• Aucun résultat trouvé


8.2. Realistic dose assessments in consultation with

If the revised calculations remain above the reference level, and it is not reasonable either to reduce the amount discharged or modify the conditions of the discharge, a more detailed site specific assessment of the dose to members of the critical group should be considered. Such an assessment should be performed by qualified professionals who are able to calculate hypothetical doses using both more accurate models and more realistic estimates of parameter values. The models, assumptions and parameter values used in the assessment should be documented and made available for review by competent authorities. Recommendations for qualified professionals and for more accurate models can be obtained by contacting the IAEA.

When realistic dose estimates are made it is advisable to quantify sources of uncertainty and to propagate these through the calculations to produce a statement of confidence (e.g. a 95% subjective confidence interval) about the dose estimate [5].

The dose estimate and its confidence bounds can then be compared with the relevant dose limiting criterion. If the upper confidence bound of the dose estimate is above this criterion, efforts should be made either to reduce the uncertainty in the site specific dose estimate or to reduce the amount discharged.

Uncertainty is most effectively reduced by collecting additional data on those components of the model that dominate the uncertainty in the dose estimate. The dominant components can be identified through a quantitative uncertainty analysis performed in conjunction with a sensitivity analysis. The procedures of quantitative uncertainty and sensitivity analysis are described in detail in Ref. [5].

If the lower confidence bound of the dose estimated using the more accurate methods exceeds the relevant dose limiting criterion, and if this effect is confirmed through external review by qualified individuals, then there should be a high degree of confidence that actual doses will exceed the criterion. Further investigation is not likely to be justified. Although additional studies should lead to improved confidence in the dose estimate, the fact that the dose limiting criteria are violated will merely be confirmed. Under these circumstances, the only remaining options are to

— Reduce the amount discharged and repeat the assessment,

— Modify the conditions under which the discharge occurs and repeat the assessment,

— Abandon the practice or operation,

— Apply for a special case variance from the relevant dose limiting criterion.

These issues are discussed in more detail in Ref. [3].



[2] INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION, 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 60, Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York (1991).

[3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Regulatory Control of Radioactive Discharges to the Environment, Safety Standards No. WS-G-2.3, IAEA, Vienna (2000).

[4] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Generic Models and Parameters for Assessing the Environmental Transfer of Radionuclides from Routine Releases:

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[5] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Evaluating the Reliability of Predictions Made Using Environmental Transfer Models, Safety Series No. 100, IAEA, Vienna (1989).

[6] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Handbook of Parameter Values for the Prediction of Radionuclide Transfer in Temperate Environments, Technical Reports Series No. 364, IAEA, Vienna (1994).

[7] TILL, J.E., MEYER, H.R. (Eds), Radiological Assessment. A Textbook on Environmental Dose Analysis, Rep. NUREG/CR-3332, ORNL-5968, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (1983).

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[26] GIFFORD, F.A., Jr., HANNA, S.R., “Dispersion of sulfur dioxide emission from area sources”, Power Generation: Air Pollution Monitoring and Control (NOLL, K.E., DAVIS, W.T., Eds), Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI (1975).

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Annex I


This annex provides two types of dose1 calculation factors for estimating hypothetical critical group doses. The first type, no dilution screening factors, are intended to be used in conjunction with maximum predicted annual average radionuclide concentrations (at the point of discharge) in either air or water. This is the simplest and most pessimistic method included in the iterative dose assessment procedure illustrated in Fig. 1. Consistent with this procedure, further effort to refine the dose assessment may be warranted if the calculated screening dose exceeds the relevant dose criterion (e.g. dose constraint). In this case the dilution and dispersion of radionuclides in the environment should be taken into account, and appropriate generic methods are presented in this report for this purpose.

The no dilution and generic environmental dose calculation screening factors presented in this annex were calculated using the methods and data presented in this Safety Report. The generic factors were derived using additional standardized assumptions about the discharge characteristics and location of a hypothetical critical group. These generic dose calculation factors are intended to be a general guide only

— it is generally preferable to take account of the actual discharge conditions and the location of the actual critical group when setting or assessing discharge limits for a particular site. In particular, it is recommended that the site specific discharge conditions and the actual critical group location be taken into account if the predicted doses exceed a reference level of around 10% of the dose constraint.


Screening no dilution dose calculation factors for atmospheric and surface water discharges have been derived using the methodologies, default parameter values and dose coefficients presented in this report. These factors represent the maximum effective doses in the 30th year of discharge that could be received by a hypothetical critical group member from external and internal radiation from a unit concentration of a radionuclide discharged into the air or water.

1 In this annex ‘dose’ refers to the effective dose received during the 30th year of discharge. Internal doses are calculated using committed effective dose coefficients from the BSS and are presented in Section 6 of this Safety Report [1].

These screening factors are calculated on the basis of the extremely pessimistic assumption that the hypothetical critical group is exposed at the point of discharge.

Doses may be estimated by multiplying a screening factor by the initial (undiluted) annual average concentration of the radionuclide at the point of discharge (C0, Bq/m3) using either Eq. (1) for discharges to the atmosphere or Eq. (11) for discharges into water (e.g. a river). This undiluted concentration in air or water (C0) may then be multiplied by the appropriate screening factor from tables given in this annex to give a screening estimate of the maximum annual dose to a hypothetical critical group member. Screening factors for discharges to the atmosphere are presented in Table I–I and for discharges into surface waters (e.g. a river) in Table I–II.


Screening dose Contribution (%) Nuclide

(Sv/a per Bq/m3) Crops Milk Meat External Inhalation

Ac-228 5.9 × 10–5 0 0 0 5 95

Ag-110m 1.1 × 10–2 25 1 4 70 0

Am-241* 2.1 × 10–1 57 0 0 1 42

As-76 1.1 × 10–5 0 20 0 65 15

At-211* 2.4 × 10–4 0 4 0 0 96

Au-198 2.3 × 10–5 32 2 1 59 7

Bi-206 5.2 × 10–4 28 27 1 44 1

Bi-210 3.1 × 10–4 27 37 1 1 34

Bi-212* 6.6 × 10–5 0 0 0 2 98

Br-82 2.0 × 10–4 0 78 0 22 1

Cd-109 1.8 × 10–2 13 86 0 1 0

Ce-141 6.7 × 10–4 88 7 0 4 1

Ce-144 9.1 × 10–3 86 7 0 6 1

Cm-242 2.1 × 10–2 69 0 0 0 31

Cm-244* 1.3 × 10–1 55 0 0 0 45

Co-58 4.4 × 10–3 16 42 24 17 0

Co-60 1.1 × 10–1 6 27 19 48 0

Cr-51 7.5 × 10–5 32 2 53 13 0

Cs-134* 4.7 × 10–2 24 21 31 24 0

Cs-135* 4.4 × 10–3 31 8 61 0 0

Cs-136 1.6 × 10–3 30 26 24 19 0

Cs-137* 4.6 × 10–2 18 5 34 43 0

Cu-64 2.3 × 10–6 0 37 0 54 9

Eu-154 4.3 × 10–2 6 0 0 94 0

TABLE I–I. (cont.)

Screening dose Contribution (%) Nuclide

(Sv/a per Bq/m3) Crops Milk Meat External Inhalation

Eu-155 1.7 × 10–3 27 0 1 70 0

Fe-55 1.2 × 10–3 42 3 55 0 0

Fe-59 4.2 × 10–3 42 3 41 14 0

Ga-67 8.7 × 10–6 30 1 0 65 4

Hg-197 9.1 × 10–6 17 56 1 22 5

Hg-197m 4.8 × 10–6 0 60 0 22 18

Hg-203 2.2 × 10–3 70 10 14 6 0

I-123 1.2 × 10–5 0 88 0 9 2

I-125 4.0 × 10–2 22 56 22 0 0

I-129 2.3 × 10–1 20 53 27 0 0

I-131 3.7 × 10–2 12 80 8 0 0

I-132 3.7 × 10–6 0 0 0 91 9

I-133 6.0 × 10–4 0 98 0 1 1

I-134 2.3 × 10–6 0 0 0 94 6

I-135 1.4 × 10–5 0 51 0 39 9

In-111 1.8 × 10–5 12 13 0 73 2

In-113m* 3.4 × 10–7 0 0 0 88 12

Mn-54 3.7 × 10–3 18 2 1 79 0

Mo-99 1.3 × 10–4 3 88 0 7 1

Na-22 3.3 × 10–1 1 70 22 7 0

Na-24 4.4 × 10–4 0 93 0 6 0

Nb-95 6.9 × 10–4 56 0 0 44 0

Ni-59 1.1 × 10–2 2 96 2 0 0

Ni-63 2.6 × 10–2 2 96 2 0 0

Np-237* 1.8 × 10–1 46 0 16 11 27

Np-239 1.1 × 10–5 29 15 1 42 14

P-32 1.1 × 10–2 10 82 8 0 0

Pa-231* 7.4 × 10–1 60 0 0 0 40

Pa-233 7.0 × 10–4 91 0 0 9 1

Pb-210 9.3 × 10–1 91 7 2 0 0

Pd-103 1.0 × 10–4 93 3 0 2 1

Pd-107 1.1 × 10–4 96 3 1 0 1

Pd-109 1.2 × 10–6 0 20 0 22 58

Pm-147 4.3 × 10–4 92 1 5 0 1

Po-210 3.0 53 41 6 0 0

Pu-238* 2.3 × 10–1 58 0 0 0 42

Pu-239* 2.5 × 10–1 58 0 0 0 41

Pu-240* 2.5 × 10–1 58 0 0 0 41

Pu-241* 4.8 × 10–3 59 0 0 1 40

TABLE I–I. (cont.)

Screening dose Contribution (%) Nuclide

(Sv/a per Bq/m3) Crops Milk Meat External Inhalation

Pu-242* 2.4 × 10–1 58 0 0 0 41

Ra-224 1.1 × 10–2 19 51 1 1 28

Ra-225 1.1 × 10–1 63 25 5 0 7

Ra-226 5.7 × 10–1 47 16 8 27 2

Rb-86 5.6 × 10–2 3 96 1 0 0

Rh-105 6.1 × 10–6 1 67 0 22 10

Rh-107* 2.2 × 10–7 0 0 0 84 16

Ru-103 1.4 × 10–3 43 0 41 15 0

Ru-106 2.4 × 10–2 42 0 52 6 0

S-35 1.1 × 10–2 9 49 42 0 0

Sb-124 4.1 × 10–3 60 4 6 30 0

Sb-125 6.6 × 10–3 19 1 3 77 0

Se-75 9.0 × 10–3 26 7 61 6 0

Sn-113 1.7 × 10–3 53 13 12 21 0

Sr-85 1.4 × 10–3 35 31 8 26 0

Sr-87m* 5.9 × 10–7 0 0 0 92 7

Sr-89 5.5 × 10–3 47 41 11 1 0

Sr-90 1.7 × 10–1 18 60 20 2 0

Tc-99 6.6 × 10–3 53 43 4 0 0

Tc-99m 4.4 × 10–7 0 2 0 91 7

Te-125m 4.0 × 10–3 25 35 39 1 0

Te-127m 1.5 × 10–2 23 34 42 0 0

Te-129m 1.1 × 10–2 26 38 36 0 0

Te-131m 2.0 × 10–4 0 87 0 11 1

Te-132 1.4 × 10–3 5 86 2 7 0

Th-228* 4.9 × 10–1 84 0 0 2 14

Th-230* 3.7 × 10–1 33 0 0 42 24

Th-232* 4.4 × 10–1 30 0 0 48 21

Tl-201 1.6 × 10–5 6 74 1 19 1

Tl-202 3.4 × 10–4 31 40 9 19 0

U-232* 4.3 × 10–1 48 3 4 26 18

U-234* 2.1 × 10–1 15 1 1 74 9

U-235* 6.7 × 10–2 44 3 4 22 27

U-238* 2.2 × 10–1 13 1 1 77 8

Y-87 4.0 × 10–5 19 4 1 74 2

Y-90 3.4 × 10–5 56 22 3 10 9

Y-91 3.4 × 10–3 80 1 17 1 0

Zn-65 3.2 × 10–2 15 28 53 5 0

Zr-95 2.0 × 10–3 44 0 0 55 0

a Infants are the limiting exposure group unless otherwise noted by an asterisk, in which case adults are the limiting group.


Generic dose calculation factors, based on the generic environmental model presented in this report, are also presented in this annex. These factors take account of the dispersion of radionuclides in the environment, and are therefore of a less pessimistic nature than the screening values given above. In deriving these generic factors care has been taken to ensure that doses to a hypothetical critical group are unlikely to exceed those received by an actual critical group by more than a factor of ten. The result is that, in reality, these generic factors are still likely to represent overestimates of the doses received. The hypothetical critical group doses from unit discharges of radionuclides to the atmospheric and surface water environments have been calculated using a few standardized assumptions about the discharge conditions and the location of the critical group. The models and data used in these calculations are described in detail in the main text. The assumptions applied here are similar to those used to calculate clearance levels in Ref. [I–1], and have been described in more detail there. The main underlying assumptions are summarized here for ease of reference.

Generic dose calculation factors, based on the generic environmental model presented in this report, are also presented in this annex. These factors take account of the dispersion of radionuclides in the environment, and are therefore of a less pessimistic nature than the screening values given above. In deriving these generic factors care has been taken to ensure that doses to a hypothetical critical group are unlikely to exceed those received by an actual critical group by more than a factor of ten. The result is that, in reality, these generic factors are still likely to represent overestimates of the doses received. The hypothetical critical group doses from unit discharges of radionuclides to the atmospheric and surface water environments have been calculated using a few standardized assumptions about the discharge conditions and the location of the critical group. The models and data used in these calculations are described in detail in the main text. The assumptions applied here are similar to those used to calculate clearance levels in Ref. [I–1], and have been described in more detail there. The main underlying assumptions are summarized here for ease of reference.

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