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The Pseudo-Augustinian Hypomnesticon against the Pelagians and Celestians


Academic year: 2021

Partager "The Pseudo-Augustinian Hypomnesticon against the Pelagians and Celestians"


Texte intégral



Contributions to the History of Early Christian Literature and Theology ——————————————— XXI ———————————————






Text edited from the Manuscripts


PARAD 0 S I S is i n t ended as a s e r ies of s t u d ies in a ncient Christian literature and t h e ology. Th e G r e e k term, already familiar to the earliest Christian writers, has been adopted as a title since it is convenient for quotation and reference, while at the same time serving to cover contributions in various languages. It im p lies, further-more, both a principle and a programme. Christian theo-logy is by its nature rooted in the past. Only in so far as it remains in living contact therewith is it capable of further growth. Hence any study, however unassunung, that throws light on tradition or its sources becomes by the very fact a contribution to the theology of the present.




Contributions to the History of Early Christian Literature ansi Theology edited' bp Othmar I erler



C . S . Sp.







Text edited from the M a n uscripts


Publication subsidized by the Fribourg University Council, Fribourg Switzerland

© 1980 by University Press, Fribourg Switzerland

Imprimerie St-Paul, Fribourg






The present work is the long-promised sequel to The Pseudo-ANgustimian HyPomnesticou against the Pelagiams and Celestiaus, Volume I, Introduc-tion, which was published in 1967 as Number XX in the series PARA-DOSIS (Beitrage our Geschichte der attchristlichem Iiteratur und Theologie


In the Preface of that volume reference was made to a second volume which was projected to contain the first critical edition of the text of the Hypomnesticom, and to appear as Number XXI in the PAR A D O S IS series. Delay in the completion of the critical edition was due to a num-ber of factors, not least being the difhculty of tracking down and exam-ining all the numerous manuscripts of the text.

To Professor Othmar Perler, my former Professor of Patrology in the University of Fr ibourg, Switzerland, I w ish t o e x p ress my pr ofound gratitude not merely for the inspiration and encouragement he always g ave, but also for the patient efforts he made to bring my work to it s fulfilment. Professor Ludwig Bieler, my former Professor of Palaeography and Late Latin, University College, Dublin, and his successor, Profes-sor Maurice P. Sheehy, merit my s pecial thanks for th e p a i n staking assistance and invaluable suggestions they made in the preparation of this critical edition.

Finally, I should like to express my indebtedness to Professor Bern-hard Bischoff of Munich, the l at e P r ofessor E.A. L owe of P r i n ceton University, Mr. Neil K er, f o r merly R eader in P a l aeography, Oxford, and Dr.R.W.Hunt, Keeper of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford, for their unfailing kindness in supplying helpful information concerning manuscripts of the Hyporrtmesticom



P RE FACE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • VII Ab breviations . . . . INTRODU C T IO N ... 1. The Manuscnpts .. . . . $ 2. The Printed Editions . . . . $ 3. Title and Divisions .. . . . f 4. Index Codicum et Editionum . . . . $ 5. Stemmata Codicum 74 81 88 95 101 T EXT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 209 217

Index Locorum Sacrae Scripturae ...




Oberleitner Oberleitner, Manfred, «Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Corpus Christianorurn, Series Latina (Turnhout 1953 ff.). Codices Latini Antiquiores (Oxford 1934 ff.).

Clavis Patrurn Zatinorurn, Sacris Erudiri III, 2nd edition (Steen-brugge 1961).

Corpus Scriptorurn Ecclesiasticorurn Latinorurn (Vienna 1866 ff.). Codices Vaticani Latini (Rome 1902 ff.).

Divjak, Johannes, «Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des heiligen Augustinus, Band IV . S p a n ien un d P o r t u g al» in Osterreichische Ahadernie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch histo-nsche Klasse Sitzungsbe.richte, 292. Band (Vienna 1974).

Dictionnaire de thdologie catholique(Paris 1903 ff.).

The Pseudo-Augustinian HyPomnesticon against the Pelagians and Celestians, I Introduc.tion (Paradosis. Beiträge zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur und T h e ologie, XX ). By John E. Chisholm, C. S. Sp. (Fribourg 1967).

Medieval Libraries o f Great Britain A L i s t of .Surviving Boohs Edited by N. R. Ker, 2nd edition (London 1964


Zezihon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd edition (Freiburg i.Br. 1957 ff.).

K urz, Rainer, «Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der W e r k e des heiligen Augustinus, Band V /1. Bundesrepublik Deutsch-land und Westberlin Werlcverzeichnis» in Österreichische AAa-dernie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch histori-sche Klasse. Sit zungsberichte, 306. Band (Vienna 1976).

Mazzatinti, G. and A . S o r belli, In v e ntarii dei M a n o s c~itti delle Biblioteche d'Italia (Forli 1890 ff.).

Werke des heiligen Au gustinus, Band I /2. Italien» in Ds t e r reichische Ahadernie der Wissenschafters, Philosophisch historische-Klasse Sitzungsber.ichte, 267. Band (Vienna 1970).

Patrologia latina, edit. J. P. Migne (Paris 1844 ff.). Revue Bdnddictine (Maredsous 1884 ff.).

Römer, Franz, «Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des h eiligen Augustinus, Band I I / 2 . G r o ß b r i t a n nien un d I r l a n d » in Osterrei chi sehe A hadernie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte, 276..Band (Vienna 1972


Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Leipzig 1900 ff.). TLL


$ 1. THE M A N U S C R I P T S


As originally planned, the Hyjomnesticon was to consist of five Respon siones corresponding to the five principal Pelagian errors listed in the Praefatio; but later a sixth ResPonsio was added to deal with the pro-b lem of predestination. Being an addition to a w o r k w h i c h i n i t s e l f formed a whole, and dealing with a new, though cognate problem, this sixth ResPonsio easily became detached from the other pa.rts, and grad-ually came to be treated as an independent work. This explains the fact that manuscripts containing all six parts together are relatively rare, and that it is necessary to treat the sources of the sixth ResPonsio separately. But the manuscript tra.dition of the HyPomnesti con reveals a more curious feature. By what seems to have been either an historical accident or a deliberate suppression, a manuscript containing but four

ResPonsiones-and these the first four — became the exemplar of a very numerous

family of manuscripts, including the entire English manuscript family Hence it is convenient to discuss the manuscripts of the HyPomnesti con according as they contain 1 ) the entire work in six Responsiones; 2) the first five ResPonsiones; 3) the first four ResPonsiones; 4 ) the sixth Resjonsio alone; 5 ) incomplete manuscripts; 6 ) extracts and quotations. of the work.


1) Manuscripts containing the six Responsiones

PARIS, BiM iotheque nationale, Lat. 2034 is one of the earliest manu-scripts containing the Hypomnesticom, and is a, most important witness to a very early form of the text of t hat w o rk. The codex is described by P. H. Lauer in Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue general des manuscrits latins, Tome 2 ( Paris 1940) p. 288, and also by E . A . L ow e i n C L A 5 (Oxford 1950) p.7. The origin of the manuscript is unknown. It is true that it shows some Corbie symptoms, e.g. the letter 'b' with a horizontal line from the upright connecting the following letter, but it is not pos-sible from the evidence to state with certitude that the codex definitely derived from that abbey. At any rate, judging by the script, it seems likely that the north-east of France was the place of its origin. Dom G.Morin first brought the manuscript into prominence when, in 1896, he published the opuscule of Caesarius of Aries, Contra eos qui dicunt quare aliis det deus gratiam aliis non det, which is found in the codex and thereafter periodical allusions occur, e.g. P.Legay, e Traits dogma-tique de Cesaire d'Aries» in Revue d'histoire et de litterature religieuses 10 (1909) p. 187; RB 46 (1934) p. 190 ff.; E. Lesne, Propriete ecclesiasti que 4 (Lille 1938) p. 502, No. 8 and p. 506, No. 4; Scriptorium 15 (1961) p. 19-20.

The manuscript is a p r e - C aroline p a r chment m i n u scule, 163 ff., 305 x 210 mm., late VI I It h c e n t u ry , c o ntaining the f o llowing works: f. 1 — 2 and f. 162 — 163 (XI/Xllth century addition ) Cassiodorus's Historia tripartita; f.3 St.Augustine's Enchiridion, preceded by a. table; f.60»; f.67 — 125; f.61-63», and f. 125» — 131» the Hypomnesticon; f.63» — 67 Cae-sarius of Aries Contra eos qui dicunt quare aliis det deus gratiam aliis non det; f. 131V Vigilius Thapsensis De unitate Trinitatis; f. 151V Mira-culain imagine Veromicae (incomplete); f. 152» De amicis; f. 158 » St. Augu-stine s sermon Sicut dominus voluit. The codex bears the ex-libris of Saint-Martial of Limoges '.


An important peculiarity of (P) from our point of view is its presenta; tion of the HyPomnesticon .It begins by int r oducing ResPonsio VI in impressive majuscules on the lower half of f.60~: Incipit de libro sancti Agustini id est de hyPomnesticon in resPonsione sexta de Predestinatione Then on the next folio, where the opening chapter of the Re sPonsio would be expected, is found instead a scribal note in red ink: qua Pela-gius arguitur quod curru inanium questionum iactetur [an allusion to the

phrase: iactatus curru inanium quaestionum, in chapter 4 of the Respon sio] followed by chapter 2 from the words: Iam a pertius disseramus The Responsio is abandoned in the middle of f.63v after the words: ut laus sit unicuique a deo vel Poena of chapter 4, and immediately there follows Caesarius of Aries' anti-Pelagian opuscule, Contra eos qui dicunt... This ends in the middle of f.67, whereupon the inciPit of the HyPomne sticon is given in small uncial script: In c iPit l ib er iPomnesticon sancti agustini episcopi id est commemoraturium contra Pelagianos sive Caele stianos hereticos. The Praefatio and the six Responsiones are now set out in their proper order. The portion of ResPonsio VI given at the begin-ning is not repeated, but is referred to at the appropriate place in chap-ter 2 of ResPonsio VI with the words: Locus iste iam curn suPerius scriP-tus est usque in eum locum ubi dicit ut laus sit unicuique a deo vel poena (f. 125V). Whatever explanation can be given for this extraordinary pro-cedure ', one thing is clear, namely, that a l r eady Re sPonsio VI w a s looked upon as a distinctive part of the entire work,



impor-tant to be given existence independently of the other parts, and this before the IXth century Predestinationist controversy had broken out in France ~. A lacuna in the text of the HyPomnesticon occurs on f. 123, at line 1, i.e. from unus deus et trinitas operatur. Quisque ergo of Respon sio V, chapter 7, to propter solam vero symbuliformulam of chapter 8

of the same Responsio. The colophon (f.131V) is given in th e f o r m : Explicit ipomnesticon sancti agustini contra Pelagianus

Finally, it should be noted that th e q u i re-marks in this codex are in the right-hand lower corner of the last page of each quire; they are signed with a capital or uncial letter followed by a R o man numeral.

p. 55 reproduced a catalogue of Saint-Martial of Li moges that had been published

in Paris in 1730, and identified No. 128 of that catalogue with (P).

' The dislocation of po r t i ons of th e t ex t o f t h e Hy P o m n esticon in the p l a ces

mentioned above in relation to(P) is not due to a m i s placement of the leaves of the codex before binding. Such a f a ul t m a y h a v e o c c u rred in t h e e x e m plar used by the scribe of (P).


This characteristic together with other scribal features led Professor E.A. Lowe to conclude that the scribe who wrote the Hypomnesticon in


copied the text from a much earlier manuscript, probably one of the VIth century '. For t his reason we may consider (P) to be a witness to a, very early form of the text of the Hypomnesticon

V VATIC A N U S, I a t. 491 is described by A.Reifferscheid in Bibli


Patrum Latinorum Italica, 1 Band (Vienna 1870) p. 442 — 432; by Marcus Vattasso and Pius Franchi de' Cavalieri in CVL, Tome I

(Rome 1902)

p. 371 — 72; more completely by E. A. Lowe in CLA, I (Oxford 1934

) p. 3,

No. 5a and 5b, with a r e p roduction of f . 37; and Oberleitner, p. 266. The codex consists of 52 leaves, ca. 265x 197 mm., but because f.19 is numbered 18~ — presumably because of a mistake — the foliation led Lowe to conclude that the codex consists of 51 leaves. Written carelessly in a debased Irish minuscule, it derives from north Italy, possibly Bob-bio, and is ascribed by Vattasso-Franchi de Cavalieri and by Lowe to the second half of the VIIIth century.

The contents are: f.1 Sancti Augustini exPositio quarundam ProPositio-num ex EPistula ad Romanos; f.14 ExPositio ePistulae ad Galatas; f.34 Liber Hypomnesticon sancti Augustini episcopi, id est, Commemoratorium contra pelagianos sive caelestianos hereticos; f.50~ Item quid domus [corr domnus] Cessaris [corr. Caesarius] sensit contra eos qui aiunt quare aliis det deus gratiam aliis non det. As Lowe pointed out (loc cit.) .Ambrosia ster in epistulas Pauli, now Florence, Laur. Ashburnham 60

(16), was

formerly part of V, i .e . q u ires VI t o X V , a n d o c cupied a position in this manuscript between Augustine s Expositio epistulae ad Galatas-with which the quire-marks a.re continuous — and the Hypomnesticon However, Reifferscheid, Vattasso-Franchi de' Cavalieri and Lowe did

~ On 13th October, 1964, I discussed (P), or rather the sections of it containing the HyPomnesticon with Professor E.A. Lowe, who was working in the Manuscript Department of th e B i b l i o t h eque nationale, Paris, that d ay . O n t h a t o c c a sion he d rew my at t e n t ion t o t h e q u i r e - m a rks an d o t h e r s c r i bal f e a t u res of th e c o d e x . H e concluded with the remark that the manuscript was probably a copy of a VIt h century exemplar. Interesting light is thrown by L owe on the significance of quire signatures and other features for dating early manuscripts in «Some Facts about our Oldest Latin Manuscripts» in The ClassicalQuarterly, XIX (1925) p. 197 — 208,

a nd «More Facts about our Ol dest L a ti n M a n u scripts» in the same review, X X I I

(1928} p. 43 — 62. Both articles are reproduced in E. A. LowE Palaeographi cat Papers

1907 — 1M5. Edited by Lu d wig B i eler, Vol. 1 (Oxford 1972} p. 1S7 — 202; 251 — 274.


Bibliothe-not observe that an eight-leaf quire is missing from V b e t ween f.41 and f.42, according to the present faulty foliation. A clue to the omis-sion — apart from an examination of the text — is given by the numeral I inscribed in the middle of the lower margin of f.41v and III, in s t ead of II in the same position on f.49v. In any case, as a result of this lacuna fourteen chapters of the HyPorrtrtesticon, i.e. from rrtisericordia dorrtirti peragere of chapter 8, Resportsio III, to sed iterunt respondetis of chap-ter 7, Responsio IV, are missing from this codex, and this is a serious loss from our point of view, both because (V) is one of the two earliest surviving manuscripts containing the Hypomrtesticon, and because its

readings in many places are particularly helpful in reconstructing the text. The text of (V) is very similar to tha.t of (P). Nevertheless, there is no question of an immediate dependence of one on the other, and the variants between them are such as to exclude the possibility of th eir being two immediate copies of the same exemplar. The intermediaries linking them with a common ancestor are probably more numerous in the case of (V) than in the case of the other manuscript. A noteworthy feature of the two manuscripts is the association in both of the HyPorrt nesficon with Caesarius of Aries' anti-Pelagian opuscule, Contra eos qui dicurtt... rtort det. The irtciPit of our work (f.50") appears in the form: In Xristi nomine inciPit hyPorrtnesticort sartcti augustirti ePisco Pi id est corrtmerttoratorittrrt contra pelagianos size caelestianos hereticos At the e.nd (f.50~) the work is summarily dismissed with the word Finit

PARIS, B i b liotheque rationale, Lat. 12220 is an early I X t h c e n t u r y codex deriving from the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Pierre of Corbie in the north-east of France '. It is first mentioned in a catalogue of the Corbie library compiled about 1200 A.D. ' W e fin d i t l i s t e d again in

~ Though L. DELIsLE in his Inventaire des manuscrits latins conserves a la

Biblio-theque nationale sous les numeros 8823 — 18613(Paris 1863 — 1871) p. 41 and J. ZvcHA in CSEL 25 (1891) p. xxIv — xxv and A.GoLDBAGHER in CSEL 58 (1923) p. xLII-xI.III assign this manuscript to the Xt h c e n t u ry , I c o n c l uded from an examination of the script that i t i s e a rl y I X t h c e n t u r y . I n a p r i v a t e c o m m u n i cation Pr ofessor B ernhard Bischoff of Munich in f ormed me t hat h e d a tes it t h e fi rs t h a l f o f t h e IXth century. He believes that the manuscript was probably written, not in Corbie,

2 This catalogue is found in MS. 520 (f.2) of the Collection of Queen Christina of Sweden in the Vat i can L i b r a ry . Th e t ex t wa s fi rs t p u b l i shed by L . D E L I SLE in Bibliotheque de l'ecole des chartes 21 (1860) p. 499 — 511; later by the same author in Cabinet des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale, Tome 2(Paris 1874) p.

432-440. Gustav Hecker published it in 1885 in Catalogi bibliothecarum antiqui(Bonn)

p. 277 — 285; as did also E. CovEcgUE ln Catalogue general des bibliotheques publiques

de France DeParternents, Tome .19 lParis) 1893 p. xx — xxx.


a nother catalogue of the same Corbie library that wa s d r awn up i n 1621'. From Corbie the codex was transferred in 1638 to the Abbey of S. Germain des Pres, Paris, and during the French Revolution it was d eposited in th e B i b l i o t heque nationale, Paris, where it h a s s i n c e remained.

In view of the importance of this manuscript for the work in hand, and of the fact that no palaeographical description of it has been pub-lished, it may not be irrelevant to add the following description. It is true that both Joseph Zycha and Albert Goldbacher made cursory refer-ences to the manuscript in CSEL 25 (1891) p. xxtv — xxv and CSEL58 (1923) p. xLII — xLIII respectively, but their a.llusions are inadequate, and Joseph Zycha.'s reference to the quire-marks is misleading.

It is a parchment manuscript, 300x 215 (230x 160) mm., 154+1 ff. with 23 to 27 long lines to the page; gatherings are predominantly of eights, but the last quire has four folios, and the ninth and fourteenth quires have seven. Curiously the text in these last two quires is intact. The quire-marks have been cut away by a b i n der except in th e case of the 11th, 12th, 17th, 19th and 20th quires which are signed with the letters P, Q, V, Y and Z. This means that besides the fly-leaf, three quires, i.e. probably 24 folios, are missing at the beginning. As the nine missing chapters of the first work, namely, the Liber sancti Augustiei episcopi adversus quaestiones Adirnanti, would not fill these three quires, there must have been some other item at the beginning of the codex when it was first produced. The fly — leaf at the end gives, perhaps, an indication of a missing item by referring to the first item in the codex as following, i.e. a work which presumably went before: sequitur liber sancti Augustini episcopi adversus quaestiones Adirnanti This lost .item is not named, but it can nevertheless be identified with a high degree of probability by comparing the codex with the X I I t h c e n t ury Codex 144I to be found in the Biblioteca Universitaria, Padua. The contents of this codex and their arrangement resemble those of

(C) so closely

t hat there can be very li t tl e doubt t ha t t h e fi rs t i t e m i n t h e P a d u a manuscript was also the first item in its Paris counterpart. That item is Augustine s De natura boni libri II. To g e ther with the nine missing chapters of the Adversus quaestiones A dimanti it would neatly fill t h e three quires that were origina,lly at the beginning of



Ruling was with a hard point, four bifolios being ruled together, nor-mally from the outside of the quire; prickings are at the side of the page; two bounding lines are visible, and generally the w o rds are w i dely spaced. The script is a b ol d p r e-Caroline minuscule in two di fferent hands; abbreviations are few; the inciPits are in red ink and are typical of the IXth century Corbie manuscripts. Interesting marginal notes are of frequent occurrence, for example, on f.21 V, f.27, f.30, f.40. The codex bears the ex-libris of both Corbie and S.Germain des Pres on f,1: Liber S.Petri Corbeiensis (at the bottom of the folio ) and Sancti Germani a Pratis N. 251, olim 216 (at the top). The contents are: f.1 ... nec verbum eius habetis in vobis (Book 1, chapter 9 of St.Augustine's Contra Adi mantum Manichaei discipulum [PL 42, 135 ff.]); f.31» Expositio quarun dam ProPositionum ex ePistola Pauli aPostoli ad Romanos; f.50 Eiusdem ad Galatas exPositio; f.88 Liber beati Augustini contra Pelagium et Cele stinum quod aPPellatur YPometricon; f.129» De Predestinatione disPuta tio contra eosdem; f.135» De psalmo vicesimo secundo expositio; f.138» Incipit libellus sancti Augustini adversus Pelagianos ad Sixtum presbyte rum; f.149» Eiusdem ePistola ad Hilarium ePiscoPum; f.150» Concilium Carthageniense ad Innocentium ePiscoPum; f.152 RescriPtum ad ePiscoPos Carthaginenses sancti ePiscoPi Innocentii.

Especially noteworthy in this manuscript, so far as the Hypomnesti con is concerned, is the peculiar Latin version of many of the Old Tes-tament quotations used. Occasionally where (P) and (V) follow the Vul-gate — Responsio II, chapter 1 offers a striking example in the quotation of Gen 3, 16 — 19 — (C) uses a, version found nowhere else outside the Hypomnesticon. There is every reason to believe that in these quotations (C) is more faithful to the original than

(P) or (V). With slight

modifi-cations, the Old Testament quotations of (C) are found to prevail in the subsequent manuscript tradition of the work — the three later Italian collateral relatives of (V), which will be discussed in their proper place, are exceptions — a fact which sufhciently indicates the oblivion in which (P) and (V) remained. The close association of St.Augustine's Expositio quarundam ProPositionum ex ePistola ad Romanos and the EPistolae ad Galatas exPositio with the HyPomnesticon in (V) and (C) is very signifi-cant. Finally, it should be noted that theincipit in (C) has all the appear-ance of being an afterthought. It is v edged into the right-hand margin on f.88 thus'.



beati agustini [corr. augustini] contra pelagium

et caelestium quod appellatur


T he work ends on f.135v with the simple colophon: EXPL I CI T D E O GRATIAS.

M MONTE CASSINO, Biblioteca dell' A.bbazia, Cod. 162 was described by

A. Reifferscheid in Bibliotheca Patrurn Zatinorurn Italica, Tome 2 (Vienna 1871) p. 339 — 341 '. A fuller description is to be f o und in Bi b l i o t heca Casinensis seu Codicum ManuscriPtorunt qui in tabulario Casinensi asser-vantur series, Tome 3 (Monte Cassino 1877) p. 389 — 395, with a reproduc-tion in colour of the opening sentences of the HyPornnesti con on Table XX, o pposite p. 384. The foliation of the m anuscript that i s g i ven in t h e foregoing works has been changed, and for accuracy in t h i s r e gard D.Mauro Inguanez, Codicurn Casinensium ManuscnPtorurn Catalogus, Vol. 1 (RIonte Ca,ssino 1915) p. 249 — 250, must be consulted. Cf. CSEL 58 (1923) p. xxxrn; Oberleitner, p. 44. The codex is ascribed to the second half of the X It h c e n t ury b y E . A . L o w e in Th e B e n eventan ScriPt. A History o f the South Italian Min u scule (Oxford 1914) p. 345. It is a parchment codex, 265 x 195 mm., 164 ff. with 26 long lines to the page, and contains almost exclusively works by St. Augustine in the following order: p. 1 Retractatiomum liber I, cap. 26; p. 10 De diversis q'uaestioni-bus as far as Quaestio 52 inclusive; p. 89 De quantitate anirnae; p. 155 the HyPornnesticon; p. 241 the Pseudo-Augustinian De salutaribus docu mentis fragrnenturn ;p . 2 4 3 ...De Trinitate, liber 8; p. 245 EP istulae; p. 261 De unitate Trinitatis; p. 300 De Praesentia dei; p. 312 Sermones The beautiful Beneventan script in which the codex is written is most impressive, but dampness has seriously affected a number of pages, and the deciphering of the text of the Hylornnesticon in these places is made somewhat difhcult.

p. 155 Incipit liber primus ypomnesticon Sancti augustini episcopi. Adversarii catholicae fidei... p. 241 indebitam praerogare. Amen.


ml M A N T U A , B i b t i o teca Comunale, D.III . 1 2 (N 0438). Cf. Oberleitner, p. 134 — 35. This is a carefully written X It h c e n tury p archment codex, 275x167 mm., 1+219 ff. with 36 l ong l i nes to th e p age. It c o n t ains twelve works, all of them attributed to St. Augustine: f.1» Contra episto lam Parmeniani libri I I I ; f. 5 7 EP i s t ola 53; f.69» De cura Pro mortuis gerenda liber I; f. 8 2~ De coniugiis adulterinis libri II; f . 1 0 5V De bono coniugali liber I; f. 1 2 0 t he Hy P omnesticon; f.158 De gratia Christi et de peccato originali libri II ; f. 1 7 8 " Ad v e rsus quinque haereses; f.187» De haeresibus; f.202» De correctione Donatistarum liber; f.213» EPistola 238; f.218 De creatione Primi hominis tractatus. The text of the HyPom nesticon, in this codex is rather closely related to that of (C), but it has a number of readings which it shares with a distinctive group of Italian manuscripts which will be discussed later. It derives from the Monastery of St. Benedict de Padolirone, as the entry on the first folio indicates: Liber Monasterii Sancti benedicti de Padolirone. 222.

f.120 Incipit l i ber h y p omnesticon augustini contra pelagianos. Et celestianos. Hereticos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f. 157 V indebitam praerogare. Then (in a la.ter hand) is a.dded the colophon: Explicit liber ipomnesticon agustini contra pellagianos et celestianos hereticos.

c ROME, Biblioteca dell Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana,

41 E 39 (R— ossi— , 291) is an Xlth century parchment codex. Cf. Ober-leitner, p. 215 — 16.

Of the fourteen items contained in this volume, the Hypomnesticon is the first (f.1 — 42»), and it is immediately followed by the Quid domnus Caesarius sensit contra eos qui dicunt quare aliis det deus gratiam aliis nondet, which ,we already found accompanying the Hypomnesticon in two earlier manuscripts, namely, (P) and (V). It is with the latter that the Corsini text is more closely associated, as appears directly from the order of the two associated works; the Hypomnesticon in both is fol-lowed immediately by Caesarius's opuscule, and the word 'sensit' in the incipit of (V), rather than senserit' in that of (P) is copied in the Corsini manuscript. What makes this manuscript particularly valuable is the fact tha,t it supplies the serious lacuna in (V) resulting from the loss of a quire between f.41 and f.42 according to the present faulty foliation.

186 x 118 mm., 2+ 131. 32 long lines to the page.

f. In Christi nomine incipit Liber ypomnesticon sancti augustini epis-copi, id est, commemoratorium contra pelagianos sive caelestianos Haereti-cos. Adversarii catholice fidei...f. 36 V in saecula saeculorum. Amen Explicit.


f.37 Incipit de praedestinatione disputatio contra eosdem. Licet latius de gratia et libero arbitrio iam superius disputatum sit, addere etiam hoc... f.42Vindebitam praerogare. Finit Deo gratias.

The inciPit of the sixth ResPonsio and its opening sentence are surprising because they differ from those of (P) and (V), and conform rather to those of the Franco-Italian family of which (C) is the earliest known member.

m MONTE C AS S I N O, B i b l io teca dell' Abbazia, Cod. 166 must be

asso-ciated with (M). It belongs to the following century, i.e. the XIIth, and is ascribed by E.A. Lowe (oP. cit., p. 345) to the second half of that century. Descriptions are to be found in the places noted in the case of

(M), and

a reproduction in colour of a f r a gment of the text is found on Table XXI, opposite p. 398 of Bibliotheca Casinensis... (suPra cit., p. 400 — 401).

250 x 170 mm., 302 pp., 2 columns of 39 lines to the page. The present pagination is defective because the librarian in numbering p. 181 wrote

191. Hence the number of pages in the codex given by D. Mauro

Ingua-nez (oP. cit ,p. 252.) is incorrect. Six works from the pen of St Aug.ustine, together with the HyPomnesticon, are found in this volume: p. 1 Contra Academicos, liber I — III; p. 55 De beata vita,' p. 73 De immortalitate ani-mae; p. 86 De ordine; p. 130 De quantitate aniani-mae; p. 173 the HyPom nesticon; p. 243 De nuPtiis et concuPiscentia

The text of the HyPomnesticon in this codex is practically identical with that of (M), and it is clear tha.t it is a. copy. Nevertheless, it has a useful function to fulfil in deciphering portions of (M) that ha.ve become illegible as a result of dampness.

pl. PARIS, Bibliotheque nationale, I at. 12223, though early XIIth century,

has the distinction of being the earliest extant manuscript containing Ambrosiaster's Quaestiones Ueteris et Novi Testamenti Cf. A . S o .uter,

Pseudo Augustini -Quaestiones Ueteris et Novi Testamenti, CSEL 50


p. xxvrr; P.Legay, Revue critiq'ue d'histoire et de litterature, Tome 68

(1909) p. 84-85.

What Souter had to say of the Quaestiones Ueteris et Novi Testamenti is true also of the HyPomnesticon, namely, «textum satis bonum exhibet;

manifestum est eum descriptum esse ex codice aliquo diligentissime cor-recto ita ut aliqua serac latinitatis indicia scriptoris propria delerentur» (oP. cit., p. xxvn). There is no doubt that the text of the HyPomnesticon found in this codex is closely related to that of (C), and is in its turn the parent of Paris BN Lat. 15303.


In the absence of any published palaeographical description, I append the following notes. It is a r o ugh p a rchment codex, 285x 200


150) mm., 116 ff., with a. folio containing a fragment (IXth century) of a commentary on Ezechiel on both sides at the beginning and a X I I


XIIIth century bifolio at the end. The first 48 folios have 40 long lines

to the page and the remainder 35 lines. The codex seems to contain two

s eparate books bound together, the first c o nt aining the part h a v i n g 40 long lines to the page, i.e. ff.1 — 48, and the second having 35 lines,

i.e. ff.49 — 116, written throughout by th e same scribe. Originally the items of the first part alone were listed at the beginning of the codex (f.l), and later the contents of the second part were added to the list. Nevertheless, to judge by the incipit on f.48», the second part was added to the first very soon after this latter was written. On f.48v can be seen faint traces of an erased entry (probably XIIth century ): In isto libro habet prior Sancti Germani de Pratis memoriale A l e.x..andn. This seems

to indicate that the codex was in the Abbey of S. Germain des Pr6s

already in the XI It h c e ntury, and that consequently it was probably produced there. The parchment is rough and the script inelegant. Gath-erings are of eights, but the 7th and 15th quires contain six folios. Rul-ing was done with a hard point, and prickRul-ings are at the side of the page. No quire marks are to be seen, doubtless because they were cut away by a binder. On f. 1 is the ex-libris: Sancti Gennani a Pratis N. 754 ol. 219. The contents are: f.l» — 28» the HyPomnesticon, ResPonsiones I V; f.28» De Praedestinatione DisPutatio (ResPonsio VI); f.33 ExPositio S. Augustini de Psalmo XXII; f. 35v Iibellus Sancti Augustini ad Xystum Presbyterum adversus Pelagianos; f.44» Eiusdem ePistola ad Hilarium EPiscoPum; f.45 Concilium diversorum ePiscoPorum ad Innocentium ePis coPum Romanum; f.46" RescriPtum ad EPiscoPos Karthaginenses Sancti episcopi Innocentii; f.48» Quedem Questiones sancti Augustini de veteri et novo Testamento — preceded by the caPitula (f.48 — 54»); f.110 Alterca tio inter orthodoxum et Iuci ferianum a sancto edito iheronimo. The link between this manuscript a.nd (C) already mentioned as evident from a textual comparison between them is unmistakably clear also from a comparison of their contents.

f.1" Incipiunt Quinque Responsiones sancti Augustini contra. Pelagia-nos et CelestiaPelagia-nos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f.28v in omnibus nobis. Explicit Responsio quinta. Incipit De Praedestinatione Disputatio con-tra eosdem. Licet latius... f. 33 indebitam praerogare. Explicit disputatio.


fl. FLORENCE, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. S. Marco (DAN. Parchment. 261x169mm., 1+ 2 2 1+ 1 ff. 3 2 l o n g l i nes to t h e p a ge. Cf. B e r t hold L.Ullman and Philip A. Stadter, The Public Library in Renaissance Flo-rence. Niccolo Niccoli, Cosimo de Medici and the Library o f San Marco (Padua 1972) p. 153, No. 245; Oberleitner, p. 106. As the ex-libris in a X Vth century hand on f . l v i n d i c a tes, this X I/Xlith century codex derives from the Dominican convent of San Marco in Florence: ex here-ditate Nicolaj de Nicolis doctissimi kiri (g 1437). It contains works ascribed to St.Augustine and St.Ambrose such as the De doctrina Christiana,' De fide catholica; EPistola Sancti Ambrosii ad sororem de rebus gestis in ecclesia Mediolanensi; and the De baPtismo The .HyPomnesticon occurs as the sixth item, f.174 — 215~, preceded by a collection of five prayers and followed by the EPistola Augustini ad Hesychium define saeculi What is particula.rly noteworthy about the text of the Hy P omnesticon in this codex is its close relation to that of Mantua, Biblioteca Comu-nale, D.III.12 (ml), and to a. group of other It alian manuscripts.

f.174 Incipit Liber Ypomnesticon [Augustini '] contra Pelagianos et Celestianos hereticos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f.210 in omnibus nobis. Explicit Responsio V. I n c i pit D e P r e d estinatione Disputatio contra eosdem. Licet latius... f.215 V indebitam prerogare. Explicit De prede-stinatione Disputationum contra Hereticos.

ROYES, Bibliotheque municiPale, No. 414 is an Augustinian miscel-lany written in a c l ear, bold X I I t h c e n t ur y h a nd. Parchment. 330x 245 mm., 152 ff. with 2 columns of 30 lines. Cf. Catalogue General des Manuscrits des Bibliotheques Publiques des DePartements, Tome 2 (Paris 1855) p. 184 — 85. It is typical, in its coloured initials and general pres-entation, of the X I I t h c e n t ury p r o ducts of Cistercian scriptoria. The

pains taken by the scribe to produce a faithful copy are evidenced by

the frequency with which he left blank spaces for passages which were doubtful in his exemplar. These were later filled in when some other source was consulted. In general, the text of the HyPomnesticon in this manuscript is close to that of (C), but it is certainly not a direct copy. S o far as text is concerned, it is representative of the X I I t h c e n t u r y French copies of the HyPomnesticon which show in their variants that a more or less standardized text had evolved from earlier manuscripts of which (C) is an exa.mple. The codex derives from Clairvaux, as we


learn from the Catalogue of Clairvaux monastery compiled in 1472 -now Troyes, Bibliotheque municipale, No. 521.

Besides the HyPomnesticon (f.81" — 123 ), the volume contains the De natura et origine animae (f.l — 15), some epistles; the Liber contra adver

sarios legis et ProPhetarum (f.38 — 81v), and the Contra questiones adimanti disciPuli nzanichei (f. 123v — 152). It is worthy of note as indicating a. prob-able link between this manuscript and (C) that in both the H y j o m n e sticon is closely associated with St. Augustine s Contra Adimantum Mani-chaei disciPutum

f.81~ Incipit liber aurelii Augustini contra Pellagianos [corr Pela.gia-nos] et Celestianos hereticos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f. 117V in omni-bus nobis. Incipit de predestinatione disputatio. Licet latius... f.123 V

indebitam prerogare. Explicit.

t1 PARIS, Bibliotheque nationale, Lat. 2 099 is a late XIIth or early XII I t h

century copy of the foregoing manuscript. It contains exactly the same works in the same order, benefits from the corrections already made in (t), its exemplar, and accurately reproduces practica.lly a.ll its errors and omissions. The provenance of the codex cannot be determined with c ertainty as the first two f o lios are missing and no ex-libris is to b e found elsewhere in the volume. However, the script, the initials, and general presentation resemble (t) to such a. degree that it very probably had the same place of origin as (t), namely, the scriptorium of Clairvaux. The HyPomnesticon is found in f. 71> — 112.

m2 M ANTU A, B i b l i o t eca Comunate, D.III 9 (N0435). .This miscellany

da.tes from XII /Xiiith century, and is described by P.O.Kristeller in the first volume of his Iter Itaticum (London 1963) p. 269, and also in

Oberleitner, p. 134. It is a parchment codex, 272x 174 mm., 1+141 ff.

with 32 long lines to the page. Among the works which it in cludes is St. John Chrysostom's Homilies on St. Matthew's Gospel, with the HyPom nesticon, f. 102 — 141v coming at the end. So far as the text of the HyPom nesticon is concerned, it is closely related to (ml), and that to such a

degree as to be very probably an immediate copy.

p2 PARIS, Bi b l i o theque nationale, Lat. 7MtM contains a w i de r a n ge of patristic writings from a variety of authors, including Augustine, Am-brose, Jerome, Quodvultdeus, Pelagius and Gennadius. By far the great-est number of works derives from Augustine. The codex is XII It h cen-14


tury, parchment, 270x 185 mrn., 355 ff. with 2 c o l u mns of 5 1 l i n e s. Immediately preceding the HyPomnesticon, f.152~ — 166", is the De uni-tate Trinitatis of Vigilius Thapsensis, a work which is associated with the HyPomnesticon in (P ). The text of the HyPomnesticon in the codex

is very close to that of(t). Another feature it shares with (t) is that in both codices the HyPomnesticon is immediately followed by Augustine' s

Contra Adimantum Manichaei disciPulum

f.152V Liber Augustini Aurelii episcopi contra pelagianos et celestia-nos hereticos. Adversarii fidei catholice... f.165 in omnibus nobis. Licet latius... f.166 V indebitum praerogare. Explicit D i s p utatio A u g ustini Aurelii episcopi de predestinatione contra pelagianos et cet.

pr PRAGUE, Universitni Knihovna, XIII . D . 13. Cf. Joseph Truhlar, Cata

logus Codicum manu scriPtorum Latinorum qzzi in C. R. Bibliothek Publica atque universitatis Pragensis asservantur, Pars posterior

(Prague 1906)

p. 229. This XIII/ X I V t h century parchment manuscript contains a

col-lection of Augustine's works, towards the end of which is the HyPom nesticon The t.ext of the latter belongs to the family of w h i c h

(pl) is

an example.

285 x 195 mm., 224 ff., 2 columns of 44 lines.

f.194 Incipit liber augustini contra pelagianos et celestianos hereticos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f.211 in omnibus nobis. Licet latius... f.214 indebitam gratiam predestinationis prerogare.

b2 BARCELONA, Biblioteca del Cabildo, Codex 5'(MS. 1593fol ) is described

under the heading Codex 5 in a manuscript catalogue, Codicum CaPitu laris archivi Barchinonensis Sedis Elenchum... a P Jacobo .Caresmar, labente saeculo XVII con fectum et de no.v..o redactus anno MCMVII ab AiPhonso Ramirez ,wh.i.c.h is lodged in the capitular archives of the Cathedral. Cf. Divjak, p. 170 — 71. The codex is XIVth century, parch-ment, and contains an extensive collection of St. Augustine's works. The text of the HyPonznesti con found in this volume is quite definitely related to that of (P) and (V), and yet it has aff iliations with the quite different group of which (C) is the earliest extant representative. This indicates rather unusual strains of inQuence in this manuscript.

305 x 215 mm., 132 ff. + 3, 2 columns of 46 lines.

f.112V Incipit ypomnesticon. Adversarii catholice fidei... f. 129 in omnibus nobis. Addere etiam hoc q uam m a x i m e... f. 132 indebitam


u UTRECHT, Rij ksuniversiteit Bibliotheek, Eccl 1.24(antea 2&m

) is

de-scribed in Catalogus Codicum Manu ScriPtorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Rheno Tr-ajectinae (Utrecht 1887) p. 18. It is a. parchment manuscript of the XVth century bearing the ex-libris: Pertinet Monasterio Regula-rium in Traj ecto T.he text of the HyPomnesticon belongs to the group

headed by (pl).

390 x 260 mm., 161 ff., 2 columns of 42 lines.

f.48 Incipit ypomnosticon id est commemoratorium sive memoriale beati augustini episcopi contra pelagianos et Celestianos... f.72 V Explicit yponosticon id est commemoratorium sive memoriale beati augustini episcopi contra pelagianos seu celestianos. Dicitur autem yponosticon liber abbreviatus vel abbreviatio longae materie.

es EL ESCORIAL, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, b — III — 4 is a beautifully

written XVth century parchment codex. It i s d escribed by G . L oewe and W. von Hartel in Biblioteca Patrum Latinorum HisPaniensis, Band I (Vienna 1887) p. 34f. (Cf. Sitzungsberichte der kais Ak.ad. der Wiss Ph.il hist Cla.sse III ( Vienna 1886) p. 448-49); by P . Guillermo A n t o lin, O.S.A., in Catalogo de los Codices Latinos de la Realbiblioteca del Escorial, Vol. 1 (Madrid 1910) p. 171 — 73); and in Divjak, p. 191. The text is very carefully written, and belongs to the group of m a nuscripts of which (fl) is the earliest extant representative. On the fly-leaves are to be found the following notes: Es del Monasterio de sant Lorenzo el Real.

Truxose del Archivo de Si mancas 'Tuvole .el P. Juan de Mariana, enviole en 9 de agosto de 1585.

330 x 210 mm., 170 ff., 31 long lines to the page.

f.124 Incipit liber ypomnesticon sancti Augustini contra Pelagianos et Celestianos hereticos... f.165 Explicit Responsio Quinta. Incipit de Predestinatione disputationum contra eosdem. Licet lacius... f. 170V inde-bitam prerogare. Explicit liber de Predestinatione disputationis Sancti Augustini contra Pelagianos et celestianos hereticos.

f 2 FLORENCE, Bi b l i oteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. X II I , C o d . V I I . Cf. A.M.Bandini, Catalogus Codicum Latinorum Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae, Vol. I (Florence 1774) cols. 41&2; Oberleitner, p. 71 — 72. The foliation given by both authors is inaccurate. This superbly written parchment manuscript dates from 1491 as the inscription at the end indicates: Anno salutis MCCCCLXXX XI o p u s h oc celeberrimum Fio rentiae absolutum est Be s ides the H..y.Pomnesticon it contains


stine's Contra Faustus Manichaeum,' the Contra Felicem Manichaeum: and the De oPere monachorum T.he text of the HyPomnesticon is very closely related to that of


380 x 255 mm., 265 ff., 34 long lines to the page.

f.194 Incipit liber ypomnesticon divini Augustini contra Pelagianos et Celestianos hereticos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f.228 in omnibus nobis. Explicit responsio quinta. f. 228 V Incipit de praedestinatione dispu-tatio contra eosdem. Licet l a t i u s... f. 234 i n debitam precare. Divini Augustini episcopi Hipponensis de praedestinatione contra Pelagianos et Caelestianos Disputatio feliciter explicit.

f3 FLORENCE, Bi b lioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Fiesole, Cod. XU. Parch-ment. Cf. A.M.Bandini, Bibliotheca Laurentiana seu Catalogus Manus-criPtorum qui iussu Petri LeoPoldi i n L . . a.urentianum translati suet Vol. 2 (Florence 1792 ) cols. 629 — 32; CSEL 42 (1902) p. xr; CSEL 58 (1923) p. Lxvrr; Oberleitner, p. 89 — 90. In this great XVth century col-lection of St. Augustine's works we encounter a text of the HyPomnesti con which is remarkably similar to that of (f2). In fact, it is quite clear from a study of th e v a r i ants that th e t h ree Fl orentine manuscripts, (fl), (f2), and (f3) form a very closely related group.

360x 260 mm., 329 ff. 2 columns of 50 lines.

f.275v Incipit Liber ypomnesticon Sancti Augustini. Contra pelagia-nos et Celestiapelagia-nos hereticos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f.295 V in ornni-bus nobis. Explicit Responsio Quinta. Incipit de Predestina.tione dispu-tatio contra eosdem. Licet latius... f.299 indebitam precare. Explicit.

y> V ENICE, Bib lioteca Nazionale di S Marco, C.od L.II. 3 (.2113)

Parch-ment. Cf. Oberleitner, p. 364 — 65. In this massive collection compiled at Bassarione in 1471 we encounter a, text of the Hy P o mnesticon which bears a striking resemblance to that of (es), and both, in their turn, are closely related to the th ree Florentine manuscripts mentioned above as forming a distinctive group. Preceding the HyPomnesticon in this volume is St.Augustine s De a dulterinis coniugiis, and following it i s the De unico baPtismo

407 x 282 mm., 2+ 339+ 1 ff., 2 cols. of 54 lines.

f.136V Aurelii Augustini episcopi liber ypomesticon contra Pelagianos et Celestianos hereticos incipit. Adversarii catholice fidei... f.154 V in omnibus nobis. Ypomnesticon Aurelii Augustini hypponensis episcopi contra pelagianos et celestianos hereticos explicit. Eiusdem liber de


pre-destinatione disputationum contra eosdem incipit. Licet latius... f.157v indebitam prerogare. Aurelii Augustini liber de predestinatione disputa-tionis contra pelagianos et celestianos hereticos explicit.

2) Manuscrits containing Responsiones I-V

As a result of a fire which occurred on 31st May, 1944, in Metz, the earliest known 5 Re— sponsio version of the Hy p omnesticon,i,.e. Metz,

Bibliotheque municipale, No 145, .was lost, a nd t he o n ly i n f o r mation now available about this manuscript is contained in Catalogue general des manuscrits des bibliotheques Pzzbliques des DePartements, Tome 5

(Paris 1879) p. 61 — 64.

It was a Xth century miscellany deriving from St. Arnulf, Metz, and included works by St.Isidore, Pope Gelasius, St. Prosper of Aquitaine, and St. Cyprian. It began, as does the much later Spanish manuscript

(es), with St. Isidore s In libros veteris et novi testamenti prooemia The .

HyPomnesticon was listed as the tenth item thus: InciPit liber IPPome mesticon Sancti Augustini ePiscoPi contra Pelagianos et Caelestianos librz quinque Inci pit .Adversarii catholice fzdei

p3 PARIS, Bi b l i otheque rationale, Lat. 14476 is a XI I t h c e n t u ry c o d e x

from the Abbey of S. Victor, Paris, and is listed by Claude de la Grand-rue in the catalogue of the Library of S.Victor which he drew up

be-tween 1513 — 1514 '. In describing the manuscript, Claude simply trans-cribed the contents as entered on the verso of the front fly-leaf, and gave the old press-mark, i.e. CC 3 4.

As it exists today, the v o l ume includes what were t h ree distinct codices, the first, ff.l — 100v; the second, ff.101 — 132v, containing the

' Cf. Catalogue general des manuscrits des bibliotheques publi ques de France, Tome 53. Manuscrits des bibliotheques sinistrees de 1940 a 1944 (Paris 1962) p. 7. s This catalogue is now Paris BN Lat. 14767. On f.74 of the catalogue(p3) is

mentioned, its contents listed, and the old press-mark CC 3 given.

4 Cf. L.DELIsLE, In ventaire des Manuscrits de l'abbaye de Saint-Victor conserves a la Bibliotheque ImPdriale sous les nurneros 14232 — 15175 du Fonds Latin (Paris 1869) p. 17.

This manuscript was discussed earlier on p. 16.


Hypomnesticon; and the third, f f . 1 33 — 379, containing Augustine's De Trinitate, and a few other items. On f.1 and f . 101 is the ex-libris of S.Victor. The text of the Hypomnesticon is very similar to that of


300 x 225 mm., 279 ff., 2 columns of 32 lines.

f.102 Incipiunt V r esponsiones Sancti Augustini contra Pelagianos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f.132 V in omnibus nobis.

t4 TORTOSA, Biblioteca de la Catedral, A.C.T. 85 presents a text of the

Hypomnesticon which is contaminated and difficult to classify precisely beyond saying that it b e l ongs to the b r oad F r anco-Italian family of which (C) is the earliest extant exemplar. Cf. H.Denifle and A.Cha.te-lain, «Inventarium codicum manuscriptorum Capituli Dertusensis» in

Revue des Bibliotheques 6 (1896) p. 17; B.Bertomeu, Zos Codices Medic vales de la Catedral de Tortosa (Barcelona 1962) p. 235 — 38; Divjak, p. 275. It is a parchment codex of the XI It h c e ntury in w h ich the Hy pomne sticon is preceded by Augustine s De sPiritu et littera and followed by his De diversis quaestionibus LxxxIII.

298 x 210 mm., 6+ 256 ff., 2 columns of 48 lines.

f. 136> Incipit Augustini contra Pelagianos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f. 153 in omnibus nobis. Explicit.

p4 PARIS, Bi b liotheque nationale, I at. 15289. This XIIIth c entury parch-ment manuscript contains an unusual collection of patristic writings, including two copies of the Contra sermonem Arianorum

(PL 42,

683-708), and Ambrosiaster s Quaestiones Veteris et Novi Testamenti. What is particularly remarkable about it from our point of v iew is the fact that the HyPomnesticon is referred to in the exPlicit (f.31) as 'libellus ad Xystum'. Only one other exta.nt manuscript of the Hy pomnesticon associates the work with the name of X y s tus and that is B enevento, Biblioteca Capitularis, MS. IV. 10, which will be dealt with in the section treating of incomplete manuscripts. The explanation for the u n usual allusion to Xystus in the exPlicit of t he Hy P omnesticon in

(p4) seems

to be clea.r enough from a, comparison between it a.nd (pl). The textual relation between the two manuscripts is unmistakable, and the contents reveal a relation also. Thus in (pl) the Hypomnesticon is followed, with only a small break, by the Zibellus Sancti Augustini ad Xystum presby terum adversus Pelagianos, which in turn is i m m e d iately followed by Eiusdem ePistola ad Hilarium EPiscoPum. In (p4) immediately after the exPlicit appended to the HyPomnesticon, i.e. ExPlicit libellus ad Xystum,


we find Incipit eiusdem ePistola ad hylarium ePiscoPum .What appears, therefore, to have taken place in (p4) is that the scribe, either by mistake or design, omitted the Libellus ad Xystum which he found in his exem-plar, but put its ex Plicit at t he e nd of t he Hy P o mnesticon, and then proceeded to transcribe the EPistola ad Hilarium

360 x 250 mm., 294 ff., 2 columns of 47 lines.

f.16 Incipiunt quinque responsiones sancti austini contra pelagianos et celestianos. Adversarii catholice fidei... f.31 pro omnibus nobis. Expli-cit libellus ad Xystum.

p5 PARIS, Bi b liotheque rationale, Lat. 15294 is certainly curious. For one thing, it contains a version of the HyPomnesticon clearly belonging to the Anglo-Norman family, which will be discussed later, and yet, unlike

all but two other members of that numerous family, it has Responsio V. It contains an extensive collection of sermons attributed to St.Augu-stine, and a considerable collection of other works belonging to a number of patristic writers. The HyPomnesti con occurs towards the end preceded by Augustine's De fide et oPeribus and followed by some letters. It is

a XIIIth century parchment codex which — as the ex-libris on f.454v indicates — formerly belonged to the library of the Sorbonne, Paris.

370 x 250 mm., 450 ff., 2 columns of 54 lines.

f.400v Incipit liber yponosticon augustini. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f.411. in omnibus nobis.

p6 PARIS, Bi b l iotheque nationale, Lat. 1M55 is intimately related to the foregoing manuscript. It is also XI I I t h c e ntury, and its version of the HyPomnesticon b elongs likewise to t he A n g l o - Norman fa mily, e v e n though it also contains ResPonsio V. The text w as carefully worked

over by a scholar — probably XIVth century — who entered in the

mar-gins readings proper to the large Franco-Italian family already alluded to. The contents include 112 letters belonging to St.Augustine's cor-respondence, together with a n u m ber of hi s a n t i - P elagian and other works. The HyPomnesticon is preceded by the De haeresibus and is fol-lowed by the Contra Maximinium haereticum Arianorum libri II

(PL 42,

743 — 814).

340x 240 mm., 3 ff. +553 pp., 2 columns of 49 lines.

p. 440 Incipit liber yponosticon Augustini. Adversarii catholice fidei ... p. 465 in omnibus nobis. Explicit yponosticon sancti augustini.


t3 TOLEDO, Biblioteca del Cabildo 14 1— 3(XLI 1— 08). Cf. D.Josh M~ Octa.-vio de Toledo, Biblioteca de la Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos III, Catalogo de la Libereria del Cabildo Toledano, I~ Parte

(Madrid 1903)

p. 39-40; Divjak, p. 270. It is a X I I I t h c e n t ury parchment codex con-taining but one other work besides the Hypomnesticon, namely, St. Augu-stine's De consensu Evangelistarum T.he version of the Hypomnesticon found in the codex belongs to a predominantly French group of which (pl) is the ea,rliest extant specimen

327 x 215 mm., 103 ff., 2 columns of 40 lines.

f.1 Adversarii catholice fidei ... f.24 V in omnibus nobis.

p7 PARIS, Bi b liotheque nationale, Zat. 15303 is a XII I t h c e n t u ry p a

rch-ment codex bearing the ex-libris of the Sorbonne. On the Qy-leaf the entry runs: Iste liber est collegii pauperum magistrorum Parisiis in theo logica facultate studentium Cf. L..Delisle, Inventaire des Manuscrits de la Sorbonne conserves a la Bibliotheque Imperiale sous les numeros 15175-16'718 du Fonds Latin (Paris 1870). The manuscript contains diverse works by St.Augustine and St. Jerome, with the Hypomnesticon placed at the beginning. The text of the latter is so close to that of

(pl) that

its derivation from that manuscript is well-nigh certain. 360x 230 mm., 166 ff., 2 columns of 47 lines.

f.2 Incipiunt quinque responsiones sancti augustini contra pelagianos et celestinos. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f.20 V in omnibus nobis.

gl ERLANG EN, U n i v ersitatsbibliothek, 170, besides the first five ResPon

siones of the Hypomnesti con, contains also the sixth Responsio in another part of the codex. Cf. H.Fischer, Katalog der Handschriften der Univer sitatsbibliothek Erlangen, I Band (Erlangen 1928) p. 186 — 89. It is a XIVth century parchment codex bearing on f.1 th e e x -libris: Li b er Sanctae Mariae in Fo ntesalute, and on f.222 in a X V t h c e n t u ry h a n d: L i b e r

beate Virginis Mariaein Monasterio Hailsbrunne. It is a miscellany con-taining works by St. Augustine and others.

305 x 220 mm., 221 ff., 2 columns of 41 /42 lines

f.2 Incipiunt V Responsiones augustini contra pelagianos. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f. 16 in omnibus nobis.

ps PARIS, Bi b liotheque nationale, Lat. 15300 contains two XIVth century codices bound together, presumably because both were devoted almost exclusively to works of Augustine. It bears the ex-libris of the Sorbonne



f.186 ). The first codex comprised ff.1 — 132" and the second f.133 — 186>. It is in the second that the HyPomnesti con is to be found as the last item, and is preceded by the De doctrina Christiana; De natura boni; De utilitate credendi; and Elistola 140. Spaces left blank for the inciPit, a. number of initials, and possibly also the exPlicit were never filled in by the illumi-nator. The text of the HyPomnesticon belongs to the same group as


370x 260 mm., 186 ff., 2 columns of 59 /60 lines.

f.177 [A]dversarii catholice fidei ... f.186" in omnibus nobis.

p9 PARIS, Bibliotheque Mazarine, No. 1539(541) is a very extensive XIVth century collection of patristic writings, including, besides works of Euse-bius, Cassian, St.Ambrose, St. Jerome, St.Augustine, and others, a text of the HyPomnesticon that shows a very close relation to

(pl). Cf. A.

Moli-nier, Catalogue des manuscrits de la bibliotheque Mazarine, Tome 2 (Paris 1886) p. 139. On the first folio it b ears the ex-libris of the College of Navarre, Paris: Pro libraria Regal[ij Collegii CamPaniae alias Navarrae,

Parisiis fundati. Parchment.

295 x 215 mm., 329 ff., 2 columns of 52 lines.

f.282 Incipiunt responsiones sancti augustini contra pelagianos. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f.296> in omnibus nobis.

v VATICA N U S, La t . b56 (olim 2430) is a X I V t h c e n t u ry p a r c h ment

codex containing works of St . A nselm and St . A ugustine, besides the HyPomnesticon Cf. CVL., Tomus I, p. 510 — 12; Oberleitner, p. 273 — 74.

Special importance attaches to this manuscript despite its late date, and this is due to its being one of the three extant descendants of the VIIIth century (P) — (V) group. Though not a, direct lineal descendant of (V), (v) belongs to the same branch of the group, and plays an impor-tant role in supplying lacunae in the much earlier manuscript. Unfor-tunately, the text is incomplete, and ends on f.157 V, col. 1. with the words 'nisi operante spiritu sancto patris et filii' of ResPonsio V, chapter 7.

395 x 254 mm., 199 ff., 2 columns of varying numbers of lines. f.147V In Xristi nomine amen. Incipit liber yponnesticon sancti augus-tini episcopi, id est, commemoratorium contra Pelagianos et Celestianos hereticos. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f. 157> nisi operante spiritu sancto

patris et filii.

t2 T URIN, B i b l i o teca Nazionale Unioersitaria, D.II. 1 5 (Pas.lat. CXCIX; Cos. 419) has every appearance of being a. late XIVth century copy of the foregoing manuscript (v ). It shares the same omissions and addi-22


tions — while adding others peculiar to itself — and ends imperfectly at exactly the same point in chapter 7, Responsio V, i.e. with the phra.se

'nisi operante spiritu sancto patris et filii'. Parchment. Cf. Mazz. XXVIII, p. 48; Oberleitner, p. 243 — 44.

345 x 230 mm., 108 ff., 2 columns of 50 lines.

f.70 In Xristi nomine incipit liber yponesticon sancti augustini epis-copi, id est, commemoratorium contra pelagianos et celestianos hereticos. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f. 84> nisi operante spiritu sancto patris et filii.

cl CESENA, Bib lioteca Malatestiana, D.X.2. Parchment. s.XV. Cf.

Zaz-zeri, Sui codici e libri a starnPa della Biblioteca Malatestiana di Cesena (Cesena 1887) p. 110 — 11; Oberleitner, p. 57. The text of the HyPornne sticon presented in this manuscript is contaminated, but it b e longs to the broad and numerous Franco-Italian family of which (C) is the earliest known representative.

357 x 240 mm., 264 ff., 2 columns of 47 lines.

f.234 Incipit eiusdem [Augustini] yponosticon. Adversarii ca.tholicae fidei ... f.251> in omnibus nobis. Beati Augustini yponosticon explicit.

r ROUEN, Bib liotheque rnunicipale, No. 480 (A 447) is a. XVth century

derivative of (p3) on paper. It belonged to Saint-Ouen of Rouen. Cf. H.Omont, Catalogue general des rnanuscrits des bibliotheques publiques de France, Tome 1 (Paris 1886) p. 103. The original press-mark of the codex was A. 404, and it contains the HyPornnesticon as its second item. It is significant that, as in the case of (p3), the work immediately preceding the Hypornnesticon is St. Augustine's De consensu Evangelistarum

216 x 138 mm., 238 ff., 30/31 long lines to the page.

f.145 Incipiunt quinque responsiones sancti augustini contra pelagia-nos. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f.186 V in omnibus nobis.

b5 BURGO DE OSMA, Biblioteca de la Catedra/, MS 71. Parchment. s. XV. Cf. Divjak, p. 179 — 80.

393x 213 mm., 281 ff., 33 long lines to the page.

f.237 Responsiones contra pelagianos. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f.268v in omnibus nobis '

' I have been unable to visit Bu rgo de Osma to examine this manuscript, and all e6orts made by me to have a microfilm made of MS 71 have so far failed. Through the kind offices of the Spanish ambassador in Dublin, I r e c eived a promise that a microfilm of the manuscript would be sent to me, but i t n e ver ar r ived.


K KOBZENZ, Z a n d eshauPtarchiv, Ms 701/ 144. Parchment. s. XV. C f .

Kurz, p. 132. This collection of Augustine's works formerly belonged to the library of the Canons of St. Augustine, Niederwerth, near Koblenz.

In 1584 it came into the possession of the Jesuit house in Koblenz.

208x 140 mm., 323 Q., 31 long lines.

f.260 Incipit tractatus beati Augustini episcopi contra peligianos et celestianos hereticos. Adversarii fidei catholicae ... f.297 V omnibus nobis. Amen. Explicit. Deo gratias.

n1 NURNBE R G, Stadtbibliothek, Ms. Cent. I, 5'4. Parchment. XVth cen-tury. Cf. Ernst Ky r ies, Die Nurnberger Klostereinbande derJahre 1433

bis 1525 (Bamberg 1940) p. 45; Kurz, p. 135. This collection of Augu-stine's works was copied from Erlangen 170 (gl), and its version of the Hypornnesti con reproduces that of the Erlangen manuscript. Thus, besides the first five ResPonsiones, it contains a portion of the sixth in another part of the codex. It b elonged to the D o minican house in Nurnberg.

320x 220 mm., 192 ff., 2 columns of varying numbers of lines

f.178 V Incipiunt V responsiones sancti Augustini contra Pelagianos. Adversarii catholice fidei ... f.192 V in omnibus nobis.

3) Manuscripts containing Responsiones I-IV

In this very numerous family, we encounter a, version of the HyPorn mesticon which is quite distinctive, and which remained, in spite of super-ficial divergencies, remarkably homogeneous throughout its entire trace-able history, i.e. from the X It h t o t h e X V t h c e n t u ry . Th e origins of the family are obscure, but they probably recede beyond the XIth cen-tury from which the earliest extant witness derives, and there are solid r easons for believing that Normandy was the region from which t h e version was diffused. It is very remarkable that this 4 ResPonsio version

-was widely diffused in England, whereas the 6 ResPonsio and 5 R-espon-sio versions seem to have been unknown in that country. Certainly no trace of them is to be found among the extant English manuscripts '. At any

1 As will appear later, copies of Re sPonsio VI a r e c o m m on in E n g l a n d, b u t Responsio V occurs only once, i.e. in London BM ( R o y al M s) 5 C . V. In t h i s c ase


rate, the 4 R-espozzsio version seems to have been introduced into Eng-land from Normandy shortly after the Conquest, and thereafter was copied assiduously in different monastic centres.

A peculiar feature of this 4f-Respozzsio version family is that the themes of the 5 Responsiones are invariably announced in the normal manner in the Praefatio, and yet at the conclusion of the IVth Re sPozzsio we almost invariably find th e c o l o phon: Ex p l ic it R e s pozzsio IV Au r e lii Augustizzi doctoris contra Pelagianos et C (a)elestiazzos hereticos. Yp


nosticozz liber exPlicit — as though the HyPomnesticozz contained but four ResPozzsiones! Whether the absence of the fifth — and, of course, the additional sixth — ResPonsio in these manuscripts was due originally to an accidental omission in an exemplar, or to a deliberate suppression, cannot be determined with any conhdence from the evidence available. The Maurist editors of the Opera omzzz'a of St.Augustine refer to a manuscript from the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Rvroult-d Ouche which had all the signs of being an early member of the Anglo-Norman family, but which is unfortunately now lost '. I n t h e A p p endix to th e Opera omnia, where the Maurists give their edition of the Hypomzzesticozz, they refer to the lost codex as Ebrulphezzsis codex and Uticensis codex S Ebrul. phi, and j u d ging by th e v a r iant readings from it w h ich t hey qu ote,

and also from catalogue descriptions of the contents , t h er e seems to

the Vth ResPonsio was copied into the codex a century or m o re a ft er t he c odex was first produced. It was entered on folios accidentally left blank by the original scribe or scribes.

' That the Maurists should have been acquainted with this manuscript is readily

understood from the fact that members of their order undertook the reform of

S. Rvroult in 1628, and remained there till they were dispersed during the French R evolution. It i s p o ssible that th e m a n uscript was lost or d e stroyed during th e

z Cf. Sancti Augustini operunzT o m u ,s X (Paris 1690}, col. 14, g; col. 27, b;

col. 30, k of the Appendix.

3 The codex is listed in Catalogus bibliothecae S.EbrulP Uticensis circa anno 1140

conscriptus ez MS 145 eratus [aratusj, which was copied into Paris BN L a t. 1 3073

in 1682. The reference to the codex containing the Hy p o mnesticon is first found on f. 5. On f. 29 of the same manuscript the codex is numbered 81 under the head-ing Catalogus ManuscriPtorum Codicum bibliothecae S. Ebrulg collectus anno 1682

et in ordine redactus anno 1682, and the c o n tents are given t h u s: S .Jeronimus

contra Jovinianum; A u g ustini contra Pelagianos et Caelestianos haereticos ypomno-sticon liber; Signa Judicii ex Jeronimo. De Montfaucon alluded to the same Codex 81

of S.Evroult in the section entitled «Catalogus Codicum MSS Bibliothecae Mona-sterii S. Ebrulphi Uticensis» in Bibliotheca bibliothecarum Nova, Tome 2(Paris 1739)

p. 1269, and gives the same contents in a s l i g h tl y d i f f e rent f o rm : S. H i e r o nymi

contra Jovinianum in 4 0; Ibid. S.Augustini contra Pelagianos et Caelestianos haere-ticos; Signa Judicii ez H i e r onymo. Cf. L. D E L I s LE, His toire Generale de Paris. Le Cabinet des Manuscrits de la B i b h otheque Nationale, Tome 2 (Paris 1874) p. 405;

Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Tome 34(Paris 1873) p. 262.


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