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Periodic local MP2

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4.5 Results and discussion

6.3.2 Periodic local MP2

We now briefly review the main equations of the periodic local MP2 method that we use and indicate the required modifications for implementing the one-parameter DH ap-proximations. The implementation of two-parameter DH approximations require obvious similar modifications.

The first-order perturbative correction to the HF wave function is written as

(1)i = 1

where Φabij are doubly excited determinants andTabij are the corresponding amplitudes. In this expression, the labels (i,j) refer to pairs of occupied Wannier functions (WFs) taken from a truncated list P, in which the first WF i is located in the reference unit cell and the second WFj is restricted within a given distance to the first WFi. The labels (a,b) refer to pairs of mutually non-orthogonal virtual projected atomic orbitals (PAOs) and the sum is restricted to the pair-domain [ij] of PAOs which are spatially close to at least one of the WFiorj. This truncation of the virtual space makes the LMP2 method scales linearly with the supercell size.

The double excitation amplitudes Tabij are obtained by solving the following system of linear equations [42, 68, 69]

where Kabij = (ia|jb) are the two-electron exchange integrals, Sdb is the overlap between PAOs, and Fik and Fdb are elements of the Fock matrix in WF and PAO basis, which is obtained by transformation of the Fock matrix in the atomic orbital (AO) basis

Fµν = hµν+Jµν+Kµν, (6.7)

where hµν, Jµν, and Kµν are the one-electron Hamiltonian, Coulomb, and exchange matrices, respectively. For closed-shell systems, Jµν = P

ρσPρσ(µν|σρ) and Kµν = (−1/2)P

ρσPρσ(µρ|σν) where Pρσ is the density matrix and (µν|σρ) are the two-electron integrals. In the local basis, the occupied-occupied and virtual-virtual blocks of the Fock matrix are not diagonal, which means that Eq. (6.6) has to be solved iteratively for the amplitudesTabij. When the convergence is reached, the LMP2 correlation energy per unit cell is given as For the one-parameter DH approximations, the Fock matrix of Eq. (6.7) is replaced by

Fµνhybrid = hµν+Jµν+λKµν+Vxc,µνλ , (6.9) with the scaled exchange matrixλKµν and the exchange-correlation potential matrixVxc,µνλ corresponding to the density functional used. Note that, because of self consistency, the density matrix Pρσ in Jµν and Kµν also depends on λ. This is essentially the only non-trivial modification to be made in the program. Indeed, one can see that using the scaled interaction λWˆee of Eq. (6.2) corresponds to scaling the two-electron exchange integrals, Kabij → λKabij , in Eq. (6.6), implying the scaling of the amplitudes Tabij → λTabij. Using Eq. (6.8), it means that we just need to scale the LMP2 correlation energy by λ2

EcLMP2→λ2EcLMP2, (6.10)

as it was already indicated in Eqs. (6.3) and (6.4).

There is an additional point to consider when using the dual-basis set scheme [70, 71].

The reliable description of the correlated wave functions needs the use of rather large basis sets and especially with diffuse functions when treating weakly bound systems. However, such basis sets may lead to linear-dependency problems in the periodic self-consistent-field calculation (SCF) that precedes the LMP2 step. The dual-basis set scheme helps overcome these difficulties by using a smaller basis for the SCF calculation and additional basis functions for the LMP2 calculation. In this scheme, Brillouin’s theorem does not apply in the LMP2 calculation and hence single excitations contribute to the LMP2 correlation energy

Ec,singlesLMP2 =X


FiaTai, (6.11)

where the single excitation amplitudes Tai are determined from Fia+X


FabTbi −X


FijTbiSba = 0, (6.12)

where the Fock matrix in these formulas are defined in the large basis set but built from density matrices in the small one (i.e., the indices µ and ν in Fµν run over the large basis set while the indices ρ and σ in Pρσ belong to the small one) [72]. For the case of the one-parameter DH approximations, since the two-electron integrals do not explicit appear in Eqs. (6.11) and (6.12), the evaluation of the single excitation contribution do not require other modifications than simply using the dual-basis version of the Fock matrix of Eq. (6.9) in Eqs. (6.11) and (6.12). We note, however, that because the one-parameter DH approximations are based on a nonlinear Rayleigh-Schr¨odinger perturbation theory [67, 73, 74], when Brillouin’s theorem does not apply, there is in principle an additional single-excitation contribution to the order correlation energy coming from the second-order functional derivative of the Hartree-exchange-correlation energy, but we neglect this additional contribution in this work.

6.4 Computational details

The one-parameter DS1DH and 1DH approximations using the BLYP, PBE, and PBEsol functionals, as well as the two-parameter DH approximations, B2-PLYP (ax = 0.53, ac = 0.27) [53], B2GP-PLYP (ax = 0.65, ac = 0.36) [63], and mPW2-PLYP (ax = 0.55, ac = 0.25) [61], have been implemented in a development version of the CRYSTAL09 [75] and CRYSCOR09 [45, 46] suite of programs. For the DS1DH approximations, the expressions of the density-scaled correlation energyEc[n1/λ] and the corresponding potential are given in the appendix of Ref. [58].

We study five molecular crystals: urea CO(NH2)2, formamide HCONH2, formic acid HCOOH, ammonia NH3 and carbon dioxide CO2. The experimental crystal structures were used [76–79]. The truncation tolerances of lattice sums for one- and two-electron integrals were set to 7 7 7 12 40 (TOLINTEG parameters [75]). A grid consisting of 75 radial points and up to 974 angular points was used in evaluating the exchange-correlation functional. The shrinking factors were set to 4 for the k points grid to sample the irre-ducible Brillouin zone. Each calculation is done in two steps: a periodic SCF hybrid calculation is first performed using CRYSTAL09, and then the periodic LMP2 correlation energy is calculated using CRYSCOR09 and added to the SCF energy after multiplica-tion by the proper scaling factor. For urea, formamide, and formic acid, we employ the polarized split-valence double-zeta Gaussian basis set 6-31G(d,p) [80] in the SCF calcu-lations [81]. This basis is then augmented by polarization functions with small exponents (dfunctions for C, N and O atoms, pfunctions for H atoms, taken from the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set [82]), and the resulting basis set is denoted by p-aug-6-31G(d,p) [52]. The virtual space of the extended basis set is employed in the subsequent LMP2 calculation. When we use this dual-basis set technique, the contribution of single excitations to the LMP2 correlation energy is evaluated and added. This contribution does not exceed 2% of the calculated lattice energy. In practice, the dual-basis matrices are obtained through a non-self-consistent SCF (GUESDUAL [75]) which uses the density matrix from a previous SCF run to allocate the additional basis functions. For ammonia and carbon dioxide, we use the p-aug-6-31G(d,p) basis set for both the SCF and LMP2 calculations. Core electrons are kept frozen in all LMP2 calculations. The occupied valence orbital space is spanned by the localized [83] symmetry-adapted [84] mutually orthogonal Wannier functions (WFs) supplied by the PROPERTIES module of CRYSTAL. The virtual orbital space is spanned

by mutually nonorthogonal PAOs, which are constructed by projecting the individual AO basis functions on the virtual space [68]. The explicit computations cover WF pairs up to distance dij = 12 ˚A, where the two-electron repulsion integrals were evaluated via the density fitting periodic (DFP) scheme [85] for dij ≤ 8 ˚A and via the multipolar ap-proximation for 8 < dij ≤ 12 ˚A. The contribution of the WF pairs with dij > 12 ˚A to the correlation energy was estimated through the Lennard-Jones extrapolation technique.

Excitation PAO domains have been restricted to the molecular units.

Single-point, static (i.e. at 0 K) energies are computed to evaluate the counterpoise-corrected lattice energy ELECP(V) per molecule at a given volume V of the unit cell

ELECP(V) = Ebulk/Z−Emol+ghosts[bulk] , (6.13) whereZ is the number of the molecular units in the unit cell, andEbulkandEmol+ghosts[bulk] are total energies of the bulk system (per cell) and of the molecule in the crystalline bulk ge-ometry with ghost functions, respectively, at a given cell volume. At least 50 ghost atoms surrounding the central molecule were used. The ghost functions, in the standard Boys-Bernardi counterpoise scheme [86], are supposed to eliminate the inconsistency between the finite basis sets used in the molecular and bulk calculations to obtain basis set super-position error (BSSE) free lattice energies. The structural deformation of the molecule induced by the crystal packing is not included, i.e., the difference between the energies of the isolated molecules in the bulk and in the gas phase conformations is neglected, Emol[bulk] =Emol[gas].

6.5 Results and discussion

The calculated lattice energies of crystalline urea, formamide, ammonia and carbon diox-ide are compared to the experimental sublimation enthalpies after corrections for thermal and zero-point effects [28], while the lattice energy of formic acid is directly compared to the experimental one [52]. Although this set of five molecular crystals is statistically small, it includes systems ranging from a purely dispersion bound crystal (carbon diox-ide) to structures with hydrogen bonds of varying strengths (urea, formamide, formic acid, ammonia).

To have a first global view of the performance of the different one-parameter DH approximations and the dependence on the parameterλ, we show in Fig. 6.1 mean absolute errors (MAEs) on the five lattice energies as a function of λ for the DS1DH and 1DH methods using the BLYP, PBE, and PBEsol density functionals. Forλ = 0, each method reduces to a standard periodic Kohn-Sham calculation with the corresponding density functional. For λ = 1, all methods reduce to a standard periodic LMP2 calculation.

Kohn-Sham BLYP and PBE calculations at λ = 0 give much larger MAEs (about 32 kJ/mol and 16 kJ/mol, respectively) than LMP2 (about 5 kJ/mol).

The DS1DH and 1DH approximations using the BLYP and PBE functionals inherit the bad performance of these functionals and always give larger MAEs than standard LMP2 for all λ < 1. In contrast, the PBEsol functional (which is a modified version of the PBE functional to improve the description of solids) gives a MAE at λ = 0 (about 8 kJ/mol) that is comparable to LMP2. Consequently, the DSPBEsol and 1DH-PBEsol approximations give almost constant MAEs as a function of λ, with a slight


Figure 6.1: MAEs on the counterpoise-corrected lattice energies per molecule (in kJ/mol) of the urea, formamide, formic acid, ammonia, and carbon dioxide crystals, as functions of the param-eter λfor the DS1DH and 1DH approximations with the BLYP, PBE, and PBEsol exchange-correlation density functionals.

minimum for 1DH-PBEsol reached at around λ = 0.70. Note that neglecting density scaling in the LYP correlation functional, i.e. going from DS1DH-BLYP to 1DH-BLYP, significantly reduces the MAEs, which is similar to what was observed for atomization energies of molecular systems [58]. However, neglecting density scaling in the PBE and PBEsol density functionals only marginally decreases the MAEs on the lattice energies of the molecular crystals considered here, whereas it was found that molecular atomization energies were significantly deteriorated when neglecting density scaling in PBE [58]. The understanding of the effects of density scaling with different functionals for calculating diverse properties requires further study.

Table 6.1 reports the lattice energies of the five studied molecular crystals calculated by HF, LMP2, Kohn-Sham, and various double-hybrid methods. For DSBLYP, 1DH-BLYP, DS1DH-PBE, and 1DH-PBE, we use the values ofλ previously optimized on a set of atomization energies and reaction barrier heights of molecular systems [58] (λ = 0.65 or 0.70 depending on the double-hybrid method considered). For DS1DH-PBEsol and 1DH-PBEsol, we use λ = 0.70 (corresponding to a LMP2 fraction of λ2 = 0.49) which according to Fig. 6.1 yields a similar or slightly lower MAE than LMP2. We also report results obtained with the two-parameter double-hybrid approximations B2-PLYP, B2GP-PLYP, and mPW2-B2GP-PLYP, which have smaller fractions of LMP2 (ac = 0.27, 0.36, and 0.25, respectively). Among the non-double-hybrid methods, HF, BLYP and PBE strongly underestimate the lattice energies of the five crystals. PBEsol gives good lattice energies for urea and ammonia, but still underestimated lattice energies for carbon dioxide, and, to a less extent, for formamide and formic acid. This is most likely due to dispersion interactions that are not properly accounted for. A more uniform accuracy on the lattice energies is obtained with LMP2. All the double-hybrid methods give smaller MAEs that the corresponding Kohn-Sham calculations with the same functionals. However, B2-PLYP, B2GP-B2-PLYP, mPW2-B2-PLYP, DSBLYP, BLYP, DSPBE, and 1DH-PBE still tend to significantly underestimate the lattice energies. The DS1DH-1DH-PBEsol and 1DH-PBEsol approximations give overall reasonably good lattice energies, with a

Table 6.1: Counterpoise-corrected lattice energies per molecule (in kJ/mol) of the urea, for-mamide, formic acid, ammonia and carbon dioxide crystals, calculated by several methods. For the DS1DH-BLYP, 1DH-BLYP, DS1DH-PBE, and 1DH-PBE double-hybrid approximations, we use the values of λ which were previously optimized in Ref. [58]. For the DS1DH-PBEsol and 1DH-PBEsol double-hybrid approximations, we use a value ofλ= 0.70 which roughly minimizes the MAE of 1DH-PBEsol for this set of molecular crystals. All calculations were carried out with experimental geometries. For each method, the value with the largest error is indicated in boldface.

Method Parameterλ CO(NH2)2a HCONH2a HCOOHa NH3b CO2b MAE

HF 75.40 48.11 38.36 8.45 5.03 27.24

BLYP 70.00 41.00 30.25 13.74 -3.53 32.02

PBE 89.53 58.82 47.15 27.91 7.48 16.13

PBEsol 102.96 70.25 58.32 37.27 10.59 7.84

LMP2 109.88 76.44 61.60 32.35 25.76 5.28

B2-PLYP 92.66 63.30 51.16 25.58 14.12 12.94

B2GP-PLYP 98.37 68.07 56.39 27.93 17.78 8.60

mPW2-PLYP 100.86 70.40 59.37 30.15 20.57 6.61

DS1DH-BLYP λ= 0.70 85.17 55.11 43.56 19.64 8.45 19.92

1DH-BLYP λ= 0.65 98.01 67.95 55.49 27.94 17.74 8.88

DS1DH-PBE λ= 0.65 101.05 70.84 57.91 30.54 17.92 7.31

1DH-PBE λ= 0.65 102.74 72.30 59.32 31.69 18.32 6.76

DS1DH-PBEsol λ= 0.70 106.74 75.50 62.33 33.65 20.33 5.52

1DH-PBEsol λ= 0.70 109.07 77.50 64.29 35.22 21.00 4.75

Best estimate 99.43c 78.74c 68.00d 37.57c 27.80c

aWith dual-basis set technique: 6-31G(d,p) basis for SCF and p-aug-6-31G(d,p) basis for LMP2.

bWith p-aug-6-31G(d,p) basis for both SCF and LMP2 calculations.

cFrom Ref. [28],dFrom Ref. [52].

similar averaged accuracy than LMP2. One should note however that DS1DH-PBEsol and 1DH-PBEsol give a lattice energy of the carbon dioxide crystal that is significantly more underestimated than in LMP2, suggesting that these double-hybrid approximations miss a part of the dispersion interactions.

We now investigate the dependence of the results on the basis set. Table 6.2 shows the LMP2 lattice energies calculated using the 6-31G(d,p), 6-31G(d,p), and p-aug-6-311G(d,p) basis sets. The latter triple-zeta basis set has been tailored according to the same technique (outlined in the Computational Details section) used for p-aug-6-31G(d,p).

For urea, the LMP2 calculation could not be converged with the p-aug-6-311G(d,p) basis set. The large difference between the values calculated with the 6-31G(d,p) basis set and those calculated with the p-aug-31G(d,p) basis set shows that the augmentation of the 6-31G(d,p) basis set with low-exponent polarization functions, which act as diffuse functions, is mandatory for a correct description of the lattice energies. The largest difference in the values of the LMP2 lattice energies calculated with the 6-311G(d,p) and the p-aug-6-31G(d,p) basis sets is 2.68 kJ/mol for the formic acid crystal. This system is composed of infinite hydrogen-bonded chains with pure dispersion inter-chain interactions [51], and the sensitivity to the basis set might be due to these inter-chain interactions.

In Figure 6.2, we show the lattice energy of the formic acid crystal calculated with the 1DH-PBEsol double-hybrid approximation as a function of λ for the two basis sets p-aug-6-31G(d,p) and p-aug-6-311G(d,p). As expected, the dependence on the basis set

Table 6.2: Counterpoise-corrected lattice energies per molecule of the molecular crystal test set with the LMP2 method with three different basis sets.

Basis set CO(NH2)2 HCONH2 HCOOH NH3 CO2

6-31G(d,p) 95.04 63.51 50.00 26.82 16.16

p-aug-6-31G(d,p) 109.88a 76.44a 61.60a 32.35 25.76

p-aug-6-311G(d,p) - 77.26a 64.27a 31.78 25.26

aWith dual-basis set technique: 6-31G(d,p) basis for SCF.

58 60 62 64 66 68

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Lattice Energy (kJ/mol)


p-aug-6-311G(d,p) p-aug-6-31G(d,p) REF formic acid

Figure 6.2: Counterpoise-corrected lattice energy per molecule of the formic acid molecular crystal as a function of the parameterλfor the 1DH-PBEsol double-hybrid approximation with p-aug-6-31G(d,p) and p-aug-6-311G(d,p) basis sets. The reference value is from Ref. [52].

decreases asλis reduced fromλ = 1 (corresponding to LMP2) toλ= 0 (corresponding to Kohn-Sham PBEsol which has a very small basis set dependence). However, at the value of the parameter used, λ = 0.70, the dependence on the basis set of 1DH-PBEsol is not significantly smaller than that of LMP2. This is a disadvantage of the DH approximations based on a linear decomposition of the electron-electron interaction, in comparison to DH schemes based on a range separation of the interaction which have a faster basis convergence [67, 87, 88].

6.6 Conclusions

We have implemented a number of double-hybrid approximations in the CRYSTAL09 and CRYSCOR09 suite of programs, and tested them for calculating lattice energies of five molecular crystals: urea, formamide, formic acid, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. The one-parameter double-hybrid approximations based on the PBEsol density functional, DS1DH-PBEsol and 1DH-PBEsol, with a fraction of HF exchange of λ = 0.70 and a fraction of LMP2 correlation of λ2 = 0.49, gives lattice energies per molecule with an accuracy of about 5 kJ/mol, which is similar to the accuracy of LMP2. The results on the purely dispersion bound carbon dioxide crystal suggest that the DS1DH-PBEsol and 1DH-PBEsol double-hybrid approximations miss a part of dispersion interactions. This could be improved by either adding semi-empirical dispersion corrections [21] or using

range-separated double-hybrid methods [67].


We thank Peter Reinhardt (UPMC, Paris) for helpful discussions and technical assistance.


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Chapter 7

Conclusion g´ en´ erale et perspectives

L’essence des m´ethodes d´evelopp´ees dans ce travail de th`ese r´eside dans l’extension mul-tid´eterminantale de la m´ethode de Kohn-Sham bas´ee sur une d´ecomposition lin´eaire de l’op´erateur d’interaction bi´electronique en deux fragments compl´ementaires λWˆee et (1−λ) ˆWee, dont les proportions d´ependent d’un param`etre λ `a fixer. Cette formulation rigoureuse met en jeu un calcul de type fonction d’onde pour la contribution λWˆee `a l’´energie compl´et´e par une fonctionnelle de la densit´e pour la contribution (1−λ) ˆWee. Cette approche est en principe exacte. En pratique, il faut bien sˆur utiliser des

L’essence des m´ethodes d´evelopp´ees dans ce travail de th`ese r´eside dans l’extension mul-tid´eterminantale de la m´ethode de Kohn-Sham bas´ee sur une d´ecomposition lin´eaire de l’op´erateur d’interaction bi´electronique en deux fragments compl´ementaires λWˆee et (1−λ) ˆWee, dont les proportions d´ependent d’un param`etre λ `a fixer. Cette formulation rigoureuse met en jeu un calcul de type fonction d’onde pour la contribution λWˆee `a l’´energie compl´et´e par une fonctionnelle de la densit´e pour la contribution (1−λ) ˆWee. Cette approche est en principe exacte. En pratique, il faut bien sˆur utiliser des

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