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Brownian motion of screw dislocations in the hexagonal Blue Phase


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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Brownian motion of screw dislocations in the hexagonal Blue Phase

M. Jorand, P. Pierański

To cite this version:

M. Jorand, P. Pierański. Brownian motion of screw dislocations in the hexagonal Blue Phase. Journal

de Physique, 1987, 48 (7), pp.1197-1205. �10.1051/jphys:019870048070119700�. �jpa-00210544�


Brownian motion of screw dislocations in the hexagonal Blue Phase

M. Jorand (**) et P. Piera0144ski (*)

(*) Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Bât. 510, Faculté des Sciences, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France (**) Institut des Sciences Physiques, Université de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne-Dorigny, Suisse

(Requ le 13 octobre 1986, révisé le 2 f6vrier 1987, accept6 le 4 mars 1987)



En diminuant rapidement le champ électrique, la transition de la Phase Bleue hexagonale

bidimensionnelle (BPH2D) à la Phase Bleue hexagonale tridimensionnelle (BPH3D) fait apparaître des

dislocations vis dans certains cristallites. Certaines de ces dislocations s’échappent des cristallites en des temps plus ou moins longs et l’on analyse ce phénomène en terme de mouvement brownien en regardant l’influence du champ électrique sur le temps de diffusion.



By quickly decreasing the electric field, we observe a transition from the two-dimensional

hexagonal Blue Phase (BPH2D) to the three-dimensional hexagonal Blue Phase (BPH3D) and the appearance of screw dislocations in some crystallites. After more or less long time, some of these dislocations may escape from the crystallites. We analyse the phenomena through the Brownian motion and consider the influence of the electric field on the diffusion time.


Physics Abstracts









In cholesteric liquid crystals with a short enough pitch, the transition from the isotropic liquid phase (I.L.) to the usual helicoidal phase (C) is mediated

by Blue Phases [1].

In isotropic conditions, depending upon tempera-

ture ( T) and chirality (K ) three different Blue

Phases can occur in the phase diagram (T, K ). Two

of them, BP I and BP II, have respectively cubic symmetries 08(14132) and 02 (P4232), while the

third one, BP III is amorphous (isotropic). Hor-

nreich et al. [2-3] have pointed out theoretically that

in materials with a large positive dielectric anisotropy (8a


811 II


£ 1 ) submitted to a strong enough electric

field E, uniaxial anisotropic Blue Phases of, for example, hexagonal symmetry, should be more favorable than these cubic or isotropic Blue Phases.

This theoretical prediction has been confirmed by

studies of mixtures of a cholesterogene CB15 with a

nematic liquid crystal E9, where three such uniaxial phases have been discovered. One of them, called

BPX has been shown to have a tetragonal symmetry

Dlo(I4122) [4]. The two others called BPH3D and BPH2D are hexagonal [5].

The present paper is devoted to a study of screw

dislocations occurring in monocrystals of the Blue Phase BPH3D in a mixture of 55.8 % of CB15 in E9.

We first present the experimental set-up and the conditions of these observations and then we propose

a qualitative analysis of the motion of these dislo- cations.

1. Experimental part.



The sample was

introduced by capillarity into a cell made of two glass plates Sb and Su, coated with semi-transparent 1. 0 electrodes and separated by 10 )JLm mylar

spacers (Fig. 1). The upper glass plate was 3 mm

thick and pressed against the aluminium piece P2 by two metallic elastic lamellas LI and L2 which

were also used as electrodes. The lower glass plate

was a microscope cover slide. The In 0 electrode of this lower glass plate was connected, through a conducting epoxy, to a narrow strip of In 0 electrode

in contact with L2, on the upper plate.

The temperature of the sample was controlled carefully by two independent regulations using Pel-

tier effect elements in thermal contact with the aluminium pieces PI and P2. Using this system a small controlled vertical temperature gradient was

introduced in the sample in order to induce preferen-

tial nucleation and growth of Blue Phase crystals on

the lower slide Su. The oil immersion objective (Mo)

was a part of an inverted metallurgical reflecting

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019870048070119700



Fig. 1.


Experimental cell. The sample is introduced between two glass plates Sb and Su and the electric field is

produced by two electrodes Ll and L2. The light reflected by the crystallites is observed through an oil immersion

objective (Mo).

microscope. The monochromatic light beam was

used for illumination.


1.2.1 BP II.


In the mixture of 55.8 % of CB15 in

E9, BP II crystals are nucleating in the isotropic liquid phase when the temperature is lowered below 25.4 °C. When the nucleation takes place in the

presence of an electric field (U « 24 [V]) all BP II crystallites are oriented with their four fold axis, for example (001), parallel to the field. (As pointed out

in reference [5] this orienting action of the field is

due to an anisotropy of the nonlinear dielectric

susceptibility X afJ’Y8)’ For the wave length A adjusted

to the Bragg reflection from the (001) planes, the crystals of BP II appear as brilliant square shapes on

a dark background of the surrounding isotropic liquid phase (Fig. 2a). The wave length À001 of circulary polarized Bragg reflection was measured with the aperture diaphragm closed in order to use

only rays parallel to the optical axis 0 at normal

incidence on planes (001). We have observed that

A 001 is field dependent : it increases with the field


1.2.2 BP II - BPH3D transition.


At the applied voltage U = U1 the transition from the Blue Phase II’

to the Blue Phase BPH 3D takes place. The character- istic features of this transition are the following :

1) The square shapes of BP II crystals (Fig. 2a)

are replaced by hexagonal ones (Fig. 2c) of approxi- mately the same size (about 20 J.Lm of lateral dimen-


2) In a narrow interval A U -. 2 V around Ul,

coexistence of square and hexagonal shapes is ob-

served (Fig. 2b).

3) For a given crystal, orientations of square and

hexagonal shapes are related : among three pairs of opposite sides composing the hexagonal shape one is always parallel to one of two pairs composing the

square shape (Figs. 2a-2c).

4) There is no measurable discontinuity in ÀOOI (V) at V


U, for this particular sample but in

other mixtures with higher concentration of the

cholesterogene, a small discontinuity in A 001 occurs

at this transition.

1.2.3 BPH 3D --,. BPH2D transition.


Upon further

increase of the voltage, the wave length of (001)

reflection continues to increase but, simultaneously,

its intensity weakens. Direct observations in the

microscope reveal that this decrease of intensity corresponds to growing fluctuations occurring in crystals. At U


U2 the Bragg reflection ÀOOI disap-

pears completely and consequently the crystals are

no more visible in reflected light. Using transmission illumination through a hole made in the upper aluminium plate P2, we have found that for U > U2

the crystals preserve their hexagonal shapes.

1.2.4 Creation of screw dislocations in BPH3D. -

When the field is lowered suddenly below U2, the Bragg reflection is immediately restored but the

original aspect of (perfect) BPH3D crystals is modi-

fied by an invasion of screw dislocations [6].

These dislocations are very mobile and interact

obviously each with the others. In crystals with

lateral dimensions about 20 J.Lm, adjacent dislo-

cations with opposite Burgers vector attract each other and form pairs ; then in a given pair the

distance between dislocations decreases and finally they annihilate. This first stage of « annealing » is completed in about 1 min and as a result, in crystal-

lites where the number of dislocations was odd, one dislocation persists (Fig. 3). Such a solitary dislo-

cation executes Brownian motion in the vicinity of

the crystal centre. Longer observations of its behavi-

our lead to the conclusions that the dislocation evolves effectively in a potential well having the shape of a reversed W with rounded corners (---) :

it has a minimum at the centre, a circular maximum for /- 2013 R /2 (where R is the radius of the crystal) and

falls down for r > R/2.

The dislocation which approaches the border of

the crystal seems to be attracted toward it and,


Fig. 2.


These photographies show some crystallites of

Blue Phase (white shape due to the light reflection) in an isotropic liquid (dark ground) : a) square shapes of the

cubic phase ; b) coexistence of the two phases ; c) hexa- gonal shapes of the BPH3D. In all cases the lateral dimension of the crystallites is about 20 )JLm.

finally, escapes from the crystal. The escape of

solitary dislocations is the processus responsible for

the second stage of crystal annealing. In contra-

distinction with the first stage, this second stage is

very slow and takes typically between one and few

hours. Figures 3a, b, c show the chronological

evolution of the sample with the escape of some of the dislocations. It is clear that several solitary

dislocations succeeded to escape from their crystals

but all other are still emprisonned by the central potential well.

From a theoretical point of view, since other papers are devoted to the study of the symmetry properties of these new phases [3-5], we restrict

ourselves in this paper to the problem of the escape of the dislocations from their crystallites.

In order to get a qualitative explanation of this behaviour, we simplify the problem by replacing the

real crystal by an ideal isotropic medium. Moreover,

the frequency of the applied voltage was

with a distance d - 10 J.Lm between the electrodes :

we then have lld 2 > W 2/C2 where c is the velocity of

light. The electric field wave length is then much larger than the distance d and we consider an

uniform electric field between the electrodes. On the other hand we introduce the relaxation time of

crystallites by T = q Ig _ 10- 3 s where q and g are




the viscosity and the elastic modulus of the crystalline

medium (see Sect. 2.2.1). This relaxation time is

greater than the excitation time 2 7r /w and we then

consider a static electric field.

2. Theoretical part.

The observed random displacement of a screw

dislocation inside an hexagonal cell is explained by introducing the Brownian motion.

So we present first a general description of the

Brownian motion for a dislocation then we apply the general theory to particular cases by taking into

account the finiteness of the system. In the last section we introduce the effects of the electric field without which the hexagonal Blue Phase would not exist.



The Brownian motion acts on a dislocation in the same

way as on any particle in a suspension. Indeed, as

shown for instance by Hirth and Lothe [7] one can

describe the dynamic of a dislocation by considering

it as a real object with a mass m :

where W is the dislocation energy, Ct = (tt lp )1/2 is

the transverse waves velocity in a medium of density

p and shear modulus JL.

In a infinite medium and without external forces,

the theory of Brownian motion (see for instance Reif [8]) leads to the well known result:


r : is the deviation of the dislocation from its

equilibrium position,

t : the time,

D : the diffusion coefficient :


K : the Boltzman constant 17 : a characteristic viscosity

h [cm] : a constant depending on the shape of the moving object.

From the experimental conditions, a dislocation inside a crystallite of BPH3D is parallel to the electric field E and moves perpendiculary to itself. We may then approximate it by a straight cylinder of height L

and radius a : the coefficient h in (3) writes then, in

the limit L > a [9] :

The velocity V in the logarithm may be estimated by

the equipartition theorem :



(KT/m )l2 where m is given by (1) .

Relation (3) gives the diffusion coefficient without any external forces, but a dislocation enclosed in a

finite domain will have an interaction with the walls of this domain in order to satisfy the equilibrium

condition on the free boundary (the total stress equal to zero). So the energy of the dislocation will be modified in regard to the case of an infinite


If we replace the hexagonal shape by a circle of

radius R, the energy of the dislocation will depend of

its position inside the circle. If å W is the energy

required to leave the circle, the diffusion coefficient will write [10] :

and the diffusion time



some difficulties to evaluate AW because the exper- imental conditions prevent us to make simplifications (R - L). Moreover, for getting an order of mag- nitude of T, it is necessary to know nearly exactly

AW. So our task is cumbersome and we simplify it by considering two limiting cases : a) RIL ..c 1 and b) RIL > 1, from which the intermediate case can be discussed.

2.2.1 1St case : RIL 1.


We consider a cylinder

of radius R and of height L. A screw dislocation,

whose axis is parallel and at a distance A of the cylinder axis, has an energy [11] :

where b, the Burgers vector - lattice constant.

As shown in figure 4, W(A ) has a maximum for A max = 0.54 R and the dislocation is in a metastable

equilibrium for A = 0. For A >. A max, the dislocation is attracted near the wall by its opposite image (see

for instance Ref. [11]) and leaves the circle. The

required energy is given by AW


W(A max) _ W(0).

We evaluate AW with the following values of the

parameters [12, 13]



Fig. 4.


Energy of a straight dislocation in a cylinder of

radius R and height L as a function of A /R, where A is the

distance from the dislocation to the cylinder axis. The case RIL -- 1 is considered here and there is no electric field.

A is dimensionless and is proportional to the energy of the dislocation :

Since the thermal energy KT - 4.3 x10-14 erg we

have finally got the ratio: å W / kT - 230 and a

diffusion time (5) :

Under these geometrical conditions (L > R - 10- 3 cm), the model does not authorize any dislo- cation to slip out.

2.2.2 2"d case : R/Z. > 1.


In this limit, Eshelby

and Stroh [15] have evaluated the energy of the dislocation when it is placed at the origin A = 0.

For 0 :0 a L and R -+ oo, they got the result :

We first observe that this energy is independent of R

at the contrary of the preceeding case. This is due to the fact that the stress field around the dislocation propagates a distance of the order of L from the dislocation axis [15]. For A -- (R - L) - R, the

dislocation does not interact with the lateral walls, and can move randomly inside the circle in a

constant potential (Fig. 5). Near these walls, the

dislocation will be attracted by its opposite image.

The details of the potential in this domain are not known but we could imagine a potential barrier as in

the first case but much less high since L is smaller in that second case. Nevertheless, we do not consider

Fig. 5.


As in figure 4 but for the case RIL > 1. The

dotted and continuous lines may be possible near the



this point due to the great mathematical difficulties and we evaluate a minimum diffusion time given. by (6) since d WII = 0.


We get a reasonable order of magnitude authorizing

an interpretation of the experimental observations

by the above model. By comparing the cases 1 and 2,

we see the essential role played by the length of the dislocation, or the thickness of the sample.



In the above discussion, we do not have introduced the electric field without which this hexagonal phase

would not exist. Since this electric field is parallel to

the dislocation axis, in an infinite medium the interaction energy does not depend on the position

of the dislocation inside this medium. On the contrary, in a finite medium, the stress field of the dislocation depends on its position in this medium and so does the electric energy of interaction, giving

then a contribution to the diffusion process.

In a electric field E, the free energy of the crystal

writes [5] :

where sq is the anisotropic dielectric tensor E = (0, 0, E ) is the constant applied electric

field in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z).

Consider a perfect crystal (without dislocation)

with the crystallographic planes oriented such that

We then introduce in this crystal a screw dislocation whose axis is parallel to E. It induces a slight tilt of

the crystallographic planes by an angle 0 (x, y) and

the electric energy writes :


By subtracting (12) from (13), we get the modifi- cation of the electric energy density due to the

dislocation :

with the condition 8 -L :: 81 in order to satisfy the

minimum energy condition for 0 = 0.

The problem now is to determine 0 (x, y ) and we

consider first the simple case (Sect. 2.2.1) of a screw

dislocation in a cylinder of radius Rand « infinite »

height L. For a dislocation at a distance À from the

cylinder axis, the displacement field writes [7, p.

69] :

with an elastic energy :

The surface of the deformed crystallographic plane

is described by

with a normal:

The tilt angle 9 (x, y ) is given by :



By introducing (20) in (14) and (11), we get the

raising of the electric energy due to the dislocation :

which has exactly the form of (16).

The elastic modulus thus depends of the field E according to :

With the experimental values [5] :

The electric field changes the elastic modulus by an

order of magnitude and greatly diminishes the diffusion time since (by (16))

It is nevertheless more interesting to consider real

cases by taking into account the finite height of the sample and this will be done through the two limiting

cases of the section 2.2.

2.3.1 1st case : RIL 1.


We introduce a screw

dislocation in a cylindrical medium of radius R and

height L. For a dislocation at a distance A from the

cylinder axis, the displacement field writes [7, p. 61-



We first consider the crystallographic plane z = c =

constant. After the introduction of the dislocation, its deformed surface is described by :

By following relations (18) and (19), we get the tilt

angle 8 (x, y ) :

where UZ is given by (23).

From (11) and (14), the variation of the electric

energy writes :



The integral is easily performed, since the

numerator depends on x and y, with a result given by

Eshelby [11] and the denominator is a fonction of z


The self energy of the dislocation is that case is given by (7) and we get the variation of energy due to the introduction of a dislocation in a electric field by summing (7) and (27) :


We still have a change of the elastic modulus given by :

On the contrary of the preceding case, this change

does not affect the energy on a whole but concerns

Fig. 6.


As in figure 4 for the case RIL .c 1 but with an

electric field E. The energy of the dislocation has been

reported for various values of the parameter y (see section

where 81 - e, is the dielectric

anisotropy of the Blue Phase and u is the shear modulus of the crystal.

only the first term of (28). This is reasonable if we

remember that this term comes from the interaction of the dislocation with the lateral walls which

produces a displacement Uz parallel to E and then a non-vanishing work in the electric field. On the

contrary the last term comes from end effects which

produces a displacement Uo perpendicular to E with

a null electric work. This has deep consequences on the shape of the energy as shown in figure 6.

With the numerical values given in section 2.2.1,

one finds 0 -- « ,10-1 or arctg a - a. The curves

in figure 6 have then been drawn for different values of the parameter y

which gives the ratio between electric and elastic energy. By varying y, one gets two typical shapes for

the energy :

1) For y 1, the potential barrier found in 2.2.1

(Fig. 4), has completely disappeared. More great is y

and more quickly the dislocation is attracted by the

lateral walls.

Indeed one finds :


and the diffusion time decreases exponentially as y raises.

2) For 0 = y 1, we still find a potential barrier

but much less high than that of figure 4 (without E).

One gets easily an analytical expression for

Taking for instance y


0.5 and the numerical values of section 2.2.1 one finds a diffusion time (5) :

This time is still incredibly great but much less than without E (8). So in the case RIL ..r. 1, the

electric field changes completely the behaviour of

the dislocation. Our model reproduces qualitatively


the observations but the physical parameters of the sample are not sufficiently well known to authorize

more quantitative comparison.

2.3.2 2nd case ; RIL > 1.


As it was said in section

2.2, the stress field around the dislocation does not

depend on its position inside the medium except

near the wall. If we add an electric field, the electric energy will be a constant in this domain, and it is

then not active in the diffusion process (see Fig. 5).

Near the lateral walls, the stress field depends on the

dislocation position and the above conclusions are

wrong. Unfortunately, the mathematical difficulties

are very important and we do not have analytical

results. As a consequence of 3.1, we can imagine a sharp decrease of the potential near the walls and so

the electric field facilitates the disappearing of the


The diffusion time is given by (6) and section 2.2.2

but in this limit, the electric field does not appear.

2.3.3 3rd case : R - L.


The shape of the energy for this intermediate case is probably given by one of

those drawn in figure 6, since the parameter y may

give very different profiles.

For y 3= 1, the energy is a monotonous decreasing

function of A and an increase of the length L of the

dislocation (or sample thickness) diminishes the diffusion time.

On the contrary, for y = 1, the potential barrier prevents the escape of the dislocation and the diffusion time raises when L increases.

But in all cases, the qualitative behaviour in

function of E is the same : the diffusion time T

diminishes when the electric field E increases.

3. Conclusion.

The observation of the diffusion time of screw

dislocation in BPH3D may be considered as one

among other possibilities to get the values of the elastic modulus, of the viscosity or of the anisotropic

dielectric constant. These are unfortunately not sufficiently well known to authorize numerical com-

parison between the experimental observations and

our crude model but the observed diffusion times of

one or few hours are in the interval given by the limiting cases :

So the model is not in contradiction with the observations and even without exact results, the phenomena is interesting and may be considered as an approach to the more general problems of defects

in hexagonal Blue Phase.


We thank A.-J. Koch and F. Rothen for fruitful discussions as well as M. Babin and S. Herranz for technical assistance. We also thank the referee for his helpful comments.


[1] For a review on the subject, see for instance : BELYAKOV, V. A. and DMITRIENKO, V. E., Sov. Phys. Usp. 28 (7) (1985) 535.

H. STEGEMEYER, H., BLUMEL, Th., HILTROP, K., ONUSSEIT, H. and PORSCH, F., Liquid Cryst. 1 (1986) 3.

[2] HORNREICH, R. M., KUGLER, M. and SHTRIKMAN, S., Phys. Rev. Lett. 54 (1985) 2099.

[3] HORNREICH, R. M., KUGLER, M. and SHTRIKMAN, S., « Proc. of the Winter Workshop on Colloidal Crystals », Les Houches 1984, J. Physique Col- loq. 46 (1985) C3-47.

[4] PIERA0143SKI, P. and CLADIS, P. E., Phys. Rev. A 35 (1987) 355.

[5] PIERA0143SKI, P., CLADIS, P. E. and BARBET-MASSIN, R., J. Physique Lett. 46 (1985) L-973 and Phys.

Rev. A 31 (1985) 3912.

[6] Steps are observed at the interface of the crystallites

and the glass plates and the Burgers vector b characterizing these steps is perpendicular to the glass plates. On the other hand, the dark spot appearing in the crystallites (see Fig. 3) may be considered as the melted crystal of the core of

the defects. The defects then appear as 2-dim.

with an axis 03BE perpendicular to the glass plates.

We then have b~03BE which is the definition of a screw dislocation.

[7] HIRTH, J. P. and LOTHE, J., Theory of Dislocation,

2nd ed. (John Wiley and Sons) 1982, p. 188.

[8] REIF, F., Fundamentals of statistical and thermal

physics (McGraw-Hill) 1965, p. 560-567.

[9] See for instance : BATCHELOR, G. K., An Introduc- tion to Fluid Dynamics (Cambridge Univ. Press) 1969, p. 245-246.

[10] JOST, W., Diffusion in Solids, Liquids, Gases (Academic Press Inc. N. Y.) 1952, p. 135.

[11] ESHELBY, J. D., J. Appl. Phys. 24 (1953) 176.

[12] We have got the value of the geometrical parameters a, b and R from direct observations while the

viscosity and the elastic modulus have been got from previous measurements [13] and from the

hydrodynamic analogy between colloidal crystals [14] and Blue Phase.

[13] CLADIS, P. E., PIERA0143SKI, P. and JOANICOT, M., Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, no. 7 (1984) 172.

[14] JOANICOT, M., JORAND, M., PIERA0143SKI, P. and ROTHEN, F., J. Physique 45 (1984) 1413.

[15] ESHELBY, J. D. and STROH, A. N., Philos. Mag. 42

(1951) 1401.


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