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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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W. Sibley, D. Yeh

To cite this version:

W. Sibley, D. Yeh. INFRARED LIGHT TO VISIBLE LIGHT UPCONVERSION IN HEAVY METAL FLUORIDE GLASSES. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1987, 48 (C7), pp.C7-391-C7-395.

�10.1051/jphyscol:1987795�. �jpa-00227100�


Colloque C7, suppl6ment au n012, Tome 48, d6cembre 1987



Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-0444, U.S.A.


T h e e f f i c i e n t c h a n g e of infrared light t o visible light h a s i m p o r t a n t positive implications f o r optical d e t e c t i o n a n d display devices. On the o t h e r hand, this process can, in some

instances, s u c h as t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of l a s e r sources in fibers, result in unwanted e f f e c t s . In this paper, t h e efficiency of t h e t w o photon upconversion process in heavy m e t a l fluoride glasses a n d in halide crystals is reviewed. Methods for increasing o r reducing t h e efficiency of t h e

upconversion process a s applicable t o display, o p t i c a l d e t e c t i o n devices a n d the f o r m a t i o n of e f f i c i e n t l a s e r systems in f i b e r s a r e discussed.


Recently t h e r e has been considerable i n t e r e s t in t h e upconversion processes described by Auzel. [I] T h e conversion of infrared radiation t o s h o r t e r wavelengths by various techniques has positive implications f o r device technology. However, this s a m e process c a n have unwanted side e f f e c t s in t h e development of highly e f f i c i e n t laser s y s t e m s in fibers. Therefore, i t is important to understand the physics of t h e process a n d b e a b l e t o provide guidelines f o r b e t t e r efficiency o r f o r quenching as may b e needed. Several comprehensive review papers provide details on t h e process. [l-31 The p r a c t i c a l i n t e r e s t in frequency upconversion a r i s e s f r o m t h e possibility of makin& infrared b e a m s visible. There i s t h e opportunity t o c o n v e r t infrared light to a s p e c t r a l frequency in which e f f i c i e n t d e t e c t i o n by photomultipliers or photodiodes c a n be realized. There i s also t h e promise of using upconversion pumping f o r laser devices. Auzel [ I ] a n d o t h e r s [4-61 have p e r f o r m e d extensive investigations in this area. T h e r e c e n t work of van d e r Ziel, et a l , [ 7 l . ~ o l l a c k , et a l , [8] Baker and his collaborators, [9] ( t h e l a t t e r using a d i f f e r e n t technique of energy transfer in phospher m a t e r i a l s ) a n d others' [lo-121 h a v e resulted in considerable progress. This progress will b e reviewed with a n e y e toward understanding upconversion in various systems.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1987795



Table I. Typical Batch Compositions (Mole %) of Heavy Metal Fluoride Glasses.

Glass BaF2 ZnF2 YbF3 ThF4 LuF3 ErF4 TmF3


Figure 1 illustrates the upconversion process in heavy m e t a l fluoride glasses doped with y b 3 + : ~ r 3 + or yb3':~m3+ whose concentrations and designations a r e given in Table I. The figure p o r t r a y s a mechanism described in detail by Auzel previously. El] In this case, incident infrared radiation of 0.97 microns is absorbed by the yb3+ ions. A portion of t h a t energy is transferred t o e i t h e r erbium o r thulium depending upon t h e glass. The r a t e equations which express transfer a r e listed below f o r both systems. [2]

Acceptor Donor Aceoptor

r'igure 1. Schematic of Upconversion Processes.


quantum efficiency of this s t a t e depends upon energy transfer and/or the multiphonon emission r a t e of t h e state. In t h e absence of energy transfer, if t h e multiphonon emission r a t e is low (less of the optical energy is used up a s heat), then a high quantum efficiency results. In order t o determine t h e multiphonon r a t e s in glass systems, Reisfeld and others b 3 - 1 9 3 have made Judd-Ofelt calculations and measured t h e temperature dependence of the lifetimes of the various ions in glasses. Some years a g o Weber [20] used this approach to compare t h e multiphonon emission rate in various types of materials. We now know t h a t the heavy m e t a l fluoride blasses have .the least multiphonon emission of any of t h e glass materials

investigated. [21,22] This results in high quantum efficiency from the emitting levels and efficient upconversion in these systems.

Aside from t h e quantum efficiency, energy transfer is very important. The t e r m s Cdi in the equations a r e energy transfer coefficients related to the probability r a t e of energy transfer

w h e r e c d is t h e radiative lifetime of the donor ion and Rda is the distance between the donor and acceptor ions. Also Q A =

. bA I

(E)dE w h e r e G ( E ) is t h e absorption cross section and fd(E) and FA(E) a r e the normalized line shape functions f o r the donor emission and the acceptor absorption. In order for e f f e c t i v e energy transfer to occur t h e relationship pdd/Cb = 1 is necessary. If'the overlap integral is large the concentration of ions can be small and hence Rda can be large. This is t h e case for ~ r ~ + : ~ b ~ + and t h e process is characterized by a single exponential t i m e constant suggesting a l l ions participate. In Tm3+:yb3+ this is not the case.

The overlap integral is very small a s can be recognized from t h e positions of t h e interacting energy levels. This decreases back transfer which increases t h e efficiency but it also means t h a t only a f e w Tm3+ ions will participate in t h e energy transfer process. Only those Tm3+ ions with sufficiently small Kda (i.e. neighbors of yb3+ ions) will be effective. Therefore, in t h e l-m3+:yb3+ case two lifetimes for Tm3+ a r e observed for t h e same transition. One lifetime arises from 'I'm3+ ions too far from yb3+ to be perturbed and the s h o r t e r r from Tm3+ ions very close to yb3+ ions. Of course, t h e lifetime for upconversion mirrors t h a t of t h e l a t t e r group.

It is possible to provide suggestions on how to enhance the efficiency of upconversion through a knowledge of t h e energy levels involved and energy transfer among both donor and acceptor ions. When the interacting levels have much different energies it is important t h e donor concentration be sufficiently high for donor t o donor energy transfer so t h e energy can reach the f e w effective donor-acceptor pairs. The acceptor concentration should be low. On the other hand, for interacting energy levels of t h e same energy a lower donor concentration can be used. This has also been illustrated in research on c r y s t a l systems and is shown by t h e projected efficiencies for 10 w/cm2 of incident radiation provided in Table 11.



In c a s e s where reduction of upconversion light is important, t h e efficiency c a n b e reduced by high donor or acceptor concentrations or -effectively by doping the m a t e r i a l with 3d ions such as cobalt or nickel.

Table 11. Projected U conversion E f f i c i e n c i e s f o r an m c l d e n t absorbed light intensity of lo wlcrnf a t T = 303 K.


In summary, a b e t t e r understanding of upconversion has evolved over t h e last several years. It is now possible t o use this process t o m a k e infrared light visible t o t h e e y e a t room temperature and t o pump laser sources. Even more pr0,res.s will b e made ~ l s we ~,;1y fundamental physics t o maximize t h e desired effects.


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