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Acyltransferase activities of the high-molecular-mass essential penicillin-binding proteins


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Biochem.J.(1991)279, 601-604 (Printed inGreat Britain)

Acyltransferase activities







Maggy ADAM,* Christian DAMBLON,* MarcJAMIN,* Willy ZORZI,* Vincent DUSART,* Moreno GALLENI,* Aboubaker EL KHARROUBI,* Graziella PIRAS,* Brian G. SPRATT,t Wolfgang KECK,t Jacques COYETTE,* Jean-Marie GHUYSEN,* Martine NGUYEN-DISTECHE* and Jean-Marie FRERE*§

*Centred'Ingenierie des Proteines etLaboratoire d'Enzymologie, UniversitedeLiege, Institut de Chimie, B6, B-4000 Sart Tilman

(Liege 1), Belgium, tSchool of Biological Sciences, University ofSussex, Biology Building, Falmer, Brighton BNI 9QG, U.K., and tChemische Laboratoria, Universiteit Groningen, Nijenborgh 16, NL-9747 AGGroningen, The Netherlands

The high-molecular-mass penicillin-binding proteins (HMM-PBPs), present in the cytoplasmic membranes of all

eubacteria, areinvolvedinimportant physiological eventssuchascellelongation, septationorshape determination. Up

tonowithas, however, beenverydifficultorimpossibletostudy thecatalytic properties of theHMM-PBPsinvitro.With

simple substrates,wecould demonstrate that several of these proteins could catalysethe hydrolysis ofsomethioestersor the transfer of their acyl moietyonthe aminogroupofasuitableacceptornucleophile. Many of the acyl-donor substrates

werehippuric acidorbenzoyl-D-alanine derivatives, and their spectroscopic propertiesenabledadirect monitoring of the

enzymic reaction. Intheirpresence, the binding of radioactive penicillinto thePBPswas also inhibited.


The cytoplasmic membranes of bacteria contain multiple penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) whose molecular-mass values

range between 25 and 120 kDa. In most species, the

low-molecular-mass (LMM) PBPs do not seem to play a major

physiological role and behave in vitro mainly as

D-alanyl-D-alaninecarboxypeptidases (Frere & Joris, 1985). The only known exceptionis the27 kDa PBPof Streptomyces K15, which exhibits

astrictDD-transpeptidase activity withsmall synthetic peptides

andestersandseemstobealethaltargetfor /3-lactamantibiotics

(Nguyen-Distecheetal., 1986).Thehigh-molecular-mass(HMM) PBPs (molecular mass>50kDa) appear to be of prime

im-portanceinphysiologicaleventssuchascellelongation, septation orshapedetermination,and theirinactivationby8-lactams leads tothe appearance of aberrantmorphologies and, ultimately,to

celldeath(Spratt, 1975, 1977; Spratt&Pardee, 1975). Different studies indicate that those HMM-PBPsaremade oftwodistinct domains. Penicillin binds to the C-terminal domain, which is


1991). The N-terminal domain contains the membrane anchor

andisresponsiblefor thetransglycosylase activityof Escherichia

coli PBPlb during the synthesis ofcross-linked peptidoglycan

from the lipid-intermediate-linked disaccharide peptide (Suzuki

etal., 1980;Tamuraetal., 1980; Matsuhashiet al., 1981). The

situation with the other HMM-PBPsis less clearand,even with

PBPlb, the experimental system is so complicated that it

pre-cludes any meaningful kinetic analysis ofthe transpeptidation


Thus,uptonow,nosimplesystemcomparabletothat utilized

with the LMMDD-carboxypeptidaseswasavailablefor assays in

vitro of the HMM-PBPs.

Wehaverecentlydescribedthesynthesisofestersand thioesters

whichcanbehydrolysed byvarious,3-lactamasesand LMM

DD-peptidases (Adam et al., 1990). When suitable a-amino or

hydroxyacids of theDserieswereincludedinthe assaymixtures,

transpeptidation and transesterification reactionswereobserved

(Jamin et al., 1991). Moreover, the spectroscopic properties of

these substrates were such that a direct spectrophotometric

monitoring of the reactionscould beperformed (De Meester et

al., 1987;Adametal., 1990),whichyielded aneasymethod for

assayingpossible transpeptidation activities of HMM-PBPs.

Herewe show that various HMM-PBPscatalysethe transfer

of the acyl moiety ofsome of these substrates on to suitable acceptornucleophilesandthat thesamecompounds successfully

inhibit thebinding ofbenzylpenicillinto theseproteins.



The structures of the substrates are given in Fig. 1. The

synthesisofcompoundsSId, S2a, S2b, S2c and S3dwasdescribed

previously (Adametal., 1990). Benzoyl-D-alaninewasobtained

by adding0.95equiv.ofbenzoylchloride indry tetrahydrofuran

to 1 equiv. ofD-alanine inwater. The pH wasmaintainedat 10 throughout the reaction. The product was precipitated by

acidification topH3.0. Couplingwith mercaptoacetic acid was

performed as described (Adam et al., 1990) for substrate S2a,

and theproductwas purified by reverse-phase h.p.l.c. ona C18

columnusinga0.10% trifluoroacetic acid(in water)/acetonitrile

gradient.SubstrateS2ewassimilarlyobtainedby usingthiolactic

acidinstead ofmercaptoacetic acid. HMM-PBPs

We used soluble forms of HMM-PBPs obtained by genetic engineering orbyproteolysisof themembranes. Escherichiacoli

PBP3pwas asoluble derivative(60 kDa) ofPBP3,wherethe 36

N-terminal residues of theprecursor(63 kDa)have beenreplaced

by the ompA signal peptide. Theprotein was secretedinto the

periplasm. SDS/PAGEofpurifiedlabelledPBP3palsoyieldeda

band of lower molecularmass(37 kDa). Thiswasprobablydue to the presence ofa nick in a small proportion (15%) ofthe

nativeprotein,since thetwonative forms couldnotbeseparated

on the basis of their sizesand exhibited the same sensitivity to

penicillins (M. Adam, C.Piron-Fraipont & M. Nguyen-Disteche,unpublished work). Streptococcus pneumoniaePBP2Bc

Abbreviations used: HMM(LMM)-PBP(s), high-molecular-mass (low-molecular-mass) penicillin-binding protein(s). §Towhomcorrespondence shouldbesent.

Vol. 279


M.Adam and others




(D) (D) Substrate X R R Sld S2a S2c S2d S2e S2b 0 S S S S -H -H -H -CH3 -CH3 -C6H5 -H -CH3 -H -CH3 1.20-; 1.15- 1.10-7LCH=CH-CO-N H-CH2-C0-S-CH2-CO0-a\ b (a) tC 0 10 20 30 Time(min) 0 S3d S-N-S-NH-CH2-CO-S-CH2-COO-Fig. 1.Structuresof theestersandthioesters

was acytoplasmic soluble derivative (70 kDa) in which the 39 N-terminal residues oftheprecursor(77 kDa) have been replaced

bythe Met-Serdipeptide(W.Keck & B. G. Spratt, unpublished work). Enterococcus hirae t-PBPld and t-PBP3s (58 kDa) were

soluble fragments respectively of PBP1 (120kDa)and ofPBP3s (77kDa) obtained by trypsin digestion of Triton extracts of cytoplasmic membrane preparations (Pirasetal., 1990). Kinetic data

Spectrophotometric measurements were performed with a

Uvikon 860spectrophotometer coupledtoamicrocomputervia a RS232 interface (De Meesteret al., 1987). Inmost cases the

time courses remained first-order, and the



deduced fromadirectanalysisof thecurves.Whenseparate kcat

and Km values could be obtained, they were computed from

initial-rate measurements and fitting of those data to the

Henri-Michaelis equation with the help of the ENZFITTER

program (Leatherbarrow, 1987). Addition of D-alanine or

D-phenylalanine to the reaction mixture sometimes increased the

rate ofdisappearance ofthe thioester substrate, thus allowing

the computation of an acceleration factor under initial-rate


The ratio oftranspeptidation to hydrolysis (T/H)was

deter-mined after separation of theexcesssubstrate and theproducts

by h.p.l.c. using an ET250/8/4 Nucleosil-5C18 column

(Macherey-Nagel). Thechromatography was done as follows:

eluent A was a 10mm aqueous solution of sodium acetate

adjusted topH3.0 withHC1, andeluent Bwasacetonitrile.The

elution rate was 1 ml- min-' and detection was performed at

235nm.The standardhydrolysis productwasauthentic

benzoyl-D-alanine. The standard transpeptidation productwas obtained

by a transpeptidation reaction catalysed by the Streptomyces

R61 DD-peptidase using substrate S2d as donor and 10

mM-D-alanine asacceptor (Jaminetal., 1991).


Fig. 2(a)shows the timecourseof the utilization of substrate

S2dbyt-PBP3sof Ent. hirae. Thereactionwasstartedbyadding

the enzyme to a 1 mm solution of the substrate. After a few

minutes,D-alaninewasadded,which resultedinadistinct increase

intherateofdisappearanceof the thioester.Finally,the addition

ofbenzylpenicillin rapidlyandcompletelyinhibited the reaction.

Thetranspeptidation productwasquantifiedbyh.p.l.c. (Fig. 2b).

Similar resultsobtained with the otherPBPsare summarized in

Table 1. In allcases,thepresenceof thetranspeptidation product

0 4 8




Fig. 2. Interaction betweensubstrateS2dandtheEnt. hirae t-PBP3s (a) Timecourse (37° C) of the disappearance of the substrate. At

zerotime (a), theenzyme(4 pmol)wasaddedtoa 1mmsolution of

substrate in 475 ,ul of 10 mM-sodium phosphate,pH 7.0.After11min

(b), D-alanine wasadded atafinal concentration of 100 mm (the

discontinuity is attributabletothedilution bytheD-alaninesolution). The reactionwasfinally stopped(c)byaddition of 0.3

mM-benzyl-penicillin. This demonstrated that the observed hydrolysis of the substratewas notanon-specific general basecatalysis dueto the variousbases (histidine and lysine residues, for instance)presenton

the surface of the enzyme. The penicillin-binding site was thus

specifically involved in the observed phenomena. The slow ab-sorbance decrease (0.5x10-3A min-') recordedafter the addition ofbenzylpenicillin wasdueto spontaneoushydrolysisof the donor substrate andwasmuch lower than that duetotheenzymein the

absence (2.6x10-3A-min-') and the presence (3.8x10-3A *min-')

of D-alanine. The reaction could also be inhibited by a 10min

preincubation of theenzymewith5,aM-cefotaxime,aspecificreagent ofPBP3s(Coyetteetal., 1983). (b) H.p.l.c. separation of substrate (S) andhydrolysis (H) and transpeptidation (T) products.The reaction mixture contained 25 mM-D-alanine, 1mM-S2d and 20 pmol of

enzyme in 5001u1 of 10mM-sodium phosphate, pH 7.0, and was

incubatedat37° C for 15 min. A20,ulaliquotwasinjected into the

column.The retention timeswere: transpeptidationproduct

(benz-oyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine), 6.1 min; hydrolysis product (benzoyl-D-alanine), 7.0min; substrate S2d, 13.5 min.

wasdemonstrated by h.p.l.c. Most strikingly, withE.coliPBP3p,

thehydrolysisreactionwasnearly completely replaced by

trans-peptidationin thepresence ofonly 5 mM-D-alanine.

Assuming that theinteraction between the thioesters and the PBPsoccursaccordingtoamechanism involving the formation

ofanacyl-enzyme,similartothatobserved with theStreptomyces R61 DD-peptidase (Jamin et al., 1991), the discussion of the presentdatacanbe based onasimple partitioning model where

the acyl-enzyme,


can undergo

either hydrolysis or aminolysis by the acceptor. When

acyl-enzyme accumulates at the steady state, the presence of the acceptor accelerates therateof thioester utilization. Thisoccurs

with the Ent. hirae PBPs and E. coliPBP3pwithsubstrate S2a.

The absence of acceleration observed in the cases of the S.

pneumoniae PBP and of E. coliPBP3pwith substrate S2dcanbe most simply explained if no acyl-enzyme accumulates at the

steadystate. However,that simplemodel also predictsthat the

aminolysistohydrolysisratio(T/H)should remainproportional




Acyltransferase activities of penicillin-binding proteins

Table 1. Kinetic characteristics of the hydrolysis and transfer reactions catalysed by HMM-PBPs

Abbreviation used: ND, not done. In all cases, the data were corrected for a small amount ofspontaneous hydrolysis ofthesubstrate.

Hydrolysis (H) Transpeptidation (T)



kcat. Km Donor Acceptor Acceleration

PBP substrate (M-1.s-1) (s1') (mM) substrate substrate factor T/H


Ent.hirae t-PBP3s S2a < 20 S2d(1mM) 10 mM 1.25 0.42

S2d 3200* 6t 1.8t 50mM 1.8 1.4

100mM 1.9 2.2

S2e 3900* ND > 2 D-Phenylalanine (3mM) 2.2 ND

S2e(0.25mM) D-Alanine (10mM) ND 1.5

Ent.hirae t-PBPld S2d 1600t ND > 1 S2d (1 mM) D-Alanine(50mM) 2.2 0.67


Strep.pneumoniae PBP2Bc S2a <20 - S2d (1 mM) 10mm 1.0 0.24

S2d 300 ND > 1 S2e (0.25mM) 10mM 1.0 0.95

S2e 1100 ND >2


E. coli PBP3p S2d


0.25t 3t S2d (1.2 mM) 5 mM 1.0 > 5

S2a(1.2mM) 10mM 3.0 ND * Based on afirst-orderanalysis of a complete time course at[S]4


t Basedoninitial-ratemeasurementsand for


andKmfittingof the valuestotheHenri-Michaelis equation. Ratioof theindividualkcat andKmvalues.

mass (kDa) 60-_ lo (a) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (b) Molecular mass 123 (kDa) 72-*" 9 10 11 (c) Molecular 1 2 3 mass (kDa) _ '- 57.5

Fig. 3. Inhibition of the penicillin labelling of PBPs by the thioester substrates

(a) E. coli PBP3p. Tracks 1-8. Labellingwas performed by

incu-bating the purified PBP3p (2.5 pmol) with 1

,uM-benzyl-[35S]penicillin (1 mCi/,umol) for 1 minat37° Cin 15


of10 mM-sodiumphosphate, pH 7.0, containing 250 mM-NaCl. Underthose

conditions, thePBPwas50 %saturated.Separation by SDS/PAGE andfluorographywereperformedasdescribedby Bartholome-De

Belderetal. (1988). The fluorogram wasexposed for5days. The various samples were first incubated for 2min at 37° C with

substrates K2a andS2band for 10 min with substrateS2d.Track1,

nosubstrate (reference);track 2, 20mM-S2a; track 3,20mM-S2a and 100mM-D-alanine; track 4, 10mM-S2a; track 5, 20mM-S2b;

track6,20mM-S2b+ 100mM-D-alanine;track 7,10mM-S2b;track 8, 5mM-S2b. Tracks 9-11, the experiment wasperformed as

de-scribedabove, but[3H]benzylpenicillin (10 mCi/,umol)wasused and the fluorograms were exposed for 3days. Track 9, no substrate;

track 10, 10mM-S2d; track 11, 10mM-S2d+ 50mM-D-alanine. (b)


wasincubated with51sM-[3H]benzylpenicillinat4° Cfor 10 minin

15,1 of 10mM-sodium phosphate, pH7.0. The various samples

werefirstincubated for2 minat37° Cwith thefollowingadditions: track 1, no substrate; track 2, 20mM-S2d; track 3, 20

mM-to the accepmM-tor concentration (Frere, 1973) and thatwas notthe

casewithEnt. hirae PBP3s. Theperforming of rigorouskinetic

studies, necessary to propose a valid model for the reaction

pathway,will bepossiblethanks tothe simplesubstrate system

described here.

It was also verified that the various substrates were able to inhibit the binding of radioactive benzylpenicillin to the PBPs.

Such an inhibition, illustrated by Fig. 3, was consistently ob-served. Substrates S2c andS3dataconcentration of 20 mm also interfered with acylation ofE. coli PBP3p by benzylpenicillin


In several cases, this inhibition was partly suppressed by the presenceofthe acceptor. Strikingly, the acceptor did not increase the labelling of the PBP by penicillin when it also did not accelerate the utilization ofthe donor, i.e. in the systems S. pneumoniae PBP2Bc + S2d and E. coli PBP3p + S2d. The

experiments performed with E. coli PBP3p were particularly interesting in that respect: with substrate S2a, D-alanine partially restored acylation by benzylpenicillin (Fig. 3a, tracks 2 and 3) andincreasedtherateof donor utilization(Table1).Conversely,

with substrate R2d, neither acceleration nor restoration of labellingwereobserved (Fig.3a, tracks 10and I ; and Table 1). These results can also be explained on the basis of the simple

model which implies that an acceleration of donor utilization induces a decrease in the steady-state level of



consequence, more free enzyme is available for reacting with


S2d+ 50mM-D-alanine.(c)Ent.hirae t-PBP3s. Thepurifiedt-PBP3s

(2.5 pmol) was incubated for 2 min at 37° C with 0.2

M-[3H]-benzylpenicillinin 151u1of 10mM-sodium phosphate, pH7.0. The

variousPBPsamples werefirstincubated for 15 minat37° Cwith thefollowing additions: track1,noaddition (this yieldedlessthan

50% of saturation of the PBP); track 2, 6.6mM-S2d; track 3,

6.6mM-S2dand 100mM-D-alanine.

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604 M. Adam and others

Finally,substrate S2dwasfoundtobe utilized in the presence

of50 mM-D-alanineby tryptic fragmentsof the HMM penicillin-resistant PBPs 5 and 3r ofEnt. hirae (Jacquesetal., 1988;Piras et al., 1990), but the reactions were very slow (preliminary

determinations of the


ratios yielded values of 10-40M-1


In conclusion, the simple substrate systems that we describe here allow us to demonstrate, for the first time, the catalytic activitiesof several HMM PBPs. Theywill beinvaluablewhen onewishes toperformrigorous analyses of the kinetic properties of these proteins and to build models accounting for these properties. We believe that the introduction of such substrates willalso greatly facilitate thestudy ofmutant enzymesobtained

by proteinengineeringordiscoveredinpenicillin-resistantstrains. They represent a significant breakthrough in the study ofthe mechanism of action of



This work was supported in part by the Belgian programme on Inter-University Poles of Attraction initiated by the Belgian State Prime Minister's Office, Science Policy Programming (PAI no. 19), Actions concertees with the Belgian Government (conventions 86/91-90 and 89/94-130), the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Medicale (contract no. 3.4537.88), and a Convention tripartite between the Region Wallonne, SmithKline Beecham (U.K.) and the University of Liege. M. J. and C.D. areResearch Fellows of the Institut pour l'Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique dans l'Industrie et l'Agriculture (IRSIA), Brussels; M.G. isCharge de Recherches of the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS), Brussels.


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Received 2 June 1991/12 August 1991; accepted 17 August 1991


Fig. 1. Structures of the esters and thioesters
Table 1. Kinetic characteristics of the hydrolysis and transfer reactions catalysed by HMM-PBPs


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