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Phrase Building

Dans le document PORTUGUESE BRAZILIAN (Page 68-79)

A. Place O or os in front ofthe masculine nouns and a or as in front ofthe feminine nouns.

1. portaria 6. copa

2. momento 7. café

3. manhã 8. pessoas

4. número 9. coisa

5. americanas 10. brasileiros

B. Match the items on the left with the appropriate item on the right.

1. Eu vou ( ) para a portaria?

2. Nós ( ) de Nova Iorque.

3. O americano é ( ) sabemos o nome do hotel.

4. Ela vai pedir ( ) aqui dois dias.

5. Ele quer ficar ( ) trabalhar hoje.

6. O senhor vai ligar ( ) as malas no quarto.

7. Eu posso abrir ( ) café completo.

C. Form sentences by combining items from each ofthe three columns.

1. O rapaz ( ) ficar ( ) cinco dias.

2. Ele vai ( ) pedir mais ( ) completo.

3. Eu quero ( ) quer ligar ( ) alguma coisa?

4. O senhor ( ) café ( ) segunda-feira?

5. Eu posso ( ) vai ( ) para a copa.

Try to convey the folIowing thoughts in Portuguese as best you can by using only what has been presented so faro

1. Could you get me room 318, please?

2. I don't care for a fulI breakfast; I think I'1I only have coffee.

3. What did you say your address was?

4. No problem! I'll do it right away. (in answer to a request to do something)

5. He's not in the mood for breakfast.

6. I'm going to call room service.

7. Are you going to speak with him? I thought you were going to write.

8. I have no idea who has the room key.

9. Do you mind putting your name on this form?

10. Areyou located in the hotel at this time?

11. We're not ordering a full breakfast, but he is.

12. He intends to get in touch with her by phone.

VII. Varying It

Practice the different ways of expressing the A merican


lines in the following exchanges.

A. Asking the hotel operator to connect you with someone

B. Portaria! Às suas ordens!

A. A senhora quer ligar para a copa, por favor?

1. O senhor poderia ligar para a copa, por favor?

( could)

2. Eu gostaria de falar com a copa, por favor.

(I would like to speak) 3. Copa, por favor.

B. Placing your order

B. A senhora quer café completo?

A. Quero, sim.

1. É, completo.

2. Eu quero só café com leite.

(with milk)

3. Eu quero café, dois ovos fritos e pão com manteiga, por favor.

(bread and butter) 4. Eu quero cereal e frutas.

( cereal and fruit)


Specifying the numberofpeople B. Para quantas pessoas?

A. Para uma.

1. Para duas.

2. Para três.

3. Para quatro pessoas.

D. Asking for different items

B. Mais alguma coisa?

A. Não, só isso.

1. E uma garrafa de água mineral também.

(bottle of mineral water) (also)

2. Pode trazer uma garrafa de água mineral, também.

3. Traga ovos mexidos também, por favor.


4. Ah! Eu queria um suco de laranja, também.

(Oh, I would like some orangejuice)

VIII. Making It Work (Role playing)

Taking the part ofthe American, enact the dialog with your teacher until you feel comfortable doing so. Later, role playing with variations should occur, with you and your teacher free to use variant lines or whatever fits the role-playing situation.

IX. Using It

At this point you engage in vanous activities that call upon the language you have learned. These may include such things as:

A) Instructor interviews:

Ask your teacher to tell you about what breakfast consists of in her or his home state. (Is it the same for the rest ofBrazil, or does it depend on the region? )

B) B riefings for your instructor:

Describe to your teacher what a typical American breakfast consists of, and what you personally like to eat in the morning.

C) Role-playing situations related to but not identical to those of step VIII

=-- - ~,.: -



=-Cultural Notes Café da manhã

(B reakfast)

A typical Brazilian breakfast at home consists of café com leite (a cup filled with approximately three parts hot milk, and one part bIack coffee sweetened with sugar), French bread and butter, jam, fruit, and fruit juice. In hotels, breakfast is generally more eIaborate. The cost is included in the daily rate. It can range from a continental breakfast to a complete array oftropical fruit such as papaya, pineapple, oranges, many varieties of bananas, cheeses, sweet rolls, jams, and lots of Brazilian cofTee, of course. Many hotels will serve breakfast in your room at no extra charge.

Even children drink café com leite as well as cafezinhos (sweetened, strong black coffee served in demitasses).

In better hoteIs, you will find a well-stocked geladeira/frigobar (refrigerator) in your room. The items in it Oiquor, beer, soft drinks, mineral water, snacks, etc.) are checked and restocked daily by the room maid. If you should be tempted to eat or drink anything, be aware that these items are not complimentary. They are charged to your account and they are usually very cost1y. However, it is fun and very convenient to have a refreshing coId Brazilian beer or a soda handy when you walk in from the hot carioca sun.

Pote poro gele.o


Expressing Courtesy Parabéns!

(C ongratulations!) Benvindo/a!

(Welcome!) Divi rta-se!

(Have fun!)

Estimo as suas melhoras!

(Hope you get better!)

Meus pêsames!/Meus sentimentos!

(My condolences!) É muita gentileza sua!

(Y ou're too kind!)

Obrigado/a pela sua atenção.

(T hank you for your attention.) Que prazer em vê-Io/la!

(It's so nice to see you!) É um prazer recebê-lo/Ia!

It's nice to have you over.)

Esteja a vontade!/Figue a vontade!

(Makeyourselfat home.) Não faça cerimônia, hein?

(Don't stand on ceremony.) Não se faça de rogado/a!

(Don't mention itJ O prazer é meu.

I. Setting the Scene

LESSON3 AT THE HOTEL Making a Long-Distance Call

You wish to advise the DCM* that you have arrived in Brazil. Anxiously, you pick up the phone to make your first long-distance call in Portuguese through an operator.

11. Hearing It

Listen to the tape once. See if you can identify the voice of the A merican and that of the Brazilian. Pay particular attention to the American


lines. Then listen to the tape again. This time you should be able to understand what is going on a little better. Do not worry if you pick up very little or nothing at all. By the time this lesson is over, you will have had many opportunities to become thoroughly familiar with its contents.


Deputy C hief of M ission at an E mbassy

111. Seeing It

Sample Dialog

Looking at the dialog, listen to the tape again. Looking for cognates and contextual clues, see how much you can understand.

B. Alô! Telefonista!

A. Telefonista, boa tarde, eu gostaria de fazer uma chamada interurbana para Brasília.

B. Pois não, para que número a senhora quer ligar?

A. Para o número 216-8079, pessoa a pessoa, por favor.

B. Com quem a senhora deseja falar?

A. Eu quero falar com o Sr. Jack Whitney.

B. Seu nome e núme~o do quarto, por favor?

A. Meu nome é Anne Covington e o número do quarto é 621.

B. Vou ligar. Aguarde um momentinho.

A. Pois não, obrigada.

Filling in the Blanks - 1

Listen to the tape again, this time trying to write missing words in the blanks from memory. Check the spelling later.


---Telefonista, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tarde, eu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ de

fazer uma _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interurbana para _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pois _ _ _ _ , para _ _ _ _ _ número a senhora quer _________ ? Para o





---por favor.

Com a senhora falar?


---Eu quero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ com o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jack Whitney.

Seu ________________ e número _ _ _ quarto, por _ _ _ _ _ ?

_________________ nome é Anne Covington _ o número do quarto _____ 621.

Vou ___________ . Aguarde _____ momentinho.

Pois _ _ _ _ , obrigada.

Dans le document PORTUGUESE BRAZILIAN (Page 68-79)

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