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Function The BSCA statement allows you to change all BSCA line specifications in your program.

Therefore, you can use BSCA line 1 or 2 without recompiling the program. lf the BSCA statement is not entered, the line specifications in the program are not changed.

Placement The BSCA statement must follow the LOAD or CALL statement and precede the RUN statement.

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Spooling Considerations None

i/ BSCA parameter

The parameter LINE-code is a keyword parameter. The codes are as follows:

Code Meaning

1 C h a n g e a l l B S C A l i n e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s t o B S C A l i n e 1 . 2 Change all BSCA line specifications to BSCA line 2.

BSCA Statement 1-23

F u n c t i o n


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E x a m p l e

Spool ing Considerations

CALL statements are needed only when you want to call a procedure from the source l i b r a r y .

To understand the function of the cALL statement, you must understand the relationship between the job stream and procedures. The job stream contains the OCL statements that control the system. The system reads the job stream from the system input device.

Procedures are sets of ocL statements in a source library on disk. They have no effect on the stream until they are merged into the job stream.

You can modify the procedure identified by a cALL statement, by providing other ocL statemernts (procedure override statements, see Changing Procedure parametercl after the CALL statement. These statements temporarily modify the procedure. The last state-ment o1i the CALL sequence must be a RUN statement. The RUN statement is required whethen or not you supply other OCL statements. (Procedures are further explained in Part 2.)

cALL statements can be used in the job stream or in a procedure. They are, in effect, replacecl by the procedures they identify. The CALL statement must precede the RUN statement. on spooled systems, it must followthe JoB statement. lt must not be b e t w e e n L O A D a n d R U N o r CALL and RUN.

// CALI- procedure-name.unit,switch characters (optional)

Procedure-name" The procedure-name is the name that identifies the procedure in the source library. You supply the procedure-name in the library maintenance control state-ments \ hen you use that program to place the procedure in the library. (See Library Maintenance Program in Part 4 of this manual for restrictions on procedure-name.) Unit: The unit parameter is a required code. The code identifies the simulation area that contains the procedure, possible codes are R 1 , F l, RZ, F2.

Switch c'haracters: The switch characters (0. 1, and X) are optional. When you include them, you must supply 8 characters because they are compared with the eight external indicatons. The system does a comparison for each position if the switch character is a 0 or 1. An X cancels the compare operation for that position only. The f irst (leftmost) switch clraracter is compared with external indicator l; then the second switch character is comparred with external indicator 2; this process continues until the g switch characters and the eight external indicator positions are either compared or bypassed. lf an equal conditiorr exists, the procedure is called. Otherwise, an informational message is displayed and the job stream is flushed to the next step.

The Procedures section in part 2 contains cALL statement exampres.

N o n e



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The COMPILE statement tells the system where the source program to be compiled is located (if it is coming from a source library), and where the object program isto be placed. (An object program is the result of compiling or assembling a source program.) The COMPILE statement also specifies the options to the linkage editor.

The COMPILE statement must be within the set of OCL statements that apply to the c o m p i l a t i o n . T h e C O M P I L E s t a t e m e n t m u s t fo l l o w th e L O A D o r C A L L s t a t e m e n t a n d precede the RUN statement.

/ / C O M P I L E p a r a m e t e r s

All the parameters are keyword parameters. The keywords are:

SOURCE: The SOURCE parameter tells the system the name of the source program.

The keyword SOURCE must be followed by the name of the source program on disk.

The name is the name by which the source program is identified on disk in the source library. You can place source programs in a source library by using the library mainte-nance program. The program name you supply in the library maintenance control state-ments is the name used to identify the source program in the library. (For more informa-tion, see Library Maintenance Program in Part 4 of this manual.)

lf the SOURCE parameter is not used. the source program is assumed to be in the job stream following the RUN statement.

The SOURCE parameter must be accompanied by the UNIT parameter.

UNIT: The UNIT parameter is used only when the SOURCE pararneter is used.

T h e U N I T p a r a m e t e r i s a c o d e in d i c a t i n g t h e s i m u l a t i o n a r e a t h a t c c n t a i n s t h e s o u r c e program. Possible codes are R 1, F 1 , R2, F2.

OBJECT: The OBJECT parameter tells the system where to place the object program.

The OBJECT parameter may be specified without the SOURCE and UNIT parameters.

The codes used to indicate the simulation area on which the object program is to be p l a c e d a r e R 1 , F l, R 2 , F 2 .

Note: lt the OBJECT parameter is omitted, the object program is placed on the same simulation area the compiler was loaded from. The OBJECT parameter does not affect the placement of FORTRAN or COBOL object programs.

LINKADD: This parameter is the link-edit start address. The System/3 compilers ( R P G ll, cOBOL, FORTRAN) use the overlay l i n k a g e e d i t o r t o g e n e r a t e o b j e c t m o d u l e s . Normally the starting addresses for these object modules are predetermined. However.

for some applications, such as executing object programs under control of CCP, it is necessary to alter the starting addresses. The LINKADD parameter can be used for this purpose (allowable entries are hex addresses 4000 or 80001.

For execution under CCP, LINKADD-8000 must be used for RPG ll object programs and should be used for COBOL and FORTRAN object programs. For execution under other than CCP, LINKADD-4000 must be used for RPG ll object programs (or the parameter m u s t n o t b e s p e c i f i e d ) . F o r C O B O L a n d F O R T R A N o b j e c t p r o g r a m s , L I N K A D D - 4 0 0 0 should be specified {or the parameter should not be specified).

C O M P I L E S t a t e m e n t 1 - 2 5

ATTR: The ATTR-MRO parameter tells the overlay linkage editor to link-edit an object moduler for the REMAP technique of memory resident overlays. The ATTR-MOV param-eter tells the overlay linkage editor to link-edit an object module for the MOVE technique of memory resident overlays. For additional information about the memory resident overlays, refer to the IBM system/3 overlay Linkage Editor Reference Manual, G C 2 1 - 7 5 6 1 .

Note: 'The

ATTR parameter should be used only with an o module. (M Ro and MoV prograrn attributes will not be attached to an R module.)

The following sample COMPILE statement tells the system that the source program with t h e n a m e P R O G 3 i s lo c a t e d o n t h e s i m u l a t i o n a r e a a s s i g n e d t o F l .

The OBJECT-Rl parameter tells the system to place the object program on the simulation a r e a a s s i g n e d t o R l . T h e L I N K A D D - 4 0 0 0 p a r a m e t e r t e l l s t h e l i n k a g e e d i t o r to l i n k - e d i t the program to start at address hex 4000. The ATTR-MRo parameter tells the linkage editor to link-edit an object module for the REMAp technique of memory resident overlays.

Spool ing Considerations None
