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Maugis, Philippe and Connétable, Damien and Eyméoud, Paul Stability of Zener order in martensite: an atomistic evidence. (2021) Scripta Materialia, 194. 113632. ISSN 1359-6462

Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SCRIPTAMAT.2020.113632


Stability of Zener order in martensite: an atomistic evidence

Philippe Maugis


Damien Connétable


Paul Eyméoud


• Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, IM2NP, Marseille, Fronce

•CIRJMA1; UMR 5085, CNRS /NP UPS, ENSIAŒT 4, allée Emile Manso, BP 44362, F-31030 Toulouse Cedex 4, Fronce



Long-range ordering Elastic behaviour

Martensite is a supersaturated solid solution of carbon in body-centered iron wherein interstitial carbon atoms preferentially occupy a single octahedral sublattice. Despite a centwy of rese.arch, the mechanism of this long-range ordering is still a subject of debate. Recently, Zener's theory of ordering was chal­

lenged both experimentally and theoretically. ln an attempt to settle the controversy, we investigated by density functional theory the ground states of Fe-C configurations having various degrees of order.

We conclude that the fully Zener-ordered configurations are always the most stable energetically, thus confirming Zener's theory. Comparison with mean-field elasticity and Ising-type modelling supports the elastic origin of Zener ordering.

Densicy functional theory (DFf) Mean-field modelling

Fink and Campbell in 1926 (1] established that a'-martensite is a supersaturated solid solution of carbon in body-centered iron.

The carbon atoms preferentially occupy the octahedral interstitial positions between nearest iron atoms in one of the three (001}

crystal directions. This preferential occupation causes a tetragonal distortion of the matrix, quantified by the lattice parameter ra­

tio c/a > 1. Based on Bain's transformation, Kurdjumov and Sachs [2] suggested that carbon distribution in martensite lattice inher­

its from the diffusionless face-centered to body-centered structural transformation of the parent austenite phase. Assuming that long­

range carbon-carbon interactions are predominantly elastic, Zener [3] stated that the ordered distribution of carbon atoms is en­

ergetically more favorable than disorder. He predicted an order­

disorder transition between cubic ferrite and tetragonal martensite (Fig. 1 ). Zener's mean-field theory has been challenged ever since, partly because the so-called Zener ordering transition was never evidenced directly.

Kurdjumov et al. (4] provided indirect proof of Zener ordering:

they measured an increase in tetragonality of quenched marten­

site during ageing at room temperature, interpreted as progressive ordering via carbon jumps into the favoured octahedral sites. Re­

cently, an in situ X-ray diffraction study of martensite formation during quench evidenced the set up of tetragonality as soon as martensite forms , confirming Bain's scheme [5]. In another study, in situ neutron diffraction revealed a decrease in axial ratio to-

• Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: philippe.maugis@im2np.fr, philippe.maugis@univ-amu.fr (P.


URL: hrrp:/Jwww.im2np.fr (P. Maugis) hrcps:// doi.org/10.1016/j .scriptamat2020.l l 3632

wards c/a = 1 during ageing after quench [6], i.e. a case of Zener disordering. Finally, cases were reported of high-carbon austenite isothermally transformed into cubic martensite, thus challenging Zener's model (7,8]. On the other hand, room-temperature mea­

surements of the lattice parameters of Fe-C steels of various car­

bon contents ail show an abrupt transition between low-carbon cubic ferrite and high-carbon tetragonal martensite (9-11 ], which is coherent with Zener's theory.

On the theoretical side, investigations of carbon ordering in iron involved various techniques: thermodynamic mean-field modelling (12-16], the microscopie elasticity theory (4,10,17-19], the CAL­

PHAD formalism [20.21], molecular dynamics (14,22-24] and com­

bined ab initio-Monte Carlo (16,25-27]. Most of these approaches, although based on ditferent hypotheses and approximations, pro­

vide results in favour of Zener ordering. One exception is the work of Ruban (25,26], which predicts an "anti-Zener" ordering consist­

ing of carbon atoms occupying specific sites on two preferred oc­

tahedral sublattices, associated with a ratio c/a < 1. The relative stability of this configuration, as compared to Zener order, is ex­

plained by the asserted dominating effect of carbon-carbon short­

range interactions.

It is worth noting that mechanical external conditions affect the phase stabilities (see e.g. [28,291) and modify the equilibrium or­

der. In particular, coherency stress or applied stress can turn the first-order Zener transition into a continuous transition (12,30].

When compressive, a uniaxial stress may also stabilise "beyond­

Zener" order, i.e. an orthorhombic structure where the three octa­

hedral sublattices are unevenly occupied by carbon atoms (30-33].

This literature survey leads to the conclusion that Zener or­

dering may or may not occur, depending on yet unclear reasons.


Fig. 1. The Zener order-disorder transition transforms bcc-ferrite (left) into bct- martensite (right) and vice-versa. Fe atoms are in gray, preferred carbon sites are coloured according to their sublattice (RGB code).

Moreover, thereisnotheoreticalconsensus onwhetherZeneror- deristhemoststablestateoforderinsupersaturatedironornot.

Thesubjectneedsfurtherprospection,givenitsimportanceinun- derstandingandpredictingthemechanismsofmartensitetransfor- mationandtheresultingmartensiticmicrostructures.

In this study, we investigated from first principles the ener- getic stability of various states of carbon order. Special quasir- andom structures (SQS) were used to simulate random distribu- tionsofcarbonatomsovereachsublattice.Densityfunctionalthe- ory (DFT)computationswere performedunderprescribedapplied stress. The resultswerecompared tothe mean-fieldelastochemi- cal model[33]supplementedbyshort-rangecarbon–carbon inter- actions. The moststablestructures were identified asfunction of theappliedstress.

Inacrystalofbody-centerediron,interstitialcarbonatomsare distributedover the3sublatticesofoctahedral sites.Carbon frac- tiononsublatticeiisnotedciandtotalcarbonfractionisc=ci. To study the effectof carbon distribution over the sublattices at constantcarbonfractionc,itisconvenienttointroducetwolong- range order parameters




defined by c


=c312(c1+c2) and c


=c2c1. Parameter


quantifies the degree of Zener or-

der along crystal direction[001], while


quantifies the unequal

occupancy in directions [100] and [010]. In the mean-field ap- proach,astateoforderischaracterisedby thepairofparameters (




). The case (1,0) represents full Zener order along direction [001], i.e.allcarbonatomssittingon sublattice3.Thisconfigura- tion willbe referred to astheZ3orientational variant.The com- binations (−0.5,−1) and (−0.5,1) describe the Z1 and Z2 fully ordered variantsalongdirections[100]and[010],respectively.In- termediate valuesof (




) representpartiallyordered structures.

Among them, (−0.5,0) is the inverse-Zener order: it has empty sublattice 3 and equal occupancy of sublattices 1 and 2. Finally, (0,0) isthefullydisorderedstructurewithequaloccupancyofthe threesublattices.

The thermodynamical stabilityofa givenstate oforder under applied stress tensor


ischaracterisedby theenthalpy oforder- ingH(




),wheresymbolexpressesthatthedisorderedstate istakenasreference.Hcan be calculated from theenergy of or- deringU andthestrainofordering








, (1)

whereV isthevolumeofthestress-freecarbon-freecrystal.

DFTcalculationsareknowntorendercorrectlytheshort-range interactions between solute atoms, irrespective of their origin,

”chemical” or”elastic”. Inthisstudy,by allowing thesupercellto relax, we also captured the long-range carbon–strain interaction andtheresultinghomogeneousstrain.

Inordertorepresentcarbon–vacancydisorderonoctahedralin- terstitial sublattices, we used the SQS approach. Supercells were

built withmcsqs [34] modulus of ATAT code [35], following the proceduredescribedin[36]:computationofthecorrelationsfunc- tions on clusters containing C–C pairs equal to or shorter than

√3a0 (a0 is the lattice parameter ofiron). The computed tetrag- onality andenergysomewhat depend ontherelative positionsof the carbon atoms in the supercell [37,38]), this is why we av- eraged each case over a set 13 SQS structures. To extract ener- getic and structural properties from these structures using DFT, we employed an in-house version of VASP code [39,40] allow- ing to impose stresses on cells. We used the following parame- ters:generalized gradientapproximation [41]withprojector aug- mentedwavemethod[42]andPerdew-Burke-Ernzerhofexchange- correlation functional [43,44], 400 eV energycut-off (as used in Refs. [36,45,46]), spin-polarized approximation, 105 eV energy convergence criterion of the electronic self-consistency, 4×4×4 Monkhorst-Packk-pointsgrid[47]for128ironatomsupercellsand Methfessel-Paxton smearing [48] for reciprocalspace integration.

To relax the supercells we used a conjugate-gradient algorithm withionicrelaxationcriterionof10−4 eVinenergyforzero-stress calculationsand0.01eV/˚Ainforceforstress-imposedcalculations.

CalculationswereperformedonFe128C12supercellsofcomposition Fe-8.6at%Candvaryingstatesoforder.

Inafirstseriesofcalculations,thedegreeofZenerorderalong axis3wasvaried (




fixed tozero). Profilesofthe

averagedorderingenthalpyHandlatticeparametersaandcare drawninFig.2.TheenergeticstabilityoffullZenerorderwithre-

Fig. 2. Ordering enthalpy (top) and lattice parameters (bottom) as function of Zener-order parameter η( ζ= 0 ) in stress-free Fe-8.6at%C. SQS-DFT is compared to elasticity and pairwise interactions and to experimental data from Cheng [49] . Error bars indicate the standard deviations.


Fig. 3. Ordering enthalpy of various states of order under tensile or compressive stress in Fe-8.6at%C and schematics of the relaxed cell shape (arrows represent the state of order). Fully Zener-ordered configurations are the most stable ones in all cases.

specttopartialorderordisorderisevidencedbytheminimumin enthalpy positioned at


=1. Correlatively, thelattice parameters aandcvarylinearlywiththeorderparameter.Theyreachtheex- perimentalvaluesofChengetal.[49]at


=1,lettingassumefull Zenerorderingfortheexperimentaldatacollectedinthisstudy.

Asecondseriesofcalculationsaimedatinvestigatingtheeffect oftension(+2GPa)andcompression(−2GPa)alongaxis3onthe relativestabilityofselectedstatesoforder,namely(1,0),(−0.5,0) and(−0.5,1).Thecomparative plottingofFig.3givesthefollow- ing results: (i) tensionstabilises tetragonalZener order alongthe stress axis (variant Z3); (ii) compression stabilises orthorhombic Zener orderinadirectiontransversetothestressaxis(variantZ1 or Z2);and(iii)disorder andinverse-Zenerorderare disfavoured inallcases.

Additionalcalculationsonvariants(0,0)and(1,0)revealedthat carbon distribution and applied stress have negligible impact on the magnetic moments (less than 0.02


B/atomic species). This negligiblerole ofZener orderonmagnetismsuggeststhat anem- piricalpotential withoutmagnetismwouldbe abletocapturethe discussedeffectsonZenerordering.


(i) it correctly represents interstitial disorder thanks to the use of SQS; (ii) it doesnot raise an issue ofempirical potential rep- resentativeness, asit isthe caseforthe embedded-atommethod [50] and pairwiseinteractions models; and (iii)it considers both homogeneous elasticity by lattice deformation and C–C chemical interactions.However,thisapproachdoesnoteasilyallowdiscrim- inatingthelong-rangeelasticcontributionfromtheshort-rangein- teractioncontribution.Toinvestigatethispoint,weusedthemean- field elastochemical model of Maugis [16,33] together withpair- wiseC–Cinteractions.Thetheoryissummarisedbelow.

In the framework of the continuum elasticity theory of point defects,long-rangecarbon–straininteractionsareaccountedforvia the dipolemomenttensor P ofinterstitial carbon[51,52].Carbon atomsandaxial stress


induce arelaxedstrain tensor








⎧ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎨

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪


11 = VC 3V0c+ V






σ ε

22 = 3VVC


c+ V 3V0






σ ε

33 = 3VVC


c+2V 3V0






ConstantsV0,VC andV arerespectivelytheatomicvolumeofthe lattice,therelaxationvolumeandthetetragonaldistortiondueto aninterstitialcarbon.Thelatterarerelatedtotheelasticproperties ofthedefectandthehostmatrix[16]:














. (3)

Pa andPc are the two independent components ofthe dipole mo- menttensorandSi j arethecomponentsoftheelasticcompliance tensorofthehostmatrix.ItisclearfromEqs.2that crystalsym- metry is governed by both applied stress andorder parameters.

Indeed,theBravaislattice maybe eithercubic(






=0; fulldisorder),tetragonalprolate(e.g.






>0;Zeneror- der),tetragonaloblate (e.g.






<0;inverse-Zeneror- der[26,27]) ororthorhombic(e.g.




=0; beyond-Zeneror- der[4,30]).

Thehomogeneousstraincontributestotheenthalpyofordering bytheamountHel writtenas












whereh isthestrain-energyparameter:

h= 1







2. (5)

Thefirstterminther.h.s.ofEq.4isthestress-independentorder- ingenergyUel.Thesecondtermistheelasticworkoftheapplied stresswhentheconfigurationischangedfromdisorder(


=0)to partialorder(


=0).Eq.4showsthatZenerorderingalongdirec- tion 3 (


>0) is favoured when a tensilestress is applied along that direction(


>0,Hel decreases);it isdisfavouredwhen a compressive stress is applied along the same direction (


<0, Hel increases).

FromEqs.3and5wenoticethattheequilibriumstateoforder, obtainedfrom minimisingfunction Hel(




)at givenc and


, does not depend on the elastic stiffness of the host matrix, but only onthe deviatoricpart ofthe dipolemomenttensor, via the ratio(PcPa)/V0.

Allmaterialparameters entering theelasticitymodelwereex- tractedfromhigh-accuracyDFTcalculations.Theirvaluesaregath- eredin Table 1. The dipolemoment tensor wascomputed using theresidualstressmethod[53]:asupercellcontainingonecarbon atominabcc-Fematrixwasrelaxed,whilemaintainingtheshape andvolumeofthecellidenticaltothatofcarbon-freeiron.Onac- countofthecarboninsertion,aresidualstress



cellboundary.ThedipolemomenttensorPisrelatedtotheresid- ual stress by P=−V


, where V is the volume of the supercell.

Correctionoftheimage forcesdueto theperiodicboundarycon- ditionswasappliedbyvaryingthesupercellsizeandperforminga parabolicfitoftheresidualstressasfunctionof1/V.

Table 1

Lattice parameter a 0(in nm), elastic compliances S i j(in GPa −1) and dipole moments P a,c(in eV) computed by DFT.

Volumes V 0, V C, V (in eV/GPa) and strain-energy parameter h (in eV) used in the elasticity calculations.

a 0 S 11 S 12 P a P c V 0 V C V h

0.2834 5 . 55 ×10 −3 −1 . 91 ×10 −3 9.60 18.88 7 . 10 ×10 −2 6 . 56 ×10 −2 6 . 93 ×10 −2 3.02


Fig. 4. Ordering enthalpy (in units of h c 2) as function of the order parameters ηand ζ. From left to right: σ= −1 , 0 and 1 (in units of h c/V ). The gray triangle drawn at ordinate -1 represents all accessible states of order. Z1, Z2 and Z3 fully-ordered variants (coloured points) are the stable states when no stress is applied (centre). Tension along axis 3 stabilises longitudinal variant Z3 (right), while compression stabilises both transverse variants Z1 and Z2 (left).

Contribution of the short-range carbon–carbon interactions to the enthalpy was written asa pairwise Ising-type model: Hnn=

1 2

Vi j, whereVi j is the interaction energy betweentwo carbon atomsindexediand j.TheVi j’swerecomputedbyDFTup tothe 19th coordination shell [36]. To evaluate Hnn(




), 250,000 car- bon atomswere randomlydistributed overthe 3octahedral sub- latticesaccordingtothespecifiedorderparameters andthesum- mationwasperformednumerically.

The orderingenthalpy computedwiththeelasticitymodelco- incideswellwiththedecreasingparabolicprofileobtainedbySQS- DFT(Fig.2top),andevenbetterwhentheC–Cpairwisecontribu- tion isadded.Thecoincidence remains satisfactoryincaseofap- plied stress(Fig.3):althougha slightshiftisobserved,theinflu- enceoftheorderstate iswellrenderedbytheelasticityandpair- wiseinteractionsmodel.Weconcludethatelasticitycaptures∼85%

oftheorderingenthalpy,whilepairwiseinteractionshaveaminor- itycontributionof∼15%.Thelattermoderateeffectisqualitatively inlinewiththefindings ofYanetal.[26].Ontheotherhand,the influence of ordering on the lattice parameters is perfectly ren- dered by the elasticity model (Fig. 2 bottom). As expected from elasticitytheory,short-rangeinteractionsplay anegligibleroleon thecarbon-inducedhomogeneousstrain[54].

To generalise our investigation to all possible states of order, surface plots of the reduced ordering enthalpy Hel/hc2 were computedwiththe elasticitymodelforselectedvaluesofthere- duced applied stress


V/hc (Fig. 4). In the stress-free condi- tion (


=0), Hel exhibits threedegenerate stablestatescharac- terised by the (




) pairs (−0.5,−1), (−0.5,1) and (1,0). These pairs represent respectively the fully Zener-ordered variants Z1, Z2 andZ3. We see that when atensile stress is applied(


>0), the degeneracyislifted andthe stablestate isthe Zener-ordered variant Z3. In caseof compressive stress (


<0) variants Z1and Z2 are the two degenerate stable states. These variants are ori- entedtransversalytotheappliedcompressivestress.Owingtothe downwardconcavityoftheenthalpysurfaces,allpartiallyordered statesareunstable,includingthedisorderedstructure(0,0)andthe inverse-Zener structure (−0.5,0),and thisregardless theapplied stress.

WehavedemonstratedthatfullZenerorderisalwaysenerget- ically more favorable than any other state of order, while disor- der and inverse-Zenerorder are unstable.This conclusion is true aslongasthecarbonatomsarerandomlydistributedineachsub- lattice. Wedidnotinvestigatesecondaryordering, i.e.ordering in oneormoresublattices,possiblyoccurringatsomespecificcarbon stoichiometries. Such phenomenon wasevidenced experimentally [55] andtheoretically [22,25,26,38]. However, secondary ordering is expectedto affect onlymarginally the ordering enthalpies, es-

pecially at low-carbon content, thus not invalidating our general conclusions.

Chen et al. reported the experimental evidence of cubic or nontetragonal martensite formed at room temperature in plasti- callydeformedquenchedmartensite[7],aswellasindeformation- inducednanograinedmartensite[8].Theseresultsapparentlycon- tradict our finding that Zener order is expected in martensite, whatevertheappliedstress.However,thepresentpaperislimited toinvestigatingthe0Kstatesofadefect-freecrystal.Atfinitetem- perature,martensiteorders on theconditionthat its carboncon- tent be higher than a critical value. According to literature, this valueliesintherangeof0.8to2.9at%atroomtemperature.Chen etal.’smaterialmaynotreachthecriterion.Indeed,althoughtheir nominalcarbonishigh,carbonatomsare likelytohavemigrated to the deformation-induced dislocations and/or to the nanograin boundaries during room-temperature ageing or sample prepara- tion,thusdecreasingsolutecarbondowntoasubcriticalvalue.

Our first-principles investigation leads to the conclusion that Zener-orderedconfigurationsofbody-centeredFe-Carealwaysen- ergetically favoured compared to disordered or partially ordered ones. This finding supports Zener’s theory of ordering. Compari- son with mean-field elasticityand Ising-type modellingconfirms that Zener ordering is mostly driven by the long-range carbon–

carbonstraininteraction,whileshort-rangecarbon–carboninterac- tionsplay aminorrole. Theseconclusionsremaintruewhenten- sileorcompressivestressisapplied.


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompetingfinan- cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


This work was supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (contract C-TRAM ANR-18-CE92-0021). Centre de Cal- culIntensifd’Aix-Marseilleisacknowledgedforgrantingaccessto its high performance computing resources. The authors thank C.



Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.




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Built into the corona region by attachment coefficient η from electron flux, negative charges only migrate to the emitter so as to produce, together with the electrons, the

Initially, the membrane is a sphere of radius a. It is located in the centre of the computational domain, a cube with a side of 4a. On the other sides of the domain, periodic

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Butt Welded Laser Powder Bed Fusion Manufactured and Sheet Metal 316L Parts. New Possibilities in the Fabrication of Hybrid

Bresson, Yves and Tongne, Amèvi and Selva, Pierre and Arnaud, Lionel Numerical modelling of parts distortion and beam supports breakage during selective laser melting