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Using the Installation Manager

Dans le document System Administration Guide (Page 123-128)


The following procedure describes how to install applications with the Installation Manager command.

1. On the Executive command line, type Installation Manager; then press GO.

The Software Operation menu appears:

Press GO to select a menu item~ CANCEL or FINISH to quit

Install new software o Show installed software o Remove installed software


2. Select Install new software, using one of the following methods:

• Position the highlight with the arrow keys; then press GO.

• Position the highlight with the mouse; then click the MARK button.

Installing Applications

The Install Media menu appears:

Install Media

Press GO to select a menu item~ FINISH to quit

~lo py installation o Tape installation o Install from server


3. Position the highlight on the distribution media you want to select;

then press GO or click the mouse.

The Installation Defaults menu appears, as shown below. From this menu, you can continue the installation with default parameters, or you can examine and change parameters. Both options are

described below.

Press GO to select a menu item, FINISH to quit

Continue Installation o Examine/Change Defaults


• To continue the installation using default parameters, position the highlight on Continue Installation; then press GO or click the mouse.

• To examine or change defaults, position the highlight on Examine / Change Defaults; then press GO or click the mouse.

The Installation Parameters form appears, as shown below.

Default values, which come from the user configuration file, are highlighted.

eTOS System Administration Guide


Installation })arameters

Fill in or modify, press GO to accept, CANCEL to dismiss

Public Yes No

Verbose Yes No

Backup previous version Yes No

Save copy of backup Yes No

Save defaults in user file Yen No Press Y or N, or use arrow keys


a. To change a default parameter, position the highlight on the line you want to change.

b. Select Yes or No by typing Y or N, moving the RIGHT ARROW and LEFT ARROW keys, or clicking your choice with the mouse. Parameters are described in Table 8-l.

4. Press GO or click the mouse to continue the installation.

Depending on the type of installation you choose, additional fields may be displayed. Fill them in as described below, pressing GO or clicking the mouse after each.

Archive path

If you enter Yes in Backup previous version?, this field appears.

It is the volume and directory to which the backup will be written. Defaults are [Sys]<Installed> for private installation and [!Sys]<Installed> for public installations.

Software destination

This field shows the volume where the application will be installed. Change it if you want to install on a different volume.

Defaults are [Sys] for local installations and [!Sys] for public installations.

Installing Applications

Tape spec

Enter the tape specification for the application you want to install. It consists of the name of the tape drive in which the distribution media is inserted and, optionally, a tape mark number. See Section 12, "Using Tape Drives," for more detailed information about tape specifications.

User name

This field shows the user name with which you are currently signed on. During software installation, this is frequently not your usual user name. Enter a different user name if you want to update the installation database and save defaults for it, rather the user name appearing in this form.

CmConfig file

If Context Manger is installed during the installation, the name of the active CM configuration file appears in this field. If Context Manager is not installed, the default is

[Sys]<Sys>CmConfig.sys. If you want the application added to Context Manager, enter the file specification of the CM

configuration file you usually use.

Command file

If you are performing a private installation, the name of the active Executive command file appears in this field. If you want new commands placed in a different command file, enter its file specification. During public installations, new command are always placed in [!Sys]<Sys>Cluster.cmds and this field is skipped.

The installation begins and you are informed when it is complete.

5. Reboot the workstation.

eTOS System Administration Guide




Backup previous version

Save copy of backup

Save defaults in user file


Table 8·1. Installation Parameters


Select No for a private installation, which installs software on the local workstation.

Select Yes for a public installation, which installs software on the server. Publicly installed software can be used by all workstations on the cluster.

Select No for a silent installation. During a silent installation, only a few progress messages are displayed.

Select Yes for a verbose installation. During a verbose installation, all messages and command output are displayed on the screen.

Select No if you do not want to back up the current version of the application you are installing.

Select Yes to back up the current version of a software product before the new version is installed. When you do this, the backed up version is automatically restored if the installation fails for any reason.

Select No if you do not want to save a copy of the backup.

Select Yes if you want to save a copy of the backup. You can use this backup later to restore the previous version if necessary, for example, if you discover that the newer version isn't compatible with your hardware or software configuration.

Select Yes to change your user file entries to the parameters you just selected. They become new defaults for the Installation Manager.

Select No if you do not want to change your user file.

Installing Applications

Dans le document System Administration Guide (Page 123-128)