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Basics on cyanobacterial genetics


Academic year: 2021

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Basic genetics of cyanobacteria

A. Wilmotte and Y. Lara

Centre for Protein Engineering, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium Molecular diversity and phylogeny of cyanobacteria

The cyanobacteria are a phylum of the Bacterial Domain and have probably invented the oxygenic photosynthesis. These phototrophic oxygenic bacteria are considered to be responsible for the increase of oxygen in the atmosphere, and the change from a reductive to oxidative

environment. Recently, a new class that diverge at the basis of the phylum was identified by metagenomes analyses and named Melainabacteria. It is not photosynthetic and presents different metabolic properties (Soo et al. 2014).

The cyanobacteria share most of the basic cellular and genetic features of other Bacteria. Among the distinctive features are the dual photosystem where H2O acts as electron donor and O2 is produced, the synthesis of phycobiliproteins that act as antenna pigments, the differentiation of heterocysts and akinetes. The endosymbiotic theory explains that an ancestor to the cyanobacteria has been integrated into a primitive eukaryote to give the first algal lineages. During this process, a large number of cyanobacterial genes was transferred to the nucleus of the host.

The taxonomic system of cyanobacteria was presented earlier during this course by Prof. J. Komarek. The current cyanobacterial systematics is based on morphological, physiological,

chemotaxonomic, and genotypic features (Oren, 2011). This lecture will deal with molecular

taxonomic tools that include DNA-DNA hybridization, 16S rRNA gene-based phylogeny, and the use of other markers, and now by phylogenomics (e.g. Shih et al., 2012). So far, the 16S rRNA gene

sequences are the most represented cyanobacterial sequences in the public databases (18741 cyanobacterial sequences in RDP release of May 2015, http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/index.jsp).

The 16S rRNA gene sequence is the standard phylogenetic marker for prokaryotic classification. Its analysis is widely used for prokaryotic identification in cultivation or in the

environment. Cyanobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences can be obtained by different techniques, with or without cultivation (e.g. PCR followed by clone library, DGGE, Next Generation Sequencing), and they can be compared to sequences of the global databases. This first comparison generally allows for a preliminary identification of the genera present in the sample. On the other hand, the

phylogenetic analyses give a schematic representation of the cyanobacterial evolution and diversity, and enable a more precise phylogenetic affiliation. To differentiate closely related strains, the ITS (Internally Transcribed Spacer between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes) has shown its usefulness (Wilmotte et al. 1994; Boyer et al. 2001).

Molecular markers for cyanotoxins

Among the known cyanotoxins, microcystins (MCs) are the most studied in the scientific literature. So far, MCs were characterized in strains from many different genera including Anabaena,

Anabaenopsis, Aphanocapsa, Fischerella, Gloeotrichia, Nostoc, Planktothrix, and Synechococcus

(Sivonen and Börner 2008). However, MCs are not produced by all the strains from the same genera. Besides, it is impossible to identify a MC-producing from a non MC-producing strain simply on the basis of morphological criteria. For example, toxic and non-toxic genotypes of M. aeruginosa have been described from the same bloom sample using molecular methods (Rohrlack et al., 2001). The direct consequence of this observation is that MCs concentration dynamics may be explained by the succession of toxic and non-toxic genotypes.

Biosynthesis of microcystins is performed non-ribosomally through the thiotemplate activity of a large multifunctional modular enzymes complex composed of nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS), polyketides synthetases (PKS) and tailoring enzymes. This enzyme complex is encoded by the

mcy gene cluster composed of nine to ten genes depending on taxa. The mcy gene cluster sequences

have been characterized in Anabaena, Microcystis, and Planktothrix (review in Dittmann et al. 2013). Moreover, these sequences appeared closely related to the nodularin (nda) synthetase genes from



Nodularia (Moffitt and Neilan, 2004). Several gene inactivation studies showed that the presence of

the mcyA, B,D, E, F, H genes and the gene mcyT (in Plankthothrix spp.) is necessary for MCs

production (e.g. Christiansen et al. 2008). However, deletions in the N-methyl transferase domain of

mcyA of Anabaena spp. strains resulted in the production of different MC variants (Fewer et al.,


From the evolutionary point of view, the mcy genes were probably inherited from a common ancestor, and consequently the patchy distribution of mcy genes in modern cyanobacteria is due to repeated loss processes (Rantala et al., 2004). A recent study of non MC-producing Planktothrix strains showed evidence of remnant mcy gene regions, which would correspond to a putative loss event (Christiansen et al, 2008). Dittmann et al. (2013) described the evolutionary forces acting on microcystin synthetase gene clusters. However, an alternative explanation would be based on lateral gene transfer. Indeed, the presence of a transposase and a type IV pilus sytem (involved in DNA uptake in many bacteria) in the neighbouring regions of the mcy gene cluster suggested the

possibility of horizontal gene transfer. The alkaloid anatoxin-a (ATX) is a neurotoxin found in strains of Anabaena and Oscillatoria, sometimes with its homolog homoanatoxin-a (review by Dittmann et al. 2013). As for microcystin, the distribution seems erratic and microscopy cannot help to distinguish toxic and non-toxic strains. The genetic basis was published for the strain Oscillatoria sp. PCC6506, based on the ana gene cluster, and shown to include 7 biosynthetic proteins (Cadel-Six et al., 2009; Mejean et al., 2009 ). Thus, PCR detections for the anaF genes in Oscillatoria (Cadel-Six et al., 2009),

Phormidium (Wood et al., 2010), and Aphanizomenon (Ballot et al. 2010) strains have been designed.

Similarly, the genetic basis for the synthesis of cylindrospermopsin (hepatotoxin) and saxitoxin (neurotoxin) have been determined (Dittmann et al. 2013).

Other secondary metabolites (peptides or compounds that are not essential for the life of the organism) are also produced by cyanobacteria, and their interactions with known cyanotoxins are still not known but could be significant.

Molecular detections of toxigenicity

Specific PCR-based mcy gene detection assays have been designed (review by Ouellette and Wilhelm 2003), but the user should be aware that indels could occur in these genes as written above. Initially, most of the PCR primers were designed to target Microcystis mcy genes (e.g. Tillett & Parker, 2001, Nonneman and Zimba, 2002; Fewer et al., 2008). They allowed to distinguished potentially toxic from non-toxic Microcystis spp. strains grown in the laboratory, or genotypes co-occurring in

environmental samples. Similar results were obtained with PCR strategies designed for MC-producing

Anabaena spp. and Planktothrix spp. (e.g. Rantala et al., 2006). Later, PCR primers were designed to

target different genera at the same time (e.g. Jungblut and Neilan, 2006). They were used to detect the presence of potentially toxic genotypes in the field, and as ‘early warning’ systems.

To address the problem of co-existence of toxic and non-toxic genotypes, the co-existence of several ITS-rRNA genotypes in Dutch and Belgian lakes has been investigated (Kardinaal et al. 2007; Van Wichelen et al. 2010) using DGGE. Moreover, Lara et al. (unpubl.) have designed two genotype-specific quantitative PCR assays for ITS-2 and ITS-3 in natural samples.

The heterogeneity of colonies or filaments in natural samples or even in cultivated strains is masked and averaged during DNA isolation. However, a Microcystis bloom population can include several genotypes that may produce MCs, and evolve in space and time (Kardinaal et al., 2007). In addition, only certain genotypes are selected during laboratory isolation and cultivation . To characterize the ITS genotypes of Microcystis individuals within a bloom population, Janse et al. (2004) developed an « individual colony » approach and isolated 107 colonies. Colonies were divided into two parts, one part for PCR-DGGE targeting the ITS locus, the other for MALDI-TOF analysis. Based on the ITS, colonies were positioned in 59 clusters, which differed in their toxin production. Multiple DGGE bands were detected for 28% of the amplified colonies, which suggested the

aggregation of cells from different colonies. The MALDI-TOF analyses of the 107 colonies from Janse et al. (2004) were carried out in a different study (Via Ordorika et al. 2004), in addition to 215 other



colonies of diverse morphospecies. The aim of this study was to relate the MC biosynthesis with the detection of mcyA and mcyB genes. It was shown that the combination of at least two mcy loci was reliable to assess the production of MCs by Microcystis spp. colonies. Up to eight MCs variants were detected in M. aeruginosa morphospecies, whereas all the M. wesenbergii morphospecies were found negative for MC. To better characterize the genotypic and biochemical variability within bloom samples of Microcystis and Woronichinia (of unknown toxicity at that time), Lara et al. (2013)

designed a ‘single colony’ approach with simultaneous microcystin measurement by ELISA anti-MC and genotyping by multiple locus analysis.


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Cyanobacteria) strains from four continents and of recent and 30-year-old dried samples from Africa. J Phycol 38: 384–393

Boyer SL, Valerie R. Flechtner VR, Johansen JR (2001) Is the 16S–23S rRNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Region a Good Tool for Use in Molecular Systematics and Population Genetics? A Case Study in Cyanobacteria. Mol Biol Evol 18: 1057-1069

Cadel-Six S., et al. 2009. Identification of a polyketide synthase coding sequence specific for anatoxin-a-producing Oscillatoria cyanobacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75:4909–4912

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Jungblut AD, Neilan BA (2006) Molecular identification and evolution of the cyclic peptide hepatotoxins, microcystin and nodularin, synthetase genes in three orders of cyanobacteria. Arch Microbiol 185:107–114

Kardinaal WEA, Janse I, Agterveld MK, et al. (2007) Microcystis genotype succession in relation to microcystin concentrations in freshwater lakes. Aquat Microb Ecol 48:1–12

Lara Y, Lambion A, Menzel D, Codd G A, A. Wilmotte (2013) A cultivation-independent approach for the genetic and cyanotoxin characterization of colonial cyanobacteria. Aquat. Micro Ecol. 69 :35-143 Méjean A, Mazmouz R, Mann S, Calteau A, Médigue C, Ploux O. (2010) The Genome Sequence of the Cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. PCC 6506 Reveals Several Gene Clusters Responsible for the

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Ouellette AJ, Wilhelm SW (2003) Toxic cyanobacteria: the evolving molecular toolbox. Front Ecol Environ 1:359–366

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Shih PM, Wua,c D, Latifid A, et al. (2012) Improving the coverage of the cyanobacterial phylum using diversity-driven genome sequencing. PNAS 110: 1053–1058

Sivonen, K, Börner T (2008) Bioactive compounds produced by cyanobacteria. In: Herrero, A., E. Flores (eds.) The Cyanobacteria: Molecular Biology, Genomics and Evolution. Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, pp. 159-197

Soo RM, Skennerton CT, Sekiguchi Y, et al. (2014) An Expanded Genomic Representation of the Phylum Cyanobacteria. Genome Biol. Evol. 6:1031-1045.

Tillett D, Parker DL (2001) Detection of Toxigenicity by a Probe for the Microcystin Synthetase A Gene (mcyA) of the Cyanobacterial Genus Microcystis: Comparison of Toxicities with 16S rRNA and

Phycocyanin Operon (Phycocyanin Intergenic Spacer) Phylogenies. Appl Environ Microbiol. 67:2810– 2818

Tillett D, Dittmann E, Erhard M, Do H Von, Neilan BA (2000) Structural organization of microcystin biosynthesis in Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806: an integrated peptide-polyketide synthetase system. Chem Biol:753–764

Van Wichelen J, Gremberghe I Van, Vanormelingen P et al. (2010) Strong effects of amoebae grazing on the biomass and genetic structure of a Microcystis bloom (Cyanobacteria). Env Microbiol 12:2797– 2813

Via-Ordorika L, Fastner J, Kurmayer R, et al. (2004) Distribution of microcystin-producing and non-microcystin-producing Microcystis sp. in European freshwater bodies: detection of microcystins and microcystin genes in individual colonies. Syst Appl Microbiol 27:592–602

Wilmotte A, Molecular Evolution and Taxonomy of the Cyanobacteria. In Bryant, Donald A (Ed.) The Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria (1994). Springer.

Wood S. A., Heath M. W., Kuhajek J., Ryan K. G. 2010. Fine-scale spatial variability in anatoxin-a and homoanatoxin-a concentrations in benthic cyanobacterial mats: implication for monitoring and management. J. Appl. Microbiol. 109:2011–2018


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