• Aucun résultat trouvé

5.2 List of components

4.2.2 Limites et recommandations

À travers la recherche bibliographique que nous avons effectuée au début de nos travaux, nous savons que la gestion centralisée des feux du trafic routier n’implique pas seulement la com-mande à distance des feux tricolores. Une plate-forme de gestion centralisée des feux peut, en plus de la commande à distance des feux, aussi intégrer la vidéosurveillance couplée au radar, une géolocalisation et plus encore , ceci avec un système de feux tricolores intelligent capable de définir la programmation de feux adéquats au trafic à un instant donné et muni d’un sys-tème d’énergie en rédondance ou alternance entre l’énergie conventionnelle et lénergie solaire.

Ainsi, nous comprenons que la version actuelle de notre plate-forme peut être encore améliorée en vue d’une meilleure gestion du trafic.

Dans le but d’élargir et d’améliorer les services fournis par notre plate-forme, d’autres études pourront être effectuées.

Tout au long de nos travaux, nous nous sommes essentiellement attelés à la conception d’une solution capable de favoriser la gestion efficiente du trafic routier dans la ville de Cotonou à travers un système de gestion centralisée des feux tricolores en vue d’impacter positivement la sécurité routière et le bien être des populations. En effet, une étude nous à permis de choisir le réseau GSM à travers son service de message court (SMS) pour la communication entre les feux tricolores et le centre de gestion de notre système. A partir des besoins fonctionnels exprimés par le chef division des signalisations lumineuses avec qui nous avons étroitement collaboré, nous avons pu modéliser les fonctionnalités essentielles de notre plate-forme. Ensuite les maté-riels et les méthodes de conception que nous avons employés, nous ont permis de traduire les besoins recueillis en rubrique de fonctionnalités au niveau de notre plateforme . Cette dernière intègre :

3 un menu de changement de programmation et de commande des feux tricolores ; 3 un menu de contrôle des états des feux tricolores ;

3 un système d’authentification permettant aux utilisateurs d’accéder aux différentes ru-briques ;

La rubrique de changement de programmation et de commande des feux tricolores développée permet au besoin de passer au vert un feu tricolore et de modifier aisément les programmations.

La rubrique de vérification de l’état de feux tricolores quant à elle, permet de connaître l’état des feux tricolores de façon générale et celui de leurs lampes de façon spécifique en vue d’effectuer des maintenances au besoin. L’accès aux fonctionnalités précédemment citées nécessite une au-thentification qui permet à notre plate-forme de déterminer les niveaux et les droits d’accès de l’utilisateur. Ainsi les échanges de données, les traitements et instructions envoyées depuis la plate-forme s’effectue au niveau des feux tricolores par le module GPRS/GSM SIM 900 Shield en vue de l’exécution de ces instructions. Notre système étant dynamique et évolutif, l’amélio-ration des services fournis par la plate-forme de gestion centralisée des feux tricolores, exige de futur études qui auront pour objectifs l’intégration de la vidéosurveillance couplé au radar.

Nous utiliserons donc un système intelligent de feux tricolores capable de définir la program-mation selon le trafic vu et analysé par les équipements de vidéosurveillance et les radas. Ce système sera alimenté par des sources d’énergie en rédondance ou alternance entre l’énergie conventionnelle et l’énergie solaire.

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Année : 2011

Conflits Accidents Véhicules Tués Blessés graves Blessés légers

PL seul 97 97 0 1 8

Type de route Accidents Véhicules Tués Blessés graves Blessés légers

RNIE 446 921 16 134 177

Voirie urbaine 2733 5461 81 711 991

Autres 56 105 1 7 9

Total 3235 6487 98 852 1177

Bilan des accidents à Cotonou en 2011

48PL : Poids Lourd

49VL : Véhicule Léger

502R : 2 Roues

51VBH : Véhicule à Bras ou Hippomobile

52RNIE : Route Nationale Inter-Etat

PL seul 94 94 0 4 1

Type de route Accidents Véhicules Tués Blessés graves Blessés légers

RNIE 851 1698 25 280 389

Voirie urbaine 2128 4202 51 614 885

Autres 52 90 2 11 11

Total 3031 5990 78 905 1285

Bilan des accidents à Cotonou en 2012

VL seul 152 152 3 22 29

2R seul 82 82 12 43 31

PL/PL 29 72 2 2 8

PL/VL 343 735 4 27 17

PL/2R 102 222 11 40 66

PL/Piéton 11 12 4 3 4

VL/VL 878 1938 8 43 152

VL/2R 922 1938 14 345 769

VL/VBH 5 10 0 1 0

VL/Piéton 117 152 11 81 76

2R/2R 216 447 9 148 242

2R/VBH 7 14 0 5 4

2R/Piéton 133 137 9 112 112

VBH/Piéton 1 1 0 1 0

Autre 32 68 4 9 17

TOTAL 3135 6085 91 885 1532

Année : 2013

Type de route Accidents Véhicules Tués Blessés graves Blessés légers

RNIE 999 1967 41 283 479

Voirie urbaine 2002 3880 46 573 1014

Autres 134 238 4 29 39

Total 3135 6085 91 885 1532

Bilan des accidents à Cotonou en 2013

PL seul 115 115 0 1 2

Type de route Accidents Véhicules Tués Blessés graves Blessés légers

RNIE 964 1884 31 276 432

Voirie urbaine 2103 4067 58 573 995

Autres 365 683 11 127 120

Total 3432 6634 100 976 1547

Bilan des accidents à Cotonou en 2014

VL seul 179 179 1 38 59

Type de route Accidents Véhicules Tués Blessés graves Blessés légers

RNIE 794 1557 25 210 338

RN 117 234 2 25 65

Voirie urbaine 2120 4116 50 575 901

Piste répertoriée 7 11 1 0 1

Autres 297 549 8 97 124

Total 3335 6467 86 907 1429

Bilan des accidents à Cotonou en 2015

Design and Experimentation of a Centralized Traffic Light Management

System in the city of Cotonou

The development of any nation depends on of its environment’s parameters managements.

Since the advent of motor vehicles, road traffic has emerged as one of the most important pa-rameters of development because it is used almost entirely by the population in the exercise of their economical activities. The improvement in the average standard of living and the rate of household equipment has enabled the greatest number of people to travel in private vehicles, leading to increasingly heavy road traffic [2]. However, road infrastructures are designed ac-cording to a demand projected at a certain moment to meet a collective optimum while each individual seeks to optimize his or her mobility while meeting his or her own specific criteria.

This particularity makes road traffic a difficult phenomenon to analyze and optimize, especially in Benin since we have more motorcycles than cars in circulation [2].

The traffic control support infrastructure in Benin is the traffic light, the optimization of which represents a real challenge. This state of affairs is reflected in the sometimes unjustified wait-ing times for traffic lights, such as at the Cica Toyota intersection in Cotonou, or in the poor programming observed at the Okpè Oluwa intersection in Cotonou, which often leads to acci-dents. This difficulty in managing fires is also manifested by the phenomenon of traffic conges-tion and poor traffic flow observed despite the presence of fires, the outcome of which requires the intervention of a police officer. Thus, the difficulty of managing traffic lights in traffic road represents a major problem leading to crucial socio-economic problems and therefore requires the search for appropriate solutions that can be implemented in practice.

For this reason, in this thesis, we have focused on the control and maintenance of traffic lights through a centralized management system. This management system will take into account the architecture to be adopted, the appropriate equipment, the management platform and the performance of the network while with optimal cost.

The city of Cotonou is the economic capital of Benin. It has a density of 9684.7 inhabitants/km2.

It houses the majority of the Republic’s institutions, state companies, head offices and agencies of banks and large private companies. Economic centres such as the Dantokpa market, the autonomous port, cardinal Bernardin GANTIN airport... are not only assets, but also major contributors to the national budget and Benin’s visibility on the international scene [1].

Despite this, statistics on road accidents in the department of Littoral (Cotonou) over the pe-riod 2011 to 2015 show an average of 3234 accidents per year with 2390 fatalities and health damage. It is important to note that the scene of these road accidents in Cotonou is generally the city’s crossroads. These statistics are more fully detailed for the Littoral department in the tables (contained in Appendix A).

En A study carried out on traffic jams, and their problems in the major cities of West Africa, has shown, with regard to traffic congestion at the Cica-toyota crossroads, the economic and socio-environmental consequences that they cause if we consider only the case of permanent agents of the State. Economically, by taking four agents by vehicle, each in one of categories A, B, C and D, they cost the Beninese State an average of 35,578,824 FCFA per month. If they were each on a motorcycle, they would cost the Beninese State CFAF 26,611.95 per month [4].

In addition to the thousands of civil servants who use these various roads every day to access their workplaces, there are also those in the private sector. The Beninese state therefore loses millions of CFA francs every day because of the traffic jam at the Cica-toyota crossroads, not to mention the other crossroads in Cotonou [4].

The traffic congestion to which populations are subjected is not without consequences on their state of health. According to an American study commissioned by TomTom (a publisher of route planning software and a manufacturer of mobile or in-vehicle GPS navigation systems) on car traffic in 2011 shows that traffic jams are significantly increasing, the physiological stress of motorists stuck in them. According to this study, the increase in stress in congested areas is 8.7% for women while for men it would reach the worrying increase of 60%. Such high rates of increase are the cause of several problems such as reduced immune function and increased blood pressure. Indeed, this physiological stress also influences the behavior of certain users in return and would therefore ultimately be at the root of certain diseases, in particular dizziness, shortness of breath as well as muscle and chest pain; this sometimes leads some motorists to lose concentration, with the result that accidents are on the rise [26].

Faced to all these implications of road traffic on the safety of citizens and on development, it is becoming essential to have an efficient road traffic management system in Benin. As far as

road traffic management by setting up a centralized traffic light management system, focusing specifically on the aspect of traffic light control, and to recommend a traffic light architecture for the city of Cotonou, based on GSM network technology. The recommended architecture must technically allow an adequate, robust and flexible transmission and control system, in-tegrating technical standards and the latest technologies in this field. The centralized traffic light management system is the subject of a detailed technical analysis in order to determine its feasibility.

Objectives of the project

For any end-of-training project, it is advisable to have well-defined objectives in mind. These objectives are broken down as follows:

3 Set up a secure centralized traffic light management system to visualize their status, with the possibility of modifying their schedules in real time.

3 Use GSM network technology from Benin as a transport network for the centralized traffic light management system.

3 Propose an economic architecture (at a reduced cost), but effective in relation to the re-quirements set.

Chapter 5

Road traffic analysis and characteristics

5.1 Roads

Road traffic is defined as all the complex phenomena resulting from the movement of users on a road network with limited capacity[9]. As the capacity of the road network is limited, in a context where the scale of traffic is constantly increasing over time, road traffic management requires appropriate infrastructure and appropriate regulation for users in relation to this in-frastructure. Road traffic is, therefore, a natural phenomenon in which the interactions between the various users and their environment constitute the core of the operation. This traffic system has the following characteristics that explain its difficulties in knowing:

3 Dynamic: Traffic phenomena are highly dynamic, with the number of stakeholders in-cluded in the system varying widely over time. A minor disturbance can, for example, be amplified and turn into congestion;

3 distribution: the traffic phenomena result from the interaction of each road user with his environment;

3 heterogeneity: the road traffic system involves different actors, including heterogeneous drivers (beginners/experienced), who can use, for example, vehicles with different char-acteristics;

3 complexity: a system is described as complex when an observer cannot predict its behav-ior or evolution or when one of its essential components (the driver) has, for example, unpredictable behavior [2].