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Wave Function Based Electron Correlation Methods for Solids

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2.4 Models and approximations for solids

2.4.3 Wave Function Based Electron Correlation Methods for Solids

Attempts have been made to extend the higher correlated methods based on the wave function expansion to solid state treatment. The infinite extension of solids implies that only size-extensive methods can be applied to study these systems. Periodic second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) provides an electron-correlation method with accuracy unachievable by DFT with the standard LDA, GGA and meta-GGA functionals for many systems. Efficient periodic MP2 algorithms have been developed [132–137]. Gen-eralized from the molecular formulation, atomic-orbital Laplace-transformed MP2 method (AO-LT-MP2) [138] permits calculating the MP2 correlation energy for extended systems using occupied and virtual space spanned by Bloch functions. Another choice is to use canonical orbitals expanded in plane waves. This periodic approach is called plane wave based canonical MP2 [139, 140] which has led to the periodic canonical coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) [141]. As a local correlation method [142–146], periodic local MP2 [147, 148] exploits the local character of dynamical electron correlation hole and gives the total electron correlation energy as a sum of contributions from a truncated list of orbital pairs. In this method, the occupied space is spanned by orthonormal localized crystalline orbitals (Wannier functions) generated from the occupied canonical orbitals by unitary transformation. For the virtual space, LMP2 employs mutually nonorthogonal orbitals obtained from the atomic orbital basis by projecting out the occupied space (pro-jected AOs). Truncation of the virtual space is important to reduce the computational costs, where the excitations from an orbital pair are restricted to the PAOs centered in the vicinity of either of the two occupied orbitals. This approximation is known to reduce the basis set superposition error (BSSE) [149]. To improve the performance further, LMP2

can be combined with density fitting techniques [150].

Periodic MP2 methods are, in general, very expensive when applied to systems with medium-sized unit cell. But the recent development of parallel implementations [151, 152]

opens the possibility of applications dealing with molecular crystals of chemical interest.

These methods are limited to the treatment of non-conducting crystals (limitation of the MP2 method itself). For Gaussian orbital based periodic MP2, large and especially diffuse basis sets frequently cause linear dependence problems in the periodic Hartree-Fock calculations that precede the MP2 calculations. But the use of diffuse basis sets is mandatory in many cases for the convergence of MP2 energies. Dual-basis set scheme is one way to overcome this difficulty, where a smaller basis set is used for the HF calculations and then additional basis functions can be allocated in the MP2 correlation calculations.


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Chapter 3

A multiconfigurational hybrid density-functional theory

This chapter, written in collaboration with A. Savin, H. J. Aa. Jensen and J. Toulouse, has been published in Journal of Chemical Physics [J. Chem. Phys. 137, 044104 (2012)].

3.1 Abstract

We propose a multiconfigurational hybrid density-functional theory which rigorously com-bines a multiconfiguration self-consistent-field calculation with a density-functional ap-proximation based on a linear decomposition of the electron-electron interaction. This gives a straightforward extension of the usual hybrid approximations by essentially adding a fractionλof exact static correlation in addition to the fractionλof exact exchange. Test calculations on the cycloaddition reactions of ozone with ethylene or acetylene and the dissociation of diatomic molecules with the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) and Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (BLYP) density functionals show that a good value of λ is 0.25, as in the usual hybrid approximations. The results suggest that the proposed multiconfigura-tional hybrid approximations can improve over usual density-funcmulticonfigura-tional calculations for situations with strong static correlation effects.

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