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Hartree-Fock equations

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2.2 Hartree-Fock and post Hartree-Fock approximations

2.2.2 Hartree-Fock equations

The orbitals that define the Slater determinant wave function have to be determined. We therefore apply the Variational Principle to (2.22), assuming that the orbitals leading to the lowest energy are the best in a general sense. According to the differential calculus, we change the orbitals by a small (infinitesimal) amount, φi ⇒ φi +δφi. This leads to a change in the total wave function Φ ⇒ Φ +δΦ, as well as in the energy expression.

To apply the Variational Principle to (2.22), we define the Coulomb and the exchange operators for an orbitalφi by their action on any arbitrary one-electron function φj

iφj(x2) = Z

The Coulomb operator simply multiplies the test function by the electrostatic potential arising from the orbital φi, so it is just an ordinary local multiplicative operator. By contrast, the exchange operator is nonlocal, and produces a function which is the product of φi with an electrostatic potential. This potential is determined by the differential overlap of the test function with the orbital φi.

Then, we rewrite (2.22) using a symmetric double summation for the Coulomb and the exchange operators which yields a factor 1/2 in front of them (the Coulomb ”self-interaction”Jii is exactly canceled by the corresponding ”exchange” element Kii)

EHF = In the minimization of (2.28), the constraint that the spin orbitals remain orthonor-mal (2.12) needs to be enforced. A convenient way to do this is using the method of Lagrange multipliers. The Lagrangian whereλij are the Lagrange multipliers, is stationary with respect to a small change in the spin orbital After allowing the spin orbital variation δφ in each orbital of (2.28), we find that the energy variation is given by variation of the expectation value of a single operator

δEHF =




(hδφi|Fˆiii − hφi|Fˆi|δφii), (2.31) where ˆFi ≡ Fˆ is the F ock Operator which is identical for all electrons and so we may drop the indexi

This operator is associated with the variation of the energy, not the energy itself. The variation of the Lagrangian (2.30) reduces to

δLHF =

wherec.c.denotes the complex conjugate. The equation (2.33) is only possible if the term in the squared bracket is zero; therefore,

Fˆ|φii =




λijji, (2.34)

where j runs over occupied spin orbitals. The λij form a hermitian matrix since ˆF is hermitian. This equation can be simplified under a unitary transformation which leaves the wave function Φ unchanged and makes the Lagrange multipliers diagonal, i.e. λij = 0 and λiii. We then get the canonical Hartree-F ock equations

Fˆ|φii = ǫiii, (2.35) which are satisfied by the spin orbitals that minimize the energy. The corresponding orbitals are the canonical Hartree-Fock orbitals, and the eigenvalues ǫi are known as orbital energies. We note that EHF 6=P

iǫi. Actually, In the HF theory, the molecular orbital describes the “motion” of one electron in the electric field generated by the nuclei and some average distribution of the other electrons.

In a mathematical context, this method can be thought of as a procedure for obtain-ing the best possible one-electron orbitals of a many-electron system. Furthermore, the expectation value of single-particle operators within this approximation are correct to second order. Therefore, Hartree-Fock theory provides an accurate and meaningful first approximation to the exact wave function. Restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock

Since the spin-free Hamiltonian of a system of electrons commutes with the total spin operators ˆS2 and ˆSz, an eigenfunction of the former should also be eigenfunction of the latter. In other words, the exact wave function for a many-electron system, which is an eigenfunction of a spin-free Hamiltonian must be a pure spin state eigenfunction satisfying the relations

2Ψ = S(S+ 1)Ψ, (2.38)

zΨ = MsΨ. (2.39)

A Slater determinant made up from Nα orbitals of α spin and Nβ orbitals of β spin will always be an eigenfunction of the ˆSz operator with eigenvalueMs = 12(Nα−Nβ). The requirement (2.39) is therefore fulfilled whenever we use a determinant as our approximate N-electron wave function. However, the determinant is not necessarily an eigenfunction of ˆS2, and (2.38) may not be fulfilled.

The general case (2.11), where each electron can have different spatial orbitals, is known as Unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF). We may now introduce the substitutions (2.11) in the expressions for the energy and Fock operator, which yields the following spatial equation

αψiα(r) = ǫαiψiα(r), (2.40)


For the Fock operator, we must make a distinction depending on whether it operates on an α orbital or a β orbital (the operator ˆKjα only acts on the Nα electrons of spin α).

Equivalent equations exist for electrons of spinβ. The straightforward implementation of theα equations (2.40) and theβ equivalent ones is known asU nrestricted Hartree-F ock T heory, since there is no attempt to impose the constraint (2.38) on the wave function.

A simpler situation occurs when the electronic state under consideration is a spin singlet (S = Ms = 0, spin multiplicity=1), which necessarily requires an even number of electrons. The spin orbitals can be required to occur in pairs having the same spatial orbital

The determinant is then an eigenfunction of the operators ˆSzand ˆS2. The above ansatz (2.42) therefore ensures correct spin properties for a singlet wave function. The Restricted Hartree-F ock equations (2.43) are simpler to solve than the corresponding UHF ones.

Since the α and β orbitals have identical spatial parts, the two Fock operators must also be the same (2.44) in this closed shell theory and by only constructing one Fock operator, the work and the memory requirements are reduced.

There is a method for applying RHF equations to an open shell system known as Restricted Open Shell Hartree-Fock (ROHF). In ROHF, the paired electrons are re-stricted to have the same spatial orbital as in RHF and the unpaired electrons are treated with different spatial orbitals as in UHF. Such a determinant is an eigenfunction of ˆSz

and ˆS2 withS =Ms= n2o, whereno is the number of the singly occupied spatial orbitals. Solution of the restricted Hartree-Fock equations

The resulting integro-differential equations from the Hartree-Fock approximation can be solved numerically, but in general they are still too complicated to be solved exactly, and further approximations are needed. Roothann [5] made the HF approximation more prac-tical for numerical solutions by using the basis set expansion approach,i.e.the technique of expanding a spatial molecular orbital (MO) ψi(r) as a Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) χp(r)

where Nbasis is an integer (the number of basis functions) larger, in most cases, than the number of electronsN in the system. This transforms the RHF or UHF equations, which are coupled integro-differential equations, to a set of algebraic ones. Within the LCAO scheme we have to minimize the energy with respect to the coefficients Cνi which specify the MOs. Inserting this expansion into the HF equations (2.43) and multiplying by hχµ| leads to Introducing the overlap matrix S with elements

Sµν = hχµνi ≡ hµ|νi, (2.47) and the Fock matrix Fwith elements

Fµν = hχµ|Fˆ|χνi ≡ hµ|Fˆ|νi. (2.48) Writing (2.46) as a matrix equation yields the Roothann equations

FC = SCE, (2.49)

where E is a diagonal matrix of orbital energies, Eijiδij, and C is the matrix of the LCAO expansion coefficients. In order to determine the MOsψi, we need the Fock matrix element Fµν which can be expressed as:

Fµν = Hµνcore+X and we have introduced the density matrix

Pµν = 2

In (2.50), we introduced the physicists’ notation of the two-electron integral hχµχλνχσi ≡ hµλ|νσi =


χµ(r1λ(r2) 1 r12

χν(r1σ(r2)dr1dr2. (2.53) The total electronic HF energy of the system, in the AO basis, is

EHF = The Self-Consistent Field (SCF) is a method to solve the Roothaan equation (2.49) which is a generalized matrix eigenvalue equation. It is convenient to bring it on a con-ventional matrix eigenvalue form,i.e., without the matrixS. This can be achieved if we

express the orbitals in an orthonormal basis. We introduce the matrix U such that the AOs are orthonormal through the following transformation

USU = I, (2.55)

whereUis the adjoint matrix ofUandIis the identity matrix. In a SCF calculation, the matrix U can be taken equal toS−1/2. As long as the transformationU is non-singular, we can write (2.49) as

(UFU)(U−1C) = (USU)(U−1C)E, (2.56) which is of the form

FC = CE, (2.57)



C = UC, (2.58)

The solution of (2.57) is obtained by diagonalizing the matrix F. However, this matrix depends on the elements of the matrixC. We can therefore make a guess of a set of orbitals in order to get the process started. With these orbitals we can now construct an approximate Fock operator which can then be diagonalized to obtain a new set of orbitals. These orbitals replace the old ones in constructing a new Fock operator, and so on. The procedure is repeated until the change in the density matrix or the total energy between one iteration and the next is below a certain given threshold. When the orbitals satisfy (2.35), they represent the self-consistent solution. This approach is referred to as the Self-Consistent Field method.

The purpose with the above scheme is to determine the orbitals from which to construct a molecular wave function, and we thus need as many spin orbitals as there are electrons in the system. However, the number of solutions usually does not equal the number of electrons N, but rather the number of basis functionsNbasis used in the expansion (2.45).

In most cases Nbasis > N so one has to select a subset of solutions to the Hartree-Fock equations. Normally, the Auf bau P rinciple is used, where one can construct the ground (reference) state by filling the energetically lowest-lying orbitals withN electrons and ignoring the remaining orbitals. These eigenfunctions used in the Fock operator are termed the occupied orbitals, the remaining, unused eigenfunctions are referred to as virtual orbitals. Virtual orbitals are often used to construct wave functions for excited states or for correlation.

Dans le document The DART-Europe E-theses Portal (Page 35-40)