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Bifurcation delay - the case of the sequence: stable focus - unstable focus - unstable node


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Submitted on 19 Jan 2009


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Bifurcation delay - the case of the sequence: stable focus - unstable focus - unstable node

Eric Benoît

To cite this version:

Eric Benoît. Bifurcation delay - the case of the sequence: stable focus - unstable focus - unstable

node. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, American Institute of Mathematical

Sciences, 2009, 2 (4), pp.911-929. �hal-00354175�


stable fous - unstable fous - unstable node

Eri Benoît




where the linearized vetor eld hassuessively a stable fous, anunstable fous and anunstable node.

Whenthe parametermovesslowly,a bifurationdelay appears dueto theHopf bifuration. Thestudied


AMSlassiation: 34D15,34E15,34E18,34E20,34M60

Keywords: Hopf-bifuration,bifuration-delay,slow-fast,anard,Airy,relief.

1 Introdution

"Singularperturbations"isastudieddomainfrommanyyearsago. Sine1980,manyontributionswerewritten

beause new toolswere applied to the subjet. The main studied objetsare the slow fast vetor elds also

known assystems with two time-sales. Wewill givethe problem herewith amorepartiular point of view:

thebifuration delay,asin artiles[8,2,9,7℄. Wewritethestudiedsystem: εX˙ =f(t, X, ε),whereεisareal

positiveparameterwhih tendstozero. Forabetterunderstandingoftheexpressiondynami bifurationit is

bettertowrite thesystemafteraresalingofthevariable:

X˙ = f(a, X, ε)


a = ε


The main objetsin this study are theeigenvaluesof the linearpartof equation X˙ =f(a, X,0) near the

quasi-stationarypoint. Indeed,theygiveaharaterizationofthestabilityoftheequilibriumofthefastvetor

eldatthispoint. Theaimofthisstudyistounderstandwhathappenswhenthestabilityofaquasi-stationary

pointhanges. Abifurationourswhenatleastoneoftheeigenvalueshasanullrealpart.

Inthisartilewerestritourstudytotwo-dimensionalrealsystems. Inthissituation,thegeneribifurations

are: thesaddle-nodebifuration,theHopfbifuration andthefous-nodebifuration.

Thesaddle-nodebifurationissolvedbytheturningpointtheory: whentherealpartofoneoftheeigenvalue

beomes positive, there is no delay and a trajetory of the systems leaves the neighborhood of the quasi-

stationary point when it reahes the bifuration. For this study, the study of one-dimensional systems is

suient: we have a deomposition of the phase spae where only the one-dimensionalfator is interesting.

Thereexistmanyartilesonthissubjet,wewillbeinterestedpartiularlyby[3℄wherethemethod ofrelief is

used. Theartile[6℄introduesthegeometrialmethodsofFenihel's manifold.

TheHopfdelayedbifurationiswellexplainedin[10℄, wewillupgradetheresultsinparagraph2below.

Inafous-nodebifuration, thestabilityofthequasistationary pointdoesnothange,then, loally,there

isnoproblemofanardsorbifurationdelays. Indeed,whenthereis abifurationdelayat aHopf-bifuration

point,itis possibleto evaluatethevalueofthedelay,and themainquestionisto understandtheinuene of




Laboratoire deMathématiques et Appliations, Université dela Rohelle, avenueMihelCrépeau, 17042 LA ROCHELLE



steadystateinthewhole domain,sothistrajetoryhasaninnitedelay. Theusedmethods arereal, andthe

systemhastobesmooth(atuallyonlyC2). Inparagraphs2.2et3.2,weavoidthisveryspeialhypothesis. It isheresupposedthatthesystemisanalyti,andwestudythesolutionsonomplexdomains. Unfortunately,I

havenotaproofforthemainresultofthisartile. Butitseemstomethattheproblemisinteresting,andthe


WeuseNelson'snonstandardterminology(seeforexample[5℄). Indeed,almostallsentenesanbetranslated

in lassialterms,where ε isonsidered asavariableand notasaparameter. Often, thetranslationis given onfootnotes.

2 The delayed Hopf bifuration

Theproblemis studiedand essentiallyresolvedin [10℄. Wegiveheretheproofsto improvetheresultsandto

xtheideasforthemainparagraphoftheartile. Themaintoolistherelief'stheoryofJ.L.Callot,explained



εX˙ =f(t, X, ε) (1)

wheref isanalytionadomainDofC×C2×C.

Hypothesis and notations

H1 Thefuntionf isanalyti. Ittakesrealvalueswhentheargumentsarereal.

H2 Theparameterεisreal, positive,innitesimal 1


H3 Thereexists ananalytifuntion φ,dened onaomplexdomainDt sothat f(t, φ(t),0) = 0. Theurve X =φ(t) is alled the slow urve of equation(1). We assumethat the intersetion ofDt with the real

axisis aninterval]tm, tM[.

H4 Letusdenoteλ(t)andµ(t)fortheeigenvaluesofthejaobianmatrixDXf,omputedatpoint(t, φ(t),0).

Weassumethat ,fortreal,thesignsoftherealandimaginarypartsaregivenbythetablebelow:

t tm a tM

ℜ(λ(t)) - 0 +

ℜ(µ(t)) - 0 +

ℑ(λ(t)) - - -

ℑ(µ(t)) + + +

Then,whentinreasesfromtm totM,thequasi-steadystateisrstanattrativefous,thenarepulsive fous,with aHopfbifurationat t=a.

2.1 Input-output funtion when there exists a big anard

Inthissetion,weassumethatthereexistsabiganardX˜(t)i.e. asolutionofequation(1)suhthat2X˜(t)≃φ(t)

foralltintheS-interiorof]tm, tM[. Wenowwanttostudytheotherssolutionsofequation(1)byomparison


Themaintoolforthatisasequeneofhangeofunknowm: rst,weperformatranslationonX,depending

ont toputthebiganardontheaxis:

X = ˜X(t) + Y


εY˙ = g(t, Y, ε) with g(t, Y, ε) =f(t,X˜(t) +Y, ε)−f(t,X˜(t), ε)


Inlassialterms,weassumethatεleavesinasmallomplexsetor: |ε|boundedandarg(ε)]δ, δ[.



t]tm, tM[, lim


X˜(t, ε) =φ(t)


ThematrixDXf(t, φ(t),0)hastwoomplexonjugatedistinteigenvalues(seehypothesisH4),thenthereexists alineartransformation P(t)whih transformsthejaobianmatrixinaanonialform. We denethehange


Y =P(t)Z

Thenewsystem,hasthefollowingform (wewroteonlytheinterestingterms):

εZ˙ = h(t, Z, ε) with h(t, Z, ε) =

α(t) −ω(t) ω(t) α(t)

Z+O(ε)Z+O(Z2) , λ(t) =α(t)−iω(t)

Thenexthange isgivenbythepolaroordinates:

Z =

rcosθ rsinθ

εr˙ = r(α(t) +O(ε) +O(r)) εθ˙ = ω(t) +O(ε) +O(r)

Thelastoneisanexponentialmirosope 3


r = expρ ε

ρ˙ = α(t) +O(ε) +eρεk1(r, θ, ε)

εθ˙ = ω(t) +O(ε) +eρεk2(r, θ, ε) (2)

While ρ is non positive and non innitesimal, r is exponentially small and the equation (2) gives a good approximationof ρ with ρ˙ =α. When ρ beomes innitesimal, with a moresubtle argument (see [1℄)using dierentialinequations,weanprovethatrbeomesnoninnitesimal. Thisgivesthepropositionbelow:

Proposition 1 Let us assumehypothesis H1 toH4(Hopf bifuration) for equation(1). However, we assume

that there exists aanard X(t)˜ going along4 the slow urve at least on ]tm, tM[. Then if X(t) goes along the

slow urveexatly 5

on ]te, ts[ with[te, ts]⊂]tm, tM[,then Z ts


ℜ(λ(τ))dτ = 0

Theinput-output relation(betweente andts)is dened byRts

te ℜ(λ(τ))dτ = 0. It is desribedby itsgraph

(seegure1). Inthisase,thisrelationisafuntion.

Figure1: Theinput-outputrelationforequation(3)whenthereexistsabiganard.


Allthepreeedingtransformationswereregularwithrespettoε.Thislastoneissingularatε= 0.


AsolutionX˜(t, ε)goesalongtheslowurveatleaston]t1, t2[if

t]t1, t2[, lim


X(t, ε) =˜ φ(t)


AsolutionX˜(t, ε)goesalongtheslowurveexatly on]te, ts[ifit goesalongtheslowurveatleast on ]te, ts[,andifthe

interval]te, ts[ismaximalforthisproperty.


Inthisparagraph, tbeomesomplex,in the domainDt. Weassumethat forallt in Dt, thetwoeigenvalues

λ(t)andµ(t)are distint. Itis aneessaryonditiontoapplyCallot'stheoryofreliefs.

WedenethereliefsRλ andRµ by:

Fλ(t) = Z t


λ(t)dt , Rλ(t) =ℜ(Fλ(t)) Fµ(t) =

Z t a

µ(t)dt , Rµ(t) =ℜ(Fµ(t))

It iseasyto seethat λ(t) =µ(t),and Fλ(t) =Fµ(t), thenRλ(t) = Rµ(t). ThetwofuntionsRλ andRµ

oinideonthereal axis. WewilldenoteR(t).

Denition1 Wesay thatapath γ:s∈[0,1]7→ Dt goesdown the relief Rλ if andonly if d

dsRλ(γ(s))<0 for

allsin [0,1].

Denition2 Letus give apoint te suh that (te, φ(te),0) ∈ D. We say that Dt isa domain below te if and

only if for all t in the S-interior of Dt, there existtwo paths in Dt, from te tot,the rst one goes down the

relief Rλ andthe seondonedown Rµ.

Theorem2(Callot) Let us assume that Dt is a domain below te. A solution X(t) of equation (1) with

an initial ondition X(te) innitesimally lose to φ(te) is dened at least on the S-interior of Dt where it is

innitesimally losetoφ(t).



εx˙ = tx+y+εc1

εy˙ = −x+ty+εc2


Theeigenvaluesareλ=t−ietµ=t+i. ThelevelurvesofthetworeliefsRλ(t) = 12(t−i)2andRµ(t) = 12(t+i)2


Figure2: Thelevelurvesofthetworeliefsof equation(3),andadomainbelowte

Generially 1

thereis nosurstabilityat pointt =i(see [3℄forthedenition ofsurstability). Consequently, wehavethefollowingresultsforallequationssuhthatthereliefsareonthesametypeasthose ofgure2:

Denition3 Letusgive tc apoint2 where the eigenvaluevanishes: λ(tc) = 0. Thevalue of therelief atpoint tc isaritial valueof therelief Rλ. The bump3 istherealnumber t biggerthana,minimalsuhthatRλ(t)

isaritial value. Theanti-bumpisthe real numbert∗∗ smallerthana,maximalsuhthatRλ(t∗∗)isaritial



Idonotknowtheexatgenerihypothesis. Wehavetoombinetheonstraintsgivenbythesurstabilitytheoryof[3℄andthe



Insomeases,itispossiblethattcisinnite. ForεX˙ =

sint cost

cost sint


X+O(X2) +O(ε)wehavetc= +i.




Forequation(3),thebumpist= 1andtheanti-bumpt∗∗=−1.

Theorem3 Atrajetoryof equation(1)an goalong the slowurve X=φ(t)exatly on]te, ts[ ifandonlyif

oneofthe following isveried:

te< t∗∗ and ts=t te=t∗∗ and ts> t

t∗∗ < te< a and a < ts< t and R(te) =R(ts)


Figure3: Theinput-outputrelationforequation(3)

3 Delayed Hopf bifuration followed by a fous-node bifuration


εX˙ =f(t, X, ε) (4)

wheref isanalytionadomainDofC×C2×C,andsatisesthefollowinghypothesis:

Hypothesis and notations

HFN1 Theanalytifuntionf takesrealvalueswhentheargumentsarereal.

HFN2 Theparameterεisreal, positive,innitesimal.

HFN3 There exists an analyti funtion φ, dened on aomplex domain Dt suh that f(t, φ(t),0) = 0. The

urveX =φ(t)isalledtheslowurveofequation1. WeassumethattheintersetionofDtwiththereal

axisis aninterval]tm, tM[.

HFN4 Letusdenoteλ(t)andµ(t)fortheeigenvaluesofthejaobianmatrixDXf,omputedatpoint(t, φ(t),0).

Weassumethat ,fortreal,thesignsoftherealandimaginarypartsaregivenbythetablebelow:

t tm a b tM

ℜ(λ(t)) - 0 + + +

ℜ(µ(t)) - 0 + + +

ℑ(λ(t)) - - - 0 0

ℑ(µ(t)) + + + 0 0

Then, when t inreases on the real interval ]tm, tM[, we have suesively an attrative fous, a Hopf

bifuration att =a, arepulsivefous, afous-node bifurationat t=b andarepulsivenode. At point t=b,thetwoeigenvaluesoinide. Weassumethatλ(t) =µ(t)onlyat pointb. Atually,intheomplex

plane, the two eigenvalues are the two determinations of a multiform funtion dened on a Riemann


However, there is asymmetry: if the funtion

is dened with a ut-o on the positivereal axis, it




µ(t) = λ(t)


Rλ(t) =ℜ Z t



and Rµ(t) =ℜ Z t



arethetwodeterminationsofamultiformfuntionwithasquarerootsingularityatpointt=b. However,

there is a symmetry: if the funtion

is dened with a ut-o on the positive real axis, it satises

√s= −√

s and we havethen: Rµ(t) = Rλ(t)exept on the ut-ohalf line [b,+∞[. For real t > b,

wehoosedeterminationsofsquareroot suhthat λ(t)< µ(t). WeassumethatRλ hasauniqueritial

pointwithritialvalueRc. Weassumethat Rλ(b)< Rc. Anexampleisgivenandstudiedinparagraph


3.1 Input-output funtion when there exists a big anard

Weassume now that there exists abig anard X(t)˜ i.e. a solutionof equation (1) suh that X˜(t) ≃φ(t) for

all t in the S-interior of ]tm, tM[. The study below is similar to paragraph 2.1. The added diulty is the

oinideneofthetwoeigenvaluesatpointb whihdonotallowtodiagonalizethelinearpart.

ThersthangeofunknownisX = ˜X(t) +Z whihmovesthebiganard ontheaxisX = 0: εZ˙ = A(t)Z+O(ε)Z+O(Z2) , A(t) =DXf(t, φ(t),0)


α(t) β(t) γ(t) δ(t)

theoeientsofthematrixA(t). Asinparagraph2.1,thehangeofunknowns Z =

rcosθ rsinθ

, r = expρ ε


ρ˙ = α(t) cos2θ+ (β(t) +γ(t)) cosθsinθ+δ(t) sin2θ+O(ε) +eρεk1(r, θ, ε)

εθ˙ = γ(t) cos2θ+ (δ(t)−α(t)) cosθsinθ−β(t) sin2θ+O(ε) +eρεk2(r, θ, ε) (5)

Fornonpositiveρ(morepreisely,forinnitesimalr),theseondequationisaslow-fastequation. Itsslowurve


θ = arctan

δ(t)−α(t)± q

α(t)2−2α(t)δ(t) +δ(t)2+ 4β(t)γ(t) 2β(t)

Ithastwobranheswhenλandµarereals, oneisattrative,theotherisrepulsive: seegure4.

When θ goes alonga branh of theslowurve, (and when r is innitesimal),an easy omputation shows that ρ˙ is innitely lose to one of the eigenvaluesλ or µ. The repulsive branh orresponds to the smallest

eigenvalue(whih isreal positive). Whent < b, theangleθ movesinnitelyfast,and anaveragingproedure


hρ˙i =

Rθ1+2π θ1

˙ ρ θ˙dθ Rθ1+2π

θ1 1 θ˙

Aneasyomputationshowsnowthat,intheS-interiorofthedomaint < b,ρ <0,wehave hρ˙i ≃ α(t) +δ(t)

2 = ℜ(λ(t)) =ℜ(µ(t))

Let us give an initial ondition (t, θ) between the two branhes of the slow urve and ρ negative non

innitesimal(intheexample,weantaket= 0.8,θ= 0,ρ=−0.03). Forinreasingt,theurve(t, θ(t))goes

alongtheattrativebranhoftheslowurve,whileρbelievesnegativenon innitesimal. Fordereasingt,the


Consequently, we know the variation of ρ(t) (see gure 4). As in paragraph 2.1, amore subtle argument is


X leavestheneighborhoodoftheslowurve.

Fromthisstudy, allthebehavioursof ρ(t)areknown,dependingontheinitial ondition. Theyaredrawn



Figure4: Oneofthetrajetoriesofsystem0.002 ˙X =

t 1 t−0.3 t

X drawn withthe variables(θ, ρ). The

slowurveis alsodrawn

Figure 5: Thepossiblebehavioursofρ(t).

Proposition 4 Let us give an equation of type (6) with hypothesis HFN1 to HFN5. Assume also that there

exists a big anard X(t)˜ going along the slow urve on the whole interval ]tm, tM[. If a trajetory X(t) goes

alongthe slow urveexatly onan interval ]te, ts[with [te, ts]⊂]tm, tM[,then Z ts


ℜ(λ(τ))dτ ≤ 0 ≤ Z ts



Conversely, iftheinequalities abovearesatised,thereexistsatrajetorygoing alongthe slowurveexatly

on]te, ts[.


We ouldgivemorepreise results ifweonsider the two variablesr and θ forthe input-output relation.

Indeed,whenthepoint(te, ts)isintheinteriorofthegraphoftheinput-outputrelation,weknowthat,attime ofoutput,θ isgoingalongtheattrativeslowurvewhihorrespondstotheuniquefasttrajetorytangentto

theeigenspae ofthebiggesteienvalueµ.

3.2 The fous-node bifuration is a bump

Hereisthemainpartofthisartile. Today,Iamnotabletoprovetheexpetingresults,butIhavepropositions

inthisdiretion. Toexplaintheproblem,I willgiveonjetures.

Letusdenetheanti-bump t∗∗ andthetwobumpstλandtµ asin denition3:

Rλ(tc) = Rµ(tc) = Rλ(t∗∗) = Rµ(t∗∗) = Rλ(tλ) = Rµ(tµ)


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