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WHA7.32 Additional Use of the Spanish Language


Academic year: 2022

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WHA7.32 Additional Use of the Spanish Language

The Seventh World Health Assembly,

Recognizing the desirability of facilitating to the greatest possible extent the participation of Spanish speaking Members in the activities of the World Health Organization ;

Considering that it is desirable to take additional steps with the view of ultimately providing for Spanish to become a working language of the Assembly and the Executive Board,

1. REQUESTS that as from 1955 the Director-General make arrangements to have Spanish translations made of all Official Records of the World Health Organization, the final minutes of the Executive Board, and the reports of expert committees ;

2. DECIDES that all resolutions and other formal decisions of the Health Assembly and of the Executive Board be established in both working languages and in Spanish.

Handb. Res., 2 n d e d . , 1.14.1 ; Adopted at the tenth plenary meeting, 20 May 1954 (section 1 of the third report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters)


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