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A Group of Automorphisms of the Rooted Dyadic Tree and Associated Gelfand Pairs


Academic year: 2022

Partager "A Group of Automorphisms of the Rooted Dyadic Tree and Associated Gelfand Pairs"


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A Group of Automorphisms of the Rooted Dyadic Tree and Associated Gelfand Pairs


ABSTRACT- Inthis paper we study the groupGof automorphisms of the rooted dyadic tree generated by translation by 1 and multiplication by an odd integerq, showing thatGadmits a self-similar presentation and it is isomorphic to the Baumslag-Solitar groupBSq. Moreover, we show that the actionofGoneach level of the tree gives rise to a Gelfand pair.

1. Introduction.

LetTbe the infinite binary rooted tree. Denote byLnthen-th level of T, which consists of 2n vertices. The root ofT canbe identified with the groupZ, each vertex, say at levelLn, canbe regarded as a coset of 2nZin Z. Finally, the boundary@Tcorresponds to the ring of dyadic integersZ2 (for more details see [F]).

LetGbe the group of automorphisms ofTgenerated by the translation by 1 and by the multiplication by an odd integer q for each vertex inT.

Denote byaandbsuch automorphisms, respectively. The actionofGonT isself-similar: we will directly prove that these automorphisms admit the following form

aˆ(1;a)e; bˆ(b;bah);

withqˆ2h‡1, according to the fact that every self-similar group can be embedded ina wreath product. By using the self-similarity, we deduce that G is isomorphic to the Baumslag-Solitar group BSqˆ hs;t:t 1stˆsqi, introduced in [BS]. We mention that self-similar groups are closely con-

(*) Indirizzo degli A.: Section de MatheÂmatiques, Universite de GeneÁve, 2-4, Rue du LieÁvre, Case Postale 64, 1211 GeneÁve 4, Suisse.

E-mail: daniele.dangeli@unige.ch alfredo.donno@unige.ch


nected with automata. For example, Bartholdi and SÏunik in [BSÏ] obtained the same result in the more general context of a family of solvable groups generated by finite automata.

LetGn be the finite homomorphic image ofGacting faithfully onLn. Also denote byKnGn the parabolic subgroup which stabilizes a fixed vertex in Ln. This way, Ln will be identified with the corresponding homogeneous spaceGn=Kn. We thenprove that (Gn;Kn) is a Gelfand pair for everyn1. In particular, we show, by direct computations involving characters, that the decomposition of the corresponding permutation representation into irreducible G representations is multiplicity-free.

Actually the result can also be obtained from the general theory of re- presentations of semidirect products developed in [CST]. Finally, a for- mula for the relative spherical functions is given.

The idea for this work has beeninspired by Professor A. FigaÁ-Tala- manca whom we thank for his interest and continuous encouragement.

2. Preliminaries.

LetTbe the binary infinite rooted homogeneous tree, that is the tree in which each vertex has two children. For everyn1, denote byLnthen-th level ofT, formed by 2n vertices. Identify each vertex ofLn with a word

x0. . .xn 1 of lengthninthe alphabetXˆ f0;1g. LetX be the set of all

words of finite length in the alphabetX. The root will be represented by the empty word ;. We will denote by Tx the subtree of T rooted at the vertexxand isomorphic toT.

The setLn can be endowed with an ultrametric distanced, defined in the following way: ifxˆx0. . .xn 1andyˆy0. . .yn 1, then

d(x;y)ˆn maxfi:xkˆyk; 8kig:

We observe thatdˆd0=2, whered0denotes the usual geodesic distance onT.

Inthis way (Ln;d) becomes anultrametric space, inparticular a metric space, onwhich the automorphisms groupAut(T) acts isometrically. Note that the diameter of (Ln;d) is exactlyn.

Each automorphism g2Aut(T) canbe represented by its labelling.

The labelling of g2Aut(T) canbe realized as follows: givena vertex

xˆx0. . .xn 12T, we associate withxa permutationgx2S2(S2denotes

the symmetric group on2 elements) that gives the actionofgonthe two


childrenofx. Formally, the actionofgonthe vertex labelled with the word xˆx0. . .xn 1 is

xgˆxg0;xg1x0. . .xgnx0...1xn 2:

It will be used alsog(x) to indicate the elementxg. LetGAut(T). We define the stabilizer of x2T as StabG(x)ˆ fg2G:g(x)ˆxg and the stabilizer of the n-th level as StabG(n)ˆT

x2LnStabG(x). Observe that StabG(n) is a normal subgroup ofGof finite index for alln1.

Anautomorphism g2StabG(1) canbe identified with the elements gi;iˆ0;1 that describe the actionofgonthe respective subtreesTi. So we get the following embedding

W:StabG(1) !Aut(T)Aut(T) that associates togthe pair (g0;g1).

The following definitions can be found in [BGSÏ].

Gisspherically transitive if the actionofGonLn is transitive for everyn.

Inthis case the subgroupsStabG(x);x2Ln are conjugate each other.

GisfractalifStabG(x)jTxG, for eachx2T. This is equivalent to require that the mapW:StabG(1) !GGis a subdirect embedding, that is, surjective oneach factor.

Clearly, a fractal group is spherically transitive if and only if it is transitive on the first level ofT.

Gisself-similarif for everyg2G,x2X, there existsgx2G,x02X such thatg(xw)ˆx0gx(w) for allw2X.

A self-similar group G canbe embedded inthe wreath product GoS2ˆG2jS2, so that anelementg2Gis represented asgˆ(g0;g1)s, wheregi2Gdescribe the actiononthe subtreeTi, an ds2S2corresponds to the actiononL1. With this notation, the product between two elements gˆ(g0;g1)sandhˆ(h0;h1)tis

ghˆ(g0;g1)(h0;h1)sstˆ(g0hs 1(0);g1hs1(1))st:

Observe that inthe product gh the automorphism g acts before the automorphismh, to have coherence with the wreath recursion. Consider again the binary tree but from another point of view. Observe that the


infinite sequence x0x1x2. . . canbe regarded as the dyadic number x020‡x12‡x222‡. . ..

Let us identify the root of the tree with the ring Z, the vertices of the first level with 2Z and 2Z‡1 respectively. Again, the sons of 2Z are 4Zand 4Z‡2, whereas the sons of 2Z‡1 are 4Z‡1 an d 4Z‡3.

Actually, the 2nvertices of then-th level are, for alln1, the cosets of 2nZ inZ.

Inthis way the boundary@T of the tree is identified with the dyadic closure ofZ, which will be denoted byZ2.

Fig. 1. ± The dyadic tree.

3. Some automorphisms of the dyadic tree.

3.1 ±The automorphism a.

Under this identification of the boundary ofTwith the ringZ2of dyadic integers, we introduce the automorphismaofTgivenby the translationby 1. Actually, this is the automorphism that generates the Adding Machine (see, for instance, [BGN]). If we consider the action ofaonthe levelLn, thenthe order of a is 2n. Therefore a admits the following self-similar





whereeis the nontrivial permutation ofS2.

The labelling ofais giveninthe following figure.

Fig. 2. ± Labelling ofa.

It is clear that the actionofafixes the root and so it preserves each level Ln, onwhich it acts transitively for everyn1.

Let us verify, by induction onn, that the actionof the automorphisma givenin(1) is the translationby 1. Onthe first level the actionofais ob- viously transitive, since it exchanges the vertices corresponding to the cosets 2Zand 2Z‡1, that means to perform the sum of 1 modulo 2Z.

Assume the claim true forn 1 and let us prove it forn. First consider anelement of the form 2nZ‡k, withkeven. From the labelling of a it follows that the first letter 0 is changed in 1 (that corresponds to add 1), thenaacts as the identity. We have:

2nZ‡k7 !e 2nZ‡k‡17 !1 2nZ‡k7 !:2 2n 1Z‡k 2 7 !id 2n 1Z‡k

27 !2 2nZ‡k7 !‡1 2nZ‡k‡1:

Infact, after applyinge, the element 2nZ‡kis inthe subtreeT1. The translation by 1 and the following division by 2 are made to identify the subtree T1 with the whole tree T. Now, a acts trivially. Finally, multi-


plication by 2 and translation by 1 give the image of the element 2nZ‡kin T1, which is 2nZ‡k‡1, as desired.

A similar argument can be developed whenaacts onanelement of the form 2nZ‡k, withkodd. First we have the actionofe, which is the sum by

1, thenagainthe actionofa. We have:

2nZ‡k7 !e 2nZ‡k 17 !:2 2n 1Z‡k 1 2 7 !a 2n 1Z‡k 1

2 ‡1ˆ2n 1Z‡k‡1

2 7 !2 2nZ‡k‡1:

Inthis case, after applyinge, the element 2nZ‡kis inthe subtreeT0. The divisionby 2 is made to identifyT0with the whole treeT. Nowaacts againasa. By induction, this action is the translation by 1. Finally, mul- tiplicationby 2 gives the image of the element 2nZ‡k in T0, which is 2nZ‡k‡1.

3.2 ±The automorphism b.

Let us introduce the automorphismbofTgivenby multiplicationby an odd numberqˆ2h‡1 different from 1. Sinceqis odd,bpreserves each level and in particular it fixes the vertex 2nZfor everyn1. Moreoverq has dyadic norm 1, so it is invertible in the ring of dyadic integers, but its inverse does not belong to Z (except inthe case qˆ 1). So, it is not possible to identify the inverse of this automorphism with the multi- plication by an integer. This is clear by considering that the order of the multiplicationbyqonLn is not the same for alln1.

OnL1 multiplicationbyqis trivial.

OnL2 we haveb2ˆ1 for eachqodd.

OnL3 we still haveb2ˆ1 for eachqodd. This is true because 8j(q2 1) for each qodd.

To compute the order of the multiplicationbyqoneach levelLn, with n3, we have to study the equation q2t 1(2n). Consider the following decomposition:

q2t 1ˆ(q2t 1‡1)(q2t 2‡1)(q2t 3‡1) (q2‡1)(q‡1)(q 1):

Since q21(4) for every q odd, we get that each of the factors above, except the last two, are divisible by 2 but are not divisible by higher powers of 2. Moreover, the fact that 8j(q2 1) for eachqodd, implies that for all


n3 we have 2njq2n2 1, and so q2n 21(2n) for all n3. Actually, there exists someqwhose order, at the levelLn, is strictly less then2n 2. Infact, from the previous argument it follows that if

q21(2k) but q261(2k‡1);

then, at the levelLn, the order of multiplicationbyqis exactly 2n k‡1, for all nk. Also, we have k3. To describe the actionof b onLn,n5k, we distinguish two cases.

If q1(4), then2k 1jq 1 an d so bˆ1 oneach level Ln, n5k. If q 1(4), then2k 1jq‡1 an d sob2ˆ1.

As anexample, let us consider the caseqˆ3. Nowq2 1 is divided by 8 but not by 16 and this implies that the order of the multiplication by 3 is 2n 2onLnfor eachn3. InL1 one hasbˆ1, inL2 b2ˆ1.

We can now investigate the order of the orbits of vertices ofLn under the actionofb.

Let us consider the sphere of center 2nZand radiusrwith respect to the ultrametric distance already defined. It contains 2r 1vertices forr1.

The first vertex from the left belonging to this sphere is the element 2nZ‡2n r. Assume that 2lis the period of this element under the action of b, so that we get

2n rq2l 2n r(2n):

This impliesq2l 1(2r). Therefore, if the order ofbonLnis 2n k‡1for every nk, it must be

lˆr k‡1;

with rk. So, the orbit of the element 2nZ‡2n r is exactly of length 2r k‡1.

It is easy to verify that the remaining vertices ofLn belonging to the sphere of radiusrhave the form

2nZ‡2n r‡t2n r‡1; tˆ1;. . .;2r 1 1:

We want to prove that they have the same order 2r k‡1. Consider the equation

(2n r‡t2n r‡1)q2l 2n r‡t2n r‡1(2n):

Dividing by 2n r, we get

q2l‡2tq2l 1‡2t(2r);


from which

(q2l 1)(2t‡1)0(2r):

Since 2t‡1 is odd, we have againthe equationq2l1(2r) an d so lˆr k‡1, ifqhas order 2n k‡1modulo 2n.

Hence, the sphere of radiusrdecomposes, under the multiplication by q, in 2k 2 orbits of length 2r k‡1, for all rk. For r5k, from what ob- served, the sphere of radiusrdecomposes into orbits of length 1 or 2.

PROPOSITION3.1. The automorphismbadmits the self-similar repre- sentation


where qˆ2h‡1.

PROOF. Let us prove it by induction onn.

Fornˆ1, multiplicationbyqcoincides with the identity, as in the self- similar form ofb.

Assume the result true forn 1 and let us show it forn. First consider anelement of the form 2nZ‡k, withkeven. We have:

2nZ‡k7 !:2 2n 1Z‡k

27 !b 2n 1Z‡qk

2 7 !2 2nZ‡qk:

Infact the element 2nZ‡k belongs to T0. Divisionby 2 is made to identify the subtreeT0 with the whole treeT. Now,bacts againasband this action is, by induction, the multiplication byq. Finally, multiplication by 2 gives the imagine of 2nZ‡kinT0, that is 2nZ‡qk, as desired.

A similar argument can be developed whenbacts onanelement of the form 2nZ‡k, withkodd. Inthis case, we have:

2nZ‡k7 !1 2nZ‡k 17 !:2 2n 1Z‡k 1

2 7 !b 2n 1Z‡q(k 1) 2 7 !ah 2n 1Z‡q(k 1)

2 ‡hˆ2n 1Z‡q(k 1)

2 ‡q 1

2 ˆ2n 1Z‡qk 1 2 7 !2 2nZ‡qk 17 !‡1 2nZ‡qk:

Inthis case, the element 2nZ‡kis inthe subtreeT1. The translation by 1 and the following division by 2 are made to identifyT1with the whole


treeT. Now,bacts asbah. By induction, the action ofbis multiplicationby qand the following action ofahis the translation byh. The multiplication by 2 and the sum of 1 give the final image of the element 2nZ‡kinT1, that

is 2nZ‡qk. p

3.3 ±The group Gq.

It is possible to verify that the automorphism group GˆGq of the dyadic tree generated by the translation by 1 and by the multiplication by anodd integerqˆ2h‡1 is a homomorphic image of the solvable Baum- slag-Solitar group

BSqˆ hs;t:t 1stˆsqi:

Infact, this relationholds for every levelLn, as we are going to prove.

We have

aˆ(1;a)e; bˆ(b;bah); b 1ˆ(b 1;a hb 1) and so

b 1abˆ(ah;a hb 1ab)e:

Fornˆ1 the relationis satisfied for anyqodd, because both the elements b 1abandaqexchange the vertices inL1.

Suppose, now, that the result is true forn 1 and let us show it forn.

We have

b 1abˆ(ah;a hb 1ab)eˆ(ah;a haq)eˆ(ah;a h‡2h‡1)eˆ


where the second equality follows by induction, and so the relation is proved.

Actually, the two groups coincide. In fact, for q6ˆ 1, the automor- phismsaandbthat we defined have infinite order. On the other hand, the following lemma holds.

LEMMA 3.2. Let BSqˆ hs;t:t 1stˆsqithe Baumslag-Solitar group.

Then the order of at least one of s or t in any proper homomorphic image of BSqmust be finite.


PROOF. Consider the factor group BSq=N, where N is any proper normal subgroup ofBSq. Ifskorthbelong toNfor somek;hnot trivial, then the claim is true. Using the following generalized relations

t kstkˆsqk; t 1sktˆskq; t ksmtkˆsmqk

and suitable conjugations it is possible to write any word with occurrences of bothsandtas a word of the formsmtk. Suppose that such anelement belongs to N, this implies that t ksmt2kˆsmqktk2N. So the element smtk(smqktk) 1ˆsm(1‡qk)is inNand this completes the proof. p

So we get the following

THEOREM3.3. The automorphisms group GˆGq of the dyadic tree generated by the automorphism a which is the sum of 1 and the auto- morphism b which is the multiplication by q is isomorphic to the solvable Baumslag-Solitar group:

BSqˆ ha;b:b 1abˆaqi:

Note that the groupGis a self-similar group whose actiononthe treeT is spherically transitive. Since

a2ˆ(a;a); bˆ(b;bah); ba 2hˆ(ba h;b);

Gis a fractal group.

REMARK 3.4. The caseqˆ 1 yields the infinite dihedral group. In fact, the group we get is

Gˆ ha;b:b 1abˆa 1i;

and this is exactly the presentation of the infinite dihedral group (see, for example, [BGN]). It is obvious that inthis case we have b2ˆ1 and the generators forGare

aˆ(1;a)e; bˆ(b;ba 1):

REMARK3.5. In[BSÏ] L. Bartholdi and Z. SÏunik obtained these groups of automorphisms as groups generated by the automatonSm;ninthe more general case of the multiplication byminthe ringZnofn-adic integers, with (m;n)ˆ1.


4. Gelfand pairs 4.1 ±Some definitions

We present now some basic elements of the theory of finite Gelfand pairs that will be applied inwhat follows (see, for example, [CST1], [CST2]

and [D] for many applications).

Let G be a finite group and let KG be a subgroup, denote XˆG=Kˆ fgK:g2Gg the associated homogeneous space. In this way Gacts transitively onXandKis the stabilizer of the elementx0K2X.

The space L(G)ˆ ff :G !Cg is analgebra with respect to the con- volution



f1(gh)f2(h 1);

for all f1;f22L(G) an d g2G. The subspace of L(G) consisting of the functionsK-invariant to the right (i.e.f(gk)ˆf(g) for allg2G,k2K) is a subalgebra that canbe identified withL(X)ˆ ff :X !Cg.

This subalgebra canbe endowed with a Hilbert space structure by the scalar product hf1;f2i ˆ P

x2Xf1(x)f2(x), for all f1;f22L(X). Analo- gously, the subspace ofL(X) consisting of the functionsK-invariant is a subalgebra that we identify with L(KnG=K)ˆ ff :G !C:f(kgk0

ˆf(g); for allk;k02K;g2Gg. The group G acts on L(X) in the fol- lowing way: gf(x)ˆfg(x)ˆf(g 1x).

We will call (G;K) aGelfand pairif the algebraL(KnG=K) is commu- tative. The following are equivalent:

(1) (G;K) is a Gelfand pair;

(2) the decompositionof the spaceL(X) into irreducible submodules under the action of Gis multiplicity-free, i.e. each irreducible submodule occurs with multiplicity 1;

(3) givenanirreducible representationVofG, the dimension of the subspace ofK invariant vectorsVKˆ fv2V:kvˆv 8k2Kgis less or equal to 1, and it is 1 if and only ifV L(X).

The reader is referred to [CST1] for details.

A particular example of Gelfand pair is given by thesymmetric Gelfand pairs. A finite group G and a subgroup KG constitute a symmetric Gelfand pair if for everyg2Gthe conditiong 12KgKis satisfied. Infact one can directly verify that this condition implies that the algebra


L(KnG=K) is commutative. Moreover, it is easy to verify that the condition g 12KgKfor everyg2Gis equivalent to require that, for allx;y2X, the pairs (x;y) an d (y;x) are in the same orbit under the diagonal action ofGon XX.

For example, if we consider the finite dihedral groupDnˆCnjC2, it is easy to verify that (Dn;C2) is a symmetric Gelfand pair. The condition g 12C2gC2, for everyg2Dn, is trivially satisfied for this group.

EXAMPLE4.1. Suppose that the finite groupGacts ona finite metric space (X;d) isometrically and with a 2-points homogeneous action, i.e. in such a way that for all x;y;x0;y02X such that d(x;y)ˆd(x0;y0) there existsg2Gsuch thatgxˆx0andgyˆy0. LetK Gbe the stabilizer of anelementx02X. It follows from the previous argument that (G;K) is a symmetric Gelfand pair.

We canobserve that inthis case theK-orbits (which canbe identified with the double cosets ofK inG) are the spheres

Ljˆ fx2X:d(x0;x)ˆjg:

Hence, a functionf 2L(X) isK-invariant if and only if it is constant on the spheresLj.

If (G;K) is a Gelfand pair andL(X)ˆLn

iˆ0Viis a decompositionofL(X) into irreducible submodules, then for each iˆ0;1;. . .;n there exists a unique (up to normalization) bi-K-invariant functionfiwhoseG-translates generate theVi's. In particular, we will require that these functions take value exactly 1 onthe element x02X stabilized by K. The functions fi,

iˆ0;1;. . .;nare calledspherical functionsand they form a basis for the

algebraL(KnG=K). So, the number ofK-orbits under the action ofGonX is equal to the number of spherical functions. A different basis for the al- gebraL(KnG=K) is given by the characteristic functions of theK-orbits.

A spherical functionfcanbe also defined as a bi-K-invariant function onGsatisfying the following properties:

(1) ff ˆ((ff)(1G))ffor everyf 2L(KnG=K);

(2) f(1G)ˆ1.

As anexample, the functionf01 is a spherical function: this corre- sponds to the fact that the trivial representation always occurs in the de- compositionof the spaceL(X) into irreducible submodules.


4.2 ±Gelfand pairs associated with G.

From now on, we will apply the theory of Gelfand pairs to the groups we introduced in Section 3.

Letqˆ2h‡1. Then, the multiplication byqhas order 2n k‡1for each levelLn,nk. Withnfixed, the groupGnˆG=StabG(n) which acts onthe n-th level ofT, is givenby

GnˆC2njC2n k‡1;

where hai ˆC2n and hbi ˆC2n k‡1, since a2n;b2n k‡1 2StabG(n), and the actionis defined asb 1abˆaq. Observe thatC2n acts transitively onLn. MoreoverC2n k‡1 ˆStabGn(2nZ) for allnk. This parabolic subgroup will be denoted byKn.

We want to show that (Gn;Kn) are Gelfand pairs. In order to prove it we use the characterizationof Gelfand pairs about the decompositionof the space L(Ln) into irreducible submodules, by showing that this decom- positionismultiplicity-free.

We distinguish two cases.


For everyn5kwe haveGn ˆC2n,Knˆ f1g and so in the decomposi- tionof the spaceL(Ln) all the irreducible representations (of dimension 1) ofC2noccur with multiplicity 1. The pairs (C2n;1) are not symmetric (except inthe casenˆ1) Gelfand pairs.

Let nownk. We have

GnˆC2njC2n k‡1:

The spaceL(Ln) decomposes under the action ofC2nas L(Ln2Mn 1


Vj; …2†

where the representationVjis associated with the characterxj defined by xj(a)ˆvj, withvˆe2pi2n. We want to study how the automorphismbacts on theVj's. By using the relations holding in the group we get


and sobVj ˆVqj. We want to understand which of these subspaces are in- variant under this action. The equation qjj(2n) gives j(q 1)0(2n), that impliesj0(2n k‡1). TheVj's such thatjsatisfies this property are exactly 2k 1and they correspond to the vertices of the spheres of radiusr,


withr5k. They are infact irreducible submodules of dimension1 inthe representation ofGnonL(Ln). More generally theVj's such thatj0(2n r) butj60(2n r‡1) correspond to the vertices of the sphere of radiusrinLn

and in fact they are 2r 1 innumber. They are the Vj's with jˆ2n r‡t2n r‡1,tˆ0;. . .;2r 1 1. Since we know that the order ofbon the sphere of radius ris 2r k‡1, we deduce that theseVj's will form 2k 2 irreducible submodules forGnof dimension 2r k‡1. As anexample, the orbit

V2n r7 !b Vq2n r7 !b Vq22n r7 !b . . .7 !b Vq2r k‡1 12n r

generates the irreducible representation forGn

V2n rVq2n rVq22n r. . .Vq2r k‡1 12n r: The matrices corresponding to this representation are

a7 !

v2n r 0 0

0 vq2n r ...

... ...

0 0 vq2r k‡01 12n r 0


1 CC CA;

b7 !

0 0 1

1 0 0

0 ... ... ...

0 0 1 0

0 BB


1 CC A:

Let us callcthe character of this representation. We have c(a)ˆx2n r(a)‡xq2n r(a)‡ ‡xq2r k‡1 12n r(a)ˆ0;

since the 2n-th roots of 1 which occur inthe sum are pairwise opposite.

Moreoverc(b)ˆ0. Denote bycd,dˆ1;. . .;2k 2the characters of the 2k 2 irreducible representations associated with the sphere of radiusr. Inorder to prove that they are pairwise non isomorphic, we present a suitable element ofGnonwhich the characterscdtake different values, for eachd.

Let us consider the elementa2r k‡12Gn. We observe that (v2n r)2r k‡1ˆv2n k‡1ˆe2pi2n k‡12n :

Moreover we have 2n k‡1q2n k‡1(2n), since 1q(2k 1). The same computationholds for the following powers ofq. Hence, all the powers ofv which occur inthe diagonal of the matrix associated withar k‡1correspond to the same angle2p2n k‡1

2n ˆ 2p 2k 1.


Let us consider now any element 2n r‡t2n r‡1 inthe sphere of radius r. We have

(v2n r‡t2n r‡1)2r k‡1 ˆv2n k‡1‡t2n k‡2 and

q(2n r‡t2n r‡1)2r k‡12n k‡1‡t2n k‡2(2n);

as one can easily prove by using the property q1(2k 1). We want to study under which condition the elements 2n r‡t2n r‡1 and 2n r‡s2n r‡1 belong to the same orbit under the multiplication by q.

We get the equation

2n k‡1‡t2n k‡22n k‡1‡s2n k‡2(2n);

which gives ts(2k 2).

So, the elements

V2n r;V2n r‡2n r‡1;V2n r‡22n r‡1;. . .;V2n r‡(2k2 1)2n r‡1

belong to the 2k 2different orbits associated to the sphere of radiusr. The angles corresponding to the respective powers ofvare


2k 1‡2u 2p

2k 1; uˆ0;1;. . .;2k 2 1:

Foruˆ2k 2 1 we get the angle 2p

2k 1 and so the angles associated with these orbits are pairwise different.

We have shownthat the characterscdtake different values on the same elementa2r k‡1and so the associated representations are not isomorphic, as required.

CASEq 1(4).

Fornˆ1 the groupG1is the cyclic groupC2and we get the symmetric Gelfand pair (C2;1).

For 2nk 1 we haveb2ˆ1 an d so Gn ˆC2njC2;

which is the dihedral group of order 2n‡1. The pairs (Gn;Kn) are symmetric Gelfand pairs (as we observed above).

Let nk. Let the Vj's be the spaces givenin(2), with the relation bVj ˆVqj. In this case the subspaces which are invariant under the action ofbareV0andV2n1, as one can get from the equationqjj(2n) using that


q1(2) butq61(4). The spheres of radius 15r5kdecompose into 2r 2 irreducible submodules of dimension 2 and each of them is the direct sum VjV j, withj0(2n r) butj60(2n r‡1) and they are non isomorphic.

Letrk. We distinguish two subcases.

Let qˆ4h 1 with hˆ2x‡1. Inthis case necessarily kˆ3, since (q 1)(q‡1)ˆ8(2x‡1)(4x‡1), and so the sphere of radius r decom- poses exactly into two orbits under the action ofb. Analogously to the case q1(4), we want to write a certain power ofaonwhich the characters of these two representations take different values to deduce that they are non isomorphic.

Let us consider the elementa2r 3. We observe that (v2n r)2r 3ˆv2n3 ˆe2pi22nn3ˆeip4: Moreover

(vq2n r)2r 3ˆvq2n3ˆe2piq22nn3 ˆeiqp4: Nowqp

4 ˆ4hp 4


4p p

4(2p), sincehis odd. The same holds for the fol- lowing powers ofq.

Viceversa, the elementv 2n r raised to the power 2r 3 gives the angle p

4. As before, one can show that the elementv q2n r raised to the same power 2r 3gives the anglep‡p

4. The same argument can be developed for the following powers ofq. It is clear that the characters associated with these two representations take opposite nonzero values on the element a2r 32Gn and this completes the proof in this first case.

Now letqˆ4h 1, withhˆ2x. Observe that q2 1ˆ(4h 2)(4h)ˆ8h(2h 1)

and so 2k 3jh. Inthis case we consider the elementa2r k. We have (v2n r)2r k ˆv2n k ˆe2pi22n kn ˆe2pi2k:


(vq2n r)2r kˆvq2n k ˆe2piq22nn k ˆe2pqi2k: Now observe that


2k ˆ2p(4h 1)

2k ˆ2p42k 3m 2k


2k ˆmp 2p

2k p 2p 2k(2p):


The last equality is true since the expression ofhimplies thatmis odd. A similar argument can be developed for the following powers ofq. So the angles2p

2k andp 2p

2k alternate in the orbit containingV2n r.

Consider now any element 2n r‡t2n r‡1, withtˆ0;. . .;2r 1 1. Its 2r k-th power gives anangle equal to2p

2k if the equation 2n k2n k‡t2n k‡1(2n);

which impliest0(2k 1), is satisfied.

Onthe other hand the 2r k-th power gives anangle equal top 2p 2k if the equation

2n k‡2n k‡t2n k‡12n 1(2n);

which gives 1‡t2k 2(2k 1), is satisfied.

The values of t modulo 2r 1 that satisfy these two equations are 22r 1

2k 1 ˆ2r k‡1, as many as the order of an orbit. So the elements whose 2r kth power gives 2p

2k or p 2p

2k are exactly those which satisfy the two equations.

Consider now the two equations

2n k‡t2n k‡12n k‡s2n k‡1(2n) and

2n k‡t2n k‡1‡2n k‡s2n k‡1(2n)2n 1(2n):

Their solutions are, respectively,

ts(2k 1) an d t2k 2 1 s(2k 1):

So, if we fix a value oftmodulo 2r 1not satisfying the first two equations, it is possible to find, by using these two new equations, 2r k‡1 values which will form a new orbit, whose corresponding angle will be different from 2p

2k andp 2p 2k.

This way we get 2k 2orbits inthe decompositionof the sphere of radius r, all of them corresponding to different angles and so the corresponding 2k 2 submodules have characters which take different values ona2r k and so they are non isomorphic.

Consider now the general case of any oddqto show that the Gelfand pairs considered in this paper are non symmetric for every nk. We


recall that the pair (Gn;Kn) is symmetric if the conditiong 12KngKn is satisfied for everyg2Gn.

Let us choosegˆaand considerKnˆ hb:b2n k‡1ˆ1i. We canrestrict our attentiononthe elements of the formb iabi. Infact the elements of the form biabj with i6ˆ j give elements with occurrences of both a and b which are clearly different froma 1. Sinceb iabiˆaqi, we have to study the equation

qi 1(2n);


withiˆ0;. . .;2n k‡1 1. It is clear that inthe caseiˆ0 the equationis

satisfied only in the trivial casenˆ1, whenGnˆC2. Also inthe case al- ready developedqˆ 1 this equationis satisfied byiˆ1.

Consider now the equation (3). If 2n divides qi‡1, then2n‡1 divides (qi‡1)(qi 1)ˆq2i 1. So one has q2i1(2n‡1). The smallest nonzero exponent satisfying this equation is, as we know, 2n k‡2. But it must be 2i2n k‡2 2. This completes the proof. Collecting all the results ob- tained in this section we have the following

THEOREM 4.2. Let q be an odd integer such that q21(2k) but q261(2k‡1), then, for every nk, GnˆG=StabG(n)ˆC2njC2n k‡1 and KnˆStabGn(2nZ)ˆC2n k‡1. The associated pairs (Gn;Kn) are non sym- metric Gelfand pairs.

For n5k and q1(4) we get Gn ˆC2n and Knˆ f1g, which are non symmetric (except in the case nˆ1) Gelfand pairs.

For15n5k and q 1(4) we get GnˆD2n and KnˆC2; which are symmetric Gelfand pairs. For nˆ1we have the symmetric Gelfand pair (C2;1).

4.3 ±Final remarks.

In[CST] the authors show ina different way that the pairs (Gn;Kn) introduced above are Gelfand pairs by using the general theory of the Gelfand pairs associated to the semidirect products.

Let GˆNjHbe a finite group and let KN be a subgroup of N invariant under the action ofHand such that (N;K) is a Gelfand pair. Set XˆN=K and let L(X)ˆLn


Vi be the multiplicity-free decompositionof L(X) into irreducibleN submodules and letfi2Vibe the corresponding spherical functions. The mapnK7 !nKHis a bijectionbetweenN=Kand


G=KH. The actionof G on XˆG=KH canbe defined as nh(n0KH)ˆ

ˆnhn0h 1KHand the induced action onL(X) is, as usual,fg(x)ˆf(g 1x).

It is easy to check that ifViis any irreducibleN-invariant submodule in L(X), thenhViis stillN-invariant and irreducible, for everyh2H, inother wordsHpermutes theVi's.

So the decompositionof L(X) under the action of G into irreducible submodules is



Wj; …4†

where Wj ˆ L


Vi and Gj denotes, for jˆ0;. . .;r, the H-orbits on

fV0;V1;. . .;Vng. The Wj's are pairwise non isomorphic because the re-

strictions toNof the representationsWj andWj0 decompose into non iso- morphic submodules forj6ˆj0.

Hence the decomposition (4) is multiplicity-free and this implies that (G;KH) is a Gelfand pair. The corresponding spherical functions can be easily computed from thefi's and they are given by

Fjˆ 1 jGjj



fiˆ 1 jHj




Inthe case of the groups introduced above we haveNˆC2n,Kˆ f1gand HˆC2n k‡1. TheVi's are the submodules inwhich decomposes the space L(Ln) under the action ofC2n whose spherical functions are exactly the characters of C2n. The Wj's are the orbits of the spaces Vi's under the automorphismbwithbViˆVqi.

The previous argument guarantees that (C2njC2n k‡1;C2n k‡1) is a Gel- fand pair and yields the associated spherical functions.

InSection4.2 we preferred to give anexplicit calculationof the irre- ducible subspaces ofL(Ln) under the action ofGnusing only congruences modulo 2nand identifying the spacesVj's with the vertices of then-th level of the dyadic tree.


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[BGSÏ] L. BARTHOLDI- R. I. GRIGORCHUK- Z. SÏUNIK,Branch groups, Handbook of Algebra, North-Holland, Amsterdam (2003), Vol.3, pp. 989-1112.


[BSÏ] L. BARTHOLDI- Z. SÏUNIK,Some solvable automaton groups, in Topological and asymptotic aspects of group theory, Contemp. Math.,394(2006), pp.


[BS] G. BAUMSLAG- D. SOLITAR,Some two-generator, one relator non-Hopfian groups, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,68(1962), pp. 199-201.

[CST] T. CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN - F. SCARABOTTI- F. TOLLI, Trees, wreath products and finite Gelfand pairs, Adv. Math., no. 206 (2006), pp. 503-537.

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[CST2] T. CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN - F. SCARABOTTI - F. TOLLI, Harmonic Analysis on Finite Groups: Representation Theory, Gelfand Pairs and MarkovChains, Cambridge Studies inAdvanced Mathematics 108, Cam- bridge University Press, 2008.

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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 7 luglio 2007.


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