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6.2 Study 2b

6.2.6 Conclusion and perspective

This study was conducted as a premise to a more global and deeper comprehension of the dynamics between emotional sharing and communicative exchanges in col-laborative problem-solving. First, we examined if real-time adaptive changes in the emitter’s collaborative acts influence his/her emotional sharing and if the emitter’s emotional sharing induces real-time adaptive changes in the receiver’s collabora-tive acts. Second, we investigated if some specific patterns of emitter’s collaboracollabora-tive acts, emitter’s emotional sharings and receiver’s collaborative acts have privileged relationships in different phases of the collaboration. First, we confirmed that emo-tional sharing follows and induces a rapid modulation of the emitter and receiver’s collaborative acts. This result fits with the idea that emotional sharing regulates col-laborative problem-solving in the same way that it regulates social interaction more broadly. As proposed by some researchers (Keltner and Haidt, 1999; Van Doorn et al., 2015; Van Kleef and Fischer, 2016; Van Kleef et al., 2016) regarding social inter-action, emitter’s emotional expressions may be used to draw the partner’s attention and elicit adaptive changes regarding socio-relational and socio-cognitive matters.

Meanwhile, the partner needs to infer emitter’s beliefs, intentions, and orientations regarding both the cognitive (i.e., how the problem is solved) and the relational space (i.e., how the group interacts) in the context of collaborative problem-solving. In addition, we highlighted that specific patterns of emotion sharings and collabora-tive acts relate more specifically to dealing with specific matters in different phases of the collaboration. These findings also suggest that emotion sharing would ini-tiate different collaborative socio-cognitive stages. These socio-cognitive changes would also involve concomitant socio-relational changes, especially the modulation of tensions and relaxations in the group. Furthermore, even if this assumption has to be confirmed, our results suggest that receivers would adapt their collaborative acts in different ways for a given emotional sharing. Therefore, other factors have to be explored (e.g., history of the dyadic relationship, beliefs about competence, motivational aspects) to understand more finely the dynamics between emitter and receiver’ collaborative acts.

By and large, this work highlights the value of studying collaborative problem-solving with the emotional aspects that pervade it. Based on these preliminary findings, some perspectives can be considered in both educational psychology and computer science fields. First, if emotional sharing leads to the modulation of subse-quent collaborative acts, it could be promoted as a way to understand and leverage group reflection, decisions, and actions in collaborative complex learning such as problem-solving. In this way, it could be particularly useful for promoting emo-tional regulation and strengthen emoemo-tional competencies among problem-solvers (Mayer et al., 2011; Mikolajczak et al., 2020) as a socio-metacognitive and meta-relational tool (Hogan, 1999). However, further studies have to assess if explicit

sharing of emotion could have an added value in emotionally impoverished envi-ronments (e.g., some collaboration software) and would not disrupt other aspects of the collaboration, such as increasing cognitive load among group members. Second, in combination with natural language processing (semantic analysis of speech ut-terances; Baets et al., 2019) and process mining (analysis of patterns of collaborative acts; Van der Aalst, 2011) techniques, emotional sharing data could help to gain a better insight into the bottlenecks as well as the facilitators of successful collabora-tive problem-solving.

6.2.7 Appendices

Appendix A

Collaborative process Collaborative act Number of acts Percentage relative to the total number of acts

Relationship management

Display solidarity 23 0.44

Relax atmosphere 232 4.51

Use social convention 38 0.74

Interaction management

Check reception 69 1.34

Check comprehension 16 0.31

Display active listening 122 2.37

Display reflection 448 8.71

Coordinate teamwork 102 1.98

Accept coordination 425 8.27

Refuse coordination 12 0.23

Information management

Give Task Information 219 4.26

Give Explanation 18 0.35

Elicit Task Information 87 1.69

Give Self Information 215 4.18

Elicit Partner Information 60 1.17

Give recall 153 2.98

Elicit recall 16 0.31

Argumentation management

Give proposition 295 5.74

Give positive opinion 619 12.04

Give negative opinion 62 1.21

Elicit proposition 30 0.58

Elicit opinion 132 2.56

Agree 495 9.63

Incorporate 38 0.74

Task management Manage task 310 6.03

Tool management Manage tool 309 6.01

Other Other 561 10.91

Outside activity Outside activity 34 0.61

TABLE 6.5: Number of collaborative acts and percentage for each category for the whole sample

Emotion Number of sharing

Percentage relative to the total number of emotions

Number of participants where the sharing occurred at least once

Focused 50 21.01 21

Interested 37 15.61 19

Satisfied 35 14.77 16

Amused 33 13.92 18

Confident 16 6.75 9

Relaxed 17 7.17 12

Delighted 12 5.06 11

Confused 9 3.79 6

Empathic 5 2.11 4

Stressed 4 1.69 2

Annoyed 4 1.69 1

Anxious 2 0.84 2

Relieved 2 0.84 2

Dissatisfied 2 0.84 2

Bored 2 0.84 1

Frustrated 2 0.84 2

Grateful 1 0.42 1

Disappointed 1 0.42 1

Surprised 1 0.42 1

Envious 0 0 0

TABLE6.6: Number of emotions, percentage for each category and number of participants where the sharing occurred at least once for the whole sample, not including emotions re-moved due to overlap or absence of at least five consecutive collaborative acts before or


Appendix B


P1 Wait, let’s write one slogan Manage task P1 We can create some messages for the

agressors and some other for the victims Give proposition P2 Without violence you’re stronger Give proposition P1 I was thinking, maybe it is not adapted to

victims Give negative opinion

P1 An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ? Give proposition P1 For me it’s the right message, but we should

make it more attractive Give proposition

P1 Interested

P2 Yes, why not? Give positive opinion

P2 It could be a way to involve victims Give positive opinion P1 Yes because at some point maybe the victim

is too submissive Give positive opinion

P2 Ok, let’s think about that idea Accept coordination P1 And it is like a vicious circle Give positive opinion P1 Do you want to be part of a vicious circle ? Give proposition

P2 (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere

P2 Hit him, do not hit you ? Give proposition


P2 We can speak together now right? Elicit task information

P1 Yes Give task information

P1 You could be the victim Give proposition P1 Strike with your arguments Give proposition P2 You ruin your life and everyone else’s ? Give proposition P1 It could be fun to have a slogan in english Give proposition P2 I’m not very good in English but we can try

yes Agree

P1 Ok, no problem Accept coordination

P1 Focused

P2 Hmm Show reflection

P2 Do unto others as you would have others do

unto you ? Give proposition

P2 Punches are for cowards, be clever ? Give proposition

P2 Hmm Show reflection


P1 (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere

P1 It is not easy ! Give self information

P1 Can we start to make links between ideas at

this step? Elicit task information

P2 Yes I think so Give task information

P1 This one is very funny (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere P1 Violence, addiction of feeble-minded, well

done! Show solidarity

P2 (Chuckles) yes, thank you Relax atmosphere

P1 Amused

P2 Hmm Display reflection

P1 We could say that violence is like an

addiction ? Give proposition

P2 Yes, exactly Agree

P2 (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere

P2 They do not have the power of ideas but the

power of muscles Give explanation

P1 (Chuckles) True ! Relax atmosphere

P2 (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere


P1 We could add another slogan Manage task P1 You are not a punchball Give proposition

P2 (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere

P1 I don’t know, I am not convinced by this

one Give negative opinion

P2 Let’s put our random ideas here Coordinate teamwork

P1 Ok Accept coordination

P1 I think we should add the idea that cool

people are not violent Give proposition

P1 Relaxed

P2 Ok let’s write down this idea Tool discourse P2 May we add something else Tool discourse P1 Is that cool to pull fly wings out ? Give proposition P1 It has just come to my mind Give self information P2 I have some difficulty to imagine the

message that would make a difference Give self information

P1 Hmm Show reflection

P2 Otherwise I have another idea Give self information P2 Remember those who died before hitting Give proposition


P1 Phase n°2 is done, isn’t it? Manage task

P2 Yes Manage task

P1 For me, this one is among the finalists Manage task

P2 Yes, I’m ok with you Manage task

P1 It’s a good mix between both our ideas Give positive opinion

P2 Yes exactly ! Agree

P1 A beautiful mixed-breed (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere P2 I’m quite satisfied ! Give self information

P1 Me too ! Give self information

P1 Satisfied

P2 We can now submit it to the city of Geneva

(Chuckles) Relax atmosphere

P1 (Chuckles) I don’t know if they wish to use

it to be honest Relax atmosphere

P1 We never know, we never know Relax atmosphere

P2 It is good yes ! Give positive opinion

P2 But I don’t think so (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere

P1 (Chuckles) Relax atmosphere

P2 Hmm Show reflection

P2 So, how long is expected to last Phase n°3 ? Elicit task information


P1 I find it original Give self information

P1 I’ve tried to make words rhyme Give self information P1 You are the boss of your classroom but if it

were you the scapegoat? Give recall

P2 But uh… Display reflection

P2 Ok, it works ! Give positive opinion

P1 Ok Agree

P2 Uh… Display reflection

P1 So, we have to write in the tool now Give task information

P1 Delighted

P2 Original according to the rhyme, right? Elicit opinion

P1 Yes Agree

P2 Ok, I write rhyme Manage Tool

P2 And I move that below Manage Tool

P1 Ok Manage Tool

P2 Do I link it with appropriate also? Manage Tool

P1 Yes, I think so Manage Tool

Chapter 7

STUDY 3: Emotional regulation dispositions and collaborative problem-solving 1

7.1 Introduction