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The credibility of the procedure

Dans le document WORLD CLIMATE PROGRAMME DATA and MONITORING (Page 122-128)



10.2 A procedure of series segmentation

10.2.5 The credibility of the procedure


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A complete segmentation being produced, this can be tested using the concept of contrast introduced by Scheffe (1959).

The Scheffe test has been integrated in the optimization algorithm in order to verify the validity of the segmentations concerning the entire chronological series under study.

During exploration of the m-order segmentations branching of the complete series, a segmentation whose square root deviation from the series is inferior to the weakest square root deviation already obtained is not retained as a new optimal provisional segmentation except if the null hypothesis of the Scheffe test is rejected at a chosen level of confidence for all the above defined contrasts. The optimal solution supplied by our algorithm will thus be necessarily valid according to the Scheffe test.

The Scheffe test will supply a means of limiting the order of segmentation. The simple criterion of deviation does not permit it because the rest of the deviations between the complete series and the best segmentation is not increasing with m. Considering a series of length n, the optimal m-order segmentation can thus never be preferable to the optimal (m+l)-order segmentation. One would then be led to pursue the process of segmentation up to the n order, for which the deviation is zero, but which does not present any interest at the level of the interpretation because it brings one back to the series under study. However, if during the (m+l)-segmentation process, no segmentation produced shows itself to be valid according to the Scheffe test, one retains the optimal m-order segmentation as the best segmentation of the proposed series.

This use of the Scheffe test nevertheless suffers from a drawback as pointed out by Bernier (1993). It would be applied to segments randomly chosen independently of the data.

It is applied to dates of change determined a posteriori and there is a risk that a number of such changes can be fallaciously significant, so it appeared useful to make some simulations in order to have a better idea of the segmentation procedure credibility.

10.2.5 The credibility of the procedure

The procedure of segmentation can be regarded as a test of stationarity, the affirmation that the series under study is stationary constituting the null hypothesis of this test.

If the procedure does not produce any acceptable segmentation of the order greater than or equal to 2, the null hypothesis will be accepted. It will be rejected in the opposite case, but there obviously exists a risk of the first kind error (which consists of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is valid), as a consequence of the same risk in the application of the Scheffe test to the different contrasts of a segmentation. However, no attempt to attribute a level of significance to this test of stationarity will be made because such a level of significance, although being a function of that of the Scheffe test, does not depend on it in a simple way. For a given significance level of the Scheffe test, one can only propose an empirical observation of the first kind errors when applying the procedure of segmentation to

according to N(0,1) have been tested in order to establish a reference base for the hydrometeorological series of a comparable length which will be further studied.

When the Scheffe test is done at the 0.05 significance level, 47 of the 100 synthetic stationary series are segmented which signifies that the procedure rejects the hypothesis of stationarity for these series. If the Scheffe test is applied at the 0.01 significance level, this number is no more than 11, which means that the noise associated with the procedure is reduced to an acceptable level. Thus, this significance level will be used further unless otherwise stated.

In our first study of hydrometeorological series the main danger was to admit the non stationarity of series which were in fact stationary. The purpose of the above simulation approach is to determine, in this case, the significance level of the procedure for a given significance level of the underlying Scheffe test. But this approach does not exhaust the subject; first of all because it concerns only a simulation and is not a demonstration; next because it does not say anything about the significance level of the procedure applied to non- stationary series (composed of several stationary sequences) the analysis of which also carries, obviously, a risk of error of the first kind. Such simulations would have to be further pursued.

10.3 Applications

The segmentation procedure was first applied (Hubert et al., 1989) to West-African hydrometeorological series (33 rainfall series plus Senegal and Niger discharge). A previous study (Hubert & Carbonnel, 1987), using the Bayesian procedure of Lee & Heghinian (1977) suggested that the end of the sixties was a major change point for West African hydrometeorological annual time series, the mean then decreasing abruptly by about 30 %, but apart from this major change, some series exhibited a relatively minor change at the end of the forties.

These observations led us to devise the previously described segmentation procedure.

Its applications to our series yielded very consistent results all over the region. Five successive and contrasted climatic phases have been determined in this region covering the time span from 1905 to 1985: before 1923 (dry), from 1923 to 1935 (wet), from 1936 to 1950 (dry), from 1951 to 1970 (wet), and after 1970 (dry). This study showed regional consistence of the results, local random variations of rainfall series being rubbed out

The study of African rivers discharge (Fig. 10.1) has been updated and enlarged (Hubert & Carbonnel, 1993; Hubert et al., 1998). The segmentation procedure appears quite robust and the addition of new data does not modify the change points already determined.

The segmentation procedure has been used in other studies regarding African climate such as Cbaouche (1988), Moron (1992), Laraque et al. (1997), Paturel et al. (1997), Servat et al. (1997) and applied to Tunisian rainfall series by Kebaili-Bargaoui (1990). It was also used concurrently with other methods by Slivitzky & Mathier (1993) in a study devoted to the twentieth century climatic changes in the Laurentian great lakes. Some applications have also been devoted to East European rainfall time series in Romania and Bulgaria (Carbonnel

& Hubert, 1994; Carbonnel et al., 1994) and to climate evolution in Bolivia (Ronchail, 1996).

The Segmentation Procedure software is freely available on the web at the address:

http://www.cig.ensmp.fr/~hubert with instructions for use in English, French and Portuguese and a sample dataset. The Segmentation Procedure has also been included in various software packages such as TSA1 of the Norwegian Hydrological Service and KHRONOSTAT developed by IRD-ORSTOM (See the Software chapter in this volume).

10.4 Conclusion

The purpose of this paper was mainly to present a first view of the segmentation procedure.

This procedure has been assessed by Bernier (1993) who pointed out that the point changes determined by segmentation were optimal according to the general Bayesian procedure he proposed. Cavadias (1992, 1993) quoted this segmentation procedure in his survey of current approaches to modelling of hydrological time series with respect to climate variability and change.

Fig. 10.1. Optimal segmentations of the mean annual discharge for rivers Senegal at Bakel (1903-1993) and Niger at Koulikoro (1907-1992). The procedure automatically stops at the

From experience gathered in the course of different applications to various time series, the segmentation procedure appears to give reliable results, comparable to those of classical and Bayesian methods. The basic algorithm would be improved in order to process long time series or series exhibiting missing values and more simulations would clarif its significance level estimation. Nevertheless, the segmentation procedure appears to be a useful robust tool for preliminary analysis needed at the present stage of studies into climate variability and change.


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Dans le document WORLD CLIMATE PROGRAMME DATA and MONITORING (Page 122-128)