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Dans le document PORTUGUESE BRAZILIAN (Page 44-55)

- 3 PIscinas - Uma de água quente Diárias completas COZI·

nha InternacIonal ou dIetétIca - Balneáno completo. saunas.

duchas escocesas htdromassa-gem e fISIoterapia

- Boate. cinema gináSIO coberto pollesportlvo

- Quadra de tênIS c/llumlnaçao salão de JOQos e JOQos eletrô-niCOS

-Scoth-bar c/múSIca ao VIVO re-serva de fondue


- Boutlques. artesanatos. salão de beleza Restaurante p/bebês e Baby-Sltters

- Professores espeCializados em recreação Infantil

Soidas;eó05e Domingos

Apto .. c/TV cor. ar ••• ladeira • t .... o ... Tiais, . . aelra polival.nte. praia. pisdaa. _una. ba ... t.araat-.

_Ióes d. conveação. -veDo. caiaq.-. .henn ao vho

• • quipe d. recreação Waatil .. Coa.alt. Ma a_te.

Cultural Notes Greetings and leave-takings

Greetings are an important form ofinitiating and maintaining social contacts in Brazil. In general, greetings involve far more touching than would be customary between Americans. In addition to a verbal greeting-Bom dia (Good day), Boa tarde (Good afternoon), or Boa noite (Good evening/night) - it is quite common for male friends and relations to exchange a warm ubear hug," followed by a pa t on the back, especially if they ha ve not seen each other for some time.

A businesslike introduction between men will usually involve a firm handshake, held somewhat longer than is customary in the U .S., accompanied by mutual eye contact, smiles, and perhaps a nod.

W omen will generally exchange kisses on the cheeks, tradi tionally two for a married woman, and three for a single woman, starting from the left side.

Between newly-acquainted men and women, a formal, somewhat weak handshake is usually indicated, and will generally remain the norm for future encounters, except after an extended friendship. Among younger people, the practice of exchanging kisses of greeting between a man and a woman has become more common. When in doubt, it is better to wait for the other party to initiate the greeting. Handshakes or kisses on the cheek are de rigueur at the conclusion as well as at the start of a conversation. These gestures are normally repea ted u pon each meeting unless the in terval between meetings is brief.

Other types of greetings include a thumbs-up signal followed by Tudo bem?, or Tudo bom?, to which you can reply Tudo bem or Tudo bom.

Here are some examples of greetings. Practice them with your teacher. Use either o senhor, a senhora, or você* appropriately.


Bom dia, como vai o senhoria senhoraNocê? Bem obrigado/a. E o (Fine, thank you)

senhoria senhoraNocê?

Boa tarde, como vai o senhoria senhoraNocê? Vou bem ...

(I'm fine.) Boa noite, como vai o senhoria senhoraNocê? Muito bem ...

(Very well.)

Bom dia,como vai o senhoria senhoraNocê? Mais ou menos ...


*Você i5 the informal counterpart ofo senhor and a senhora.

Informal Oi, tudo bem?

(H i! Everything O .K.?) Oi ... , tudo bom?

(person's name) N ow, initiate the greeting.

Tudo bem, e você?

(Everything's fine, .. .) Tudo bom, e você?

Here are some examples of leave-taking expressions. Try them with your teacher.

Até logo.

(So long.) Até amanhã.

(See you tomorrow.) Tchau.


Até a vista/Até a volta.

(So long; till we meet again.) Até mais tarde.

(See you later.) Até qualquer dia.

(Until we meet again) Até "á.

Um grande abraço para o João.

(Give João a big hug for me.) Dê lembranças para aMara.

(Give my regards to Mara.) Apareça em casa.

(Come see us.)

Obrigado/a. Igualmente.

(Thanks. You too.) Pode deixar que eu dou.

(I certainly will.) Serão dadas.

(I will)

Está bem, qualquer dia eu apareço.

(O.K. One ofthese days, I will.)

Expressing Courtesy

(Good luck on your exam!) Bom apetite!

(Enjoy your lunch!) Boas férias!

(Have a nice vacation!) Bom Ano Novo!

(Happy New Year!) Feliz Natal!

(Merry Christmas!) Boa Pascoa!

(Happy Easter!)

Feliz Dia das Mães/dos Pais!

(Happy Mother's/Father's Day!) Durma bem!

(S leep well!) Feliz aniversário!

(Happy birthday!) Saúde!

(Cheers! God bless you!) Meus parabéns!

(C ongratulations!) Felicidades!

Obrigado/a, para você também.

Obrigado/a, a você também.



Obrigado/a e você também.








rdering B reakfast I. Setting the Scene

After a fi tful sleep marked by the strangeness of your new surroundings, you awaken with a real appetite. You decide to order breakfast first so that the food will arrive just as you have finished showering and dressing. How different to have a breakfast of exotic tropical fruits and juices and that world-famous coffee!

11. Hearing It

Listen to the tape once. See if you can identify the voice of the A merican and that of the Brazilian. Pay particular attention to the American


lines. Then listen to the tape again. This time you should be able to understand what is going on a little better. Do not worry if you pick up very little or nothing at all. By the time this lesson is over, you will have had many opportunities to beco me thoroughly familiar with its contents.





A C,Ofh,


--111. Seeing It

Sample Dialog

Looking at the dialog, listen to the tape again. Looking for cognates and contextual clues, see how much you can understand.

B. Portaria' Às suas ordensf

A. A senhora quer ligar para a copa, por favor?

B. Pois não, um momento.

B. Alô! Copa!

A. O senhor quer mandar o café da manhã para o quarto 318, por favor?

B. A senhora quer café completo?

A. Quero, sim.

B. Para quantas pessoas?

A. Para uma.

B. Oual é mesmo o número do quarto?

A. 318.


Mais alguma coisa?

A. Não, só isso.


Vou mandar já.

A. Obrigada.

Filling in the Blanks - 1

Listen to the tape again, this time trying to write missing words in the blanks from memory. Check the spelling later.


- -

suas ordens!

A _ _ _ _ quer ligar _ _ a copa, _ _ favor?

Pois , um



senhor ______ mandar o café _ _ manhã para o _______ _ 318, favor?

A ___________ quer ______ completo?


-Para _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pessoas?

_ _ uma.

Qual _ _ mesmo o ________ do quarto?



- - - -


_ _ ,só isso.

Vou _ _ _ _ _ _ já.


Filling in the 81anks - 2

Repeat as in Filling in the Blanks -1

!Às ordens!


---_ ---_ ---_ senhora ---_ ---_ ---_ ---_ ligar para __ copa, por ______ ? Pois não,

- - - -


_ _ _ _ ! Copa!

_ _ _ _ senhor quer _ _ _ _ o café da _____ para o ________ 318,por _____ ?

senhora café ?

---- ---

---_ ---_ ---_ ---_ ---_ "sim

_ _ _ _ quantas _______________ ? para _ _ _ _

é mesmo o número do ?


---_____ alguma ---_____---_______ ?


- - - - -




-IV. Taking It Apart

Contextual Equivalents

With books open, repeat after your teacher, first chorally, then a second time individually. With books closed, try to translate into English those Portuguese items that your teacher wilI select oralIy at random. Afterwards, cover the Portuguese side and try to translate the items into Portuguese.


para quantas pessoas para uma

to connect with, phone restaurant room service HelIo!

to send breakfast the room full breakfast

for how many people forone

Dans le document PORTUGUESE BRAZILIAN (Page 44-55)

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