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'llc,etci lii1ilifu1illC


1~. a!C1~2Q_I!2i01D9_20~_El~~2C~b_t~Ol!~_!gt_Wgm~O l~conomlc Commisslon tor Africa}

;0 undertake research and to train African women in econo"ic and social development, development planning, fOOd nrocessing

technology, ap~ropriate technology, health, rights ot women, rural development,

social integration, nutrition and management.

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

P.O. Box 3U01, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Telex; ECA <10l9.

To train rural development workers in food and nutrition, child-care, child psychology, ho"e economics, horticulture, animal husbandry, rural development,

political education, and documentation.

3uhare, Tanzania.


aYtlaY_6!ti,aiD_~~~_S'i~D,~~_g~_~~W'~ligO(BASE) (Atr1can Bureau of Educational Sciences)


To unoertake research on education,

labour, runctional literacy, teaching, remaLe manpower, agricultural developm.nt, environmentaL training and integrated


Graduate courses in educational policy,

educational planning, continuing education and educational administration.

Universite Nat'onale du Zaire 9.P. 14, Kisagani (Zaire) Telex: lllUO KGN ZR

l l . keDtte_B1ti,aiD_et_~auti~ieD_ae_eet1e~tiQoo~~~ot ge~_'jg!e~ (CA~PC)

(Are,can and Mauritian Centre tor Up-grading

~tatt ~killsl



To trd;n the persornel of private

anc pubL,c enterprises within member States ot UCA~ with a view to improving


16 months tor bus,ness ~anagement training;

Ten months for refresher course for

technical advisors for trade and s~all­

scale enterprises.

Organisation Commune Atricaine et Mauricienne

08 BP 87b, Abidjan 08 (Ivory Coast) Telephone 44 49 46

lZ. 'eotte_g:,lude~_f~QoQmi~ue~_el_SQ,iale~_d:Aftigue Q~~12t01jl~_1&,~~Ql

(West Atr,can Centre for Economic and Social Studies) To unoertake research and to provide

continuing education in the field of agricultural cooperati.es, female manpower and agricultural population.

B.P. JU~, Bobodioulasso, Burkina Faso Telephone 904 90 91

lj. &~O!rf_e20i!!1~iio_2t_f2rmi11g0_&22Qerili¥~_!&ff&1

(Pan-African Centre for Co-operative Training)

To train nationals of participating countries 1n s~ecific areas with a view to 1mproving, cultivating, divers'fying or specialising the technical ski t ts which are an

indispensable part of the co-operative movement. To ~ndertake, promote

and distribute research on co-operative problems affecting the states,

particularly in the areas of training methods, establishment, management, control, monitoring and promotion of co-operative organisations.

Be~in, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Chad, Central African Republic, Ivory (oast, ~abon, Mat;, Mauritania, N;ger, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Zaire.

B.P. 1236, Cotonou, (Benin)

l4. ~lC~~1120_~gli20jl~_g~_1:~1~hgb~li~jti20_f2C'ti2QO~1!~


lNat,onal Guidance on Cunctional Literacy and Applied L,ngu1stics)

To undertake research and to provide

training for a graduate course in basic education, sociology, economics of

educat,on, sciences of education.

B.P. 6l, Bamako, MaL;

Telephone: 2l 41 62

25. ~,g1~_g~~_tb~!~_g:~cttegti~~_gC_t21c_g:l~gite(ECE, eI)

(The Ivory Coast School for Business Directors)

The school is affiliated with the ~,glC g~~_~b~1~_g:cottcg[i~~_gC_ei[i~and constitutes the training unit of the


~:~Ql!CQ!i~c (Ivorian Association of Business Management)

15, rue Jean MermOl

08 B.P. 8, Abidjan, Ivory Coast





I ,

~6. ID~111Wl~_kWllW!~1_8!!i~21Q_1Ik8l:_k~Dlt~~9~_!2tmili2D_g~_~2m~

{African Cultural Institute-lome Training Centre)

2Y!~112D g!_triioio~&



To awaken the consciousness of African officials responsible for cultural

policies, the community and individuals, to the need for patronising African artists.

The African Cultural Institute has

establ1shed the ~~Dl!f_Q~_!QrmiliQD_9f L2m~ (Togo) (the leme Training Centre) to provide advanced training for persons working as cultural advisers or trainers 1n the member States.

The Lome Tra1n1ng Centre offers:

(a) Two-year training course for cultural advisers and agents;

(b) Short courses of 1-3 months for States requesting them, including

an inter-African Cour~e in drama, training of Journalists and of cultural advisers attached to the embassies of member states.

Berin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Corgo, Comoros,Gabon,

Ghana, Ivory Coast, ~aurita~ia, ~auritius,

Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone and Togo.


14, Avenue au President Lamine Gueye B.P. 01, ~akar lSeregal)

27. lQS1i1~t~_2f_8g~11_fg~~i1i20(!AE) (Un1versity College ot Eotswana)

To provide adult training in education, culture, handicrafts, teaching methods and information.

Unlversity College of Botswana p.C. Box 22 , Gaborone (Botswana) Telephore: 51 '5 63 63

Telex: 242Y BD

l8. IQ~lilYlf_g!_~gY£21i2D 1uci~~t;il~_g!_11e:l!~1

Research on vernacular languages,

primary schools and curricula in Nigeria and in Africa;

Graouate course 'n education and teaching

University ot Ile-Ife (Nigeria) Telephone: 2L \11


Research in the fields of basic eduction, adult education, teaching of languages, community development ana cult.lral


Graduate caurss in 'ducat ian, educational guidance, educational administration, psychology, adult education, philosophy.

University ot Zimbabwe Mount P leas ant

P.G.Box ~P 167, Harare (Zimbabwe) Telephone: 3U 52 11


To provide training courses in home

economlcs for secondary school teaChers.

Lafole, Somalia


Q2UHIllUi Research and tra,ning in the preparation of curricula, primary and secondary education;

Graduate courses in social sciences and business econowics.

~inlstry of Education and Cultural Affairs


I '

R@duit (Mauritius) T@l@phon@: 5~ 10 31 Cabl@: MIE REDUIT

Literacy, adult @ducation, community development.


Sirs-@l-Layyan (Egypt)

T@l@phon@: Sirs-@l-Layyan 801 Cairo Tetex: 937fZ ROST LN (ASFECI.

Literacy and adult education.

Sebenta, Swaziland









. .



," .



.. ~.,,(.,,::~






M@dical r@s@arch in the East African region;

Graduate cours@ in pUblic health.

Wilson Airport

P.O.30x 3012~, Nairobi, (K@nya) Cable: AFIUFOUN

3). ~'21~_~iliQDilt_gt~_all111ADl1_~Q'iAWl


(National School for Social Assistants and Specialised T@achers)

Graduate courses in economics, demography, nutrition, sociology, social psychology, genetics, pedagogy, cultural animation, health and methodology.

Km. 4, Route de Quakam

B.P. 5057, Dakar (Senegal)

To undertake research on health and nutrition, child health, endemic diseases, tood;

Graduate courses in nutrition and health education.

~inistry of Health

P.O. BOx 5654, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Research on public health, the environment, recycl1ng ot waste, malaria and

onchoceriasis in Africa;

Graduate courses in health education and publ,c health.

University College Hospital

Unl~ers;ty ot Ibadan, Ibadan (Nigeria)

Telephone 44



- ~

To provide training for nurses and social workers.

Gaborone, Botswana



I !


~9. '~11~2~_Stati~ligu~

(College of Statistics)

To train i02~Ol~U[1_2~1_t[j~jU!_~tiliitigU~i

and aQeOl~_le,boiQue~_ge_la_~liti11igue.

The college 1S attached tc the





Admission 1S based on competitive

examinat,on open to holders of the


~£if~tl!lg~~~ or on professional

exam1nat,ons for government officials

. i t h at least four years work experience;


aemission is based on competitive examination open to holders of the

~sf' or eQuivalent Qualification, or on professional examination

for government officials with at least 4 years work experience.




3 years;


3 years.

~oute de Quakam

B.P. 5U84, Dakar (Senegal)

The department is attached to the

the University College of Botswana.

It offers programmes at the diploma,



or its equivalent. A good pass mark in Mathematics is desirable;

Technical staff (Diploma): Pass with distinction at the Certificate in statistics level or equivalent qual,ficat10n;

Degree Programme: The Cambridge Overseas School Certificate with a grade one or two pass and also Credit in English and ~athematics. ether equivalent Qualifications may be accepted.

D,ploma in statistics: 2 years Degree in statistics: 4 yeaars Certificate in statistics: 1 year P.O.Box 22, Gaborone (80tswana)

6~mi~~iQo t~gwlt~m~Q!~i

To train senior statisticians. The

Department alsc runs two short courses on sample survey methods and problems and a remedial/refresher course in statistics.

Professional d,plo~a in statistics:

candidates are selected from among holders of the West African School Certificate or the Certificate of the Stat,stics Training Course of the Federal Office of Statistics Training School or its equivalent;

8. Sc. programme: candidates must be holders of the Professional Diploma in Statistics or must have passed mathematics and at least one other subject from the

University approved list at the GeE Advanced Level or its equivalent;

Postgraduate d1ploma in statistics:

candidates must hold the B. Se.

degree and have a knowledge of not below the level of the General Certif,cat. of Education.








c , programme: candidates must be graduates of the University of Ibadan, or other

universities recognized by the Senate, who possess a 8.Sc. degree in statistics or related disciplines.

Oiplo~a in statistics: 2 years B. Sc. programme: 3 years

Postgraduate diploma: 1 session

~. se , programme: 1 year




ttaioiog ..

TO train statistical assistants and senior stat; st i cta n s :

The deDart~ent ;s attached to the National ~nivers;ty of Lesotho.

Cambridge Overseas School Certificate or eQu1valent

Statistical assistants (Certificate):

2 years;

Bachelor of .rts degree: 4 years

p.o. Roma, (Lesot~c)

45. 2£~~!1!!!£Ol_Q!_§1~11jlifj_:_~Djlil~1~_21_~!ilijli~~1!



L:l:llloll!:l:m~DU ..

TO provide a tra,n;ng programme leading

to a Bachelor oegree (8.A. or B.Sc.) and a postgraduate course leading to an

M. Sc. degree in statistics.

Bachelor degree Drcgramme: Dasses in

five sUbjects at the General Certificate of Education (GeE> examination or its

QYC!112D gl_ttiioiCgi

M.SC. programme: a University degree and a good knowledge of Mathematics are desirable.

B.A., B.Sc. statIstics degree programme:

3 years;

M.SC. programme: 2 years.

P.O. Box 115, Legon (Ghana)

8~mis~igo t~9Yltgmgnl~i



To train sub-professional personnel

in statistical methods at the Certificate and Diploma levels. The Centre organises socio-economic surveys at the reo~est of government agencies or oarastatals,

as welt as statistical confe.'ences or seminars. 1t conducts, in alternate

years, an B week course for non-statistical personnel who nevertheless may be required to perform sim~le statistical assignments.

The certificate course: candidates should be holders of the certificate of

education with a good knowledge of mathematics; or have at least one year·s working experience

in statistical assignments and pass an entrance examination organised by the Centre.

The diploma course: candidates should have passed the certificate course or be

statistical assistants with equivalent Qualification and pass the Centre·s entrance examination.

Certificate personnel: 10 months Diploma personnel: 10 months.

P.O. 80x 35103, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)

4). ~,gl~_~itiQDilc_iugCtiC~t_dl_~lilill1gYI_11


(National College tor Statistics and Applied Economics) 112


I ,

To provide tralnlng for iD~~Di~wtl


~~I_lta~aYI_lljlistigYISLi~jgiOli l~'bDigW~I_~~_la_ltililtjgWI;ig~011

!f£bOigW~~_gl_l~_ililiiligW$in french.

08, BP 5, AbldJan 08 (Ivory Coast)


IDII11Wl_alri'iio_fl_~~wti£ifO_gf_~1~liiligWI_11 d:E'90gmi~_AggljgYII (IAMSEA)

(Atrican and ~auritian Instltute of Statistics and Applied Economics)

8smiii12D t&Qwlt&m&011&

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