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Traitement itératif et conjoint pour les systèmes radio-mobiles


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Raphaël Visoz

To cite this version:

Raphaël Visoz. Traitement itératif et conjoint pour les systèmes radio-mobiles. domain_other.

Télé-com ParisTech, 2002. Français. �pastel-00001292�




Soutenue le 25 Mars 2002

Claude Berrou President

Pierre Humblet

Pierre Duhamel Rapporteurs


PhilippeCiblat Examinateurs

Joseph Boutros Directeur de These


brise le complexe du monde en fragments disjoints, fractionne les problemes, separe ce qui


This work is the result of many in uences, and meetings. The main contributors from

a technical point of view to this thesis are Antoine Berthet (chapter 3,4,6,7), Elie Bejjani

(chapter 2), Hatem Boujemaa (chapter 5), Nikolai Nefedov and Markku Pukkila (chapter

4), without their help and their enthusiasm this thesis would not exist. A special thank to

Antoine, whoisnowaverygoodfriendaswellasmy favorite fellowworker. I hopethatour

future collaborationswillbe as fruitfulas they were duringthese last threeyears.

I amverygratefultoProfessor JosephBoutroswho acceptedtosupervisethis thesisand

gaveme precious advice and orientations toimprove itsoverall content.

I amalsogratefultoBertrandPenther andHiroshi Kubowhose contributions tothe

Eu-ropean Project BroadbandRadio Access Network (BRAN) were very helpfulto understand

and master the Generalized Viterbi Algorithm (GVA) [61]. These contributions [89] [71]

were specially important to me, since I consider them as the starting point of my work on

eÆcient trellis search techniques.

I wishtothank ProfessorPierreHumbletwhoseclass notes[63]keepsbeingmyreference

work and were speciallyuseful forchapter1. I hope thatthese class notes willbepublished

onaccount of their contents.

This thesiswasmadepossiblebyArmand Levywhonot onlyacceptedthat Icarriedout

a PhD inparallel tomy professionalactivities but alsoencouraged me. I also thank Daniel

Duponteil for giving me interesting work which always lay between advanced engineering

and research.


toreadcarefullyandcorrectthedraftofthisthesis. IwishtothanknamelyProfessorClaude

Berrou who accepted tobethe president of the jury, Professor Joseph Boutros who wasmy

eÆcientsupervisor, DanielDuponteil,andProfessorPhilippeCiblatwhoaccepted tobethe

other members of my jury.

Last but not least, thanks to Ainhoa for always being supportive, all the more during


L'egalisation pour lessystemes monoporteuses est un vieux domaine qui para^t peu

su-jet a des innovations. Cependant, on peut se demander si la separation fonctionnelle entre

egalisation, decodage et estimation de canal est pertinente [40][37]. En e et, les

traite-ments iteratifs faisant dialoguer plusieurs entites d'une m^eme cha^ne de communication se

sont averes extr^emement fructueux dans le domainedu codage et, plus recemment, dans le

domaine de l'estimation de canal et de l'egalisation. Le sujet de cette these est, en

fonc-tion des parametres du systeme etudie (typiquement la taillede l'entrelacement, letype de

canal radio mobile), d'essayer de combiner ces trois t^aches de la facon la plus performante

(la retransmission etant traitee comme une forme de codage canal). L'approche proposee

ne s'attache pas seulement aux performances obtenues mais aussi au souci de complexite,

a n de viser des applications industrielles. Trois contextes sont particulierement etudies:

les reseaux radio haut debits du type ATM sans l, le CDMA haut debit avec faible

fac-teurd'etalement,lessystemes TDMA avances(EDGE)avecmodulationd'ordreeleveet/ou

antennes d'emission etde reception multiple. A nde conserver lecritere Maximum A

Pos-teriori(MAP),touten gardantune complexiteabordable,lestechniquesd^tesde traitement

par survivant (sur treillis reduits) sont exhaustivement decrites et mises en pratiques pour

les contextes precedemment cites. Il est notamment demontrer que la generalisation du

traitementparsurvivant,consistanttressimplementagarderplusd'un survivantparnoeud

du treillis reduit, est tres robuste a la propagation d'erreur m^eme en presence de canaux a

phase non minimale. Cette generalisation fut originellement introduite par Hashimoto [61]

sous le nom d' algorithme de Viterbi generalise (GVA), la technique elle m^eme etant dans


1 Introduction 11

2 MatchedFilterBoundforMultichannelDiversityoverFrequency-Selective

Rayleigh-Fading Mobile Channels 15

2.1 Introduction . . . 15

2.2 GeneralApproach . . . 17

2.2.1 System Model . . . 17

2.2.2 Error Probability Lower Bound . . . 20

2.2.3 Asymptotic Behavior . . . 21

2.3 UnitaryTransformation E ect In Micro-Diversity . . . 22

2.4 Polarizationvs. SpatialMicro-Diversity. . . 24

2.4.1 PolarizationDiversity. . . 24

2.4.2 K x Matrix for Space/PolarizationDual-Diversity . . . 25

2.4.3 Space/PolarizationDiversity for GSMand IS-95 . . . 26

2.4.4 Rotatingthe BaseStation Antennas . . . 27

2.5 Coded Matched FilterBound . . . 29

2.6 Conclusion . . . 30

3 Joint Equalization and decoding using the Generalized Viterbi for broad-band wireless applications. 37 3.1 Introduction . . . 37

3.2 Proposed Algorithm . . . 38

3.3 Applications . . . 40

3.3.1 Application1: Cyclic block codes, jointequalizationand decoding on various full code trellises . . . 40

3.3.2 Application 2: cyclic block codes, joint equalization and decoding on reduced code trellises . . . 41


3.4 Conclusions . . . 46

4 Iterative Equalization and Estimation for Advanced TDMA Systems 53 4.1 Introduction . . . 53

4.2 System Model . . . 54

4.2.1 Notation . . . 54

4.2.2 The equivalentdiscrete-time channel model . . . 55

4.2.3 Conventional receiver . . . 56

4.3 Low Complexity Q-ary SISO Equalizer . . . 57

4.3.1 Decision Feedback Soft-In Soft-Out (DF-SISO)equalizer . . . 57

4.3.2 DF-SISO equalizer with forward recursion . . . 60

4.3.3 Minimum-phase pre- ltering . . . 61

4.4 Iterative Receiver for EDGE . . . 62

4.4.1 Turbo detection principle . . . 62

4.4.2 Q-aryturbo-detection with DF-SISO equalizers . . . 62

4.4.3 Iterative (turbo) channel estimation . . . 64

4.4.4 Combinediterative estimation-equalization . . . 65

4.4.5 Turbo equalizationforretransmission schemes . . . 66

4.5 SimulationResults . . . 67

4.5.1 Turbo detection withoutchannel re-estimation . . . 67

4.5.2 Turbo detection and LS-based channel re-estimation. . . 68

4.5.3 application of the Turbo equalization to GSM EDGE Radio Access Network . . . 68

4.6 Conclusions . . . 69

5 Iterative Low-Complexity Receiver for High Bit Rate CDMA 81 5.1 Introduction . . . 81

5.2 System model . . . 83

5.3 Equivalentchannel Model atthe Rake receiver output. . . 83

5.4 Low-complexity iterativeReceiver . . . 85

5.4.1 Turbo Rake SISO DFSE receiver . . . 85

5.5 Channel estimation improvement . . . 85

5.5.1 MMSE channel estimates. . . 85

5.5.2 iterative(turbo)channel estimation . . . 87


6 Iterative Receivers for Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation over Wireless

Frequency-Selective Channels 93

6.1 Introduction and motivations . . . 93

6.2 Communication model . . . 95

6.3 Iterative multilayerdata detection and channel decoding . . . 96

6.3.1 SISO jointmultilayerdata detection . . . 96

6.3.2 A generalized reduced-state SOVA-likealgorithm . . . 97

6.4 Iterative channelestimation . . . 99

6.4.1 Initialchannel estimation . . . 99

6.4.2 LS-based turbo channel estimation . . . 101

6.5 Performance analysis . . . 102

6.5.1 Optimalreceiver . . . 102

6.5.2 Reduced-complexity multilayerdata detector . . . 102

6.5.3 Reduced-complexity receiver and its applicationto GERAN . . . 103

6.6 Conclusion . . . 104

7 Iterative Decoding of Serially Concatenated Multilayered Trellis-Coded Modulations in Multipath Rayleigh Fading Environment. 111 7.1 Introduction . . . 111

7.1.1 Wireless tranmission context . . . 111

7.1.2 EÆciency and limitsof fullturbo detection . . . 112

7.1.3 ImprovingspectraleÆciencyofseriallyconcatenatedspace-timetrellis coded modulation . . . 113

7.1.4 Chapter organization . . . 114

7.2 Serially concatenated multilayeredspace-time trellis coded modulation . . . 114

7.2.1 Communication model . . . 114

7.2.2 Iterative decoding . . . 116

7.3 Discrete-time nite-state Markov modeland associated possibly-reducedtrellis116 7.3.1 Discrete-time nite-state Markov modelfor elementary ST-TCM . . . 116

7.3.2 Combinedtrellis associated with elementary ST-TCM . . . 118

7.3.3 Multilayerdiscrete-timeMarkov modeland multilayercombined trellis 118 7.3.4 Reduced-state multilayercombined trellis. . . 119

7.4 SISO jointmultilayerdata detection and inner decoding . . . 119

7.4.1 Reduced-state trellis searchand generalizedper-survivor processing . 119 7.4.2 A generalized reduced-state SOVA-likealgorithm . . . 120

7.5 Performance analysis . . . 122


chan-7.5.2 Designof inner ST-TCM inconcatenated systems . . . 124

7.5.3 Serially concatenated multilayered ST-TCM (BLAST-likeapproach) . 125

7.6 Conclusion and future research topics . . . 126

8 Conclusions 133

A Wide Sense Stationary (WSS) Random Processes 137

B Karhunen-Loeve Expansion for Circularly Symmetric Complex Variables139

C Calculus of U





Equalizationforsingle carrierwirelesssystems may appear at rst sightasa worn out eld,

where few innovations remain tobe done. However, one can wonder if the strict functional


receiversisjudicious[40][37]. Indeed,iterativeprocessingmakingseveralentitiesofthesame

communication chain communicate was proved to be very pro table in the coding domain

and more recently in the channel estimation and equalization domains. The topic of this

thesisis tocombine thesereception basictasksinthe most eÆcientway taking intoaccount

the studied system constraints, i.e., interleaving size, wireless mobile channel type, and

channel coding. The proposed approaches not only optimize the performance but also the

complexity in order toaimat industrialapplications.

Three main contexts are studiedin this thesis:

 wireless Local Area Network (LAN) with very high data rate and granularity


 high data rate CDMA with lowspreading factor,

 advanced wirelessTDMA systems with high order modulationand/orMultiple Input

Multiple Outputchannel.

In the second chapter, we analytically derive the performance of optimal receivers

over wireless mobile channels. The chosen approach is the Matched Filter Bound (being

a lower bound under idealized conditions, in particular perfect channel estimation and no

Inter-Symbol Interference) for multichannel diversity over frequency selective Rayleigh

fad-ing mobile channels. It allows a better understanding of the diversity concept, which is

important for mobile radio interface design; and to quantify, to a certain extent, the gains


characteristics, the data rate, the radio channel properties. It alsohelps to explain the

per-formance degradation due to InterSymbol Interference (ISI) and to identify sub-optimality

in the receiverdesign. This bound serves asa valuable benchmark throughout this thesis.

The third chapter deals with wireless LAN, that is to say systems that have strong


chan-nel coherence time is by far larger than the permitted interleaving size (e.g., much larger

than an ATM cell length). A joint equalization and decoding approach without

interleav-ing seems to be the most appropriate one for single carrier radio interfaces. However, the

major problem lies here in the receiver complexity which increases exponentially with data

rates. This chapter is, thus, naturally oriented towards suboptimaltrellis search techniques

applied to joint equalization and decoding that enable to reduce signi cantly the receiver

trellis complexity. Finally, a new low-complexity receiver is proposed based on Generalized

Per Survivor(GPSP) Processing technique derived fromthe GeneralizedViterbi Algorithm

(GVA).This technique revealed particularlyrobust toerror propagationeven inthe case of

non-minimum phasechannels.

The fourth chapter looks into the gains brought by iterative processing or by the

"turbo principle" applied to advanced TDMA systems with high order modulation and

channel interleaving. We tried toinclude as many entities as possible into one iteration. A

low complexity trellis basedreceiver isproposed, performingiteratively channel estimation,

equalizationand decoding.

The turbo detection/equalizationscheme isoriginal inthe sense that itstands out from


Poste-riori(MAP)equalizers. Here, weusedaSoft-InSoft-Out(SISO)DecisionFeedbackSequence

Estimation(DFSE) equalizer with pre ltering toturn the channelinto minimumphase.

Concerning channel re-estimation, many di erent methods can be used to tackle this

issue. Once again in order to keep the receiver complexity aslowas possible, we chose one

of the simplest: a linear approach derived from the so-called bootstrap technique (using a

LeastSquare(LS)estimator,oftenrefers asLS-basedchannelre-estimation). ACramerRao

bound is alsopresented and gives insights about its performance.

The fth chapter dealswith CDMAsystems usinglowspreadingfactor orequivalently

spreadingsequences withbad correlationproperties. Itiswellknownthat the Rakereceiver

performancedegradessigni cantlyforspreadingfactorlowerthen16entailingtheneedofan

Interference canceller atitsoutput. Fortunately, the Rakeoutput canbeformallyidenti ed


The use of a low spreading factor also degrades the performance of the conventional

channel estimatorwhich relies heavily on spreading sequence properties. This issue is also

addressed in this chapter by suggesting anew channel estimation algorithmthat takes into

account the ISI structure.

The sixth chapter aims at generalizing the previous approaches to a Multiple Input

Multiple Output (MIMO) channel for TDMA systems. A reduced-complexity trellis-based

receiver performing iteratively channel estimation, multilayer detection/equalization and

channel decoding is derived. The SISO multilayered data detector/equalizer is based on

the GPSP technique already introduced in the third chapter. Indeed this technique is well

adapted to this context since a pre lter turning every single channel into minimum phase

does not exist. The channel re-estimation is based on the generalization of the bootstrap

technique of chapter 4.

Ourapproachpresentstwo-foldadvantages. ItenablestocopewithsevereMIMOchannel

ISIand allowstousemoretransmitantennasthanreceiveantennas. Focusingonthecaseof

N transmit antennas and one receive antenna, which is particularlyinteresting for handset

mobile at the receiver end, the equivalence in terms of data rate and receiver complexity

between one 2


-order modulationand N paralleltransmitted BPSKis pointed out.

The seventh chapter investigates Iterative Decoding of Serially Concatenated

Multi-layered Trellis-CodedModulationsina MIMO frequency selectiveradio channel . Itcan be

viewed asanextensionofchapter3and 6inordertoincrease thespectral eÆciency andthe


Matched Filter Bound for

Multichannel Diversity over

Frequency-Selective Rayleigh-Fading

Mobile Channels.

2.1 Introduction

In modern time-divisionmultiple-access (TDMA)digital mobileradio systems, data signals

are transmitted in bursts. If the channel can beassumed time invariantfor the burst

dura-tion (slow fading channel) then the optimum L-channel diversity receiver is the Maximum

Likelihood Sequence Estimation (MLSE) receiver [69]. The performance of such a receiver

is given by averaging the error probability on all possible channel outcomes. For a given

channeloutcome theerrorprobability(inwhiteGaussiannoise)isassessed bythe minimum

Euclidiandistance between all possiblereceived sequences. Thisquantityis very diÆcultto

calculate for arbitrary dispersive channels, so that only numerical performance results can

be obtained via error trellis method [77, page 420].

A much simpler measure of performance can be obtained by neglecting the e ect of

Inter-Symbol-Interference (ISI)and deriving the BitError Probability (BEP) whena single

symbol is transmitted over a perfectly known channel. In this way, an absolute BEP

per-formance lower bound isobtained, which iscommonly known as the Matched Filter Bound


method,meaningthat withinamultiplicativeconstant the errorprobabilityof the MLSEis

essentially thesame asthe MFBeven inpresence ofISI [77, page 448]. ForDirect-Sequence


bounds under idealized conditions, in particular perfect channel estimation and no ISI) are

very attractive because they are more easily derived in analytical form, and also because

these bounds are generally found to be tight enough (in comparison with MLSE optimum

receiver or RAKE receiver) to make them serve as valuable benchmarks for system design

and evaluation.

Inthischapter,amatched lterboundoftheerrorprobabilityforanL-branchesdiversity

system that uses any linear modulation over multipath frequency-selective fading channels

is derived. On the receiver side, it is assumed that L branches of diversity are obtained

by the use of L distinct antennas. The lower bound is based on the principles of matched

lterandMaximalRatioCombining(MRC).Performance boundshavealreadybeenderived

for several systems in the past [63], [4], [5], [98], [127],[66], [100], [78], [129], [35], [46]. For

example,in [98] the problemhas been formulatedinits most generalform,but only forthe

case of ideal linear equalization, while [66] treats the case of a single multipath Rayleigh

fadingchannel with independent taps only.

In [35] the matched lter bound is calculated in the frequency domain for L

uncorre-lateddiversity branches viaacontinuous KarhunenLoevetransformationwhichallowsboth

continuously dispersive channels and discrete multipath channels to be taken into account.

Moreover [35] considers colored noise but having the same power spectral density on all

branches. Finally, in [46], the matched lter bound results for uncorrelated L diversity

branches are extended toTrellisCoded Modulationwith perfect interleaving.

Ourformulationisthe rstonewhichaccountsatthesametimeforthefollowingaspects:

pulse shape, channel taps correlation, any number of diversity branches, power mismatch

of the di erent branches (especially useful for polarization diversity), envelope correlation

between the signals on di erent branches, and white noise with di erent power spectral

density on each branch. Moreover, the presented matched lter bound derivation is the

most straightforward as it relies on a unique Karhunen-Loeve expansion. In comparison,

the approachconsideredin[78]iscomposedof twosuccessive transformationsasitneedsan

extra Cholesky decomposition totake intoaccount any kind of correlation. In this respect,

it is shown here that the compactness of our analytical formulation allows us to get more

insightin important issues relatedto antennadiversity, such aspolarizationdiversity gain.

In Section2.2,the consideredsystem modelispresented and thetheoreticalerror

proba-bilitylowerboundusingKarhunen-Loeveexpansionisderived, togetherwiththeasymptotic

expression of the BER for BPSK. This result, already known for at fading channels [101],

is thusshown toapply for the more general case of frequency-selective fadingchannels.

In Section 2.3, with the use of our model, any unitary transformation on taps of equal


diversity as it is shown that rotating the base station antennas represents a special case

of unitary transformation. Thus, the widespread belief of added diversity gain for slanted

antennas at the receiver is proven to be wrong from the matched lter bound point of

view. In addition,by extendingthework ofVaughan[117], thesame resultwas numerically

con rmed. Polarizationdiversity gain is invariant vs. antennasrotation.

In Section 2.4, polarization diversity is overviewed as there is a renewed interest for

this kind of diversity, especially in mobile radio systems. Additionally,with the use of our

theoretical model, the spatial and polarization dual-diversity gains for Global System for

Mobile communication (GSM) [82] and Interim Standard 95 (IS-95 downlink) [114] mobile

systems are comparedin various cellularenvironments.

Finally,in section 2.5the coded Matched FilterBound ispresented.

2.2 General Approach

In this sectionwe givea detailed presentation of the system modeland the computationof

the matched lter error probability bound.

2.2.1 System Model

Theconsideredbase-bandsystemmodelisdepictedinFig.2.1. Itconsistsofaonedimensional

(complexorreal)linearmodulationwithapulseshape lterg(t)atthetransmitterside. The

transmitted signal passes through L time-varyingmultipathchannels h


(t;) (i=1;:::;L),

assumed tobe perfectlyknown, and is received by L di erent antennas corresponding to L

diversity branches. Each channelis modeled by a discreteK


-taps time varying response

h i (t;)= K i X j=1 c ij (t)Æ(  ij ); (2.1) where eachc ij

(t) isa zero mean complex Gaussianrandomvariable(Rayleighfading). The



(t)has apowerspectraldensity

N i

. TheLdi erentnoisesignalsareassumedtobeuncorrelated. Inthesequel, c



ij (t)

will be indistinctly used as the channel is assumed to be invariant for a symbol duration.

The channel taps c


of the Lbranches can bearranged inthe followingvector form

x=[c 11 :::c 1K 1 c 21 :::c 2K 2 :::c L1 :::c LK L ] T : (2.2)

The covariance matrix K


of the vector x is given by K


= E(xx


), where y denotes the

conjugated transpose operator. It is important to note that, unlike previously published


is considered. This allows to treat, in the same framework, the most general case of tap

correlation withinone branch aswell asbetween di erentbranches.

Asthematched lterboundisconsidered,onlyonesymbolistransmittedandreceived[5].

Inthiscase,forthei-thdiversitybranchthematched lterforeachtransmittedsymbol|say





(t;)where*denotes theconvolutionoperator.


Therefore, asthe noisesignalsofthebrancheshavedi erent at powerspectraldensitiesN

i ,

any branch i must beweighted by a factor 1=N


,[101]. Then the outputs of the L matched

ltersare sampledatthesymbolrate (perfectsynchronizationissupposed). Wethenobtain

the samples y i = a N i kM i (t;)k 2 +b i ; (2.3) whereb i

isthe Gaussiannoisesampleofthe i-thbranchoutputand kM

i (t;)k 2 isthetotal energy of M i (t;)given by kM i (t;)k 2 = Z d " K i X j=1 c ij (t) ? g ? (  ij ) #" K i X k=1 c ik (t)g(  ik ) # : (2.4)

De ning the autocorrelation functionof g(t)as

 g ()= Z g ? (t )g(t)dt; (2.5) y i

can nowbe written

y i = a N i K i X j=1 K i X k=1 c ? ij  g ( ij  ik )c ik +b i : (2.6) Let c i =[c i1 ;c i2 ;:::;c iKi ] T , then we have y i =ac i y A i c i +b i ; (2.7) where A i is aK i K i

matrix with elements A

i jk = g ( ij  ik )=N i . The L samples y i

are addedtogether togive the nal decision variable u

u= L X i=1 y i =az+b (2.8) with z = L X i=1 c i y A i c i (2.9) and b= L X b i : (2.10)


Recalling (2.2), itis easilyobserved that (2.9) can be expressed as

z =x


Hx (2.11)

where the matrix H isde ned as

H= 0 B B B B @ A 1 0 0  0 0 A 2 0  0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0  A L 1 C C C C A : (2.12)

Consequently, the nal decision variable is equal tothe transmitted symbola scaled by

the coeÆcient z and addedtoa Gaussiannoise sampleb. Theinstantaneoussignal-to-noise

ratio (SNR)of the combiner output (i.e. the variable u),for given values of c

i , is equal to = jE(u)j 2 E(ju E(u)j 2 )  (2.13)

Let us verify that the receiver reallyimplements MRC combining. As b is a zero mean

Gaussiannoise, and assuming that E(jaj

2 )=1 we have jE(u)j 2 = L X i=1 kM i (t;)k 2 N i ! 2 : (2.14)

The noise sample b


at the output of i-th branch is expressed as

b i = 1 N i Z dn i ()M  i (t;): (2.15)

As a resultthe varianceof the decisionvariable u can be written

E(ju E(u)j 2 )= 1 N i N j L X i=1 L X j=1 Z Z dudvE[n i (u)n  j (v)]M  i (t;u)M j (t;v): (2.16)

Usingthe properties of the noise signals, we have

E(n i (u)n j  (v))=N i Æ(u v)Æ ij : (2.17)

Thuswecan write

E(ju E(u)j 2 )= L X i=1 kM i (t;)k 2 N i  (2.18)

Equations (2.13),(2.14) and (2.18) yield

= L X kM i (t;)k 2 N i  (2.19)


Finally,using (2.3) and (2.8), one can easilyverify that =z = L X i=1 i (2.20) where i =k M i (t;) k 2 =N i = E i s =N i

is the instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio of the i-th

branch (E



is the instantaneous received symbol energy for the i-th branch). Thus, adding

the samplesisequivalenttoperformingMRCof thediversitybranches [101]. Therefore, the

combination of ideal matched lters and MRC leads to the best theoretical performance,

meaning that it corresponds to the lowest bound of the error probability that a real life

receivercan attain. However, as underlinedbefore, this bound isvery closeto the optimum


2.2.2 Error Probability Lower Bound

As the autocorrelation function 


(t) has an Hermitian symmetry and is non-negative

def-inite, it follows that matrix A


is Hermitian non-negative de nite. By extension, matrix

H is also Hermitian non-negative de nite, and of dimension KK where K =

P L i=1 K i . Therefore, p

H exists so that z can be writtenz =v


v, where v=



Knowing that x is circularly symmetric (i.e., E(xx


) E(x)E(x


) = 0, T denoting

the transpose operator) and that its covariance matrix is real (see Appendix A), v is also

circularly symmetric as it is obtained by a linear transformation of x. Using the results of

Appendix B, vcan be writtenas

v= K X i=1 q i u i ; (2.21) where q i

are complex circularlysymmetric random variables with variances the eigenvalues

of K v =E(vv y ), and u i

are complex mutually orthonormal vectors. As a result, z can be

writtenin the simple form

z = K X i=1 jq i j 2 ; (2.22) wherejq i j 2

are independentchi-square randomvariableswithmeansthe eigenvalues

i (i= 1;:::;K) of K v = p HK x p H or equivalently of HK x , K x = E(xx y

) being the covariance

matrix of x. Note that the matrix H takes into account the pulse shape characteristics in

combinationwith the channel delay spread, whereas the matrix K


combines the e ects of

the power pro lesof the Lchannels, the correlations(between taps of one branchas wellas

taps of di erentbranches), and the powermismatchamong the L branches.

In case ofunequal eigenvalues, the probability distribution of z isgiven by

p z (z)= K X  i  i e z  i (2.23)


where  i

are the residues (

i = Q k6=i  i i  k ).

More generally,someeigenvaluesmaybeequal,whichisthecaseforinstancewhen

treat-ingindependentdiversitybrancheshavingthesamechannelpro le. Thiscasewasexamined

extensively in many papers such as [100]. Alternatively, one can arti cially separate the

equal eigenvalues by a very small amount. In this way, the distribution (2.23) can stillbe

used and yields resultsvery close to the exact approach.

Weknowfrom(2.20) thatthe instantaneoussignal-to-noiseratioof the decisionvariable

u is = z. Moreover, using (2.22), the mean signal-to-noise ratio when considering the

channel variationsissimply =z=




. Thenthe averageerror probabilityversus  can

be obtained as P e ( )= Z 1 0 dz p z (z)P 0 (z) (2.24) where P 0

( ) isthe error probabilityof the chosen modulationinAWGN channel.

For BPSK modulation, (2.24) can be solved analytically, so the matched lter bound

error probability can be expressed as [66], [100], [78]

P e ( )= 1 2 K X i=1  i  1 r   +1= i  (2.25) where  i = i = P  i

are the normalizedeigenvalues.

One can check that in a at Rayleigh fading channel (K = 1) the BER reduces to the

well known equation [92]

P e ( )= 1 2  1 r   +1  : (2.26) 2.2.3 Asymptotic Behavior

It iswellknown, inthecase of K branches diversity with at Rayleighfading, thatfor large

signal-to-noiseratio  ,theBERbehavesas


. TheorderofdiversitythusissaidtobeK.

Moreover, when the signals on the branches are correlated or have di erent energy levels,

the BER will still have the same asymptotic slope but su ers a degradation in SNR given

by the amountof signalcorrelation and/or energy mismatch[101].

Our goal is to extend this notion to the general case of frequency-selective Rayleigh

fadingchannels. The asymptotic error probability of BPSK for large SNR can be obtained

by developing (2.25) inthe following manner

P e ( )= 1 2 1 X n=1 ( 1)C n 1 2 U n 1  n (2.27) where U n = K X  i  i n (2.28)


and C k q = q(q 1)(q k+1) k!  (2.29)

It is demonstrated in[14] (see Appendix C) that

8 > < > : U n = 1 n =0 U n = 0 n =1;:::;K 1 U n = ( 1) K+1 Q K i=1  i n =K (2.30)

Thus, for suÆciently large , (2.27)can be wellapproximated by its rst non-zero term

P e ( )' ( 1) K 2 C K 1 2  K Q K i=1  i (2.31)

orin a moresimple form

P e ( )' C K 2K 1 Q K i=1 (4  i )  (2.32) Note that Q K i=1  i is proportional to det (HK x

). Of course, even in the presence of

multipath, the asymptotic order of diversity remains equal to the total number of paths

K (of the L branches), regardless of their relative time delays and power levels. More

interesting, the product




is suÆcient todetermine the asymptotic SNR degradation

caused by the pulse shape autocorrelation (via H), the taps correlations, and the power

mismatch between branches (via K


). The product of normalized eigenvalues appearing in

(2.31) con rms the intuition that for diversity, it is better to have many small eigenvalues

than afew large ones. The highest diversity gain isobtained when

Q  i ismaximized,that is for  i =1=K ( P K k=1  k

=1), in which case (2.31) reduces tothe well known asymptotic

error probability forK independent equal energy diversity branches [92]

P e ( )=  K 4  K C K 2K 1  (2.33)

Unfortunately some very small eigenvalues often appear in the Karhunen-Loeve

expan-sion, making this asymptoticlimitvalidonlyfor extremely high SNRvalues, far away from

the range observed in practice (10 to 30dB).

2.3 Unitary Transformation E ect In Micro-Diversity


on the L branches have the same delay pro le, i.e. K

j =K 0 and  ij =  j . This is actually

the case for all multichannel diversity systems with antennas located in the same site (few


the diversity branch number) willbe all identical, i.e. A i

=A. It isalso assumed that the

noise signals have the same spectral density, which is the case for polarization and spatial

diversity, most of the time.

In this section, it is shown that applying the same unitary matrix transformation on

each of the K


L-taps vectors (each vector contains the taps of the same index) leaves the

diversity gain unchanged.

Let U be a unitary transformation matrix of dimension LL (i.e. U


U=I, where I

denotes the identity matrix), and t

i =[c 1i c 2i c Li ] T

be a vector of the L taps of the same

delay  i . t i 0 =Ut i (2.34)

By notingfrom (2.2) that the taps inx are arranged ona branch by branch basis, the new

taps y can be deduced from xby anequivalentLK




unitary transformation

y= x (2.35)

where isa block matrix of the form

= 2 6 6 6 6 4 11 12  1L 21 22  2L . . . . . . . . . L1 L2  LL 3 7 7 7 7 5 (2.36) and ij are K 0 K 0

diagonalmatrices relatedto the transformation U by




I: (2.37)

By substitutingy as given in(2.35) into(2.11), we easilyshow that z becomes

z =x

y y

H x: (2.38)

Finally,referring to (2.12),H is ablock matrix of the form

H= 2 6 6 6 6 4 A 0  0 0 A  0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0  A 3 7 7 7 7 5 (2.39)

It can be easilyveri ed that H and commute. Using the fact that is a unitary

trans-formationwe nallyget

z =x


Hx: (2.40)


the sameindex. InSection2.4.4wepointout thefactthat antennarotationforpolarization


any additionalgain.

2.4 Polarization vs. Spatial Micro-Diversity

In this section, the case of dual-diversity (L =2) for both polarizationand space diversity

techniquesisconsidered. Itisassumed thatthe AWGN hasthe samepowerspectraldensity

for the 2 branches (this is the case for almost all pratical systems). The subject of space

diversity has been widely studied for the past several decades [64], [101]. In general, the

main disadvantage ofspace diversity isthe existenceof anon-negligiblecorrelation between

the di erent branches especially when the multipath angular spread of the channel is very

narrow[1], [2]. However, the localmean power is generallythe same on the two branches.

2.4.1 Polarization Diversity

Although polarization diversity has been well known for over 20 years [76], [117], [64],

[101],[1], [2], space diversity schemes have been preferred as polarization diversity su ers

from astrong imbalance between the localmean powers received on itstwobranches. This

imbalance is commonly referred to ascross-polar-discrimination(XPD, denoted by 

here-after) and is the ratio of the received vertical and horizontal polarizationpower. However,

two main arguments can explain the increasing popularity of polarization diversity

nowa-days. First of all,the miniaturization of base stations makes the antenna spacing required

by space diversity both costly and inconvenient. Secondly, polarizationdiversity is very

at-tractive with handheld portablesas their moving antennas are onthe average closer to the

horizontal,which decreases the XPD.

The nature of polarization diversity relies on the elementary processes responsible for

the depolarization of electromagnetic waves. Three di erent processes are responsible for

depolarization: scattering from rough surfaces, di raction [124], and Fresnel re ection. As

the later has the greatest impact inmobile channels, we willbrie y present it.

Two Fresnel re ection coeÆcients R


and R


are de ned inreference tolocalaxes.

 the orthogonal polarization(?) isde ned by the electric eld component included in

the plane de ned by the normal tothe obstacle and the propagation vector,


In general, the propagation occurs mainly in the horizontal plane, either in microcells

(where the antenna is well under roof tops) or in macrocells [64]. On the other hand,

the scatterers are mainly vertical (especially in urban environments). In Fig. 2.2 it is

obviousthat thepolarizationparalleltotheobstacleisless attenuated,thereforethevertical

polarizationis strongly favored atthe expense of the horizontalone. This explains why the




fromthe vertical [79].

Moreover, the phase di erence introduced by Fresnel coeÆcients between vertical and

horizontalpolarization(Fig. 2.2) ensures that the received horizontaland vertical polarized

signals are merelyuncorrelated [76]. Indeed,experimentalresults show anenvelope

correla-tion around 0.2[76], [79]. It is wellknown that a correlationcoeÆcient under 0.5has small

impact ondiversity [64],[101], [1].

2.4.2 K


Matrix for Space/Polarization Dual-Diversity

As shown in Section 2.2, the matched lter bound performance is given by the eigenvalues

of the matrix HK


. The exact structure of matrix K


for both space/polarization

dual-diversity is K x = " C 1   C 2 # : (2.41)

Assuming that the taps of each channel are uncorrelated, C

1 , C 2 and  are K 0  K 0

diagonalmatrices with diagonalelements C

1i =E(jc 1i j 2 ),C 2i =E(jc 2i j 2 )= 2 i E(jc 1i j 2 ),and  i =E(c 1i c ? 2i )= i  i E(jc 1i j 2

)respectively. The coeÆcient

i 2

denotes the power mismatch

between the i-th taps of the 2 channels, whereas 


represents the correlation coeÆcient of

those same taps.

Obviously, (2.41) covers the most general situation where power mismatch and

correla-tion vary from one tap to another. Unfortunately, no such ne channel measurements are

available, neither for space nor for polarization diversity. However, when the number of

scatterersisrelativelyhigh andallthechanneltaps areRayleighfading, itissafetoconsider

these coeÆcients asconstants |say and |for all the K

0 taps.

Space diversity presents no power mismatch between branches, thus


= 1. Inversely,

polarization diversity exhibits power mismatch between its two branches |as previously

highlighted| given interms of XPD (dB).This means that








isavailableexperimentally. However,

it is shown in [101] that  is very close to



. From now on, all results will be given in

terms of  



2.4.3 Space/Polarization Diversity for GSM and IS-95

The GMSK modulation used in GSM is well approximated by binary linear modulation

with the rst pulse shape ofLaurentdevelopment[75]. However theMinimum-ShiftKeying

(MSK) approximation is practically suÆcient. MSK can be modeled as a linear OQPSK

(O set Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying) with a pulse shape lter g(t) = cos (

t 2T b ) of time duration2T b , whereT b

isthe bitduration[88]. Indeed, inthe rangeof the commondelay

spreadofmobileradiochannels, theautocorrelationfunctionofthe rstLaurentpulseshape

is very close to that of the MSK.

On theotherhand,the IS-95system usesaRaised-Cosinepulseshapeg(t)with aroll-o

factor =0:33 and a binary modulation indownlink, at a chip rate of 1.2288 Mcps. Note

thatwedonot consider powercontrolfortheIS-95downlink. Ideally,itisassumed thatthe

spreadingsequences ensureaperfectDiracÆ()autocorrelationfunction,andthatinterfering

users can be modeled by additive Gaussian noise (an acceptable approximation except for

very low number of interferers). In this case, the performances are uniquely determined by

the autocorrelation function


() of the pulse shape,which isknown tobe[92]

 g ()= sin(=T c ) =T c cos( =T c ) 1 4 2  2 =T 2 c  (2.42)

Although many authors stilluse the cumulativeprobability distribution of the received

energy(i.e. theprobabilityoftheenergybeinggreaterthanagiventhreshold)toevaluatethe

diversity gain [76], [117], we prefer tocompare the polarizationand space diversity schemes

on the basis of the gain obtained for a given biterror probability. In fact, the later gain is

much more relevant than the former in the case of digital systems [101]. Inthis respect, we

consider that for uncoded bits (class II bits of the GSM frame) a BER equal to510



enough to ensure a good speech quality. The same value will be considered in the case of

IS-95in order tocompare the two systems.

It is emphasized here that the relevant antenna diversity gain G


is the one obtained at



BER afterexcludingtheinherentmultipathdiversitygain G


duetothe multipath

channel (as depicted inFig. 2.3).

Experimentalmeasurements showed that the averagevalueof XPDinurban and

subur-ban environments is between 1 and 10 dB with an average value of 6 dB [79], [76], and in

rural environments (e.g. Hilly Terrain) that XPD is very high, ranging from 10 to 18 dB.

This can be understood by the fact that a very small amount of energy is transposed from

one polarization to another due to the lack of scatterers in rural areas (scatterers are

re-sponsible for depolarizationvia Fresnel coeÆcient, see Section2.4.1). Polarizationdiversity

isthenuninterestingforthis typeofchannel. In thefollowing,atypicalenvelopecorrelation


GSM, and inFigs. 2.6and 2.7 for IS-95. As areference, the diversity gain for a at fading

(1tap) Rayleighchannelisplotted ineach gure. The antennadiversity gainis the highest

for this channel, which has no intrinsic multipathdiversity.

One general observation is that antenna diversity gain is high when the multipath

di-versity gain is low and vice-versa. Note that multipath diversity gain is small either if the

channel has a low intrinsic diversity, or if its diversity has not been exploited by the pulse

shape. ForIS-95, the multipathdiversity is wellresolved by the relatively shortdurationof

the pulse g(t) which makes antenna diversity useless in practice as its gain rarely exceeds

1 dB. However, multiple antennas are always useful for interference reduction [127], beside

that of increasing the average signal to noiseratio.

Furthermore, our results show that the two branch polarizationdiversity gain is almost

equivalenttothatof spatialdiversity inallurban/suburbanenvironments. Spatialdiversity

clearlyoutperformspolarizationdiversityonlyinruralenvironments(e.g. HillyTerrainHT).

2.4.4 Rotating the Base Station Antennas

The possible improvementof polarizationdiversity gain through spatial rotationof the two

receiver's antennas is now analysed. In fact, slanted antenna polarizationdiversity is very

popular nowadays [79], [117]. A greatnumberof manufacturersclaim that it achievesmore




The new XPDafterrotationis rst derived together with thenew correlation coeÆcient

aftera rotationof the base stationantennas by anangle fromthe vertical (Fig. 2.8).

Let the horizontaland vertical received electric elds be respectively

E x1 =jx 1 jcos(!t+ 1 ) (2.43) E x 2 =jx 2 jcos(!t+ 2 ) (2.44) where x 1 = jx 1 je j 1 and x 2 = jx 2 je j 2

are two correlated circularly symmetric complex

Gaussianvariableswith an XPDequalto 


and correlation coeÆcient 

1 .

After rotation the electric eld received on the two rotatedantennas, E

y1 and E y2 , can be deduced from E x1 and E x2

by a rotation matrix. By linearity, the relation between the

complex envelopes is the same. As a result, antenna rotationis equivalent to a rotationof

any 2 channel taps of the same index. In a genericway, we have

" y 1 y 2 # = " cos sin sin cos #" x 1 x 2 # (2.45)


where (x 1



) denotes the pair of initial taps, and (y

1 ;y


) the pair of rotated taps. This

transformation is a particular unitary transformation for L = 2 which has been shown not

tohaveanyimpactondiversitygain(Section2.3). Therefore,thewidespreadbeliefofadded

diversity gain is completelyfalse from the matched lter bound point of view. It turns out

that polarizationdiversity gain is invariant by antenna rotation.

Considering now the argument of a more balanced power distribution between the

di-versity branches, one should note that in reality there is a tradeo between the powerlevel

balance and the correlation of the two branches. After rotation, the new taps exhibit new

XPDand cross-correlationcoeÆcients




that are functionsof the initialones 




and of the rotation angle .

We must evaluate  2 = E(jy 2 j 2 ) E(jy 1 j 2 ) (2.46) and  2 = E(y 1 y ? 2 ) p E(jy 1 j 2 )E(jy 2 j 2 )  (2.47)

After astraightforward development itis found

 2 = f 1 ( 1 ; 1 ; ) f 2 ( 1 ; 1 ; ) (see Fig. 2.9) (2.48)  2 = (1  1 )tan + 1 p  1 (1 tan 2 ) p f 1 ( 1 ; 1 ; )f 2 ( 1 ; 1 ; ) (see Fig. 2.10) (2.49) wheref 1 ( 1 ; 1 ; )=tan 2 + 1 +2 1 p  1 tan andf 2 ( 1 ; 1 ; )=1+ 1 tan 2 2 1 tan p  1 .

Theseresultsextend thoseof[117],wherethee ect ofrotatingthe basestationantennas

was alsostudied but inthe special case of independent Rayleighfadingsignals (



By using (2.48) and (2.49) for various combinations of channel type, initial XPD, and

initialcorrelationcoeÆcient, toevaluatethediversitygain asbefore, itwasnoticedthatthe

gainremained unchangedforwhateverrotationangle considered. Thisresult con rmsthe

one obtained above using the property of unitary transformations.

Consequently, even ifthe reportedextragains arevalid, theyshouldnot beattributedto

diversity itself,but rathertosome imperfectionorsub-optimalityofthe consideredreceivers

which may be more sensitive to the power imbalance than to branch correlation. We

be-lieve that the measured diversity gain would be practicallythe same for vertical/horizontal

and slanted polarization if the receiver is well designed. We conclude that the question of

system performance with polarizationdiversity should not be limitedto the study of signal

propagation aspects (attenuation, spatial correlation, power mismatch), but should rather


advan-simple, and therefore far from optimal. To the best of our knowledge, no such combined

investigations are availablein the literature.

2.5 Coded Matched Filter Bound

This sectionis very inspiredby [46] where the MFB isderived fortrellis coded modulation.

Consider the transmission of trellis coded symbols a corresponding to a particular path

through the code trellis. An error event of length T of the decoded sequence


a is taken

to start with symbol a

1 6= a~


and end with symbol a

T 6= a~


. Along the error path, the

T  T nonzero branch metrics d

2 i = ja i ~ a i j 2

are accumulated leading to the Euclidian

distance d 2 (T) = P T i=1 d 2 i

, in the case of static channels, the error event with minimal

euclidiandistance d



isdominantbutinfadingenvironmentthee ective codelengthT


(minimumnumberof branches with non-zero branch metrics)may be more important. Let

consider an error event of length T, the individual SNR


along the error path are to be




and sumtoformthe e ectiveSNRwhichenablestoobtaintheperformances

afterthe decoder. The e ective SNR (at the outputof the decoder) becomes

e = T min X i=1 d 2 i  i (2.50)







are independent variables,



are completely correlated (i.e. 8i;


= ), this is typically the situation of

chapter 3.

These cases correspond to either nointerleaving orperfect interleaving. Unfortunately, the

reality liesalways between these twocases. This is the reason why wepreferred tofocus on

the uncoded MFB which is independent of the interleaving scheme. Moreover, simulations

Fig. 2.11showthattheuncodedMFBisveryclosetorealityforGSMandIS95systems. As

statedintheintroduction,theMFBdoesnottakeintoaccounttheISI.Ifthe Uncoded MFB

isattainedattheoutput ofthe equalizerthenitcan onlymeansthat the distributionofthe

minimum distance associated to each channel outcome, has a large peak at the Gaussian


2.6 Conclusion

Inthischapter,thematched lterandMRCboundforL-branchantennadiversityandlinear

modulation over frequency-selective Rayleigh fading multipath channels has been derived

using a novel compact approach. The comparison of the space/polarization diversity gains


trade-o between multipathdiversity gainandantennadiversitygain. Polarizationdiversity

has alsobeen shown toprovidealmostthe samegainasspatialdiversity,especiallyinurban

environments. Moreover,withthehelpofourgeneralmodel,ithasbeenpossibletoprovefor

the rsttimethatpolarizationdiversitygainisinvariantbyrotationofthereceiverantennas,

whichisincontradictionwith generalbelief. Some considerationwerealsogiven concerning

the MFB extended to trellis coded modulation. It was nallyconcluded that the uncoded

MFB was of more practical interest since the uncoded MFB is relatively tight to existing

system performance(e.g., GSMand IS95) andisveryusefultoidentifysuboptimalityinthe


Figure2.1: System modelwith L diversity branches.

























BEP versus average SNR

Average SNR


Rayleigh, L=1

BU, L=1

BU, L=2


=1 [dB]




BU : Bad Urban

L : number of diversity branches



Figure 2.3: Multipath diversity gain and antenna diversity gain. Example of GSM system

in BadUrban Channel (BU) [36].



















Polarization diversity gain versus XPD with



= 0.2



Gain at 5e


TU : Typical Urban

BU : Bad Urban

HT : Hilly Terrain


























Spatial diversity gain versus



with XPD = 0



Gain at 5e


TU : Typical Urban

BU : Bad Urban

HT : Hilly Terrain






Figure2.5: Spatialdiversitygain vs. envelopecorrelation inGSM,for variouschannels[36].



















Polarization diversity gain versus XPD with



= 0.2



Gain at 5e







TU : Typical Urban

BU : Bad Urban

HT : Hilly Terrain

Figure 2.6: Polarizationdiversity gain vs. XPD  (dB) in IS-95 for various channels [36],





















Spatial diversity gain versus



with XPD =0



Gain at 5e


TU : Typical Urban

BU : Bad Urban

HT : Hilly Terrain

MC : Micro−Cellular






Figure2.7: Spatial diversity gain vs. envelope correlationin IS-95for various channels[36].





















ƫ ,ā ò















ƫ ,ā ò












































Figure 2.9: New XPD  2

(dB) as a function of the initial XPD 


(dB) and the rotation

angle of the base station antennas with aninitialenvelope correlation coeÆcient of 0.2.


































Figure 2.10: Correlation coeÆcient 


as a function of the initial XPD 


(dB) and the

rotationangle of the base station antennas with aninitialenvelope correlation coeÆcient

























error probability typical urban

SNR db






Figure 2.11: Comparison of the Matched Filter Bound to a Monte Carlo simulation: MSK

represents the Matched Filter Bound for GMSK transmitted through TU [36] channel and


Joint Equalization and decoding using

the Generalized Viterbi for

broadband wireless applications.

3.1 Introduction

The optimal way todecode trellis encoded signals transmitted onInterSymbol Interference

(ISI) Channels isto use the Maximum Likelihood(ML)"supertrellis",acombinationof ISI

anderror-controlcodetrellises,whosestate complexityisthe product ofboth[34].

Unfortu-nately,forfrequency selectiveradio channels, thenumberofstates oftheISI trellisincreases

exponentiallywith the bit rate, which precludes this approachfor broadband wireless radio

interfaces. Asaconsequence, alotofworkhasbeen doneonsub-optimalreceiversforTrellis

Coded Modulation(TCM) in the presence of ISI [34], [126], [38], [44]. In [34], a systematic

method is developed for lowering the state complexity of the supertrellis. An interesting

case arises whenthe receivertrellis isreduced tothe code trellis [34],[126], [38], [44], whose

complexity does not depend on bit rate. The ISI due to the channel is not taken into

ac-count in the trellis states but in the edge metric, as done in a classical Decision Feedback

Equalizer(DFE).Itfollowsthatsuchareceiver, commonlycalledParallelDecisionFeedback

Decoding (PDFD),inherentlysu ers (as the DFE)fromerror propagation,especiallyinthe

case of non minimumphase channels. Therefore, PDFD receiver needs pre- ltering toturn

the channelintominimum phase. This pre- lteringis cumbersome andincreases theoverall

receivercomplexity. Besides, error propagation stillremains.

In parallel, many e orts have been devoted to improve sub-optimal equalization

tech-niques for broadband wireless channels. Once again, the issue is the complexity of the ML


to ght against errorpropagation.

The proposed receiver combines the PDFD algorithmwith the GVA. Simulationsprove


nonminimumphasechannels)forareasonablecomplexityincrease. Itiseven shown thatin

most cases the ML optimalperformance isattainedwith only foursurvivors per state. The

paperisorganized asfollows. Section3.2describesindetailsthe proposedalgorithmforany

error-controlcodetrellis. In Section3.3some possible applicationstogetherwith simulation

results are presented for cyclic block codes, convolutionalcodes, for static and time-varying

multipathRayleighchannels. Notably, the algorithmwas proved toperform well for simple

convolutional codes, in the contextof Broadband Radio mobilechannels.

3.2 Proposed Algorithm

The discrete time equivalent structure of the proposed communication model is shown in

Fig. 3.1. The data signals are transmitted in bursts containing N coded data symbols

andaknowntrainingsequence (locatedatthe beginningoftheburst)used bothfor channel

estimationandalgorithminitialization. Letthe estimated(symbolspaced) impulseresponse

of the convolution of the transmitter lter, the receiver lter and the radio-mobile channel,

be denoted fh l g l ;l 2[0;K 1]; (3.1)

where Kis the channel constraint length.

Note that the overall channel does not need to be minimum phase [29, page 78]. The

receiver lter should ensure however that noise samples atthe symbol rate R



uncorre-latedatitsoutput,whichisthe case forasquared-rootraised cosine lter forexample. The

output of the received lter at timinginstantt is given by

y t =h 0 x t +b t +I t ; (3.2) where x t

is the current coded data symbolto be received, b


is a Gaussiannoise sample,

and I


is the ISI contributionterm with

I t = K 1 X l =1 h l x t l (3.3)

Wede netheerror-correctingcodeCinageneralsense,seeingitasatime-variantMarkovian

process. The coded symbolsx


are then relatedto the incomingbinary sequence by a

time-variant relationshipof the form

x t = (u t ;u t 1;; u t L ); (3.4)


taking into account encoding and bit mapping operations, where L t

is the instantaneous

code constraintlengthattimet. Inthegeneralcase,forboth blockandconvolutionalcodes,

the coded sequences produced by C can be described by an irregular trellis T(V;E;#) of

rankN whereV andE respectivelydenotethe vertex andedgespaces and# theset ofedge

multivaluations. We alsointroduce V


and E


the vertex and edge subspaces at time index

t of complexitiesjV


j and jE


j. Withthose notations, we have

jVj= N X t=1 jV t j jEj= N X t=1 jE t j W = max 0tN jV t j: (3.5)

For time-invariant Markovian processes, such as convolutional codes, or linear cyclic block

codes, the (regular) trelliscan be brought back toa single section.

The PDFD evaluates the ML metric

= N X t=1 y t h 0 x t b I t 2 ; (3.6)

on the full C trellis, where

b I


is the estimated ISI evaluated, as in the DFE, by the use of

a traceback array of size in O(jVj) that saves the path leading to a given survivor [126] at

every time t<N. A pathisasuccession of edges,eachone carryingthe input bit#



t ,

the output producedsymbol#




, and the departure and arrivalvertices.

The novelty in the proposed algorithmconsists in combining classical PDFD and GVA,

thus keeping at each vertex the S best incoming paths instead of a single one, and storing

them ina generalized traceback array of size in O(SjVj).




denote a vertex of label i, 0  i  jV


j 1, at time t, 0  t  N, and e

t 1;t

i !j


edge associated with transition 

t 1 i !  t j . Let also M k ( t i

) be the accumulated vertex

metric (or path metric) at terminationvertex 



of the survivor of rank k; 0k S 1 .

Wede ne  k (e t 1;t i !j )= y t h 0 x t d I (k) t 2 (3.7)

the edge metric for the transition e

t 1;t

i !j

associated with the k


survivor stored at time

t 1 .

The so-called Generalized Parallel Decision-Feedback Decoder (GPDFD) can be

recur-sivelydescribed as follows

Generalized Joint Equalizer and Decoder (GPDFD)

 Initialization step: Attime t


, initializeallthe pathmetrics toin nity except M

0 (


0 )


 1) Path extension step: Go through the trellis section at time t and compute, for all



j possible extended paths,the new candidate pathmetrics

M  ( t j )=M k ( t 1 i )+ k (e t 1;t i !j ); i2V t 1 ;j 2V t ;k2[ 0;S 1]; (3.8)

using the generalized traceback array .

 2)Pathselectionstep: ClassifythecandidatepathmetricsM

 ( t j )ateachvertexj 2V t

and keep the S best ones. Simultaneously update the section t 1 of the generalized

traceback array .

 3) Final step: Go up the best path from the nal all-zero state using the complete

ful lled . Read the input bits fromthe stored edges among the path.

It is to be underlined that the GPDFD comes down to the PDFD algorithmin the case of

S=1. Simulation results, hereafter, always include that simple case in order to enable the

comparison of this two algorithms.

3.3 Applications

3.3.1 Application 1: Cyclic block codes, joint equalization and

decoding on various full code trellises

Inthissection,weshowthattheproposedreceiveralsoworksforblockencodedsignals. The

TCM code trellis used by the GPDFD can be designed in several ways. The rst way aims

at optimizing the receiver decoding complexity, which is in O(jEj). The problem consists

in searching eÆcient time axis orderings, leading to reduced trellises. Optimal minimal

Kschichang-Sorokine(KS) trelliseshave been found viasimulated annealing basedheuristic

[70],[18]. The code is used in its systematic form for encoding step, but codewords are

permutedaccordingtooptimalexhibitedorderings, beforeBPSKmappingand transmission

over ISI channel.

The second approach aims at introducing a natural QPSK mapping, as done in

appli-cation 3.3.3. The receiver is then applied on sectionalized trellises. By sectionalization, we

mean the choice of a symbol alphabet at each time index. For a given code of time axis

 , the sectionalization e ectively shrinks  at the expense of increasing the code alphabet

and thetrellis vertices out-degrees. Forexample, binaryextended Hammingcodes of length

n = 2n


can be thought as quaternary codes of length n


by grouping pairs of consecutive

coded bitstogether. Suchanoperationsubstantiallya ectthe edgeand vertex complexities



encoded signals by means of tail-biting trellises. Some results are presented in [32], where

it is shown that unwrapping a tail-biting representation of a good block code, such as the

extended Golaycode, can produce agoodconvolutionalcode.

We nally focus on a fourth approach and investigate the performance of the GPDFD

when appliedon the regulartrellis of any binary polynomialblock code of generators

g(x)= n k X i=0 g i x i (3.9)

Such a trellis is directly designed using the shift register which would perform the

non-systematic polynomial encoding operation. As explained in [115], a systematic encoding

must be realizedforthe purpose of optimizingthe nal BERon messagebits. Atreception,

the GPDFD is applied onto the regular trellis associated with the non-systematic code

version. A convolution between the non-systematic decoded message sequence

b u 0

(x) and

g(x) isperformed for recovering the nal decoded messageu(x)b which consists ofthe k last

symbolsoftheproducedcodeword. Bywayofanillustration,Fig. 3.2showstheperformance

in terms of BER of the GPDFD used for decoding a TCM made of an expurgated binary

BCH code (31;25;dmin = 4) mapped onto a simple BPSK constellation and transmitted

through the worst static 6-taps ISI channel [92]

H(z)=0:23+0:42z 1 +0:52z 2 +0:52z 3 +0:42z 4 +0:23z 5 (3.10)

whose ISI theoretical loss is 7 dB . The regular code trellis section has an overall state

complexity of


31 25

=64: (3.11)



by convolutionalTCM presented in section3.3.3. We alsoobserve that errorpropagation is

completelyeliminated for S=2.

3.3.2 Application 2: cyclic block codes, joint equalization and

de-coding on reduced code trellises

In this second application, we employ the GPDFD to decode more powerful binary BCH

codes. Even reduced by eÆcient time axis orderings, trellises of such codes are usually


Algorithm 1:

This algorithm is inspired by a procedure, rst described in [80]. Let C be an expurgated

t-correcting binary BCH code of primitive length n , of designed distance Æ = 2t+2 and

generator polynome g(x)=(1+x)m (x) | {z } e g(x) ( t Y j=2 m i j (x) ) | {z } g(x) (3.12) where m

(x) is the primitive minimalpolynome corresponding to the primitive n



unity . Finally,we alsointroduce the check polynome of C

h(x)= (x n 1) g(x) (3.13)

LetT bethe optimalminimaltrellisofC . Afather code


C ofC isacode whichcontainsall

codewords of C. Typically, expurgated Hamming codes are father codes of more powerful

expurgated BCH codes of same length. Let


T be the trellis of


C directly constructed from

the generator polynome ge(x). Such a trellis, even in its regular non-reduced form, is far

smallerthan T. Atemission,weencode the messagesequence u(x)systematicallyusingthe

generator polynome g(x). Let


n k



(x)g(x) (3.14)

be the produced systematiccodeword where r(x) is equal to u(x)x

n k

modulo g(x). Given

the received word, the GPDFD performs joint equalization and decoding, working on the

regular trellissection


T,and producesin parallela listof the S best messagesequences

b e u 0 1 (x); b e u 0 2 (x); ; c f u 0 S (x); (3.15)

whichall are under the form

b e u 0 i = b u 0 i (x)g(x); (3.16)

and whichwould generate the best father codewords

b e c 1 (x); b e c 2 (x); ; b e c S (x); (3.17)

naturallyclassi edwith respect toanincreasingpath metricorder. Toexplicitlyobtainthe

list b e c 1 (x); b e c 2 (x);; b e c S

(x), each estimated message sequence

b e u 0 i is re-encoded by a simple

convolution with eg(x). A simple syndromecomputationis sequentially performedusing the

checkpolynomeh(x)oneachofthecandidatefathercodewords. The naldecisiondelivered

by algorithm 1 isthe messagesequence u(x)b corresponding tothe rst candidate codeword

in the list,for which



Figure 2.2: F resnel coeÆcient for vertical and horizontal polarization for cement.
Figure 2.3: Multipath diversity gain and antenna diversity gain. Example of GSM system
Figure 2.5: Spatial diversity gain vs. envelope correlation in GSM, for various channels [36].
Figure 2.7: Spatial diversity gain vs. envelope correlation in IS-95 for various channels [36].


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