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Academic year: 2022



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E/CH. 14/L. 349 4 February 1969 Original: EHGLISH/





Addis Ababa, 3-14 February 1969










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Draft resolution Concerning: Commemorative draft resolution

Sponsored by: Congo (Brazzaville), Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal The Economio Commission for Afrioa,

Noting with satisfaction and appreciation the report prepared by the secre tariat enti tIed "A Venture in Self-reliance", and the information paper "The Role of ECA in the Economic Expansion and Social Growth in Africa" ,

Recognizing the importance of multinational and sub-regional co- operation as well as the need for the creation and strengthening of inter- governmental institutional machinery to promote the undertaking of concerted action programmes towards this end,

Affirms its support for the activities which the seoretariat has undertaken in its first ten years of existence,


Calls upon member Governments to take steps to publioize the activities of the Commission and of its secretariat,

Invites member Governments to make further use of the facilities offered by the secretariat in the planning, evaluation and implementation of national and multinational programmes for development,

Calls upon member Governments to lend their full support to the

Commission and its secretariat in terms of national initiatives as well as background work and co-operation in order to facilitate the effective implementation of the work programme approved by the Commission, M69-354


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Urge~ upon member Governments the need to encourage a spirit of self-reliance, and to take all apprClpriate measures towards mcbilizing domestio resources and the planning of manpower utilizaticn,


Convinced that the resolution of the problems engendered by the division of the world into affluent and indigent societies cannot be resolved without the active co-operation of the more develcped coun-«

tries in the form of sharing of material resourCeS and skills and the appliqation?f sCient~_fic. a_n~ techn?logical advance s for the be nef'L t ' of the countries of tne region,

Invi tes the more develJpe":' countries to re-examine the form and diniensians of aJ.dne8ded by African oountri.es, taking due account of the effeats of tied 10ansand suppliers' credits on the economies of tIlE! Airi can countri e s , .

Calls upon the more developed countries to take appropriate me~sures tow'aI-ds the libe';a1i~a.tionof trade in order to increase the

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export earnings of the African countries, and, in particular, to

encoura.ge acoess to their mb.rkets of sem'i-manufaotured and manufactured produots so as to enhance the prospects for the rapid industrializa- tion of the countries of Africa,


Requests the ExeoutiVll !3ecre.!!3:FJz;.'

(i) to accord s pe ci.a.L emphasis' in studies undertaken by the secretariat to programmes for eoonomic and social action

in the priority areas as indicated from time to time by the Commispion, the Economic and Sooial Council and the General Assembly;



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E/CN.l4/L.349 Page 3

(ii) to take speoific measures to secure the cc-operation of the United Nations system of specialized agencies in the imple- mentation of the work programmes approved .by the Commission and towards this end, to seek as far as possible to have

jotnt work programmes with individual agenoies in their

respeot~ve areas of competence;

(iii) to continue work on the identification of the problems which confront countries of the region in the implementation of their development plans, and to organize in co-operation with UNDP and the United Nations system of specialized agencies the provision of advice and assistance to member Governments, on request, in drawing up realistic targets for growth in the different sectors of the economy;

(iv) to provide advice and assistance to member Governments on request in the planning of their manpower requirements, and in drawing up programmes for training for economic and social development;

(v) to promote through member Governments the organization of campaigns for the effort which will be required for the attainment of the objectives of the second United Nations Development Decade;

(vi) to devise criteria for measuring current welfare and capacity to produce, taking into consideraticn such variables as the ratic of primary, secondary and university levels cf education tc one another, emphasis being placed on education in science, technology and management at the university level; levels of nutrition, the proper orientation of administrative services tc meet development needs, etc.;

(vii) to prepare for consideration by the Commission at its regular sessions a review of aid and the flow of capital to countries of the region and to study possible measures to sustain the attention given to pre-investment and investment-generating projects;





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StronglY urgee that adequate staff and other resoUrces be made available to' the secretariat to ensure the efficient· performance of its tasks, and tha t',steps are taken to snsure fuller "decen,tralization in regard to the implementation of United Nations progra~mes of technical co-opexation in the. region •.





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