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The Collaborative Visualization Project


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The Collaborative Visualization Project

Roy D. Pea

To cite this version:

Roy D. Pea. The Collaborative Visualization Project. Communications of the ACM, Association for

Computing Machinery, 1993, 36(5), pp.60-63. �hal-00190529�



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Rqy D. Pea

conceptions o f educauon i o u n d In most formariv o r g a n u e a civsroorns and tralnlng slres. Rather. we must focus on u n a e n r a n a l n g a n d s u p porung iearnlng In entlreiv new wavs, wlrh v u l attention co m e s k d k o i s wlncencuon a n a o a r u a o a u o n

rnance cornoutme: a n a cornmunlca- d e v e l o o ~ n g a n a studving a "testbed"

rions (91 oiier enormous oorenual 1 consuung o i an advanced network for 11nklng rnese cornmunlcles In 1 that mteqrJres t e i e c o m r n u n ~ a u o n r . wavs rneanlnpiul f o r i e a r n ~ n g . Bv I r n u l u m e a ~ a cornounng, and n m col- c o ~ l a o s ~ n p spatlo-ternooral b a m e n 1 laborauon s o i t m r e f o r s u t e o i - t h e - rhrougn the conscrucclon o i dismb- a n Invcsuqauons o i the p o r e n a a h o f uced r n u u m e a l a learning e n n r o n - I coilaborauon a n a saenofu W- m e n u , we rnav enaoie qrearer m u - 1 UOn teUlnOtoTa for s u p p o m g XI-

macv a n d aumenucltv In cne learnrnq 1 encc l e a m ~ n q a n a m g .Thit nct-

wirac i call : t a r n ~ n q - ~ n - a o ~ n q . Lcamlnp-ln-aomq is a r n w e i In 'unlcn learners are Increaslnglv In- vmvea In tne a u t n c n t ~ c oncrlces o i communlrles rnrougn learnmy con-

Venations and acclvlties ~ n v o l v ~ n g e x p e n practltloners. eaucacors. a n a

peen. A protorvpe example nas been the Sational C e o g n p n ~ c Soclccv

&&Net Pro!ect. in w n ~ c h children In

Bv funaarnrnca~lv r e w n p o n In- t'ormat~on flelWOrKs a n a remote mu!-

~ l n l e a l a services. alscrlaucea rnUlLl- rnedla ~ r a r n l n y envlronmenrs. o r D S I L L . excena ceacnInT, learnme.

2nd niarerlal resources brvona the l ~ r n ~ u o i ~ n a w a u a i c i ~ s s r o o m s



X ~ C W O T K ana rnultlmeaia cecnnoio- 1 g e s o i l e r opportunlcles to l n c r e v e

the ~ n i o r m a u o n a ~ a n d ~ n t e n c c ~ o n a l thoutanas o i e l e m e n t a n school I world o i the learner rnrougn access

C ~ U ~ O O ~ S lnvestlpacea acid n l n in I to diverse aaraoases. m e posslbiiirv 0 i [ h e r communltles. pooled cnclr d a t a I coilaborauve projects wrrh remom Over -e:WrKs. a n a carriea out in- , panlcipancs. and access to a wide qulrlfl a w u t wnv r e g o n a l differ- g r o u p o i experts and o r h e n with e n c a curr red in tnelr aara (31. T h e I wnorn tne iearner can enqage In con-

science museum and science cumcu- lurn resources. iearnmg r a e a r c h e n f r o m three insuruuons. a n d a broaalv based v o u p of sclence : e x h e r s tnrouenout the U.S. d e - .;ocea to i'oscenn~ p r o j m - e n n a n c e a science m m m p .

T h e CoL'is project reiies o n inno-

*:auve p a r m c n n ~ o s with Arnenrcch.

Bellcore. T h e h u i o n t o r i u m S a e n c e :,[useurn. U n i v e n w of Illinois. Ur- b a r n - C h a m p a l p Nationai Cenre?

for Supercomouung Applicarioru.

Scienceiiit Inc.. T e c h i d Education Research Center. and h e University of M i c h i q n . Our p r o j m vision is ro establish co~laborauve t e c h n o l o g - learning envlronmenu. o r "coilabo-

~ t o n e s . " :hat enable projm- q u a u o r u the s t u d c n u addressed

were current concerns In xientific pncace. and thev l e a m c d scientific concezu, rcsearcn s t r a r c p s . d a t a coilccuon. and anaivsls techniques t h m u g n the doing of science r a h e r thtn being u u g h c about s a e n c e as observen. We thus see s a e n c e learnca by pamnpouon r a m e r t h a n PrcponzMn.

venation a w u r a subiect area. task. enhanced saence ieammg a m o n g remote pmlm partners usinq a d -


:nrouen ;tpprenrlcesnlo. Tradition- .;isuaimuon o i science pnenornena.

~ i v . i n c n Inauln. has oeen enaolcd


U;a. ana moaels throupn tecnnoi0- 3v cvnamlc inreracuons among 1 p e s that ,pronde the option for learners a n d a reacher who are In I "IVhat k'ou':'~e= Is What I Sef"

close pnvs~cai prowrnltv. Yet sclcn- (WYSIIVIS) funcuonalirv. but char

~ f i c a n a busmess worK g r o u p prac- 3is0 dlow pnvate work spaces.

uce uslng Internet and hiqh-bana- Sciennix visdization tcchnole

width s e r v l c a recognues that nor ail partners ncceuarv to an lnteractlon can oe coiocated (61. This project uses irontier r e c n n o i o q a to extena h e cotlaborauve reach o i educa- uonai arrangemenu to include wactv d i s ~ e n e d cxoeruse among 'earners. rexhers, sclentnu. znd ez~rr.~ne: researcners. For examole.

Fa. now commonly used in the sa- enuiic raearcn communiw. prov~dc for much more intuiuveiv cornpre- henslble representations o i compies numencai dam used in h e mearch acuncies o i s a e n c a such as meteor- o i o g , oceanography. m o l m i a r biol- ogy. chcn~strv. and asrropnvs~u ( 131.

Coilaborawe verslons o i these rccn-

Ira pro!ect t o y s . d a i q procedures for data coliecuon. negociau and document_ study objeaives. ,&

data. and conduct s e n s e - m h g ac- uvitia with h e i r dam. culrninurng in resuiu sucn ar a multimedia rrpon of the resuits o i their projecx in&


T h e CoVis P r o j m seeks to mine the potenuals of .high-- width networking for the dcrfirrr of future dismoutcd muitimtdir d- ence-learnmg enviornmenu JuS m b a n h n g was a piace-baxd Icri*iv unrll the advent of ATM machina.

science caucauon is now larydy a

F O C U S l n g

on Collaborative visuai~zatton

Srcause ot m e nature o i the suoject xatrer. 3na the goais o i o u r moaeis for i e x n i n y . we have extended the eaucauonat media bevond text-oniv

~ ~ v n c n r o n o ~ s ernall. as in Nar~onai C e o e n p n i c Societv RidsNet. to p- ciuae iocai- a n d w~de-area muit~rne.

aia nc:worKs. Such broadband nct-

w o r u . in o u r c3se a combinauon o i

?nrnari-rate ISDN and HDSL.' en-

;ble o:+dv Intcncuve communlca- :Ions . n ~ t n r ~ c h metila excnange a r n o n ~ learnmy partners tnrougn the imoremen~auon o i che muluuser

u g e or :here capabiiirics. orov~dinc motlvaune expenenccs ior students 2nd tezcnen w ~ c n contemporaw s a -

I ence tmis and t o p ~ u .

We W I I I be c d t r n g new software

I sppiications-a Collaborauve SCI- ence Wor~oencn a n a Science Lesm-

I in3 Resource Dirmory-io sustain

I collaborative visudization acuviucs

I x r o s s remore ciassrmms and other

izauon t m u in regular use by re- search xlenusu (1 1) (such as the .VCSA ScrruVrc V L u a i i u u u m Tbd

jclenct caucauon.

O u r current a e s i ~ s ior the CoVu :estbed as a


LE uuiize advanca in a number o i arc= o i cornpurer re&- nologes. consumer eiectronia. and tekcornmun~cauons. They i n d u d t :

Coderdecoder (or "codecV7 t h -

noloqxs usmg s i q a l compr-n chios to prowde for the c o m p i a

and in spcdaiized hardware hvt

been rapid Isteiv. although fd- mouon video rat= of 30fps are du- sive. of Deremocr 1992. i n d d c o d a have just dropped LO the $10 thousand range. Many c o m e have announced o r released dalrtop videoconierenan? systems. In rhe CaVis P r o j m each workstawn in-


'conversauonai props ' for their coi- laborat~ve investlpauons.

Switching recnnoioqes enable soit- ware appiicauons In DhfLEi to maKe the connccuon ro speclrlc addresses in a networi: ior remote s e n e n or to o h e r usen. and enable tiara flow and accus controi. It is one thmp to p a s around video w~thin a L I N to net- woric addresses. a u m anotner to sus- tain full w~de-area. natlonai. polnt- to-point. 2nd po~nt-to-muiupo~nt connccuvitv. The CoL'is P r o ! ~ t uses the public-switched re!ecommunlca- uon i n f r ~ s t r u c ~ u r e oi current m a

~ i a n n e a servrces to enmie connec- uon manaqemcnt ior me mcala-ncn conversauons amone parunoanrs In [he CoVis project co~laboratlons i 11.'

w ~ t h learnen. teachers. and discipiin- ary saenusrs wno use prototvpes of our software sppiicauons over h e course o i rhe project wiil serve as rhe bask ior the onyoing panidpatom d e s l ~ of auhenuc sclence-learning architectures rhar enable coilabora- uve vituaiizauon of science in action.

These levnmg environmenu wiil

dent, hlben Gore. authoriring about 53 billion in the High Performance Compuung Bill of 1991 to facilicare rhe development of a N a t i o d Re- search and Eduaolon Network *g high-pen'ormance computing and cornmunlcadons to creau rhe na- I tional dam highmy for digid corn-

?rovlde pedagoq and sc&i proto- , municauons across universities. & a :01s that au~henucate the science- , r e m i t o i s u b s r a n d educator and

!eamlnq experience in ciauroorns. xsearcner e n t h u s k m and lobbring.

,.ith the potenuJi for links to homes R-11 schools were



2nd WorK ennronrnenrs. The out- In other devdopmenu. long- Lames wn~cn we seeic, based on more ,jisrance and local telephone cornpa- nies are sreiting to use c o d m to liiow tor muiurnedh communica- re a result o i studenrs' networti a n a

scnooi-oasea mtencuons. are F e a r e r rnouvauon to ieam and ennancea



Muitimeaia servers of various , sclence iearnlne.

kinds w d be used in me CoVis net-

work testbed sites. deoenaino on the ! Scallng UP OMLES

site and a o ~ ~ i c a t ~ o n . inciuding


, How wlii proqrcss be made toward ROM. vldeoaiso. jukeboxes. and :he univenai iniormauon networic- qgabit hara-disk drive3 ior stonng ,nq [hat D h I L L require! ;ls we see soinvare-on~v dip~tal video. the mcryng o i computers. consumer Multirnedh-capabie penonai com- eicctroniu. teiecomrnunlcauons. net- puten with interiaces ro communlca- woric and mble teievision. and media Lion networiu piav an essenuai role a


publishing, rhe contnbuuoru (21 of the CoVk workrauont.


diverse i n d u u v m o n to new

tions over exucing copper wire. to acceieme b e pace of fiber opuc in- stailauon replacing copper. and to recelve


approval to produce and not only dkrribuu muiGedia iniormauon senices. Cable system opemton. in some cua in coopera- [ion with teiephone compania. are deveioplng switching capabiiiua to rake advanuge of their broadband infrutructure. T h e prospect of in- reracuve video xmko has led to wideiv toured negori?tioru h e e n computer cornpznia a n d Ndorul a b l e svstem operaton such as IBM and Time-Warner. and Hmlett- P a c b d and


Answer h e (a wire- less d a u senice company). T h e rna!or ceiluiu-tdqhone d e r

!&Saw k teaming with O d e . a leading d a m software c o m p n y . to develop FCC-pmped. one-wav r a d i o - b a d data network senices


3. J u i n n . C . L ! i a u o d Ceoqrcrpitk .G& Networt: R c a ~ in the d c

rnmw c l v v w m h C a p r

.VM l o . ?(k 1939.

6. Lederbetg. J. ma Umzphcr. iL


wards a nauom co

rhe rochider u n n e m q (MP. 17- 18). Nadonai kicncr Founhioa D i m o n c e for Cornpurr and i o f e marion hence. W-



L13t m u ! a - ; : ~ J ~ o J c K .

- -

q x a l 515-

1515 on exsuns ZCIO tnnsrnisslons.

i t fast rxes o i !.3>lb a secona. LVire- .ess oroacusunp svstems to oe o i - ferea 3,; new !om ventures irorn IBSI-Motorola ana BeilSourn-ibrn Broaacuunp a r v e out vet anorner opuon.

roles ior t e x n c n Y guides n t n e r as aurnonun cnallenpe exlsunq 1

::assroom pnctlccl j 12). While b e r e

3 a nlgh ievel oi reccpuntv and ooti- uons and cornouter techno~oges In schwh rhrou&our the US, the pedapoqcai modek on which thh cnthus~asm u oased are F ~ U Y var- ied. n n q n g irom iesrner centered to teacher cenurcd. Whiie chis diver- sir). o i l m g modek is not prob- lemauc in ana of iueif. it makes it difficult to coorainare suppon for naaonvnde tccanoiogid r a o u r c n and infmrrucnrrc. Since schooL a r c noconouiy underiunded. ir makes sense to pian. perhaps through fed- cmi poiicv. for a nationwide t ~ h n 0 - loricai inirastructure. b'hat is the How rnne oouons w ~ i i develop as

dktincr z a r i e u and sernces IS anv- one's pus. Video on demand


md monesr. e a u u u o n a n d m i n i n g . home moop~np, banknp, informa- tion s e m c n . iood and s e m c e o r a e r - ing. m a w esnow oaruaoauon a r e amonp LX appiicarioas touted as likely. klanv o i t h a e iuncnoru have

broaabana one-wav. a n d narrow- 8. LindrPom. AH. Cop- 6

noloyia h a n ~ in rhm u SUPER-

COhlhI. TtL. 3u,wL (July 13. 1992).

4 1 4 s . band ir.:t=ct!on (controi. audio) re-

- 7

urni in^

irsm r h z user. I r.e o p e n d

quesuon :s nor whether hi3h-band- I risic otnenvise? T h e answer is thar

width (1.tSIb and beyond) and mui-


schools wul become locked in o k o - 9. Office o i Sdcnce a n d TeEhndoql Policy. Grana cbknqer: H j h per-

formance compuanq md k -

orrow: f i e fl 1992 US.

and development p- The Committee on ? h w 5(uhmn6- a L and h g i n e e ~ g Sderra Fed- e d Coordimunq 6 d br Sd-

en=. Elnginemne. a d Techndgl.

Evcuuve Ofice oi the Raid- Wuhinqron. S.C.

i iete tcchnoio~es h a t tirnir h e iearn- I


ing potenuais o i i e u n e n . It wouid be I


;vire to highlight such issua in che I


evoiuaon o i current argumenu (41


I on which replatom p o i i a a ior eiec- 1

; aonic media wui b a t serve rhe public



intcmt in t e r n o i h e Fint -end- 1


rncnr provisions on acccu to infor- :

nsnon. Surety Lie le3rnlnp needs o i diuncucnai d i e d sernces czn be

' provides. but now such sernces wiii


come :o x structured. ~rchitectca.


and p n c w to meet n a u o n d iearnlnq


needs. "Yen concrete experiences in 1 learnme cnnronmeno w ~ r n different

! soinvare 3ppiicadom a n d uses. But the c o m e u u o n In this genemi a r e 3 of consumer eiectronlcs for intemc-

: uon. New Yorx. 1990.


1. Beflcore inionnauon Xetworr~np 13. Van Darn. L .i s~cntm 6 w o n h 1.000 rnulurmaa arcnlves. wnst use sce-

nanos :cross setunps oi learning n n m n ? ?om scnools to h o m a to community c e n u n . wlil cake b a r

R a a r c n L D O ~ L O T Y . The ~ o u n n q Machine j v s r e m Z o m m u n ACJl36. 1 (Jan. 19931, 68-77.


. Denowm. ?ILL Building rhe inior- muion m u i c r p h Tech RCP. U a

31, 19911. 19.

3. Tuh. IU,: i r ; l u ~ R L Roor RW.

adnnraqe o i the o p p o n u n i u a &ese n m r i c h c s m m u t u a d o n media rnav oifer?

What peaapoqcai z o d e k wiii

Aboac rhe Aubor:

ROY D. PEA ic john

E m

RofcPor o f EduarioomdrhelcmnqSdcneiau N o n h x w r n Univ-. Hb @ in- t e r n indude i n r e p -



O ~ J a d daign of e;T&



ro- for saencr p r g w ~ . md muicimadh compuaog d

Q&- Author's A-

Nod- L'aivrron. bdaxe for the Sdcaeer Errpnop. IL

60201: d p e r Q n d For cumpie. expenen& ~ r & v


1. 01. CCllCI. hr opbi OppIIY.

ruTgau m a e mod& wlii require


f o r r n e r wliol. The h e n - exrerune cornmimenu for rezcncr-


W-gron hgrun. W a h m p n . proiasionai deveioprnenc. since new I D . C 1991.


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