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English for Lao Secondary Schools M7


Academic year: 2022

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(1)ijŃĵĭńŒ(DVWHUP3ULQWLQJ3XEOLF&R/WG İĿŌĭĪŐĭ īŁĵĭįijħ ĤĿŢŁĪ[ĨĵħłĮĹĮijŃĵĻʼnĹ ĺĿĻĦĹĮĸŃĤĿĺŃĪ. English for Lao Secondary Schools M7. ĺĿŢŀįĺĿŢňĮģŁĮĺœŁĦīʼnœĮĺ  ĿįŀįŎ ĪĩĦʼnįİ  ĿĵŁĮōĻŒĦĸŀĪ ĺĿŢŀįĺĿŢňĮģŁĮijŃĵŎĪĩĭĿĮŁĥŁĮijŀĪĭĿĮŁļŁĨń.

(2) ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ 7. Writers: Viengkham. ສ. ວ. ສ. Khamphanh Manoly Ammaly Viengkham Vongmani Manivone. Managing Editors: Khamphanh Viengkham. PHONPRASEUTH PHIMSIPASOM DONGVAN ALATHEP SINGVONGSA SITHA PHAXAYAVONG. PHIMSIPASOM PHONPRASEUTH. Editor in chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bouasavanh KEOVILAY. Design and Layout: Khonesavanh CHANTHAVIXAY Ministry of Education and Sports Research Institute for Educational Sciences 2016.


(4) Introduction. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. The English textbook for secondary schools is the sixth in a series of seven textbooks which are currently developed to respond to the new policy of the Ministry of Education and Sports on the reform of general education from 11 years to 12 years. Upon the new educational reform, the Ministry of Education has decided to add another year to the secondary school program in the academic year 2009-2010. To implement the new policy, the Foreign Language Resource Centre at the Research Institute for Educational Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Letters at the National University of Laos have formed a team to develop the curriculum and write the textbook with a teacher’s guide through financial support of the Basic Education Sector Development Project (BESDP). Along with the textbook, the teacher’s guide has also been provided in order to help with more effective teaching. The teacher’s guide includes teaching techniques for each step of the lessons. There are also some instructions on how to use teaching aids and some suggestions for teachers and students on how to create teaching aids for their own classes. However, the textbook is produced under the time pressure; therefore, some minor errors could not be avoided. The Foreign Language Resource Centre highly appreciates all comments and suggestions from readers and these are considered as a great contribution to the quality assurance of the textbook as well as to the development of the Lao National Education. The Research Institute for Educational Sciences avails itself of this opportunity to express its sincere thanks to all contributors. Research Institute for Educational Sciences. ຄ ໍານ ໍາ. ້ ມນເຫຼ ້ ເພື່ ອຕອບ ປຶ້ ມແບບຮຽນພາສາອ ັງກິດນີແ ັ ກສາຊຶ່ ງຂຽນຂຶນ ັ ້ມທີ 7 ຊຶ່ ງແມນເຫຼ ັ ້ມສຸດທາ້ ຍໃນລະບ ົບສາສາມນສຶ ່ ່ ຮ ັບກ ັບນະໂຍບາຍການປະຕິຮບ ູ ການສຶກສາຈາກລະບ ົບ 11 ປີ ຫາ 12 ປີ ຮຽນ.. ເພື່ ອປະຕິບ ັດນະໂຍບາຍດງ່ ັ ກາ່ ວໃຫປ ້ ະກ ົດ າ້ ວິທະຍາສາດການສຶກສາ,, ໂດຍສ ົມທ ົບກ ັບຄະນະອ ັກສອນ ຜ ົນເປັນຈິງ ສູນສ່ງົ ເສີມພາສາຕາ່ ງປະເທດ,, ສະຖາບ ັນຄນຄວ ົ້ ູ າສາອ ັງກິດຊນມ ສາດຂອງມາຫາວິທະຍາໄລແຫງ່ ຊາດໄດຈ ື ພ ັ ້ ັດ ັ ທະນາຫຼ ັກສູດປຶ້ ມແບບຮຽນ ແລະ ຄູມ ່ ຄ ້ ັດທິມງານ ເພື່ ອພດ. ສ. ວ. ສ. ້ , ໂດຍແມນການຊ ທະຍ ົມຂຶນ ວ ັ ທະນາການສຶກສາຂນພື ັ ້ ້ນຖານ SESDP. ່ ່ ຍເຫຼືອຈາກໂຄງການພດ ້ ັງປະກອບມີປຶ້ມຄູມ ຄຽງຄູກ ື ູ ່ ັບປຶ້ ມແບບຮຽນເຫຼັ້ມນີຍ ່ ຄ. ຜ ົນ.. ເພື່ ອຊວ ່ ຍໃຫສ ້ າມາດປະຕິບ ັດການສິດສອນຢາ່ ງມີປະສິດທິ. ໃນປຶ້ ມຄູມ ດສອນຂອງແຕລ ື ໄູ ດແ ັ້ ່ ຄ ້ ນະນ ໍາຂນຕອນການສິ ່ ະບ ົດຮຽນ.. ້ ັງມີການແນະນ ໍາການໃຊອ ນອກຈາກນີຍ ຸ ະກອນ ້ ປ. ການສອນ ແລະ ການປະດິດອຸປະກອນການຮຽນ-ການສອນໂດຍຄູ ແລະ ນ ັກຮຽນອີກດວ ້ ຍ. ້ ໃນສະພາບອ ັນຮີບດວ ເຖິງຢາ່ ງໃດກໍດປ ີ ື້ ມປຶ້ ມແບບຮຽນສະບ ັບນີໄ້ ດສ ້ າ້ ງຂຶນ ່ ນ. ້ າດຕ ົກ ຈຶ່ ງບໍ່ ອາດປາສະຈາກໄດຂ ້ ໍຂ. ບ ົກຜອ ັ ້ ງຂໍສະເໜີມາຍ ັງຄູ ແລະ ຜູນ ້ ໍາພານ ັກຮຽນໃນການນ ໍາໃຊປ ້ ຶ້ ມ ຖາ້ ເຫັ ນວາ່ ສິ່ ງໃດ ສ ົມຄວນປັບ ່ ງບາງປະການ.. ສະນນຈຶ່ ປຸງ ແລະ ດ ັດແກ ້ ກະລຸນາສ່ງົ ຄ ໍາຄິດເຫັ ນຂອງທາ່ ນມາຍ ັງ ສະຖາບ ັນຄນຄວ າ້ ວິທະຍາສາດການສຶກສາເພື່ ອຈະໄດປ ົ້ ັ ປຸງໃຫ້ ້ ບ ດີຂນ ຶ້ ໃນຂນຕໍ່ ັ ້ ໄປ... ທຸກຄ ໍາຄິດເຫັ ນຂອງບ ັນດາທາ່ ນລວ ັ ທະນາການສຶກສາຂອງ ້ ນແຕເ່ ປັນການປະກອບສວ ່ ນເຂົ້າໃນການ ພດ. ້ ຄ ້ . ລາວໃຫນ ຸ ນະພາບດີຍ່ ງຂຶ ີ ນ ິ ນ ້ ັບມືມ. ສະຖາບ ັນຄນຄວ າ້ ວິທະຍາສາດການສຶກສາຂໍສະແດງຄວາມຂອບໃຈລວ ົ້ ່ ງໜາ້ ມາຍ ັງ. ້ ວ ທຸກໆທາ່ ນນະໂອກາດນີດ ້ ຍ.. ້ົ ສະຖາບ ັນຄນຄວ າ້ ວິທະຍາສາດການສຶກສາ. I.

(5) ACKNOWLEGEMENTS The Research Institute for Educational Sciences (RIES) would like to acknowledge the assistance and contribution of the organizations and people who directly participated in the development and publication of the English textbook M.7 for Lao Upper Secondary Schools. Firstly, the RIES would like to express its sincere thanks to the Secondary Education Sector Development Project that contributed equipment and financial support to the development and publication of the textbooks and teacher guides. Secondly, the RIES would like to extend its thanks to subject experts who devoted their times, especially Bush on editing the textbook (DIC). Lastly, the RIES would like to express its special thanks to the following people for their participation in writer’s workshops:. Viengkham PHONPRASEUTH. Research Institute for Educational Sciences. Khamphanh PHIMSIPASOM. Research Institute for Educational Sciences. Manoly DONGVAN. Research Institute for Educational Sciences. Ammaly ALATHEP. Research Institute for Educational Sciences. Khonesavanh CHANTHAVIXAY. Research Institute for Educational Sciences. Viengkham SINGVONGSA. Research Institute for Educational Sciences. Vongmani SITHA. Research Institute for Educational Sciences. Manivone PHAXAYAVONG. Vientiane Secondary School. A special thanks to the following teachers for their contribution to improvement of this textbook.. Chanpheng THONPASONG. Phonesavanh Secondary School (Champasack). Yangchangthao HOUAVA. Phonsavath Secondary School (Xaysomboun). Chansamone OUDOMSITH. Provincial Secondary School (Luang Namtha). Phouthsady PHISITH. Phanhluang Secondary School (Luang Phrabang). II.

(6) Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................ I Acknowledgement ................................................................................................ II Table of contents ................................................................................................. III ________________________________________________________________ Education............................................................................................. 1 Lesson 1 Education in Laos ................................................................ 1. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. Unit 1. Lesson 2 School days ......................................................................... 6 Lesson 3 Leaving school .................................................................. 11 ________________________________________________________________ Unit 2. Road accident .................................................................................... 16 Lesson 1 Traffic problems in towns ................................................. 16 Lesson 2 Traffic signs ...................................................................... 21 Lesson 3 Traffic rules ....................................................................... 26 ________________________________________________________________ Holidays ............................................................................................ 31 Lesson 1 Holidays in Laos ............................................................... 31 Lesson 2 Holiday plans .................................................................... 36 Lesson 3 At the roadside restaurant.................................................. 41 ________________________________________________________________. ສ. ວ. ສ. Unit 3. Unit 4. Geography ......................................................................................... 46 Lesson 1 Laos ................................................................................... 46 Lesson 2 Weather ............................................................................. 51 Lesson 3 Tourist sites ....................................................................... 56 ________________________________________________________________ Unit 5. Agriculture ........................................................................................ 61 Lesson 1 Coffee growing.................................................................. 61 Lesson 2 Farm animals ..................................................................... 66 Lesson 3 Irrigation ............................................................................ 71 ________________________________________________________________. III.

(7) Unit 6. Revision .............................................................................................. 76 Review (unit 1-5) ................................................................................ 76 ________________________________________________________________ Unit 7 The environment ............................................................................. 83 Lesson 1 Living in the big cities ..................................................... 83 Lesson 2 Rubbish burning .............................................................. 88 Lesson 3 The lively cities ............................................................... 93 ________________________________________________________________ Unit 8. The trends ........................................................................................ 98 Lesson 1 Population growth ........................................................... 98 Lesson 2 Economic development ................................................. 103 Lesson 3 Changes ......................................................................... 108 ________________________________________________________________ Unit 9. Wildlife........................................................................................... 113 Lesson 1 Endangered animals....................................................... 113 Lesson 2 Conserving wild life ...................................................... 118 Lesson 3 Forest ............................................................................. 123 ________________________________________________________________ Unit 10. The job opportunities ................................................................... 128 Lesson 1 Job application ............................................................... 128 Lesson 2 Fill in the form ............................................................... 133 Lesson 3 Job interview ................................................................. 138 ________________________________________________________________. Unit 11. Revision .......................................................................................... 143 Review (unit 7-10) ......................................................................... 143 Irregular verbs ................................................................................. 151. _______________________________________________________ Bibliography ..................................................................................................... 154. IV.

(8) Lesson 1. Education in Laos. In this lesson students learn about the general education system in Laos through study and thinking skills.. 1.. Vocabulary. 2.. ສາມນສຶ ັ ກສາ. entrance examination ສະເພາະ pre-school ຮ ັບປະຕິບ ັດ primary school ລະດ ັບ continue ໂຮງຮຽນມດທະຍ ັ ົມ prepare ທາງເລືອກ vocational ພາກປະຕິບ ັດ compulsory ຄວາມຮູ້ consist. ການສອບເສັ ງເຂົ້າ. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. general education particular undertake level secondary school option practical knowledge technical training. ກອ ່ ນໄວຮຽນ. ໂຮງຮຽນປະຖ ົມ ສືບຕໍ່. ກະກຽມ. ດາ້ ນວິຊາຊີບ. ບ ັງຄ ັບ. ປະກອບດວ ້ ຍ. ການອ ົບຮ ົມດາ້ ນວິຊາສະເພາະ. Listen and repeat. Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.. Listen and practise. ສ. ວ. ສ. 3.. Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs. Manotham is attending a Young Scientists Conference in Malaysia.. Here he meets Samy, a student from Singapore.. Manotham: Samy: Manotham: Samy: Manotham: Samy:. Hello, my name is Manotham. I’m from Laos. Hi, I’m Samy. I’m from Singapore. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Manotham, I’m very interested in education systems in Laos. Can I ask you? Yes, of course. What can I help you? At what age do children start school in your country? 1.

(9) Manotham:. If they attend pre-school, they normally start at the age of. Samy:. three. How long does it take for primary and secondary school?. Manotham:. Five years for primary school and seven years for secondary school.. Samy:. Oh, very interesting. After secondary school, where do students continue their study?. Manotham:. At the university, vocational or technical schools, but they have to take entrance examinations first for all institutions. Oh, really? Thank you very much for your interesting information. You’re welcome.. Samy: Manotham:. 4.. Read and answer Read the dialogue again and answer true(T) or false (F). If it is false, give the correct answer. The first one has been done for you. 1. Manotham is in Laos now.. F (He is in Malaysia).. 2. He is attending a workshop.. _________. 3. It takes more than 5 years for primary school in Laos. _________ 4. Most children start pre-school at the age of three.. _________. 5. There is no university in Laos.. _________. 6. Samy is Malaysian.. _________. 7. It takes longer to study at primary school than at secondary school.. 5.. _________. Pre-reading Think about these questions. Discuss your answers with your classmates. 1. Before going to primary school, did you attend pre-school? 2. What did you learn at pre- school? 3. Do you still remember the subjects that you studied at primary school? 2.

(10) 5. What was your favourite subject? 6. What is your most favourite subject now? Why do you like it?. 6.. Match Match the words with their meanings (1-e). Example:. __e__a. education with general knowledge. 2. general education. _____b. how high something is. 3. pre-school. _____c. school for pupils ages 6-11. 4. primary school. _____d. school for young pupils. 5. secondary school. _____e. be made up of something. 6. level. _____f. school for pupils ages 11-18. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. 7.. 1. consist. 7. technical. _____g. the thing that must be done. 8. compulsory. _____h. special, practical knowledge. Read and answer. Read the text and answer the questions below.. General education in Laos. ສ. ວ. ສ. General education in Laos consists of pre-school, primary school and secondary school. Most children in Laos start their education at about three years old. pre-school takes three years to prepare children for primary school. Children study at primary school from about six to eleven years old- a total of five years. Primary education is compulsory in Laos. After finishing primary school, they go to secondary school, which takes seven years to finish- four years for lower secondary school and three years for upper secondary school. Normally, students complete their general education at the age of about eighteen. Students who pass the final exam in secondary school receive the secondary school certificate. 3.

(11) Students who pass the entrance examination can continue their education after secondary school. The highest level of education is universitythis takes four to six years. Students who do not want to go to university can go to vocational or technical schools, which take three years. Another option is vocational hands-on training for a particular job. Questions: 1. Why do children go to pre-school? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. At what age do children start primary school? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. How old are students when they complete secondary school? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What do students have to do if they want to continue their studies after secondary school? ………………………………………………………………………… 5. How long does it take to study at university? ………………………………………………………………………… 6. Why do people go to vocational school? ………………………………………………………………………… 7. What is your future plan after completing secondary school? ………………………………………………………………………… 8.. Listen and complete Listen to the teacher and complete the text below. The first one has been done for you. General (1) …education… in Laos consists of pre-school, primary school and (2)……………….. school. Most children in Laos start their 4.

(12) education at about (3) ……… years old when they enter pre-school. Preschool takes three years, and (4)…………..children for primary school. Children (5)………….. at primary school from about six to eleven years old- a total of five (6)……..…. Primary education is (7)…….…… in Laos. After finishing primary (8) ………….., they go to secondary school, which takes seven years to (9) ………….- four years for (10)………… secondary school. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. and three years for (11) …………..….. secondary school. Normally, students complete their education at the age of about eighteen. Students who pass the final exam in secondary school (12) ……………the secondary school certificate.. Students who (13) …………….. the entrance examination can continue their education (14) ………..….. secondary school. The highest level of education is (15)…………..……- this takes four to six years. Students who do not want to go to university can go to vocational or technical schools, which take three years. Another option is vocational hands-on (16) …………..…… for a particular job.. 9.. Write. ສ. ວ. ສ. Use the information from Exercise 8 to write one paragraph about your school life.. Example:. I started primary school when I was six years old.. …………………………………………………………………….…………… ……………………………………………………………………….………… …………………………………………………………………….…………… ……………………………………………………………………….………… …………………………………………………………………….…………… ……………………………………………………………………….………… …………………………………………………………………….…………… 5.

(13) Lesson 2. Schools days. In this lesson students learn to talk about old school days, school subjects and learn the expression I wish, I had/hadn’t.. 1.. Vocabulary ວິເຄາະ. analyse statistics enjoy wish solve garlic order receiver sender. 2.. canteen company situation regret slightly more a bit more a lot more a lot less. ສະຖິຕິ ມກັ ປາດຖະໜາ ແກໄ້ ຂ ກະທຽມ ສ່ງັ ຜູຮ ້ ັບ. ຫອ ້ ງອາຫານ ບໍລິສ ັດ ສະຖານະການ ເສັ ຍດາຍ ຫຼາຍກວ ່ າໜອ ້ ຍໜຶ່ ງ ນອ ້ ຍກວ ່ າໜອ ້ ຍໜຶ່ ງ ຫຼາຍກວ ່ າຫຼາຍ ໜອ ້ ຍກວ ່ າຫຼາຍ. ຜູສ ້ ່ ງົ. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.. 3.. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs. Bouth and Teng both work for the same company. They meet in the canteen. Bouth:. Hello, Teng. How are you?. Teng:. Fine, thanks. And you?. Bouth:. I’m fine. How’s your work?. Teng:. It’s OK at the moment, but I think I might have problems later.. Bouth:. Why?. 6.

(14) Teng:. Well, I have to analyze all the statistics from the provinces, and it’s too difficult for me.. Bouth:. Oh, I see. How was your maths when you were at school?. Teng:. I wasn’t very good at maths. I wish I had studied harder. I see how important maths is now. What subjects did you like when you were at school?. Teng:. I really enjoyed studying French.. Bouth: Teng: Bouth: Teng:. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. Bouth:. I don’t know any French. I wish I’d studied it. So, what was your favorite subject?. Maths. I was very good at maths when I was at school.. That’s great! You could help me to solve my problems,. couldn’t you?. Bouth:. 4.. Sure. I’d be glad.. Read and answer. Read the dialogue again and answer true (T) or false (F). If it is false, give the correct answer. The first one has been done for you. Example:. ___ T___. ສ. ວ. ສ. Bouth and Teng are friends.. 1. Bouth and Teng are students.. __________. 2. It’ s difficult for Teng to analyse statistics.. __________. 3. Bouth wasn’t good at maths.. __________. 4. Teng liked to study French.. __________. 5. Teng wishes he had studied French harder.. __________. 6. Bouth’s favorite subject was maths.. __________. 7. Bouth asked Teng for help.. __________ 7.

(15) 5.. Grammar note I wish I had/hadn’t + past participle I wish I had studied harder. ຂອ້ ຍເສຍດາຍທີ່ ບໍ່ ໍໄດຕ້ ງໃຈຮຽນ . ັ້ I wish I hadn’t ordered garlic pork ຂອ້ ຍເສຍດາຍທີ່ ສ່ງັ ໝູຈນື ກະທຽມ. x ຄ ໍາວາ່ wish. ້ ໃນຂອງປະໂຫຍກນນໆ ຈະແປໄດຫ ັ້ . ້ ຼາຍຢາ ່ ງໃນພາສາລາວອີງຕາມເນືອ. ້ ມນເວົ x ປະໂຫຍກນີແ ່ ້າເຖິງຄວາມປາດຖະໜາ.. I wish I were rich ຂອ້ ຍປາດຖະໜາ ຢາກຮງ່ ັ ມີ. ້ ະແດງເຖິງຄວາມເສຍດາຍ. x ແຕໃ່ ນປະໂຫຍກນີສ ຕ ົວຢາ ່ ງ:. x ຕ ົວຢ່າງ:. I wish I had studied harder. ຂອ້ ຍເສຍດາຍທີ່ ບໍ່ ໄດຕ້ ງໃຈຮຽນ . ັ້. She wishes she had bought that shirt. ລາວເສຍດາຍທີ່ ບໍ່ ໄດຊ້ ເື້ ສື້ອໂຕນນັ້ .. 6.. Write Write sentences using wish. Example: When Mala was at school, she didn’t play basketball. She wishes she had played basketball. 1. She didn’t learn English. ………………………………………………………………………… 2. She didn’t study music. ………………………………………………………………………... 3. She missed a lot of lessons. ………………………………………………………………………... 4. She left school when she was fourteen. ………………………………………………………………………... 5. She didn’t learn how to swim. ………………………………………………………………………… 6. She didn’t make many friends. ………………………………………………………………………… 7. What do you wish? ………………………………………………………………………… 8.

(16) 7.. Read and answer Look at the two pie charts below, read the text below and answer the questions. (b) A Lao school. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. (a) An international school. Chart (a) shows how much time is spent studying different subjects for one class at an international school. Chart (b) gives the same information for one class at a Lao school.. As you can see, both classes spend a lot of time on maths and science. ສ. ວ. ສ. subjects. Students at the international school spend twenty percent of their time studying maths; the Lao schools spend eighteen percent of their time on maths. The international students spend nearly a quarter of their time on science subjects; science takes up one fifth of the Lao school curriculum.. 9.

(17) Questions: 1. What does chart (a) show? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. What does chart (b) show? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. What subjects do both classes spend the most of their time on? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. How much time does the international school take up on history and geography? ………………………………………………………………………… 5. How much time does the Lao school spend on history and geography? ………………………………………………………………………… 6. “Science takes up more than 20% percent in the international school”. Is this statement true or false? …………………………………………………………………………. 8.. Write Describe a pie chart about Aloundeth Primary School time table. Aloundeth Primary School timetable. s. 10.

(18) Lesson 3. Leaving School. In this lesson students learn to talk about their plans after graduation from school and how to write a formal letter.. 1.. Vocabulary ນາຍແປພາສາ ຜູສ ້ ່ ງົ. scholarship. ທຶນການສຶກສາ. private sector. ພາກເອກກະຊ ົນ. economy. ເສດຖະກິດ. graduate. ຈ ົບການສຶກສາ. proud. ພາກພູມໃຈ. closing ceremony. ພິທີປິດ. enclose. ຂ ັດຕິດມາພອ ້ ມ. Faculty of Letters. ຄະນະອ ັກສອນສາດ. resume. ຊີວະປະຫວ ັດ. Faculty of Engineering. ຄະນະວິສະວະກາສາດ ໍ. signature. ລາຍເຊັ ນ. Faculty of Education. ຄະນະສຶກສາສາດ. chance. ໂອກາດ. application form. ຄ ໍາຮອ ້ ງ/ໃບສະໝັກ. opportunity. ໂອກາດ. overseas. ຕາ່ ງປະເທດ. sender. advertisement. ປະກາດ/ໂຄສະນາ. Listen and repeat. ສ. ວ. ສ. 2.. announcement ປະກາດ. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. interpreter. Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.. 3.. Listen and complete Listen to the teacher and complete the missing information. (a) Saydavanh “I’m very happy, (1) ___________ and excited to attend the closing. ceremony today. It is a very important day for me, after studying seven years at secondary school. I’ve waited for this day (2) __________ I finished my 11.

(19) final (3) _________ two months ago. I’m (4) ___________ to go to the university. I‘d like to study English at the Faculty of Letters. In the (5) ___________I’d like to (6) _________ for the government as an interpreter. I hope that I’ll have a (7) __________ to study overseas one day.” (b) Vilaysack “I’d (1) ___________to study at the Faculty of Engineering at the (2) ___________ University. When I finish university, I’d like to work in the private sector. I think I can make more (3) ___________, and I also think that the private sector is good for the (4) ___________, if the private (5) ___________ grows, the economy will be stronger.”. 4.. Find Find words or phrases in the texts that mean: Example:. opportunity. chance. 1. a person who translates spoken language ………………………………... 5.. 2. in another country. ………………………………... 3. develop. ………………………………... 4. department of the university. ………………………………... 5. complete. ………………………………... Speak Work in a group of four. Tell your classmates about your future plan. Use Exercise 3 as an example.. 12.

(20) 6.. Read and answer Read Vonthong’s letter and answer the questions.. Luang Namtha Secondary School P.o Box 117 Laos Date: 25 March 2015. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. Laos Australia Institute Setthathirath Avenue Xiengnheun Village Chanthabouly District Vientiane, Laos Dear Mr Pennington,. I saw your announcement about scholarships in the Vientiane Times last week, and I am interested in it. I am twenty-four years old. I graduated from the National University of Laos (Faculty of Education) two years ago, and I have been teaching English in Luang Namtha Secondary School since then. I would like to study in Australia to improve my knowledge of teaching English as a foreign language. I enclose my resume. Could you please send me more details and an application form?. ສ. ວ. ສ. I look forward to hearing from you.. Yours Sincerely,. (Ms) Vongthong Khamvong. Questions:. 1. Who is writing this letter? ……………………………………………………………………… 2. What is Vongthong’s postal address? ……………………………………………………………………… 3. What is her job? ……………………………………………………………………… 13.

(21) 4. Where did she study before teaching at Luang Namtha Secondary School? ………………………………………………………………………. 5. How long has she worked at Luang Namtha Secondary School? …………………………………………………………………….… 6. Who is she writing to? …………………………………………………………………….… 7. Why is Vongthong writing the letter? ………………………………………………………………………. 8. What did she enclose with the letter? ………………………………………………………………….……. Language note:. A formal letter. Look at the diagram of a formal letter. Notice where all the parts. sender address and date. are on that page. The sender’s address (but not the name) is at the top on the right. The date is under the sender’s Address. The name and address of the person you are writing to comes next, on the left. All letters start with Dear + the name of the person you are writing to. If you don’t know the name, you can start with Dear Sir/Madam. Finish the letters with Yours Sincerely, then your signature, then your name (write clearly).. 14.

(22) 7.. Write Write a letter or an email asking for a scholarship to study in Japan (JICE) or in Australia (AusAID) using the letter in Exercise 6 as an example. ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. ……………………………………………………………………………… ..……………………………………………………………………..……… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ..……………………………………………………………………..……… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………. ສ. ວ. ສ. ..……………………………………………………………………..………. 15.

(23) Lesson 1. Traffic problems in towns. In this lesson students learn about traffic problems in towns.. 1.. Vocabulary Read and remember the meanings of these words and phrases. collision combine comply with component crash crowded downtown exclusively vehicle harm. 2.. ຕາກ ໍ ັນ (ລ ົດ..ອື່ນໆ). inevitable injury major cause motorist public transport rush hours smoke speed limit transportation mode. ລວມເຂົ້າກ ັນ ປະຕິບ ັດຕາມ ອ ົງປະກອບ ຕາກ ໍ ັນ ໜາແໜນ ້ ໃນຕ ົວເມືອງ ຕາ່ ງຫາກ (ພິເສດ) ພາຫະນະ. ຫຼີກລຽ່ ງບໍ່ ໄດ ້ ບາດເຈັບ ສາເຫດໃຫຍ ່ ຜູຂ ້ ັບຂີ່ລ ົດ ຂ ົນສ່ ງົ ສາທາລະນະ ຊ່ວົ ໂມງຮີບຮອ ້ ນ ຄວ ັນ (ຄວ ັນລ ົດ) ຄວາມໄວຈາກ ໍ ັດ ແບບຂ ົນສ່ ງົ. ອ ັນຕະລາຍ(ຄວາມເສຍຫາຍ). Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.. 3.. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs. Thongdy: Vansy: Thongdy: Vansy: Thongdy: Vansy: Thongdy: Vansy:. Hi, Vansy. Where are you going? I’m going downtown. Are you driving your own car? Yes, I am. I think, it’d better to use public transport. What’s the problem if I drive my car? The traffic in downtown is always busy. Really? What is the best transport I could use? 16.

(24) 4.. Thongdy:. You could use a public bus, taxi or tuk-tuk.. Vansy:. OK. I’ll go by bus and then take a tuk-tuk to a book shop.. Read and say Take turns to read and say the following sentences. 1. During rush hours, the traffic is very crowded towns.. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. 2. People are in a hurry all the time. 3. Motorists sometimes break traffic rules.. 4. Most cars use air conditioners. 5. The smoke from cars makes air polluted and it is very harmful to people’s health. 6. Every day, there are a lot of road accidents, which are major causes of losses in people’s lives and property. 7. In towns, there are not enough parking areas.. 5.. Read and match. Read the following words or phrases and match them with appropriate pairs of their Lao translations.. ____a. ຈະລາຈອນໜາແໜນ ້ ____b. ສາເຫດໃຫຍ ່ ____c. ຜູຂ ້ ັບຂີ່ລ ົດ ____d. ໃນຕ ົວເມືອງ ____e. ຊ່ວົ ໂມງເລັ່ ງດວ່ ນ ____f. ຂ ົນສ່ງົ ສາທາລະນະ ____g. ຄວາມໄວຈາກ ໍ ັດ ____h. ຄວນລົດ. motorist crowded traffic major cause public transport downtown speed limit smoke rush hour. ສ. ວ. ສ. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. 6.. Choose and complete Choose correct words in the box to complete the text below. crowded, fast,. motorists, pedestrian,. electric, collides, 17. happen, traffic,. recorded, runners.

(25) Road accidents in Vientiane Vientiane is the most (1)…………… city in Laos. Every day, there are a lot of road accidents. (2)……………… are in a hurry to get to their work places. Some of them drive very (3)………… in crowded streets. Some of them are red light (4)……………… . As a result, a number of accidents (5) …………..……. every day. Among a number of accidents motorbike accidents are (6)…………….. high. Students ride motorbikes to school. They do not pay attention to (7)……………. rules. They enjoy riding with their friends and sometimes they race each other in crowded streets. Every day, people can see a car (8)……………. with a bus, a motorbike crashes into a car, a motorbike hits a (9)………………, motorbikes crash into each other and sometimes a car hits an (10)……………. pole or traffic island. These make a terrible image of the big city like Vientiane.. 7.. Grammar note Present continuous tense for the future is used to talk about something that is already planned. ນ ັກຮຽນອາດສ ັງເກດໄດວ້ າ່ ການໃຊ ້ Present continuous tense for the future ແມນໃຊ ເ້ ວົ້າເຖິງເຫດການທີ່ ເຮົາໄດວ ່ ້ າງແຜນເປັນທີ່ ຮຽບຮອ ້ ຍແລວ ້ ທີ່ ຈະປະຕິບ ັດ ຕາມແຜນນນ. ັ ້ ຖືວາ່ ເຮົາໃຊສ ້ ໍາລ ັບເຫດການທີ່ມີການວາງແຜນການລະອຽດລວ ່ ງໜາ້ ແລວ ້ . ເຊັ່ ນ:. 1. Next week, I’m visiting my grandparents in Vangvieng. 2. We are driving our own car to Vangvieng. ປະໂຫຍກທີ 1: ໝາຍຄວາມວາ່ ອາທິດໜາ້ ຂອ ້ ຍຈະໄປຢາມພໍ່ ຕູແ ້ ມຕູ ່ ຂ ້ ອ ້ ຍຢູວ ່ ັງວຽງ ປະໂຫຍກທີ 2:. ໝາຍຄວາມວາ່ ຂອ ້ ຍຈະຂ ັບລ ົດເກງຂອງຂອ ້ ຍເອງໄປວ ັງວຽງ.. ທັງສອງປະໂ ໂຫຍກແ ແມນ ແລ້ວ. ່ ມີການວາງແຜນແ. Exercise Put the correct verb form to complete the following sentences. 1. Vientiane ………..(has/is having) many old temples. 2. Next year, I…………(visit/am visiting) Paris, the capital of France. 3. I…………….(study/am studying) English at the National University of Laos next year. 4. He……………(drives/is driving) his car to school every day. 18.

(26) 8.. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below. Road construction. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. The road construction is very expensive and harmful to the environment. When the road construction is planned, road engineers are working on the design. After having finished the design work, the engineers are calculating the cost of the construction. They are setting time, budget, and bidding processes. The engineering work of the construction is made very carefully and gives all details in order to give bidders as much information and data as possible before the bidding is made. A project manager is advertising on social media about the road construction to invite bidders. The bidding forms are being distributed to companies willing to participate in the bidding process.. ສ. ວ. ສ. The winning company is signing a contract with the project manager immediately after the bidding process is finished. The winning company is carrying out the work under the contract conditions. The site engineers, workers and all heavy machines, e.g., dump trucks, graders, bulldozers, tankers, and backhoes, are being sent to the site. When the heavy machines start to work they destroy the natural environment. They are clearing the road tracks by cutting down big trees, digging or filling up land, cutting slopes, building bridges or culverts across rivers or streams. Sometimes the tracks cut through rice fields and residential areas. The road construction to provide a road link for transportation could support economic growth; however, the trade-off between the losses and the gains before making decisions should have been made carefully during the design work. Questions:. 1. What is very harmful to the environment? …………………………………………………………………………… 2. Who are working on the design work? …………………………………………………………………………… 3. What are the engineers doing after the design work? …………………………………………………………………………… 4. What does a project manager do to invite bidders? …………………………………………………………………………… 5. How does the company work? …………………………………………………………………………… 19.

(27) 6. How do they clear the road tracks? …………………………………………………………………………… 7. Why is the road construction needed? …………………………………………………………………………… 4. What should engineers do during a design work? ………………………………………………………………………………. 9.. Listen and complete: Woman drivers On the transition from the twentieth to the twenty first century the number of (1)………………..has increased rapidly in the Lao PDR. Since the government has opened the country to foreign investors, many different types of businesses have been established in Laos. During this time, the opportunity for women to enter the labour (2)……….…. and get good (3)..……… is wide. Women can work in many different (4)…………… and different (5)…………… or even becoming chief (6)……………… officers in many companies. To cope with the new economic situation, women need to (7)……………. their culture and adjust their life (8)…………... In Vientiane Capital, women drivers can be seen everywhere. They drive their cars to send their children to schools, their work places, market places, visit friends, and social events. Woman drivers are very (9)……………... They follow traffic (10)…………….. strictly and keep the speed limit to avoid accidents. They sometimes stop their cars to allow old people or children to cross the roads safely. This practice of woman drivers can help reduce the number of accidents in Vientiane Capital to a certain level.. 10.. Write Rewrite one paragraph about a road accident you have seen. (100 words). You can start like this: While I was riding my motorbike to school yesterday, I saw an accident at the traffic lights near the Morning Market. ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… 20.

(28) Lesson 2. Traffic signs. In this lesson students will learn about traffic signs and rules.. 1.. Vocabulary Read and remember the meanings of these words.. 2.. ການເລັ່ ງຄ ັນເລັ່ງລ ົດ. paralyzed pedestrian priority prudent railroad severity sign strictly sufficient zebra crossing. ຍຶດເອົ າ ຄວບຄຸມ. ອ ໍາມະພາດ ຄ ົນຍາ່ ງ ບຸລິມະສິດ. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. acceleration confiscate control even date odd date health healthy intersection killed motorist. ວ ັນທີຄ ູ່. ວ ັນທີຄີກ. ສຸຂະພາບ. ສຸຂະພາບດີ ທາງສີ່ ແຍກ. ຖືກເສຍຊີວດ ິ ຄ ົນຂີ່/ຂ ັບລ ົດ. ລະມດລະວ ັ ັງ ທາງລ ົດໄຟ ຮາ້ ຍແຮງ ປ້າຍ. ້ ງວດ ເຂັມ. ພຽງພໍ. ທາງມາລາຍ ້. Listen and repeat. Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.. 3.. Listen and practise. ສ. ວ. ສ. Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs. Miss Champa: Mr. Kham: Miss Champa: Mr. Kham:. Hi, Kham. I’m having a driving test tomorrow. Really? Have you learnt all traffic signs and rules? Yes, of course. Could you tell me what these signs mean?. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 21.

(29) Miss Champa: The first one means Stop and Give way. The Second means do not speed over 50 km/h. The third means do not enter. The fourth means do not park or stop your car. The fifth means there is a railroad crossing ahead that you need to give attention. The last one means wear a seat belt during travelling by car. Mr. Kham: I think you know all the traffic signs. What about traffic rules have you read them? Miss Champa: Yes, I have. Mr. Kham: I think you are ready for your driving test. Good luck. Miss Champa: Thank you.. 4.. Read and say Take turns to read and say the following sentences. 1. When the traffic light is yellow, motorists prepare to stop or to go. 2. When the traffic light is green, all cars can go. 3. When the traffic light is red, all cars must stop. 4. At the round- about, the car in the round- about has a priority to go first. 5. Near the hospital, motorists shouldn’t sound the horn. 6. Motorists should slow down their cars while passing market places, villages, schools, and other public gatherings. 7. Motorists should slow down their cars when seeing zebra crossings. 8. Do not stop your cars on the zebra crossings. 9. Give a signal light before changing the lane or turning. 10. Do not turn on headlight high beam while driving in cities at night.. 5.. Look and match Look at the following signs and match them with the number of suitable sentences.. a. b. c. d. e 22. f. g. h.

(30) 6.. ____1. Do not park on odd dates ____2. Do not turn left ____3. Do not enter. ____5. Do not push the horn ____6. Do not overtake. ____4. Do not turn right. ____8. Round-about. ____7. Do not park on the even dates. Grammar note. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. Should and shouldn’t are used to give advice. ຄ ໍາວາ່ Should ແລະ shouldn’t ແມນໃຊ ສ ່ ້ ໍາລ ັບຄ ໍາແນະນ ໍາໃນການກະທ ໍາອ ັນໃດອ ັນໜຶ່ງ. ແລະ. ສິ່ ງນນກໍ ັ ້ ເປັນສິ່ ງຈາເປັ ໍ ນທີ່ ຈະຕອ ້ ງ. ເຮັດ ຫຼື ປະຕິບ ັດຕາມເຊັ່ ນ:. A. 1. You should stop your car when the traffic light is red. 2. You should give a signal light before turning your car.. ້ ວ ເຮົາຈະເຫັນໄດວ ໍ ນທີ່ ຈະຕອ ້ າ່ ສອງປະໂຫຍກນີລ ້ ນແຕແ ່ ມນສິ່ ່ ງຈາເປັ ້ ງປະຕິບ ັດຕາມເພື່ອຄວາມ ປອດໄພໃນການຂ ັບລ ົດ.. B. 1. You shouldn’t drive your car over the speed limit. 2. You shouldn’t go when the traffic light is red.. ້ ມນສິ່ ເຮົາຈະເຫັນວາ່ ສອງປະໂຫຍກນີແ ່ ງທີ່ ບໍ່ ຄວນປະຕິບ ັດເພື່ອຄວາມປອດໄພໃນ.. Exercise: Choose correct words to finish these sentences.. ສ. ວ. ສ. 1. Motorists……………(should/shouldn’t) turn their cars without giving a signal light. 2. In Vientiane, motorists ……………(should/shouldn’t) drive their cars within the speed limit. 3. In Laos, drivers …………(should/shouldn’t) use their mobile phones while driving. 4. Drivers …………(should/shouldn’t) sound the horn near the hospital.. 7.. Read and answer Read the text below and answer the questions. A prudent driver. Kham always drives his car carefully and follows all traffic rules. Kham has been driving a car since he was in year 5 of Vientiane high school in 2000. After his father bought him a car, he learnt to drive in a driving 23.

(31) school. He paid high attention to every lesson he learnt because he thought all of them were very important. After having a driving license, he began to drive his car to school. Before driving the car, he always checks the oil, water and brakes. After checking all those things, he starts the engine to warm up. While warming up the engine, he cleans inside the cabin of his car. Kham is the best driver in his family and all his family members have confidence in him. He drives his car smoothly and runs within the speed limit. He always gives a signal light before turning his car. He drives prudently along the roads, both in downtown and countryside. When he drives past markets, schools and people gatherings, he slows down the speed and carefully drives on. When he sees traffic lights, he strictly follows the lights. When the yellow light is on, he prepares to stop or to move on. When the red light is on, he stops his car every time. When the green light is on, he moves on. When traffic police want to check documents, he always cooperates with them. He talks to them politely and shows them all documents. Since Kham has been driving the car, he has never had accidents. He always checks his car before driving so his car never breaks down on the way to destinations. Kham also exchanges his driving experience with his family members and they always have confidence in his driving. Questions: 1. What does Kham do before driving his car? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. When does Kham clean his car? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. How does Kham drive his car? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What does Kham do when he sees schools and markets? ………………………………………………………………………… 5. What does Kham do when he sees traffic lights? ………………………………………………………………………… 6. What does Kham do when traffic police want to check documents? ………………………………………………………………………… 7. Does Kham have any accidents? 24.

(32) ………………………………………………………………………… 8. Who does Kham exchange his driving experience with? …………………………………………………………………………. 8.. Listen and complete signal,. rights,. pavements,. row,. happen,. behind,. prudently,. control,. respect,. pedestrians. ສ. ວ. ສ. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. Driving in Vientiane Capital During the rush hours in Vientiane Capital, many accidents (1)……….. To avoid such incidents, the traffic police have announced to the public to follow traffic rules strictly. Drivers should pay attention to the traffic rules and speed limit. They shouldn’t change lanes without giving a (2)……….. Moreover, they should respect others’ (3) ……… and they shouldn’t zigzag in crowded streets. Drivers should stop their cars while (4) …………… are walking across the roads on zebra crossings. Students who are walking to schools shouldn’t walk on the streets, they should walk on (5) …………. Students who are riding bicycles to schools shouldn’t ride in a (6) ……. of two or more bicycles. They should ride (7) …….. one another as well as those who are riding motorbikes. Government officials who drive ministry cars to work should drive (8) ………… to be good models for the public. Now, in Vientiane Capital the traffic is very crowded. Every morning and evening, traffic police have to (9)……….. the traffic at almost every intersection. Although the traffic police pay high attention to the traffic control still there many accidents around the outskirts of Vientiane Capital. In summary, road accidents in Vientiane Capital will be increased unless all motorists (10) …………… the traffic rules and speed limit strictly.. 9.. Write Write one paragraph about the traffic in a place/place you know. (100 words) ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… 25.

(33) Lesson 3. Traffic rules. In this lesson students will learn about the traffic rules that they have to follow while they are driving.. 1.. Vocabulary Read and remember the meanings of these words.. 2.. similar. ຄາ້ ຍຄືກ ັນ. audible. ທີ່ ສາມາດໄດຍ ິ ສຽງ ້ ນ. assistance. ການຊວ ່ ຍເຫຼືອ. vibratory. ທີ່ ສ່ນ ັ ສະເທືອນ. expert. ຊຽ່ ວຊານ. roadside. ຂາ້ ງທາງ. high standard. ມາດຕະຖານສູງ. rubbish. ້ ຂີເ້ ຫຍືອ. design. ອອກແບບ. bin. ້ ກະຕາ່ ຂີເ້ ຫຍືອ. tone bands. ເສັ ້ນສຽງນອ ້ ຍໆ. genuine. ທີ່ ແທຈ ້ ງິ. alternative. ທາ່ ງເລືອກ. raised ribs. ຄ ັນຄູນອ ້ ຍຕາມໜາ້ ທາງ. instill. ປູກຝ ັງແນວຄິດ. qualified driver ຜູຂ ້ ັບຂີ່ທີ່ ໄດມ ້ າດຖານ. permission. ອະນຸຍາດ. motorway. rumble strip. ແຖບສຽງທີ່ ເປັນສຽງຄາງ/ຮາໍ. ຖະໜົນທີ່ ໃຊຄ ້ ວາມໄວສູງ. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.. 3.. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs. Jone:. What are the traffic rules like in Laos?. Khammone:. The traffic rules in Laos are similar to those in France.. Jone:. Oh, really. Why they are similar to those in France?. Khammone:. Because they were written with the assistance of French experts.. Jone:. How can I drive in Laos?. Khammone:. Well, you should always drive on the right side of streets. 26.

(34) Jone:. What about bicycles?. Khammone:. In Laos, bicycles can use same lanes with cars, but cyclists have to ride close to pavements. They shouldn’t ride in a large group which makes roads become narrow. What are the street signs in Laos look like?. Khammone:. The street signs in Laos are all the same as in other countries.. Jone:. Oh, I see. Now I can drive car in Laos. Thank you very much.. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. Jone:. Khammone:. 4.. Thank you.. Grammar note. When ແມນ່ subordinate conjunction ໃຊສ້ ໍາລ ັບເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ ປະໂຫຍກນອ້ ຍ clause ເຂົ້າກ ັນໃຫ້ ເປັນ complex sentence. ແຕວ ັ້ ປະໂຫຍກໜຶ່ ງເປັນເອກະລາດ Independent ່ າ່ ສອງປະໂຫຍກນນມີ ້ ກ ັບ dependent clause ນ clause ແລະ ປະໂຫຍກໜຶ່ ງແມນປະໂຫຍກຂຶ ່ ່ ັ ນີ:້ ຊຶ່ ງສາມາດໃຊໄ້ ດດ ້ ງ. ້ ເມື່ ອເວລາ ສິ່ ງໜຶ່ ງອີກກາລ ໃຊອ ໍ ັງດ ໍາເນີນຢູ່ ແລະ ້ ະທິບາຍສິ່ ງໃດສິ່ ງໜຶ່ ງທີ່ ເກີດຂຶນ. ທ ັງສອງສິ່ງນນເກີ ັ້ ດ. ້ ໃນເວລາດຽວກ ັນ ເຊັ່ ນຕ ່ ັ ລຸມ ຂຶນ ຕ ົວຢາ່ ງດງ ່ ນີ:້. dependent clause. independent clause. When you are riding a motorbike, you should respect the traffic rules strictly. ້ ໃນຈຸດ, ເຫດການ, ແລະ ສະພາບການ ໃນ ໃຊເ້ ຊື່ ອມປະໂຫຍກນອ ້ ຍທີ່ ເວົ້າເຖິງສອງເຫດການທີ່ ເກີດຂຶນ. ສ. ວ. ສ. ການເຄື່ ອນໄຫວດຽວກ ັນ.. dependent clause. independent clause. When I met her, I was about to go home from the market.. ້ ຫຼື ຈະເກີດຂຶນ ້ ໃນປະໂຫຍກ ໃຊເ້ ຊື່ ອມປະໂຫຍກນອ ້ ຍ ທີ່ ເວົ້າເຖິງສອງເຫດການ ຫຼື ເງື່ ອນໄຂທີ່ ເກີດຂຶນ ເອກະລາດ independent clause.. dependent clause. independent clause. When he gave his wife a present, she gave him a genuine sweet smile of thanks. independent clause. dependent clause. I’ll start to think about it when I have to write my report.. 27.

(35) Exercise Use when to join the following sentences. 1. I arrived at school. I saw a girl sitting in a classroom. ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. I saw an accident. I walked out of the school. ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. I said thank you very much. He gave me a birthday present. ……………………………………………………………………………… 4. I’ll ask you. I have a problem. ……………………………………………………………………………… 5. I do it right. I do something. ……………………………………………………………………………… 6. I was young. I listened to the radio waiting for my favorite songs. ……………………………………………………………………………… 7. I was watching a television. Someone knocked at the door. ……………………………………………………………………………… 8. I always stop my car. The red light is on. ……………………………………………………………………………… 9. I saw an accident. I stopped my car. ……………………………………………………………………………… 10. I ask someone to pick up and put the rubbish into the bin. I see someone just drop them anywhere. ………………………………………………………………………………. 5.. Listen and complete Listen to the teacher and choose the words in the box to complete the text below. properly,. lessons,. drunk,. drivers,. strictly,. follow,. traffic,. period,. permissions, behavior. Qualified drivers Safety can be improved by methods that encourage safe (1) behavior of drivers. All drivers should have been trained (2)......................... to become 28.

(36) qualified drivers.. In many countries, drivers must have driving. (3).................... When they pass a driving test they will receive their (4)....................... of driving for one year. After that, they could have their full licenses if they have no accidents during the (5)..........................of permission of driving. Using this method, drivers will get used to safe behavior and complying with (6).................... rules. These will become the values instilling in drivers themselves.. They will never drive while (7)...................., and. ສະ ຫງ ວນ ລຂິ ະສ ດິ. restrict themselves on mobile phone use while on the move.. The. (8)........................... who have been trained, and passed the period of permission of driving will automatically(9)........................ traffic laws. They will realize that red-light running is a violent. Moreover, they will follow road signs (10).................... and good behavior while driving. In brief, qualified drivers can be trained in driving schools that can include the above methods in their training lists.. 6.. Read and answer. Read the text below and answer the questions.. Roads for safety driving. In most developed countries, road designs are very important for safety. ສ. ວ. ສ. driving. Well-designed roads can help save drivers lives. However, the construction costs of high standard roads are so expensive that many countries could not afford them. The high standard roads have "tone bands" impressed on the edges of the legal lanes, so that drowsing drivers are awakened by a loud hum while they are drifting off the edge of the roads. Tone bands are also referred to as "rumble strips," depending on the sound they created. An alternative method is the use of "Raised Rib" markings, which consists of a continuous line marking with ribs across the line at regular intervals. They were first authorized for use on freeways or motorways as an edge line marking to separate the edge of main lanes. The objective of the marking is to make the roadsides be seen clearly by motorists in both day and night times. 29.


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