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Lp1-Lp2 Version of Miyachi's Theorem for q-Bessel Transform on the Real Line


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Lp1-Lp2 Version of Miyachi's Theorem for q- Bessel Transform on the Real Line

Article in International Journal of Mathematical Analysis · January 2013

DOI: 10.12988/ijma.2013.212329





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Version of Miyachi’s Theorem for q-Bessel Transform on the Real Line

Abdelmajid Khadari

D´epartement de Math´ematiques et d I’nformatique, Facult´e des Siences Universit´e Hassan II, BP. 5366, Maarif, Casablanca, Maroc


Radouan Daher

D´epartement de Math´ematiques et d’Informatique, Facult´e des Siences Universit´e Hassan II, BP. 5366, Maarif, Casablanca, Maroc

ra daher@yahoo.fr

Copyright c 2013 Abdelmajid Khadari and Radouan Daher. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unre- stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This paper deals with Miyachi’s theorem for theq-Bessel transform on the Real Line in [3].

Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 33D60, 39A12, 44A20 Keywords: Hardy uncertainty principle, Miyachi’s theorem,q-Bessel trans- form

1 Introduction

In harmonic analysis, the uncertainty principle states that a function and its Fourier transform can not simultaneously decrease very quickyl. In the literature, this fact is in general given by the way of some inequalities involving a functionf and its Fourier transform ˆf. One of the famous formulations of the


2656 Abdelmajid Khadari and Radouan Daher uncertainty principle is stated by the so-called Hardy’s theorem (see [8, 11, 10]), which assert that if


x∈Ê|eax2f(x)|<∞, sup

λ∈Ê|e2f(λ)ˆ |<∞ and ab > 1 4, then f 0.

In [5], M. G. Cowling and J. F. Price obtained and Lp version of Hardy’s theorem by showing that for p, n∈[1,+] with at least one of them is finite, if eax2f(x)p <+, e2fˆ(λ)n<+ and ab > 14, then f = 0.

Generalization of these results in both classical and quantum analysis have been revealed (see [2, 7, 9, 6, 12, 13]) and many versions of Hardy uncertainty principles were obtained for several generalized Fourier transforms.

In [3], Bettaibi et al. introduced and studied a q-analogue of the classical Bessel-Dunkl transform (q-Dunkl transform). In particular they provided, for this transform, a Plancheral formula and proved an invertion theorem, in [4]

R. Daher and A. Khadari provedLp1−Lp2 Version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q-Dunkl Transform on the Real Line and concluded the Miyachi’s Teorem for q-Bessel transform on the Real Line just for the even functions. In this paper, we state and prove an Lp1−Lp2 version of Miyachi’s Theorem for theq-Bessel transform Fα,q(f), for more details about theq-Bessel transform see [3].

2 L




-version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q-Bessel transform on the Real Line

In this section, we shall state an Lp1 −Lp2-version of Miyachi’s Theorem for the q-Bessel transform Fα,q(f). We begin by the tow following lemmas. The first is a deduction from the ([4], Lemma 4.1) and the second see ([4], Lemma 4.3).

Lemma 2.1 for all λ∈C and all x∈R, we have

|jα(λx, q2)|< ek|xλ|, with k= 1 +


Proof: we have jα(λx;q2) = 12λα,q(x) +ψ−λα,q(x)) by the use of ([4], Lemma 4.1) then we have |jα(λx;q2)| ≤ 12(λα,q(x)|+−λα,q(x)|)≤ek|xλ|

Lemma 2.2 Let h be an entire function on C and α≥ −12, such that:


∀z C,|h(z)| ≤AeB( (z))2, for some constantsA, B >0 .




log+|h(t)||t|2α+1dt <+∞. Then h is a constant function.

Theorem 2.3 Let a > 0, p1, p2 [1,+] and f be a function defined on Rq such that

eax2f ∈Lpα,q1 (Rq) +Lpα,q2 (Rq) (1) Then Fα,q(f) is entire onC and for all b∈]0, a[, we have:

∀z∈C,|Fα,q(f)(z)| ≤Cek


4b (2)

for some positive constant C.

Proof: Since |jα(z;q2)(x)| ≤e(1+q)|xz|, for all z C and x R, then from the hypothesis, the H¨older’s inequality and the analycity theorem one deduce that Fα,q(f) is entire onC, (1) implies that there existsu1, u2 ∈Lpα,qj (Rq) such that eax2f(x) =u1(x) +u2(x) and for all z C, we have forj = 1,2

|Fα,q(f)(z)| ≤ cα,q +∞

0 |jα(λ;q2)(x)||f(x)||x|2α+1dqx

cα,q +∞



cα,q l





cα,q l




enj(k|z||x|−ax2)|x|2α+1dqx 1

nj ujpj,α,q,

where n1, n2 is the real satisfying p1

1 +n1

1 = p1

2 +n1

2 = 1.

Now, for b∈]0, a[, we have


2658 Abdelmajid Khadari and Radouan Daher



enj(k|z||x|−ax2)|x|2α+1dqx nj1




enj(k|z||x|−bx2)e−nj(a−b)x2|x|2α+1dqx nj1


x∈[0,+∞]enj(k|z|x−bx2) 1

nj +∞


e−nj(a−b)x2|x|2α+1dqx nj1

= Cjek4b2|z|2,

with Cj = 0+∞e−nj(a−b)x2|x|2α+1dqx 1

nj. Then we have |Fα,q(f)(z)| ≤Cek


4b with C =cα,q(C1+C2).

Theorem 2.4 Let a, b >0such that ab < k42 where k =

q+ 1 andλ∈C, for a < t < k4b2 we put

hα,qt (x) = cα,q +∞


ek4t2λ2jα(λx;q2)|λ|2α+1dqλ then we have :

There exists D >0 and Et>0 depend on t such that:

|eax2hα,qt (x)| ≤Et e−Dx2

For p∈[1,+]

eax2hα,qt (x)∈Lpα,q(Rq)

Proof: -We have by the use of Lemma (2.1) and we do not lose generality if we assume that x≥0, for a very sall ε >0 :

|hα,qt (x)| ≤ cα,q +∞



cα,q +∞



cα,q +∞



cα,q sup






cα,q e

3k2 4(ε−k2






we put M = 0+∞e−ελ2λ2α+1dqλ then we have

|eax2hα,qt (x)| ≤M cα,q e a+

3k2 4(ε−k2



for a very small ε >0 we have a+ 3k2

4(ε−k4t2) <0 becausea < t, which finish the proof of the first statement.

-We have |eax2hα,qt (x)| ≤Et e−Dx2 for D, Et>0 then we conclude that eax2hα,qt (x)∈Lpα,q(Rq)

for p∈[1,+]

Theorem 2.5 Let a, b > 0, p1, p2 [1,+] where i = 1, ..., l and f be a function defined on Rq such that:

eax2f ∈Lpα,q1 (Rq) +Lpα,q1 (Rq) (3) and




λ |x|2α+1dx <+ (4) for some λ >0, then

if ab > k42 then f = 0 on Rq.

if ab= k42 then f =N hα,qa where N a constant and |N| ≤λ.

if ab < k42 then there exists many functions.

Proof: Leta, b >0 and h be the function on C defined by:

h(z) =ek4a2z2Fα,q(f)(z) (5)

Case 1: (ab > k42)

from Theorem 2.3 we deduce that the functionhis entire, on other hand, we note that for a very small ε >0 we have a−ε∈]0, a[:


2660 Abdelmajid Khadari and Radouan Daher

∀z C, |h(z)| ≤Ce k


2(a−ε)( (z))2 (6)

and +∞


log+|h(x)||x|2α+1dx =








λe(k4a2−b)x2ebx2|Fα,q(f)(x)| λ




log+λe(k4a2−b)x2|x|2α+1dx+ +∞



λ |x|2α+1dx because log+(ρ)≤log+() +ρ for all , ρ >0, (4) implies that:



log+|h(x)||x|2α+1dx <+∞. (7) Then it follows from (6) and (7) that h satisfies the assumptions in Lemma (2.2), and thus, his a constant and

Fα,q(f)(x) =Cek4a2x2.

Since ab > k42, (4) holds whenever C = 0 and the Plancherel formula implies that f = 0 almost everywhere.

Case 2: (ab= k42)

As in the previous case, we have the relation (6) and:




λ ||x|2α+1dx =




λ ||x|2α+1dx

< + then h is a constant and we have

Fα,q(f)(x) = Cek4a2x2 =Ce−bx2. The relation (4) holds whenever |N| ≤λ


Case 3: (ab < k42)

leta < t < k4b2 by Theorem (2.4) we conclude that eax2hα,qt (x)∈Lpα,qj (Rq) for pj [1,+] and j = 1,2. Thenhα,qt satisfy (3) , on the other hand, we have :

Fα,q(hα,qt )(x) = ek4t2x2 then hα,qt satisfy (4) because t < k4b2.


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Received: December 5, 2012

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