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A new methodology for assessing the global dynamic response of large shell structures under impact loading


Academic year: 2021

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A new methodology for assessing the global dynamic

response of large shell structures under impact loading

Christophe Rouzaud, Fabrice Gatuingt, Olivier Dorival, Hervé Guillaume,

Louis Kovalevsky

To cite this version:

Christophe Rouzaud, Fabrice Gatuingt, Olivier Dorival, Hervé Guillaume, Louis Kovalevsky. A new

methodology for assessing the global dynamic response of large shell structures under impact loading.

Engineering Computations, Emerald, 2015, 32 (8), pp.2343-2382. �10.1108/EC-06-2014-0124�.



1,2,3 1 4,5 2 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 m m m


m1 m2 k1 k2

m1x¨1(t) + k1[x1(t)− x2(t)] = 0

m2x¨2(t)− k1[x1(t)− x2(t)] + k2x2(t) = 0

x1(t)� x2(t)


m1x¨1(t) + k1x1(t) = 0 m2x¨2(t) + k2x2(t) = F (t) F (t) F (t) = Rcr(xcr) + mc(xcr) �dx cr dt �2 mc xcr dxcr dt Rcr 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 N or med mas s / u nit leng th

Normed distance from front of plane

Rcr mc mc

Gd = ¨x =−�L Rcr(xcr)n (xcr)nmc(xcr)dxcr


0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 Impac t f or ce / Ma x. impa ct f or ce


f ω Ω Ωi i Γ x y z eα eβ e3 r(α, β) B R ∂Ωi n t kr kt ηr ηt U u w σ K N M h ρ η K CP E D ν � Sad Uh σh Un Cn X P ϕ θ C R Etot Ed T n l λ c c c



f = ω hi ρi Ui Ui(x, y, z) = ui(x, y) + wi(x, y) e3i+ zθi θi(x, y) =−grad wi(x, y)− Biui(x, y) ui wi Bi αi βi ri(αi, βi) Ωi ri(αi, βi) ∂ri ∂αi = Aieαi ∂ri ∂βi = Bieβi eαi eβ i e3i e3i = eαi∧ eβi αi βi αi�→ ri(αi, β0i) βi�→ ri(α0i, βi) eαi, eβi, e3i � Bi=   − 1 Rαi 0 0 0 1 Rβi 0 0 0 0   � eα i,eβ i,e3 i � Rαi Rβi Ω n Ωi Γ Ωi ∂wΩi ∂uΩi ∂w,nΩi ∂KΩi ∂NΩi ∂MΩi Ωi Ωj


(ui, wi, Ki, Ni,Mi)

ui−ktbi(1+iη1 tbi)Ni= uid ∂uΩi

wi−ktbi(1+iη1 tbi)Ki= wid ∂wΩi

wi,n+krbi(1+iη1 rbi)n �

i .Mi.ni= wi,nd ∂w,nΩi

u�i .ni=− αiju�j.nj+ (1 + αij) wj−ktij(1+iη1 tij)(−N�i .ni− αijN�j.nj+ (1 + αij) Kj) Γij

wi= −αijwj+ (1 + αij) u�j.nj−ktij(1+iη1 tij)(−Ki− αijKj+ (1 + αij) N �

j.nj) Γij

u�i .ti=−βijuj�.tj−ktij(1+iη1 tij)

−N�i .ti− βijN�j.tj


wi,n = βijwj,n−krij(1+iη1 rij)

n�i Mini− βijn�j.Mj.nj


αij= n�i .nj βij = t�i .tj

krbi ktbi ηrbi ηtbi


krij ktij ηrij ηtij

Γij Ωi Ωj Ωi Ni− Bi � div Mi�=−ρiω2hiui Ωi div�div M i � + T r�N i.Bi � =−ρiω2hiwi Ωi Ni= Ni.ni− Bi.Mi.ni = Nid ∂NΩi Ki= n�i .div Mi+ � t�i .Mi.ni � ,t= Kid ∂KΩi n�i .Mi.ni=Mid ∂MΩi �� t�i .Mi.ni �� ∂Ωi = 0 Γij N�i .ni= αijNj�.nj− (1 + αij) Kj Γij Ki = αijKj− (1 + αij) N�j.nj Γij N�i .ti= βijN�j.tj Γij n�i .Mi.ni=−βijn�j.Mj.nj Γij �n i=1(n�i .Mi.ni)ti= 0 �n i=1(N�i .ni− Ki) = 0


Mi=hi3 12K CPi :X (wi) Ωi Ni = hiK CPi : γ (ui) Ωi K CPi = (1 + iηi)K0i ρi ηi X γ K CPi = (1 + iηi)     Eαi 1−ναiνβi ναiEαi 1−ναiνβi 0 νβiEβi 1−ναiνβi Eβi 1−ναiνβi 0 0 0 √E αiEβi 2(1+√ναiνβi)     � eα i,eβ i,e3 i � X (ui) = � (θi)− � Bi. �(ui+ wie3i) � γ (ui) = �(ui+ wie3i)

� Eα,βi να,βi eαi

i hi st (Ui, σi) = (ui, wi, Ki, Ni,Mi)∈ Sad,i A   � � � � � � s1 . . . sn , � � � � � � δs1 . . . δsn   = L   � � � � � � δs1 . . . δsn   A   � � � � � � s1 . . . sn , � � � � � � δs1 . . . δsn   =Re � −iω �n i=1 � ∂uΩi δσi.ni.U∗idS + n � i=1 � ∂FΩi σi.ni.δU∗idS + � Γij    n−1 n �n i=1 � δσi.ni � .(Ui)∗+n1 � i�=j � δσi.ni � .�Uj �∗ +n1�ni=1�σi.ni � .(δUi)∗−n1 � i�=j � σi.ni � .�δUj �∗   dS      L   � � � � � � δs1 . . . δsn   = Re � −iω � n � i=1 � ∂uΩi δσi.ni.U∗iddS + n � i=1 � ∂FΩi Fid.δU∗idS �� ∂uΩi Ωi ∂FΩi Ωi Γij Γij Re S0 ad,i Ωi fd,i = 0 i = 1, . . . , n Sad,i0 ≡ Sad,i i = 1, . . . , n


Sad,i KCP i ηi > ∀ i = 1, . . . , n ∀ j �= i        kriηri≥ 0 ktiηti≥ 0 krijηrij ≥ 0 ktijηtij≥ 0 (Uih, σh i) Ui(Xi, Pi) = � Pi�CiUni(Pi) .e Pi.Xi i σi(Xi, Pi) = � Pi�CiCni(Pi) .e Pi.Xi i Xi Uni Cn i n Pi Ci � Ui, σi � Sad,i Pi


wi Ωi hi3 12div � div � K CPi :X (wi) �� + hiT r �� K CPi : γ (ui) � .Bi � =−ρiω2hiwi Ωi


Pi (PTi.Pi)4= 12(1− ναiνβi)ρiω2 (1 + iηi)Eα,βih2i (PTi.Pi)2 −12(1− νh2αiνβi) i (PTi.R.B i.R.Pi) 2 R = � 0 −1 1 0 � RT =−R Bi (PTi.Pi)4= 12(1− ναiνβi)ρiω2 (1 + iηi)Eα,βih2i (PTi.Pi)2 u1i w0i= wi wi Pi R.Pi u1i u1i=APi+BR.Pi

A = w0i1−νEα/βiαiνβi PT i.K CPi .B i.Pi (PT i.Pi)2

B = w0i1+√ν2Eα/βiαiνβi PT i.K CPi .B i.R.Pi (PT i.Pi)2 u0i= 0 wi γ (ui) = �(ui + wie3i) Pi    wh interior,i � Xi, Pint,i � = Wh interior,i � Pint,i � .ePint,i.Xi Ω i wh edge,i � Xi, Pedg,i � = Wh edge,i � Pedg,i � .ePedg,i.Xi i whcorner,i � Xi, Pcor,i � = Wcorner,ih � Pcor,i � .ePcor,i.Xi i

Pint,i(ϕint,i) =−ipint,i(ϕint,i)

� cosϕint,i sinϕint,i � � eα i,eβ i �=−i �



� � eα i,eβ i � pα/β,int,i(ϕ)

pα/β,int,i4(ϕint,i) = pplate,α/β,i4−

(pshell,α,i.sinϕint,i)2+ (pshell,β,i.cosϕint,i)2

�2 pplate,α/β,i= �12ρ iω2(1−ναiνβi) (1+iηi)Eα/βih2i �1 4 pshell,α/β,i= � 12ρiω2(1−ναiνβi) R2 α/βih2i �1 4


pint,i(ϕint,i) Cint,i


pint,i ϕint,i= 0 45 90


Pedg,i(ϕedg,i) = Pt,edg,i(ϕedg,i)t + Pn,edg,i(ϕedg,i)n

Re(Pn,edg,i)� Im(Pn,edg,i)

t n

Pn,edg,i(ϕedg,i) = (1 + iηi) 1 4��1 + sin2(ϕedg,i)− iηi 4. 1 √ 1+sin2 edg,i) � � pplate,α,i pplate,β,i � � eα i,eβ i �

Pt,edg,i(ϕedg,i) = i(1 + iηi) 1 4sinϕedg,i � pplate,α,i pplate,β,i � � eα i,eβ i �


Re(Pcor,i) � Im(Pcor,i)

Pcor,i(ϕcor,i) = pcor,i

� cosϕcor,i sinϕcor,i � � eα i,eβ i �= �



� � eα i,eβ i � ui Ωi ui hiK CPi : γ (ui)−hi 3 12Bi.div � K CPi :X (wi) � =−ρiω2hiui Ωi (uh, Nh i) ui(Xi, Pi) = � Pi�Ciuni(Pi) .e Pi.Xi Ω i Ni(Xi, Pi) = � Pi�CiNni(Pi) .e Pi.Xi i Xi Pi Ci uni Nni n Xi Pi (ui, Ni) Sad,i          Ni− Bi � div Mi�=−ρiω2hiui Ωi Mi= hi3 12K CPi :X (wi) Ωi Ni= hiK CPi : γ (ui) Ωi 0 u0i= ui N0i= Ni u0pres,i Ppres,i upres,i � Xi, Ppres,i � = u0pressure,i�Ppres,i � .ePpres,i.Xi Ω i u0pressure,i�Ppres,i � = u0pres,i � cosθpres,i sinθpres,i � � eα i,eβ i �

Ppres,i(θpres,i) = ippres,i(θpres,i) = i(pα,pres,i.cos(θpres,i)eαi+ pβ,pres,i.sin(θpres,i)eβ i)


p2α/β,pres,i= ρiω2(1− ναiνβi) Eα/βi(1 + iηi) ppres,i(θpres,i) Cpres,i Cpres,i Cpres,i u0shea,i Pshea,i e3i ushea,i � Xi, Pshea,i � = u0shear,i�Pshea,i � .ePshea,i.Xi i u0shear,i�Pshea,i � = u0shea,i � −sinθshea,i cosθshea,i � � eα i,eβ i �

Pshea,i(θshea,i) = ipshea,i(θshea,i) = i(pα,shea,i.cos(θshea,i)eαi+ pβ,shea,i.sin(θshea,i)eβi)

p2α/β,shea,i= 2ρiω

2(1 + √ν αiνβi)

Eα/βi(1 + iηi)


Cshea,i Etot = Ed+ T Etot Ed T Uhi (Pi) ϕint/edg/cor,i θpres/shea,i Cint/edg/cor/pres/shea,i Cint/edg/cor/pres/shea,i whi (xi) = � ϕint,i�Cint,i

Winterior,ih (ϕint,i)ePint,i(ϕint,i).xidϕint,i

+ �


Wedge,ih (ϕedg,i)ePedg,i(ϕedg,i).xidϕedg,i

+ �




                            

Pint,i(ϕint,i) =−i



� � eα i,eβ i � Pedg,i(ϕedg,i) =      (1 + iηi) 1 4��1 + sin2(ϕedg,i)− iηi 4. 1 √ 1+sin2 edg,i) � � pplate,α,i pplate,β,i � � eα i,eβ i �.t +i(1 + iηi) 1 4sinϕedg,i � pplate,α,i pplate,β,i � � eα i,eβ i �.n      Pcor,i(ϕcor,i) = �



� eα i,eβ

i �


uh(xi) =


u0hpressure,i(θpres,i) .ePpres,i(θpres,i).xidθpres,i

+ �


u0hshear,i(θshea,i) .ePshea,i(θshea,i).xidθshea,i

                  

u0hpressure,i(θpres,i) = u0pres,i

� cosθpres,i sinθpres,i � � eα i,eβ i �

Ppres,i(θpres,i) = i(pα,pres,i.cos(θpres,i)eαi+ pβ,pres,i.sin(θpres,i)eβ i)

u0hshear,i(θshea,i) = u0shea,i

� −sinθshea,i cosθshea,i � � eα i,eβ i �

Pshea,i(θshea,i) = i(pα,shea,i.cos(θshea,i)eαi+ pβ,shea,i.sin(θshea,i)eβ i) Sad,i pi Sad,i Sad,ih Uh(Pi(ϕi)) ni lα/βi Ωi ni= 2lα/βi λα/βi = ωlα/βi πc α/βi = lα/βi √ω π 4 � ρihi Dα/βi


λα/βi eαii ω c α/βi = √ω4 �D α/βi ρihi ρi hi Dα/βi Dα/βi = Eα/βih3i 12(1−ναiνβi) ni c α/βi = � E α/βi ρi(1−ναiνβi) c α/βi = � EαiEβi 2ρi(1+√ναiνβi) ϕmn wanalytical(x, y) = ∞ � m=1 ∞ � n=1 amnϕmn(x, y)



F sin(mπxFLx )sin�nπyFLy � LxLy 4 ρh(wmn2 −w2) ϕmn= sin � mπx Lx � sin�nπyL y � whanalytical(x, y) = M � m=1 N � n=1 amnϕmn(x, y) M N M � Lx π 4 � 12ω2ρ(1−ν2) Eh2 N � Ly π 4 � 12ω2ρ(1−ν2) Eh2 k3h2 k h

wF,inf inite(x, y) = −iF

8 Eh3 12(1−ν2) � 12ω2ρ(1−ν2) Eh2 � J0( 4 � 12ω2ρ(1− ν2) Eh2 r) − iY0( 4 � 12ω2ρ(1− ν2) Eh2 r) −2iπK0( 4 � 12ω2ρ(1− ν2) Eh2 r) � r xF J0 Y0 K0 ≈


                          ͳͲ݉   ʹͲ݉   ͳͲ݉   ͵݉   ͵݉   Load ͳͲͲܯܰ  


≈ ͲǤͲ   ͲǤ͸Ͷ   ͳǤʹͺ   ͳǤͻʹ   ʹǤͷ͸   ͵ǤʹͲ   ͵ǤͺͶ   ͶǤͶͺ   ൈ ͳͲିଵ   ͲǤͲ   ͲǤʹͳ   ͲǤͶ͵   ͲǤ͸Ͷ   ͲǤͺ͸   ͳǤͲ͹   ͳǤʹ͸   ͳǤͷͲ   ൈ ͳͲିଵ  


ͲǤͲ   ͲǤ͸Ͷ   ͳǤʹͺ   ͳǤͻʹ   ʹǤͷ͸   ͵ǤʹͲ   ͵ǤͺͶ   ͶǤͶͺ   ൈ ͳͲିଵ   ͲǤͲ   ͲǤʹͳ   ͲǤͶ͵   ͲǤ͸Ͷ   ͲǤͺ͸   ͳǤͲ͹   ͳǤʹ͸   ͳǤͷͲ   ൈ ͳͲିଵ   P 2


P 1

wP 1(t) =100 sin (2π10t + 10)− 200 sin (2π20t + 20)

+ 300 sin (2π30t + 30)− 400 sin(2π40t + 40)


wP 1




wP 2 P 2 P 2 -­‐200 -­‐150 -­‐100 -­‐50 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Disp la cem ent w P2 (mm) Time (ms)

Time loading function w



Frequency VTCR approach (6000 DOFs)

Temporal FEM approach (25 elements per wavelength)


A   � � � � � � s1 . . . sn , � � � � � � δs1 . . . δsn   = Re                                                                                      −iω                                            �n i=1 � ∂w,nΩi � δniMini � .�wi,n+kri(1+iη1 ri)niMini �∗ dl −�ni=1 � ∂wΩiδKi. � wi−kti(1+iη1 ti)Ki �∗ dl�ni=1uiδNi. � ui−kti(1+iη1 ti)Ni �∗ dl +�ni=1 MΩi � niMini � .δw∗i,ndl− �n i=1 � ∂KΩiKi.δw ∗ idl− �n i=1 � ∂NΩiNi.δu ∗ idl −�ni=1 � ∂Ωi �� (tiMini).δw∗i �� +n−1n �ni=1Γij�δniMini �

.�wi,n+krij(1+iη1 rij)

� niMini ��∗ dl −1 n � i�=j � Γij � δniMini �

.�βijwj,n−krij(1+iη1 rij)

� −βijnjMjnj ��∗ dl +n1�ni=1Γij�δwi,n �∗ .�niMini � dl + 1ni�=jΓij�δwj,n �∗ .�βijniMini � dl −n−1n �n i=1 � Γij(δKi) . �

wi+ktij(1+iη1 tij)(−Ki)

�∗ dl −1 n � i�=j � Γij(δKi) . �

αijwj− (1 + αij) ujnj+ktij(1+iη1 tij)(−αijKj+ (1 + αij) Njnj)

�∗ dl −1 n �n i=1 � Γij(δwi) ∗. (K i) dl−1n�i�=j � Γij(δwi) ∗.� −αijKj+ (1 + αij)Njnj � dl −n−1n �n i=1 � Γij(δNini) . �

uini+ktij(1+iη1 tij)(−Nini)

�∗ dl −1 n � i�=j � Γij(δNini) . �

αijujnj− (1 + αij) wj+ktij(1+iη1 tij)(−αijNjnj+ (1 + αij) Kj)

�∗ dl −1 n �n i=1 � Γij(δuini) ∗. (N ini) dl−1n � i�=j � Γij(δuini) ∗.� −αijNjnj+ (1 + αij)Kj�dl −n−1n �n i=1 � Γij(δNiti) . �

uiti+ktij(1+iη1 tij)(−Niti)

�∗ dl −1 n � i�=j � Γij(δNiti) . �

βijujtj+ktij(1+iη1 tij)

� −βijNjtj ��∗ dl −1 n �n i=1 � Γij(δuiti) ∗. (N iti) dl−1n � i�=j � Γij(δuiti) ∗.� −βijNjtj � dl                                                                                                                                 L   � � � � � � δs1 . . . δsn   = Re            −iω       �n i=1 � ∂w,nΩi � δniMini � .w∗ i,nddl− �n i=1 � ∂wΩiδKi.w ∗ iddl −�ni=1 � ∂uΩiδNi.u ∗ iddl +�ni=1 MΩiMid.δw ∗ i,ndl−� n i=1 � ∂KΩiKid.δw ∗ idl −�ni=1 � ∂NΩiNid.δu ∗ idl                  Sad,i


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