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Growth properties of the Dunkl transform on the real line


Academic year: 2021

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Growth Properties of the Dunkl Transform on the Real Line

Mohamed El Hamma

Faculty of Sciences Ain Ckock, Casablanca, Morocco m elhamma@yahoo.fr

Radouan Daher

Faculty of Sciences Ain Ckock, Casablanca, Morocco r daher@yahoo.fr


Using a generalized Dunkl translation, we obtain an analog of Titch- marsh’s Theorem for the Dunkl transform on the real line.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A15; 44A35; 33C52

Keywords: Dunkl operator, Dunkl transform, generalized Dunkl transla- tion

1 Introduction and preliminaries

Dunkl operators are differential-difference operators introduced in 1989, by Dunkl [2]. On the real line, these operators, which are denoted by Dα, depend on a real parameter α >−12.

Forα >−12, Dunkl kerneleαis defined as the unique solution of a differential- difference equation related to Dα and satisfying eα(0) = 0. This kernel is used to defined Dunkl transform which was introduced by Dunkl in [3].

Titchmarsh [5, Theorem 84] characterized of functions in Lp(R), (1 < p≤ 2) satisfying on estimate growth of the norm of their Fourier transform, namely we have

Theorem 1.1 Let f(x)belong to Lp(R) (1< p≤2), and let


−∞|f(x+h)−f(x−h)|pdx=O(hαp); 0< α≤1 as h−→0.

Then F(x) belongs to Lβ for p

p+αp−1 < β≤ p p−1 where F stands for the Fourier transform of f.

The main result is the proof an analog of Theorem 1.1, using the generalized Dunkl translations.

The Dunkl operator is a differential-difference operator Dα Dαf(x) = df(x)

dx + (α+1


x , α >−1 2, where f Lp(R,|α|2α+1dx), 1< p≤2).

Letjα(x) is a normalized Bessel function of the first kind, i.e., jα(x) = 2αΓ(α+ 1)Jα(x)

xα ,

where Jα(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind ([1]).

The function jα(x) is infinitely differentiable and is defined also by jα(z) = Γ(α+ 1)



n!Γ(n+α+ 1), z C (1) Moreover, from (1) we see that


jα(z)1 z2 = 0 by consequence, there exist c > 0 andη >0 satisfying

|z| ≤η=⇒ |jα(z)1| ≥c|z|2. (2) Let kernel Dunkl function is defined by the formula

eα(x) = jα(x) +i(2α+ 2)−1xjα+1(x). (3) The function y = eα(x) satisfies the equation Dαy = iy with the initial conditiony(0) = 1. In the limit case withα=12 the kernel function coinsides with the usual exponential function eix.


We use the formula (3), then

|1−jα(hx)| ≤ |1−eα(hx)| (4) The Dunkl transform is defined by

f(λ) =


−∞ f(x)eα(λx)|x|2α+1dx, λ∈R The inverse Dunkl transform is defined by the formula

f(x) = 1

(2α+1Γ(α+ 1)2




Plancherel’s theorem and the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem (see [5]) we get for f Lp(R,|x|2α+1dx) with 1< p≤2 and q such that 1p +1q = 1,

fq ≤C1fp, (5)

where C1 is a positive constant and fp =

−∞|f(x)|p|x|2α+1dx 1/p


K. Trim´eche has introduced in [6] the Dunkl translation operators τh, h∈ R, in [4], we have

τhf(x) =eα(xh)f(x). (6)

2 Main Result

Theorem 2.1 Let f(x)Lp(R,|x|2α+1dx), and let

−∞hf(x)−f(x)|p|x|2α+1dx=O(hγp); as, h−→0 Then f∈Lβ(R,|x|2α+1dx) for

2+ 2p

2p+ 2α(p−1) +γp−2 < β p p−1


Proof: From formula (6) the Dunkl transform ofτhf(x)−f(x) is (eα(hx) 1)f(x).

By formulas (5) and (6), we obtain

−∞|1−eα(hx)|q|f(x)|q|x|2α+1dx C1

−∞hf(x)−f(x)|p|x|2α+1dx 1/p−1

C1hγq. From formulas (2) and (4), we have


0 |hx|2q|f(x)|q|x|2α+1dx≤Khγq, where K is a positive constant.



0 x2q|f(x)|q|x|2α+1dx=O(h(γ−2)q). Let

φ(t) =


1 |x2f(x)|βx(2α+1)q/βdx.

Then, if β < q, by H¨older inequality we have



1 |x2f(x)|qx2α+1dx

β/q t

1 dx 1−β/q

= O(t(2−γ)qβqt1−β/q)

= O(t2β−γβ+1−β/q)

= O(t1−γβ+β(p+1p )). Hence


1 |f(x)|βx2α+1dx =


1 x−2β−(2α+1)βqφ(x)x2α+1dx

= t−2β−(2α+1)βqt2α+1φ(t) + (2β+ (2α+ 1)β

q (2α+ 1))


1 x−2β−(2α+1)βq+2αφ(x)dx

= O(t−2β−(2α+1)βq+2α+1+1−γβ+β(p+1p )) +O(


1 x−2β−(2α+1)βq+2αx1−γβ+β(p+1p dx)

= O(t−2β−(2α+1)βq+2α+2−γβ+β(p+1p )).


and this bounded as t −→ ∞if 2β−(2α+ 1)βq + 2α+ 2−γβ+β(p+1p )<0, i.e. if

β > 2+ 2p

2p+ 2α(p−1) +γp−2.

Similarly for the integral over (−t,−1). This proves the theorem.


[1] H. Bateman and A.Erd´elyi, Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol II(Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1953; Nauka, Moscow, 1974).

[2] C.F. Dunkl, Differential-difference operators associated to reflexion groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 311 (1) (1989), 167-183.

[3] C.F. Dunkl, Hankel transforms associated to finite reflection groups inProceedings of Special Session on Hypergeometric Functions on Domains of Positivity, Jack Polynomials and Applications, Proceedings, Tampa 1991, Contemp. Math. 138(1992) 123-138.

[4] F. Soltani, Lp Fourier multiplies for the Dunkl operator on the real line, J. Funct. Anal. 209 (2004) 16-35.

[5] E.C.Titchmarsh, Introduction to the theory of Fourier Integrals , Oxford University Press, Amen House, London, E.C.4, 1948.

[6] K. Trim´eche, Pley-Wiener theorems for the Dunkl transform and Dunkl translation operators, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 13 (2002), 17-38.

Received: January , 2012


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