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Secure Component Deployment in the OSGi(tm) Release 4 Platform


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Submitted on 18 Jul 2006

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Release 4 Platform

Pierre Parrend, Stéphane Frénot

To cite this version:

Pierre Parrend, Stéphane Frénot. Secure Component Deployment in the OSGi(tm) Release 4 Platform.

[Technical Report] RT-0323, INRIA. 2006, pp.46. �inria-00084795v2�


inria-00084795, version 2 - 18 Jul 2006

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Thème COM

Secure Component Deployment in the OSGi


Release 4 Platform

Pierre Parrend — Stéphane Frénot

N° 0323



Pierre Parrend,Stéphane Frénot

∗ ∗

ThèmeCOMSystèmes ommuni ants ProjetARES

Rapportte hniquen° 0323June200646pages

Abstra t: Lastyearshaveseenadramati in reaseintheuseof omponentplatforms,not only in lassi alappli ation servers,but also more and morein the domain of Embedded Systems. TheOSGi


platformisoneoftheseplatformsdedi atedtolightweightexe ution environments, and one of the most prominent. However, new platforms also imply new se urityaws,andala kofbothknowledgeandtoolsforprote tingtheexposedsystems.

This te hni al report aims at fostering the understanding of se urity me hanisms in omponentdeployment. It fo uses onse uring thedeploymentof omponents. It presents the ryptographi me hanismsne essaryforsigningOSGi


bundles,aswellasthedetailed pro essofbundlesignatureandvalidation.

WealsopresenttheSFelixplatform,whi hisase ureextensiontoFelixOSGi


frame-work implementation. It in ludes our implementation of thebundle signature pro ess, as spe iedbyOSGi


Release4Se urityLayer. Moreover,atoolfor signingand publishing bundles,SFelixJarSigner,hasbeendevelopedto onvenientlyintegratebundlesignaturein thebundledeploymentpro ess.

Key-words: OSGi


,Se urity,Integrity,Authenti ation,JarSignature,DigitalSignature, Felix.


Résumé : L'utilisation de plates-formes à omposants a onnu es dernières années une forte roissan e, en parti ulierdans le domainedes Systèmes Embarqués. La plate-forme OSGi


estunede esplates-formesdédiéesauxenvironnementslégers. Cependant,lamise enoeuvre denouvellesplates-formes impliquelaprésen ede nouveaux risquesdesé urité, ainsiqu'unmanqueàlafoisde onnaissan eetd'outils pourpalierà esnouveauxrisques. Ce rapport te hnique apourobje tif d'améliorer la ompréhensiondes mé anismesde sé uritédansle adre dudéploiementde omposants. Ilse on entresur laproblématique delasé urisationdudéploiement. Ilprésentelesmé anismesde ryptographiené essairesà lasignaturedes omposantsOSGi


(appelésbundles),etlepro essusdétaillédesignature etdevalidationde es bundles.

Nous présentonségalement la plate-formeSFelix, qui est une implémentation sûre du frameworkOSGi


baséesurleprojetApa heFelix. SFelix omprendnotreimplémentation du pro essus de validation de bundles, onformeà la spé i ation OSGi


release 4. De plus,unoutildesignatureetdepubli ationdebundleSFelixJarSigner,aétédéveloppéde manièreàintégrerlasé urisationdesbundlesdanslepro essusdedéploiement.

Mots- lés : OSGi


, Sé urité, Intégrité, Authenti ation, Signature de Jar, Signature Numérique,Felix.



1 Introdu tion 7

1.1 ContextofthisReport . . . 7

1.2 ComponentDeployment . . . 7

1.3 Threatsduring Deployment . . . 8

1.4 Mali iousBundles . . . 9

2 Cryptographi Con epts and Standards 11 2.1 Integrity . . . 11

2.1.1 DigitalSignature . . . 11

2.1.2 Cryptographi MessageSyntax . . . 13

2.1.3 Asymmetri En ryptionandHashingAlgorithms . . . 14

2.2 Authenti ation . . . 16 2.2.1 Certi ate Validation . . . 16 2.2.2 X.509Certi ate . . . 18 2.2.3 Certi ate Store . . . 19 2.3 Condentiality . . . 20 2.3.1 Denition . . . 20

2.3.2 Howto a hieveCondentiality? . . . 20

2.4 Con lusions . . . 20

3 Se ureDeployment 22 3.1 Overview . . . 22

3.1.1 Bundle Deployment . . . 22

3.1.2 RequirementsforAuthenti ation . . . 23

3.2 Stru tureofaSignedBundle . . . 24

3.2.1 TheManifestFile . . . 26

3.2.2 TheSignatureFile . . . 27

3.2.3 TheSignatureBlo kFile . . . 27

3.3 ThePro essofSignature andValidation . . . 28

3.3.1 Signature . . . 28

3.3.2 Validation . . . 29

3.4 Con lusions . . . 30

4 Implementation: SFelix 31 4.1 Overview . . . 31

4.1.1 Role ofSFelixplatformandSFelixJarSigner . . . 31

4.1.2 Stru tureoftheProgram . . . 32

4.1.3 TheAPI. . . 32

4.2 FelixModi ationsforBundleValidation . . . 33

4.2.1 TheCode . . . 33


4.2.3 RuntimeoftheSFelixPlatform . . . 34

4.3 Tool: SFelixJarSigner . . . 36

4.3.1 Fun tionsofJarSigner . . . 36

4.3.2 Bundles ofJarSigner . . . 36

4.4 Con lusions . . . 38

5 Con lusions 40 6 Annexes 41 6.1 ExistingToolsforSe ure JavaAppli ations . . . 41

6.2 JavaCryptographi Libraries . . . 42


List of Figures

1 TheComponentDeploymentPro ess . . . 7

2 TheSe urityThreatsduring theComponentDeploymentPro ess. . . 8

3 DigitalSignatureofaDo umentusingasymmetri Cryptography . . . 11

4 DigitalSignatureGeneration . . . 12

5 DigitalSignatureValidation . . . 12

6 The ontentofaCryptographi MessageStandard(CMS) ompliantFile. . . 14

7 TheCerti ationDistributionrequiredforCerti ateChe king . . . 17

8 Certi ateValidation(Case1): theCerti ateisknowntothe he ker . . . . 17

9 Certi ateValidation(Case2): theCerti ateisunknownto the he ker . . 17

10 ContentofaX.509Certi ate. . . 19

11 ContentofaCerti ateStore . . . 20

12 En ryptionofado umentfor ondentiality. . . 21

13 Therequirementsfortheauthenti ationpro ess. . . 24

14 ExampleofasignedHelloWorldbundle,signedbyPIERREP. . . 24

15 TheManifestFilefortheHelloWorldExampleBundle.. . . 26

16 TheSignature FilefortheHelloWorldExampleBundle. . . 27

17 TheAlgorithmforsigningaBundle. . . 28

18 TheAlgorithmforValidatingasignedBundle. . . 29

19 ThegeneralAr hite tureoftheSe ureFelix(SFelix)Platform. . . 32

20 Thepubli APIoftheSe ureFelix(SFelix)Platform. . . 33

21 S reen-shotofSFelixshellwhenlaun hinganewSFelixProle . . . 35

22 S reen-shotofSFelixshellwhentryingtoinstallanunsigned bundle . . . 35

23 TheGraphi alUserInterfa eoftheSFelixJarSignerTool.. . . 37

24 S reen-shotofSFelixshellwhenlaun hingtheSFelixJarSignerTool . . . 39

25 TheSequen e DiagramoftheAlgorithmforsigningaBundle.. . . 43


List of Tables

1 MainHashalgorithms . . . 15 2 MainEn ryptionalgorithms . . . 15 3 Meta-datainvolvedinBundleSignature . . . 26


1 Introdu tion

1.1 Context of this Report



platformisanexe utionlayerovertheJavaVirtualMa hinethatsupportslife y le management of omponents (introdu tion, update, removal) during runtime. These omponentsprovideJavapa kagesorlo allypublishedservi es(asJavainterfa es)toother omponents.

Thiste hni alreportaimsatfosteringtheunderstandingofse urityme hanismsinthe OSGi


platform. It fo uses on se uring the deployment of omponents. It presentsthe ryptographi me hanismsne essaryforsigningOSGi


omponents(alsonamedbundles), aswellas thedetailedpro essofbundlesignatureandvalidation.

WepresenttheSFelixplatform 1

,whi h isase ureextension toApa heFelix 2



frameworkimplementation. Itin ludesourimplementationofthebundlevalidationpro ess in OSGi


Release4Se urity Layer. Moreover,atoolforsigning andpublishing bundles, SFelixJarSigner,hasbeendevelopedto onvenientlyintegratebundlesignatureinthebundle deploymentpro ess.

1.2 Component Deployment

Thedeploymentofbundlesisnotdened bytheOSGi


spe i ations. IntheFelix imple-mentation,it isrealizedbythepubli ationof thebundlesonaserverontheInternet,and theinstallation of these bundlesfrom the serverby the lientplatforms. Thesteps ofthe deploymentpro ess arethefollowing: publi ation (1),bundle dis overy(2), download(3), installation(4) andupdate (4.b),exe ution(5). The gure1showsthispro ess ofbundle deployment.

Figure1: TheComponentDeploymentPro ess


http://sfelix.gforge.inria.fr 2


1.3 Threats during Deployment

Majorse uritythreatsduring deploymentareofthreetypes. Thersttypeisthepresen e ofmali iousbundlepubli ation servers. These ondtypeof deploymentthreatsis man-in-the-middleatta k. Su h anatta ker anmodify thebundle, orfullysubstitute theloaded bundleby anotherone. Inboth asesthe lientplatform installsthen exe utessome ode withoutbeing ableto do anyassumption about the ode quality orreliability. The third type of threats is the possibility that exists for an atta ker to a ess and modify (=to tamper) thestoreddata usedbythe omponentplatform. A tually, all ongurationdata and installed omponents are available on the lesystem of the host, and a ess to this lesystemis su ientto fully ontrolthebehavioroftheplatformandof the omponents. So as to prote tthe omponent platform from the rst twothreats, it is ne essary to ontrolthat thebundlepublishersaretrustworthy,andthat loadedbundleshavenotbeen tampered with during the transfer over an untrusted network, su h asthe Internet. Jar spe i ations(bundlesarespe i Jarar hives)propose tosignar hivesoasto guarantee su h properties. OSGi


spe i ations propose additional restri tionsto signing, notably byforbiddingun ompletear hivesigning,whi hallowsathirdpartytoaddresour estoan ar hivewithoutinvalidatingthesignature.

Theprote tionoftheplatformresour esrequirestointegratease urelesystemwiththe omponentplatform. Bundlesubstitutionor ongurationtamperingbetweendownloadand startingisthenprevented. Asfarasitdoesnotdealdire tlywiththeproblem ofse uring thedeploymentpro ess,thisextensionoftheplatformwillnotbe onsideredfurtherinthis report.

Figure 2showsthese uritythreatsthatexist during thedeploymentpro ess ofa om-ponent.


1.4 Mali ious Bundles

The mali ious bundles an be ategorized a ording to the target of their atta ks, and a ordingtotheatta kparadigmtheyuse,thatistosaythetypeofeventthattriggersthe atta k.

Atta k Targets Mali ious bundles anbe lassiedin fourmain typesa ordingtothe targetoftheatta ktheyperform:

1. Threat to the System, for instan e, a bundle an ontain JNI alls whi h makes it possibletoa esstheunderlyingOperatingSystem;orit anhaveextremelyresour e intensiveservi eswhi h onsumemostoftheavailableCPUormemoryofthesystem,

2. Threat tothe Platform, abundle antryand a ess the Javaplatform(through the Systemor Runtime lasses),ortheOSGi



3. Threat tothe Bundles, abundle anmisuse available servi es(depending ofthe ser-vi e API), orprovide false servi es, that provides agivenservi e with an improper implementation,

4. Undue Monitoring, a bundle angather data related to aplatform withoutmaking immediateuseofthem,andsend themtoaremoteatta kerforlatterintrusion.

Atta kparadigms Threemainatta kparadigms anbeusedbymali iousbundles. They are hara terizedbytheeventthattriggerstheatta k:

1. Ba k doors. Those bundlesmakeit possiblefor a remoteatta kerto gain a ess to theexe utionplatform.

2. Mali ious servi es. those bundles provide fake servi es or lasses that an be used insteadofvalidones.

3. Autonomousbundles. thosebundlesperformmali iousa tionsautonomously,without remote ontrolandwithoutrequiringservi e allsfromotherservi es. Theirbehavior is losetotheoneofviruses.

It is of ourse possible that amali ious bundle uses several of these atta k paradigms simultaneously.

Thisbriefpresentationoftheatta ksthatmayo urthroughmali iousOSGi


bundles highlightstheneedforse uringthelife y leofthebundles,andparti ularlyforprote ting thedeploymentphasefrommali iousBundleRepositories,frombundlesubstitutionduring transferorfrom lo altamperingduringtheinstallationphase.

Thiste hni alreportpresentstheme hanismsthatarene essarytoimplementthe bun-dlesignatureandvalidationpro ess. First,underlying ryptographi on eptsarepresented. Then,thealgorithmsforsigningandvalidatinganOSGi



ourimplementationof bundlesignaturepro essispresented. Itis madeoftheSFelix plat-form-anextensionofApa heFelixOSGi


implementation-onthersthand,andofSFelix JarSignertool-thatsupportssigningandpubli ationofbundles-ontheotherhand.


2 Cryptographi Con epts and Standards

Se urity of systemsis the ability of these systems to withstand thebehaviorof mali ious users. It anbedenedasthe onjun tionofintegrity,availabilityforauthorizedusersonly, and ondentiality[AJB00℄. Identi ationofauthorizedusersisnamedauthenti ation.

Se ure bundle deployment means that these requirements are guaranteed during the whole deployment pro ess, that is to say from the publi ation of a bundle until the time whenthisbundle isstarted. Itisbasedonasymmetri ,orpubli key, ryptography,whi h publi lybindsagivenkeypairwithauniqueuser. Thispairismadeofase retprivatekey ownedby theuserandof apubli keythat is widelyavailable. Theprivatekeyisused to en ryptdata. Everythird partyuser anthen assertthat data that arede ryptable with thepubli keyhavebeenen ryptedwiththeprivateone.

Forea hofthese urityrequirementsthathavebeendened,adenitionwillbegiven,the ryptographi me hanismsne essaryfortheirenfor ementwillbepresented,andsupporting standardswillbeintrodu ed.

2.1 Integrity

Integrity is dened by [AJB00℄ as the absen e of improper system state alterations. In thedeploymentpro ess,thismeansthatloaded bundlesmustnotbemodiedbetweenthe publi ationstepandthestartstep.

2.1.1 Digital Signature

A`DigitalSignature'isanele troni signaturethat anbeusedtoensurethattheoriginal ontent ofthemessageordo ument thathas beensentis un hanged,andto authenti ate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a do ument. That is to say a digitalsignatureguaranteesboththeintegrityofthedo umentandtheauthenti ationofits emitter. Wewill on entrateinthesese tiononintegrity. Authenti ationwillbepresented indetails inse tion2.2.

Theoverviewofthepro essofdigitalsignatureisshowningure3.


This pro ess anbesharedin twoseparate steps: thesignature generation(A) bythe emitterofthesigneddo ument,andthesignaturevalidation(B),bythere eiver. Signature generation onsistsin applyinga signaturealgorithm on thesigned do ument. This algo-rithmresults in adata le alled Cryptohash, ormorefrequently DigitalSignature. This signatureis passedoverfrom the emitter to there eiveralongwith the signeddo ument. There eiver anthen he kwhetherthedigitalsignaturemat hesthedo ument.

Thegure4and5showrespe tivelythepro essofdigitalsignaturegenerationandthe pro essofdigitalsignaturevalidation.

Figure4: DigitalSignature Generation Figure 5: DigitalSignature Validation

The pro ess of digital signature generation takesas input the do ument to be signed andtheprivatekeyofthesigner. Itprodu esasoutputadigitalsignature,orCryptohash, whi ha ompaniesthesigneddo umentsoastoproveitsintegrity. Therststepofdigital signature generation is to apply ahash fun tion to thedo ument, so asto obtain axed lengthdatalethatuniquelymat hestheoriginaldo ument(A.1). Theresultinghashvalue is en rypted withthe private keyof thesigner, soasto guaranteethat nobody else ould haveprodu edthis signature,and thusto provethatno mali iousentityhaveprovided or modiedthedo ument(A.2). Thedo ument anthenbepubli lypublishedalongwithits digitalsignature(A.3).

When auser wants to exploit a do ument that is publi lyavailable,or that has been transferedoveraninse ure ommuni ation hannel su h astheInternet,it anthen verify that this do ument has been issued by the pretendedissuer, and has not been tampered withduringtransfer. Thepro essofdigitalsignaturevalidationtakesasinputthepublished do ument,thedigitalsignatureandthepubli keyofthepretendedsigner(B.0,B.2). The validationismadeoftwoparallelpro esses. Onthersthand,thedo umentishashedwith the samehash fun tion that hasbeen used for the signature generation (B.1). This step providesthehashvalueoftheavailabledo ument. Ontheotherhand,thedigitalsignature


(=theCryptohash)isde rypted withthepubli keyofthesigner(B.2). Thehashvalueof theoriginal do umentis retrieved bythis way. This stepguaranteesthat no otherperson tries toimpersonate therealsigner. On ethehash oftheoriginaldo ument andthehash oftheavailabledo umentareavailable,itissu ientto omparethem. Iftheymat h,the availabledo umentistheonethathasbeensigned. Otherwise,itmeansthat theavailable do umentisnottheonethat hasbeensigned.

The unvalidity of the pro ess of digital signature validation an have several auses. The moreobvious oneis of ourse the modi ationof the do ument, or the substitution by another one. But the modi ation of the digital signature itself has the same result. If someone has a valid do ument without the original digitalsignature, it an not he k the validity of the do ument. Another ause of validation error is the la k of knowledge aboutthe signer. Whenthe re eiverdoes nothavea opyof the publi keyof the signer thatheknowstobevalid,it annotvalidatethesignature. A tually,anybody ansignthe do ument and provide a valid signature for it. If you do not trustthe signer, the digital signature annotprovidetheproofofintegrityofado ument.

2.1.2 Cryptographi MessageSyntax

Another onstraintexists in theveri ation ofado ument. There eiverof thedo ument musthaveallne essarydataforexe utingthisvalidation,that istosaythedo ument,the digitalsignatureandthepubli key erti ateofthesigner. However,it anbene essaryto trustdo umentissuersthat are notknownbeforehand,that is tosayfor whi h thepubli key erti ateisnotpreviouslystoredbythere eiver. Therefore,thispubli key erti ate mustbeprovidedalongwiththesigneddo ument. Pro essoftrustingpreviouslyunknown signersimpliessignaturedelegation,whi hispresentedinsubse tion 2.2.

This dataavailability onstraintmeansthatseverallesmust betransferedalongwith the signed do ument for veri ation. It is therefore ne essary to bind them together, so asto prevent omplexand slow do umentex hange proto ols between thesigner andthe re eiver. A solutionfor providing thedo ument, thedigital signature and thepubli key erti ate of the signer is to integrate them in a CMS (Cryptographi Message Syntax) do ument [Hou02℄


, and to publish not dire tly the signed do ument, but its asso iated CMSle. ThisCMSle an ontainornotthesigneddo ument,dependingonthe ontext ofpubli ation.

Figure6showsanexampleofaCryptographi MessageSyntax(CMS) ompliantFilein ahuman-readableXMLformat.

Foren apsulating Digital Signatures, the CMS type`signed-data' is used. It ontains datane essaryforvalidating theDigitalSignature. En apsulateddatainthiskindofCMS le is organized into two ategories: Signers data, and Certi ates data. Signers data ontainstheIDofoneorseveralsigner(s)ofthedo ument,aswellastheDigitalSignature ofthedo umentforea hsigner. Certi atesdata omprisesX.509Publi KeyCerti ates



Figure6: The ontentofaCryptographi MessageStandard(CMS) ompliantFile.

forthesigners,andpotentiallyaCerti ateRevo ationList. Moreover,thesigned-datale analso ontainthesigneddo umentitself.

CMS Files use the ASN.1 syntax and are en oded in DER (Distinguished En oding Rules) format[Bur93℄. This makesit possibleto integrate binary ontent su h asDigital Signaturestogetherwiththenameofthesignerandthepropertiesofthe erti ates.

2.1.3 Asymmetri En ryptionand Hashing Algorithms

Thepro essofdigitalsignaturegeneration andvalidationmakesuseoftwodierentkinds ofalgorithms: onehash fun tion,and oneen ryption algorithm. Numerous ryptographi algorithmsareavailablethat provideoneortheotherfun tionality. Although urrent re -ommendationsfordigitalsignaturestronglyrestri tthe hoi ebetweentheRSA/MD5pair and the DSA/SHA-1 pair, the hoi e of algorithm remains open. A tually, the required se urity level, the memory and performan e onstraints of the system that makes use of digitalsignature an stronglyimpa tthe hoi e.

CommonlyusedHashalgorithmsareMD5(Message-Digestalgorithm5)[Riv92℄, SHA-1 (Se ure Hash Algorithm) [Nat93℄, as well as SHA-224, SHA1-256, Tiger [AB96℄ and Whirlpool [Int04℄


. Table 1 shows the hara teristi s of these algorithms. The output lengthisthelengthoftheresultinghashvalue. Whenseveralvariantsexistforagiven algo-rithm,severaloutputlengthsaregiven. These uritylevelindi ates whetherthealgorithm is onsidered as se ure. The availability indi ates when a given algorithm is available in


OnlySHA-1orbetteralgoritmsshouldbeusedforsigningdo uments,sin eitispossibletobuildfalse Certi ates using MD5ina oupleof hours [WY05 ℄. Theoreti al atta ks alsoexist on the SHA-1 hash fun tion,butare urrentlynotexploitableinpra ti e.


toolsforsigningar hives(XXX),regularly onsideredinspe i ations(XX)oravailablein APIsbut notintegratedin existingtools(X).

Hash Algorithm Output length Se urity Availability (bytes) Level MD5 128 Broken XX SHA-1 160 Theoreti ally XXX Broken SHA-224 224 High X SHA256 256 High X Tiger 128/160/192 High X Whirlpool 512 High X

Table1: MainHashalgorithms

Commonly used en ryption algorithms are RSA [RSA93℄, DSA (Digital Signature Al-gorithm) [Nat94℄, and ECC (Ellipti CurveCryptography)[BWBL02℄. Table 2showsthe hara teristi softhesealgorithms. Thetypi alkeysizesgivesthekeysizes ommonlyused forensuringse ure ommuni ations. Forea hkey,dierentlengths anbeuseddepending onthene essaryse urity level. Several valuesarethen given. These uritylevel indi ates whetherthealgorithm anbe onsideredasse ure. Theavailabilityindi ateswhenagiven algorithmisavailablein toolsforsigningar hives(XXX), regularly onsideredin spe i a-tions(XX) oravailable in APIs but not integrated in existing tools (X). Whenavailable, thetypi alasso iated hashalgorithm givesthehash fun tion that is ommonlyused with theen ryptionalgorithm.

En ryptionAlgorithm Typi al Se urity Availability Typi al asso iated Key Sizes Level Hash algorithm

RSA 1024/2048 High XX MD5

DSA 1024/2048 High XXX SHA-1

ECC 160/192 High X

Table2: MainEn ryptionalgorithms

The hoi e of pairing a hash fun tion with an en ryption algorithm is quite open, al-thoughone restri tionexists: thelength ofthe data generated throughthe hashfun tion mustbeatleastaslongastheen ryptionkey. Forinstan e,SHA-1generatesadigestof160 bytes(=1280bits). Thelongestkey anthenbe1024bits. Foramorepowerfulsignature, itisne essaryto useahashfun tion withlonger output,forinstan e SHA-256(256 bytes =2048bits). Akeyof2048bits an thenbeused.


Fornon strategi systems,the urrent trendis to use theDSA/SHA-1algorithm pair. Itis onsideredassu ientlyse ure,andhasthenon-negligibleadvantageof ompatibility withexistingsignaturetools.

The digital signature of a do ument enables to guarantee its integrity, that is to say thatagivendo umentisidenti altotheoriginalone. Inparti ular,thisaimsatpreventing do ument modi ation orsubstitution. However,the guarantee of integrity requires that there eivertruststhesignerofthedo ument. Consequently,itisne essarytoauthenti ate thesigner. Otherwise,anybody anpublishaleandprovideavalidsignature. Two ases ofauthenti ationexist: either thesignerisalreadyknowntothere eiver,orit isnot,and a trusted third party is then required to guarantee the identity of all potential signers. Followingse tionwilldetailtheauthenti ationpro ess.

2.2 Authenti ation

Authenti ation is the formal identi ation of the emitter of amessage. It onsists in the veri ationofthevalidityoftheidentityofthisemitter.

Inthe ontextofDigitalSignature,theemitterofthemessageisinfa tthesignerofthe do ument. Itsidentityis arriedalongwiththesigneddo umentasapubli key erti ate ompliantwiththeX.509format. These dataareen apsulatedtogetherinaCMSle. The authenti ation pro ess impliesto omparethis erti ate bound to thedo ument andthe erti ates that are onsidered astrusted by theentity that performs the authenti ation. Thesetrusted erti atesarestoredin adatabase alledCerti ateStore.

2.2.1 Certi ate Validation

Twos enariosofauthenti ationofapubli key erti ateexist. EithertheSubje t,thatis tosaythesignerofthepubli key,isknowntotheentitythatperformstheauthenti ation, orit is not. In the se ond ase, theauthenti ation anbe performed if the Issuer of the publi key erti ate(oroneissueroftheissuer's erti ate)isknown.

The requirement for both authenti ation s enarios is that the set of erti ates that are onsidered as trusted are transfered in a se ure way to the entity that performs the authenti ationbeforetheauthenti ationo urs. Thegure7showsthis pro ess.

The distribution of trusted erti ates is done in an initialization phase. A trusted Certi ationAuthoritydeliversthesetof erti atesthattheauthenti atingpart antrust overase ure hannel(orpossiblyoine). These erti atesarestoredbytheauthenti ating partinitsCerti ateStore,andmarkedastrusted. Thismeansthatwhenthe lientlatter handles a erti ate that is available in the Certi ate Store and is marked astrusted, it willbeabletoassertthatthis erti ateisavalidone. Inother ases,itwillnotbeableto verifywhetheragiven erti atewhi hSubje tisforinstan eSFRENOTisavalidone,or afakeonebuiltbysomeonewhopretendsto beSFRENOTbutwhoisnot.


Figure7: TheCerti ationDistributionrequiredforCerti ateChe king

Figure8: Certi ateValidation (Case1): theCerti ateisknowntothe he ker

In the Case 1, theauthenti ating partrst need to retrievethe publi key erti ate. Inparti ular, in the aseof Digital Signature transmitted througha CMSle, it extra ts the erti ate from it (1). Then it an he k whether this erti ate is already known and marked as trusted (2). In our example, the signer is alled PIERREP. The Subje t of the erti ate is then PIERREP. It is possible to assert its validity be ause the same erti ate forPIERREP (withsameIssuer and erti atesignature) is markedastrusted intheCerti ateStore.

These ondme hanism(Case2)isshownongure9.

Figure9: Certi ateValidation(Case2): theCerti ateisunknowntothe he ker

These ondme hanismismadepossiblebythestru tureofpubli key erti ates. They are either issued by athird party, orself signed. In any ase, they ontain two identities


that arerelevantforauthenti ation. Therstoneis theidentityof theSubje t, thatis to saytheownerofthe erti ate. These ondoneistheidentityof theIssuer,that istosay theentitythat hasemittedthe erti ate.

Theauthenti atingpartrstneedtoretrievethevariouspubli key erti atesthatare requiredto performthe authenti ation(1). Then it buildsthe erti atepath, by linking the erti ateof ea h Subje twith theoneofitsIssuer (2). Thevalidity ofthe erti ate path is asserted if the root erti ate that is to say the rst of the erti ate hierar hy exists in the Certi ate Store and is marked as trusted (3). The erti ate path is only validifall erti atesusedforsigningotheroneshavetherighttodoit,whi hisindi ated in the erti ate itself. In our se ond example, the signer PIERREP is unknown to the authenti ating part. It is provided with the erti ate for ARES, who has been used to issue it, and the erti ate for INRIA, that has been used to sign the ARES one. The validityof this erti ate hain is assertedbe ause both INRIAand AREShave theright toissue erti ates,andbe ausetheauthenti atingpartknowsthe erti ateofINRIA.

2.2.2 X.509 Certi ate

The X.509 publi key Certi ate is a data stru ture that en apsulates a publi key and asso iateddata ne essaryfor identifyingagiven subje t[HFPS99 ℄. It anbepublished in aCMSle,orasstand-alonedata.

The X.509 Certi ate is digitally signed by the issuer of the publi /private key pair, whi hthereby laimsthatthesubje tofthe erti ateistheowneroftheasso iatedprivate key. Italso laimsthathea knowledgesthatthesubje t'sname( alledDistinguishedName) is orre t. Everyuserwhi h truststhe issuer ofthe erti ate will then be ableto assert theidentity ofthe emitter ofamessagethat anbede rypted (or whosedigitalsignature anbeveried)withthepubli key ontainedinthis erti ate. Thisistheauthenti ation. Thispro essimpliesof oursethat theprivatekeyhasnotbeen orrupted.

Figure10showsthe ontentofaX.509 erti ate.

Fields of the erti ate are the publi key, the name of the Subje t, the name of the Issuer of the Certi ate, the validity period, the URL of the revo ation server, and the DigitalSignature. A additionaleld allowsto he kthevalidityof the erti ates,and is notrepresentedinthishuman-readablerepresentation: thedigitalsignatureofthe erti ate byitsissuer.

The name of subje ts are dened by Distinguished Names (DN), whi h originate in LDAP spe i ations [WK97℄. Distinguished Names are a omposition of following elds: CN=`CommonName',OU=`OrganizationUnit',O=`Organization',L=`Lo ation'( ity),S= `State',C=`Country ode'. Denition ofDistinguishedNamesstatesthattheeldsfollowa hierar hi alorganization,andthusthattheirorderimports. Forinstan e,aDN{C=Fran e, O=INRIA} is dierent of a DN {O=INRIA, C=Fran e}. However, in several tools for manipulating erti ates, su h asSun Keytool, theorder of the elds is xed, preventing su h ambiguities.


Figure10: ContentofaX.509Certi ate

2.2.3 Certi ate Store

ACerti ateStoreisadatabasethat ontainsPubli KeyCerti atesthattheownerofthe Storeknows. Certi ates anbeidentiedastrustedanduntrusted. Itusuallyalsoin ludes oneorseveralprivatekeys. It isthen alledaKeystore

5 .

The Certi ate Store is prote tedby a password. When private keysexists, ea h one isprote tedbyits ownpassword. Consequently,aCerti ateStore(or aKeystore) anbe sharedamongseveralsubje ts,ifthe erti atemanagementisshared.

Figure11showsthe ontentofaCerti ateStore: trusted erti ates,untrusted erti- ates,privatekeys.

The onjun t useofadigitalsignature anda erti atestoreallowsto guaranteeboth the integrity of a do ument and to authenti ate its signer. Both properties must apply together. However,thisme hanism,ifitguaranteesthatado umenthasnotbeenmodied



Figure11: ContentofaCerti ateStore

after itspubli ation,doesnotprote tits ontentfrom mali iouseavesdroppers. Thethird se urityproperty, ondentiality, anbeusedtoa hievesu h aprote tion.

2.3 Condentiality 2.3.1 Denition

Condentiality is the absen e of unauthorized dis losure of information [AJB00℄. In the ontextof omponentdeployment,thismeansthat the ontentofthe omponent- odeor otherresour es- is notavailable to usersthat are notexpli itlyauthorized to manipulate them.

2.3.2 How to a hieve Condentiality ?

Condentialitywithasymmetri ryptographyisa hievedbyen ryptingthedo umentwith thePubli Keyofthere eiver(1). Thus, theownerofthemat hing privatekeyistheonly onethat ande ryptthedo ument(2),andgaina esstoits ontent.

Figure 12 shows thepro ess of en ryption and de ryption of ado ument for ensuring ondentiality.

Be ausethedo umentisnoten ryptedwiththeprivatekeyoftheemitter,thispro ess doesnotprovidemeansofperformingauthenti ation. Inpra ti e,en ryptionfor onden-tiality is used together with en ryption for authenti ation. Therefore, the re eiverof the do ument,afterhavingde rypteditwithitsownprivatekey, anmakethede ryptionwith thepubli keyoftheemitterandthus ontrolitsidentity.

2.4 Con lusions

Se urityrequirementsfor omputersystemsareintegrity,authenti ationand ondentiality. Therstpropertyaimsatverifyingthatthe ontentofdatahavenotbeentamperedwith. The se ond property aims at identifying the emitter of the data. Both steps an not be onsidered independently: if theemitter of amessageis not authenti ated, anymali ious


Figure12: En ryptionofado umentfor ondentiality

user anpublish data with orre t integrity validation me hanism. Similarly, if amessage isauthenti atedbutitsintegrityisnotguaranteed, thereisnowaynotknowwhether any singlebyte ofithasreallybeenemittedbytheauthenti atedemitter.

Thethirdpropertyis ondentiality. Itaimsatprote tingdatafromunduereada ess. Inthis report, wewill not onsider it further sin e we onsider that a ess to omponent resour esdoes not make it possible for amali ious user to gain a ess to the omponent platform.


3 Se ure Deployment

Theimportantin reaseofquantityanddiversityin omponentsystemsmakesitne essary toprote tthemagainstmali iouspersonsandsystems. Components anbemodiedduring deployment,orsimplybepublished byuntrustedissuers. Itisthereforene essaryto guar-anteetheintegrityofthe omponentsandtheauthenti ationoftheirissuer. Condentiality willnotbe onsideredfurther.

Se urity me hanisms must not imply modi ations in the deployment pro ess. Users (andplatforms)must ontinue tousetheir omponentplatforms andto updateit without modi ation. Consequently, the signed omponents must be deliveredas asingle ar hive whi h in ludes both the original resour es and the data ne essary for verifying integrity and authenti ation. Otherwise, the se urityme hanismsare nottransparent, theywill be reje tedbytheusers,andwillnothelpimprovethese urityofthesystems.

Inthe aseofOSGi


platforms,thesolution onsistsinin ludingthedigitalsignature in the omponent(also named bundle) itself. Consequently, it is not possibleto signthe whole omponent. Alistofresour espresentinthe omponentandoftheirrespe tivehash value is built. This list is the one that is signed, and in luded in the meta-data of the omponentalongwiththesignature.

This se tion rst presents an overview of the entities that intervene in the se ure de-ploymentofbundles,oftherequirementsandofthepro essforsigningandverifyingsigned omponents. Next,itdetailsthestru tureofasignedbundleasdenedforOSGi


bundles. Lastly,thepro essofsignaturegenerationandsignaturevalidationwill bepresented.

3.1 Overview

This subse tionprovides anoverviewof the entities and data that intervenein se ure de-ployment of bundles in an OSGi


platform. It shows how the digital signature an be exploitedin the ontextofbundledeployment,so asto guaranteetheintegrityof abundle andtheauthenti ationofitssigner.

First, the prin iples of bundle deployment are presented. Then, the requirements for supportingadigitalsignaturebasedse urityme hanismarepresented,aswellastheoverall pro essofbundlesigningandvalidating.

3.1.1 BundleDeployment

Thedeploymentof a bundle isthe partof its life y le that spans between theend of its developmentandthemomentitisreadytoprovideservi esonanOSGi


platform. It on-tainsseveralsteps: publi ation ofthebundle, dis overy,dependen yresolution, download, installation, onguration. Update phasemustalsobetakenintoa ount[HHW99℄.

Two main types of deployment an be identied. The rst kind is platform-initiated deployment, whi h an be seen as 'pull deployment', where the signal that triggers the deploymentoriginatesfrom the omponentplatformitself. These ondkindofdeployment


o urswhen itisinitiatedthrougharemotesignal. Thiso urs forinstan ein the aseof onsole-basedremotemanagementofa omponentplatform[RF06℄.

Theentitiesthatinterveneinthedeploymentpro essarethefollowing:

The BundleIssuer, it is the person orsystem that makes the bundle available for the endusers. It anbeasoftwaredeveloperorasoftwarevendor.

The BundleRepository, it is theserverthat publishesthe bundles, that isto say that providearemotelya essibleservi esothat theendusers anndanddownloadthe bundles.

The Exe ution platform, it is the omponent platform that exe utes the bundles. It must support bundle deployment, and often initiates it. In this report, it is also simply alledthe lient.

The deployment pro ess is initiated by a deployment trigger. This triggeris either a lo alshell(pulldeployment)oraremote onsole(pushdeployment).

Se uring thedeploymentpro ess impliesthat theexe ution platform onlydeploysand installsbundlesthat omefromtrustedissuers. Asfarasbundlesaresigned,they ansafely bepublished oninse urerepositories. The deploymenttrigger, onitsside, need to havea se ure ommuni ation hannel to the platform, so as to prevent deployment of bundles by untrustedparties. Moreover,it must be prote tedfrom undue use. The prote tionof deploymenttriggerrelatestosystemmanagementmorethantodeployment,soitwillnotbe studiedfurtherhere. Weassumethatonlyvalidusershavea esstotheexe utionplatform.

3.1.2 Requirementsfor Authenti ation

Subse tion 2.2 hasshown that the ondition forexploiting digitalsignature as amean of proving both integrity of a do ument and authenti ation of its signer is that the entity that he ks the signature (we will all it the lient) knows either the publi key of the signeritself, or the publi key of the erti ate issuer that has provided the signer'skey. Throughsignaturedelegation,a ompletehierar hyof erti ateissuers anexistbetween the erti ateissuerthe lientknowsandthesigneritself.

Inany ase,thesignermusthaveaprivatekeythat the lient antrust,andthe lient musthaveapubli keythat heknowsto betrustworthy. Typi ally,bothkeysareprovided bya ommon erti ationauthoritythroughase ure ommuni ation hannel.

Figure 13showstherequirementsfortheauthenti ationpro ess: thepubli keyofthe authenti atedpartmustbeknowntotheentitywhi hwishestoperformtheauthenti ation.

On etherequirementofkeyavailabilityisfullled,these uredeployment ano ur. Next se tion will present the internal stru ture of a signed bundle, and the way the digitalsignature isused to signnot onlyonedo ument, but also allavailable resour esof thebundle.


Figure13: Therequirementsfortheauthenti ationpro ess.

3.2 Stru ture of a Signed Bundle

Be ause ofthe parti ular onstraintson thesignatureof abundle, it is ne essarytostore it and all related resour esin the bundle itself. Moreover, it is mandatory that multiple signers ansignthesamebundle.

Thestru tureofasignedbundleisshownonFigure14.


SignatureFile andDigitalSignature

ˆ TheSignatureFileofasignedbundleisameta-datalethat the ontaintheSignature of theManifest le, that isto say itshashalue. ItguaranteestheintegrityoftheManifestle.

ˆ TheDigitalSignatureofaleisabytearraythat ontainsthe signatureofagivenlebyagivenperson,thatistosaythe en- ryptionofthehashvalueofthesignedle. Inasignedbundle, theDigitalSignatureoftheso- alledSignatureFileisstored in the Signature Blo k File. It guarantees theintegrity of theSignature Fileandtheidentityofthesigner

Arstsolutionforar hivesigning(bundlesarespe i jarar hives)isgivenbytheJar Ar hivespe i ations[Sun03℄. However,thisgivesthepossibilitytosignonlyasubsetofan ar hive. Thisimpliesthatmodi ationsarepossibleonthear hiveevenafter itssignature, whi h is a potential se urity leak. Therefore, OSGi


spe i ationsrestri t thesignature by imposing that all resour es in an ar hive are signed by the signer(s). In the ontrary ase,thesignatureisnotvalid. Embeddedar hivesmustbesignedonthesameway. OSGi SignatureFilesonlyneedto ontainthehashvalueoftheManifest,hashvalueoftheother resour esarenotrequired[All05℄.

The Manifest le of the ar hive (1) ontains the hash valueof ea h resour e in the ar hive. To support several signers, the digital signature is applied not dire tly on the Manifestle,but onaso- alled`Signature File'(2),whi h isspe i toea hsigner. A hashvalueoftheManifestlemustbein luded. ThedigitalsignatureofthisSignature File is stored along with data that are ne essaryfor its validation in a CMS le of type `signed-data'whi h isnamed`SignatureBlo kFile'(3).

This stru ture of a signed bundlewill be enlightenedby asimple exampleof the Hel-loWorldbundle,whosesignerisnamedPIERREP.Thisbundle ontainsthree lasses: Hel-loWorldA tivator(the a tivator,orstarter,ofthebundle),HelloWorldInterfa e(the deni-tionoftheHelloWorldInterfa eservi ethatisprovidedbythebundle),andHelloWorldImpl (theimplementationoftheabovementionedservi e).

The meta-data of the bundle are the following. First, the Manifest le, MANI-FEST.MF,whi h ontainsmeta-dataspe i toOSGi bundles,aswellasthehashvalue of allresour es. Se ondly, theSignature File, PIERRE.SF, ontains thehash valueof the Manifest le. Thirdly, the Signature Blo k File, PIERRE.DSA, is a CMS le that ontainsthedigitalsignatureof theSignature File,andthepubli key erti ateof thesigner. Theymustbestoredinthisorder(andbeforeallotherresour es)in thebundle ar hive.

A overview of the three meta-data les is shown is table 3. Spe i hara teristi sof ea hifthemeta-datalesusedforbundlesignaturearepresentedinsubsequentparagraphs.


File denomination Example Content

ManifestFile MANIFEST.MF Hashvalueforea hresour ein ar hive SignatureFile PIERREP.SF HashvalueoftheManifestFile Signature Blo kFile PIERREP.RSA DigitalSignatureof SignatureFile

Table3: Meta-datainvolvedin BundleSignature

3.2.1 The Manifest File

TheManifestlefortheHelloWorldexamplebundleisshowninFigure 15.

Figure15: TheManifestFilefortheHelloWorldExampleBundle.

TheManifest leof anOSGi


bundle ontainsthemeta-datarequiredfor bundle de-ployment: the name of the bundle, its version, the pa kages it provides, the pa kages it dependson,itsa tivator lassforstartingit. Inasignedbundle,thismeta-dataisenri hed bythehash valueof ea h resour ethebundle ontains. A resour eis identiedbyits full path inside the bundle. It is ompleted bya property that indi ates its hash value. The propertynamedependsonthehash fun tionthat isused. Inourexample,thishash fun -tionisSHA-1, andthemat hing propertyis`SHA1-Digest'. Notethat amanifestle that ontainsresour eentries thatdonotexist in thear hiveorthat doesnotlist allresour es inthear hivehasprobablysuered additionorremovalofresour esandisnotvalid.

Storing the hash values of the resour es of the ar hive guarantees that none of this resour eshavebeentamperedwithafterthemomentthebundlehasbeensigned. Moreover, itguaranteesthat noresour ehavebeenaddedorremoved.


3.2.2 The Signature File

TheSignature lefortheHelloWorldexamplebundleisshowninFigure16.

Figure 16: TheSignatureFilefortheHelloWorldExampleBundle.

Ea h signer of a bundle reates its own signature in luding both Signature File and Signature Blo k File. The name of those le is the apitalized name of the signer. The SignatureFileisidentiedbya`.SF'extension. Forinstan e,inourexample,theSignature Fileisnamed`PIERREP.SF'.

TheSignature FileofsignedOSGi


issimplerthattheoneofsignedJarar hives. As farasitisnotpossibleto signasubsetoftheresour e,no opyofthelistofthenameand hash valueof the resour esis required. Onlythe signature versionand thehash value of themanifestisne essary. Hashfun tionisusuallythesamethatisusedinthemanifestfor identifying resour es. InourHelloWorldexample,the hashvalueof themanifest isstored underthepropertyname`SHA-1-Digest-Manifest'.

Storing the hash value of the manifest le enables to guarantee that it has not been tamperedwithafterthemomentthebundlehasbeensigned.

3.2.3 The Signature Blo k File

TheSignatureBlo kFileof asignedbundle ontainsthedigitalsignatureoftheSignature Fileandalldatathatarene essaryto he kthevalidityofthesignature. Itsnameismade ofthe apitalizednameofthesigner. Theleextensionisthenamedoftheen ryption algo-rithmusedforthedigitalsignature. Itisthereforeeither`RSA'or`DSA'.InourHelloWorld example,thenameisPIERREP.DSA.

The Signature Blo kFileis aCMS ompliant le (seesubse tion 2.1). It ontainsthe publi key erti ateofthesigner,andaSignerInfodatastru turewiththeidentierofthe signerandthedigitalsignatureitself. It analso ontainaCerti ateRevo ationList.

TheSignatureBlo k ontainsavalidsignatureifthedigitalsignatureisavalidonefor the Signature File, and has been reatedusing the private keyof the signer. Of ourse, the validation pro ess must he k whether the publi key erti ate an be trusted (see subse tion 2.2). It guarantees that the Signature File has not been modied sin e the signatureo urred,andthatthesignerisatrustworthyone.

Thereader anreferintheFigure6foranexampleof aSignatureBlo kFile.

On ethestru tureofasignedbundleandofitsmeta-dataleshavebeenpresented,the algorithmsusedforsigningthebundle,andforvalidating thissignature,willbedetailed.


3.3 The Pro ess of Signature and Validation

Thepro ess ofsigning bundlemust reate bundlemeta-datathat are ompliant with pre-sented spe i ations. Not only the meta-data ontent must be valid, but several other onstraintsmustalso be onsidered: theorder ofresour esin thear hiveandthe exhaus-tiveness ofidentiedresour es.

Of ourse, the pro ess of validation of the bundle signature must he k thesame on-straints.

3.3.1 Signature

Themain stepsofbundle signaturegeneration arethe following. First,thepubli /private keypairmustbeavailablebeforesigning. Thisistheinitializationphase. Next,themanifest le, MANIFEST.MF, is generated. It ontains the name of everyresour ein the bundle along with their hash value. Then, the Signature le is generated. It ontains the hash valueof themanifest le. TheSignature Blo kFile is generated, and ontainsthe digital signatureoftheSignatureFile,andthepubli key erti ateofthesigner. Lastly,thewhole ar hiveisgenerated,themeta-dataaresortedrst,andthentheotherresour es.

Figure 17 shows the algorithm for signing a bundle. You anrefer to gure 25 from Annexe6.3forfurtherdetails.


3.3.2 Validation

The pro ess of bundle signature validation is symmetri to the signature generation one. First,theentitythat he ksthesignatureneedstoauthenti atethesigner,thatistosayto he kwhetheritknowsitspubli key erti ateoritis apableofestablishingaCerti ate Pathbetweenthispubli key erti ate anda erti ate heknows (seesubse tion 2.2). If thesigner annotbeauthenti ated, itisnotworthtryingtoverifythesignature, be ause anybody anbuildavalidsignature.

The se ond step of thevalidation of bundle signature is theveri ationof the orre t order ofthe resour esin thear hive. As alreadymentioned, therst lesmust be in this ordertheManifestle,theSignatureFileandtheSignatureBlo kFile. Allotherresour es omeafterwards.

Thethird step isthe validationof the oheren e of themeta-datales. TheSignature Blo kFile must ontainavalid digitalsignature of theSignature File bythe signer. The Signature Filemust ontainthe orre t hashvaluefor themanifest le. TheManifestle must ontainthehashvalueforallresour esofthear hive,withoutex eption,andwithout omission.

Whenthesethreestepsare he kedandvalid,thesignatureofthebundleisvalid. Should anyofthe riterianotbemet,thebundlesignatureisnotvalid.

Figure18showsthealgorithmforvalidatingasignedbundle. You anrefertogure26 fromAnnexe6.3forfurtherdetails.


3.4 Con lusions

Se uring the deployment of omponents implies to prote t the exe ution platform from mali ious omponentpublishers,andfrom potentialmodi ationsofthe omponentsafter theirpubli ation. Su hprote tionisa hievedinthe aseofOSGi


bundlesbythesignature ofthebundles,whi his basedondigitalsignatureand enablesto storethesignatureitself and related data inside the bundle itself. The prote tion of bundles is done through two steps. First,the bundleis signedbya bundlepublisher thatis publi ly known. Se ondly, thebundlesignatureisvalidatedjustbeforebeinginstalled,soasto he kthatthesignature isvalidandthatthebundlehasnotsuered modi ations.

Su hapro essdoesnotpreventmali iouseavesdroppertostealthe ontentofthe om-ponent. This prote tion level would require ondentiality, and an not be a hieved by simpleintegrationofmeta-datainthe omponent. Itrequiresen ryptionofthe omponent, whi h makes ne essaryto havea dedi ated key management fa ility. Moreover,it would breakthe ompatibilityofpublished omponentswithunse uredplatforms.


4 Implementation: SFelix

SFelix 6

is the implementation of the bundle signature validation pro ess of the OSGi


spe i ation, whi h is apartof OSGi


Se urity Layer. It is provided together with the SFelixJarSignertool,whi henablestosignbundlesandtopublishthemonaFTPserver. It alsoprovidesthepossibilitytoupdatetherepositorymeta-datalefortheOSGi


Bundle Repositoryversion2(OBR2). SFelixisbasedontheFelix




platform. Felixisaproje tfromtheApa heIn ubator,andisafollow-upofOs arOSGi


platform 8


Totheextentofourknowledge,nootherimplementationofbundlesigningandvalidation fa ilityexistsfortheOSGi


platform. SFelixisthentherstproje ttoprovideit,atleast in the Felix Proje t. Moreover, no Java implementation of ajar ar hive signer seems to beavailableasopensour eproje t. Atutorialexist ontheOnJavawebsite,butusesSun librariesthat havebeenremovedfromtheJavaVirtualMa hinedistribution

9 .

It has thus been ne essary to implement the whole bundle signature and validation pro ess in SFelix. An implementation of thealgorithms for signature andvalidation have beendeveloped(seesubse tion3.3).

4.1 Overview

Werst present anoverview ofthe prin iples of the SFelix se ure omponentdeployment appli ation. ItismadeupoftheplatformandoftheJarSignertool. Thepre iseroleofthe appli ationisdetailed,thenthestru tureoftheprogramanditspubli APIareexplained.

4.1.1 Role of SFelixplatformand SFelix JarSigner

SFelixJarSignerandSFelix overthewholedeploymentpro essof omponents.

SFelix JarSigner oversthe issuer side of the bundle deployment pro ess. It allows a bundle issuer to sign the bundle, and to publish them ona publi repository. Currently, onlytheFTPproto olissupportedforletransfer,butanextensiontowardsotherproto ols su h asSSH orFTP/TLSis foreseen. Moreover,SFelixsupportsthe update ofthe meta-dataofthebundlerepository. Thesemeta-dataareaspe i lethat ontainsades ription ofbundlesthatareavailableonagiven(orevenseveral)bundlerepositories.Theyareused by lienttodis overwhi hbundlesareavailablefordownloadandinstallation,andtoinstall themtogetherwithotherbundlesthatarerequiredfordependen yresolution.

SFelix oversthe lient-sidepartofthedeploymentpro ess. Itvalidatesallexisting bun-dlesattheplatformlaun htime. Onlyvalidbundlesareinstalled,otheroneareignored.In the aseoftheinstallationofnewbundles,theselatterare he kedbeforetheirinstallation. This isdone independentlyof thelo ation of thebundle, beingstored lo ally orretrieved

6 http://sfelix.gforge.inria.fr/ 7 http://in ubator.apa he.org/felix/ 8 http://os ar.obje tweb.org/ 9 http://www.onjava. om/pub/a/onjava/2001/04/12/ signing_jar.html


fromabundlerepository. Validbundlesareinstalled,unvalidonesreje ted. Duringbundle update,thesameveri ationo urs.

SFelix bundle validation o urs independently of the type of deployment trigger. It supportspushdeployment(initiatedfromtheplatform)aswellaspulldeployment(initiated fromaremoteshell or onsole).

4.1.2 Stru ture ofthe Program

Thegeneralar hite ture ofSFelix isthe following. These uritylayer(whi h in ludes the bundlevalidation fa ility)is provided asalibraryusedbythe OSGi


platform. This one has been slightly modied so as to he k the validity of the signature of a bundle before installingit. TheSFelixsignertoolisprovidedasOSGi



Figure19showsthegeneralar hite tureoftheSe ureFelix(SFelix)platform.

Figure 19: ThegeneralAr hite tureoftheSe ureFelix(SFelix)Platform.

4.1.3 The API

TheAPIofSFelixisreallysimple. Itismadeofamethod forsigningbundles,andanother oneforvalidatingtheirsignature.

ThesignatureAPIisprovidedbythe lassfr.inria.ares.jarsigner.JarSigner.Themethod is namedsign(), and takesasparametertheJar le that is to be signed, thename ofthe lewherethesignedbundleisto bestored,aswellasthenameofthesigner,thepassword toa esstheKeystore,andthepasswordthat prote tstheprivatekeyofthesigner.


ThesignaturevalidationAPIisprovidedbythe lassfr.inria.ares.jarvalidation.JarValidation. Thesinglemethod isnamed he k(),andtakesasparametersthebundletobeveried(as aFileobje t)andthepasswordoftheKeystore.

Figure20showsthepubli Appli ationProgrammingInterfa e(API)oftheSFelix plat-form.

Figure20: Thepubli APIoftheSe ureFelix(SFelix)Platform.

Next subse tion will present with more detail the SFelix bundle signature validation fa ility,aswellasmodi ationthathavebeendonetoFelixtointegratethisadditionalstep onthedeploymentpro ess.

4.2 Felix Modi ations for Bundle Validation

Soasto supportbundle validation,thealgorithmpresentedin subse tion 3.3must be im-plemented, and exe uted for ea h bundle that is installed (or updated) on the platform. Moreover, the Felix platform must be slightly modied so as to integrated the stage of bundlevalidationin theinstallation pro ess. Thesemodi ationsbuildthebridgebetween theFelix andSFelixplatforms. Modi ationsto the odewill bepresented,aswell asthe exe utionpro essatlaun htimeandatruntime.

4.2.1 The Code

ThevalidationAPI, JarValidation,isprovided asaseparatedlibrarythat isloaded atthe laun htimeoftheOSGi


platform. Thislibraryis alledimmediatelybeforetheee tive installationofea hbundle. Whenthebundleisvalid,installationispro essednormally. In the ontrary ase,theinstallationabortsandthebundleisremovedfromthelistofavailable bundles. Allfollowingbundlesare he kedandinstalleda ordingtothesamepro ess.

Theintegrationof thebundle validationpro essonlyrequires themodi ationofthree lasses, BundleAr hive, BundleCa he and Felix, and the addition of the DefaultSe ure-BundleAr hive lass. Allremaining odeisprovidedinaseparatelibrary,jarvalidation.jar, whi h isrequiredbytheSFelixplatformat laun htime.


4.2.2 Laun h Timeof the SFelix Platform

TheSFelixplatformaimsat preventingmali iousbundlesto be installedandexe uted. It needs to a hieve its goalwhile limiting as mu h as possible the intera tion with its user (ormanager). These urityme hanismsmustbeastransparentaspossible,soasto avoid deterring theusersfrom exploiting them. Forguaranteeingthat the installed bundlesare valid, it is ne essaryto be able to assert that the platform itself has not been tampered with. Thevalidation pro ess thereforeo urs in twosteps. First, theplatform odemust beveried. Se ondly,theplatform,thatisknowntobevalid, he ksea hinstalledbundles. Thevalidationoftheplatform odeitself anbedonemanuallythroughar hivesigning inawaysimilartothebundlevalidation. However,inour ase,theintegrityoftheplatform ode is simply veried throughits hash value. The laun h s ript ontainingoriginal hash values is publi ly available online on the proje t web site. Its exe ution guarantees the validityofthe odear hive.

Theplatform anthensafely he kthevalidityofthesignatureofexternalbundles. At laun htime,allbundlesarevalidatedbeforetheirinstallation. Ifonebundleisnotvalid,it issimplyreje ted, and theinstallationofthe otherbundlesgoeson. Forea hbundle that is orre tlyinstalled,a onrmationofinstallation isprintedintheshelltotheuser.

Theonlyintera tionbetweentheplatformandtheusero ursthroughthe(S)Felixshell duringthevalidationoftherstbundle. TheuserisaskedforthepasswordoftheKeystore, whi hisne essarytoretrievethelistof erti atethatare onsideredtrustful. Afterwards, thepasswordisstoredinthe oreoftheplatform,andreusedforea hvalidationofabundle. Sin ethe omponentsonlyhavea esstotheplatformthroughthebundle ontext,andnot dire tly,thiswayofstoringthepasswordissound.

The following ode(Figure 21)show theoutputwhen laun hing anewOSGi


prole withSFelix. Notethepasswordrequestandthenoti ationofbundlevalidation.

4.2.3 Runtimeof the SFelixPlatform

Whenbundlesareinstalledduringtheruntimeoftheplatform,orwhenbundlesareupdated, thesameveri ationpro ess o urs. Valid bundlesare installed,and invalid onereje ted. Thisisof oursetrueindependentlyofthelo ationofinstalledbundles,whish anbelo al orstoredinaremoterepository.

Figure22showsas reen-shotoftheFelixshellwhentryingtoinstallanunsignedbundle.

The SFelix platform enablesto validate all bundles that are exe uted before their in-stallation. The orre tness of the validation pro ess is guaranteed by the veri ation of the platform ode before laun hing the platform. In our urrent implementation, this is simplya hievedthroughhash-valuebasedveri ationofthe ode. More ompletesolutions are ne essary to a hievehigh level se urity, but depends on the exe ution ontext of the platform.

Theexisten eofase ureOSGi


platformthatvalidatesbundlesbeforeinstallingthem makes itne essaryto have atoolavailable that support thepro essof signing them. We


Figure21: S reen-shotof SFelixshellwhenlaun hinganewSFelixProle


therefore developed SFelixJarSigner. Soas to support the whole deployment pro ess, an additionalfa ilityisin ludedthatenablestopublishsignedbundlesin aremotele reposi-tory.

4.3 Tool: SFelix JarSigner

The SFelix JarSigner toolaims at supporting the publi ation part of thepro ess of om-ponent deployment. The publi ation is made of the signing of the bundles, and of their transfertoapubli bundlerepository. Thefun tionsofSFelixJarSignerarerstpresented, andthevariousbundlesthat omposeitaredetailed.

4.3.1 Fun tions ofJarSigner

JarSignerGraphi alUserInterfa eis omposedof threemain parts. Therstaims atthe onne tionto theKeystore. The se onddealswith bundlesigning. Thethirdis dedi ated tothepubli ationofbundlesontoaremoterepository.

ˆ The Keystore a ess takesasinputthename (Alias) of theperson that wantsto signbundles. ItalsotakesthegeneralpasswordoftheKeystore,thatenablestoa ess the listof trusted erti ates, and thepasswordthat prote tstheprivate keyofthe signer. The'OpenSession'buttonmakesitpossibleto he ktheparti ularalgorithm that isbound tothe urrentalias.

ˆ Thelesigningpartenablestospe ifythenameofthebundlethatistobesigned,as wellasthenameofthefuturesignedbundle. Notethatthesenamesmustbedierent. Severala tionsoverthebundle anberealized. It anof oursebesigned,but it an alsosimplybe he ked. Whensigningor he kingabundlethroughthe'TreatBundle' button,theoutputofthepro ess(su ess/failure)isprintedin aspe i information eld at the bottom of the window. Moreover, bundles that are signed orre tly or whi h signature is validated are added to the 'Sele ted Bundle' list, that makes it possibleto hosewhi hbundleistobepublished.

ˆ The publi ation fa ility ofSFelix ontainstheabovementioned'Sele ted Bundle' list,alistofleservers,anda'LoadFile(s)'buttonthattriggersthepubli ation. A vail-able bundlesare ex lusivelythe signedones, but le servers anbeadded, modied andremovedbytheuserofSFelixJarSigner.

Figure23showstheGraphi alUserInterfa eoftheSFelixJarSignertool. Thedierent partsofthetoolthat havebeenpresentedin thisse tion anbeobserved.


4.3.2 Bundles of JarSigner

SFelix JarSigner is an OSGi


appli ation. It is a tool that makes it possible to se ure bundledeployment, andisitself madeupof validatedbundles: it isexe utedinthe SFelix


platform. Toexe uteitinanotherOSGi


platformwouldrequiretomakethejarvalidation libraryavailable asanar hive. This isquiteeasyto a hieve,but, sin eit isnot ompliant withOSGi


spe i ations,itisoutofthes opeofthisstudy.

SFelix is built of three sets of ode. The rst one is the jarvalidation library. The se ond one is a lightweight plug-in support we developed for graphi al interfa es named omponentGui. Thelastoneisof oursetheJarSignertoolitself.

Thejarvalidationlibraryprovidesthe ryptographi library,thelibraryfora essingto theKeystore,aswellasthebundlevalidation APIwhi hisalsousedin JarSigner.

The omponentGuifa ilityis provided asaset oftwobundles. Therst oneis named `SFelixUtilities',andprovidesvariouslibrariesforgraphi alinterfa eselements. These ond oneisnamed`Generi Frame',andprovidesasimplegraphi alwindowthat ontainsthelist ofallGraphi al UserInterfa esthat areavailablein theplatform. These GUIs aretagged bythefr.inria.ares.sfelix.utils.GuiSwingComponentprogramminginterfa etheyimplement. Theyaremadeavailable asOSGi


servi es.

TheJarSignertoolis omposedoftwobundles,`JarSigner',whi hprovidestheservi e forsigningbundles,and`JarSignerGUI',whi hprovidesthegraphi alinterfa ethatallows toa essthesignatureservi e. Thisinterfa ehavebeenpresentedintheprevioussubse tion. Thefollowing ode(gure 24)showstheoutput whenlaun hingSFelixJarSigner. The onrmation of thevalidation of thesignature is printed forea h bundle, andthe various bundlesthatwere presentedarelisted.

4.4 Con lusions

In this se tion, the SFelix platform and the SFelix JarSigner tool have been presented. Used together, theysupport the whole pro ess of se ure deployment for OSGi


bundles: signature,publi ation,andremoteinstallationthroughtheOBR2bundlerepositoryifthe bundles havea valid signature. SFelix is based on theFelix OSGi


implementation: all bundlesthatruninSFelixalsorunonFelix,butFelixbundlesneedtobesignedbyaknown personbefore beingintegratedinthese ureSFelixplatform.


5 Con lusions

Until now, onlyveryfew eortseemsto havebeendedi ated to se uring omponent plat-forms. Duetotheevenbroaderdisseminationofsu hplatforms,itappearstobene essary to foster knowledge about se urity issues in omponent platforms. This work intends to make it possible for not se urity spe ialists to take su h stakesinto a ount when build-inga systembasedon a omponent platform. It istargeted to theOSGi


platform, but presented on epts aneasilybemappedtowardsother omponentssystems.

This te hni al report gives a detailed overview of me hanisms that intervene during omponentsignatureandvalidation,in ludingthe ryptographi on eptsthatarene essary tounderstandthewholepro ess.

Mat hingimplementationofbundlesignatureandvalidationisintrodu ed. Bundle vali-dationispartofOSGi


Release4Se urityLayer,andisassu hintegratedintheOSGi


framework. Ourimplementationis availablein theSFelixframework,whi hisanextension oftheFelixOSGi


implementation. Bundlesignatureisprovidedasastand-alone appli a-tion,SFelixJarSigner. This toolalsosupports publi ationof bundlein publi ly a essible servers.

This work has broughtto light further needs for se urity in omponent platforms. In parti ular,bundlevalidationimpliesthat lientshavareliableinformationsaboutthesigner. Severalquestionsemerge: howtomakesure lientshavea esstoallbundletheyareallowed toinstall? Howtorestri tthea essfrom ertain lientsto ertainsigners ? Howtodeal with new signers ? And how to dealwith previoussigners that are no longer allowed to publish bundles ? Moreover, it an sometime be ne essary to be able to revoke isolated bundles,withoutpreventingvalidbundlestobeinstalled.


6 Annexes

6.1 Existing Tools for Se ure Java Appli ations

Existingtools that are add-onsto the JavaVirtual Ma hine are jar signingfa ilities, and lass ipheringsoftware.

SigningJars Somefa ilitiesalreadyexistforsigningjar. Themain oneisSunJarsigner [Sun04℄, that providesa ommand lineutilityfor signingjars. It resemblesmu h toOSGi Se urityLayer,but hasadierentapproa h:

ˆ it is no Javaprogram, but a ommand line tool. This is not onsistent with OSGi spe i ation,whi hstatesthattheSe urityLayerispla edbetweentheJavaVirtual Ma hineandOSGiplatform,

ˆ one an not assume that an OSGi platform exe uting in a previsouly unknown en-vironnementhave ne essaryrightsto exe ute third partyprogram throughJNI, nor that thisthirdpartyprogram(hereSunJarsigner)isavailable

ˆ andlastbutnotleast,OSGispe i ationbringsitsown ontraintsonar hivesignature that arenotspe iedbyJarspe i ation,andthusnotenfor edbySunJarsigner.

Moreover,no readilyavailable library forsigning jar isavailable. Oneimplementation hasbeenproposed byRaKrikorianin anOn-Javaarti le. However,thisimplementation useaSunAPIthatisnolongersupported,asfarasithasbeenprovedtobeinse ure.

Ciphering of Classes Besides signingar hive,another wayto prote t lassesisto en- ryptthem,andtode ryptthemonlyatruntimefortheexe ution. Thiste hniqueenables toguaranteenotonlyintegrityofsour esandauthenti ationoftheemitter,butalso on-dentialityagainstpotentialmali iousthirdparties.

All su h libraries that are available are not free. Two of them, Canner and Katirya, are urrentlyonlyavailable fortheMi rosoftWindowsenvironment. Canner,byCinnabar Systems


, reatesanexe utablelethatthenexe utesonthelo alJVM.Katirya 11

works a ordingtothesameprin iple. jLo kistheonlytoolthatdonotonlyworkonMSWindows. Itpat hestheVirtualMa hinesoastointegrateruntimede ryptionofen rypted lasses

12 . Available toolsfor ensuringse urityin Javaappli ationsare stillquite limited. This is explainedbythefa tthatmostse urityproblemsareappli ationandenvironnementspe i . Therefore, eort for improving se urity in java system is either entered on the Virtual Ma hineitself-whi hdoesitsjobin aquitesatisfa torymanner-oronprovidingtoolsets for spe i appli ations. It is thus ne essaryto developp ourown tools for implementing OSGiSe urityLayer.


http://www. innabarsystems. om/ anner.html 11

http://www.my giserver. om/

ipnetdevelop/katirya.html 12


6.2 Java Cryptographi Libraries

Developping our own toolsfor enfor ing Javase urity means providing a generi se urity APIforsigningandverifyingjars. Su hanAPIneedstoreleaveonavalidimplementation of ryptographi algorithms for hashvalue, digitalsignatureand en ryption. Su h an im-plementationisof ourseoutofs opeofourwork,andseveral ryptographi librarieshave beendeveloppedre ently.

This libraries aneasily bepluggedin javaprograms throughthe providerme hanism: byindi ating the abbreviation mat hing an available provider at a ryptographi method all,the aller ensuresthat thisprovideristhe onethat performs the ryptographi oper-ation. This makesitpossibleto integratethird partyproviders,but also tovalidate them independantlyoftheirappli ations.

A list of se urity provider is maintained by Sun 13

. The prin ipal open sour e ryp-tographi library has been developped by the Legion of the Boun y Castle


. However, forappli ationsthat needmorethanabasi levelof se urity, these ryptographi libraries need to be validated. The referen e organization for ryptographi module validation is theAmeri anNationalInstituteof StandardsandTe hnology(NIST)that hasdevelopped theFederalInformationPro essingStandards(FIPS)programforvalidating ryptographi libraries[Nat℄. SeveralJavalibraries haveundergone su h a validation,someof them are availableforuseasindependantsoftwareparts. TheselibrariesareRSABSAFECrypto-J, IBM SSLite and CryptoLite, Certi om Se urity Builder FIPS Java Module, and Entrust AuthoritySe urityToolkitfortheJavaPlatform.

6.3 Algorithm for Bundle Signature and Validation

Figure25showsthedetailedsequen ediagramofthealgorithmforsigningabundle. Figure 26showsthedetailed sequen ediagram ofthealgorithm forvalidatingasigned bundle.


http://java.sun. om/produ ts/j e/j e122_providers.html 14









privateKey : getPrivateKey(signer, password)


manifest : new(Jar, hashAlgorithm)


signatureFile : new(manifest, signer)


: sign(jarFile, signer, password)


block : new(signatureFile, cert, privateKey)

cert : getCertificate(signer, password)


: buildSignedjarFile

hash : getHashValue(fileData, algo)

for all file in archive

hash : getHashValue(manifest, algo)

CMSfile : getCMSFData(signatureFile, cert, privateKey)

boolean : result

Created with Poseidon for UML Community Edition. Not for Commercial Use.

Figure 25: The Sequen e Diagram of the Algorithm for signing a Bundle. 0323





: check(file, password)


: new(file)

Certificate[] : getValidCertificates(password)

boolean : checkCoherence(certificate)

for each valid



boolean : isValid(Certificate, password)

for each


boolean : checkResourceOrderValid()

boolean : checkSignatureBlockValidity(signer)


boolean : checkCMSDataValidity(signatureFile, block)

boolean : checkSignatureFileValidity(signatureFile, manifest)

boolean : checkHashValue(manifestHash, pretendedHash, algo)

boolean : checkManifestValidity()

boolean : result

boolean : result

boolean : checkHashValue(manifestHash, pretendedHash, algo)

for each file

in archive

26: The Sequen e Diagram of the Algorithm for v alidating a signed


Referen es

[AB96℄ AndersonandBiham.Tiger: Afastnewhashfun tion.InIWFSE:International Workshopon FastSoftwareEn ryption,LNCS,1996.

[AJB00℄ A.Avizienis,J.C.Laprie,andB.Randell. Fundamental on eptsofdependability. Te hni al Report No00493, LAAS (Toulouse, Fran e), 2000. 3rd Information SurvivabilityWorkshop (ISW'2000),Boston (USA), 24-26O tobre2000, pp.7-12.

[All05℄ OSGI Allian e. Osgi servi e platform, ore spe i ation release 4. Draft, 07 2005.

[Bur93℄ Burton S.KaliskiJr. Alayman'sguidetoasubsetofasn.1,ber,andder. RSA LaboratoriesTe hni alNote,November1993.

[BWBL02℄ S. Blake-Wilson,D. Brown,andP.Lambert. Useofellipti urve ryptography (e )algorithmsin ryptographi messagesyntax( ms).IETFNetworkWorking Group,RequestforComments: 3278,April2002.

[HFPS99℄ R. Housley, W. Ford, W. Polk, and D. Solo. Internet x.509publi key infras-tru ture, erti ateand rlprole. IETFNetworkWorkingGroup,Requestfor Comments: 2459,January1999.

[HHW99℄ Ri hardS.Hall,DennisHeimbigner,andAlexanderL.Wolf. A ooperative ap-proa htosupportsoftwaredeploymentusingthesoftwaredo k.InInternational Conferen e onSoftwareEngineering 1999, pages174183,1999.

[Hou02℄ R. Housley. Cryptographi message syntax ( ms). IETF RFC 3369, August 2002.

[Int04℄ InternationalStandardOrganization. Iso/ie 10118-3:2004. ISOStandard- In-formationte hnologySe urityte hniquesHash-fun tionsPart3: Dedi ated hash-fun tions,February2004.

[Nat℄ National Institute of Standards and Te hnology (NIST). Nist ryptographi modulevalidationprogram. http:// sr .nist.gov/ ryptval/140-1/1401val.htm.

[Nat93℄ National Instituteof Standardsand Te hnology (NIST). Se urehash standard (shs). FIPS Publi ation 180. Also published as RFC 3174 - US Se ure Hash Algorithm1(SHA1).,May1993.

[Nat94℄ NationalInstituteofStandardsandTe hnology(NIST). Digitalsignature stan-dard (dss). Federal Information Pro essing Standards Publi ation 186, May 1994.


Figure 1: The Component Deployment Proess
Figure 2 shows the seurity threats that exist during the deployment proess of a om-
Figure 3: Digital Signature of a Doument using asymmetri Cryptography
Figure 4: Digital Signature Generation Figure 5: Digital Signature Validation


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