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Magnetic hysteresis and domain structure


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1959

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Magnetic hysteresis and domain structure

R.S. Tebble

To cite this version:

R.S. Tebble. Magnetic hysteresis and domain structure. J. Phys. Radium, 1959, 20 (2-3), pp.98-100.

�10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-309800�. �jpa-00236075�





The University of Sheffield, England.

Résumé. 2014 On expose quelques problèmes relatifs au développement des méthodes expéri-

mentales pour l’examen des processus d’aimantation mis en jeu dans les champs faibles sur des

substances polycrystallines.



A brief survey is made of some of the problems involved in the development of experimental methods of obtaining information on the domain processes involved in the low field

magnetization of polycrystalline materials.


This paper represents an attempt to summarise briefly some of the problems involved in the deve- lopment of an understanding of the elementary

processes involved in low field magnetic hyste-

resis in polycrystalline materials such as iron and

nickel, to discuss some of the methods of obtaining

further information, and to indulge in the exercise

of estimating orders of magnitude.

The magnetic properties of the materials with which this paper is concerned are a coercivity in

the range 0.1 to 10 oersted, a remanent magne- tization of about one half the saturation value.

In addition there is the information from the Barkhausen effect that the discontinuous changes in magnetization take place in steps of 10-7 to

10-5 e. m. u. corresponding to reversals in magne- tization in volumes in 10-1° to 10-8 cm3 ; there are probably a considerable number of smaller discon- tinuities but this range covers those which make up the greater part of the change in magne- tization (an average value for hard drawn iron is 1. 6 X 10-6 e. m. u.).

The theoretical treatment of coercivity in single crystals and of the mechanism ’whereby the magne- tization is reversed has been exhaustively treated particularly by Néel and the processes involved

are fairly well understood. The transference of these ideas to polycrystalline materials however presents considerable difficulty and, without any wish to labour this point, it may be of use to give

an example of what is involved. The reversal of

magnetization in a single crystal of iron is consi- dered as taking place with a 1800 boundary moving

across a domain ; this boundary is held up as it unites with a 900 Néel " spike " domain structure around a non magnetic inclusion and as it breaks

away produces a discontinuous change in magne- tization. This has been confirmed in the well known Bitter patterns of Williams and Shockley (1949) ; from the published photographs it appears

that the linear dimensions of the inclusions were

about 6 X 10- 3 cm and the length of the Néel

spikes about 7 X 10-2 cm. Now in a poly- crystalline material, unless one is to postulate such

a close coherence in crystal orientation between

neighbouring grains that a domain boundary

passes with little distortion across a grain boundary,

it is necessary to suppose that the whole course of events is carried out in a single grain. A " typical"

grain size for a polycrystalline material such as

that described earlier, would be about 10-3 cm in

linear dimensions, so that the whole scale of the above process is much too large. Even if the

scale of the system is reduced to a minimum, it is unlikely that, with a boundary thickness of

1.4 x 10-5 cm (for iron), one could obtain any

subsidiary domain structure on a cubic inclusion.

with a side of much less than 1 X 10-4 cm ; the

cross sectional dimensions of the associated Néel

spike would take up the greater part of the cross

section of the grain with little room for the 1800

boundary. An alternative suggestion would be

that the movement of the 1800 boundary is held up because of the free pole produced at the inter-

section of the boundary with an inclusion, without

the formation of any subsidiary domain structure.

It has been shown by a number of workers that in such cases those inclusions with linear dimensions

approximately equal to the boundary thickness are

of the greatest importance in producing hysteresis (see below). (Néel, in his disperse field theory

also allowed for the possibility of regions of strain,

instead of non-magnetic inclusion, with the energy of the system dependent on strain and anisotropy).

It may be worth mentioning that if the deciding

factor is whether or not there is room for the for- mation of subsidiary domain structure around an

inclusion there might well be a close inter-relation between grain size and inclusion size in the control of coercivity. An additional possibility would be

that the Néel spike structure itself could provide a

means whereby the increase and diminution in the size of the spikes would result in a change in magne- tization ; however enough has been said to indicate

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-309800



the range of domain processes which could take


The methods of approach to a study of the problem fall into three broad categories




magnetic ", " indirect


and " direct " methods.

Firstly there is the magnetic method of correlating

in a quantitative manner some magnetic property

such as coercivity with the measurable physical properties of the material, as in the way which

Djikstra and Wert (1950) for instance have shown that the coercivity is dependent on the size of the non-magnetic inclusions in the material, and is a

maximum when the linear dimensions of the inclu- sions are approximately equal to those of thé

domain boundary. The possibilities of this type

of experiment are however limited by the difficulty

of obtaining quantitative information on the phy-

sisal state of the material in a form which can be of

use in an analysis of the magnetic measurements.

The second group of methods involves the identi- fication of the process taking place " indirectly " by

the examination of the change in some parameter, such as temperature or resistance, accompanying a change in magnetization, bearing in mind that

several of these processes could be taking place simultaneously. Included in this group could be included the methods making use of changes in Young’s modulus (described in the pâper presented by Dr. Street), the magneto-resistance effect and

the magneto-thermal effect. For instance, Parke (1956) has shown in his work. on the change in

resistance with magnetization that it is possible identify 900 boundary changes or rotations of the

magnetization vectors as distinct form 180° changes

in magnetization, since with a reversal in magne-

tization there is no change in resistance. His results for single crystals show in a convincing

manner the change in the nature of the processes in différent regions of the hysteresis curve, from the low field region where’ 180° changes predo-

minate to high fields, where the changes in magne- tization take place by rotation, and this method


might well be applied to polycrystalline materials.

The work on the magneto-thermal effect, on which

the author has beefi closely connected for some

years, ’ provides a good example of some of the

difficulties involved by this type of approach. It

may be helpful to look upon the magneto-thermal

effect as in some ways analogous to the Joule-

Kelvin effect in gases, in which information on the

atomic " structure " of a gas can be derived from

the deviations from the perfect gas behaviour.

Here an adiabatic expansion is replaced by an


adiabatic change in magnetic field and the corés ponding temperature change is measured (or alter- natively the related quantity ((JII()T)H ; this for

certain puposes is more convenient). Provided

the clianges in magnetization are reversible, the

method of analysis is as follows. The change in temperature, usually written in the form of a heat

change, AQ can be considered as made up of a part due to the change in intrinsic magnetization AQ2

and the remainder due tone of the processes already mentioned,- rotation of the magnetization etc.,

OQb so that IlQ’ =IlQ + AQ,-. The quantity AQ’

can usually be estimated without undue error so


that the method of analysis is reduced to providing

an explanation of the value of àQ§ or of the coef-

ficient b" = AQ’ b 1 f H dl ; for instance, if only

rotations of the magnetization vector are present b’

is given by ( T jK) (dKldT) with K the aniso- tropy coefficient. A typical set of curves for nickel

is shown in figure 1, and it will be seen that outside

n .

FIG. 1.


Magneto-thermal effect H in nickel. Q’rev is

heat measured under reversible conditions. Q’tot includes both reversible and irreversible heat changes.

- - - -

-, Q’tot measured by Bates and Davis

on a similar specimen. The estimated value for b" for rotation only is


4.5 (see table 1).

the hysteresis region the value of b" is reasonably

constant and approximately equal to that appro- TABLE 1




priate for rotations. In the coercive region it is

clear that rotational changes are of little impor-

tance and that other processes are taking place.

Teale and Rowlands (1957), have made estimates

of the value of b" for a number of processes (see

Table 1), provided only one such process is present.

If this condition could be satisfied, the identifi- cation of the process would in many cases be pos- sible. In particular the Néel disperse field mecha- nism gives for nickel and cobalt a value of b’ not

only reasonably large, but of opposite sign to most

of the other processes. It so happens however

that the magnetic properties of most materials are

such that one could hardly hope for one form of magnetic change to predominate in low field. In

fact the future of the method would seem to lie in the provision of materials which will lend them- selves to this method of analysis rather than in a generalized application. What is in many ways

a development of the method of analysis (but not of

the experimental method) has been developed by Gugan and Rowlands (1958) in an investigation of

the change in magnetization with pressure, i.e.

(7/)F) instead of (I I T)H, and a coefficient d"

is obtained in much the same way as b". It is difficult to say at present what are the possibilities

of this method but the main requirement at the

moment would seem to be dependable experi-

mental values of (IiP)H measured under rever-

sible conditions.

Finally there are the " direct " methods which have already proved to be probably the most

fruitful in the branch of physics, the Bitter pattern method. The difficulty here is that with the standard techniques the limit of resolution is set

by the maximum size of colloid particles, say

10-4 cm or more, whereas a resolution of about 10-5 cm is required ; both this and the polarized light method are of course limited by the resolving

power of visible light. The application of electron

microscopy to the problem by Craig, in which the colloid particles are deposited in a surface replica,

has resulted in improvement in resolution but only

to the extent allowed by the minimum size of the colloid and the further progress in this technique

will be controlled by development in the produc-

tion of the colloid. One is led naturally therefore

to the direct application of electron microscopy as

in the work of Germer (1942), and of Blackman

and Grunbaum (1957) or possibly in the electron scanning technique (Smith and Oatley, 1955).

Although there is here no problem of limited reso-

lution the difficulties in the interpretation of the

results are very great but is seems that any further

developments in our knowledge of the domain structure of polycrystalline materials may well

depend on our ability to make use of these tech- niques in work on single crystals.


BLACKMAN (M.) and GRUNBAUM (E.), Proc. Roy. Soc., 1957, A 241, 508.

DIJKSTRA (L. J.) and WERT (C.), Phys. Rev., 1950, 79, 979.

GERMER (L. H.), Phys. Rev., 1942, 62, 295.

GUGAN (D.) and ROWLANDS (G.), In the press, 1958.

PARKER (R.), Phil. Mag., 1956, 1, 1133.

TEALE (R. W.) and ROWLANDS (G.), Proc. Phys. Soc., 1957, B 70,1123.

SMITH (K. D. A.) and OATLEY (C. W.), Brit. J. Appl.

Phys., 1955, 6, 391.

WILLIAMS (H. J.) and SHOCKLEY (W.), Phys. Rev., 1949, 75, 178.


Mr. Kaczer.


1800 wall motion is not conti-

nuous as a whole but can be compared with the blowing up of a balloon having weak spots. Small portions of the wall move discontinuously forming


bubbles " on the walls. This kind of motion could explain the small volumes arrived at in Barkhauseri jump experiments.

Mr. Teale.


It must. be emphasized that the magnetothermal method of analysis of magne- tization curves mentioned by Dr. Tebble and dealt

with by Prof. Bates can be carried out using the

theoretical expressions of Teale and Rowlands only

if the magnetic specimen investigated conforms

to a fairly simple model. Briefly this model is one

in which magnetic magnetothermal changes result

from changes of the intrinsic magnetization and

from ône other mechanism (e.g. rotations or

domain wall movements). Under these circum- stances the coefficient b" (or c") should be inde- pendent of H over the range of H concerned. It is therefore very important to be sure that the experi-

mental results satisfy this condition if the theory

is to be used for interpretation. As much care is

needed in this direction for the low field analysis

as has been taken in high fields.

The constants c" given in Prof. Bates’ paper, table II, column 6 correspond to domain wall motion impeded by disperse fields resulting from

stress in the specimen. Disperse fields can also arise from non-magnetic inclusions and this gives rise to quite différent theoretical values of c". This latter mechanism may predominate in ferrites in low fields.

Mr. Tebble.


It is certainly necessary to be

sure that the conditions assured in the theory are

satisfied experimentally as indicated in Table I,the positive value for b" in nickel and cobalt is obtained for the Néel field mechanism for stress only.

Mr. Bates (Comment). - At Nottinghem we have recently made measurements on H. C. R. alloy (grain orientated ; 50Fe, 50Ni) and found that a


dip " is obtained in low fields by the Nottingham

method of measurement, but is not obtained with the Leeds method, in which (vIlvT)H is measured,

We cannot account for this discrepancy at present.


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