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Lp1 - Lp2 version of miyachi's theorem for the q-dunkl transform on the real line


Academic year: 2021

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Version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q -Dunkl Transform on the Real Line

Radouan Daher

D´epartement de Math´ematiques et d I’nformatique, Facult´e des Siences, Universit´e Hassan II, BP. 5366, Maarif, Casablanca, Morocco.

ra daher@yahoo.fr

Abdelmajid Khadari

D´epartement de Math´ematiques et d’Informatique, Facult´e des Siences, Universit´e Hassan II, BP. 5366, Maarif, Casablanca, Morocco.



This paper deals with Miyachi’s theorem for theq-Dunkl Transform introduced and studied in [3].

Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 33D60, 39A12, 44A20 Keywords: Hardy uncertainty principle, Miyachi’s theorem, q-Dunkl Trans- form, q-Fourier analysis

1 Introduction

In harmonic analysis, the uncertainty principle states that a function and its Fourier transform can not simultaneously decrease very quickyl. In the literature, this fact is in general given by the way of some inequalities involving a functionf and its Fourier transform ˆf. One of the famous formulations of the uncertainty principle is stated by the so-called Hardy’s theorem (see [8, 12, 11]), which assert that if


x∈Ê|eax2f(x)|<∞, sup

λ∈Ê|e2f(λ)ˆ |<∞ and ab > 1 4, then f 0.


In [4], M. G. Cowling and J. F. Price obtained and Lp version of Hardy’s theorem by showing that for p, n∈[1,+] with at least one of them is finite, if eax2f(x)p <+, e2fˆ(λ)n<+ and ab > 14, then f = 0.

Generalization of these results in both classical and quantum analysis have been revealed (see [2, 6, 9, 5, 17, 18]) and many versions of Hardy uncertainty principles were obtained for several generalized Fourier transforms.

In [3], Bettaibi et al. introduced and studied a q-analogue of the classical Bessel-Dunkl transform (q-Dunkl transform). In particular they provided, for this transform, a Plancherel formula and proved an invertion theorem. In this paper, we state an Lp1 +Lp2 version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q-Dunkl transform FDα,q(f).

This paper is oganized as follows: in Section 2, we present some preliminaries notions and notations useful in the sequel. In Section 3, we recall and state some results and properties from the theory of the q-Dunkl operator and the q-Dunkl transform (see [3]). Section 4 is devoted to give anLp1+Lp2 version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q-Dunkl transform FDα,q. Section 5 by the applica- tion of the of Miyachi’s Theorem proved in section 4, we deduce the Miyachi’s theorem for the q2-analogue Fourier transform and a corollay for the q-Bessel transform.

2 Notations and preliminaries

Throughtout this paper, we assume q∈]0,1[, we refer to the general reference [10] for the definitions, notations and properties of the q-shifted factorials and the q-hypergeometric functions.

We write Rq={±qn :n∈Z}, Rq,+ ={qn:n Z},

[x]q = 1−qx

1−q , x∈C and [n]q! = (q, q)n

(1−q)n, n∈N. (1) The q2-analogue differential operator is (see [15, 16])

q(f)(z) =


2(1−q)z if z = 0

limx→0q(f)(x) (in Rq) if z = 0 (2) Remark that iff is differentiable atz, then lim

q→1q(f)(x) =f(z). A repeated application of the q2-analogue diffential operator is denoted by:

q0f =f, qn+1f =q(∂qnf).


The following lemma lists some useful computational properties of q.

Lemma 2.1 1. For all function f onRq,∂qf(z) = fe(q−1(1−q)zz−fe(z))+fo(z−f(1−q)zo(qz)). 2. For two functions f and g on Rq, we have

if f is even and g is odd,

q(f g)(z) = q∂q(f)(qz)g(z)+f(qz)∂q(g)(z) =q(g)(z)f(z)+qg(qz)∂q(f)(qz);

if f and g are even,

q(f g)(z) = q(f)(z)g(q−1z) +f(z)∂q(g)(z).

Here, for a function f defined on Rq, fe and fo are its even and odd parts respectively.

Proof: The proof is straightforward (we refer to [3])

The operator q induces a q-analogue of the classical exponential function (see [15, 16])

e(z;q2) = +∞


an zn

[n]q!, with a2n=a2n+1 =qn(n+1). (3) The q-jackson integrals are defined by (see [13])



f(x)dqx= (1−q)a +∞


qnf(aqn), b


f(x)dqx= b


f(x)dqx− a





f(x)dq = (1−q) +∞



and +∞


f(x)dq = (1−q) +∞


qnf(qn) + (1−q) +∞


qnf(−qn) provided the sums converge absolutely.

The q-gamma function is given by (see [13]) Γq(x) = (q;q)

(qx, q)(1−q)1−x, x= 0,1,2, ...

In what follows, we will need the following sets and spaces:


Lq (Rq) =

f :f∞,q = sup




Lpα,q(Rq) =

f :fp,α,q =+∞

−∞ |f(x)|p|x|2α+1dqx




3 The q -Dunkl operator and the q -Dunkl trans- form

In this section we collect some basic properties of the q-Dunkl operator and the q-Dunkl transform introduced in [3], useful in the sequel.

Forα ≥ −12, the q-Dunkl operator is defined by

Λα,q(f)(x) =q[Hα,q(f)](x) + [2α+ 1]qf(x)−f(−x)

2x ,


Hα,q :f =fe+fo →fe+q2α+1fo. It was shown in [3] that for each λ∈C, the function

ψλα,q :→jα(λx;q2) + iλx

[2α+ 2]qjα+1(λx;q2) (4) is the unique solution of the q-diffentiel equation:

Λα,q(f) = iλf f(0) = 1,

wherejα(.;q2) is the normalized third Jackson’sq-Bessel function given by

jα(x;q2) = +∞


(1)n qn(n+1)

(q2;q2)n(q2(α+1);q2)n((1−q)x)2n. (5) The function ψλα,q, has an unique extension to C× C and we have the following properties.

ψα,q(x) =ψα,qλ (ax) =ψα,qax(λ), ∀a, x, λC.


For α=12,ψα,q(x) = e(iλx;q2) and for α >−12, ψα,q has the following q-integral representation of Mehler type

ψα,q(x) = (1 +q)Γq2(α+ 1) 2Γq2(12q2(α+ 12)




(t2q2α+1;q2)(1 +t)e(iλxt;q2)dqt.


For all x, λ∈Rq,

λα,q(x)|< 4

(q;q). (7)

The q-Dunkl transform FDα,q is defined onL1α,q(Rq) (see [3]) by FDα,q(f)(λ) = cα,q




f(x)ψ−λα,q(x)|x|2α+1dqx, where


2 = (1 +q)−α Γq2(α+ 1). It satisfies the following properties:

Forα =12,FDα,q is the q2-analogue Fourier transform ˆf(.;q2) given (see [15, 16])

f(λ;ˆ q2) = (1 +q)12q2(12)




On the even functions space, FDα,q coincides with theq-Bessel transform given by (see [3])

Fα,q(f)(λ) =cα,q +∞



For all f ∈L1α,q(Rq), we have:

FDα,q∞,q 2cα,q

(q;q)f1,α,q. (8)

the q-Dunkl transform FDα,q is an isomorphism from L2α,q(Rq) onto itself and satisfies the following Plancherel formula and the inversion theorem:

∀f ∈L2α,q(Rq),FDα,q(f)2,α,q =f2,α,q (9) and

(FDα,q)−1(f)(λ) =FDα,q(f)(−λ), λ∈C.


4 L




-version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q -Dunkl Transform on the Real Line

In this section, we shall state an Lp1 −Lp2-version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q-Dunkl TransformFDα,q. We begin by the tow following lemmas. The first is a deduction from the Mehler type relation (6) and ([2], Propostion 1) and the second proved by A. Miyachi in [14] (Proposition 4) .

Lemma 4.1 for all λ∈C and all x∈R, we have

λα,q(x)|<2ek|xλ|, with k= 1 +√q.

Lemma 4.2 Suppose f is an entire function on C and suppose there exist constants A, B >0 such that:

|f(z)| ≤AeB( (z))2 for all z C.

Also suppose +∞


log+|f(t)|dt <+∞.

Where log+x = logx if x > 1 and log+x = 0 if x 1 then f is a constant function.

Lemma 4.3 Let h be an entire function on C and α≥ −12, such that:

∀z C,|h(z)| ≤AeB( (z))2, for some constantsA, B >0 .




log+|h(t)||t|2α+1dt <+∞. Then h is a constant function.

Proof: we have +∞


log+|h(t)|dt= +1




log+|h(t)|dt (10)






log+|h(t)||t|2α+1dt <+ (11) h is entire, particularly is continuous, then +1

−1 log+|h(t)|dt < +, we deduce from (10) and (11) that+∞

−∞ log+|h(t)|dt <+ the Lemma 4.2 finishes the proof.

Theorem 4.4 Let a > 0, p1, p2 [1,+] and f be a function defined on Rq such that

eax2f ∈Lpα,q1 (Rq) +Lpα,q2 (Rq) (12) Then FDα,q(f) is entire on C and for all b∈]0, a[, we have:

∀z C,|FDα,q(f)(z)| ≤Cek


4b (13)

for some positive constant C.

Proof: Since zα,q(x)| ≤ 2e1+q|xz|, for all x C and t R, then from the hypothesis, the H¨older’s inequality and the analyticity theorem one deduce that FDα,q(f) is entire on C, (12) implies that there exists u1, u2 Lpα,qj (Rq) such that eax2f(x) =u1(x) +u2(x) and for all z C, we have for j = 1,2

|FDα,q(f)(z)| ≤ cα,q 2


+∞ α,qz (x)||f(x)||x|2α+1dqx

cα,q +∞



cα,q l





cα,q l




enj(k|z||x|−ax2)|x|2α+1dqx nj1

ujpj,α,q, where n1, n2 is the real satisfying p1

1 +n1

1 = p1

2 +n1

1 = 1.

Now, for b∈]0, a[, we have +∞


enj(k|z||x|−ax2)|x|2α+1dqx nj1




enj(k|z||x|−bx2)e−nj(a−b)x2|x|2α+1dqx nj1




enj(k|z|x−bx2) 1

nj +∞


e−nj(a−b)x2|x|2α+1dqx 1


= Cjek4b2|z|2, with Cj =+∞

−∞ e−nj(a−b)x2|x|2α+1dqx

nj1 . Then we have |FDα,q(f)(z)| ≤Cek


4b with C =cα,q(C1+C2).

Theorem 4.5 Let a, b >0such that ab < k42 where k =

q+ 1 andλ∈C, for a < t < k4b2 we put

hα,qt (x) = cα,q 2



ek4t2λ2ψλα,q(x)|λ|2α+1dqλ then we have :

There exists D >0 and Et>0 depend on t such that:

|eax2hα,qt (x)| ≤Et e−Dx2

For p∈[1,+]

eax2hα,qt (x)∈Lpα,q(Rq)

Proof: -We have by the use of Lemma (4.1) and we not lose generality if we assume that x≥0, for a very sall ε >0 :

|hα,qt (x)| ≤ cα,q 2




cα,q +∞



2cα,q +∞



2cα,q sup






2cα,q e

3k2 4(ε−k2






we put M =+∞

0 e−ελ2λ2α+1dqλ then we have

|eax2hα,qt (x)| ≤2M cα,q e a+

3k2 4(ε−k2



for a very small ε >0 we have a+ 3k2

4(ε−k4t2) <0 becausea < t, which finish the proof of the first statement.

-We have |eax2hα,qt (x)| ≤Et e−Dx2 for D, Et>0 then we conclude that eax2hα,qt (x)∈Lpα,q(Rq)

for p∈[1,+]

Theorem 4.6 Let a, b > 0, p1, p2 [1,+] where i = 1, ..., l and f be a function defined on Rq such that:

eax2f ∈Lpα,q1 (Rq) +Lpα,q1 (Rq) (14) and



log+ |FDα,q(f)(x)ebx2|

λ |x|2α+1dx <+ (15) for some λ >0, then

if ab > k42 then f = 0 on Rq.

if ab= k42 then f =N hα,qa where N a constant and |N| ≤λ.

if ab < k42 then there exists many functions.

Proof: Leta, b >0 and h be the function on C defined by:

h(z) =ek4a2z2FDα,q(f)(z) (16)

Case 1: (ab > k42)

from Theorem 4.4 we deduce that the functionhis entire, on other hand, we note that for a very small ε >0 we have a−ε∈]0, a[:


∀z C, |h(z)| ≤Ce k


2(a−ε)( (z))2 (17)

and +∞


log+|h(x)||x|2α+1dx =








λe(k4a2−b)x2ebx2|FDα,q(f)(x)| λ




log+λe(k4a2−b)x2|x|2α+1dx+ +∞


log+ ebx2|FDα,q(f)(x)|

λ |x|2α+1dx because log+(ρ)≤log+() +ρ for all , ρ >0, (15) implies that:



log+|h(x)||x|2α+1dx <+∞. (18) Then it follows from (17) and (18) that h satisfies the assumptions in Lemma (4.3), and thus, his a constant and

FDα,q(f)(x) = Cek4a2x2.

Since ab > k42, (15) holds whenever C = 0 and the Plancherel formula implies that f = 0 almost everywhere.

Case 2: (ab= k42)

As in the previous case, we have the relation (17) and:




λ ||x|2α+1dx =




λ ||x|2α+1dx

< + then h is a constant and we have

FDα,q(f)(x) =Cek4a2x2 =Ce−bx2. The relation (15) holds whenever |N| ≤λ


Case 3: (ab < k42)

leta < t < k4b2 by Theorem (4.5) we conclude that eax2hα,qt (x)∈Lpα,qj (Rq) for pj [1,+] and j = 1,2. Then hα,qt satisfy (14) , on the other hand, we have :

FDα,q(hα,qt )(x) =ek4t2x2 then hα,qt satisfy (15) because t < k4b2.

5 Applications

By the use of the theorem 4.6 we can easily deduce the Lp1 +Lp2-version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q2-analogue Fourier transform on the Real Line (see theorem 5.1) and Lp1+Lp2-version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q-Bessel transform on the Real Line for the even functions (see corollary 5.2)

Theorem 5.1 Let a, b >0, p1, p2 [1,+]and f be a function defined on Rq such that:

eax2f ∈Lpα,q1 (Rq) +Lpα,q2 (Rq) (19) and



log+|f(x;ˆ q2)ebx2|

λ |x|2α+1dx <+ (20) for some λ >0, then

if ab > k42 then f = 0 on Rq.

if ab= k42 then f =N hα,qa where N a constant and |N| ≤λ.

if ab < k42 then there exists many functions.

Proof: We conclude from Theorem (4.6) forα =12. Corollary 5.2 Let a, b > 0, pi [1,+] where i = 1, ..., l and f be an even function defined on Rq such that:

eax2f ∈Lpα,q1 (Rq) +Lpα,q2 (Rq) (21)






λ |x|2α+1dx <+ (22) for some λ >0, then

if ab > k42 then f = 0 on Rq.

if ab= k42 then f =N hα,qa where N a constant and |N| ≤λ.

if ab < k42 then there exists many functions.

Proof: For the even function we have Fα,q(f) = Fα,q(f), then we conclude

from Theorem (4.6).


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Received: April, 2012


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