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R. Watts-Tobin, L. Kramer

To cite this version:


JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Colloque C6, supplkment au no 8, Tome 39, ao6t 1978, page C6-554



R.J. Watts-Tobin and L. Kramer

Department of Physics, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YB, EngZcmd

*~nstitut diir Theoretische Physik der Universit2t Bayreuth, 8580 Bayreuth, West Gemany

RSsum6.- Une gdn6ralisation de l'dquation de Ginzburg-Landau dependante du temps, qui 6tait ddrivde autrefois pour des supraconducteurs sales prSs de T a des solutions oscillantes avec des glissse- ments de phase au-dessous et au-dessus du courant c:itique pour des fils fins et homogznes. Nous discutons la stabilit6 des diffdrentes solutions. Les rdsultats sont compares avec les caractdris- tiques courant-tension trouvdes dans des whiskers et micro-ponts et avec la structure correspondant

5 des centres de glissements de phase observde rdcemment.

Abstract.- A previously derived generalized time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation valid for dirty superconductors in the vicinity of Tc exhibits for thin homogeneous filaments oscillatory phase-slip solutions below and above the critical depairing current. The stability of the various solutions is discussed. The results are compared with I-V curves found experimentally in whiskers and microbrid- ges and with the structure of a phase-slip center observed recently.

Starting from a set of equations which describe dirty in the presence of time-dependent electromagne- tic fields A, (I /1,2/, we have recently derived the following simple generalized time-dependent Ginzburg- Landau (TDGL) equation /3/

(U = n4/145(3) ; y = 2TE

A ~ ;

T~ = inelastic colli- sion ;ime ;




8n2 :T &/75(3) ; E= (Tc-T)/Tc ; J, = A/& ; p = 2e(I to ; to = S ~ / D U ;


T D/8Tc&;


D = vFR/3). Time t and current density J are measu- red in units of t and jo = uo/2e to€, (ao = normal conductivity).

Equations (l) and (2) are valid as long as the various quantities vary in space slowly over the inelastic diffusion length LE = (DrE)l/' and in time slowly over The condition LE<< €,



is in general sufficient (but sometimes not necessa- ry) for this to be the case. For y < < l , i.e. (T T )2

c E

E < < 1, (which is a much stronger condition than eq.(3)) eq. ( 1 ) goes over into the simple TDGL equa- tion which was investigated previously /4/.

We consider solutions of (15) and (16) for long, thin current-carrying filaments where A can be neglected and all quantities depend on X only. There exist two simple stationary solutions : the

fully superconducting (S) state $ = f m exp iqx, p EO, which exists and is locally stable for all j < jmx = 0.385, and the normal (N) state jE0,

p' = -j/€, which can be shown to be locally stable for all j # 0 and y # m .

Let us consider global stability of these states, i.e. stability with respect to all fluctua- tions with nonvanishing probability (i.e., finite energy) to occur. We use the following principle /4/ : a necessary condition for a locally stable state to be globally unstable is the existence of an unstable threshold solution localized about that state which neither decreases nor increases as t + m. Stationary threshold solutions localized

about the normal state do indeed exist for O<j<jc where the current jc is a function of y (jc=0.335,

m for


= 0, 5.5, m ) . Thus, below jc the J

, x 9

normal state is globally unstable; we expect it to be globally stable above je.

Using the same arguments as in Ref. /4/ the S state appears to be globally stable for j < min (jc, jmax). Thus, as long as j < jmax holds (i.e. fory< 5.5) a reversible S-N transition can take place


For jc > jmx, on the other hand, no such transition can occur and there must exist some stable solution besides the N and S states.

Consequently we looked for oscillatory phase


slip solutions which for y = 0 exist in a very nar- row range of currents jmin < j < j with jmin= 0.326.


As y increases this range actually increases to hi- /l/ Larkin, A.I. and Ovchinnikov, Yu N., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.


(1977) 299 (To be translated in gher as well as to lower currents. Clearly "isolated

Sov. Phvs. JETP) ;

phase-slip solutions" where the S state is approa- ~vchinnikov, Y U N:


J. Low Temp .Phys.


(1 977) ched asymptotically on both sides can exist only 4 3

/2/ Schmid, A. and Schijn, G., J. Low Temp.Phys.


below j For these solutions the electric field

max ' (1975) 207 decays asymptotically over the "quasiparticle diffu-

/3/ Kramer, L. and Watts-Tobin, R.J., Phys.Rev.Lett. sion length" (in press)

h = (I *y2f2) '/*I hfa(+(4~c~E~/~dofD)1 for y>>l)



which may become much larger than the coherence len- gth. We find that solutions with a periodic array of phase-slip centers exists above j and can carry


an average supercurrent larger than j The maximum max '

current up to which the solutions exist first incre- ases with decreasing perSodic length d and then de- creases.

The I-V curves of such phase-slip states exhi- bit significant almost-linear portions which may be parametrized approximately by

V = (j




with A


7.55 (independent of d and y) and


= 0.6 and 0.46 for y = 10 and 20 (in- dependent of d). Thus each phase-slip center acts like a piece of filament of length A through which a time-averaged normal current of magnitude j-B j

max flows. Notethat I\ and


have different temperature-



It follows that the I-V curves of filaments of finite length have a step-structure, each voltage jump corresponding to the appearance of anadditional phase-slip center. This kind of behavior is well established experimentally /5,6/. Recent measure- ments by Dolan and Jackel /7/ have revealed to the local structure of a phase-slip center. Their mea- surements of


on Sn agree with eq. (17) when


taking T~ = 2 X 10-l0 S. which is consistent with a theoretical estimate 161. This restricts the validity of our theory to c< 0.4 X 10-' (see Eq.

(3)) and here the temperature dependence of the measured differential resistance appears to be

consistent with our results whereas for E >0.7 X I O - ~

the temperature-dependence becomes weaker.

/4/ Kramer, L. and Baratoff, A., Phys.Rev.Lett.


(1977) 518 and to be published

/5/ Meyer, J.D., Appl. Phys.


(1973) 303 ;

Meyer, J. and Tidecks, R., Solid State Commun. 24 (1977) 639 and 643


/6/ Skocpol, W.J., Beasley, M.R. and Tinkam, M,,

J. Low Temp.Phys.


(1974) 145

/7/ Dolan, G.J. and Jackel, L.D., Phys. Rev.Lett. 39 (1977) 1628


We wish to thank Pr. A. Baratoff and Pr. A.


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