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On the theory of the superconducting phase in organic conductors


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HAL Id: jpa-00210194


Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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On the theory of the superconducting phase in organic conductors

S. Brazovskii, V. Yakovenko

To cite this version:

S. Brazovskii, V. Yakovenko. On the theory of the superconducting phase in organic conductors.

Journal de Physique, 1986, 47 (2), pp.175-180. �10.1051/jphys:01986004702017500�. �jpa-00210194�


On the theory of the superconducting phase in organic conductors

S. Brazovskii and V. Yakovenko

L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, 117334, Moscow, B334, Kosygina, 2, U.S.S.R.

(Reçu le 11 juin 1985,’accepté le 12 septembre 1985)



Nous étudions l’apparition de la supraconductivité dans des systèmes, dans lesquels elle est stimulée

par un mécanisme spécial de non-équivalence des chaines voisines. Nous calculons la température de transition, fonction de Green anormale et la fonctionnelle de Ginsburg-Landau. Ces résultats nous permettent de discuter les propriétés des supraconducteurs organiques.



The onset of superconductivity is considered for the systems, in which it is stimulated by a special

mechanism of neighbouring chain nonequivalence. We find the transition temperature (anomalous Green function),

and derive the Ginsburg-Landau functional. These results allow us to discuss the properties of organic super- conductors.


Physics Abstracts


The understanding of the nature of superconducti- vity in quasi-one-dimensional conductors is still far from being complete. We have recently suggested [1, 2] that superconductivity in these materials is

necessarily related to a special crystal structure,

where the neighbouring chains are incommensurate.

This structure has been registered for MX3 compounds


[3] and for a representative member--(TMTSF)2CL04


of the Bechgaard salt family [4]. We have suggested

that for other members this structure has to be observed in the superconducting state. In the present

paper we thoroughly study the special mechanism

of the electronic pairing and describe the physical properties of the superconducting state.

The action for the system may be written in the form

where z


x + ivF t ; d2z - dx dr ; x is the coordinate along the a-axis, parallel to the direction of the chains;

T is the Matsubara time ; n


(nb, n,), m are two component integer vectors, labelling the chains; ýJ,.,+ and ýJ,.,-

are annihilation operators for electrons with momenta close to + kF(n) and - kF(n) (we have omitted their spin indices, because spins play no role in the following), t,.-m is the interchain hopping amplitude. The factor w,.,...(z)


exp[ - i(k (n) - k(m)) x] results from chain nonequivalence (1). For a system with (0, 1/2, 0) super-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01986004702017500



structure we have

We set h


vF = a


1, EF ~ 1, where a is a lattice spacing along the chain. So in (1) is the action of non-coupled

chains (with the exception of long range interactions, see [1]). We suppose that there are no gaps in both charge

and spin channels, so So describes two sounds. A correlation function calculated via the bosonization method [5]

looks like :

Here q is the index of the superconducting response function, ’IF is the index of one-particle Green function.

For free particles ’I


2, ’IF


1; in the considered system n 2, 17F > 1. Averaging in (3) is performed with

action So. Formula (3) is valid only for I z I >> 1, we have omitted phase-dependent and constant factors. The

quantity hn(z1, Z2) in (1) is the generalized external field, which produces Cooper pairs. It is taken in nonlocal form in order to find the anomalous Green function. To describe the behaviour of the system in the vicinity

of the superconducting transition, we shall expand the free energy, corresponding to (1) in powers of h. The

first term is equal to

The averaging in (5) is performed with action (1) at h


0. Let us introduce the conjugated potential O(F) :

Thus FII(Zl’ z2) is the anomalous Green function. The first term of expansion O(F) in powers of F has the form

We calculate (5) by developing the perturbation series in powers of t..-m. In the ladder approximation we obtain :


The integral equation (9) follows from the diagram of figure 1 where the dashed lines represent the interchain


The sum can be taken over only those vectors 6, which connect chains of different types, when Wb.lI+ð(Z) = an(z) (2), while other terms have been shown to be small [1] (2). Equation (9) al lows us to find eigenfunctions (p


(2) For this very reason in equation (9) we have omitted the hopping between equivalent chains when oscillatory

factors (2) do not appear either. Fig 1.


and eigenvalues À - 1 of the operator K, defined by the expression :

Substituting (10) into (9) we obtain :

Performing the Fourier transformation of (11) over the variable R : f(R, ...) - f(Q, ...), Q


(wn’ qll)’



1tnT, we arrive at the equation :

The effect of the electron binding in pairs in the course of tunnelling between nonequivalent chains (which

was found earlier [1]) is evident in equation (13). The oscillatory factor an(r2) provides the convergence of the first integral at the upper limit within the scale K-1 T-1 for arbitrary v > 0. On the contrary, the second term, which describes the interaction of pairs on the same chain, does not contain the factor an and converges on the

general cutoff T- 1 (we suppose that v 2). Due to fast convergence we may set r(Q, rl, r2) + f(Q, rl, 0) in

the first term of (13). Now we see from (12) and (13) that Y.(r) is an even function of r, so the first integral in (13)

contains only the even part of an(r) : a(r) = (an.(r) + an(- r))/2


cos 2 Kx. Hence, performing the Fourier transformation of (13) over n, we obtain :

In the vicinity of the transition temperature, the eigenvalues A are small, so the eigenfunctions Y can be found

from (14) by iterations in A :

Substituting (15) into (14) we obtain the self-consistency condition for function C. It yields :


Apparently, r(Q, 0, 0) = r(Q) is the generalized superconducting susceptibility (see [I]). -Close to T,, small

values q 11 « Tc, cu.


0 are essential, and from (12) we find :



where 0’(C) is a trigamma function. Evaluating the integrals in (16) we obtain :

Formula (20) is the expression for the superconducting transition temperature.

To find the anomalous Green function Fn(Z1, Z2) let us expand it over the eigenfunctions cp (8) of operator K with low eigenvalues and take (13) into account. Near T, we omit the second term in RHS of equation (15) and neglect the dependence of rl in the first term for I r, I T;- 1, so

Here Y.(R) is the inverse Fourier transform of the function Y(Q, ql) from (15). It is the centre of mass wave function for an electron pair.

For the homogeneous system, Y


Const. is determined by higher order terms in expansion (4). Bear in

mind that Fn(Z1, Z2) has a power behaviour as a function of the distance between electrons for I r I Te 1.

Substituting (21) into (8) we obtain :

Let us now consider thewext term of expansion (4) for Y :


Calculating (24) by means of the perturbation expansion in In - m’ we shall take into account only those terms,

corresponding to electron pairs tunnelling coherently between alternating chains. We must sum over all tra- jectories of the two electron pairs wandering on the two-dimensional array of chains. If these two trajectories

do not intersect, i.e. two pairs do not get on the same chain, expression (24) is zero. Let us consider trajectories

with a single intersection on chain p. In this case, using (7) and (21), we obtain from (23) :

Here the function Lo(t zi, z’i }) ’-- Ln,n,n,n({ Zi,. z’ 1) can be calculated by the bosonization method. We need it

in the region z,


z; I Iz, - zj 1, i =1= j, where it takes the form :


Substituting (26) into (25) and supposing that Yn(z) varies slowly in space within the scale of Tc- 1 and does

not vary in time, we obtain :

Introducing the order parameter ’P,.(x) =JC2 b(v) Yn(x) Tc1 - nF we finally obtain from ( 19), (22) and (28) the Ginsburg-Landau expansion

When deriving (29) we have not taken into account

diagrams with larger numbers of trajectory inter-

sections. They describe critical fluctuations, which

are of no special interest for us, although one can

from (29), deduce that the region of these fluctuations is not small, as it usually stands in the quasi-one-

dimensional systems.

Experimentally the transition is rather broad in resistive measuments [9], but narrow in calorimetric

ones [10]. The heat capacity jump AC deduced from

(29) is of order T c in agreement with the experiment [10].

Our theory is valid if the two inequalities are ful-

filled [1] : K Z T 3d and T, Z T*3d, where T3d ~ t(o)] 1/(2 - nIF) and T*3d T23d/K are renormalized one-

electron bandwidths for perpendicular motion wi- thout and with an anion superstructure, respectively.

Using (20) the necessary set of inequalities can be

written as follows :

The last condition in (30) is equivalent to r1F > 11, which can be fulfilled for sufficiently strong interac- tions only. To estimate the parameters of the Bech-

gaard salts, we note that the SDW-dielectric exists at



0 (Q-phase of (TMTSF)2CLO4) and disappears

at " :F 0 (R-phase) [4]. According to [1] it means that

K > T3d - TSDW ~ 10 K. A reasonable estimate for

x is K Z 100 K (see below) and we find T*3d ~ 1 K,

that satisfies (30) (at least approximately). These

values contradict the generally accepted estimate tb _ 102 K for the band model. The latter value results from oversimplified band calculations [8] and conductivity data, treated by the simplest kinetic theory [6], the applicability of which is questionable.

It disagrees with small temperatures (from 10 to 20 K)

of SDW ordering, since repulsive interactions are

apparently strong in these systems. The band model has some advantage, especially it provides an explana-

tion for the behaviour in strong magnetic fields [7].

However it cannot describe other phenomena like the interplay between the properties of Q - and R - phases, which our theory easily explains.

Applying the theory to the Bechgaard salts, we choose the following dependence :


Since we consider electron hopping between alter-

nating chains. Higher critical magnetic fields Hc2(i) are

calculated by means of a conventional formula for the anisotropic Ginsburg-Landau theory (29), (31)

For an estimation we set il


I in (18) and use the data of [10] for the density of states. From (32), (31), (29) we

find : Hc2(c)


Const (oolab) (Tc alhVF) ;.-- 8 kG, which qualitatively agrees with the experimental value, I kG [11]. Using (32) and the data of [11] we must set tb/tc b/tc


H(b)’IH(c)’ = 16. Then we obtain Hc2(a)’


(cpo/Me) (/bllc)


6 x 104 kG, this result disagrees

with the experimental value 47 kG [11]. Thus the

functional (29) to (31) gives a correct order of magni-

tude for Hc(c) and H(b) (for a reasonable value of

tb/t,), but contradicts the data for Hc2(a). The reason

for this discrepancy may be found in the two-dimen-

sionality of these systems. As tc tb, the relative fluctuations of the order parameter are much greater,

on different planes than on the same plane. Thus the

mean-field theory (29) can give correct results for the motion in a well-conducting (ab) plane only, that is for the magnetic field along the c-axis.

In many respects the theory developed hereabove

and in [1, 2] effectively reduces to the model of the

superconducting chain array with a Josephson cou-

pling, and we can use the advantages of this model for

the explanation of the anomalous properties of the



Bechgaard salts [6]. At the same time our theory

differs from this model, mainly by the absence of the

pseudo-gap in the spectrum. Thus, we avoid the contradiction with the heat capacity data at T > T, [12]. The structures, observed in optical and tunneling

spectra [6] at w0 = 3.8 meV can be attributed to

direct electron excitation between two subbands, generated by the superstructure : w0


2 K. We can also account for magnetoabsorption, since the electron transfer between the two types of chains is involved in this process, so the matrix element depends on the magnetic field.


[1] BRAZOVSKII, S., YAKOVENKO, V., J. Physique Lett. 46 (1985) L-111.

[2] BRAZOVSKII, S., YAKOVENKO, V., The International

Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Low-

Dimensional Synthetic-metals. Abano Terme, Italy,


[3] MEERSHAUT, A., J. Physique Colloq. 44 (1983) C3-1615.

[4] POUGET, J. P., MORET, R., COMÉS, R., SHIRANE, G., BECHGAARD, K., FABRE, J. M., ibid C3-969.

[5] LUTHER, A., PESCHEL, J., Phys. Rev. 9 (1974) 2911.

[6] JÉROME, D., SCHULZ, H. J., Adv. Phys. 31 (1982) 299.

[7] GOR’KOV, L. P., LEBED’, A. G., J. Physique Lett. 45 (1984) L-433.

[8] GRANT, P. M., J. Physique Colloq. 44 (1983) C3-847.

[9] MAILLY, D., RIBAULT, H. M., BECHGAARD, K., ibid.,




[11] GREENE, R. L., HAEN, P., HUANG, S. Z., ENGLER, E. M., CHOI, M. Y., CHAIKIN, P. M;, Mol. Cryst. Liq.

Cryst. 79 (1982) 539-183.

[12] BUZDIN, A. J., BULAEVSKII, L. N., Sov. Phys. Usp. 144

(1984) 415.


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