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Parameters of a laser produced plasma from XUV line profiles


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Parameters of a laser produced plasma from XUV line profiles

E. Jannitti, P. Nicolosi, G. Tondello

To cite this version:

E. Jannitti, P. Nicolosi, G. Tondello. Parameters of a laser produced plasma from XUV line profiles.

Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (7), pp.1043-1047. �10.1051/jphys:019820043070104300�. �jpa-00209480�


Parameters of a laser produced plasma from XUV line profiles

E. Jannitti, P. Nicolosi and G. Tondello

Centro Gas Ionizzati, C.N.R., Università di Padova, Italy

(Reçu le 23 novembre 1981, révisé le 17 février 1982, accepté le 3 mars 1982)



La région d’interaction entre le faisceau focalisé d’un laser à rubis de 1 GW et une cible plane de béryl-

lium a été observée avec un spectrographe stigmatique à incidence rasante de haute résolution. Le profil de la

raie Ly03B1 de BeIV montre deux composantes : l’une asymétrique et large correspond spatialement à la radiation émise par la région à haute densité du plasma qui coincide avec le cratère et l’autre étroite est émise par le plasma

en expansion. Un modèle qui résout l’équation de transfert radiatif pour un plasma qui se détend avec des para- mètres ajustables reproduit très bien les formes observées. Il est donc possible de déterminer un ensemble unique

et réaliste de paramètres du plasma, en bon accord avec des observations indépendantes précédentes.



The region of interaction between a focused 1 GW ruby laser beam and a plane beryllium target has been observed end-on with a high resolution stigmatic grazing incidence spectrograph. The profile of the Ly03B1 line

of BeIV is made up of two components : a broad asymmetric one, spatially corresponding to the radiation emitted

by the high density ablation region and a narrow one superimposed, emitted by the expanding plasma. A model

that solves the radiative transfer equation for a moving plasma with adjustable parameters reproduces very well the observed features. It is then possible to determine a unique and realistic set of plasma parameters in good agree- ment with previous independent observations.


Physics Abstracts

52. 50 - 32. 90

1. Introduction.


Spectroscopic observations of

plasmas produced by laser interaction both .in plane

geometry [1] and for imploding pellets [2], can be very useful for the evaluation of plasma parameters. In

particular line shapes in optically thin sources can

carry the signature of the plasma density and/or temperature [3]. In the case of high optical depth

the shape of the lines can be affected also by the

motion of the plasma [4]. Velocity of expansion [5]

or compression [6] has been derived in this way.

It is the purpose of the present paper to determine

plasma parameters as electron and ion densities,

bound state populations and distribution of velo- cities in a laser produced plasma, by comparing line profiles observed with a suitable model of the plasma.

Such a model is entirely consistent with all other measurements previously performed on the same


2. The experiment.


The plasma was produced by focusing a ruby laser pulse of up to 10 J of energy and 15 ns duration with an y/1 aspheric lens of 50 mm

focal length on plane massive targets of beryllium.

The plasma is observed end-on along the target normal, looking at the ablation region with a stig-

matic grazing incidence spectrograph. Figure 1

illustrates the experimental set-up. The laser beam is deflected and focused by mirror A and lens L both

having a hole through which the XUV radiation emitted by the plasma can be collected by the toroidal

mirror M. The latter is used for compensating the astigmatism of the spherical concave grating G of

2 m radius, used in the standard grazing incidence

Fig. 1.


Scheme of the experiment : the laser beam is deflected by mirror A and focused by lens L on target T.

The XUV light is collected by the toroidal mirror M and sent through the entrance slit S on the grating G of a 2 m grazing incidence spectrograph. Diffracted stigmatic images

of the plasma are formed on plate P.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019820043070104300



Table I.


Optical parameters of the stigmatic spectrograph

Rowland mounting. By properly choosing the radii

of curvature of mirror M and the angle of incidence

on it, a diffracted stigmatic image of the plasma at wavelength Ast is produced on plate P [7]. Space

resolution on one dimension of 20-30 Ilm is so achieved

over a field of 1 mm for values of the entrance aperture ( z I / 100 rad.) typical of grazing incidence spectro-


As shown previously [8] with this arrangement,

a considerable increase in efficiency is possible with

respect to pinholes previously used for obtaining spatial resolution. Moreover the ablation region

observed end-on due to its density approaching

the critical density [9] has a very high brightness.

We could then use a high dispersion grating with

2400 lines/mm albeit with relatively low efficiency.

Kodak 101-05 plates were used requiring 5-10 shots

to record a spectrum. Table I reports the optical parameters of the system used. Plate P could also be removed and a scanning pinhole-scintillator coated photomultiplier combination was used to provide

some indications on the time dependence of the

emitted spectra.

The spectrum recorded by the spectrograph in

the 40-150 A region consists of two different parts.

A central one, on the meridional plane of the optical system, spatially corresponding to the ablation region

of the plasma and z 100 Ilm wide with a continuum emission both of free-free and free-bound type;

and another one, on either side of it with the resonance

lines of Belll and BeIV. Figure 2 shows the profiles

of the Lya line of BeIV corresponding to scans on

the central region, r


0 and at 0.1 and 0.2 mm

away. These represent observations along the axis

of symmetry, normal to the target, of the plasma

and along parallel directions. The profile further

away from the central plane quickly approaches

the instrumental spectral broadening indicated in

figure 2. The spatial resolution achieved and marked in figure 2, is also clearly shown by the great diffe-

rence visible in the shape of the profiles separated by 100 pm each and in the intensity of the underlying


The Lya profile in the central position is clearly

made of two components : a very wide asymmetric

one with the blue wing steeper than the red and a narrow one in the central position of the line with

Fig. 2.


The profiles of Lya line of BeIV at 75.93 A corres-

ponding to three different positions : on the central plane of

the expanding plasma and at r


0.1 and 0.2 mm away.

The intensity scale is in relative units. For the central position



0 with dotted lines is represented the calculated profile corresponding to the plasma parameters represented in figure 3. The position and relative intensity of two dielec-

tronic satellites at 76.47 and at 76.90 A observed in the

expanding plasma are also marked.

self absorption dips on either side of it. The broad component quickly disappears moving away from the central plane. Very similar profiles are observed

also for the He-like resonance lines of BeIII and,

but with less clarity due to the decreasing spectral resolution, for the species BV, CVI and NVII in targets of the proper material.

3. Interpretation of the observations.


It is quite

natural to associate the broad component to the

high density layer in the ablation region and the


narrow component to the expanding low density plasma coming towards the observer. Due to the

high optical depth as evidenced by the absorption dips, it is necessary, for a complete explanation

of the full profile, to solve the radiative transfer

equation for a suitable plasma model.

Previous spectroscopic observations of the same


Fig. 3.


The plasma parameters used in the model for

predicting line profiles inside and outside the original position of the target y


0. Note the different scale of dis- tance : negative y (at left) refers to the inside of the target ; positive y (right) refers to the expanding plasma. In the upper part the electron density ne and the densities in the ground nl

and upper state n2 of Lya of BeIV are plotted. In the lower part the electron temperature and the velocity of the plasma

are shown. The latter is taken positive or negative according

to the orientation of the y axis.

plasma can be summarized as follows; see also figure 3 :

i) in the expanding plasma the electron and the

hydrogen-like ion densities measured side-on as

average over the plasma depth, decrease from ne


5 x 102 ° and n 31 = 5 x 1019 cm-3 at the target position to ne


1018 and n 31 = 1017 cm-3

at a distance of 2 mm. The electron temperature correspondingly goes from Tr


100 eV to Te


10 eV; the expanding velocities are approxi- mately constant at 1.6 x 107 cm S- 1 [6] ;

ii) the plasma expands in a cone-like shape with

rotational symmetry around the normal to the target but with pronounced holes, i.e. minima in the ionic population near the axis [10]. Consequently,

when observing end-on on axis, one has relatively

little material and low optical depth from the expand- ing plasma and can therefore see through the inner

part ;

iii) direct observations of the ablation layer with

lower spectral resolution [9] have shown that in

beryllium the depth of the emitting region is


15 J.1m, the electron density equals the critical density for ruby laser light, ne


2.2 x 1021 cm- 3, the ion den-

sity n 31 = 2 x 1020 cm-3 and Te = 100 eV ;

iv) from analysis of the laser radiation back- scattered from the plasma [11] it was derived that the critical layer moved during laser irradiation inside the target with a velocity, deduced from the

Doppler shift, of 5 x 10’ cm s-’. Assuming the

same behaviour for the ablation region a receding,

from the observer, velocity of the same order can be expected. The radiative transfer equation in our case

can be written as [12] :

where I (A, y) is the total intensity, (W cm-2 A- 1 sr-l)

emitted by the plasma in the direction of sight y at wavelength A, x (cm -1) and J (W cm - ’ A -1 sr-l)

are the absorption and emission coefficients for radiation with wavelength A at the point y inside the plasma. They include both line and continuum contributions

The line contribution can be written as [13] :

where K and K’ are two constants, gl and g2 the statistical weights of levels 1 (lower) and 2 (upper)

of BeIV, n 1 ( y) and n2(y) are the population densities

of such levels, A21 is the transition probability of Lya, §(h, y) is the local normalized line profile.

o(A, y) was taken as a Voigt function i.e. a convo-

lution of a Lorentzian Stark component and a thermal Doppler one. The FWHM of the Lorentzian com-

ponent for BeIV Lya was determined by interpolation

of the predictions of Stark broadened Lyman lines

made by Kepple and Griem [14]. In the continuum contribution to the emission coefficient both the free-free and free-bound components of BeIV are included

where Fff and Ffb characterize the spectral depen-

dence of the free-free and free-bound emission and

are also functions of the electron temperature [15].

The absorption coefficient Xc is, in the neighbourhood

of Lya, always very small.

A program was set up [13, 16] that integrates equation (1) in a plasma whose local parameters, like electron and ion densities, temperature, streaming velocity, density of the lower and upper state of the

line, can be varied widely both in value and spatial

distribution along the plasma. Obviously for those

parameters previously measured the adopted value

is the experimental one. For practical purposes it is

convenient to divide the plasma into two parts : the

inner one 15 pm deep and the outer part 1 mm deep.



4. The plasma model.


The most noteworthy

feature of the broad component is its asymmetry.

As shown by Irons [4] and experimentally found by

Tondello et al. [5] and Yaakobi et al. [6], an asym- metric line profile in a moving plasma can be obtained

only if the source function S(A, y)


J(A, y)IX(A, y) oc n2(y)/nl(y) is not constant along the plasma depth.

The direction of the asymmetry, i.e. blue or red

wing enhanced is determined by the distribution of the velocities of the elements of plasma. In an expanding plasma the blue wing is enhanced i.e. the red appears steeper; the opposite in a plasma under- going compression. For matching the observed profile,

we have adopted consequently the value and distri- bution of the plasma densities, temperature and velocities shown on the left side of figure 3. Precisely

the electron density ne and the ion density n 31 ;: -- n 1 were taken constant and in agreement with previous experiment : see iii) of paragraph 3.

For obtaining a non uniform source function the distribution of population n2(Y) is assumed higher

towards the interior of the target. The absolute value of n2(y) controls, according to equation (4),

the intensity of the line that must be in a fixed ratio with the underlying continuum, the intensity of the

latter as shown by equation (5) is determined by the product n,,(y).nl(y). The adopted distribution of velocities in the ablation region is consistent with

a receding motion of the critical layer from the

observer with a velocity that is maximum in absolute value near the unperturbed position of the target and gradually decreases as the layer stops at some

depth inside the massive target. Its average value is in accordance with iii) of the paragraph 3. In this

way the velocities are as in a compressing pellet i.e.

higher in the peripheral, less emitting region and

smaller in the central, high emitting one. Evidence

of compression in plane targets have previously

been reported [17] although using different diagnostic techniques. In figure 2 with dotted lines is shown the profile for the Lya line as predicted by the model

with the set of parameters given in figure 3 : for the wide component the agreement is very good both

as regards to the total width, determined mainly by

the opacity


note that 0 (A, y)


0.15 A - and also as regards to the degree of asymmetry and the relative intensity of the underlying continuum. It turns out that the precise value of the electron tempe-

rature is unimportant in affecting the profile as

well as the detailed shape of the distribution of velocities and population n2(y) inside the target.

The narrow profile arising from the expanding plasma can be similarly modelled. The right part of figure 3 shows the parameters adopted, most of

them in agreement with previous experiments. Here

the most critical finding that arises from the best fit is the low value of the ground state density nl ( y) ;

this is in agreement with observation ii) of paragraph 3 indicating a hole in the expanding plasma. If, on the

contrary, the density is taken at the full value as i)

of paragraph 3 the integration of equation (1) along

1 mm depth produces a spectrally wide component that interacts with the emission from the crater.

A wide flat hole or a wide flat maximum is then pro- duced on top of the profile according if n2 (Y) is

small or large. Only assuming a relatively low density plasma on axis it is possible to see through at fre- ,quencies not too far from the central frequency.

Again here the optimization of nZ ( y) is governed by

the ratio of the intensities of the central peak to the wings. For the expanding plasma the temperature and the precise value of the expanding velocity as

well as the details of the distribution of the popula-

tions are unimportant for the resulting shape of the

line. Figure 4 shows the optical depth in the neigh-

bourhood of Lya for the plasma model adopted;

it is clear how the contribution of the expanding plasma is small and also that the plasma is optically

thin for the continuum emission only.

Fig. 4.


The optical depth in the Lya of BeIV as predicted by the model. With solid line is represented the optical depth corresponding to integration over the total plasma depth;

with dotted lines the optical depth for the expanding plasma only. The shift in wavelength of the two curves is due to the Doppler effect of the expanding plasma.

5. Discussion.


It is quite important to notice

that in the framework of the plasma model adopted,

whose consistency in turn has been tested on several

previous experiments, the plasma parameters as shown in figure 3 are unambiguously determined, i.e.

the solution of the radiative transfer problem is unique; any variation produces remarkable effects

on the line profile. For example larger electron and ion densities in the ablation region although not compatible with previous observations [9] could in principle be possible inside the target. The effect of such assumption however is to broaden, through

the increased opacity, too much the profile of the



It is also interesting to compare the values of the

population of the excited state n2(y) determined

in this work with what can be predicted by the often

used LTE or corona models in the two regions

inside and outside the target. For the region inside

the target and immediately outside the value of

n2 (Y) is within a factor of two in agreement with an LTE model assuming collisional coupling of the



2 level of BeIV and the bare nuclei. Further outside the target the value of n2 lay between the predictions of LTE and corona models. These findings

are in quite good agreement with previous observa-

tions of similar plasmas [18]. Consequently it can be

said that the adopted population densities, inde- pendently determined, are in good agreement with the densities expected from reasonably valid atomic models.

The velocity of the expanding plasma does not

affect the shape of the narrow profile but only its

shift in wavelength with respect to the broad one.

Since a precise wavelength measurement was not

made, the value corresponding to the peak of the profile in figure 2 was assigned as predicted by the

code to 75.89 A i.e. to the Doppler shifted value

corresponding to the expanding velocity with respect

to the « rest » value of 75.93 A [19].

The time and space resolved observations made with the photomultiplier, although affected by a

lack of reproducibility, indicated that the emission of the Lya line outside the central plane arose later

than the emission from the broad component spa-

tially coincident with the focal spot. These observa- tions are also supporting the adopted model of the


Observations of asymmetry of the same type as reported here have been noted for imploding pellets by Hauer et al. [20] in ArXVII Is’-I.E3p and inter- preted as due to a forbidden component present on

the low-energy wing. While no forbidden component

can clearly be present for the Lya, there is the possi- bility of inner shell or dielectronic satellites to enhance the red side of the line. In figure 2 we have marked the position of such satellites as observed in a less dense expanding plasma [21]. They correspond to

1 s 31-2p 31 configurations. Many more of the same

type and also for the 1 s 41-2p 41 configuration are predicted [22] that lie closer to the resonance line

although with relatively low intensity. While this explanation for the asymmetry of the line and also others like Zeeman effect due to the high magnetic

fields present at the region of interaction between the laser light and the plasma cannot be ruled out,

it is important to stress that the proposed explanation

is the simplest one and clearly consequent with all the previous observations. Compression in a target is after all a necessary consequence of momentum conservation and the present observations provide a spectroscopic evidence of such an effect.



The authors desire to thank Dr. A. M. Malvezzi for having provided the radiative transfer code in advance of publication.


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