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Z94, Yaounde (Cameroon) Cable: CIFS


Icstilut_deS_Ie,ncigu~s_de_Elacifi,aligc_et g:S'QD2mi!_~Q'~ig~!! (ITPEA)

(Instltute tor Planning Technlques and Economy) TO train planners,



and economic analysts.

" , Chemin DOUdou ~okhtar, (ex. Chemin de la Touche)

Ben Aknoun, Algiers (Algeria)



8gg1iguce (INS£A)

INat,onal Instjtute of Statistics and Applied Economy)



To prov,de tralnin; for orofess;onal

and middle level staff in statistics, applied economics and information science.

(a) iogeciey[~_g:aggli'iligD_ge_la il~liiligY!i admission is based

on competitive examination open to holders of the


in mathematics,

science or econo.ics or holders of a recognised equivalent.

- (b) iCgCOiCY[i_itatiiti,icDi_C'QoQm1~tc~l

admission is based on competitive examination

open to cand,dates who have diploma of






~tit1itigyc£ in economics or mathematics, or a recognlseO equivalent diploma and at least three years professional







ID9~Di~Yr~_~!!11ili,ieDi_t'2D2mi~1~~i 2 years.

B.P. 406, Rabat (Morocco)

ro provide hlgh-level professional training to nat;onals of

English-speak;ng African countr;es.

The programme leads to a Bachelor of Statistics or a Bachelor of Science degree, a Diploma ;n Statistics, or a Master of Statistics degree.

P.o. Box 7U60, Kampala (Uganda)



To promote and strengthen research and

training in dewography and related fields, in particular in the English-speaking countries of Africa. The Institute provides three courses:

(a) a course leading to the Graduate Diploma in Population Studies of the University Of Ghana;

(b) a course leading to the Master of Arts degree in population studies of the

University of Ghana;

(c) a course leading to the Ph.D. degree in population studies of the University of Ghana.

For the Graduate Diploma: a Bachelor degree in natural sciences, social sciences, geography or any other related subject;

For the Masters degree: a Bachelor degree plus the Graduate diplolta i" population studies or an equivalent Qualification;

For the Ph.D. degree:

in population stuaies qualification.

the Masters degree or an equ; valent




i i 0i 09.. Graduate Diploma: 1 Year

~aster of Arts oegree: 1 year Ph.D.: 3 years


POBox 91>

Legon, Ghana


,-_ ..•


Brown, Carolyn ct 41a' It4iciOQ_.1Qt __!ltit40 gc¥clQQmcot' Atr1can-American Institute, 8j3 vnited Nat;ons Plaza, New York, NY, 10017, Z10pp.

Go~ernment at Ethiopia Ministry of labour and Social Affa;rs, IDc __lt~1ciDg__gl._~4CgQWeC__ iD__ EtbiQgi4_gw[iOg __1~Zl_!Ea'aL It!~:lt!t ~~&~!i I~£bOi£il iO~ ~2£~li2D~1 1!~iDiD9 1i'111t1e~__i¥iiliQle_jDg_i~QQ1~_2!_1!~iDeg_Qet~2DDei' (Addis

Aba~~, 1962). 62op.

Oroan1sat1~n oT Econom1c Co-operat1on for Oevelooment, ~itt'12!~

g! __ge~elg;meDt__te~eit'b__ iDg_ltiitiOg __iD~titYlei_iD.Alti'i

OECO ~ulletin de liaison (Paris, 19tZ). 1560p.

United ~at10ns/ECA, lCilit~liQD~__iQQDiQteg_g~__ E'!_=_gw!!Clic

~Q~l (Add1S Ababa, 1983). 31pp.

Un1ted Natl0ns/ECA, ~&8_1tji0109_R!2g!imme_iog_021i,e_gO_ltjio:

iOg_Cga~~L (Add;s Ababa, 1963). 75pp.

Un1ted Nat10ns/ECA, £i!e'12[~_Q!__~1~li~li£jl_l!jiOiOg_,:Olte~


~AddlS Abaca, 1963). 111po.

Un1ted Nat10ns/ECA, Qi[~~!9[~_2!__8!!iSED_MjDj~~m~Q!_~~W£i!i2D

~Cg__tt~iD1Cg__iCililUligD~__iO~__ Ql __miQi9~meOl_ii~2£iiti20~

(Addis Aoaba). 1Z1pp.

United NationsffAO, fi[mf! __!!ilD1DS__ iQ __~j~1~__~~D!!il__ iDg

~gul0e[O_el[i'i (Rome, 1975). 11Spp.

Unlted Nations/fAO, I!~iOiQ9_!i£ill!le~_fQr_£Q:2nft!li~f_Q~!2QD:

D~l_iD_elti~iO_tQWQlti~i(Rome, 1971), 158pp.

United Nations International Training and Research Institute for the AQVanCement of Women tINSTRAW', Bf~f~!~b_QQ_aQm~Di_iO_iD:

weotQ[x__ gl__ Uoited __~.tigD~_~gQOiQtlg__.'lixilil~ (New York,

1Y~U'. 60pp.

54. African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREf)

18. African Training and Research Centre for Women/ECA (ATRCW) 1Y. Buhare Home Economics Training Centre

1. Bunda College of Agriculture

lOb Bureau Africain des Sciences de l'Education (SASE)

l i . Centre Africain de Recherche Appliquee et de Formation en

Matiere de Developpement Social

21. Centre Africain et Mauricien de Perfectionnement des Cadres (CAMPC)

2. Centre de Perfectionnement du Personnel des Entreprises l l . Centre d"Etudes

Occidentale (CESAO)

et Sociales d'AfriQue

j . Centre De Recherche Appliquee Fondamentale et de Formation permanente (CRAFOP)


Centre Panafricain de Formation Cooperative (CPFC) jY. College StatistiQue

4}. Department of Statistics (Institute of Statistical, Social and economic Research (ISSER)

42. Department of Statistics (National University of Lesotho)


Department of Statistics (University Colle;e of Botswana) 41. Department of Statistics (University of Ibadan)

24. Direction Nationale de l'Alphabetisation fonctionnelle et de La Linguistique Appliquee <DNAFLA)

44. Eastern African Statistical Training Centre

13. Eastern And Southern African Manage.ent Institute (ESA"I) 11. Ecole Africaine et Mauricienne d"Architecture et d"Urbanis••


l~" Ecole des Chefs d'Entreprise de Cote d"Ivoire <eCeCI) 4. Ecole Feminine d"Agronomie de Nyagahanga


: 'i

· .S..e : Ecole .ationate des Asststants Sociau. et Educateurs

S~ect.lise. (ENAES)

45. Ecole Nation.le superieure de St.ti.tique et d"Econoaie Appliquee (ENSEA)

36.· Et_topian Hutrition Institute (ENI)

Z~. f.culty of Education (University of Zi.babwe) 5. INAOES - For.ation

46. Instttut Africain et Mauricien de Statistique et d-Economie Appliquee (IA"SEA)

26_ Institut Culturel Africain (ICA)

14_. In.tttut de Deweloppe.ent Econoaique et de Planffic.tfon


47. Instttut de for.ation et de Recherches Deaogr.phiques UfORl)

5D. Institut Hation.l de St.ttstique et d-Econoaie APpliquee


15. "InStltut P.nafrican pour le Developpellent UPD) 6. Institut Pratique de Developpeaent Rural de Kolo 1. In.titut Technique Agricole de Gitega

49. Institute aes Techniques de Planification et d·fconomie ap-pliquee lITPEA)

Z7. Institute of Adult Education, University College of Botswan.

( U £ )

8. In.titwt. for Agricultural Technicians 16. In.titute

Nairobi) tor Develop.ent Studies (IDS/University of II. Institute of Education (University of Il,-Ife)

'7. In.titute of Public Health (University of Ibadan)

51. Institute of Statistics an~ Appliea Economics USAE) / ' 3D. Lafole Hoae Econoatcs Training centre


!9.;.. at1onet: n·... ning Centre for· AngoU" 1I0.en

11 r •.

Pan-Uric.n Institute for Develop.ent <Du Santo, Colla. .'


• •egional Centra for Functional Literacy (ASFEC)·

5Z. Retional Institute of Population Studies (RIPS)


Sebenta "atiOft.l Institute


,1 0•

Za.bi. Centre for Horticulture Tr.inin.





entry no.


., Se,,1n Sotswana

Bur";na '850 Burundi


Etypt Ethiopia till'''1

Ivory Coast Kenya


Libyan Arab Ja.ah;riyl Il.lalli

Zlo !lauriUus

!lorocco 11 Uganda Zaire Zaabia Zhbabwe

---49 Angota

2,23 28,37.. 41 3,4,46 14.. 26,35,49 30

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