DAVIES, Department of the Environment

Uilliam DYMO:iID, Permanent Mission to tbe United Nations Office a.t Geneva

M. LINCOURT, 1,Jinistry of State for Urban ~ufairs D. I. R. Lm!, Privy Council Office

J. S. MACTAVISH, Department of the Environment

I. C. i'1. PLACE, Department of tbe Environment

N. RIDDELL, Department of External Affairs R.H. NOYES ROBERTS, Embassy, Stockholm

\1. i1. MAIR

CENTRAL AFRICi1.N REPUBLIC S. BEDAYA-NGJ\.RO ( Chef de la dolen:ation)



R, C. S. KOELMEYER, Ambassador to Sweden (Head of the Delegation) G. H.F. de BRUIN, Research Officer, Department of Fisheries J. B. NAKKt1.WIT.:~, Third Secretary, Embassy,, Stockholm



A/CONF.48/TNF.~/Hev.l page 11

Vicente SANCHES, P..mbassndor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva (Head of the DeleRation)

Luis Enrique DELANO, Ambassador to Sweden

Wladimir HERMOSILLA, Professor of Ecology, University of Chile Horacio ]OCCARDO, Chief, Department of National Health

Jorge CHOCAIR, Director, Department of ,Fishing and Hunting

Jose Manuel OVALLE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the International Organizations in Geneva

Godofredo STUTZIN, National Committee for the Defence of Fauna and Flora Mario SCHEGGIA, Secretarys Ernbassy1 Stockholm


TANG KE, Vice-Minister of Fuel and Chemical Industries (Head of the Delegation)

KU MING, Vice-Minister of the State Planning Commission (Deputy Head of the Delegation)


PI CHI-LUNG, Responsible Member of the Department of International Organizations, Conferences, Treaties and Laws, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

CHEN HAI-FElID, Vice-Departmental Director, Ministry of Health HOU HSIANG-LIN, Professor, Institute of Petroleum

LI CHIA-JUI, Engineer, Vice-Director of the Research Institute, }linistry of Metallurgy Alternate Representatives

CHU KUANG, Vice-Director of the Institute of Labour Sanitation, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

YU SUNG-HSUN, Vice-Director of the Designing Institute, Ministry of Light Industry

CHIANG HSIAO-KO, Engineer of Chemical Industries, Three Wastes Management Office of the Peking Municipality

KU CHUAN-HSUN, Worker, Shanghai Liaoyen Chemical Works CHU KE-PING, Section Chief of the State Planning Commission Advisers

MAI YUNG-PIN, Research1 China Institute of Agriculture and Forest:ry HU CHUNG-YUAN, Engineer, Tientsin Paper-Making Plant


A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 12

CHINA (cont.)


WANG TZU-SHIH, Assistant Researcher, Institute of Labour Sanitation, Chinese Academy \:>f Medical Sciences

CHANG W.AN-HSIN, Deputy Chief Engineer, Peking General Petro-Chemical Works SHIH CHI-TEH, J!iedical Doctor, Shanghai Municipal Quarantine

HSU LI-CHANG, Engineer, Ministry of Metallurgy

Luis Villar BORDA, Embajador en Suecia (Jefe de la delegacion)


Gabriel BETANCOURT~ Embajador, Representante Permanente ante la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Educacion, la Ciencia y la Cultura

1\1 varo SALGADO, Rector de la Uni versidad de los Andes Sven ZETHELIUS, Rector, Universidad de La Salle

CONGO Alexis OKOY, Conseiller, Ambassade




Manuel Noriega MORALES, Director del Instituto Centroamericano de Investigacion y Tecnologia Industrial, Guatemala

(Jefe de la delegacion)

Julio Enrique DOUGHERTY-LIEKENS, Subdirector de Organismos Internacionales, YJ.inisterio de Relaciones Exteriores de Guatemala

(Jefe ad~unto de la delegacion) Representante

Rodrigo PARIS-STEFFENS, Consejero, Mision Permanente de Costa Rica ante las Naciones Unidas


G.M. SERAPHIM, Director, Department of Forestry, ¥.linistry of Agriculture and Natural Resources

(Head of the Delegation)




MJJ1A, Ministre du Developpement rural (Chef de la delegation)

I. SOURADJOU, Ministre de Plan L. AHOUANSOU, Service de Plan

A/CONF,48/INF.5/Rev.l page 13

D.D. GBAGUIDI, Ingenieur agronome, Directeur de l'Enseignement recherche agronomique agricole et de la

DENMARK Jens KAMPMANN, Minister of Environmental Protection (Head of the Delegation)

G. SEIDENFADEN, Ambassador

(Acting Head of the Delegation in the absence of Mr. Jens KAMPMANN) K.O. MpLLER, County Governor, Ministry of Environmental Protection V. Rud NIELSEN, Assistant Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing

G. SCHACK LARSEN, Assistant Under-Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs of State for Economic Affairs, V. NIELSEN, Head of Department, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Estrid BJERREGAARD, Assistant Head of Department, Danish National Commission for UNESCO Alternate Representatives

Erik HOLST, Member of Parliament Knud BRO, Member of Parliament Poul HARTLING, Member of Parliament Edele KRUCHOW, Member of Parliament Svend HAUGAARD, Member of Parliament Holger VIVEKE, Member of Parliament Arne STINUS, Member of Parliament Morten LANGE, Member of Parliament Advisers

C. OVERGAARD NIELSON, Professor, Danish Natural Science Research Council, Copenhagen S. DALGAARD-MIIIBELSEN, Professor, Veterinary and. Agricultural University, Copenhagen E.A. UHL, Chief Physician, Ministry of Environmental Protection

I. BODENHAGEN, 11.::;sistant Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs V. DITLEV LARSEN, Assistant Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H. SCHMIEGELCW, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 14


DENMARK (cont.)

V. KOESTER, Head of Section, Ministry of Cultural Affairs Ove NISSEN, Secretary, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Ole Poul HANSEN, Secretary, Ministry of Environmental Protection

O. VAGN OLSEN, Danish Institute for Fishery and Marine Research, Copenhagen Hans FLYGER, Civil Engineer, The Research Establishment, Risi

Eclmund HANSEN, Commissioner of Town Planning, Ministry of Housing Bent VOSS, Senior Architect, Ministry of Housing

Karen HANSEN, Head of Section, Ministry of Environmental Protection (Secretariat)

Claus BECKER, Press Counsellor

T. MAIL.AND CHRISTENSEN, Secretary of Embassy, Stockholm (Secretariat)

K. ANDREASEN, Veterinary Surgeon, Agricultural Council of Denmark

Poul SKJOLDBORG, Director, Civil Engineer, Federation of Danish Industries E. WAHL, Deputy Director, Federation of Danish Industries

T.C. WIJ'IDFEDT LUND, Senior Engineer, City of Copenhagen (National Association of Local Government Authorities)

Erik TRABERG JENSEN, Head of Section, Economic Council of the Labour Movement

Niels JUUL BUSCH, Student of Polytechnical Science, Environmental Research Group NOAH


Placido R. ACEVEDO-ALFAU, Embajador, Consejero Econ6mico, Hision Pennanente ante las :Haciones Unidas

(Jefe de la deleRacion)

B. LUNDH, Consul General en Estocolmo


Leopold Benites VINUEZA, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas

(Jefe ~e la dele~aci6n) ,

Luis Ortiz TERAN, Encargado de Negocios interino, Embajada en Estocolmo Jose Santoro de ICAZA, Comandante General de Marina

Luis NARVAEZ, Primer Secretario del Servicio Exterior



A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 15

Mostafa KAMAL TOLBA, President de l'Academie (Chef de la deleRation) des recherches scientifiques Mohamed IBRAHIM KAMEL, Ambassadeur



Hassan ISMAIL, Directeur de l'Universite du Caire

Ibrahim AHMED BADAWI, Sous-Secretaire d'Etat, Ministere de la Sante

Rouchdy SAIID FARAG, President du Comite des Relations etrangeres, Assemblee du peuple Mohamed Abdel FATAH ELK.A.SSAS, Professeur


l'Universite du Caire

Mostafa HAFEZ, Conseiller scientifique


l'Academie des recherches scientifiques Emari OKEIL, Professeur


la Faculte d'ingenieurs de l'Universite d'Alexandrie Aly MASSOUD, Professeur


l'Universite du Caire

A.N. EL-SALAWY, Premier Secretaire, Ambassade (Secretaire de la delegation)


Stockholm Abbas KESEIBA? Membre du Cabinet du Ministre de l'Agriculture Sarni DR.AZ, Troisieme Secretaire, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres Aziza FARMI, Troisieme Secretaire, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres

Mohamed Ali EZZELDIN, Demonstrateur Ain Shams, le Caire


la Faculte d'ingenieurs de l'Universite


Rafael Eduardo CASTILLO-VALDES, Embajador (Jef~ de la delegaci6n) Representante Permanente de Guatemala ante las Extraordinario Naciones Unidas y Plenipotenciario, Julio Enrique DOUGHERTY-LIEKENS,

Subdirector de Organismos Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Guatemala

(Jefe ad.iunto de la delegacion) Representantes

Juan de DIOS CALLE, Ministerio de Salud Publica de Guatemala

Jorge lBhRRA, Director del Instituto de Historia Natural de Guatemala

}Tario DARY RIVERA, Profesor, Director de la Escuela de Guatemala de Biologia de la Universidad Conse.i ero s

Alfredo OBIOLS GOMEZ, Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Guatemala

Manuel Noriega MORALES, Director del Instituto Tecnologia Industrial, Guatemala Centroamericano de Investigacion y Lars Ivan Hannell SJOFLOM, Consul de Guatemala en Estocolmo


A/CONF. 48/INF. 5/Rev .1 page 16

Abebbe RETTA, Minister for Agriculture (Head of the Delegation)


Tekalign GF~AMU, Minister of State for Planning Lij Imru ZELLEKE, Ambassador to Sweden

Kifle TSEGAYE, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Agriculture Amaha ESHETE, General Manager, Malaria Eradication Service

Maaza BEKELE, Head, Social Service Department, Planning Commission Office


Hans-Dietrich GENSCHER, Federal Minister of the Interior (Head of the Delegation)

Gunter HAR'IKOPF, Secreta:ry of State, Federal Ministry of the Interior (Deputy Head of the Delegation)


Max STREIBL, Minister for Regional Development and Environmental Problems in Land Bavaria (Bayern)

Werner FIGGIN, Minister for Labour, Health and Social Affairs in Land North Rhine/

Westphalia (lfordrhein/Westfalen)

Karl KAISER, Member of the Adviso:ry Council on Environmental Affairs Alternate Renresentatives

Dieter DENEKE, Minister for Food, Agriculture and Forestry in Land North Rhine/

Westphalia (Nordrhein/westfalen)

Hans-Georg WOLTERS, Senator for Health, Berlin Swidbert SCHNIPPENKOTTER, Ambassador, Geneva

Kurt HAEFNER, Federal Ministry of Food, ~griculture and Forestry Joachim BERG, Federal Ministry of the Interior

Karl FITTING, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Horst DUHKE, Federal Ministry of Economic Co-operation

Erhard WEISS, Federal Ministry of Town Planning and Housing Committee Wolfgang FINKE, Federal Vunistry of Education and Science

Peter MENKE-GLUCKERT, Federal Ministry of the Interior Advisers

Harald HEH1SOETH, Federal Foreign Office Adolf M. OBERMAYER, Ambassador to Sweden

Hans Martin SCHMID, Federal Ministry of Economic Co-operation



Dietrich KUPFER, Federal Ministry of the Interior Rainer PIEST, Federal Ministry of the Interior

A/CONF. 48/INF. 5/Rev .1 page 17

Ernest SCHNEIDER, Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development

Herbert MASSING, Working Group on Water Management Westphalia (NordrheinfJlestfalen) of the Lander, Land North Rhine/

Karl HOLL, Federal Ministry of Youth, Family Affairs and Health Wilhelm KUlKE, Association of German Trade Unions

Franz KRUSE, Federal Ministry of Economics and Finance

Dietrich VON HEGEL, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Count Lennart BERNADOTTE

Kurt GAEDE, Working Group on Nature Conservation

and Landscape Planning of the Lander, Land Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen)

Jurgen KLEINER, Federal Foreign Office

Dieter MITZKA, Federal I1inistry of Economics and Finance Gerhard BREUER, Federal Ministry of Transport

Klaus BOISSEREE, Ministry of Labour and Social (Nordrhein/Westfalen) Affairs, Land North Rhine/Westphalia Hans MOLLENHAUER, Federal Ministry of Youth, Family Affairs and Health ·

Heinz K. MUHLECK, Federal Ministry of the Interior

Kurt HOHENDORF, Federal Ministry of Education and Science Karlheinz FROBA, Federal Vlinistry of Labour and Social Affairs Mr. LANGE, Federal :Ministry of Youth, Family Affairs and Health Hans-Ulrich ROLL, German Hydrographic Institute

Heinrich BARJENBRUCH, Working Group on Water Saxony (Niedersachsen) Management of the Lander, Land Lower Eberhard BAUER, Federal Ministry of Education and Science

Hans Karl VELLGUTH, Association of German Industries Heinz HAEDRICH, Federal Chancellery

Friedrich-Wilhelm MARIENFELD, Federal Ministry of Transport Helmut van EDIG, Federal Foreign Office

Wolfgang E. BURHENNE, Inter-Parliamentary Working Centre Heinrich BURCHARD, Embassy, Stockholm

Robert HOLZAPEL, Embassy, Stockholm Klaus HEINEMANN, Embassy, Stockholm

lvilli KKCOJ.1, Press Attache, Embassy, Stockholm Heinz HE ,IEGAAET, Embassy, Stockholm

IQexander HUHlEN, Embassy, Stockholm


A/cmw. ~s/nTF.



page 18


(Head of Delegation)


Esira RABUNO, Second Secretary, High Commission, London

FINLAND Matti LOUESKOKI, Minister, Prime Minister's Office

(Head of the Delegation)

Reino HONKARANTA, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs V. 0. 1-'fllKINEN, Member of Parliament

Matti RUOKOLA, Member of Parliament Ilkka SUOMINEN, Member of Parliament Alternate Representatives

Niilo BERG, Engineer

Ilppo K!J~Gii.S, Secretary-General, Finnish Environmental Council Par ST·ENBKCK, Member of Parliament

Pekka, VI1~J'/J\l':O_. Member of Parliament Advisers

Olavi ELO, Medical Officer, National Medical Board Helge :';YLIEW:BERG, Professor, Institute of Microbiology

1:11iver;1ity of Helsinki

Antti HAAPANEN, Professor,Department of Environmental Protection, University of Helsinki Elisabeth HELANDER, Planner, Finnish Environmental Council

Lasse HELLMAN, Superintendent, National Board of Forestry Seppo HILDEN, Chief Surveyor, 1fo,tional Board of Navigation Klas G. IVARS, Legislative Counsellor, Ministry of the Interior

Ritva R. J0HM1SSON, Researcher, Department of Zoology, University of Helsinki

Natti K/1.HILUOTO, Assistant Director, Political Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kati KEMILlUNEN, Economist, Finnish Environmental Council

Pekka KORPINEN, Secretary of the Prime Minister

Ant ti KUDIAL\, Chief of Section, Institute of Meteorology 0 Hakan KULVES, Representative of the Provincial Council of Aland Kullervo KUUSELA, Professor, Forest Research Institute

Erkki LAAT·TO, Head, Economic Planning Centre


FINLAND (cont.) Advisers

Olavi LINDBLOM, Director-General, National Board of Housing

A/CONF. 48/INF. 5/Rev .1 page 19

Lasse LOVEN, Forester, Department of Forest Mesuration, University of Helsinki Hans LUTHER, Professor, Department of Botany, University of Helsinki

Mikko MANSTKKA, Deputy Head, Department of Planning and Building, Ministry of the Interior Martti MARKKULA, Lecturer, Agricultural Research Centre, University of Helsinki

EeikkiMUTTILAINEN, Chief of Section, Ministry of Trade and Industry Olli OJALA, Planner, Finnish Environmental Council

Raimo PEKKANEN, Justice, Supreme Administrative Court

Tapio PERIAINEN, Doctor, Architect, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare Hilkka PIETILA, Secretary-General, Finnish United Nations Association

Holger ROTKIRCH, Chief of Section, Legal Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Olli S.AASTAMOINEN, Research Assistant, Department of Forest Economy, University of


Runo SAVISAARI, Head of Division, National Board of Waters Kari SINISALO, Legislative Counsellor, Ministry of Justice Irma KARIO, Secretary, Finnish Environmental Council

Heikki KYYiliLli.INEN, Secretary of Mr. Louekoski Ulf-Erik SLOTTE, Counsellor, Embassy, Stockholm

Sakari NURMI, Secretary of Embassy, Ministry of Forei[f!l Affairs

Jukka VALTAS.A.ARI, Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Tom SODERMAN Press Attache, Embassy, Stockholm

Kai VIRTARINNE, Assistant Press Attache, Embassy, Stockholm Anneli NORDBERG, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Robert POUJADE, Ministro delegue aupres du Premier Ministre, charge de la protection de la nature et de l'environnement (Chef de la delegation)

Jean de LIPKOWSKI, Secretaire d'Etat aux Affaires etrangeres (Chef ao.ioint de la delegation)

Conseillers speciaux

Pierre FRANCFORT, Ambassadeur



Pierre DUY.AS, Depute

Edouard BONNEFOUS, Senateur


A/COUF. 48/INF .5/Rev .1 page 20

Conseillers scientifiques


Pierre AUGER, Vice-President de la Commission de la Republique fran9aise pour l'education la science et le culture

Phillipe OLMER, Directeur de 11Institut national agronomique

Philippe LAMOUR, President de la Commission nationale pour l'amenagement du territoire Yves La PRAIRIE, Directeur general du Centre national pour l'exploration des oceans Michel BENOIST, Directeur adjoint du Ca.binet du Ministre de l I education nationale Representants

Serge ANTOINE, Secretaire general du Haut Comite de l'environnement

Jacques BELLE, Directeur du Cabinet du Ministre delegue aupres du Premier Ministre charge de la protection de la nature et de 11environnement

Marcel BLANC, Prefet, Directeur general de la protection de la nature

Jacques LEPRETTE, Ministre pll;jni:potentiaire, Directeur des N2.tions Unies et orcanisations :nternationales au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres

Olivier MANET, Ministre pleni:potentiaire, Charge de mission aupres du Secretaire general au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres


Jean-Paul BARRE, Conseiller technique, Cabinet du Ministre delegue aupres du Premier Hinistre charge de la protection de la nature et de 11environnement

Andre MABELLE, Ingenieur general des Mines, Ministere du developpement industriel et scientifique

Dominique MOYEN, Ingenieur des Mines, Conseiller technique, Cabinet du Ministre delegue aupres du Premier Ministre charge de la protection de la nature et de l'environnement Pierre RANDET, Ingenieur general des Ponts et chausees au Ministere de 11equipment et du


M. de VAISSIERE, Inspecteur general, Ministere de l'hgriculture ConseiJ.lers

Jean BELLIVER, Conseiller des Affaires etrangeres

}fax de CALBIAC, Premier secretaire, Ambassade



Michel JOU AN, Ingenieur du genie sani taire, Ministere de la Sante publique Joelle LOMBARD-PLATET, Secretaire des Affaires etrangcres

Marie-Annie MARTIN-SANE, Conseiller des Affaires , etrangeres Jean-Alain VAUJOUR, Ingenieur de 11Electricite de France M. LORAIN-BROCA, Ingenieur en chef des Ponts et chausees Secretaire




A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 21

Frangois Nguema NllONG, Ministre d1Etat charge de 11Agriculture, de l'elevage, de la recherche scientifique et de l 1environnement

(Chef de la delegation)

Jean-Marie AUJ3AME, Ambassadeur



Daniel MINTSA-MI-OVONO, Directeur de le'Environnement Faustin NTOGOLO, Charge d'etudes au Commissariat du plan


K. B. ASANTE, .Ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

(Head of the Delegation) Representatives

J,L • .AMISSAH, Assistant Director, Economic Relations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

K.O. KOMI, First Secretary, Permanent ~lission to the United Nations F.T~ SAI, Professor, Ghana Medical School, Accra

E.G. BEAUSOIEIL, Deputy Director of Medical Services (Public Health), Ministry of Health Leticia OBENG, Director, Institute of Aquatic Biology, Council for Scientific and

Industrial Research


John D. RETALIS, Chargk d1affaires, Ambassade



(Chef de la delegation)

Dimitra KATOCHIANOU, Architecte, specialiste pour la planification des villes Lambros LOIS, Professeur


l 1Ecole polytechnique d'Athenes

P. MARG.AROPOULOS, Assistant special, Ministere de politique gouvernementale M. NIAVIS, Professeur


l'Ecole superieure d1agriculture d1Athenes


SKIADOPOULOS, .Amiral en retraite, President de la Fondation pour les recherches oceanographiques

C. KOSMATOS, Capitaine de fregate, Capitainerie de port

Anghelos GEORGAFOULOS, Capitaine de corvette, Capitainerie de port


A/CONF. 48/INF .5/Rev .1 page 22


Alfredo Obiols GOMEZ, Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Guatemala (Jefe de la deleaaci6n)


Rafael Eduardo Castillo VALDES, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente de Guatemala ante las Naciones Unidas

Julio Enrique DOUGHERTY-LIEKENS, Subdirector de Organismos Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Guatemala

Juan de DIOS CALLE, Ministerio de Salud Publica de Guatemala J. IBARRA, Director del Jl'"ru.seo de Historia Natural de Guatemala

Mario Dary RIVERA, Profesor, Director de la Escuela de Biologia de la Universidad de Guatemala


:Manuel Noriega MORALES, Director del Instituto Centroamericano de Investigaci6n y Tecnologia Industrial, Guatemala

Lars Ivan Hannell SJOFLOM, Consul de Guatemala en Estocolmo GUINEA

Seydou KEITA, Ambassadeur en Europe occidentale et Albanie (Chef de la deleaation)

Douracar DIABATE, Ambassadeur


Berlin Est

Mamadoura CAMARA, Conseiller economique, Ambassade de la Republique de Guinee pourl'Europe occidentale et Albanie


Patterson A. THOMPSON, Chairman, Guyana Bauxite Company (Head of the DeleRation)

H.E. DYE~T,Counsellor High Commission, London




A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 23

Le Reverend pere Henri de RIEDMATTEN, Secretaire du Conseil :pontifical "Cor Unum"

(Chef de la delegation)

Le Reverend pere Edouard L. BONE, Professeur


l 1Universite de Louvain Marie-Therese GRABER-DUVERNEY, Docteur en medecine

Giogio NEBBIA, Professeur


l 1Universite de Bari


Edgardo Sevilla IDIAQUEZ, Ministro de Recurses Naturales (Jefe de la delegaci6n)

Ricardo Arturo PINEDA, Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores Valentin A. MENDOZA

Mario Carias ZAPATA, Representante Permanente ante las Organizaciones Internacionales en Ginebra

Lars E. LEJE, c6nsul general ad honorem en Estocolmo


A/CONF.~8/INF.5/Rev.l page 24

IGEL.AND Magnus Torfi OLAFSSON, Minister of Education

(Head of the Delegation) Hans G • .ANDERSON, Ambassador

(Deputy Head of the Dele~ation)

Gudlaugur G1SLASON, Member of Parliament Hjorleifur GUTTORMSSON, Biologist

J6n A. HEDINSSON, Member of Parliament

Ragnheidur SVEINBJORNSD6TTIR, Member of Reykjavik City Council Alternate Representatives

Haraldur KROYER, Ambassador to Sweden Hjalmar R. BARDARSON, Director of Shipping Margret GUDNADOTTIR, Professor

Svend-Aage NALMBERG, Oceanographer, Marine Research Institute Gudmundur E. SIGVALDASON, Geologist

S. BJORNSSON, First Secretary of Embassy


C. SUBRAMANIAM, Minister of Planning, Science and Technology (Head of the Delegation)

Karan SINGH, Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation (Deputy Head of the Delegation)


I. K. GUJRAL, Minister of State for Works and Housing

Pitambar PANT, Chairman, National Committee on Environmental Planning P.R. S. :trJANI, Ambassador to Sweden

P. KOTESWARAM, Director-General, Indian Meteorological Department Alternate Representatives

Prabhakar RAO, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Works and Housing

J. S. KANWAR, Deputy Director-General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research J.B. SHRIVASTAVA, Director-General, Health Services

R. M. HONAVAR, Economic Adviser, Department of Economic Affairs


INDIA (cont.) Alternative Representatives

N. N. JHA, Director, Ministry of External Affairs

A/CO:NF. 48/INF. 5/Rev .1 page


A. S. MANI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations

C. K. VARSHNEY, Secretary, National Committee on Environmental Planning and Co-ordination S. P. JAGOTA, Director, Ministry of External Affairs


Y. M. TIWARI, Second Secretary, Embassy, Stockholm M. R. SIVARAMA KRISHNAN


E. SALIM, Minister of State, Vice-Chairman of the National Development Agency for Administrative Reform Planning (Head of the Delegation)

Mr. SUJOTO, National Development Planning Agency T. KARIMUDIN, Department of Manpower

Rachmat WIRADISURIA, Department of Public Works and Electric Power . 0. SOEMARWOTO, Professor, Department of Education and Culture

Dr. WAHJUDI, Institute of Oil and Natural Gas, Department of Mining Barli HALIM, Department of Industry

J.B.P. MARAMIS, Ambassador to Belgium

Dr. SOEDJATMOKO, National Development Planni~~ Agency Katik SOEROSO, Ambassador to Fino-Scandinavia

C. TAIHITU, Department of Foreign Affairs

]idin SASTRAPRADJA, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Bunjamin RAMTO, Head, Public Works Services, Djakarta Gita BANTAS, Planning Bureau

Mayling OEY, Institute of Demography Imam SUTARJO, Counsellor

Sulaiman PRANOTO, First Secretary Oetarjo SOERJODINOTO, First Secretary


A/COITI?. 48/INF. 5/Rev .1 page 26

Prince Abdorreza PAHLAVI (Head of the Delegation)


Mansour ROURA.NI, Minister for Agriculture and Natural Resources Fereydoun HOVEYDAi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,

Per-.lllanent Representative to the United Nations

Eskandar FIROOZ, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Ahmad Ali AHMADI, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Secretary-General, National Society for the Preservation of Natural Resources and the Human Environment

Shapoore RASSEKH, Assistant Director-General, Planning Organization Senior Advisers

Gholam-Hossein MASSOIDTI, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Amir Mansour SARDARI1 Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health

Shamseddin MOFIDI, Vice-Chancellor, University of Tehran

Manouchehr PISHVA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Parviz MEll)IZADEH, Director, Research Institute of Forestry and Pastures Ehsanollah NAYEBI, Head of Training, Department of Environmental Conservation Saeed SHEYBANI, Petrochemical Section, Iranian National Oil Company

Naser ZAHEDI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nourouzali EDJLALI


IRAQ Ihsan SHIRZAD, Minister for Municipalities

(Head of the Delegation)

Ahmed AL-CHELEBI, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health

Numan AL-JALILI, Director-General of Planning and Engineering Ministry of Municipalities

Abdul Jabbar AL-HADDAWI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Department of International Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mohamed Ali ALI-ABD, Chief Engineer, Ministry of Irrigation

Bashir KACHACHI, Director of Planning and Follow-up, Ministry of Industry

Younis AL-TAKRITI, Lecturer in Demography and Human Ecology, Baghdad University


IRAQ (cont.)

A/cmJF. 48/INF. 5/Rev .1 page 27

Sadoun Khalifa AL-TAKRITI, Director-General of Preventive Medicine A. BABAJ.AN, Ambassador

K. M. SALIH, Second Secretary


ABRAHIM, Second Secretary

Imad ALLAWI, Third Secretary, Consul

IRELAND Robert M. MOLLOY, Minister for Local Government

(Head of the Dele~ation) Representatives

T. J. O'HODHRAIN, Ambassador to Sweden

E.T. SEEEHY, Assistant Secretary, Department of Local Government J. McCARTHY, Assistant Secretary, Office of Public Works

B. T. NOLAN, Ccunsel101·, Department of Foreign Affairs

J.P. McGRATH, Principal Officer, Department of Local Government Alternate Representatives

S, O'SULLIVAN, Principal Officer, Department of Transport and Power P. CALLANAN, Principal Officer, Department of Lands


D. CABOT, An Foras Forbartha, Unit Leader, Planning Division

Abba EB.AN, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Head of the Delegation)



David HOROWITZ, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bank of Israel (Head of the Delegation in the absence of Mr. Abba Eban)

Joseph TAMIR, Member of the Knesset; Chairman, Parliamentary Committee on Ecology Menachem KANTOR, Water Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture

Meshulam VARON, Ambassador to Sweden

Uri NARINOV, Head, Life Sciences Division, National Council for Research and Development, Prime Minister's Office


A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 28

Alternate Representatives

ISRAEL (cont.)

David .AMIRAN, Professor of Geography, Hebrew University, Jerusalem Alberto M. WACHS, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering,

Head, Environmental Engineering Laboratories, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa

Ezra SOHAR, Associate Professor of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Chairman, Israel Ecological Society

Jacob TAIMOR, Professor, Director, Nuclear Safety, Israel Atomic Energy Commission Peter PREUSS, Co-ordinator of Environmental Research,

National Council for Research and Development, Prime Minister's Office Advisers

Yohanan MEROZ, Assistant Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Itzhak HOROWITZ, Director-General, Institute for Planning and Development Elisha EFRAT, Director, National and Regional Planning Department,

Ministry of the Interior

Arni SHACHORI, Agricultural Attache, Embassy, Stockholm

Eytan BENTSUR, Political Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Amos GANOR, Counsellor, Embassy, Stockholm

Jacob PERRY, Third Secretary, Embassy, Stockholm

A. ALON, Secretary, Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel


Fiorentino SULLO, Ministre pour la Co-ordination de la recherche scientifique et technologique

(Chef de la dele~ation)

Mario PEDINI, Membre du Parlement, Sous-secretaire d'Etat aux Affaires e{rangeres (a exerce les fonctions de Chef de la delegation en l'absence de M. Sulla)


Rep re sent ants

Carlo CALENDA, Ambassadeur

ITALY (cont.)

A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 29

_(a exerce les fonction de Chef de la delegation en l 1absence de MM. Snllo et Pedini) Vincenzo CAGLIOTI, President honoraire du Conseil national de la recherche

Giuseppe MONTALENTI, President de la Commission pour la conservation de la nature et de ses ressources, Conseil national de la recherche

Franco FIORELLI, Ministere du Eudget et de la planification economique

Mario PAVAN, Directeur de l'Institut d 1Entomologie agraire de l 1Universite de Pavie Suppleants

Vito Dante FLORE, Directeur general du domaine et des ports, Ministere de la Marine marchande

Vito Antonio PIZZIGALLI, Directeur general de l'economie des montagnes et des Ministere de l 1Agriculture forets, Directeur general de 11Agence d 1Etat pour les forets domaniales,

Michele EOTALICO, Directeur general de l 1assainissement, Ministere de l 1Agriculture Guido RICCI, Inspecteur general pour les relations touristiques internationales

du Ministere du Tourisme et du spectacle

Marino COLOMJ3INI, Inspecteur general du Ministere de la Sante et chef de la Division de la pollution atmospherique Giuseppe MACCHI, Directeur du Program.me special d'oceanographie du Conseil national de la recherche Pietro GAZZOLA, Ecole des beaux-arts de Verone

Giuseppe RINALDI, Conseil national de la recherche

Gabriele SCIMEMI, Directeur de l'Institut de l'urbanisme de 1 1Universite de Rome Valerio GIACOMINI, Membre de la Commission de l'UNESCO pour la protection de l'environnement

Luigi SANTOMAURO, Directeur de l 10bservatoire de Erera

Roberto PASSINO, Directeur de l'Institut de recherche des eaux du Conseil national de la recherche

Carlo POLVANI, Professeur de physique nucleaire - Comite national pour l'energie nucleaire


A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 32


ITALY (cont.)

Luigi FELICI, F~deration des industries italiennes

Francesco FERRANTE~ Federation des industries italiennes Gaetano CAROLEI, Societe "Italimpianti"

Vincenzo CAZZANIGA, President d~ l'union petroliere

Mario WENZEL, dirigeant du Bureau des problemes techniques de l'Union petroliere Franco MAGI, Organisation nationale italienne des hydrocarbures

Carlo LOTTI, Conseil national des ingenieurs

Guido Baldo CEVIDALLI, Societe "Montecatini-Edison"

Paolo SCEMIDT, Societe 11Montecatini-Edison"

Paolo CONSIGLIO, President de la Commission "Pro-natura" du Club alpin italien Arnoldo FARINA, Assistant de M. Poli Sandri

Salvatore TOMASELLI, titulaire de la Chaire d'entomologie agraire de l 1Universite de Pavie

Vittorio FOLLINI


Mohamed T. DIAWARA, Mini st re du Plan (chef de la dele~ation)


Eugene AIDARA, Ambassadeur



Lamine FADIGA, Lieutenant de vaisseau, Commandant de la Marine nationale Amadou TRAORE, Premier conseiller, membre de la mission permanente

aupres de l'Organisation des Nations Unies Ibrahim KONE, Directeur de la Medecine sociale Paul AHUI, Ingenieur des mines et de la geologie Mory SYLLA, Charge d'etudes au Ministere du plan

Jean-Baptiste CLEREMPUY, Conseiller technique au Ministere de la construction et de l'urbanisme



A/COJ.llF. 48/INF. 5/Rev .1 page


Kenneth McNEILL9

:Minister for Health and Environmental Control (Head of the Delegation) Keith JOHNSONto the United Nations (Deputy Head of the Delegation) , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative


H. H. HAUGHTON, Permanent Secretaryi Ministry of Health and Environmental Control P. V. MARSH, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

P. W. AITKEN? Assistant Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health and Environmental Control R. C. WILLI.AMS1

Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs Alternate Reuresentatives

Gloria KNIGHT, Manager, Urban Development Corporation V. G. HILL, Commissioner of ~lines

A.G. KIRTON, Fisheries Officer, Ministry of Agriculture Leo TYSON, Education Officer (Science), :Ministry of Education


:Buichi OISHI, Minister of State for Environmental Affairs (Head of the Delegation) Representatives

Hideo KITAHARA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaryto the International Organizations in Geneva , Permanent Delegation Motoo to the United Nations OGISO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary~ Permanent Representative Masami OTA, Ambassadori Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kanetsugu KIDOi Deputy Vice-Minister, Minister1 s Secretariat, Environment Agency Soroku YAMAGATA, Director-General, .Air Quality Bureau? Environment Agency

Suecial Auvisers

Seizo HINATA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni~otentiary to Sweden Satoru TANAKA, Governor, MIE Prefecture

Tatsuo ~IIYAZAKI? Mayor, Kobe City

' Saburo OKITA, Special Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Jinichi NAKAO, Science Councillor, Science and Technology Agency

Rikio KEMBO, Councillor, J\'Iinister1s Secretariat, }'iinistry of Transport

Takeo SUZUKI, Head, Department of Community, Environmental Public Heal th1 J\'Iinistry of Heal th and Welfare Sciences, Institute of


A/CONF, .~B/INF. 5/Rev .1 page 34

Special Advisers (contd.)

JAPAN ( contd. )

Makoto NUMA.TA, Dean and Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Chiba Masaharu NISHIWAKI, Professor, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo Alt~rnate Representatives

Kiyoshi TATSUTA> Councillor, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Home Affairs

Toshia KURODA, Head, Population Migration Research Division, Institute of Population Problems, Ministry of Heal th and Welfare

Harunori KAYA, Councillor, Permanent Delegation to the International Organizations in Geneva

Teruo HIRAO, Head, International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat, Environment Agency

Misao YAMAZAKI, Councillor, Embassy, Stockholm

Takeo IGUCHI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations

Katsuyuki MATSUMURA, Head, Environmental Protection Guidance Division, Environmental Protection and Safety Bureau, Minist:ry of International Trade and Industry

Sumiichi FURUMURA., Head, Monument Division, Cultural Properties Protection Department, Ministry of Education

Kunio YONEZAv!A, Special Assistant to the Director, Research Department, Fisheries Agency Koichi TSUTSillll, Head, Scientific Affairs Division, United Nations Bureau,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tsuneo UNN09 Special Assistant to the Deputy Vice-Minister, Minister's Secretariat, Economic Planning Agency


Shigeru ENDO, Head, Environmental Pollution Control Section, Administration Division, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Shosuke KOGA, Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Environmental Affairs, Environment Agency

Yoshio TACHIBANA, Deputy Head, Economic Co-operation Policy Division1 Economic Co-operation Department, Trade and Development Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Indust:ry

Yoshizo KONISHI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Osamu WATANABE, First Secretary, Permanent Delegation to the International

Org2nizations in Geneva


JAPAN (contd.) Advisers (contd.)

A/CONF.48/Th1F.5/Rev.1 page 35

Tooru NAKATA, Deputy Head, Policy Division, Minister1,s Secretariat, Ministry of Const:ru.ction

Takashi MATSUDA, Deputy Head, Management Division, Private Forest Department, Forest:ry .Agency

Yosuke YOSHINAKA, Second Secretary, Embassy, Stockholm

Masaaki KUNIYASU, Deputy Head, Specialized Agencies Division, United Nations Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kazuhiko NAKAYAMA, Senior Science Specialist, Research Aid Division, Higher Education and Science Bureau, Ministry of Education

Kumao KANEKO, Scientific Affairs Di vision, United Nations Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Yutaka KA.WASHIMA.5 Second Secretary, Permanent Delegation to the International Organizations in Geneva

Saburo KATO, International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat, Environment Agency

Seiichiro NOBORU, Second Secretary, Permanent Delegation to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Koji NITTA, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Katsuhiko IGUCHI, International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat, Environment Agency

Masayoshi KUSUDA, Scientific Affairs Division, United Nations Bureau, Minist:ry of Foreign Affairs

Masatsune KA.TSUNO, International Economy Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Akira NIWA, Researcher, Ministry of Transport Michiko Iffi.GIWARA, Simultaneous Interpreter


Said NABULSI, Minister for National Economy (Head of the Delegation)


A/CONF. 48/HJF. 5/Rev .1 page 36

JORDAN (contd.)

Ahmad FAWZI, Lord Mayor of Amman

Nuri SHAFIQ1 President, National Planning Council

Khalil LUBANI, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture

Walid SHARIF, Director of Food and Technology, Member, Royal Scientific Society KENYA


W. Odongo OMA.MO, Member of Parliament, Minister for Natural Resources (Head of the Delegation)

J. G. ODERO-JOWI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Deputy Head of the Delegation) Representatives

J. MULIRO, Ambassador to Sweden A. N. LIGALE, Town Planning Adviser

W.W. WAPAKALA, Senior Research Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

A.O. ADEDE1 Assistant Secretary (Legal Affairs), Ministry of Foreign Affairs P. H. OLINDO, Director, Kenya National Parks

J.C. OBEL, Chief Health Inspector, Ministry of Health

A. B. CAHUSAC, Secretary of the Working Committee on the Human Environment Representatives

C. MUTITU, Superintending Engineer, Water Development Division C. 1'1. MUEMA, Third Secretary, Embassy, Stockholm


S. H. OJ.:IINDE, Head, Department of Geography, University of Nairobi

J. M. OJAL, International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi



Minister for Public Health, (Head of the Delegation) A. AWADI,


Director, Preventive Medicine Department, Ministry of Public Health


Director, Tovm Planning Division, Kuwait Municipality

Aziz AL HA1'1DAN,

~irector, Human Environment Department Planning Board

George SAADE, Ninistre du Plan

(Chef de la delegation) Mounir GHANDOUR,




(Chef adjoint de la delegation) Re-present2.nts

Joseph NAFFil.H,


A/CON page ~.

Secretaire general du Conseil national de la recherche scientifigue I.a tif ABUL-HUSN,

Premier Secretaire, Ambassade



Joseph AKL,

Chef du Departement des organis3.tions internationales au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres

Adnan CHltHHAL,

Chef c1u Departement des carburants au Ministere de 11 economie nationale Conseillers


Sul tan HAIDJ1.R,

Membre du conseil national de larecherche scientifigue Jean-Claude Le CAVELIER

Expert maritime aupres du Ministere de l 'Agriculture



C. M. NOL11.PO,

High Comr,1issioner to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


A/COllF. 48/INF. 5/Rev .1

page 38

Anthony SAYER,


1-1.ssistant Minister of Agriculture for Forestry ( Chairm2,n of the Delegation)

Joseph GRil.H.AJl'.l,

Ambassador E~traordinary and Plenipotentiary to Sweden Lafayette DIGGS,

Counsellor, Perm2nent Mission to the United Nations Monlai B. REEVES,

hinistry of Plann..i.ng and Economic Affairs


11embe~ of the Revolutionary Command Council and Ninister for Local Administration

(Head of the :Delegation) Hassan ASPiAIRY,

Chairm2.n of the National Committee on the Human Environment


oud SAID,

Faculty of Science, University of the Libyan Arab Republic Ahmad A. ALl'1ISRATI,

Chairman of the Housing Institute Ali AUIILUDI ,

Adviser of th8 Investments Company Abdulham.id A. AZZINTANI,

1-1.Ssistant Secretary of the Socialist Union for Interi01~ Affairs Nus taf a NURI

Secrek,ry of the Ports and Lights Department Salem SHN.iEHDI,

Abdulsalam ALMILUDI,

Director-General of Social Affairs Mohammad SAUMINI,

Chairman, Agricultural Research Centre M:usbah GILBAH,

Director-Gene:cc.l of Villa5e and City PlanninG (Secreta:,.~y of the Delermtion)


'Jice-Ch2,i:ro2.n of Departr,1ent



Ministre de la Jeunesse et de la culture Eugen BUEHLER,

Chef de l 10ffice des forets

Le Comte Mario LEDEBUR, Secretaire d'ambassade


Secretaire d'Etat au Ministere de l'Interieur (Chef de la delegation)


Conseiller de gouvernement adjoint Jean-Pierre SINNER,



l 1Administration

J • .AlIDRiiu'I1111PIANINA, (Chef de la delegation) Mme • PAfilENTE,

Nelson Peter M\-!ANZA,

Senior Lecturer, Chancellor College

LEE SI OK YE\/, Minister of Health

(Head of ·che Deler;ation) UNG-SENG FANG 1

nirector of Medical Services (Deputy Hc.r:§ of the Delerm.tion) A. SEK.1\H.11.Jil.EiEKAR.AN,

Senior J:ublic Health Engineer, Mini stl'Y of He2.l th

Khalid Bin Abdul K1ARil1;


i!;mb2.ssy, Tl~e Hague




A/COb1F.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 39


A/CONF.48/INF.5/Rev.l page 40



Senior Research Officer,

Fishe~ics Re~Barch Centre, Penang

Evarist SALIBA,

MALAYSIA (cont.)


Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Specia,lized Agencies, Geneva Office Salvino EUSUTTIL, Professor,

Chairm2.n of the Malta Human Environment Council, Head, Economics Department, University of Malta A. SCICLUNA-SPITERI

Member of the Malta Human Environment Council,

Principal Technical Officer, Department of Agriculture Sydney HOLT,





Bonn et representant aupres de la Communaute economique Europeenne


:Minister for H using, Lands and Toim and Country Planning (Head of the Dele~ation)

Daniel VALADON Joseph ROGER,

Secretary, Jl'.iatu.0i tius Housing Corporation Leu is James JUl'lKEil.,

UNESCO :CXpert in the Sociolocy of Development


Subsecretario de Mejoramiento c.el Ambiente, Secretaria de S2,lubridacl y Assistencia

(Jefe de la deler(acion)


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Il a été Jugé indispensable, pour atteindre ce but, que la Ligue soit officiellement reconnue en qualité de membre du sous-comité en question, et une résolution à cet effet a

That in accordance with the decision of the League of Arab States of April 6 1946, the Regional Bureau of Alexandria was held to be the regional sanitary bureau of the

3.5.2 Dans le tableau, les ressources indiquées au titre du budget ordinaire correspondent, pour les exercices 1953 à 1956, aux montants des budgets effectifs et, pour 1957,

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Il me semble qu'il ne serait pas hors de propos d'attirer votre attention sur le fait qu'une requête similaire en faveur des experts a été néanmoins présentée par l'Organisation

all Members of the Union to grant to epidemiological telegrams of exceptional urgency affecting the safety of life, sent by the Headquarters cf TOO or by the regional offices of

Après l'entrée en vigueur du présent règlement additionnel, des certificats de vaccination ou de revaccination conformes au modèle constituant l'annexe du Règlement

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