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T h e r a n g e o f v e c t o r - v a l u e d a n a l y t i c f u n c t i o n s , I I J . G l o b e v n i k * T h e p r e s e n t p a p e r i s a c o n t i n u a t i o n o f 2 . W e k e e p t h e n o t a t i o n o f 2 . W e w r i t e


Academic year: 2022

Partager "T h e r a n g e o f v e c t o r - v a l u e d a n a l y t i c f u n c t i o n s , I I J . G l o b e v n i k * T h e p r e s e n t p a p e r i s a c o n t i n u a t i o n o f 2 . W e k e e p t h e n o t a t i o n o f 2 . W e w r i t e"


Texte intégral


The range of vector-valued analytic functions, II

J. Globevnik*

The present paper is a continuation of [2]. We keep the notation of [2]. We write I = { t ~ R : 0<=t<=l}.

Theorem. Let F be a pathwise connected set in a separable complex Banach space X and let O c X be an open set containing F. There exists a continuous function f : zi--{1}~X, analytic on A and such that

(i) f ( A - {1})cO

(ii) the cluster set o f f at 1 is F.

The proof of this theorem is almost identical with the proof of Theorem in [2]

once we have proved the following lemma which enables to pass from balanced sets to arbitrary pathwise connected sets.

Lemma. Let f : I ~ X be a path in a complex Banach space X satisfying f(O) = O.

Let ~ > 0 and 0 < r < 1. Suppose that E is a closed subset o f the boundary o f A o f linear measure 0 which does not contain a point z o, lz01=l. Denote D = A n K(r, co). There exists a continuous function ~ : A ~ X , analytic on A and having the following properties

(a) f b ( A ) c f ( I ) + B , ( X ) (b) I[q~(z)l[ < 8 ( z E A - - D ) (c) ]If(l)-- q~(Zo)[[ < e (d) ~(z) = 0 (z~E).

Proof. By the Mergelyan theorem for vector-valued functions [1] there exists a polynomial P : C-*-X such that IF f ( z ) - P ( z ) ] [ <e/4 (zCI). Putting Q ( z ) = P ( z ) - P ( O ) it is easy to see that there exists a neighbourhood U of I such that Q ( U ) c f ( I ) +

+ B , ( X ) . Let V c U be an open neighbourhood of I - { 1 } , containing the point 1 in its boundary and bounded by a Jordan curve contained in U. By the Riemann mapping theorem there exists a one-to-one analytic map q~ from A onto V which [4, p. 282] has an extension ~ which is a homeomorphism from A onto V. Composing

* This work was supported in part by the Boris Kidri~ Fund, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.


298 J. Globevnik: The range of vector-valued analytic functions

it with a M6bius transformation if necessary we m a y assume that ~ ( 0 ) = 0 and

~p(1)=l. By the R u d i n - - C a r l e s o n theorem [3, p. 81] there exists a continuous func- tion t/: z]~z], analytic on A and satisfying t / ( z ) = 0 (zEE) a n d r/ (z0) ---1. Also there exists a peaking function for z0, i.e. a continuous function if: z]~z], analytic on A and satisfying ~k(z0)=l,

l~(z)[<l (zC~-{z0)) [3, p. 81].

There exists a neigh- b o u r h o o d W c V of the point 0 such t h a t [IQ(z)[l < ~ (zE W). Let T c A be a neigh- b o u r h o o d of the point 0 such that ~0 (T) c W. Multiplying t / w i t h a suitable power o f ~ if necessary we m a y assume that t l ( A - D ) c T , t/(z0)=l and t / ( z ) = 0 (z~E).

Put 9 = Q o ~ o I/. I t is easy to check that 9 has all the required properties. Q.E.D.

Corollary. Given any open connected set F in a separable complex Banach space X there exists an analytic function f : A ~ X whose range is contained and dense in F.


1. BRIEM, E., LAURSEN, K. B., PEDERSEN, N. W., Mergelyan's theorem for vector-valued functions with an application to slice algebras. Studia Math. 35 (1970), 221---226.

2. GLOBEVNIK, J., The range of vector-valued analytic functions. Arkiv fdr Mat. 14 (1976).

3. HorFMAN, K., Banach spaces of analytic functions. Prentice-Hall 1962.

4. RODIN, W., Real and compley analysis. McGraw Hill 1966.

Received September 24, 1976 J. Globevnik

Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics.

University of Ljubljana Ljubljana, Yugoslavia


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