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Symétries et brisures de symétries au-delà de la théorie électrofaible


Academic year: 2021

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Symétries et brisures de symétries au-delà de la théorie


Christophe Grojean

To cite this version:

Christophe Grojean. Symétries et brisures de symétries au-delà de la théorie électrofaible. Physique

mathématique [math-ph]. Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 1999. Français. �tel-00000813�


✏✒✑✝✓✕✔✗✖ ✁ ✓ ✁✝✘✚✙✜✛✣✢✣✤✟✥ ✦☎✧★✧✪✩✬✫★✥☞✭ ✮✰✯✰✱☎✲✴✳✶✵✰✷✸✱✍✹✺✳✼✻✴✳✾✽❀✿✰✵❁✱❂✷❄❃✸✷❅✮❆✻ ✮❈❇❊❉✚❇❋✵●❇❍✷❏■✚✱✍✳✶✯✰✹✺✱✍❉❑✱❂▲▼✮✰✳✾✻❖◆◗P▼✵✰✷❅✿❑❘ ❙❀❚✒❯ ✠ ❯ ❱ ✁❳❲✘✬✄❨✘✟❩✡✦❳❲✘❬✘ ❱ ✖☞❭ ✁ ✖☞❪ ✦✝✘✟❩❴❫❵✁❀✌❛✘❑❜☞✁❝✆ ✓ ✘ ✓ ✘ ❞❢❡❤❣❥✐❅❦❑❧❆♠♦♥❆❦ ♣✡qsr t✴✉❬✈✚❦✒♠❍✇❅✉✍✐✴①❦ ②④③⑤♠⑥✉✬✇⑧⑦⑩⑨✼❶✼❷❢❸✰❹❻❺ ❱ ✆❼✁ ❽❿❾❆➀❤➁❬➂❅➃❁➄●➅✶❾❆➆ ➇✼➀✚➄●➈❄➆⑤➉✴➊ ✠ ❭☞➋ ✘✟✦❑✙ ➌➎➍④➏ ➐ ➑❁➒➔➓✶→✡➑✰➣ ➑↔➒ ↕➙➓✶→✡➣➔➛④➓✶➑✰➣ ➜➝➑ ➣ ➍➞➏ ➐ ➑↔➒➔➓✶→➟➑❆➣ ➠❖➛➢➡❍➜➙➑❆➤✸➥➠ ➜➝➑ ➤✡➠ ➒➧➦ ➐ ➑✰➨❖➓✶→✡➑ ➐ ➑❆➤➟➑❆➩✺➒➔➓✶➨❖➫❄➠➭→✡↕➙➤✡➑ ✠ ✖☞❭ ✦✝✘✟❩ ❭ ✘❑✌❛✘✒➯✚➲❁✆✬❫❅➳✟➵★➵☞➵ ✓ ✘✟➸★✆❼❩✡✦❀✌✎✆➻➺ ✖ ➲➼➲✺❫✎✄➽✄❨❫ ✖ ❩ ✓✕✔ ✘✟➾❳✆❼➲✺✘❬❩✰✙ ➚✴➚ ➪ ❜☞❩✜✆✬✦✝❫✖ ✄✒➶✶➹❄➘❄➴❅➹❄➷✎➬✸➮➱➷❐✃✣❒❰❮✂✆ ❱❴❱ ✖ ✁✝✦✝✘ ❭ ✁✟❒ Ï ❫❛✘✟✁➽✁✝✘✚Ð❀➷❐➹➻Ñ Ò ➘ÔÓÖÕ❄×❍❒ Ï ✁❳❲✘❂✄❨❫✓ ✘✟❩➟✦❬❒ Ø ✁☎✆✬❩❅Ù☛ ✖ ❫◗✄ÛÚ Ò✜Ü ➮ÝÕÝÞß❒ ❮✂✆ ❱❴❱ ✖ ✁✝✦✝✘ ❭ ✁✟❒ ✠✣✘✟✁➽❜☞❫ ✖✰à Ò Ó❄ÓÖ➬✸ÓÖ➬❍❒ ➺❥✆❼✁➽✌ ✖ ✄Ûá❴➬❴âÝ➴❄×❥❒ ãä❫❵✁✝✘✬☛✍✦✝✘ ❭ ✁ ✓ ✘❑✦✝åÔæ✘❂✄❨✘✣❒ ç ✘✬✆✬❩❴èêé❍✘❬✁✝❩✜✆✬✁ ✓●ë ÕÝì Ó❅í


✏✒✑✝✓✕✔✗✖ ✁ ✓ ✁✝✘✚✙✜✛✣✢✣✤✟✥ ✦☎✧★✧✪✩✬✫★✥☞✭ ✮✰✯✰✱☎✲✴✳✶✵✰✷✸✱✍✹✺✳✼✻✴✳✾✽❀✿✰✵❁✱❂✷❄❃✸✷❅✮❆✻ ✮❈❇❊❉✚❇❋✵●❇❍✷❏■✚✱✍✳✶✯✰✹✺✱✍❉❑✱❂▲▼✮✰✳✾✻❖◆◗P▼✵✰✷❅✿❑❘ ❙❀❚✒❯ ✠ ❯ ❱ ✁❳❲✘✬✄❨✘✟❩✡✦❳❲✘❬✘ ❱ ✖☞❭ ✁ ✖☞❪ ✦✝✘✟❩❴❫❵✁❀✌❛✘❑❜☞✁❝✆ ✓ ✘ ✓ ✘ ❞❢❡❤❣❥✐❅❦❑❧❆♠♦♥❆❦ ♣✡qsr t✴✉❬✈✚❦✒♠❍✇❅✉✍✐✴①❦ ②④③⑤♠⑥✉✬✇⑧⑦⑩⑨✼❶✼❷❢❸✰❹❻❺ ❱ ✆❼✁ ❽❿❾❆➀❤➁❬➂❅➃❁➄●➅✶❾❆➆ ➇✼➀✚➄●➈❄➆⑤➉✴➊ ✠ ❭☞➋ ✘✟✦❑✙ ➌➎➍④➏ ➐ ➑❁➒➔➓✶→✡➑✰➣ ➑↔➒ ↕➙➓✶→✡➣➔➛④➓✶➑✰➣ ➜➝➑ ➣ ➍➞➏ ➐ ➑↔➒➔➓✶→➟➑❆➣ ➠❖➛➢➡❍➜➙➑❆➤✸➥➠ ➜➝➑ ➤✡➠ ➒➧➦ ➐ ➑✰➨❖➓✶→✡➑ ➐ ➑❆➤➟➑❆➩✺➒➔➓✶➨❖➫❄➠➭→✡↕➙➤✡➑ ✠ ✖☞❭ ✦✝✘✟❩ ❭ ✘❑✌❛✘✒➯✚➲❁✆✬❫❅➳✟➵★➵☞➵ ✓ ✘✟➸★✆❼❩✡✦❀✌✎✆➻➺ ✖ ➲➼➲✺❫✎✄➽✄❨❫ ✖ ❩ ✓✕✔ ✘✟➾❳✆❼➲✺✘❬❩✰✙ ➚✴➚ ➪ ❜☞❩✜✆✬✦✝❫✖ ✄✒➶✶➹❄➘❄➴❅➹❄➷✎➬✸➮➱➷❐✃✣❒❰❮✂✆ ❱❴❱ ✖ ✁✝✦✝✘ ❭ ✁✟❒ Ï ❫❛✘✟✁➽✁✝✘✚Ð❀➷❐➹➻Ñ Ò ➘ÔÓÖÕ❄×❍❒ Ï ✁❳❲✘❂✄❨❫✓ ✘✟❩➟✦❬❒ Ø ✁☎✆✬❩❅Ù☛ ✖ ❫◗✄ÛÚ Ò✜Ü ➮ÝÕÝÞß❒ ❮✂✆ ❱❴❱ ✖ ✁✝✦✝✘ ❭ ✁✟❒ ✠✣✘✟✁➽❜☞❫ ✖✰à Ò Ó❄ÓÖ➬✸ÓÖ➬❍❒ ➺❥✆❼✁➽✌ ✖ ✄Ûá❴➬❴âÝ➴❄×❥❒ ãä❫❵✁✝✘✬☛✍✦✝✘ ❭ ✁ ✓ ✘❑✦✝åÔæ✘❂✄❨✘✣❒ ç ✘✬✆✬❩❴èêé❍✘❬✁✝❩✜✆✬✁ ✓●ë ÕÝì Ó❅í


☞ ❭❄✔✘❂✄❨✦✝è☛ ✘✍✌ ❭ ✘✚❩ ✖ ✦➽✁✝✘✚❫❛➲❁✆✬❜☞❫❛❩ ✆❼✦✝❫ ✖ ❩ ☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆✬✁❴❲✘✟✘↔æ✆✰☛ ✘✟✌❵✌❛✘ ✓Ö✔✗❭ ❩✴✘❬❩✏✎ ✆❼❩✡✦✑✌ ❭ ❫❏➸✣✘ ❭ ✦ ☛ ✖ ❩✜✄s✦✝✁ ❭ ❫❛✁✝✘ ❭ ❩✺☛☎å❴✘✟➲✺❫❵❩ ✓ ✘✒✎❐✘✟✁ ✆❂➸✣✘❂☛ ✓ ✘✬✄❏✆★✄ ❱ ✘✟✁✝❜★✘✬✄✒✓✕✔Û✄ ✔❫❵❩➟✦➽✘✟✁✝✁ ✖ ❜☞✘❂✆❼❫❛✦ ç☞❭ ✌❵✘✬✄❅❮❀✘✟è ❩ ✆❼✁ ✓ í✗✖Ö✘✬✄ß✦➽✁ ✖ ❫✎✄Ý✆❼❩❴❩⑥❲✘❬✘✬✄ ✓ ✘❍✦✝✁❝✆✟➸☞✆✬❫❛✌✘✌ ❭ ❫✡✄❨✘❀☛ ✖ ❩✜☛ ✁❳❲✘✟✦✝❫◗✄❨✘✟❩✡✦Ý✆ ❭★➋s✖☞❭ ✁ ✓Ö✔ å ❭ ❫ ✓ ✆❼❩✜✄✸☛ ✘✬✄ ✌ ❭ ✘✟✌✙✌ ❭ ✘✬✄ ❱ ✆❼❜☞✘❂✄ ❒➟✘❬✦❅✦ ✖★❭ ✦❏✌❛✘✂☛☎å❴✘✟➲✺❫❵❩❴✘✟➲✶✘✟❩✡✦✚✌ ❭ ❫❴➲ ✔✞⑤✆✒☛ ✖ ❩ ✓➟❭ ❫❛✦❬❒ ➋✍✔✆❼❫❳✘✬✄✝✄➽✆❂✞❥❲✘ ✓ ✘ ✌❛✘✬✄❏➸➟❫❵➸➟✁➽✘❑✆✟➸✣✘✬☛ä✌ ✔✘✟➲✺✘❬✁✝➸☞✘❬❫❛✌❋✌❛✘✍➲➻✘❬❩✣✦❲ ✓ ✘❑✌✔✘✟❩✏✎ ✆❼❩✡✦ ✓ ✘ ç☞❭ ✌❛✘✬✄❥❮ ✘✟❩ ✆❼✁ ✓ ❒✜☛ ✘✟✦➼❲✘❬➲✺✘✟✁✝➸✣✘❬❫❛✌❛✌❋✘✟➲✚✘✍❩➟✦✛✌ ❭ ❫Ô✆☞☛ è ☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆❼❜★❩❴✘❀✌✎✆ ✓ ❲ ✘✬☛ ✖☞❭ ➸✣✘✟✁✝✦➽✘ ✓✡❭ ✄s✘✟❩✜✄❅☛✟✆★☛ å⑥❲✘ ✓ ✘✬✄ ✖★❪❴➋ ✘✟✦☎✄ß✘❬✦ ✓ ✘✬✄❅☛☎å ✖ ✄❨✘✬✄ ✓ ✘✂☛ ✘❀➲ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘✣❒ ✓ ❲ ✘✬☛ ✖★❭ ➸✣✘✟✁✝✦➽✘ æ✆➻✌✎✆✜✌ ❭ ✘✟✌❛✌❵✘✒❩ ✖☞❭ ✄ ✓➟✖ ❩❳❩❴✘✟❩✡✦✒✆★☛✟☛☞æ✘✬✄❀✌ ✔❫❛➲❁✆✬❜☞❫❛❩ ✆❼✦✝❫✖ ❩❁✘✟✦✂✌ ✔❫❛❩✡➸✣✘✟❩➟✦➽❫❋➸➟❫❵✦✡❲✘ í ➚ ✆❼❫✎✄✂☛ ✘✟✌❵✌❛✘✬✄ ✓✕✔✗❭ ❩❻❲✘✟✦ ❭✜✓ ❫✎✆❼❩✡✦ ✄ ✔✆ ❱❴❱ ✁✣✢✘✟✦☎✆✬❩➟✦➧æ✆❤✄ ✖☞❭ ✦➽✘✟❩❴❫❵✁❑✄✝✆✺✦✝åÔæ✘✬✄❨✘✚✄ ✖ ❩✡✦➔✄ ❭ ✁✝✦ ✖☞❭ ✦❑✌❵✘✤✎❐✁ ❭ ❫❵✦ ✓Ö✔✗❭ ❩❴✘➔✌✖ ❩❴❜ ❭ ✘ ✘❲✓➟❭ ☛✟✆✬✦✝❫✖ ❩✴✘✟✦ ➋ ✘✚✄➽✆❼❫✎✄ ✌ ❭ ✘ ➋ ✘✴✄ ❭ ❫✎✄✚✁✝✘ ✓ ✘❬➸☞✆ ❪ ✌❛✘ ✆æ ❪ ✘✬✆ ❭ ☛ ✖☞❭ ❱ ✓ ✘ ❱ ✘❬✁☎✄ ✖ ❩❴❩❴✘✬✄✴✙ æ✆●➲✺✘❂✄ ❱ ✆❼✁➽✘✟❩➟✦❝✄ ✓Ö✔ ✆ ❪✜✖ ✁ ✓ ✌ ❭ ❫✂➲ ✔✖ ❩✡✦ ✆ ❱❴❱ ✁✝❫✎✄ æ✆✥✎ ✖ ✁✝➲ ❭ ✌❛✘❬✁❍➲✺✘✬✄ ❱ ✁➽✘✟➲✺❫ æ✘❬✁✝✘✬✄✦✌ ❭ ✘✬✄s✦✝❫✖ ❩✜✄ä✘✟✦✂✞ ✖ ❩➟✦ ✆ ❱❴❱ ✖ ✁➽✦❳❲✘✚✌❛✘ ❭ ✁☎✄❀✁❴❲✘ ❱ ✖ ❩ ✄❨✘✬✄✍❒❍æ✆✺✦ ✖☞❭ ✄ä✌❵✘✬✄ ✘✟❩✜✄s✘✟❫❛❜★❩✜✆❼❩✡✦☎✄✑✌ ❭ ❫❥➲ ✔✗✖ ❩➟✦✧✎ ✖ ✁✝➲ ✘✣❒❀æ❲ ✆❁➲✺✘✬✄❑☛ ✖ ✌❵✌✎✆ ❪ ✖ ✁☎✆✬✦✝✘ ❭ ✁❝✄ ❒❍➺❥✆✬✁✝✌✖ ✄ ❒ ❯ ➲✺❫❛✌❵❫✎✆❼❩Ô❒ ç ❫❵å✜✆ ✓ ❒ Ï å❳❫❛✌❛❫ ❱❴❱ ✘ ✘✟✦➔✠✣✦➽✘★✎ ✆❼❩Ô❒✗✌ ❭ ❫❅➲ ✔✖ ❩✡✦✒✆★☛✟☛ ✘ ❱ ✦❳❲✘✚✆✟➸✣✘✬☛➔➲✺✘✬✄❀❫❛❜★❩ ✖ ✁❝✆❼❩✜☛ ✘❂✄ ✘❬✦ ✖ ❩➟✦ ❱ ✘✟✁➽➲✺❫✎✄✧✌ ❭ ✘✶❩ ✖☞❭ ✄⑤✆ ❱❴❱ ✁✝✘✟❩❴❫✖ ❩✜✄ ☛ ✘✟✁➽✦☎✆❼❫❵❩❴✘✬✄✒☛☎å ✖ ✄❨✘✬✄ä✘❬❩✜✄❨✘✟➲ ❪ ✌❵✘✣í✒é❍✘✬✆ ❭ ☛ ✖★❭ ❱ ✓✕✔✆❼➲➼❫✎✄ ✖ ❩✡✦✒✘ ❭ ❭ ❩❴✘✶❫❛❩✪✩ ❭ ✘✟❩✜☛✍✘➔➲ ✖ ❫❛❩✜✄ ✓ ❫❛✁✝✘❂☛ ✦✝✘⑤➲❁✆❼❫◗✄ ✦ ✖★❭ ✦✒✆ ❭ ✄✝✄s❫ ✓ ✘✟✦➽✘✟✁✝➲✺❫❵❩✜✆❼❩✡✦✝✘⑤✙❲ ❙ å❴❫❵✘✟✁✝✁➽✞✣❒❴é ✖★❪ ✘✟✦ ç ✆☞☛✫✌ ❭ ✘✟✌❵❫❛❩❴✘✣❒ Ø ✆ ❪ ✁➽❫✎☛ ✘✒✘❬✦✒✠✡✆❼❩ ✓ ✁✝❫❛❩❳✘✣í ❯ ❩ ➳✟➵★➵✭✬❳❒✒❲✘✟✦❝✆❼❫❛✦❑➸ ✖ ✦❴❲✘✟✘✶✘✟❩ Ø ✁❝✆❼❩✜☛ ✘ ❭ ❩❴✘✶✌✖ ❫❏✄ ❭ ✁❑✌✎✆✺✁❳❲✘ ✓➟❭ ☛ ✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✓✡❭ ✦➽✘✟➲ ❱ ✄ ✓ ✘✶✦✝✁☎✆✟➸★✆❼❫❵✌❀✙ ✓ ✘✬✄ å❴✘ ❭ ✁➽✘✬✄ ❱ ✆★✄✝✄✡❲✘✟✘✬✄➔✆ ❭✯✮✱✰✳✲✵✴ ❒ß☛✍✘✟✁✝✦❝✆❼❫❛❩❳✘✬✄✒✆❼✌❵✌✎✆✬❫❛✘✟❩✡✦ ✓ ✘✟➸ ✖ ❫❵✁✶✢✘✟✦✝✁➽✘✚☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✦☎✆ ❪ ❫❛✌❵❫✎✄✡❲✘❬✘✬✄ ✓ ✆❼❩ ✄Û✌❛✘✶✦➽✘✟➲ ❱ ✄ ✓ ✘ ✌✖ ❫✎✄❨❫❵✁✟í✸✷✒❫❛➸✡❫❛✘✟❩✶✘❬✦ ➚ ❫✎☛☎å❴✘✟✌ ❒ ❱ ❭ ❫◗✄✺✹❆❲✘✟✁❝✆❼✌ ✓ ❫❛❩❴✘✒✘❬✦✦✻❑✆❼✁➽❫❛➲✼✌ ❭ ❫ ✖ ❩➟✦ ❱ ✆❼✁➽✦☎✆❼❜✸❲✘❑✌❛✘ ❭ ✁ ❪❴❭ ✁➽✘✬✆ ❭ ✆✟➸✣✘✬☛❀➲ ✖ ❫ ✖ ❩✡✦ ❪ ✘✬✆ ❭ ☛ ✖☞❭ ❱ ☛ ✖ ❩✡✦✝✁✝❫❪❴❭ ✘▼æ✆✰☛❲ ✘ ✓ ✘✬☛❲ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✦➽✘ ❱ ✆❼✁➔✌❵✘ ❭ ✁ ➋s✖ ❫❵✘✺✘✟✦❑✌❛✘ ❭ ✁ ❪ ✖ ❩❴❩❴✘❁å ❭ ➲✺✘ ❭ ✁❬í Ø ✁☎✆✬❩✜☛ ❫◗✄ ❒ ç ✘✬✆❼❩❳è✾✽✒➸✣✘❂✄ ❒ Ï å❳❫❛✌❛❫ ❱❴❱ ✘➔✘✟✦ ❮❀❫✎☛✟☛✟✆✬✁ ✓➟✖ ➲ ✔✗✖ ❩➟✦✂✆★☛✟☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆❼❜★❩❀❲✘ ❱ ✘✟❩ ✓ ✆❼❩✡✦✒➲✺✘✬✄❀❩ ✖ ➲ ❪ ✁➽✘ ❭ ✄❨✘❂✄ ❱ ✆ ❭ ✄s✘✬✄ í ã ✔✗❭ ❩❴✘✿✎ ✆ Ù☛ ✖ ❩ ❱ ✌❭ ✄ ❜✸❲✘✟❩⑥❲✘✟✁❝✆❼✌❵✘✣❒ ➋ ✘✒✁➽✘✟➲✺✘✟✁❝☛ ❫❛✘❏✌ ✔✘✟❩✜✄s✘✟➲ ❪ ✌❛✘ ✓ ✘✬✄ ➲➼✘✟➲ ❪ ✁✝✘✬✄ ✓➟❭ ✠✣✘❬✁✝➸✡❫✎☛ ✘ ✓ ✘ Ï å✡✞❴✄s❫❀✌ ❭ ✘ ❙ å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❀✌ ❭ ✘✶✘✟✦ ❱ ✌❭ ✄ ❱ ✆❼✁➽✦✝❫◗☛ ❭ ✌❛❫ æ✘✟✁✝✘❬➲✺✘ ❩✡✦✂✄❨✘❂✄ ✓ ✘ ❭ ➾ ✄❨✘❂☛ ✁❳❲✘✟✦❝✆❼❫❵✁✝✘✬✄✍❒ß✠✣✞✡✌❛➸✡❫❛✘➔✘❬✦✤❁✂❩❴❩❴✘✟è ➚ ✆❼✁➽❫❛✘✣❒Ö✘❬✦➔✄s✘✬✄ ✓ ✘ ❭ ➾↔☛ å❴✘❂✎ ✄❍✄ ❭ ☛✟☛ ✘✬✄➽✄❨❫❃✎ ✄✍❒ ç ✘✬✆❼❩❅❄✜❫❵❩❴❩❴è ç☞❭ ✄❨✦➽❫❛❩❁✘✟✦ ç ✘✬✆✬❩❴è Ï ✆ ❭ ✌✸é❍✌✎✆✬❫❇❆ ✖ ✦✟í ç ✘ä❩ ✔✖☞❭❴❪ ✌❛❫❛✘ ❱ ✆☞✄❏❩ ✖ ❩ ❱ ✌ ❭ ✄❅➲✺✘✬✄Ý✆❼➲✺❫◗✄ ✓ ❫✎✄➽✄✡❲✘✟➲➼❫❛❩⑥❲✘✬✄ ✓ ✆❼❩✜✄❏✌❛✘❀➲ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘❀✘✟✦❏✆✟➸✣✘✬☛✦✌ ❭ ❫ ➋✍✔ ✆❼❫ ❱ ✆❼✁✝✦❝✆❼❜✸❲✘ ✌ ❭ ✘✟✌❀✌ ❭ ✘✬✄ ➋s✖ ❫❵✘✬✄ ✓ ✘ ❱ å➟✞❳✄❨❫✙✌ ❭ ✘▼✙❈✹✂✁❳❲✘✟❜ ✖ ❫❵✁✝✘❆é✒í❛❒✸✷✒❫➋ ✆✟✞❈é✒í❛❒ ➺➧❲✘ ✓ ✁✝❫◗☛✺ã➔í❛❒✗✷❥✆✬✌✟❲✘✟✁➽❫❛✘ ❯ í❵❒ ✠ ✦❴❲✘ ❱ å ✆❼❩❴✘ ✖❅í❛❒ ç ✘✬✆❼❩❳èêé❀✆ ❱ ✦✝❫◗✄❨✦✝✘❊❉ ✠❏❲✘ ❪ ✆★✄❨✦➽❫❛✘✟❩ ➚ í❛❒✜❮ ❭❴❪ ✘✟❩ ➚ í❵❒✜é❍✘✟❩ ✖ ✢❋❵✦ Ï í❛❒✜é ✖ ✁✝❫✎✄ Ï í❵❒ Ï ❫❵✘✟✁✝✁➽✘●✷ í✚❍✫❍✫❍■❁✂❫❛❩✜✄s❫ ✌ ❭ ✘✶➲✺✘✬✄❀☛ ✖ ❱ ✆❼❫❵❩✜✄ ✓ ✘✶✌ ✔❯ ☛ ✖ ✌❛✘ ✏ä✖ ✁✝➲❁✆✬✌❛✘➼✙■❁ä✁➽❩✜✆ ❭✜✓ é✒í❵❒Öã ✆❂➸✡❫ ✓ ➺✂í❵❒ß✠✣✞✡✌❛➸★✆❼❫❵❩●➺✂í❵❒ Ø ✁☎✆❼❩✸Ù☛ ✖ ❫◗✄●✹⑤í❛❒ Ø ✁☎✆❼❩✸Ù☛ ✖ ❫◗✄❨è❑❏❑✆✟➸➟❫❵✘✟✁ ❚ í❵❒ ❙ å ✖ ➲❁✆☞✄✦✻✶í❵❒ ç☞❭✜✓ ❫❛✦➽å▲✷✶í❛❒✘❁ä✌❛✘✟➾❳✆❼❩ ✓ ✁✝✘■✷ í ç ✘ä✁➽✘✟➲✺✘✟✁❝☛ ❫❛✘❏✌❛✘❂✄ ❱ ✘✟✁❝✄ ✖ ❩❴❩❴✘✬✄▼✌ ❭ ❫ ✖ ❩✡✦❍✁✝✘❬❩ ✓➟❭ ❱ ✌❭ ✄❏✆✬❜☞✁❳❲✘❂✆ ❪ ✌❵✘✬✄ ✌❵✘✬✄ ✓ ✘ ❭ ➾✶❫❛❩✡✦✝✘✟✁➽✁ ❭ ❱ ✦➽❫✖ ❩✜✄ ✓ ✘ä➲↔✆ ✦✝åÔæ✘❂✄❨✘◆✌ ❭❄✔✖ ❩✡✦✶❲✘✟✦❳❲✘ä➲ ✖ ❩✚✄✡❲✘ ➋s✖★❭ ✁❀✆ ❭ ➺ ❯ ❮ ✏ ✘❬✦ ➲ ✖ ❩✚✆❼❩❳❩❀❲✘✟✘ ✓ ✘✒✄s✘✟✁✝➸✡❫✎☛✍✘❀❩✜✆❼✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✆❼✌Ý✙ ✏ ✆❼❩❳❫❛✘✣❒➟✠ ❭ ❆✟❫❛✘ ❒ ❯ ✁✝❫✎☛ ❮Ûí❵❒ Ï å❴❫❛✌❵❫ ❱❴❱ ✘ ❮Ûí❵❒ Ø ✁☎✆✬❩❅Ù☛ ✖ ❫✎✄ ✓ ✘✤✹⑤í ✓ ✘⑤ã➔í❛❒ ❚ ❲ ✘✟✌✖P❖❋✎✄s✘✒ã➔í❵❒ ✠ ✖ ❱ å❴❫❵✘ Ï í❛❒ ç ✆☞☛✕✌ ❭ ✘❂✄❀ã➔í❛❒❳é❍✘✟✁✝❩✜✆✬✁ ✓ ã➔í❛❒ ç ✘❂✆❼❩❴è Ø ✁☎✆❼❩✸Ù☛ ✖ ❫◗✄❀é✒í


❱ ➚✰✖★❭ ✁☎✆ ✓ í ç❴✔✘✬✄ ❱ æ✘✟✁✝✘❑➲❁✆✬❫❛❩✡✦✝✘✟❩✜✆✬❩➟✦◆✢✘✟✦➽✁✝✘ ❪ ❫❵✘✟❩❁✆❼✁➽➲ ✘✒✘✟✦❲ ❱ ✖★❭ ➸ ✖ ❫❵✁ä➸✣✘✟❩❳❫❛✁❍➸ ✖★❭ ✄❀✆❼❫✓ ✘✟✁⑤æ✆ ✓ ✘✟➲❲ ✢✘❬✌❛✘✟✁ ✓ ✘ ❩ ✖★❭ ➸✣✘✬✆ ❭ ➾ ❱ ✁ ✖★❪ ✌ æ✘✟➲➼✘✬✄ ✓ ✘ ❱ å➟✞❳✄❨❫✙✌ ❭ ✘✣í ç ✘Û✁➽✘✟➲✺✘✟✁❝☛ ❫❛✘❀✌ ✔ ✘✟❩ ✄❨✘✟➲ ❪ ✌❛✘ ✓ ✘✬✄ ➲➼✘✟➲ ❪ ✁✝✘❬✄ ✓✡❭➻➋s❭ ✁➽✞✴✙ Ï í✜é❍❫❛❩⑥❲✘❬✦✝✁ ❭ ✞✣❒ ➺✂í◗❁➔íÖ✠✡✆✟➸ ✖ ✞✣❒ ✠✜í Ø ✘✟✁➽✁☎✆✬✁☎✆➟❒ ç íé✒í ❄ ❭❳❪ ✘❬✁❍✘✟✦ ➪ í✪❁ä❩✡✦ ✖ ❩❴❫✎✆ ✓ ❫✎✄❅✘✟✦ Ø í✡ãä✘✟✌✓➟❭ ☛■✌ ❭ ❫ ✖ ❩✡✦❀✆★☛✟☛ ✘ ❱ ✦❳❲✘ä✌◗✆Û✌✖☞❭ ✁ ✓ ✘✒✦ ✢✆★☛ å❳✘ ✓Ö✔ ✢✘❬✦✝✁✝✘✂✁☎✆ ❱❴❱ ✖ ✁➽è ✦➽✘ ❭ ✁☎✄✍í✂✁ ❭Ô✔æ✆✶✌✎✆✚✄ ❭ ❫❵✦✝✘ ✓ ✘ Ï í ✷❥✆❼✌❬❲✘❬✁✝✞✣❒❴❫❵✌✎✄❍✘✟➾❳☛ ❭ ✄s✘✟❩➟✦❀➲➼✘✬✄ ❪ ✘❬✦✝❫✎✄s✘✬✄✢ ❒ ❱ ❭ ❫◗✄ ✌ ❭ ✘☎✄✝❫❵✌❄❫❛➲ ❱ ✖ ✁➽✦✝✘ ❱ ✘ ❭✴✓ ✘ ✄➽✆❂➸ ✖ ❫❛✁✂☛ ✘✑✌ ❭ ✘❑✌ ✔ ✆ ❭ ✦➽✘ ❭ ✁ ✓ ❫❛✦✝✆✜☛ ✔ ✘✬✄❨✦❥➲ ✖ ❩❁✘✟✁➽✁✝✘ ❭ ✁ ✌ ❭ ❫❄✘✬✄❨✦✧❁ ❭ ✦✝✘ ❭ ✁ ✔➟í ❯ ❩✟✞✜❩ ➋ ✘✚✁✝✘❬➲✺✘✟✁☎☛✍❫❛✘❑✌❛✘✬✄❆❲✘ ✓ ❫❛✦➽✘ ❭ ✁❝✄ ✓ ✘☎✠✝✡✟☛ ✮✌☞ ✰✎✍✑✏✓✒✕✔✗✖✙✘☛ ✖✛✚ ✘✟✦ ✓ ✘✢✜ ✮✱✰✣✖✤✖✙✘☛ ✰ ✮✛✰✎✥✧✦✢★ ✡ ✰✎✥✪✩ ✡✪✫ ✬ ✍ ✰✎✭✙✘✌✩✮✔ ❱ ✖★❭ ✁❏➲ ✔✆✟➸ ✖ ❫❵✁❄✆★☛✟☛ ✖ ✁ ✓ ✘✂✌✎✆❲ ❱ ✘✟✁➽➲✺❫✎✄➽✄❨❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘❀✁➽✘ ❱ ✁ ✖✡✓➟❭ ❫❛✁➽✘❀➲✺✘✬✄Ý✆❼✁➽✦✝❫✎☛✍✌❛✘✬✄ ❱ ❭❴❪ ✌❵❫❬❲✘✬✄ ✓ ✆❼❩✜✄❅✌❵✘ ❭ ✁ ✁➽✘✟➸ ❭ ✘✣í ❙ ✁ ✖ ❫✎✄ ❱ ✘❬✁☎✄ ✖ ❩❴❩❴✘✬✄❑➲ ✔✗✖ ❩➟✦ ❱ ✁ ✖✡✓ ❫❛❜ ❭ ✘✺✄➽✆❼❩✜✄✒✁➽✘✟✦✝✘✟❩❲ ❭ ✘✶✌❵✘ ❭ ✁✒✁❳❲✘✬☛ ✖ ❩✪✎ ✖ ✁✝✦ ✘✟✦✒✌❛✘ ❭ ✁❑☛☎å✜✆❼✌❵✘ ❭ ✁✟❒✕➲ ✔✆ ❱ è ❱ ✖ ✁➽✦☎✆✬❩➟✦⑤✌❛✘ ❭ ✁✂✦✝✘❬❩ ✓ ✁✝✘❂✄✝✄❨✘✶✘❬✦✒✌❛✘ ❭ ✁✒å ❭ ➲❁✆❼❩❴❫❵✦❳❲✘✚✙☎✬✂✯❋❒✱✰✗✯✜✘✟✦✳✲✴✯ ➋ ✘✶➸ ✖☞❭ ✄ ✘❬➲ ❪ ✁❝✆☞✄➽✄❨✘✣í ❯ ✦✵✄ ❱ ❭ ❫✎✄ ✌ ❭ ✘ ✌◗✆ ✌❭ ✦✝✦➽✘✺✘✟✌❛✌❵✘✟è❐➲ ✢✘✟➲✚✘✶➸✣✘✟✁☎✄❑✌❛✘✬✄✶✄ ✖ ➲✺➲✺✘❬✦☎✄❑✄ ❭✪✶ ✦▼æ✆✰✁✝✘✟➲ ❱ ✌❛❫❛✁ ❭ ❩ ☛✸✷ ❭ ✁ ✓Ö✔å ✖ ➲✺➲➼✘✶✘✟✦✍✌ ❭Ô✔❫❛✌✛✎ ✆ ❭ ✦ ❫❵➲❁✆❼❜★❫❛❩❴✘✟✁✂✠✣❫✎✄s✞ ❱ å❴✘❑å❴✘ ❭ ✁➽✘ ❭ ➾✘✔➟❒ ➋ ✘❑➸ ✖★❭ ✄ ❱ ✁ ✖ ➲✺✘✟✦❝✄ ✓Ö✔✘✬✄➽✄✝✆✟✞✣✘✟✁ ✓ ✘❑✌ ✔✢✘❬✦✝✁✝✘ æ✆✶➲ ✖ ❩✺✦ ✖☞❭ ✁❬í ✹ ❩❴✘ ❱ ✘✟❩ ✄➟❲✘✟✘ ✓ ✘✶✦✝✘❬❩ ✓ ✁✝✘❂✄✝✄❨✘✶➸★✆✺✌ ✔✘✟❩✜✄s✘✟➲ ❪ ✌❛✘ ✓ ✘✚➲❁✆✤✎ ✆❼➲✺❫❵✌❛✌❵✘✤✌ ❭ ❫❅➲ ✔✆✚✄ ✖☞❭ ✦✝✘✟❩ ❭ ✘❬✦❑✄✝✆✬❩✜✄✤✌ ❭ ❫ ☛ ✘❬✦✝✦✝✘❑✦➽å❄æ✘✬✄❨✘❑❩ ✔✆ ❭ ✁❝✆❼❫❵✦ ❱ ✆☞✄ ❱ ❭ ✢✘✟✦✝✁➽✘❑➲✺✘✟❩⑥❲✘✟✘ æ✆✶✄ ✖ ❩✰✦➽✘✟✁✝➲✺✘ í


✓✕✔✗✖✙✘✙✚✜✛✝✢✤✣✥✖✙✦✧✚★✔ ✩ ✩ ✪✬✫✭✘✙✮✯✢✝✔✤✫✱✰✲✚✗✘✙✳✴✢✤✵✧✶✭✖✙✦✧✚★✔✷✔✤✚✗✔✹✸✺✫✻✘✕✖✙✢✤✘✽✼✤✶✭✖✙✦✿✾❀✫❁✛✝✫✻✮❂✣❃✚✗✘✽✛✤✫✻✮ ❄ ✤☞í❛✤ ✖Ö✘✬✄❀✦✝å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❵✘✬✄ ❱ ✘✟✁✝✦ ❭ ✁ ❪ ✆✬✦✝❫❵➸✣✘✬✄ ✓ ✘⑤☛ ✖ ✁ ✓ ✘❂✄❈❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✛ ✤☞í❵✤☞í❛✤ ➺ ✖ ✁ ✓ ✘❂✄ ✌❵❫❪ ✁➽✘✬✄ í ➪ ❩✡✦✝✘✟✁❝✆☞☛ ✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✄ í ✁ ❭ ✆✬❩➟✦➽❫✞✕☛❬✆❼✦✝❫ ✖ ❩ ❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✛ ✤☞í❵✤☞í❆❅ ✖Ö✘❂✄ ✦➽å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘✬✄❍✘❈❇Ö✘❂☛ ✦✝❫❵➸✣✘✬✄ ✓ ✘⑤✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁➽❜☞✁☎✆✟➸✡❫❛✦❳❲✘✺æ✆ ✓ ❫❵➾ ✓ ❫❛➲➼✘✟❩✜✄❨❫✖ ❩✜✄✄❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✤☞✤ ✤☞í❆❅ ❁ ❱❴❱ ✁ ✖ ☛ å❳✘✬✄❍❩ ✖ ❩ ❱ ✘✟✁✝✦ ❭ ✁ ❪ ✆✬✦✝❫❵➸✣✘✬✄ í❏ã ❭ ✆❼✌❛❫❵✦❳❲✘✬✄ ❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✤❊❉ ✤☞í❆❋ ✖Ö✘✬✄❍●➟è ❪ ✁☎✆✬❩❴✘✬✄ ✓ ✘✬✄❀✦✝å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❵✘✬✄ ✓ ✘⑤✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝☛ ✖ ✁ ✓ ✘✬✄ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✤✟✥ ✤☞í■❋➟í❛✤ ✖Ö✘❂✄ä✫✬è ❪ ✁❝✆❼❩❴✘❂✄ ✓ ✘❑✌ ✔ ❲ ✘✟✌❵✘✬☛ ✦✝✁ ✖ ➲❁✆✬❜☞❩⑥❲✘❬✦✝❫✎✄s➲➻✘✂☛✍✌✎✆☞✄➽✄❨❫✙✌ ❭ ✘ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✤✟✥ ✤☞í■❋➟í❆❅ ✖Ö✘❂✄❏●✡è❪ ✁☎✆❼❩❳✘✬✄❍☛ ✖ ➲✺➲✺✘❏✄ ✖ ✌❭ ✦✝❫✖ ❩✜✄ ✓ ✘✬✄❏✆★☛ ✦✝❫✖ ❩✜✄ß✘❈❇Ö✘❂☛ ✦✝❫❵➸✣✘✬✄ ✓ ✘✂✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁➽❜☞✁☎✆✟➸✡❫❛✦❳❲✘ ✤✟✭ ✤☞í■❋➟í❆❋ ✖Ö✘❂✄ ✓➟❭ ✆❼✌❛❫❵✦❳❲✘✬✄ ✓ ✘✬✄❀✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝☛ ✖ ✁ ✓ ✘✬✄✂✆ ❭ ❩❴❫❛➸✣✘✬✆ ❭❁✓ ✘✬✄ ❪ ✁☎✆❼❩❳✘✬✄ í✸❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❅☞✛ ✤☞í❑❉ ✖❄✆ ✓✡❭ ✆❼✌❵❫❛✦❳❲✘ ✓ ✘ ➚ ✆✬✌ ✓ ✆★☛ ✘✟❩✜✆✼❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❋➟✤ ✤☞í▲❉❴í❛✤ ❙ å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘✬✄❍✘❊❇✕✘✬☛✍✦✝❫❛➸✣✘❂✄ ✓ ✘◆▼✶è ❪ ✁❝✆❼❩❴✘❂✄ ❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❋➟✤ ✤☞í▲❉❴í❆❅ ✹❤❲✘ ✖ ➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❛✘❲ ✆☞✄s✞➟➲ ❱ ✦ ✖ ✦✝❫❀✌ ❭ ✘✣í ➪ ❩➟➸★✆❼✁➽❫✎✆✬❩✜☛ ✘⑤✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝☛ ✖ ❩✪✎ ✖ ✁✝➲➼✘ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❋✥❋ ✤☞í▲❉❴í❆❋ ➺ ✖ ❩ ➋ ✘✬☛ ✦ ❭ ✁✝✘ ✓ ✘ ➚ ✆✬✌ ✓ ✆★☛ ✘✟❩✜✆✡í ❚ä✖ ✌ ✖ ❜☞✁☎✆ ❱ å❴❫❵✘ ❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❋☞✛ ✤☞í✛ ❯ ✦ ❭✜✓ ✘ ✓ ✘❑✌✎✆❂❖➎è❥✛ ❪ ✁❝✆❼❩❴✘ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❋☞✥ ✤☞í✛➟í❛✤ ➚✰✖✡✓ ✘✬✄ ✓ ✘Û➲↔✆☞✄✝✄s✘❑❩ ❭ ✌❵✌❛✘ ✓ ✘❑✌✎✆✯❖➎è ✛ ❪ ✁❝✆❼❩❴✘ ❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❋☞✥ ✤☞í✛➟í❆❅ ã✂✘✬✄✝☛ ✁➽❫ ❱ ✦➽❫✖ ❩❤✘❬❩✰✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁✝✘❂✄ ❱ ✆★☛ ✘ ✓ ✘❑✌◗✆❂❖➎èê✛ ❪ ✁❝✆❼❩❴✘⑤✌❛❫ ❪ ✁✝✘ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❋☞✭ ✤☞í✛➟í❆❋ ➪ ❩✡✦✝✘✟✁❝✆☞☛ ✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✓✕✔✗❭ ❩❴✘P❖➎èê✛➼✄ ❭ ✁ ❭ ❩ ❪✜✖ ✁ ✓❆✓Ö✔❆◗❙❘✭❚❀❯❲❱❳❚✝❨ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉✣✫ ✤☞í✥ ❁ä❩❴❩❴✘❬➾➟✘✶✙❥✄ ❭ ❱ ✘❬✁✝❜☞✁❝✆✟➸➟❫❵✦❴❲✘➼æ✆ ✖ ❩ ❆❬✘ ✓ ❫❛➲✺✘✟❩ ✄❨❫✖ ❩✜✄ í ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉❃❅ ✤☞í✥➟í❛✤ ✖Ö✘⑤✌✎✆✬❜☞✁☎✆✬❩❴❜☞❫❵✘✟❩✰✘❬✦❍✌❛✘❂✄❍✦✝✁☎✆✬❩✜✄ ✎ ✖ ✁✝➲❁✆✬✦✝❫✖ ❩✜✄ ✓ ✘⑤✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝✄❨✞✡➲✺✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❛✘✝❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉❃❅ ✤☞í✥➟í❆❅ Ø❴✖ ✁✝➲ ❭ ✌✎✆✬✦✝❫✖ ❩✺✘✟❩❆✄ ❭ ❱ ✘❬✁✝✘✬✄ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✘ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉❃❋ ✤☞í❊✢ ❁ä❩❴❩❴✘❬➾➟✘✶✙ ❯ ✄ ❱ ✆★☛ ✘✬✄ ◗✎❘✭❚ í ➪ ❩✡➸☞✆✬✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✜☛ ✘⑤☛ ✖ ❩✏✎ ✖ ✁➽➲✺✘✄❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉✣✛ ✤☞í❋✢✣í❛✤ ➺ ✖ ❩✜✄❨✦➽✁ ❭ ☛✍✦✝❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘❂✄Ö✦✝✁☎✆✬❩✜✄ ✎ ✖ ✁✝➲❁✆✬✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✜✄❄☛ ✖ ❩✏✎ ✖ ✁➽➲✺✘✬✄ ❱ ✆❼✁ ❱ ✌✖ ❩❴❜★✘✟➲✺✘✟❩✡✦ ✓ ✆❼❩ ✄ ❭ ❩✰✘✬✄ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✘ ✓ ✘ ✓ ❫❵➲✺✘✟❩✜✄s❫✖ ❩ ❱ ✌❭ ✄✺❲✘✟✌❵✘✟➸❥❲✘❬✘ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉✣✛ ✤☞í❋✢✣í❆❅ ❯ ✄ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✘❂✄ ◗✎❘✭❚❀❩ ❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉✣✥ ✤☞í❋✢✣í❆❋ ➪ ❩✡➸★✆❼✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✜☛✍✘➔☛ ✖ ❩✏✎ ✖ ✁✝➲✺✘ ✓ ✘✬✄❍✘✬✄ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✘✬✄ ◗❙❘✭❚❀❩ ❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉✣✭ ✤☞í❋✢✣í❑❉ ✖❄✆✤✎❐✁ ✖ ❩➟✦➽❫ æ✘✟✁➽✘ ✓Ö✔✗❭ ❩❁✘✬✄ ❱ ✆☞☛✍✘ ◗❙❘✭❚ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❉✣✧ ❬ ❭ ✸✝✸✤✘✙✚✜✣✙❪✝✫❳✸✤❪❴❫✫✻✔✤✚★✳✄❫✫✻✔✝✚✗✵✧✚✗❵★✦✧❛✜✢✤✫❜✛✤✫❳✵❝✶ ❖ ✖✙❪❴❫✫✭✚✗✘✙✦✧✫ ❄❀✩ ❅➟í❛✤ ❮❁❲✘ ✓➟❭ ☛ ✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✓ ❫❵➲✺✘✟❩✜✄s❫✖ ❩❴❩❴✘✟✌❵✌❛✘✣í ❙ å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘✬✄ ✓ ✘✑✻❑✆❼✌❭ ❆✬✆✕❞✪✻✒✌❛✘✟❫❵❩ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✛➟✤ ❅➟í❵✤☞í❛✤ ✦➽å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❛✘❑✘✟❩❳❡ ❨ ❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✛✥❅ ❅➟í❵✤☞í❆❅ ✦➽å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❛✘ ✓ ✘ ➚ ✆✬➾✭❢❥✘✟✌❛✌ ❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ✛✥❋


❅➟í❆❅ ❮❁❲✘❬❜☞❫❛➲➼✘ ✓ ✘⑤☛ ✖★❭ ❱ ✌◗✆❼❜☞✘■✎ ✖ ✁✝✦✟í ❙ å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❵✘ ✓✕✔ ❚ä✖✁✁☎✆✟➸★✆ ❞✄✂ ❫❛✦➽✦✝✘✟❩ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥★✫ ❅➟í■❅➟í❛✤ ✹ ❩❴❫✞✕☛❬✆❼✦✝❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘✬✄ä☛ ✖ ❩✜✄s✦☎✆❼❩✡✦✝✘❂✄ ✓ ✘⑤☛ ✖☞❭ ❱ ✌✎✆❼❜★✘➔✘✟❩❁✦➽å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘ ✓ ✘✬✄❀☛ ✖ ✁ ✓ ✘✬✄ ❍✤❍ ✥★✫ ❅➟í■❅➟í❆❅ ❙ å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘❑✘❊❇✕✘✬☛ ✦➽❫❛➸✣✘ ✓ ✘ ❪ ✆☞✄➽✄❨✘❈❲✘❬❩❴✘✟✁✝❜★❫❛✘ ✓ ✘Û✌◗✆❂❖ ✦➽å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥ ❅ ❅➟í❆❋ ➺ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✦➽❫✞✕☛✟✆✬✦✝❫ ✖ ❩❁✄ ❭ ✁ ❭ ❩❤✘❂✄ ❱ ✆★☛ ✘ ✓ ✘✶➺❥✆❼✌✎✆ ❪ ❫❞ ✽❥✆ ❭ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥★✛ ❅➟í■❋➟í❛✤ é❍✁➽❫✎✄ ❭ ✁✝✘ ❱ ✆❼✁✝✦➽❫❛✘✟✌❵✌❛✘ ✓ ✘➔✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁☎✄s✞➟➲ ✘✟✦✝✁➽❫❛✘❲ ❱ ✆❼✁ ☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✦➽❫✞✕☛❬✆❼✦✝❫ ✖ ❩ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥★✛ ❅➟í■❋➟í❆❅ ✠ ✦✝✁ ❭ ☛ ✦ ❭ ✁➽✘✑✻ ❖✆✬å❴✌❛✘❬✁✝❫❛✘❬❩❴❩❴✘✚æ✆❴❉ ❘ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥★✛ ❅➟í❑❉ ➺ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✦➽❫✞✕☛✟✆✬✦✝❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘❑✌◗✆❂❖ ✦✝å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥✣✢ ❅➟í▲❉❴í❛✤ ❙ ✁ ✖ ❩✜☛✟✆✬✦✝❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘❑✌◗✆❂❖ ✦✝å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥✣✢ ❅➟í▲❉❴í❆❅ ✠ ✦✝✁ ❭ ☛ ✦ ❭ ✁➽✘✑✻ ❖✆✬å❴✌❛✘❬✁✝❫❛✘❬❩❴❩❴✘ ✓ ✘◆❖ ✦✝å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘➼æ✆❴❉ ❘ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥★✭ ❅➟í▲❉❴í❆❋ ➺ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆★☛ ✦✝❫✞✕☛✟✆❼✦➽❫ ✖ ❩ æ✆➧✌◗✆➻✠✡☛☎å❴✘✟✁✆☎❃❞❴✠✪☛ å✻❢❀✆✬✁ ❆✧❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✥★✧ ❅➟í▲❉❴í❑❉ ❮❁❲✘✬✄ ❭ ✌❛✦❝✆❼✦☎✄ ❱ å❀❲✘✟❩ ✖ ➲ ✘✟❩❲ ✖ ✌ ✖ ❜★❫❀✌ ❭ ✘✬✄ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✢ ✤ ✝ ✞ ✖✙✢✤✛✝✫ ✛✝✫ ✵❝✶❳❪✤✦✥❫✫✻✘✙✶ ✘✙✣✙❪✝✦✧✫✱✛✤✫✱✳✷✶ ✮✕✮ ✫✱✛✤✫✭✮❂❛✜✢✤✶ ✘✠✟✜✮❜✫❃✖✯✛✤✫✭✮❂✵✧✫✭✸✜✖✙✚✗✔✤✮ ✡ ✝ ❋➟í❛✤ ✖❄✆➧å❳❫✟❲✘✟✁❝✆❼✁☎☛☎å❴❫❵✘ ✓ ✘❑➲❁✆★✄✝✄s✘ ✓✡❭ ➲ ✖✡✓ æ✘✟✌❛✘ ✄❨✦☎✆✬❩ ✓ ✆✬✁ ✓ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✢ ❋ ❋➟í❵✤☞í❛✤ é❍✁➽❫✎✄ ❭ ✁✝✘ ✓ ✘➔✄s✞➟➲ ✘✟✦✝✁➽❫❛✘✂✘✟✦❀➲❁✆☞✄➽✄❨✘❲ ✓ ✘✬✄ ❱ ✆❼✁➽✦✝❫◗☛ ❭ ✌❛✘❂✄ ❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✢ ❋ ❋➟í❵✤☞í❆❅ ➚ ✆★✄✝✄s✘✬✄ ✓ ✘✬✄✦✌ ❭ ✆❼✁✆☎❳✄❍✘✟✦ ✓ ✘❂✄❍✌❛✘ ❱ ✦ ✖ ❩✜✄ ✓ ✆✬❩✜✄ ✌❵✘✒➲ ✖✡✓ æ✘❬✌❛✘❑✄s✦☎✆❼❩ ✓ ✆❼✁ ✓ ❍ ❍✤❍ ✢❂✛ ❋➟í❆❅ ➚✰✖✡✓ æ✘✟✌❵✘ ✓ ✘ Ø ✁ ✖ ❜★❜✣✆✬✦✝✦ ❞ ✏ ❫❛✘❬✌✎✄❨✘❬❩✴✄ ❭ ❱ ✘❬✁☎✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫✙✌❲ ❭ ✘✥❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✢❂✭ ❋➟í■❅➟í❛✤ ❚ ❫✟❲✘✟✁❝✆❼✁☎☛☎å❴❫❵✘ ✓ ✘ ➋ ✆ ❭ ❜☞✘⑤✘✟✦❀✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁☎✄s✞➟➲ ✘❬✦✝✁✝❫❵✘❲ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✢❂✭ ❋➟í■❅➟í❆❅ ✖Ö✘❑➲ ✖✡✓ æ✘✟✌❛✘❑✄s✦☎✆✬❩ ✓ ✆❼✁ ✓ ✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁☎✄s✞➟➲ ✘❬✦✝✁✝❫✙✌❲ ❭ ✘ä➲✺❫❵❩❴❫❛➲↔✆❼✌ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✢❂✧ ❋➟í■❅➟í❆❋ ✠ ✞➟➲ ✘❬✦✝✁✝❫❵✘❲ ✓ ✘⑤✄✝✆✟➸✣✘ ❭ ✁❀✘❬✦❀➲❁✆☞✄➽✄❨✘ ✓ ✘❂✄ ✎❐✘✟✁➽➲✺❫ ✖ ❩✜✄■❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✭★✫ ❋➟í■❅➟í❑❉ ➺ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✘✟❩✜✄➽✆❼✦✝❫ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘✬✄❀✆✬❩ ✖ ➲↔✆❼✌❛❫❵✘✬✄ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✭✡✤ ❋➟í❆❋ ❯ ✦ ❭✜✓ ✘ ✓Ö✔❭ ❩❁➲ ✖✡✓ æ✘✟✌❵✘ ✓ ✘⑤✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❵✘❲ ✓ ✘⑤✄➽✆❂➸✣✘ ❭ ✁ ❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✭ ❋ ❋➟í■❋➟í❛✤ ➪ ❩✡➸★✆❼✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✜☛✍✘✬✄ ➲ ✖✡✓✡❭ ✌✎✆✬❫❛✁✝✘❂✄✄❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✭ ❋ ❋➟í■❋➟í❆❅ ➺❥✆✬✌✎☛ ❭ ✌✎✄ ✓ ✘✬✄❍✦➽✘✟✁✝➲➼✘✬✄ ✖✕✴☞☛ ✩ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✭✙❉ ❋➟í■❋➟í❆❋ ❯ ✦ ❭✜✓ ✘❑❩ ❭ ➲ ✘✟✁✝❫✙✌❲ ❭ ✘ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✭★✥ ❋➟í■❋➟í❑❉ ➺ ✖ ❩✜☛ ✌❭ ✄❨❫✖ ❩❅❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✭★✧ ❭ ✸✝✸❍✫✻✔✝✛✤✦✧✣❃✫✭✮ ✌ ✝ ❭ ✍ ❫ ✫✻✚★✳✄❫✫❃✖✙✘✙✦❝✫✯✛✤✦✏✎ ✫✻✘✽✫✻✔★✖❫ ✦❝✫✻✵❝✵✧✫✯✫ ✖✒✑ ✦✧✫✻✳ ✶ ✔✝✔✤✦❝✫✻✔✤✔✝✫ ✌ ✝ ❁➔í❛✤ ❯ ✄ ❱ ✆★☛ ✘✬✄❍✦☎✆✬❩❴❜☞✘❬❩➟✦❬❒Ö☛ ✖ ✦☎✆✬❩❴❜☞✘✟❩✡✦■❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✧ ❋ ❁➔í❆❅ Ø❴✖ ✁✝➲➼✘✬✄ ✓ ❫❇ ✘✟✁✝✘✟❩✡✦✝❫❵✘✟✌❛✌❵✘✬✄❲ ❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✧★✛ ❁➔í❆❋ ❁✒☛ ✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✓Ö✔✗❭ ❩❁❜★✁ ✖☞❭ ❱ ✘ ✓ ✘✤✖Ö❫❵✘⑤✄ ❭ ✁ ❭ ❩❳✘Û➸★✆✬✁✝❫❬❲✘❬✦❴❲✘ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✧✣✢ ❁➔í❑❉ ✹❆❲✘ ✖ ➲ ✘❬✦✝✁✝❫❵✘✔✓❲ ❱ ✄❨✘ ❭✜✓➟✖ è✖✕s❮❀❫❛✘❬➲❁✆❼❩❴❩❳❫❛✘✟❩❴❩❳✘ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✧★✧ ❁➔í❑❉❳í❛✤ ➚ ❲ ✘❬✦✝✁✝❫✙✌ ❭ ✘ä✘✟✦✂☛ ✖ ❩❴❩❴✘❂☛ ✦✝❫ ✖ ❩❆✆ ✶ ❩❴✘ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ✧★✧ ❁➔í❑❉❳í❆❅ ➺ ✖ ❩❴❩❴✘✬☛✍✦✝❫✖ ❩❆✆ ✶ ❩❴✘❑✘✟✦✂☛ ✖☞❭ ✁ ❪❴❭ ✁➽✘ ✓ ✆❼❩✜✄ ❭ ❩▼✄❨✞❳✄❨✦❬æ✘❬➲✺✘ ✓ ✘➔☛ ✖✣✖ ✁ ✓✡✖ ❩❴❩⑥❲✘❬✘✬✄ ❍④✤✟✫ ❅ ❁➔í❑❉❳í❆❋ ã ❭ ✆❼✌❵❫❛✦❳❲✘ ✓ ✘ ❚ä✖✡✓ ❜☞✘ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍④✤✟✫★✛ ✗ ✪✬✶ ✘✙✦✥❫✫❃✖✤❫✫✻✮❂✣❃✚✗✳ ✸✤✵✧✫✙✘✤✫✻✮✛✚✢✜❀✖✙✘✙✢✝✣✥✖✙✢✤✘✙✫✤✣✦✥✶ ❪✤✵❝✫✻✘✙✦❝✫✻✔✝✔✤✫ ✩✁✧★✌ é✒í❛✤ ✷❥✆❼✁✝❫❬❲✘✟✦❳❲✘❂✄❍☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✌❛✘❬➾➟✘✬✄✍í❅✠✣✦✝✁ ❭ ☛ ✦ ❭ ✁✝✘ ❱ ✁✝✘❂✄ ✌ ❭ ✘❑☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✌❛✘❬➾➟✘✣í✪❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍④✤✟✫★✧ é✒í❆❅ ✷❥✆❼✁✝❫❬❲✘✟✦❳❲✘❂✄ ❚ ✘✟✁➽➲✺❫❛✦➽❫❛✘✟❩❳❩❴✘✟✄✗❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍④✤☞✤❬✫


➺✂í❛✤ ✏ä✖ ✦❝✆❼✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✄ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤☞✤❬✛ ➺✂í❆❅ ➚ ✆❼✦➽✁✝❫✎☛✍✘✬✄ ✓ ✘⑤☛ ✖ ❩ ➋s❭ ❜✣✆✬❫✎✄ ✖ ❩ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤☞✤❬✥ ➺✂í❆❋ Ï ✁ ✖ ❱ ✁✝❫❬❲✘❬✦❴❲✘✬✄ ✓ ✘⑤✄s✞➟➲ ✘❬✦✝✁✝❫❵✘❲ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤☞✤❬✭ ➺✂í❑❉ Ï ✁ ✖✡✓➟❭ ❫❵✦☎✄✍í ❙ ✁☎✆★☛ ✘✬✄ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✕❅★✫ ➺✂í✛ ❮❁❲✘❂✆❼✁✝✁❝✆❼❩❴❜★✘✟➲✺✘✟❩✡✦☎✄ ✓ ✘ Ø ❫❛✘❬✁ ❆✝❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✕❅✡✤ ➺✂í✥ ➺ ✖ ❩✡✦✝✁❝✆❼❫❛❩✡✦✝✘❂✄❀✄ ❭ ✁✂✌❛✘✬✄❀✄ ❱ ❫❛❩❳✘ ❭ ✁☎✄ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✕❅ ❅ ➺✂í❊✢ ❮ ✘ ❱ ✁❳❲✘✬✄s✘✟❩✡✦☎✆❼✦➽❫ ✖ ❩✜✄ ✓ ✘❑✌✔✆❼✌❛❜❳æ✘ ❪ ✁➽✘ ✓ ✘⑤✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❛✘❲ ❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✕❅✙❉ ✝ ✢✤✼✤✵❝✦✧✣❃✶✭✖✙✦✧✚✗✔✝✮ ✩ ❬ ✌ ✓ ❭ ✼❍✫✭✵✧✦❝✶ ✔✟✞ ✵✧✶✥✾ ✚✗✢✤✘ ✜✠☎✤✳ ✳✷✫❃✖✙✘✕✦✧✫✭✮❙✦❝✔ ✜ ✢✝✸❍✫✻✘✙✮✆☎✤✳✷✳✌✫ ✖ ✘✽✦✿✣✡✁ ✚✜✛✝✫✻✵✧✮ ✩ ❬ ✌ ✤ ➪ ❩➟✦➽✁ ✖✡✓➟❭ ☛✍✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✄❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✕❋ ❅ ❅ ✽ ❭ ☎★✆ ❢⑥✆➔➲❁✆❼✦➽✁✝❫◗☛ ✘✬✄ ✎❐✁ ✖ ➲ å ✖ ✁✝❫❆ ✖ ❩✡✦☎✆✬✌☞☛ ✓✝✤ ✕✍✌➎❜ ✆ ❭ ❜★✘✶✄s✞➟➲✺➲➼✘✟✦✝✁➽✞ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✕❋✙❉ ❋ ☛ ✓✝✤ ✕✍✌❰✆✬❩ ✓ ➲ ✖✡✓➟❭ ✌✎✆✬✁❆✄❨✞✡➲✺➲✺✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❋✘✬✄➔❫❛❩➢✘❊❇✕✘✬☛ ✦➽❫❛➸✣✘▼✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁➽❜☞✁☎✆✟➸✡❫❛✦s✞ ✎❐✁ ✖ ➲ ✄s✦✝✁✝❫❵❩❴❜ ➲ ✖✡✓ ✘✟✌◗✄❅❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✕❋✣✢ ❉ Ï ✁✝✘ ✓ ❫◗☛ ✦✝❫✖ ❩✜✄ ✎ ✖ ✁❀✦✝å❴✘⑤✄ ✖ ✎❐✦✂✦✝✘✟✁➽➲❁✄ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤❊❉ ✫ ✛ ➚ ✆☞✄➽✄ ✦➽✘✟✁✝➲❁✄❏❫❛❩❁✦✝å❳✘ ❚ ❫❛❜☞❜ ✄❀✄❨✘✬☛✍✦ ✖ ✁ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤❊❉ ❉ ✥ ☛ ✓✝✤ ✕✏✎ ☛✒✑✓✝✤ ✕❏å ✖ ✁✝❫❆ ✖ ❩✡✦☎✆✬✌Ý✄❨✞✡➲✺➲✺✘✟✦➽✁✝✞ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤❊❉ ✭ ✢ Ï å❴✘✟❩ ✖ ➲✺✘✟❩ ✖ ✌ ✖ ❜★❫✎☛✟✆✬✌❄✆★✄ ❱ ✘✬☛ ✦❝✄ ❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✛✡✤ ✭ ➺ ✖ ❩✜☛✍✌ ❭ ✄s❫ ✖ ❩ ✄ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✛ ❋ ✓✙✓✓✞✜✚★✢✤✘✕✔ ✛✤✦❝✳✷✫✻✔✝✮ ✦❝✚✗✔✤✶ ✵ ❖ ✔ ✖✙❪✤✫✻✚★✘✕☎ ✶ ✔✤✛✹✮✕✢✤✸✺✫✻✘✙✮✆☎✤✳✷✳✌✫❃✖✙✘✆☎ ✼✝✘✙✫✻✶ ✟✜✦❝✔✤❵ ✩ ❄★✡ ✤ ➪ ❩➟✦➽✁ ✖✡✓➟❭ ☛✍✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✄❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✥★✫ ❅ ãä❫❛➲➼✘✟❩✜✄❨❫ ✖ ❩✜✆✬✌Ö✁➽✘ ✓➟❭ ☛ ✦➽❫ ✖ ❩ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✥✡✤ ❋ ❙ å❴✘✶✄ ❱ ✖ ❩✡✦☎✆❼❩❳✘ ✖☞❭ ✄ ❪ ✁✝✘✬✆✠☎➟❫❵❩❴❜ ✖ ✎✗✖✙✘④✤⑤✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝✄❨✞✡➲✺➲✺✘✟✦➽✁✝✞✶❫❵❩ ✎✖★❭ ✁ ✓ ❫❛➲✺✘❬❩✜✄❨❫✖ ❩✜✄ ❪ ✞↔☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✦➽❫✞✕☛✟✆✬✦✝❫✖ ❩ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✥★✥ ❉ Ï å❴✘✟❩ ✖ ➲✺✘✟❩ ✖ ✌✖ ❜★❫✎☛✟✆✬✌Ö❫❵➲ ❱ ✌❛❫◗☛✟✆❼✦➽❫✖ ❩✜✄ ✖ ✎ ❖➎è❐✦✝å❳✘ ✖ ✁➽✞✰☛ ✖ ➲ ❱ ✆★☛ ✦✝❫✞✕☛✟✆✬✦✝❫✖ ❩✜✄ ❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤❼✢ ✤ ✛ ➺ ✖ ❩✜☛✍✌ ❭ ✄s❫ ✖ ❩ ✄ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤❼✢❂✛ ✓✙✓✽✓ ✜✜✢✤✸❍✫✭✘✙✣❃✚✗✔❏✰ ✚★✘✙✳✷✶ ✵✛✚✗✛✢✜ ❬✠✣ ✧✥✤✬✖✙❪✤✫✻✚★✘✙✦✧✫✭✮◆✦❝✔ ✮✕✢✤✸✺✫✻✘✙✮✕✸✤✶ ✣❃✫ ✩ ✡ ✌ ✤ ➪ ❩➟✦➽✁ ✖✡✓➟❭ ☛✍✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✄❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✭ ❅ ❅ Ø ✁✝✘✟✘⑤✄ ❭ ❱ ✘❬✁✝➲ ❭ ✌❛✦➽❫ ❱ ✌❵✘✟✦ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✭ ❋ ❋ ✠ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁✂✦✲❢ ✖ è❀✎ ✖ ✁➽➲ ❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✭★✛ ❉ ✠✣❫❛❜★➲❁✆➔➲ ✖✡✓ ✘❬✌ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✭★✥ ✛ ✠ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝☛ ✖ ❩✏✎ ✖ ✁✝➲❁✆✬✌❄✦✝✁❝✆❼❩✜✄ ✎✖ ✁✝➲↔✆❼✦✝❫✖ ❩✜✄ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✭★✭ ✥ ✠ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝☛ ✖ ❩✏✎ ✖ ✁✝➲❁✆✬✌❄❫❛❩✡➸★✆❼✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✜☛✍✘ ❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✧✡✤ ✢ ➺ ✖ ❩✜☛✍✌ ❭ ✄s❫ ✖ ❩ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✧ ❋ ❁ ❁ ❱❴❱ ✘✟❩ ✓ ❫❛➾✕í❍➺ ✖ ❩✡➸✣✘✟❩➟✦➽❫ ✖ ❩✜✄■❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍④✤✟✧✙❉ ✓❊✪ ❭ ✔✝✚✗✳✷✶ ✵✦☎✧✁ ✶✭✖✙✣✙❪✤✦❝✔✤❵✌✶ ✔✤✛ ✜✠☎✩★✪☎✤❵✗✦❝✫✻✮❴✦✧✔ ✖✬✫ ✩ ✍ ✶ ✢✤❵★✫✄✭❴❪✤✫✭✚✗✘✙✦✧✫✭✮ ✩✁✌★✌ ✤ ➪ ❩➟✦➽✁ ✖✡✓➟❭ ☛✍✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✄❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❅☞✫ ❅ ❅ Ø ✌✎✆✬✦✂ãä❫❛✁➽✘✬☛ ✦➽❫ ✖ ❩ ✄ ❒ ❁✂❩✜✆❼✌❵✞➟✦➽❫✎☛ ➪ ❩✡➸☞✆✬✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✡✦☎✄❀✆❼❩ ✓ ✠✣✞✪❆✟✞✡❜☞❫❛✘❂✄ ❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❅☞✫✙❉ ❋ ❙ å❴✘ ✔✦ ❚ä✖✣✖ ✎❐✦■❁✂❩ ✖ ➲❁✆✬✌❛✞ ➚ ✆❼✦❝☛ å❴❫❵❩❴❜✺➺ ✖ ❩ ✓ ❫❛✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✄ ❍✑❍ ❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍ ❍ ❅☞✫★✥


✁ ✥ ✠✣✞✪❆✟✞➟❜★❫❛✘✬✄❥✆❼❩ ✓ ã ❭ ✆✬✌❛❫❛✦s✞ ❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅➟✤❬✥ ✢ ✹✂✘ ✖ ➲✺✘❬✦✝✁✝✞ ✖ ✎❏✦✝å❳✘ ➚✰✖✡✓✡❭ ✌❛❫❅✠ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✘✬✄ ❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅➟✤❬✧ ✭ ➺ ✖ ❩✜☛✍✌ ❭ ✄s❫ ✖ ❩ ✄ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✥❅ ❋ ✪ ✜✜✢✤✸❍✫✭✘✡✞ ✦✾❀✫✻✼✝✘✙✶ ✔✤✫✻✮❂✔✝✫✻✶ ✘❂✖✙❪✝✫ ✼❍✚★✢✤✔✤✛✝✶ ✘✕☎ ✚ ✰❙◗✎❘✭❚❀❯❲❱❳❚✤❨ ❬✗❬ ✡ ✤ ➪ ❩➟✦➽✁ ✖✡✓➟❭ ☛✍✦✝❫ ✖ ❩ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✥❋★✫ ❅ ❁ ✓ ✠➼✆❼❩ ✓ ❩❴✘✬✆✬✁❀å ✖ ✁➽❫❇❆ ✖ ❩❁❜☞✘ ✖ ➲✺✘✟✦✝✁➽✞ ❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✥❋✡✤ ❋ ❁ ✁✝✘✬✆✬✌❛❫✎✄➽✆❼✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✖ ✎✞✝✠✟ ● ✓ ✥☛✡ ❅✌☞❅✙✕ ✖ ❩✰➸✣✘❂☛ ✦ ✖ ✁ ✞✜✘✟✌✓ ✄ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✥❋ ❋ ❉ ➚✰✖✡✓ ❫✞ ✘ ✓✺❪ ✖ ✄ ✖ ❩❴❫✎☛❑✁✝✘✬✆✬✌❛❫✎✄➽✆❼✦➽❫ ✖ ❩ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✥❋✙❉ ✛ ➚✰✖✡✓ ❫✞ ✘ ✓ ✄ ❭ ❱ ✘✟✁❝☛ ✖ ❩✏✎ ✖ ✁✝➲❁✆✬✌❄✁✝✘✬✆✬✌❛❫◗✄✝✆❼✦➽❫✖ ❩✜✄ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✥❋★✛ ✥ ❯ ➾ ❱ ✆✬❩✜✄❨❫✖ ❩❆❫❛❩❆❮ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✥❋✣✢ ✢ ➪ ❩➟➸★✆❼✁➽❫✎✆✬❩➟✦❥➲✺✘✟✦✝✁➽❫✎☛▲❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✥❋★✧ ✭ ➪ ❩➟✦➽✘✟✁☎✆★☛ ✦✝❫✖ ❩✺❫❵❩❤✦➽å❴✘⑤✄❨❫❵➾➟è ✓ ❫❛➲➼✘✟❩✜✄❨❫✖ ❩✜✆✬✌ ✓ ❅➟❒✫✙✕❥✦✝å❴✘ ✖ ✁✝✞ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✽❉❳✤ ✷✶í❁❢➺ ✖ ❩✡➸✣✘✟❩✡✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✜✄❍✆✬❩ ✓✰Ø ❫❛✘✟✁ ❆✒✁✝✘✬✆✬✁✝✁❝✆❼❩❴❜★✘✟➲✺✘✟❩✡✦☎✄ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✽❉ ❋ ✷✶íé ❙ å❴✘✍✝✠✟ ● ✓ê✥✎✡ ❅✏☞❅✙✕✂✆✬✌❛❜☞✘ ❪ ✁☎✆ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✑❍●❍✑❍ ❍✤❍ ❍ ❍✤❍ ❍✤❍ ❅✽❉ ✥ ✗❂✦❝✼✤✵❝✦✧✚✗❵✗✘✽✶ ✸✝❪✤✦❝✫ ❬✒✑ ✌


☞ ✆✶❩✜✆❼✦ ❭ ✁✝✘⑤✘✬✄❨✦➽è ✘✟✌❵✌❛✘❑✄s✞➟➲ ✘✟✦✝✁➽❫❀✌❲ ❭ ✘●✓✕✔❁✙✒✌ ❭ ✘✬✄s✦✝❫✖ ❩ ❱ å❴❫❵✌✖ ✄ ✖ ❱ å❳❫❀✌ ❭ ✘ ✓Ö✔✗❭ ❩▼✄ ❱ ✘✬☛ ✦❝✆❼✦➽✘ ❭ ✁ ✓➟❭ ➲ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘✥✌ ❭ ❫❏✌ ✔✘❬❩➟✦ ✖☞❭ ✁➽✘➻✦❝✆❼❩✡✦➔❫❛✌❏✘✬✄s✦❑➸➟✁❝✆❼❫✦✌ ❭ ✘ ✓ ✘✺✌◗✆✰✄❨✦➽✁ ❭ ☛✍✦ ❭ ✁➽✘ ✎❐✁❝✆☞☛ ✦❝✆❼✌❛✘ ✓ ✘✬✄ ✩ ✖ ☛ ✖ ❩✜✄ ✓ ✘❁❩❴✘❬❫❛❜☞✘❈æ✆✴✌✎✆✰✁❳❲✘ ❱ ✆❼✁➽✦✝❫❵✦✝❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘✬✄➭❲✘✟✦ ✖ ❫❛✌❵✘✬✄ ✓ ✆✬❩✜✄➧✌❵✘✬✄➔❜✣✆✬✌✎✆✬➾➟❫❵✘✬✄➧✘❬✦ ✓ ✘❆☛ ✘✬✄ ❜✣✆✬✌✎✆❼➾✡❫❛✘❂✄ ✓ ✆❼❩ ✄➻✌ ✔❭ ❩❴❫❛➸✣✘❬✁☎✄➔✦ ✖★❭ ✦✺✘✟❩✡✦✝❫❵✘✟✁✟❒❥✌❛✘✬✄ ✓ ✘ ❭ ➾✟✞❫❛❩✪✞✜❩❳❫✎✄ ✔❥✓ ✘ Ï ✆☞✄➽☛✟✆❼✌❑✄s✘✟➲ ❪ ✌❛✘✟❩✡✦ ✖★❪ ✘✟❫❵✁✴æ✆❲ ❭ ❩ ✖ ✁ ✓ ✁✝✘⑤✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫✙✌❲ ❭ ✘ í ➚ ✆❼❫◗✄❍✆ ❭ è ✓ ✘❬✌sæ✆ ✓ ✘❑✌✎✆⑤☛ ✖ ❩✡✦✝✘❬➲ ❱ ✌✎✆✬✦✝❫✖ ❩✚✘✬✄❨✦❥✌ ✔❫❵❩➟✦➽✘✟✁✝✁ ✖ ❜ ✆❼✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✴✙✂✄✍➺ ✖ ➲✺➲➼✘✟❩➟✦✸✌✎✆ ❩✜✆❼✦ ❭ ✁✝✘✶✘❂✄❨✦✝è❐✘✟✌❵✌❛✘⑤✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❀✌❲ ❭ ✘✒✘❬✦ ➋s❭ ✄ ✌ ❭Ô✔ æ✆ ✌ ❭ ✘✟✌ ✓ ✘✟❜★✁❴❲✘➔✌ ✔ ✘✬✄s✦✝è❐✘✟✌❛✌❵✘✟✓✫✔❁➺ ✔ ✘✬✄s✦✶æ✆✺☛✍✘✬✄✿✌ ❭ ✘✬✄s✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✜✄■✌ ❭ ✘ ❱ ✘ ❭ ✦❀✦✝✘❬❩➟✦➽✘✟✁ ✓ ✘❑✁❳❲✘ ❱ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✁✝✘ ❭ ❩ ❱ å✡✞❴✄s❫✎☛ ❫❵✘✟❩❄í ✖❄✆❤❩ ✖ ✦✝❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘➼✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❛✘⑤✘✬✄❨✦❲ ❭ ❩ ❱ ✁✝❫❵❩✜☛ ❫ ❱ ✘ ✓Ö✔❫❛❩ ✓✡❭ ☛ ✦✝❫✖ ❩ ✙➔☛✍✘ ✌ ❭ ✘✚✌ ✔✗✖ ❩●➸ ✖ ❫❛✦❑✄s✘➻✁➽✘ ❱ ✁ ✖✡✓➟❭ ❫❛✦ æ✆ ✌ ✔❫❵❩✪✞✜❩❴❫ ❒❀æ✆✰✌ ✔❫✓ ✘❬❩➟✦➽❫❀✌ ❭ ✘ ✖★❭ ✄s✘✟✌ ✖ ❩ ❭ ❩❴✘❁✁✟æ✘✟❜★✌❛✘ ❪ ❫❵✘✟❩ ❱ ✁❳❲✘❂☛ ❫✎✄s✘✣í ❁ä❫❵❩✜✄❨❫❥✌ ✔❫❛❩✡➸☞✆✬✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✜☛ ✘✚❜✣✆✬✌❛❫❵✌✟❲✘✟✘✟❩❳❩❴✘ ✄❨✦➽❫ ❱ ❭ ✌❵✘✟è❐✦✝è❐✘✟✌❛✌❵✘✗✌ ❭ ✘❅✌❵✘✬✄Ö✌✖ ❫✎✄ ✓ ✘ ✌◗✆ ❱ å✡✞❴✄s❫❀✌ ❭ ✘❅✄ ✖ ❩✡✦❄❫✓ ✘❬❩➟✦➽❫❀✌ ❭ ✘✬✄ ✓ ✆❼❩✜✄Ö✦ ✖☞❭ ✄❄✌❛✘✬✄✜✁❳❲✘★✎❼❲✘❬✁✝✘✟❩✡✦✝❫❵✘✟✌✎✄❴❜✣✆✬✌❛❫❵✌✟❲✘✟✘✟❩ ✄ ❒ ✖☞❭ ✌❛✘ ❱ ✁✝❫❵❩✜☛ ❫ ❱ ✘ ✓ ✘❑✁➽✘✟✌✎✆✬✦✝❫❛➸✡❫❛✦❳❲✘✒✁✝✘❂✄❨✦✝✁➽✘✟❫❛❩✡✦✝✘ ❒✏✌ ❭ ✘❑✌✎✆✶➸✡❫❛✦✝✘❂✄✝✄❨✘ ✓ ✘❑✌◗✆➧✌ ❭ ➲✺❫ æ✘❬✁✝✘ ✓ ✆✬❩✜✄ä✌❛✘❑➸✡❫ ✓ ✘ ✘✬✄❨✦ ❭ ❩❴✘ ☛ ✖ ❩ ✄❨✦☎✆✬❩➟✦➽✘❑❫❛❩ ✓ ✘❲ ❱ ✘❬❩ ✓ ✆❼❩✡✦✝✘ ✓ ✘❑✌ ✔✗✖☞❪ ✄❨✘✟✁➽➸☞✆✬✦✝✘ ❭ ✁✟í ✖❄✆ä❩ ✖ ✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘✂✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❛✘❲ ✆ ✓Ö✔✆ ❪✜✖ ✁ ✓ ✄s✘✟✁✝➸✡❫Ôæ✆ ✓ ✘✬☛❲ ✁➽❫❛✁➽✘ ✘❬✦❅☛ ✌◗✆☞✄➽✄❨✘✟✁Ý✌❛✘✬✄Ý✄❨✞❳✄❨✦❬æ✘✟➲✺✘✬✄ ❱ å➟✞❳✄❨❫✙✌ ❭ ✘❂✄ ❒✬❩ ✖ è ✦☎✆✬➲✺➲✺✘✟❩✡✦✜✘✟❩✚☛ ✁✝❫◗✄❨✦❝✆❼✌❛✌✖ ❜★✁☎✆ ❱ å❴❫❛✘ ✙ßé❍✁❝✆✟➸☞✆✬❫✎✄Ý✆ä➲✺❫◗✄Ö✘✟❩❈❲✘✟➸✡❫ ✓ ✘✟❩✜☛ ✘❏✘✟❩➼➳✡✠☞☛✍✌✒✌✎✆✂✄❨✦✝✁ ❭ ☛ ✦ ❭ ✁✝✘ ❱ ❲ ✘✟✁✝❫✖✡✓ ❫❀✌ ❭ ✘ ✓ ✘✬✄✂☛ ✁✝❫◗✄❨✦❝✆ ❭ ➾ ✆ Ø ✘ ✓✡✖ ✁ ✖ ➸✕❒➱✠✪☛ å ✖ ✘❬❩✏✩✜❫❛✘❂✄✝✄❀✘✟✦✒é❀✆✬✁✝✌✖ ❢➢✘✟❩❈➳✡✠☞➵✍✌ ✖ ❩✡✦ ✓ ✘❬❩❲ ✖ ➲ ❪ ✁❳❲✘❑✌❵✘✬✄❲❅ ❋☞✫✺✄s✞➟➲ ✘✟✦✝✁➽❫❛✘✬✄❲ ❱ ✖ ✄✝✄s❫ ❪ ✌❵✘✬✄ ✓ ✘⑤☛ ✘✬✄❀☛ ✁➽❫✎✄❨✦❝✆ ❭ ➾ ❱ ✘✟✁✝➲➼✘✟✦✝✦❝✆❼❩✡✦ ✓ ✘❑✌❛✘❂✄❀☛ ✌✎✆★✄✝✄❨✘❬✁✟í ❁ ✌◗✆ ✞ ❩ ✓➟❭✏✎✒✑✓✎✒✔ ✄❨❫ æ✘✬☛ ✌❛✘ ❒ Ï í✒➺ ❭ ✁✝❫❵✘ ✆ ✘✟❩❲ ✖ ❩✜☛✕❲✘ ❭ ❩ ❱ ✁✝❫❵❩✜☛ ❫ ❱ ✘ ✌ ❭ ❫⑤☛ ✖ ❩✪✎➽æ✘✟✁✝✘ ❭ ❩❻✄❨✦☎✆✬✦ ❭ ✦ ✓ ✞✡❩✜✆❼➲✺❫✙✌ ❭ ✘❑æ✆✒✌✎✆✒❩ ✖ ✦✝❫✖ ❩ ✓ ✘✂✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦✝✁➽❫❛✘❲ ✙ ✄➽✌✎✆⑤✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦✝✁➽❫❛✘❲ ✓ ✘❀✌ ✔✘❊❇✕✘✟✦❅✘❂✄❨✦❥✆ ❭ ➲ ✖ ❫❵❩✜✄❑❲✘✟❜✣✆✬✌❛✘ æ✆Û☛✍✘✟✌❛✌❵✘ ✓ ✘ ✌✎✆⑤☛✟✆ ❭ ✄s✘✣✔➟í ÏÝ✖☞❭ ✁❥✌✎✆ ❱ ✁✝✘❬➲✺❫ æ✘✟✁➽✘ ✎ ✖ ❫✎✄ ✓ ✘ ❱ ❭ ❫◗✄ ✹ ✆✬✌❛❫❛✌❬❲✘✟✘✂✘✟✦ ✏ ✘✕❢❀✦ ✖ ❩❄❒✣❫❛✌✂❲✘✟✦❝✆❼❫❛✦▼✌ ❭ ✘✬✄s✦✝❫ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘ ✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❛✘❲ ✘✟✦ ✓Ö✔❫❛❩✡✦✝✘✟✁❝✆☞☛ ✦➽❫✖ ❩➼✘✟❩➟✦➽✁✝✘ ✓ ✘ ❭ ➾❁✄s✞❴✄s✦✟æ✘✟➲✺✘❂✄ í ✹ ❩❴✘ ❪ ✖ ❩❴❩❴✘ ❱ ✆❼✁✝✦ ✓ ✘✚✌✎✆ ❱ å✡✞❳✄❨❫❀✌ ❭ ✘✚➲ ✖✡✓ ✘✟✁➽❩❴✘✶✘✬✄s✦Û✌❵✘ ❱ ✁ ✖ ✌✖ ❩❴❜☞✘✟➲➼✘✟❩➟✦ ✓ ✘✺☛✍✘✟✦✝✦➽✘✶❫✓ ✘✟✘❲ í✶❁✂➸✣✘✬☛ ❩ ✖ ✦❝✆❼➲✺➲➼✘✟❩➟✦❁✌◗✆ ✓ ✘✬☛❲ ✖★❭ ➸✣✘✟✁✝✦➽✘ ✌ ❭ ✘ ✓ ✘❖❩ ✖ ➲ ❪ ✁✝✘ ❭ ➾ ❱ å❀❲✘✟❩ ✖ ➲✴æ✘✟❩❴✘✬✄ ❱ å✡✞❴✄s❫❀✌ ❭ ✘✬✄ ❱ ✁❳❲✘✬✄❨✘✟❩✡✦✝✘❬❩➟✦ ✓ ✘✬✄ ✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❛✘❂✄❲ ✓ ✆❼❩ ✄ ✓ ✘❂✄Û✘✬✄ ❱ ✆☞☛ ✘❂✄ ❱ ✌ ❭ ✄⑤✆ ❪ ✄s✦✝✁❝✆❼❫❛✦❝✄✟✌ ❭ ✘✺✌ ✔ ✘✬✄ ❱ ✆★☛ ✘❊❞ ✦✝✘✟➲ ❱ ✄ ❱ å➟✞❳✄❨❫✙✌ ❭ ✘ ✓ ✘✬✄➔✁ ✖ ✦❝✆❼✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✜✄ ✘✟✦ ✓ ✘✬✄❍✦✝✁❝✆❼❩✜✄s✌✎✆❼✦➽❫✖ ❩✜✄ í✛✖Ö✘✬✄❍✦➽å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❛✘❂✄ ✓ ✘ ➋ ✆ ❭ ❜☞✘✣❒✡❫❛❩✡➸☞✆✬✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✡✦✝✘✬✄❥✄ ✖☞❭ ✄ ❭ ❩❳✘❑✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❛✘❀✌❲ ✖ ☛✟✆❼✌❵✘✣❒❏❲✘✟✦☎✆✬❫❛✘✟❩✡✦ ❩❀❲✘✟✘✬✄❍✘❬✦✒✆✬✌❛✌✎✆✬❫❛✘✟❩✡✦❍✁❳❲✘✟➸ ✖ ✌❭ ✦✝❫✖ ❩❴❩❳✘✟✁❀✌✎✆ ❱ å✡✞❳✄❨❫❀✌ ❭ ✘ ✓ ✘❑✌✎✆✚✄❨✘❂☛ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘Û➲ ✖ ❫❛✦➽❫❬❲✘ ✓✡❭✕✎✕✎ ✔ ✄❨❫ æ✘✬☛ ✌❛✘ ❒➟✦☎✆✬❩➟✦✂✘✟❩ ➲❁✆❼✦➽❫ æ✘✟✁➽✘✚☛ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘✟❩✜✄✡❲✘✟✘ ❱ ✆✬✁✶✌ ✔ ❲ ✘❬✦ ❭✜✓ ✘ ✓ ✘✬✄ ❱ å⑥❲✘✟❩ ✖ ➲▼æ✘✟❩❳✘✬✄❑☛ ✁✝❫❵✦✝❫❀✌ ❭ ✘✬✄✒✘✟✦ ✓ ✘✬✄❑✦✝✁☎✆✬❩✜✄❨❫❵✦✝❫ ✖ ❩✜✄ ✓ ✘ ❱ å✜✆☞✄s✘✣❒ ✌ ❭Ô✔✘✟❩ ❱ å✡✞❳✄❨❫❀✌ ❭ ✘ ✓ ✘✬✄✖✞å✜✆ ❭ ✦✝✘❂✄➔❲✘✟❩❴✘✟✁➽❜☞❫❵✘✬✄ ✔ ✎✖★❭ ✁✝❩❳❫✎✄✝✄➽✆❼❩✡✦❏✌❛✘✂✄❨✘ ❭ ✌✜☛✟✆ ✓ ✁✝✘✂✦✝å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫✙✌ ❭ ✘✂☛ ✖ å⑥❲✘❬✁✝✘✟❩✡✦❏✆❼✌❵✌❛❫◗✆❼❩✡✦ ✌❛✘✬✄❍✌✖ ❫◗✄ ✓ ✘❑✌✎✆➔✁✝✘❬✌✎✆❼✦➽❫❛➸✡❫❛✦❳❲✘✒✁✝✘✬✄s✦✝✁➽✘✟❫❛❩✡✦✝✘ æ✆➻☛✍✘✟✌❛✌❵✘✬✄ ✓ ✘❑✌◗✆➔➲ ✘✬☛✟✆✬❩❴❫❀✌❲ ❭ ✘◆✌ ❭ ✆✬❩➟✦➽❫❀✌ ❭ ✘✣í✛❁ä➸✣✘❂☛ ✌❵✘✬✄❍✦✝å⑥❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❵✘✬✄ ✓ ✘ ➋ ✆ ❭ ❜☞✘ ❒❍✌✎✆✰❩ ✖ ✦✝❫ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘❆✄❨✞✡➲ ✘✟✦➽✁✝❫❵✘✺✘✟❩❖✦✝å⑥❲❲ ✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❵✘ ✓ ✘✬✄✚☛ å✜✆✬➲ ❱ ✄➔✘✬✄s✦ ✓ ✘✟➸✣✘✟❩ ❭ ✘ ❭ ❩ ❱ ✁✝❫❵❩✜☛ ❫ ❱ ✘ ✓ ✞✡è ❩✜✆❼➲➼❫❀✌ ❭ ✘⑤æ✆ ❱ ✆❼✁➽✦❀✘✟❩✡✦✝❫ æ✘❬✁✝✘⑤✙❀æ✆➔✦ ✖★❭ ✦✝✘ ❫❛❩✡➸☞✆✬✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✜☛ ✘ ✌ ✖ ☛✟✆✬✌❛✘✒✘✬✄s✦❀✆★✄✝✄ ✖ ☛✍❫✟❲✘✟✘ ❭ ❩❴✘■✎ ✖ ✁☎☛✍✘❑☛ ✖ ✁➽✁✝✘✬✄ ❱ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✆✬❩➟✦ æ✆✰✌ ✔✘✬☛❲ å ✆❼❩❴❜★✘ ✓Ö✔✗❭ ❩ ❪✜✖ ✄ ✖ ❩ ✓ ✘ ➋ ✆ ❭ ❜☞✘✣í ➺❏✘❬✦➭❲✘ ✓ ❫✞✕☛ ✘✺✦➽å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁✝❫❀✌ ❭ ✘❁✄ ✔✘✬✄s✦✶☛ ✖ ❩✜☛ ✁❳❲✘✟✦✝❫◗✄➟❲✘ ✓ ✆✬❩✜✄✶✌✎✆✰☛ ✖ ❩❴è ✄❨✦➽✁ ❭ ☛ ✦➽❫✖ ❩ ✓➟❭ ➲ ✖✡✓ æ✘✟✌❵✘✶✄❨✦❝✆❼❩ ✓ ✆❼✁ ✓❖✓ ✘❂✄ ❫❵❩➟✦➽✘✟✁☎✆★☛ ✦✝❫✖ ❩✜✄❆❲✘✟✌❛✘✬☛✍✦✝✁ ✖ ✎ ✆❼❫❪ ✌❛✘✬✄✂✘✟✦■✎✖ ✁✝✦➽✘✬✄❑✆☞✄➽✄ ✖ ☛ ❫❬❲✘✟✘✬✄✺æ✆ ❭ ❩❴✘ ❫❛❩✡➸★✆❼✁✝❫◗✆❼❩✜☛✍✘❑✄ ✖★❭ ✄❍✌❛✘✒❜★✁ ✖★❭ ✘ ❚ ☛ ✓ ❋✙✕✘✗ ❱❁❚ ☛ ✓ ❅✙✕✚✙ ❱ ☛ ✓➽✤ ✕✚✛❥í❍➺❏✘✟✦➽✦✝✘✒✦➽å❀❲✘ ✖ ✁➽❫❛✘✒✘❂✄❨✦❍✁➽✘✟❩ ✖ ✁✝➲❁✆✬✌❛❫✎✄➽✆ ❪ ✌❵✘


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