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Lagrangian and moving mesh methods for the convection diffusion equation


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Vol. 42, N 1, 2008, pp. 25–55 www.esaim-m2an.org

DOI: 10.1051/m2an:2007053


Konstantinos Chrysafinos


and Noel J. Walkington


Abstract. We propose and analyze a semi Lagrangian method for the convection-diffusion equa- tion. Error estimates for both semi and fully discrete finite element approximations are obtained for convection dominated flows. The estimates are posed in terms of the projections constructed in [Chrysafinos and Walkington, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 43 (2006) 2478–2499; Chrysafinos and Walkington, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 44 (2006) 349–366] and the dependence of various constants upon the diffusion parameter is characterized. Error estimates independent of the diffusion constant are obtained when the velocity field is computed exactly.

Mathematics Subject Classification. 65M60, 65M15.

Received November 1st, 2005. Revised June 26, 2006 and January 22, 2007.

1. Introduction

We consider the approximation of solutions of the convection diffusion equation:

ut+V.∇u−∆u=f, (t, x)(0, T)×Ω, (1.1) subject to boundary and initial conditions

u|Γ0=g0, ∂u/∂n|Γ1=g, u|t=0=u0.

Here Ω Rd is a Lipschitz domain, ¯Γ0Γ¯1 =∂Ω, and V : Ω Rd is a prescribed velocity field. We are particularly interested in the situation where the coefficient >0 is small. Approximations of this equation experience many of the problems encountered in fluid simulations; for example, boundary layers form when competition between the convection and viscous terms gives rise to large gradients. Convection dominated flows typically exhibit features on scales too fine to resolve with a practical mesh, so the analysis of any numerical scheme for this problem should be valid for coarse meshes with mesh size h (large cell Peclet numbers).

Issues that complicate the analysis of schemes to approximate the convection diffusion equation include:

Keywords and phrases. Convection diffusion, moving meshes, Lagrangian formulation.

N.J. Walkington was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grants DMS–0208586 and ITR 0086093. This work was also supported by the NSF through the Center for Nonlinear Analysis.

1 Current address: Department of Mathematics, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece. chrysafinos@ins.uni-bonn.de

2 Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA.noelw@cmu.edu

c EDP Sciences, SMAI 2008 Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.esaim-m2an.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/m2an:2007053


(1) The diffusion (or coercivity) constant frequently appears in the denominator of constants bounding the error. For example, Gronwall arguments typically give rise to constants of the form exp(Ct/).

Eliminating this undesirable dependence is the focus of this paper. We analyze “semi-Lagrangian”

algorithms and develop error estimates with constants bounded as 0 when the velocity field is computed exactly. The schemes are “semi-Lagrangian” in the sense that the transformation from Eulerian to Lagrangian coordinates is reinitialized at each time step. This is required since the “flow map” relating these two coordinate systems loses regularity (at an exponential rate) for all but the simplest velocity fields.

(2) When the diffusion constant is small the solutions are not regular in the sense higher Sobolev norms of the solution are unbounded as0.

A practical way to circumvent this issue is to use a posteriori error estimates to drive local mesh refinement. Thea prioriestimates (independent of) obtained here are required as a first step of this approach.

The use of Lagrangian and Eulerian-Lagrangian descriptions for incompressible fluids has been proposed by several authors for both analytical and computational purposes. In [1, 17, 18], several issues regarding the implementation of the finite element method for the Navier Stokes equations in a Lagrangian coordinate system were discussed. In particular, note that in [17] a dynamic-mesh finite element method has been proposed and several computational issues were addressed in the Lagrangian framework.

The main advantage of posing equation (1.1) in Lagrangian coordinates is that the convective term vanishes and interfaces are naturally tracked; however, as time evolves this change of variables becomes very badly conditioned in the sense that the norm of the Jacobian and its inverse grow exponentially. In the context of a numerical scheme this results in tangled meshes causing the algorithm to fail. To circumvent this problem the algorithm in [17] remeshes the domain at each time step. This naturally leads to the study of moving mesh discontinuous in time finite element methods in the Lagrangian frame. Despite the extensive literature, especially in engineering, rigorous numerical analysis of such algorithms has not been addressed before even for the convection-diffusion equations. The theory for discontinuous Galerkin schemes1[23] provides a natural setting for the analysis of such schemes and this approach is adopted below. Results for an algorithm for incompressible fluids using an Eulerian-Lagrangian description with implicit Euler time steps were presented in [10, 11]. The main focus of our analysis is the development of error estimates applicable to higher order elements; these results appear to be new.

1.1. Symmetric error estimates and related results

When the parameter > 0 in (1.1) is small the solution loses regularity in the sense that various Sobolev norms become unbounded; indeed, physically interesting problems exhibit layers and other irregular structures.

Since these norms appear in interpolation estimates, the classical theory breaks down. This motivated the development of “symmetric” error estimates by Dupont and Liu [14]. In general, ifu∈U is approximated by uh∈Uh, then a symmetric estimate for a norm.takes the form

u−uh ≤C inf

vh∈Uhu−vh, (1.2)

or more generally

u−uh ≤Cu−Ph(u),

wherePh:U →Uh is a projection. This is motivated by the fact that the solutionuis often piecewise smooth, and symmetric estimates then show that high order numerical schemes combined with mesh refinement can be used to effectively reduce the size of the right hand side. This contrasts with classical approaches which would typically dismiss higher order approximations due to a lack of global regularity.

1Classically discontinuous Galerkin methods for parabolic problems were discontinuous only in time, and this is the approach considered here. Recently methods were developed that are discontinuous in both space and time [2].


A second problem encountered with numerical approximations of (1.1) is the dependence of various constants upon. A well known example of this arises with Galerkin approximations of the classical weak statement:




= T


fv+ T



gv, v|Γ0= 0. (1.3)

The constant appearing in (1.2) for approximate solutions computed using this weak statement takes the form C exp(tVL(Ω)/). Numerical experiments show that, for coarse meshes, Gibbs phenomena associated with the layers grow exponentially, indicating that this constant is sharp. It is also well known that for fine meshes (cell Peclet number small) the classical scheme gives very good answers; however, such meshes may be prohibitively fine.

To circumvent the exponential dependence of constants upon 1/formulations have been developed to better accommodate the convective term. Such formulations include moving mesh methods [14, 16], time dependent basis functions [2], and Lagrangian or semi-Lagrangian (also called characteristic Galerkin) methods [3, 13, 15].

An overview of these methods is given in Section 2 below. One feature common to all of these methods is the introduction of coordinates aligned with the characteristic directions of the vector field V. In unit time the Jacobian of this change of variables becomes ill conditioned, even for smooth vector fieldsV. Frequently this degeneracy is neglected so the resulting analysis should only be considered applicable for short times.

This omission may be subtle since it can implicitly appear in hypotheses concerning the norm of various projection operators or hypotheses on mesh quality. The development of fast and reliable parallel meshing algorithms [17, 22] provides a practical solution to this problem. Below we show that the projection errors associated with frequent remeshing of the domain can be controlled and derive error estimates with constants independent of.

1.2. Notation

Below C denotes a constant depending only on the (bounded Lipschitz) domain Ω which may change from occurrence to occurrence. The space of square integrable functions on Ω is denoted byL2(Ω), and the Sobolev space of functions having m > 0 square integrable derivatives on Ω is denoted by Hm(Ω). The subspace of functions in H1(Ω) which vanish on the boundary is denoted byH01(Ω), and the dual ofH01(Ω) is denoted by H−1(Ω). TheL2(Ω) inner product is written as (·,·) and·,· ≡ ·,·(H−1(Ω),H01(Ω)) denotes the duality paring between the indicated spaces. IfX is a Banach space, notation of the formL2[0, T;X],H1[0, T;X],etc., is used to denote the spaces of functions from [0, T] toX with the indicated regularity.

To accommodate transformations between the Eulerian and Lagrangian coordinates equivalent weighted L2(Ω) and H1(Ω) norms are introduced which are denoted asH(t) = (H, · H(t)) andU(t) = (U, · U(t)) respectively. The norms of these spaces depend upon time. The pivot spaces H(t) have inner product (u, v)H(t) = (J(t)u, v)H for an appropriate mapping J (related to the transformation). It is assumed that U(t)⊂H(t) with embedding constant independent of time, and we will frequently use notation of the form

u2L2[0,T;U(.)]= T



to indicate the temporal regularity of functions with values inU(.). The dual of space ofU(.) is denoted byU(.).

2. Moving meshes, time dependent bases, and Lagrangian methods

In this section we survey some of the ideas proposed to enhance the performance of numerical schemes for the convection diffusion equation. In particular, the similarities between numerical schemes that exploit moving meshes, Lagrangian coordinates, and time dependent basis functions are highlighted. These formula- tions are related through changes of variable conveniently described by “flow maps”, which we introduce next.


While this material is standard, it is convenient to recall the constructions and introduce notation to distinguish the various subtitles that arise.

2.1. Flow maps

Given a smooth velocity field ˜V = ˜V(t, x) the associated flow map,x=χ(t, X), satisfies

x(t, X˙ ) = ˜V(t, x(t, X)), x(0, X) =X, (2.1) (the dot indicating the partial derivative with respect to time with X fixed). Recall that when ˜V is smooth χ(t, .) :RdRd is a diffeomorphism, and the JacobianF=F(t, X) = [∂xi/∂Xα] satisfies

F˙(t, X) = (xV˜(t, x))F(t, X), F(0, X) =I, x=χ(t, X). (2.2) The determinant J = det(F) satisfies ˙J = Jdivx( ˜V). In the mechanics literature X is referred to as the Lagrangian or reference variable andxthe Eulerian or spatial variable.

For a fixed domain ΩrRd let Ω(t) =χ(t,r). The normalnr=nr(X) to Ωrand normaln=n(t, x) to Ω are related by the formula

n(t, x) =



(t, X), X ∈∂Ωr, x=χ(t, X).


V˜(t, x).nr(X) = 0, X ∈∂Ωr, x=χ(t, X),

then Ωr = Ω(t) = Ω is invariant, soχis a diffeomorphism from Ωr to itself. To minimize the technical detail, it will be assumed that Γ0 =χ(t,Γ0r) and Γ1=χ(t,Γ1r) are independent of time. This requires ˜V to vanish on ¯Γ0Γ¯1.

Introducing the change of variablesu(t, x(X, t)) = ˆu(t, X) we compute uˆt=ut+ ˜V .∇xu, xu=F−TXu,ˆ ∆u= 1


2.2. Lagrangian formulation

Ifu=u(t, x) is the solution of (1.1), then ˆu(t, X)≡u(t, x(t, X)) satisfies uˆt+ (V −V˜)F−T.∇Xuˆ(/J) divX


= ˆf, (t, X)(0, T)×r,

where ˆf(t, X) = f(t, x(t, X)). Upon recalling that ˙J = Jdivx( ˜V) this equation can be recast into the form considered in [7]

(Ju)ˆ t+

divx( ˜Vu+ (V −V˜)F−T.∇Xuˆ



=Jf.ˆ (2.3) The natural weak problem associated with this description is (ˆu−gˆ0)|Γ0r = 0




uˆt+ (V −V˜).F−TXuˆ

vˆ+(F−TXu).(Fˆ −TXˆv) J =




Jfˆvˆ+ T



gˆvJˆ |F−Tnr|. (2.4) By analogy with the classical weak problem (1.3) we expect the constant appearing in the error estimate for approximations of this weak statement to be of the form exp(tV −V˜2L[0,T;L(Ω)]/). While the choice


of ˜V V eliminates the dependence in the “Gronwall constant”, other constants associated with the change of variables occur; for example,

J−1/2−1L(Ωr)ˆuL2(Ωr)≤ uL2(Ω)≤ J1/2L(Ωr)uˆL2(Ωr), and

J−1/2FT−1L(Ωr)XuˆL2(Ωr)≤ ∇xuL2(Ω)≤ J1/2F−TL(Ωr)XuˆL2(Ωr). Upon recalling that the Jacobian satisfies (2.2) we expect



, and J±1(t)L(Ωr)exp

divx( ˜V)t ,

where . ≡ .L[0,T;L(Ω)]. The constants appearing in various error estimates will suffer from the same deterioration with large t. However, if F(0) = I (so that J(0) = 1), then for short times the norms are comparable and this motivates semi-Lagrangian schemes which re-initialize the transformation to the identity at the beginning of each time step.

2.2.1. Semi-0 or characteristic 0 methods

The characteristic Galerkin method of [3] can be viewed as an Euler time discretization of the Lagrangian form of the equations. If the initial condition for the flow map is taken asx(tn, X) =X, thenF(tn, X) =Iand J(tn, X) = 1 so thatXu(tˆ n, X) =∇xu(tn, x). The implicit Euler approximation of the weak problem (2.4) with ˜V =V on the interval (tn−1, tn) becomes


(1/τ)(un−un−1(χ(tn−1, .))v+∇un.∇v=




g(tn)v, v|Γ0(tn)=0.

It is common to approximateun−1(χ(tn−1, x)) byun−1(x−V(tn, x)τ) whereτ=tn−tn−1 is the time step [3];

however, more accurate quadrature formulae can be used [21].

2.3. Time dependent basis functions

Traditional finite element approximations of evolution problems construct time dependent functions as tensor products. That is, approximate solutionsuh=uh(t, x) take the form

uh(t, x) =



where, for example,i}may be the traditional Lagrange interpolation functions. One approach to circumvent- ing the difficulties encountered with traditional Galerkin approximations of the convection diffusion problems is to modify the basis functionsi}so that they are better adapted to the solution. One possibility is to consider basis functions that may depend additionally upon time (seee.g.[2])

uh(t, x) =


φi(t, x)ui(t).

Denote this semi-discrete class of space-time basis functions by Uh. Then uht+V.∇uh=



φit+V.∇φi ui.


Figure 1. Classical finite element basis functions are constructed by composing basis functions on the reference simplex with a mapχ: ˆK→K.

Whenφit+V.∇φi= 0 it follows thatuht+V.∇uh∈ Uh. To see how this simplifies the convection terms, let ˜uh be theL2[0, T;L2(Ω)] projection ofuontoUh and set ˜eh= ˜uh−uh. IfV.nvanishes on∂Ω then



eht+V.∇˜eh)vh =

e˜hvh|T0 T


e˜h(vht+V.∇vh) + div(V)˜ehvh


e˜hvh|T0 T



The final expression doesn’t contain gradients, so could be used to derive error estimates independent of . Notice that requiring φit+V.∇φi = 0 is just the statement that φi is independent of t in the Lagrangian coordinates (t, X). In this context it is clear that algorithms with such time dependent basis functions will give similar results to algorithms based upon Lagrangian variables. Of course it is not clear how to construct such basis functions which also belong toL2[0, T;H1(Ω)]; the moving meshes discussed next is one possibility.

2.4. Moving meshes

One method of adapting the mesh to the solution of an evolution equation is to let the mesh evolve with the solution [5, 19, 20]. For convection dominated problems it is natural to let the mesh points flow along the streamlines (characteristics) of (an approximation of) the velocity.

Recall that for each mesh cell K, the classical finite element construction introduces a reference simplex ˆK and a mappingχ: ˆK→K determined by

x=χ(X) =


ψˆi(X)xi X ∈K.ˆ

Here {xi} are the nodes of K and ˆi}, are Lagrange basis functions with ˆψi(Xj) = δij, where {Xi} are the corresponding nodes of ˆK (see Fig. 1). The approximation,uh(t, x), ofu(t, x) onx∈K is typically given by

uh(t, x(X)) =




φi(x)ui(t), X ∈K,ˆ

where {ui(t)} are the values ofuh at the grid points and φi = ˆφi◦χ−1 are the corresponding basis functions onK.


Consider next the situation where the grid points may move,xi =xi(t). Then x=χ(t, X) =


ψ(X)xˆ i(t), and x(t, X˙ ) =


ψ(Xˆ )vi(t),

where vi(t) = ˙xi(t) is the velocity of the ith node. Let K(t) = χ(t,K) be the mesh cell at timeˆ t and let ψi(t, .) :K(t)→Rbe given by ψi(t, .) = ˆψi◦χ−1(t, .). Define the velocity field ˜V on K(t) by ˜V = ˙x◦χ−1 so that ˜V(t, x(t, X)) = ˙x(t, X). Thenχis the flow map associated with ˜V and if ˙xi(t) =V(t, xi(t)) for a specified velocity fieldV, then ˜V is the (isoparametric) interpolant ofV onK; ˜V(t, x) = iψi(t, x)V(t, xi(t)).

Next, define the approximationuh ofuby

uˆh(t, X) =uh(t, x(t, X)) =


φˆi(X)ui(t), X ∈K,ˆ

and introduce the time dependent basis functionsφi(t, x) = ˆφi◦χ−1(t, x). Then uh(t, x) =


φi(t, x)ui(t), x∈K(t),

gives a representation in terms of time dependent basis functions as in the previous section. The relationship with the Lagrangian formulation is apparent from the computation

uˆht(t, X) =uht(t, x)−V˜(t, x).xuh(t, x) =


φi(t, x) ˙ui(t), x=χ(t, X).

3. Semi-discrete scheme

In this section error estimates are developed for numerical schemes based upon the weak problem (2.4).

Specifically, if ˆUh ⊂H1(Ωr) is a finite dimensional subspace of functions vanishing on Γ0r with basis i} we seek ˆuhof the form

uˆh(t, X) = ˆg0h(t, X) +


φi(X)ˆui(t) satisfying




uˆht+ (V −V˜).F−TXuˆh


J = T



fˆvˆhJ+ T



gˆvˆhJ|F−Tnr|, (3.1) for all ˆvh L2[0, T; ˆUh]. Here ˆg0h H1(Ωr) is an approximate lifting of the non-homogeneous boundary valuesg0to the Lagrangian coordinates. The velocity ˜V is an approximation of the velocity fieldV (for example the isoparametric approximation appearing in Sect. 2.4) and F is the Jacobian of the flow map introduced in Section 2.1.

Notice that writing (3.1) in terms of the Eulerian variables gives a Galerkin approximation of weak prob- lem (1.3) with time dependent basis functions on a moving mesh.

To reduce the technical detail it will be assumed that ˜V .n=V.n= 0 on∂Ω, so that Ω = Ωrand ˜V|Γ0∩Γ1 = 0 so that Γ0r and Γ1r are independent of time. The major simplification realized by this assumption occurs with the fully discrete scheme where the reference configuration is updated every (few) time step(s) to the cur- rent configuration, Ω(tn), and remeshed. This assumption eliminates the error associated with approximating


the domain Ω(tn) by a finite element mesh Ωh(tn) and constructing subspaces of functions which vanish on Γ0r. While Ωr and Ω coincide as sets, it is convenient to retain the notational distinction to distinguish between integrals with respect to the Lagrangian and Eulerian variables.

Notation. Integrals over the reference domain Ωr will be with respect to the Lagrangian variable X and integrals over Ω will be with respect tox. That is,




u(X) dX,ˆ and


u(x) dx.

3.1. Projections

Projections will be used in an essential fashion to derive error estimates that do not depend uponut. The Jacobian of the flow mapχ: ΩrΩ corresponding to the 0 field ˜V is denoted byF, and its determinant byJ.

Define theweighted projections ˆPh(t) :L2(Ωr)→Uˆh by:



J(t, .)(ˆv−Pˆh(t)ˆv)ˆvh= 0 ∀ˆvh∈Uˆh.

Let the corresponding time dependent (Eulerian) subspacesUh(t)⊂L2(Ω) be those obtained under the change of variable Uh(t) ={uˆh◦χ−1|uˆh Uˆh}. The (unweighted) orthogonal projection Ph(t) : L2(Ω) Uh(t) is related to ˆPh byPhu= ( ˆPhu)ˆ ◦χ−1.

We emphasize that the functions in Uˆh are constructed using standard finite element basis functions. The time dependent (Eulerian) subspaces Uh(t)are only implicitly defined, and are only used in the analysis.

Similarly, we define the generalized weightedL2(Ω) projections ˆQh(t) : ˆU→Uˆhby Qˆh(t)ˆv∈Uˆh,


J(t, .)( ˆQh(t)ˆv) ˆwh=ˆv,wˆh ∀wˆh∈Uˆh.

Qˆh(t) is an extension of ˆPhwhen ˆU →H(t)→Uˆ, andH(t) is the spaceL2(Ωr) with weighted inner product, (ˆu,ˆv)H(t)=


ˆuˆvJ(t, .).

This projection will be used to derive error estimates for the time derivative in L2[0, T;U]. By changing variables the corresponding generalized projectionQh(t) :U→Uh(t) in the Eulerian variables may be defined.

The relationship between the operators is illustrated in the commutative diagram shown in Figure 2.

In Figure 2ι:Uh(t)→U is the inclusion map andι :U→Uh(t) is the dual map: ι(u)(vh) =u(vh◦ι) = u(vh), and the notation (◦χ) :U Uˆ is used to indicate the mapping (◦χ)(u) =u◦χ and (◦χ) : ˆU →U is the dual map: (◦χ)u)(v) = ˆu(v◦χ). The rightmost two columns of the diagram illustrate the Reisz isomorphism between the finite dimensional spaces and their duals associated with the indicated inner product.

The composite mapping from the leftmost column to the rightmost is the identity map (so the diagram commutes if the first and last column are identified). The projection Qh(t) is the mapping from U to Uh(t) on the top row, and ˆQ(t) is the corresponding map on the bottom row.

The approximation properties of ˆPhand ˆQh in various norms are considered in Section 3.3 below.

3.2. Error estimates for weak problem (3.1)

In this section error estimates for approximate solutions of weak problem (2.4) computed using (3.1) are developed. Estimates of the erroru−uhL[0,T;L2(Ω)]and its convective time derivativeu˙ −u˙hL2[0,T;U]are established.


Uh(t) ι U → H =L2(Ω) U ι Uh(t) RH Uh(t)

◦χ↓ ◦χ↓ (◦χ) (◦χ) ↓ ◦χ Uˆh ˆι U ˆ H(t) = (L2(Ωr),.H(t)) Uˆ ˆι Uˆh RH(t) Uˆh

Figure 2. Commutative diagram relating the dual and pivot spaces. The embeddings are injective, and the mappingsare surjective.

If ˆuis a solution of (2.4) and ˆuh a solution of (3.1), the orthogonality condition will be used frequently,


ˆet+ (V −V˜).F−TXˆe

vˆh+(F−TXe).(Fˆ −TXˆvh)

J = 0 ∀ˆvh∈Uˆh, (3.2)

where ˆe= ˆu−uˆh. The next theorem bounds the errors in the natural normsL2[0, T;L2(Ω)] andL2[0, T;H1(Ω)]

even though the approximate solution is computed in Lagrangian coordinates.

Theorem 3.1. Let Uˆh ⊂H1(Ωr)be a finite dimensional subspace of functions vanishing on Γ0r, and assume that V,V˜ ∈L2[0, T;L(Ω)]anddiv( ˜V)∈L1[0, T;L(Ω)] andV.n= ˜V .n= 0 on∂Ω.

If u,ˆ uˆh are the solutions of(2.4)and(3.1)respectively and e=u−uh, then e2L[0,T;L2(Ω)]+(/2)∇xe2L2[0,T;L2(Ω)]≤C2


, (3.3)

whereep= (u−g0h)−Ph(.)(u−g0h)and C= exp

(1/)V −V˜2L2[0,T;L(Ω)]+ (1/2)div( ˜V)L1[0,T;L(Ω)]


In the above the hat(.)ˆ denotes a Lagrangian variable related to the corresponding Eulerian variable byuˆ=u◦χ where χ is the the flow map associated with V˜ (Eq. (2.1)). In particular, Uh(t) = {uˆ◦χ−1 | ˆu∈ Uˆh}, and Ph(t) :L2(Ω)→Uh(t)is the orthogonal projection.

Proof. Write ˆup= ˆg0h+ ˆPhu−gˆ0h), and decompose the error as

eˆ≡uˆ−uˆh= (ˆu−uˆp) + (ˆup−uˆh) = ˆep+ ˆeh.

By construction ˆeh∈Uˆh, and selecting ˆvh= ˆe−eˆp in the orthogonality condition (3.2) shows


ˆet+ (V −V˜).F−TXˆe

ˆeJ+|F−TXeˆ|2J =


eˆt+ (V −V˜).F−TXeˆ

eˆpJ+(F−TXe).(Fˆ −TXeˆp)J. (3.4) Note that


ˆetˆeJ =


ˆe2 2J



eˆ2 2Jt

= d



eˆ2 2J−



2Jdivx( ˜V)

= d


e2 2


2 divx( ˜V).


We emphasize that ˆeh(t)∈Uˆh for a.et∈(0, T], and, since ˆUhis independent oft, ˆeht∈Uˆh. Also, ˆep= ˆu−uˆp= (ˆu−gˆ0h)−Pˆh(.)(ˆu−ˆg0h)⊥Uˆh,

where, at each time, the orthogonality is with respect to theJ-weightedL2(Ωr) norm. Therefore


ˆetˆepJ =


ept+ ˆehtepJ =



= d



(1/2)divx( ˜V)e2p,

whereep= (u−g0h)−Ph(.)(u−g0h) is the Eulerian projection error; ˆep=ep◦χ.

The convective terms may be bounded as:


(V −V˜).F−TXeˆ ˆeJ =

(V −V˜).xe e

V −V˜2L(Ω)


4xe2L2(Ω), and similarly,


(V −V˜).F−TXeˆ

ˆepJ≤ V −V˜2L(Ω)






4xe2L2(Ω)+xep2L2(Ω). Substituting the above estimates into (3.4)

1 2

d dt

e2L2(Ω)− ep2L2(Ω)




(1/)V −V˜2L(Ω)+ (1/2)divx( ˜V)L(Ω)


This estimate takes the form d

dt(a−α) + (b−β)≤C(t)(a+α) =C(t)(a−α) + 2C(t)α, where each quantity is non-negative. Gronwall’s argument shows

a(T) + T


µ(s, T)b(s) ds≤µ(0, T)a(0) + 2µ(0, T) max

0≤s≤Tα(s) + T


µ(s, T)β(s) ds,

whereµ(s, t) = exp(t

sC(ξ) dξ) is the integrating factor.

The above result contains constants similar to the those in [14, 16], which take the form “approximation of convection/diffusion”. For convective dominated flows the exponential dependence on the diffusion constant can be eliminated using a sufficiently accurate approximation of the velocity field.

Using the projections introduced above, an error estimate for the convective time derivative can be obtained in L2[0, T;U].


Theorem 3.2. In addition to the assumptions of Theorem3.1assumediv(V)anddiv( ˜V)are inL2[0, T;L(Ω)], and letCQ=CQ(T)be the stability constant of the projectionQhwith respect to theH1(Ω)norm characterized by

Qh(t)wH1(Ω)≤CQwH1(Ω), and w−Qh(t)wH1(Ω)≤CQwH1(Ω), for allw∈U and0≤t≤T. Then

e˙2L2[0,T;U] 3CQ2



V −V˜2L2[0,T;L(Ω)]+div(V −V˜)2L2[0,T;L(Ω)]



wheree=u−uh ande˙=et+ ˜V .∇xe denotes the convective derivative.

Remark. In Section 3.3 explicit bounds are obtained for the constantCQ in terms of the flow map and its derivatives.

Proof. If ˆw∈Uˆ, the orthogonality condition (3.2) may be used to obtain


eˆtwJˆ =


ˆet( ˆw−Qˆhw)Jˆ +





ˆet( ˆw−Qˆhw)Jˆ


(V −V˜).(F−TXe) ˆˆQhwJˆ +(F−TXˆe).(F−TXQˆhw))J.ˆ The definition of the projection allows the first term on the right to be written as


eˆt( ˆw−Qˆhw)Jˆ =


uˆt( ˆw−Qˆhw)Jˆ =


ut−Qˆhuˆt)( ˆw−Qˆhw)Jˆ


( ˙u−Qhu)(w˙ −Qhw).

Substituting this into the previous expression and writing the right hand side in terms of Eulerian variables gives


eˆtwJˆ =

( ˙u−Qhu)(w˙ −Qhw)−(V −V˜).(∇xe)Qhw+(∇xe).(∇xQhw)


( ˙u−Qhu)(w˙ −Qhw)−edivx

Qhw(V −V˜)


The last line was obtained upon integration by parts and noting that the boundary term vanishes since (V −V˜).n= 0 on Γ1. Then

ew˙ ≤ u˙−Qhu˙Uw−QhwH1(Ω)


V −V˜2L(Ω)+div(V −V˜)2L(Ω)


QhwH1(Ω)+xeL2(Ω)xQhwL2(Ω). Using the stability hypothesis to bound QhwH1(Ω) byCQwH1(Ω), and taking the supremum overw ∈U shows

e˙U ≤CQ


V −V˜2L(Ω)+divx(V −V˜)2L(Ω)


eL2(Ω)+xeL2(Ω) . Squaring both sides and integrating with respect to time completes the proof.


While there is no direct dependence onF andJ, an implicit dependence appears through the approximation properties of the projectionsPh(t) andQh(t).

3.3. Interpolation in weighted spaces

In this section the approximation properties of the time dependent projections ˆPh(t) are considered. The approximate solutions are constructed using standard finite element meshes to triangulate Ωr; however, the standard approximation theory is not immediately applicable since the.L2(Ω)and .H1(Ω) norms appearing in the error estimate become time dependent weighted norms when expressed in terms of the Lagrangian variables.

Define the norm.H(t)and semi-norm|.|U(t) on ˆU by ˆu2H(t)=


uˆ2J(t, .) and |ˆu|2U(t)=


(∇Xu)ˆ TF(t, .)−1F(t, .)−TXu J(t, .).ˆ

As aboveJ = det(F) whereF is the Jacobian of the flow mapx=χ(t, X) satisfying equation (2.1) with velocity field ˜V. If ˆu(X) =u(x(t, X)) then

uL2(Ω)=ˆuH(t), and |u|H1(Ω)=|ˆu|U(t).

Error estimates in the weighted norms are obtained by showing that .H(t) is equivalent to the unweighted norm.H(0)=.L2(Ωr), and similarly for|.|U(t). The following elementary application of Gronwall’s inequality is used to accomplish this.

Proposition 3.3. Let X be a linear space and{|.|X(t)}t≥0 be family of semi norms on X, and suppose there existsCX(t)0 such that for eachx∈X

−CX(t)|x|2X(t)(1/2)(d/dt)|x|2X(t)≤CX(t)|x|2X(t). Then for each x∈X ands≤t,



sCX(.)≤ |x|X(t)≤ |x|X(s)e



Upon recalling that ˙J =Jdivx( ˜V) and ˙F = (∇xV˜)F, so that2(F−T). =−(∇xV˜)TF−T, direct calculation shows that for ˆu∈Uˆ fixed,



uˆ2Jdivx( ˜V), (3.5)


(d/dt)|ˆu|2U(t) =


(Xu)ˆ TF−1

− ∇xV˜ (xV˜)T+ divx( ˜V)I

F−TXu J.ˆ (3.6) In the mechanics literature D( ˜V) = (1/2)(xV˜ + (xV˜)T) is called the stretching tensor and measures the shearing rate. It follows that

ˆuH(0)e−C0(t)≤ ˆuH(t)≤ uˆH(0)eC0(t), and |ˆu|U(0)e−C1(t)≤ |ˆu|U(t)≤ |ˆu|U(0)eC1(t), where

C0(t) = (1/2)divx( ˜V)L1[0,t,L(Ω)], and C1(t) =C0(t) +D( ˜V)L1[0,t,L(Ω)]. (3.7) The following lemma combines these estimates with standard finite element interpolation estimates, [9], to bound the various projection estimates in the weighted spaces.

2The derivative ofF−T is found by differentiatingFTF−T =I.


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