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A new multi-directional fiber model for low angular resolution diffusion imaging


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HAL Id: inserm-00858206


Submitted on 4 Sep 2013

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A new multi-directional fiber model for low angular

resolution diffusion imaging

Aymeric Stamm, Patrick Pérez, Christian Barillot

To cite this version:

Aymeric Stamm, Patrick Pérez, Christian Barillot. A new multi-directional fiber model for low angular resolution diffusion imaging. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, May 2012, Australia. pp.908. �inserm-00858206�



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n diffusion ima nicolor, Rennes, F or (EAP) from of clinical brai P is then infer e [1]. In resea n profile in th f the EAP, the nction (pdf) i s a mixture of on pdf along d ed distance), covariance m rs. The Fouri retical DW inte nsities to the irst performe two FOs with ian noise and 95% confiden was scanned o 5 and 2x2x2m ch our model ows the CAR ach curve cor s not significa = 20dB and ng btained in Q-B ution (ng=81) rpus callosum s is proportion iber crossing ular and spati



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