• Aucun résultat trouvé



Executive and Liaison Committee Art.

101. Meetings.

102. Reports on the activities of the Committee.

Chapter II International Bureau 103. Preparation of the work of Congresses and Conferences.

104. Information. Opinions. Requests for interpretation and amendment of the Acts.

Enquiries. Intervention in the liquidation of accounts.

105. Postage stamps and postal franking impressions.

106. Postal identity cards. International reply coupons.

107. Communications and information to be forwarded to the International Bureau.

108. Publications.

109. Annual report on the activities of the Union.

Chapter III Expenditure of the Union 110. Limit of credit.

111. Apportionment of expenses.

112. Payment for supplies from the International Bureau.

Chapter IV Settlement of accounts 113. Preparation and settlement of accounts.

114. Payment of gold debts. General provisions.

115. Rules for payment.

Chapter V Miscellaneous provisions 116. Postal identity cards.

117. Fixing of equivalents.

118. Distant Countries.

119. Period of retention of documents.

120. Telegraphic addresses.

Deuxi~me Partie


Titre I

Conditions d'acceptation des objets de correspondance Chapitre I

Dispositions applicables I toutes les cat6gories d'envois Art.

121. Conditionnement et adresse.

122. Envois poste restante.

123. Envois sous enveloppe h panneau.

124. Envois exp~di6s en franchise postale.

125. Envois soumis au contr6le douanier.

126. Envois francs de droits.

Chapitre II

Dispositions sp6ciales applicables & chaque cat6gorie d'envois 127. Lettres.

128. Cartes postales simples.

129. Cartes postales avec r~ponse payee.

130. Papiers d'affaires.

131. TImprim6s.

132. Imprimis. Objets assimilds.

133. Imprim~s. Annotations et annexes autoris6es.

134. Imprim6s. Conditionnement des envois.

135. Objets assimil6s aux impressions en relief h l'usage des aveugles.

136. A hantillons. Objets assimilds.

137. tchantillons. Annotations autorisfes.' 138. tchantillons. Conditionnement des envois.

139. Petits paquets.

140. Envois "Phonopost".

141. Objets group6s.

Titre II Envois recommandds

Chapitre Unique 142. Envois recommand6s.

143. Avis de reception.

144. Avis de reception demand6 post6rieurement au d~p6t.

145. Envois recommandds k remettre en main propre.

Part II


Conditions of acceptance of items of correspondence Chapter I

Provisions applicable to all catagories of items Art.

121. Make-up and address.

122. Poste restante items.

123. Items in panel envelopes.

124. Items sent free of postage.

125. Items subject to Customs control.

126. Items for delivery free of charges.

Chapter II

Special provisions applicable to each category of items 127. Letters.

128. Single postcards.

129. Reply-paid postcards.

130. Commercial papers.

131. Printed papers.

132. Printed papers. Assimilated articles.

133. Printed papers. Authorised annotations and enclosures.

134. Printed papers. Make-up of items.

135. Articles assimilated to literature for the blind.

136. Samples. Assimilated articles.

137. Samples. Authorised annotations.

138. Samples. Make-up of items.

139. Small packets.

140. "Phonopost" items.

141. Grouped categories.

Section II Registered items

Chapter I 142. Registered items.

143. Advice of delivery.

144. Advice of delivery requested after posting.

145. Registered items for delivery to the addressee in person.

Titre III

Op6rations au depart et h l'arrive Chapitre Unique


146. Application du timbre & date.

147. Envois expr~s.

148. Envois non affranchis ou insuffisamment affranchis.

149. Renvoi des bulletins d'affranchissement. R~cup6ration des droits avanc6s.

150. Envois r6expdi6s.

151. Enveloppes de r6exp6dition et enveloppes collectrices.

152. Envois tomb6s en rebut.

153. Retrait. Modification d'adresse.

154. R6clamations. Envois ordinaires.

155. R6clamations. Envois recommand6s.

156. Demandes de renseignements.

157. Reclamations et demandes de renseignements concernant des envois d~pos~s dans un autre Pays.

Titre I V

]change des envois. Ddp~ches Chapitre Unique 158. Feuilles d'avis.

159. Transmission des envois recommand~s.

160. Transmission des envois expr~s.

161. Confection des d6p~ches.

162. Remise des d~p~ches.

163. Vrification des d6pches.

164. Acheminement des ddp~ches.

165. Rchange en d6p~ches closes.

166. Transit en d6p~ches closes et transit & d6couvert.

167. Acheminement des correspondances.

168. D6p~ches 6chang~es avec des bAtiments de guerre.

169. Renvoi des sacs vides.

Titre V

Dispositions concernant les frais de transit Chapitre I

Operations de statistique Art.

170. Pdriode et durde de la statistique.

171. Confection et designation des d6p~ches closes pendant la p~riode de statistique.

Section III

Operations on departure and arrival Chapter I


146. Application of the date-stamp.

147. Express items.

148. Unpaid or underpaid items.

149. Return of franking notes. Recovery of sums advanced.

150. Redirected items.

151. Redirection envelopes and collective envelopes.

152. Undeliverable items.

153. Withdrawal from the post. Alteration of address.

154. Enquiries. Unregistered items.

155. Enquiries. Registered items.

156. Requests for information.

157. Enquiries and requests for information concerning items posted in another Country.

Section IV

Exchange of items. Mails Chapter I

158. Letter bills.

159. Transmission of registered items.

160. Transmission of express items.

161. Make-up of mails.

162. Transfer of mails.

163. Check of mails.

164. Routeing of mails.

165. Exchange in closed mails.

166. Transit in closed mails and transit 4 ddcouvert.

167. Routeing of correspondence.

168. Mails exchanged with ships of war.

169. Return of empty bags.

Section V

Provisions concerning transit charges Chapter I

Statistical operations Art.

170. Incidence and duration of the statistics.

171. Make-up and designation of closed mails during the statistical period.

172. Constatation du nombre de sacs et du poids des d6p~ches closes.

173. lAtablissement des relev6s des d6p~ches closes.

174 D6p~ches closes 6chang6es avec des bAtiments de guerre.

175. Bulletin de transit.

176. D~rogations aux articles 172, 173 et 175.

177. Revision des comptes de frais de transit.

178. Services extraordinaires.

Chapitre II

Comptabilit6. R~glement des comptes 179. Compte des frais de transit.

180. D6compte g6n6ral annuel. Intervention du Bureau international.

181. Payement des frais de transit.

Titre VI Dispositions diverses

Chapitre Unique 182. Timbres-poste et empreintes d'affranchissement.

183. Emploi de timbres-poste presumes frauduleux ou d'empreintes pr6sum~es fraudu-leuses de machines L affranchir ou de presses d'imprimerie.

184. Coupons-r~ponse internationaux.

185. Bulletins d'affranchissement. D~compte des frais de douane, etc.

186. Formules l'usage du public.

Troisihme Partie Dispositions finales 187. Mise a ex6cution et dur6e du R6glement.

Annexes Formules : voir liste spdciale

172. Establishing of number of bags and weight of closed mails.

173. Preparation of statements of closed mails.

174. Closed mails exchanged with ships of war.

175. Transit bulletin.

176. Derogation of Articles 172, 173 and 175.

177. Revision of transit charges' accounts.

178. Extraordinary services.

Chapter II

Accounting. Settlement of accounts 179. Transit charges' account.

180. General annual liquidation account. Intervention of the International Bureau.

181. Payment of transit charges.

Section VI Miscellaneous provisions

Chapter I 182. Postage stamps and postal franking impressions.

183. Use of postage stamps or of impressions of postal franking machines or printing presses presumed to be fraudulent.

184. International reply coupons.

185. Franking notes. Accounting for Customs, etc., charges.

186. Forms for the use of the public.

Part III Final provisions

180. Entry into force and duration of the Detailed Regulations.

Annexes Forms : see special list



Les soussign~s, vu l'article 22 de la Convention postale universelle conclue h Bruxelles le 11 juillet 19521, ont, au nom de leurs Administrations respectives, arrt , d'un commun accord, les mesures suivantes pour assurer l'ex~cution de ladite Convention