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Draft resolution : housing, building and physical planning


Academic year: 2022

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E!CN. 14/L. 374 . '"

13 February 1969 '.

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Original : FRENCH

ECONOMIC COMJll!SSION.FOR AFRICA Ninth session '. . Addis Ababa, 3-14 February 1'969



,'HOUSING, BUILDING AND PHYSICAL PLANNING 'Sponsored by Botswana, Nigeria, UAR ' ,The Eo'onomic Ccmmi'ssion for Af'rica,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 2036(XX) of 1965 and the , official tecords of the Economic and Social CoUncil's forty'-second session held in' 1967 .z;supplementNo.4, Report of the' fourth



of the, Committee on housing, building and pl~ning(E/4 28 72; the'"

CommissionresolMion 53(lV) 6f1962 and i57(VIII) of 1967 , andE60so'c

" ') ,

resolutions 1170(XLI) of 1967, and 12~4(X1:i:t) of 1968, .


with' appreciation the information and recommendations con'tiiilliidillihe doouments entitledg



.' ."'"

,.:It.epor~,.on. the se<;lond sub-regional training course'in' '.c,> '

'aided self-help' and cooperative housing (El3.sternAf:r:ica} ..•.

, . , , ,,' ,~ , . . : • . I

Report of the third sub-regional trainingcourse,:icn aided.-, . milf-help andoooperatiYe housing (West Af:dca) (E/CN .14/438)

;!"f ,-"c·

Repor.t cfthe: working group of experts On hcuse-building costs (Eastern Africa) (E/CN.14/416 ) ,.,.

Report of the training course for African buildin/S contractors (E/CN~14/417)

• , . Report of the regional me'eting on techl'ii6aland social p:J;blems of ur~anizationwith emphasis on financing of housing' '


1. Endorses the work programme for 1969-1970 as contained in document E!CN.14/447,

2. Urges member States to put special emphasis ong

(a) Planning for housing development and executing related land use control and infrastructura1 development;

(b) Promoting


in the production of standard building materials and components related to the programming and design for house-building;



? .-


E!CN.14!L.374 Page 2

(c) Establishing and develop~ngfinancial institutions providing credit in the housing field and providing guarantees for mortgage loans where individual ownership of land is impraoticable;

(d) Organizing special courses for. national building contractors ""long the lines' of s,eminars by ECA;

(e) Providing low cost housing, developBd,sites for aided self··help construction and prqmotingcooper;"tiY,el16using societies,

3. Invites developed countries, the IBRD, the ADB, and other international fina:ncial institutions to review their policy on hou"ing finance - grants and soft loans - for the financing of hoUsing and related facilities, and assist in the provision and use,of training, facilities in Africa and elsewhere,

4. Requests the Executive Secretary to take all :necessar'Y,measures in collaboration with specialized agencies to help member states


(a) accelerate improvement of the housing situation, (b) to mobilize fina:ncial and tE;chnic:al resour-cesfrom the' induS trialize'd countrie" and appropri~~e'financial organizations, (c) to promote training at all

lev,els in the


development offinanclal institutions and in the building industry, ingluding cooperative housing artdaided



Further requests the secretariat to provide advi"ory services to member States to enable them to carry out the recommendations outlined in 2-(a), (b), (c), (d»and (e) above.


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