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Draft Genome Sequence of the Toxic Freshwater Microcystis aeruginosa Strain PMC 728.11 (Cyanobacteria, Chroococcales)


Academic year: 2021

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Draft Genome Sequence of the Toxic Freshwater Microcystis aeruginosa Strain PMC 728.11

(Cyanobacteria, Chroococcales)

Benjamin Marie, Sébastien Halary, Charlotte Duval, Alison Gallet, Sébastien Duperron, Bérénice Piquet, Justine Demay, Cécile Bernard

To cite this version:

Benjamin Marie, Sébastien Halary, Charlotte Duval, Alison Gallet, Sébastien Duperron, et al.. Draft

Genome Sequence of the Toxic Freshwater Microcystis aeruginosa Strain PMC 728.11 (Cyanobacteria,

Chroococcales). Microbiology Resource Announcements, American Society for Microbiology, 2020, 9

(48), �10.1128/MRA.01096-20�. �hal-03066008�


Draft Genome Sequence of the Toxic Freshwater Microcystis aeruginosa Strain PMC 728.11 (Cyanobacteria, Chroococcales)

Sébastien Halary,aCharlotte Duval,aAlison Gallet,aSébastien Duperron,aBérénice Piquet,aJustine Demay,aCécile Bernard,a Benjamin Mariea

aUMR 7245 MCAM MNHN-CNRS, Muséum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris, France

ABSTRACT Microcystis aeruginosais one of the major species that cause toxic cya- nobacterial blooms in freshwater systems worldwide. Here, we report the draft ge- nome sequence of M. aeruginosa PMC 728.11, a microcystin-producing cyanobacte- rium isolated from the freshwater reservoir of Juanon in Valence, France. The genome sequence contains 276 contigs, consisting of 5,536,025 bp and 5,594 putative protein- coding genes, among which are several biosynthetic gene clusters encoding enzyme complexes involved in the production of various bioactive and toxic metabolites.


icrocystisis among the most widespread cyanobacterial genera worldwide and is frequently reported as responsible for bloom events in freshwater environments.

Thesebloomsgenerallyoccurwhenwatertemperaturesexceed15°Cinwaterbodies enrichedbyanthropogenicnutrientloading(1).Becausemembers of thisgenusare abletoproducediversetoxiccompounds,includingpotenthepatotoxicmicrocystins, Microcystisrecurrentbloomsposeariskforpopulationsusingimpairedwaterresources fordrinkingwatersupplies,recreationalactivities,and fisheries(2).Thus,Microcystisstrains havebecomegoodmodelsfortheinvestigationofecotoxicologicalimpactsinducedby Microcystis bloomsonaquaticorganisms(3,4).

MicrocystisaeruginosastrainPMC728.11wasisolatedinSeptember2011fromthe Juanon artificial pond (44°829990N, 5°019550E; Valence, France) during an intense bloomevent.Briefly,watersamplewasspreadontoBG11agarplates(12:12 hlight/

darkcycle,20°C),andthenindividualcolonieswerepickedandgrowninliquidBG11 medium.Theproductionofmicrocystinswasdetectedbyenzyme-linkedimmunosor- bentassay(ELISA)(withAD4G2antibody;Abraxis,USA)andhigh-resolutionmassspec- trometry,togetherwiththedetectionoftwoPCRampliconsthatarecommonlyused asmarkers of its biosynthesisandcorresponding tomcyA andmycE genes (5).The clonal, but nonaxenic, strain was cultured in BG-11 medium (6) at 25°C in 250-ml Erlenmeyervessels,withaphotonfluxdensityof12mmol·m22 · s21 anda12:12-h light/darkcycle.TotalDNAextractionwascarriedoutusingaZymoBIOMICSDNAmini- kit(ZymoResearch,CA),andsequencingwasdoneusing2 250-bpreadsfromboth anIlluminaHiSeq2500instrumentafteraninitialpreparationofthelibrary(NexteraXT samplekit)andasingle-moleculereal-timePacBioRSIIplatformafterlibraryprepara- tionwiththeSMRTbelllibraryusingtheExpresstemplateprepkit(PacificBiosciences).

Rawreadswereinspected,cut,andfilteredusingFastQCv0.11.5,Cutadaptv1.15,and Prinseqv0.20.4,respectively(7–9)(resultingIlluminareads:4,948,014reads,N50valueof 235bp,coverageof97;resultingPacBioSR2reads:86,577reads, N50valueof10,986bp, coverageof63).ScaffoldswereassembledfromHiSeqandPacBioreadsusingaSPAdes- basedUnicyclerhybridassemblerwithdefaultparameters(10,11).Nodesfromassembly graphswereclusteredusingMyCC(k-mersize,4;minimalsequencesize,1,000)andtaxo- nomically annotatedusing theContigAnnotationTool(12).16S rRNA-encodinggenes werealsoextractedfromthesenodesusingMetaxa2andthenannotatedusingACT(13).


FIG 1 Microcystis aeruginosastrain PMC 728.11. (A) Transmission electron micrograph displaying ultrastructural details of aMicrocystiscell, presently under division (bar, 500 nm; ca, carboxysome; cy, cyanophycine granule; cw, cell wall; t, thylakoid). (B) Phylogram of availableMicrocystisgenomes based on a rapid neighbor-joining algorithm (v1.0.4) using default parameters (19) with average nucleotide identity (ANI) distances (PMC 728.11 is indicated in bold).

(C) Biosynthetic gene clusters and their potential products detected by antiSMASH from a PMC 728.11 genome search, comprising gene clusters producing microcystins, among other bioactive compounds (20).

Halary et al.

AllcontigswerepairwisealignedusingMegaBLAST(Evalue # 1e-10),andallsequences sharinga $98%similarityontheshortestsequencewereconsideredascomingfromthe samegenome.Congruentdatabetweenthesediversemethodologies(binningwithMyCC andBLASTwithCAT)allowedustocharacterizethedraftgenomesequenceof Microcystis aeruginosa PMC728.11.

TheMicrocystisaeruginosaPMC728.11genomecompletenessandcontamination estimatedfromthegenomesasassessedusingCheckMv1.13withdefaultparameters (14) were 98.57% and 1.02%, respectively. Annotation was performed using the MicroScopeplatform(15).ThePMC728.11genomecomprised276contigs(maximum length,175,236bp; N50,6,601bp;codingratio,78.3%)representing5.536Mbp,witha GCcontentof42.4%.Itcontainspotentially5,594genefeatures,including40tRNAs,a complete16S-23S-5SrRNAoperon,and5CRISPRsaccordingtoaCheckMsearch,these featuresbeinginperfectagreementwiththe22 Microcystis genomespubliclyavailable on the MicroScope server (2). Calculation of the average nucleotide identity (ANI) basedontheBLASTalgorithm(16)showedthatPMC728.11displays97.95%similarity toM. aeruginosa strain PCC9443, collectedin1994from apond inLandjia,Central AfricanRepublic(Fig.1B)(2).

Specialized metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) were identified using antiSMASHv5.1.2(17)andMIBiGv1.4(18).Thegenomeharborsseveralgeneclusters


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involvedinthebiosynthesisofvariouscyanopeptides,includingthecyanotoxinmicro- cystin,inadditiontocyanopeptolins,aeruginosins(encodedbythenonribosomalpeptide synthetase/polyketidesynthase[NRPS/PKS]pathways),andcyanobactins,bacteriocins,and lanthipeptides (encodedby ribosome-synthesized posttranslationally modified peptide [RiPP]pathways),togetherwithothergenesencodingenzymesinvolvedinthebiosynthe- sisofglycolipids,mycosporine-likeaminoacids,carotenoids,phytoenes,andlipopolysac- charides(2).

Inconclusion,M.aeruginosastrainPMC728.11displaysfeaturestypicaloftoxin-pro- ducingMicrocystis.Thisstrain representsapromisingmodelforfurtherinvestigation andcharacterizationofbioactivemetabolitesandtheirpotentialimpactonorganism health.

Data availability. ThesequenceofMicrocystisaeruginosaPMC728.11hasbeende- posited inGenBankundertheBioProject accessionnumber PRJNA650216(GenBank accession number JADCRC010000000, BioSample number SAMN15699246, andSRA numbersSRR12746604andSRR12746605).StrainPMC728.11isavailablefromthecol- lectionofCyanobacteria andMicroalgae(PMC-ALCP)locatedin theMuséumNational d’HistoireNaturelle(Paris,France;https://mcam.mnhn.fr/fr/collection-de-cyanobacteries -et-microalgues-vivantes-pmc-alcp-470).


ThisresearchwasfundedbyCNRSandtheMuséumNationald’HistoireNaturelle andreceivednospecificgrantfromanyfundingagencyinthepublic,commercial,or not-for-profitsectors.



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