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On the group of automorphisms of finite wreath products


Academic year: 2022

Partager "On the group of automorphisms of finite wreath products"


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On the Group of Automorphisms of Finite Wreath Products


Dedicated to Guido Zappa on his 90th birthday ABSTRACT- Inthis paper we study the structure of the group of automorphisms of the wreath productA wr C2, whereAis a finite nilpotent group, andC2is the cyclic group of order2. In particular we give necessary and sufficient conditions for Aut (A wr C2) to be supersolvable depending only on Aut (A) and on the Remak decompositionofA.

Introduction and statement of the main result.

This work is a contribution to the study of the group of automorphisms of a (restricted) wreath productA wr Bof two non-trivial groupsAandB.

Throughout this paper we denote with G the group A wr B. Particular interest concerns the relationships among the structures and the group- theoretical properties of the groupsAandBand the ones of Aut (G).

For instance, if Aut (G) is a nilpotent group much is known. In fact in this caseGis clearly nilpotent and for a result of G. Baumslag ([2]) we have that bothAandBare nilpotentp-groups (for the same primep), whereA has finite exponent andBhas finite order. Moreover, if Aut (G) is supposed to be finite (and nilpotent), then Aut (A) and Aut (B) are finite p-groups (see [9]). Conversely, ifAandBare finitep-groups (forp6ˆ2) with Aut (A) and Aut (B)p-groups too, thenAut (A wr B) is ap-group (see M.V. Khor- oshevskii [4]).

Concerning supersolvability, in a recent paper ([7]) G. Corsi Tani and R. Brandl proved the following

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: UniversitaÁ degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Matematica ``Ulisse Dini'', viale Morgagni 67A, 50134 Firenze, Italia; e-mail:


A work partially supported by MURST research program ``Teoria dei gruppi e applicazioni''.


THEOREM. IfAut (G)is supersolvable then A is nilpotent. Moreover if either G is supposed to be infinite or if(jAj;jBj)ˆ1, then B'C2;the cyclic group of order two.

In this paper we study the ``inverse problem'' of the aforementioned result. We suppose thatAis a finite nilpotent group and give necessary and sufficient conditions for Aut (A wr C2) to be supersolvable.

Our mainTheorem is proved insection3 and it canbe stated as follows.

THEOREM 1. Let A be a finite nilpotent group with Aut (A) super- solvable and let G:ˆA wr C2. ThenAut (G)is supersolvable if and only if either no two distinct factors in a Remak decomposition of A are iso- morphic, or the only possible ones are2-groups and in this case O2(A)is not isomorphic to C2C2.

Clearly the supersolvability of Aut (A) is a necessary condition since Aut (A) is, up to isomorphism, a subgroup of Aut (G).

The paper is organized as follows. In the first two sections we analyze what happens ifAis a finitep-group, wherepis any prime number. In the former we focus our attention on the inner structure of Aut (G), while inthe latter onthe problem of supersolvability. Finally, inthe last sectionwe generalize the results to any finite nilpotent groupA.

1. The structure ofAut (G).

Let A be a finite p-group, C2 be the cyclic group of order two and G:ˆA wr C2the restricted wreath product ofAandC2. Then, by [3], ifA itself is not the group of order two, the base groupFofGis characteristic in G and, if we fix a complement C2ˆ hti, we canexpress Aut (G) as a product

Aut (G)ˆKI;

where K is the subgroup of Aut (G) consisting of those automorphisms which fixtandIis the subgroup of Aut (G) consisting of those inner au- tomorphisms which correspond to conjugations by elements ofF. More- overIis normal in Aut (G), and sinceIis isomorphic to a quotient ofF,Iis a p-group. Let us give now another interpretation ofK. We identify the base subgroupFwithAA, the direct product of two copies ofA. Denote


as usual the elements ofFwith couples (x;y), wherex;y2A, and withd the involution of F defined by: d(x;y)ˆ(y;x) for each x;y2A. Let CAut (F)(d) be the centralizer ofdinAut (F).

LEMMA1. The groups K and CAut (F)(d)are isomorphic.

PROOF. Anisomorphism is givenby the map that sends h2K into pFhiF2KwhereiFis the canonical injection ofFinGandpFthe canonical projectionofGonF. The inverse of this map is the application that sends W2Kinto the automorphismFofGso defined:F(a1a2te):ˆiG(W(a1;a2))te,

for eacha1a2te2G. p

We note that in this situation the automorphism d ofF is indeed the conjugation by the elementtthat generatesC2inG.

To study more indetail the structure of the group K, we give some more notation that will be used through all the paper.

We indicate with:

AutZ(A);AutZ(F) the groups of the central automorphisms ofAand of F respectively (that is the groups of the automorphisms which act tri- vially onthe central factor groups A

Z(A)and F


KZ:ˆK\AutZ(F) and similarly ifXis any subgroup of Aut (F) we use XZforX\AutZ(F).

D(Y):ˆ f(y;y)jy2Ygfor eachY subgroup ofA(we use simplyDfor


r(Y):ˆ h(y;y 1)jy2Yifor each Y subgroup ofA(we use simplyr


H:ˆCK(D) the centralizer ofDinK.

L:ˆCK(r) the centralizer ofrinK.

A:ˆ faf jf 2Aut (A)gwhereaf denotes the automorphism ofFdefined byaf(a1;a2)ˆ(f(a1);f(a2)), for each (a1;a2)2F. (ClearlyA'Aut (A)).

Givenany elementWof Aut (F), define two endomorphismsW1;W2ofAby W(x;1):ˆ(W1(x);W2(x));8x2A:

As a Lemma we collect now some elementary facts. We omit the easy proofs.

LEMMA2. (i)IfW2K, then8x;y2A

W(1;x)ˆ(W2(x);W1(x)) and W(x;y)ˆ(W1(x)W2(y);W2(x)W1(y))


(ii) [ImW1;ImW2]ˆ1 and Aˆ(ImW1)(ImW2) (in particular ImW1\

\ImW2Z(A)andImWiare normal subgroups of A).

(iii) Any element of K fixes the subgroups Dandr, in particular it permutes the generators(x;x 1)ofr.

(iv) The subgroup H is the kernel of the group epimorphism F:W2K7 !W1‡W22Aut (A)(whereW1‡W2is the map a7!W1(a)W2(a)for each a2A) and Kˆ[H]A is the semidirect product of H and A.

(v) H

HZis an elementary abelian2-group.

(vi) The map~ :W2HZ7!~W2AutZ(A)defined byW(a)~ :ˆW1(a2)a 1is a homomorphism of groups.

At this point we distinguish the two casespevenandpodd.

Let us suppose first thatAis a finite 2-group.

Inthis situationthe map~defined in Lemma 2 (vi) is in general not in- jective. In fact its kernel is constituted by the elementsWofHZ such that W1(a2)ˆa2for eacha2A, and so, sinceW1‡W2ˆidA,W2(a2)ˆ1 for each a2A. Then

Ker~ˆ fW2HZjWjA2A2ˆidjA2A2g:

LEMMA3. The kernel of the map~is an elementary abelian2-group.

PROOF. LetWbe a non trivial element of the kernel of~andaanele- ment ofA. Then


and so (W2)1ˆW21‡W22 and (W2)2ˆ0 the null endomorphism of A. Since W22H, then(W2)1‡(W2)2ˆidAand so (W2)1ˆidAandWhas order 2. p

Lemmas 2, 3 and the fact that Aut (G)ˆKIimply the following THEOREM2. If A is a2-group, then the composition factors ofAut (G) are either composition factors ofAut (A)or cyclic groups of order2.

The same result canbe proved forp6ˆ2, infact ifpis odd, the map~of Lemma 2 (vi) is a monomorphism, thereforeHZis a normal subgroup ofH that canbe embedded inAut (A). So, according to Theorem 2, we can state


THEOREM3. If A is a p-group, with p any prime, then the composition factors of the group K are either composition factors ofAut (A), or cyclic groups of order2.

We next show that in the situationp6ˆ2 we canlift the subgroupHZup toH, and this will be of fundamental importance for our purposes.

Fix a Remak decompositionofA, sayAˆA1A2. . .An, whereAi

are indecomposable direct factors of A. For each subset I of the set f1;2;. . .;ng, we defin e XI:ˆ hAiji2Ii, YI:ˆ hAjjj2=Ii, so that AˆXIYI, and denote withW(XI;YI)orWIthe automorphism ofFdefined by

W(XI;YI)(xy;x1y1):ˆWI(xy;x1y1):ˆ(xy1;x1y) for eachx;x12XIy;y12YI.

It is immediate to verify thatWI2H. We canthenconsider the subset of H Q:ˆ fWIjI f1;2;. . .;ngg. It is not difficult to prove thatQ is an elementary abelian 2-subgroup ofHthat canbe generated by the elements Wfig,iˆ1;2;. . .;n(we leave the proofs to the reader).

Note that the subgroupQdepends on the Remak decomposition, sayA, of A chosen at first, so that it is convenient to write QA

:ˆ fWAI jI f1;2;. . .;ngg instead of Q:ˆ fWIjI f1;2;. . .;ngg. If we choose another direct decomposition ofA, sayB, thenwe obtainingeneral another elementary abelian 2-subgroup, sayQB. The relationbetweenQA andQB is explicitated inthe next

LEMMA4. QAand QBare conjugate in K by an element of AZ. PROOF. Suppose the two different Remak decompositions of A are A:ˆ fAign1 andB:ˆ fBign1. By the Krull-Schmidt theorem there exists a central automorphismf ofAsuch that for eachiˆ1;2;. . .;n,f(Ai)ˆBi. Consider then the automorphismaf ofF.af is a central automorphism ofF and for eachI f1;2;. . .;ng,

af1WBIaf ˆWAI;

and soQAandQBare conjugate by an element ofAZ. p These arguments allow us to give the following description of the structure of the subgroupH.

LEMMA5. Chosen a Remak decompositionAof A, the subgroup H of K is the product HˆHZQA:


PROOF. By Lemma 2 we already know thatHZis normal inKand that H

HZis anelementary abelian2-group. Suppose thatWis anelement ofHof order a power of 2, say 2m. If we callM:ˆKerW2andN:ˆImW2, we have thatAˆMN. Infact by Lemma 2,MandNare both normal subgroups ofA. In order to prove that their intersection is trivial, consider an element a2M\N, say aˆW2(x). By aninductionargument we have that Wk(x;1)ˆ(Wk1(x);W2(x)k), for eachk1. Inparticular forkˆ2mwe obtain W2(x)2mˆ1 and since 2 does not dividejAj, we have that x2KerW2, i.e.

aˆ1. SoAˆMNand this decomposition ofAallows us to consider the automorphismW(M;N). A simple computationshows thatWW(M;N) 2HZ. In this way, according to the fact that the order of H

HZis a power of 2, we have that for anyWinHthere exists anelement ofHof the formW(R;S)(for some decomposition(R;S) ofA) such thatWW(R;S) 2HZ.

Now we fix a Remak decompositionAofAand callQthe subgroupQA of H. If W is any element ofH, we proved that there exist s2HZ and W(R;S)2QB, for some decompositionBofA, that is a refinement of (R;S), such that WˆsW(R;S). Call f the central automorphism of A such that Qˆaf1QBaf, thenWaf ˆsafWa(R;S)f 2HZQ. But now we can write the ele- mentWasWˆ[W 1;af1]Waf, and, sinceHandKZare normal subgroups of K, [W 1;af1]2HZand soW2HZQ, i.e.HˆHZQ. p

2. Supersolvability ofK.

We now concentrate our study on the problem of the supersolvability of the groupK. We of course assume that Aut (A) is supersolvable.

As before, we consider first the casepˆ2.

With the considerations of section 2.1 it is not difficult now to establish whenAut (G) is supersolvable. Making use of [8], we know that the auto- morphism group of a 2-group, notC2C2, is supersolvable if and only if it is itself a 2-group. Therefore we have the following

THEOREM 4. Let A be a finite 2-group. If A is not isomorphic to C2C2, then Aut (G) is supersolvable if and only if Aut (A) is super- solvable. If A'C2C2, thenAut (G)is not supersolvable.

PROOF. For the caseAnot isomorphic toC2C2, Theorem 2 and the results in[8] tell us that Aut (G) is a 2-group and so it is supersolvable.


IfA'C2C2, Aut (G), being not a 2-group, is not supersolvable. (In this case the subgroup IAof Aut (G) is isomorphic to the symmetric

groupS4). p

The casepodd requires more work.

We recall that a groupTis said to bestrictly p-closed(wherepis any prime number) if T0Tp 1 is a p-subgroup of T, or equivalently if Tˆ[Op(T)]S with S an abelian group of exponent that divides p 1.

Strictly p-closed groups are supersolvable (see Baer [1]), and the auto- morphism group of a finitep-group (p6ˆ2) is supersolvable if and only if it is strictlyp-closed (see G. Corsi Tani [8]).

Before making any other hypothesis than the supersolvability of Aut (A), we prove a relevant result concerning the subgroupKZofK.

LEMMA 6. If A is a p-group (p6ˆ2), then, with the same notations as before:

(i) KZˆ[HZ]AZˆ[LZ]AZ, semidirect products.

(ii) HZ\LZˆ1.

(iii) HZ'LZ'a subgroup of AZ normal in A.

(iv) IfAut (A)is supersolvable, then KZis supersolvable.

PROOF. (i)It is immediate by the fact that the applicationsF1andF2 from KZ to AutZ(G) defined respectively by F1(W):ˆW1‡W2 and F1(W):ˆW1 W2 (where W1‡W2(a)ˆW1(a)W2(a) an d W1 W2(a)ˆ

ˆW1(a)(W2(a)) 1 for each a2A) are both epimorphisms of kernels re- spectivelyHZandLZ.

(ii) Let W2H\L, then W(a2;1)ˆW(a;a)W(a;a 1)ˆ(a;a)(a;a 1

ˆ(a2;1) and since 2 does not divide jAj, W is the identity map, and so H\Lˆ1.

(iii) We have already proved thatHZ canbe embedded inA. More- over, using a better argument, one can consider the subgroup T:ˆHZLZ.Tis subgroup ofKZ, which is normal in K, soT\A is a subgroup of AZnormal inA. Using(i)and Dedekind's modular law, we obtainthatT\A'HZ'LZ.

(iv) By(i) we obtainthat KZ HZ'KZ

LZ'AZ, and since HZ\LZˆ1, if Aut(A) is supersolvable,KZis a supersolvable group. p Inparticular Lemma 6 applies whenA is abelianand Aut (A) super- solvable. Inthis case AutZ(F)ˆAut (F) an d soKˆKZis a supersolvable group.


Let us now concentrate on the caseA non-abelian, and study more in detail the structure of the subgroup KZ, with particular interest on the actionofK onKZ.

LEMMA7. Let A be a non abelian finite p-group (p6ˆ2), withAut (A) supersolvable. Then:

(i) Op0(KZ)ˆ1 and KZˆ[Op(KZ)]S, where S is an abelian Hall p0 subgroup of KZ.

(ii) KˆKZCK(S).

(iii) [KZ;K]Op(KZ).

PROOF. (i)Since Aut (A) is supersolvable, another result of G. Corsi ([8]) implies that Op0(Aut (A))ˆ1, and so, as AZ is normal in A and A'Aut (A),Op0(AZ)ˆ1. Now the mapF1 defined in Lemma 6(i)is a homomorphism with kernelHZ, and so we deduce thatOp0(KZ)ˆOp0(HZ).

By Lemma 6 again,HZis isomorphic to a normal subgroup ofAZand so Op0(HZ)ˆ1, i.e. Op0(KZ)ˆ1 and the Fitting subgroup Fit(KZ) coincides with Op(KZ). The supersolvability of K and Schur-Zassenhaus theorem complete the proof of this step.

(ii)TakeS a Hall p0 subgroup ofKZ. Using Frattini's argument we have thatKˆKZNK(S). Inorder to prove thatNK(S)ˆCK(S), consider a decompositionofAasAˆXY, whereXandY6ˆ1 are respectively the product of the abelian and non-abelian direct factors ofA. Since Sis in particular a p0 subgroup of AutZ(F) we have, according to [5], FˆCF(S)[F;S], where CF(S) is the centralizer of S in F and [F;S]:ˆ hw 1g(w)jg2S;w2Fiis abelian. Moreover, up to conjugation, we cansuppose that S contains the automorphisms aand b defined by a(xy;x~~y):ˆ(~xy;x~y),b(xy;x~~y):ˆ(x 1y;x~1~y), for each x;~x2X,y;~y2Y.

Consider now the subgroups D(X) an dr(X). One can easily prove that D(X)' r(X)'X; XXˆD(X) r(X); [F;a]ˆ r(X); and [F;b]ˆ

ˆXX:From this, we obtainthat [F;S]ˆXX. ThenNK(S) fixes the subgroupsD(X);r(X) an dYY, and so any elementf of NK(S) canbe seenas a triplef ˆ(f0;f1;f2), wheref0ˆfjYYis anautomorphism ofYY and f1ˆfjD(X),f2ˆfjr(X) are automorphisms of X. Inparticular the ele- ments ofSare of the formWˆ(id;W1;W2). Now takenanyf 2NK(S) an d any W2Swe have that Wf ˆ(id;Wf11;Wf22)2S andW1;Wf11;W2 andWf22 canbe seenasp0 elements of Aut (X). Aut (X) is a supersolvable group, since it is, up to isomorphism, a subgroup of Aut (A), inparticular Aut (X) is strictlyp-closed. Therefore [W1;f1] lies inOp(Aut (X)), butW1lies ina Hall p0-subgroup of Aut (X) an df1normalizes this subgroup and so [W1;f1] must be also ap0-element, therefore [W1;f1]ˆ1.


Similarly [W2;f2]ˆ1, and sof centralizesS, an dK ˆKZCK(S).

(iii)Using the previous two steps we obtain

[KZ;K]ˆ[Op(KZ)S;Op(KZ)CK(S)]Op(KZ): p As a consequence of this Lemma we obtain the following result on the subgroupH.

LEMMA8. The subgroup H of K is strictly p-closed.

PROOF. Using the previous Lemmas we obtain that H0ˆ[HZQ;HZQ]Op(HZ)Op(H):

So we just have to prove that H

Op(H)has exponent that dividesp 1.

Note that H

HZ is an elementary abelian 2-group and soOp(H)ˆOp(HZ).

Using the facts thatHˆHZQ,Qis anelementary abelian2-group, and H

Op(H)is abelian, we deduce that H Op(H)

p 1

ˆ HZ


p 1

, and since HZ9Aut (A),HZis strictlyp-closed and H


p 1


Inparticular we proved that [H;H]Op(H). As [A;A]Op(A), we now just have to consider the action of A onH. At this point we make hypotheses onthe structure ofA. Suppose first of all thatA has no pairs of isomorphic direct factors in any of its Remak decompositions.Note that this hypothesis is consistent in the case A abelian, in fact a result of G. Corsi [8] shows that any abelian p-group (p6ˆ2) with supersolvable automorphism group necessary satisfies this condition.

A first consequence of this assumption is contained in the next

LEMMA9. Let A be a p-group (p6ˆ2), withAut (A)supersolvable and such that A has no isomorphic direct factors in its Remak decompositions, then

(i) NK(Q)ˆCK(Q).

(ii) KˆKZCK(Q).

PROOF. (i)We letfbe anelement ofNK(Q) and prove thatfcentralizes Qby showing thatf centralizes the generatorsWfigofQforiˆ1;2;. . .;n.

Let us beginby observing thatfpermutes the elementsWfig. Infact ifQis associated to the following Remak decomposition of A, AˆX1


X2. . .Xn, the automorphismWfiginterchanges the elements ofXiXi

inAAand acts like the identity on the others. Similarlyf 1Wfigf changes the positions of the elements off 1(Xi)f 1(Xi) and acts trivially on the rest.

SinceXiis indecomposable,f 1(Xi) is to be such, an d sof 1Wfigfmust be an element ofQthat acts not trivially only on one pair of direct indecomposable factors, i.e.f 1Wfigf ˆWfjgfor somejˆ1;2;. . .;n. Thereforefpermutes the elementsWfig.

Inorder to prove thatiˆj, sin ceAhas no isomorphic direct factors, it is enough to show thatXi'Xj. From the previous observationwe immediately deduce thatjXij ˆ jXjj. Let us prove now thatf(X0jXj0)ˆXi0Xi0.

We denote with [dF;Wfjg] the subgrouphd(u 1)Wfjg(u)ju2Fi; then [dF;Wfjg]ˆ h(x;x 1)jx2Xji ˆ r(Xj)


X0jXj0 r(Xj)\F0(XjXj)\F0ˆXj0Xj0

and so r(Xj)\F0ˆXj0Xj0. Similarly r(Xi)\F0ˆXi0Xi0. Now we claim thatf(r(Xj))ˆ r(Xi). Infact let (x;x 1)2 r(Xj), thenby Lemma 2 (iii), f(x;x 1)ˆ(y;y 1) for somey2A. Let yˆuv with u2Xi,v2Yi, then

(uv;u 1v 1)ˆf(x;x 1)ˆfWj(x;x 1)ˆWif(x;x 1)ˆ(uv 1;u 1v) and so, since 2 does not divide the order ofA,f(x;x 1)ˆ(u;u 1). Since jXij ˆ jXjj, we have proved thatf(r(Xj))ˆ r(Xi), and from this we obtain that

X0iXi0 ˆ F0\ r(Xi)ˆf(F0)\f(r(Xj))ˆ

ˆ f(F0\ r(Xj))ˆf(Xj0X0j) Now for the sake of simplicity we let

X:ˆD(Xi):ˆ f(x;x)jx2Xig, Y:ˆD(Yi):ˆ f(y;y)jy2Yig, M:ˆf(D(Xj)) and


Since f fixes DˆD(A), MD\f(XjXj)ˆD(f(XjXj)) and by reasons of orders, MˆD(f(XjXj)). Similarly LˆD(f(YjYj)). More- over, AˆXiYiˆXjYj and this implies M'Xj;L'Yj and DˆXY ˆML.


Let nowpXandpMbe the projections fromDrespectively onXand on M, and setF:ˆpMpX.Frestricted toM is anendomorphism ofM, so there existsn1 such thatFn(M)ˆFn‡1(M):ˆR. Now

M0ˆ(Df(XjXj))0ˆDf(XiXi)0ˆD(Xi0)ˆX0; and so

F(M0)ˆpMpX(X0)ˆpM(X0)ˆpM(M0)ˆM0: ThereforeRˆFn(M)Fn(M0)ˆM0, inparticularR/ M.

Now call SˆKerFn, then S/ M, R\Sˆ1 an d MˆRS. Therefore MˆRS and S is abelianas RM0. Since M'Xj, M is in- decomposable, so eitherMˆRorMˆS, inboth cases we haveXj 'Xi. Infact ifMˆR, then MˆF(M), soM'pX(M). But jMj ˆ jXj, an d so XˆpX(M)'M, i.e.Xi'Xj:Otherwise ifMˆSthen Mis cyclic, soXj too. Using the fact thatf(Xj0Xj0)ˆXi0Xi0, we have that


soXiis abelian and since it is indecomposable, it is cyclic. By the factXiand Xj are of the same order we deduce they are isomorphic.

(ii)As a consequence of Remak-Krull-Schmidt theorem, we have that for eachaf 2Athere exists aafc 2AZsuch thatQaf ˆQafc, but this means that afafc12NK(Q), and so A ˆNA(Q)AZ. Therefore KˆHA ˆ

ˆHZQNA(Q)AZˆNK(Q)KZ, and by the previous LemmaKˆCK(Q)KZ. LEMMA10. [A;H]Op(H):

PROOF. Using Lemmas 6 and 9, and the fact thatDZcentralizesHwe obtainthatK ˆAZCK(Q):InparticularAˆAZCA(Q):Then



and sinceHis normal inK, [A;H]Op(H): p Now we are inconditionto prove a result aboutK.

THEOREM5. The group K is supersolvable if and only ifAut (A)is supersolvable and either A has no isomorphic direct factors (and in this case K is strictly p-closed), or AˆA1A2with A1'A2indecomposable.


PROOF. Suppose first that inany Remak decompositionofAthere are no pairs of isomorphic direct factors. Then from the previous Lemmas it is clear that Op(K)ˆOp(H)Op(A) an d K0Op(K). Since K



Op(K) HOp(A)

Op(K) , we have that the exponent of K

Op(K) divides the exponent of Aut (A)

Op(Aut (A))and so also (p 1):It follows thatK is strictlyp- closed and thus supersolvable.

Suppose now thatAˆA1A2 is the direct product of two isomorphic indecomposable groups. Since Aut (A) is supersolvable, this implies that theAiare not abelian ([8]). In particularFhas no abelian direct factors too, and this implies thatKZis ap-subgroup ofK. Infact ifSis anyp0-subgroup ofKZ, using [5] we have thatFˆCF(S)[F;S], with [F;S] central, then Krull-Schmidt theorem implies [F;S]ˆ1, i.e. Sˆ1. So we have that KZOp(K) an d [KZ;K]Op(K). Using the same notations as before, the subgroupQnow reduces tohW1;W2i, anelementary abeliangroup of order 4. We indicate with lany isomorphism from A1 to A2; linduces the fol- lowing involution in A L(g1g2):ˆl 1(g2)l(g1) for each g12A1;g22A2. Moreover, L induces aL2AK. We have that jaLj ˆ2 an d NK(Q)ˆ haLiCK(Q). From these we obtainthat [A;H]Op(K)hdi, an d so, since [A;A]Op(A)Op(K) (as A is supersolvable with Op0(A)ˆ1) and [H;H][KZ;K]Op(K), we have thatK0Op(K)hdi Fit(K), the Fitting subgroup of K. Thenwe have that K



Fit(K) HOp(A)

Fit(K) and so exp K Fit(K)

divides (p 1). This is en- ough to deduce the supersolvability ofK.

Finally we consider the case AˆA1A2B with A1'A2 in- decomposable groups andB6ˆ1. Inthis situationwe prove thatK is not supersolvable by showing that there is anelement of order two inthe Fitting subgroup ofKwhich does not commute with all the elements of orderp, an d this is a contradiction, sincepis the largest prime number that dividesjKj.

Using the same notation as in the previous step, let us consider the following subgroup ofK,R:ˆ hW1aL;W2i, (whereaL now acts like the identity auto- morphism onthe elements ofK). It is easy to see thatRis a dihedral group of order 8 and that its centre consists of the subgroup generated by dWf1;2gˆ[W1;aL]. IfK were supersolvable then,Op(K) would be a Sylowp- subgroup ofK, moreover K0Fit(K), and sodWf1;2g2Fit(K) would com- mute with every element of orderp. Now letube a non trivial homomorphism



A01toZ(K) (remember that inthis situationAut (A) supersolvable and A1'A2imply thatA1is non-abelian).udefines the following automorphism ofA:U(g):ˆgu(g).Uhas orderpand it inducesaU2K. Finally, a simple computationshows that [dWf1;2g;aU]6ˆ1 and this contradiction completes the

proof. p

3. Supersolvability ofAut (G).

This sectionis devoted to prove Theorem 1.

We first consider the case thatAis a finitep-group and then derive the result for finite nilpotent groups as a consequence.

THEOREM6. Let A be a finite p-group withAut (A)supersolvable.

If pˆ2,Aut (A wr C2)is supersolvable if and only if A6'C2C2. If p6ˆ2, Aut (A wr C2) is supersolvable if and only if A has no iso- morphic direct factors in any of its Remak decomposition.

PROOF. Ifpˆ2 the result follows from Theorem 4.

Let nowp6ˆ2 and suppose first thatAhas no isomorphic direct factors.

ThenAut (A wr C2)ˆKI, by Theorem 5, is anextensionof a strictlyp- closed group by a normal p-group and so it is strictly p-closed and su- persolvable.

If otherwiseAhas isomorphic direct factors, inorder to have Aut (G) supersolvable, we must require that K is supersolvable, so Theorem 5 implies AˆA1A2 withA1'A2 indecomposable factors. Now the con- jugationga(whereais the generator ofC2) is not in the Fitting subgroup of Aut (A wr C2), otherwise it will be a central element. Therefore if we con- sider the dihedral subgroup R:ˆ hW1aL;W2i (with the same construction used inthe second step of Theorem 5), we have that CR(I)ˆ1. Then R\Fit(Aut (A wr C2))ˆ1, and so Aut (A wr C2)

Fit(Aut (A wr C2)) is not abelian and

Aut (A wr C2) not supersolvable. p

PROOF OFTHEOREM1. The key idea of the proof consists in observing that Aut (G) is a central product of the groups Aut (Apwr C2), whereApis thep-component ofAandpvaries onthe set of prime divisorsp(A) ofjAj.

Use induction onjp(A)j.

Ifjp(A)j ˆ1, thenA is a prime power group and there is nothing to prove. Let jp(A)j 2 and write AˆPQ, where PˆOp(A) an d


QˆOp0(A) (p2p(A)). Using the same notations as in the previous sec- tions, we have again thatFis characteristic inGand

Aut (G)ˆIK:

MoreoverIˆIpIp0, where

Ip:ˆ fg(p1;p2)2Inn(A wr C2)j(p1;p2)2PPg

(Ip0 is defined in a similar way), and K:ˆCAut (F)(d). Since FˆAAis nilpotent Aut(F)ˆAut (PP)Aut (QQ) and we can write


where Kp is the subgroup of Aut(W) of all the elements which fix each element ofQQand commute withdp(dp is the involution ofFthat in- terchanges the elements ofPPand acts like the identity on the rest). In a similar way is definedKp0. Finally we have that


So we obtainthat Aut (G) is a central product of the groups IpKp'Aut(P wr C2) an dIp0Kp0 'Aut(Q wr C2). The result follows from

Theorem 6 and the inductive hypothesis. p


[1] R. BAER,Supersolvable immersion, Canad. J. Math.II(1959), pp. 353-369.

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[3] C.H. HOUGHTON, On the automorphism group of certain wreath products, Publ. Math.9(1962), pp. 453-460.

[4] M.V. KHOROSHEVSKII, On the automorphism group of finite p groups, Algebra i Logika10(1971), pp. 81-88.

[5] D.J. MCCAUGHAN - M.J. CURRAN, Central automorphisms of finite groups, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.34(1986), pp. 191-198.

[6] P.M. NEUMANN,On the structure of standard wreath products of groups, Math.

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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 15 giugno 2005


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