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Exact boundary controllability of unsteady flow in a tree-like network of open canals


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Preprint submitted on 8 Feb 2007

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tree-like network of open canals

Ta-Tsien Li, Bopeng Rao

To cite this version:

Ta-Tsien Li, Bopeng Rao. Exact boundary controllability of unsteady flow in a tree-like network of open canals. 2005. �hal-00129710�


in a tree-like network of open canals

LI Ta-Tsien

Department of Mathematics, Fudan University Shanghai 200433, China

RAO Bopeng

Institut de Recherche Math´ematique Avanc´ee

Universit´e Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, 67084 Strasbourg, France

Abstract : In this paper we establish the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a tree-like network of open canals with general topology.

Key words : Exact boundary controllability, Saint-Venant system, tree-like network of open canals.

AMS Subject Classification :93B05, 35B37, 93C20, 35L50.

§1. Introduction.

The goal of this paper is to establish the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a tree-like network of open canals.

The one-dimensional mathematical model of unsteady flows in an open canal was given by Saint-Venant system [1], which has been frequently used by hydraulic engineers in their practice (see also [2]-[7]). Using the theory on the semi-global C1 solution and the exact boundary controllability for quasilinear hyperbolic systems (cf [10-15]), the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in both a single open canal and a star-like network of open canals was obtained in [8]. Later on, the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a string-like network of open canals was established in [9].

In this paper we will generalize the previous results to a tree-like network of open canals with general topology. For this purpose, we will serve the total flux at the multiple node as an interface control. By means of a method different from that in [8], we establish another type of result on the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a star-like network of open canals. Based on this new result and the results obtained in [8-9] on the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows for a single open canal, a star-like network and a string-like network of open canals, we establish


the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a tree-like network of open canals with general topology.

This paper is organized as follows. In §2 we give the statement of the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a network of open canals and show the main idea of realizing it. In §3, we recall some results given in [8-9] on the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a network of open canals with simpler topology. In §4, a fundamental Lemma on the continuation of piecewise C1 solution in a star-like network of open canals is established. Then, combining the results in

§§3-4, we establish in §5 the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a general tree-like network of open canals. Finally, some remarks are given in §6.

§2 Statement on the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a network of open canals.

We consider unsteady flows in a network composed of N open canals. Let ai0 and ai1 be the x-coordinates of two ends of the i-canal and Li = ai1−ai0 its length.

Suppose that there is no friction and the canal is horizontal and cylindrical, the corresponding Saint-Venant system can be written as (cf. [2], [8]-[9])







∂t + ∂(AiVi)

∂x = 0,

t ≥0, ai0 ≤x≤ai1 (i= 1,· · ·, N),


∂t + ∂Si

∂x = 0,

where, for the i-th canal, Ai = Ai(t, x) stands for the area of the cross section at x occupied by the water at time t, Vi = Vi(t, x) the average velocity over the cross section and

(2.2) Si = 1

2Vi2+ghi(Ai) +gYib,

where gis the gravity constant, constantYib denotes the altitude of the bed and

(2.3) hi =hi(Ai)

is the depth of the water, hi(Ai) being a suitably smooth function ofAi such that

(2.4) h0i(Ai)>0.

The initial condition is

(2.5) t= 0 : (Ai, Vi) = (Ai0(x), Vi0(x)), ai0 ≤x ≤ai1 (i= 1,· · ·, N).


When ai0 (resp. ai1)is a simple node, we have the flux boundary condition : (2.6) x=ai0 : AiVi =qi0(t) (resp. x=ai1 : AiVi =qi1(t)).

While, when ai0 (resp.ai1) is a multiple node, we denote byJi0 (resp.Ji1) the set of indices corresponding to all the canals jointed atai0 (resp. ai1). At ai0 (resp. ai1) we have (cf. [2],[8])the energy-type interface conditions

(2.7) Si =Sj, ∀j ∈ Ji0 (resp. ∀j ∈ Ji1) and the total flux interface condition

(2.8) X


±AjVj =Qi0(t)

resp. X


±AjVj =Qi1(t) .

An equilibrium state (Ai, Vi) = (Ai, Vi) with Ai >0 (i= 1,· · ·N) is subcritical if




λi0 =Vi− q


(i= 1,· · ·, N).

µi0 =Vi+ q


For the purpose of the exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a network of open canals, we want to find a time T > 0 such that for any given initial data (Ai, Vi) = (Ai0(x), Vi0(x)) and final data (Ai, Vi) = (AiT(x), ViT(x)) (i= 1,· · ·N) in a C1 neighbourhood of a given subcritical equilibrium state (Ai, Vi) (i = 1,· · ·N), there exist suitable flux boundary controls at some simple nodes and suitable total flux interface controls at some multiples nodes, such that the corresponding mixed initial-boundary value problem for Saint-Venant system (2.1) with the initial data (2.5), the corresponding boundary conditions (2.6) and the interface conditions (2.7)- (2.8) admits a unique piecewise C1 solution on the time interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T, which satisfies exactly the final condition

(2.10) t=T : (Ai, Vi) = (AiT(x), ViT(x)), ai0 ≤x≤ai1 (i= 1,· · ·, N).

To this end, it suffices to construct a piecewiseC1 solution to Saint-Venant system (2.1) on the time interval 0≤t ≤T, which

satisfies the initial condition (2.5), the final condition (2.10), all the energy-type interface conditions (2.7) and a part of flux boundary conditions (2.6) and total flux interface conditions (2.8). Once this solution is obtained, we put it into the rest of flux boundary conditions (2.6) and total flux interface conditions (2.8) to get the

desired flux boundary controls qi0(t) (resp.qi1(t)) and total flux interface controls Qi0(t) (resp. Qi1(t)), which realize the exact boundary controllability for the Saint- Venant system.


To construct this kind of piecewise C1 solution is a nonstandard problem which can be regarded as an inverse problem. There is no uniqueness in general. However we can get this solution in a stable way, i.e., by solving several well-posed problems.

The main principle in the resolution consists in making the number of controls or the controllability timeT as small as possible. However, for a smaller number of controls, we need a larger controllability time, and vise versa.

§3 Construction of piecewise C1 solution in a network of canals with simpler topology.

In this section, we recall some results given in [8-9], which will be useful in what follows.

1). Consider a single canal with flux boundary conditions at one end. If

(3.1) T >2Lmaxn

− 1 λ0, 1

µ0 o


whereλ0 andµ0 are given by (2.9) andL=a1−a0 is the length of the canal, we can construct aC1 solution on the single canal, such that it satisfies any given initial and final conditions in aC1 neighbourhood of a given subcritical equilibrium state(A, V) as well as the the flux boundary condition on one end (see [8] for the detail). We illustrate this procedure by the following figure :

Figure 3.1. A single canal

Here a bold point ”•” denotes the starting end on which the flux boundary condition is satisfied, while a hollow point ”◦” denotes the arriving end, on which the value of solution is determined by the procedure of resolution, and the arrow denotes the direction along which we solve the problem.

2). By rescaling and folding all correspondingx-interval to the interval 0≤x ≤1, the previous method can be applied to a star-like network of N open canals (see [8]

for the detail). Let T satisfy

(3.2) T >2 max



− 1 λi0, 1

µi0 o


whereλi0 andµi0 are given by (2.9) and Li =ai1−ai0 is the length of thei-th canal (i= 1,· · ·N)). Then, by solving the problem from the joint end to all simple nodes, we can get a piecewiseC1 solution which satisfies any given initial and final conditions in


a piecewiseC1 neighbourhood of a given subcritical equilibrium (Ai, Vi) (i= 1,· · ·N) as well as the interface conditions (2.7)-(2.8) at the joint end (the multiple node). We illustrate this procedure by the following figure :

Figure 3.2. A star-like network of canals

Here all simple nodes are the arriving ends ”◦” on which the solution is determined by the procedure of resolution. The joint node is the starting end ”•” on which all the interface conditions (2.7)-(2.8) are satisfied. The procedure of resolution is indicated by the arrows : from ”•” to ”◦”.

3). For a string-like network of N open canals, if

(3.4) T >2





− 1 λi0, 1

µi0 o


where λi0 and µi0 are given by (2.9) and Li = ai1−ai0 is the length of i-th canal (i = 1,· · ·N)), by solving the problem from one simple node ”•” to another simple node ”◦”, indicated by Figure 3.3, we can still get a piecewise C1 solution which satisfies any given initial and final conditions in a piecewise C1 neighbourhood of a given subcritical equilibrium (Ai, Vi) (i = 1,· · ·N) as well as the flux boundary condition on one simple node and the interface conditions (2.7)-(2.8) on all the multiple nodes denoted by ” ” (see [9] for the detail). This situation is similar to the case shown by Figure 3.1 for a single canal, however the controllability time should be much larger.

Figure 3.3. A string-like network of canals

4). Based on the results given in 2) and 3), if T is large enough (bigger than the maximum of the exact controllability time corresponding to each string-like sub-network), similarly we can get a piecewise C1solution for a star-like network of string-like sub-networks, which satisfies any given initial and final conditions in a piecewiseC1 neighbourhood of a given subcritical equilibrium as well as the interface conditions (2.7)-(2.8) on each multiple node. We illustrate this procedure by the following figure :


Figure 3.4. A star-like network of string-like sub-networks

Here the joint node of all the string-like sub-networks is the starting end ”•”, all the simple nodes are the arriving end ”◦”, while all the joint nodes in the string-like sub-networks are denoted by ” ” on which the interface conditions (2.7)-(2.8)are satisfied.

§4. Fundamental Lemma on the continuation of piecewiseC1 solution.

In order to get a desired piecewise C1 solution for a network of N open canals with general topology, we should extend the piecewise C1 solution on a network of open canals with simpler topology shown in the previous section. To this end, we now give another way to construct a piecewise C1 solution for a star-like network of N open canals by assuming that a C1 solution satisfying any given initial and final conditions in a C1 neighbourhood of a corresponding subcritical equilibrium is obtained on one canal, and then solving the problem from the joint end to other simple ends respectively, which is illustrated in the following figure :

Figure 4.1 A star-like network of canals

Let (A1, V1) be a known C1 solution on the first canal denoted by ” ”. In order to construct the desired C1 solution on other canals in the star-like network, we serve the energy-like interface condition as a boundary condition at the joint node x= 0 for each corresponding canal. Thus the piecewise C1 solution constructed satisfies only the energy-like interface conditions (2.7), while the total flux interface condition (2.8) is no longer satisfied at the joint node which is then denoted by ” ”.

More precisely, we have the following result.


Lemma 4.1Let (Ai, Vi) = (Ai, Vi) (i= 1,· · ·, N) be a subcritical equilibrium state.

Suppose that

(4.1) T >2 max




− 1 λi0, 1

µi0 o


where λi0 and µi0(i = 2,· · ·, N) are still given by (2.9). Let (Ai0(x), Vi0(x)) and (AiT(x), ViT(x)) (i= 1,· · ·, N) be any given initial state and final state with smallC1 norms




k(Ai0(·)−Ai, Vi0(·)−Vi)kC1[0,Li]and




k(AiT(·)−Ai, ViT(·)−Vi)kC1[0,Li], which satisfy the conditions of piecewise C1 compatibility with the energy-like interface conditions (2.7) at the points (t, x) = (0,0) and (T,0) respectively.


(4.2) Ri(T) ={(t, x)|0≤t≤T, 0≤x≤Li} (i = 1,· · ·, N).

Assume that we have already determined the solution (A1, V1) with small C1 norm k(A1−A1, V1−V1)kC1[R1(T)], which satisfies the initial condition (2.5) and the final condition (2.10). Then there exists a piecewise C1 solution (Ai, Vi)(i = 1,· · ·, N) on the domain∪Ni=1Ri(T) with small piecewiseC1norm




k(Ai−Ai, Vi−Vi)kC1[Ri(T)], which satisfies the initial condition (2.5), the final condition (2.10) and the energy-like interface conditions (2.7) at the joint node x= 0.

Proof.Fori= 1,· · ·, N, introducing the Riemann invariantsri andsi as follows : (4.3)

2ri =Vi−Vi−Gi(Ai), 2si =Vi−Vi+Gi(Ai), where

(4.4) Gi(Ai) =

Z Ai Ai


gh0i(Ai) Ai dAi.

Let Hi be the inverse function ofGi(Ai). We have (4.5)

Vi =ri+si+Vi, Ai =Hi(si−ri) and

(4.6) Hi0(si−ri) =

s Ai

gh0i(Ai) >0.


Since (Ai, Vi) = (Ai, Vi) correspond to (ri, si) = (0,0), we get

(4.7) Hi(0) =Ai, Hi0(0) = s


gh0i(Ai) >0.

Taking (ri, si) (i = 1,· · ·, N) as new unknown variables, system (2.1) can be reduced to the following system of diagonal form :







∂t +λi∂ri

∂x = 0,

(i= 1,· · ·N),


∂t +µi∂si

∂x = 0, where


λi =Vi−p


(i= 1,· · ·N).

µi =Vi+p


The energy-type interface conditions (2.7) now become x= 0 : 1

2(ri+si+Vi)2+ghi(Hi(si−ri)) +gybi



2(r1+s1+Vi)2+gh1(H1(s1 −r1)) +gyb1 (i= 2,· · ·N).

For each i= 2,· · ·, N, let Pi(ri, si, r1, s1) =1

2(ri+si+Vi)2 +ghi(Hi(si−ri)) +gybi (4.11)


2(r1+s1+V1)2+ghi(H1(s1−r1)) +gyb1 .

Since the state (Ak, Vk) = (Ak, Vk) corresponds to (rk, sk) = (0,0) for k = 1,· · ·N, condition (4.10) implies

(4.12) Pi(0,0,0,0) = 0.

On the other hand, a straightforward computation gives

(4.13) ∂Pi

∂si(0,0,0,0) =Vi+ q



Then, by the implicit function theorem, we can find a C1 function fi in a neighbourhood of (ri, r1, s1) = (0,0,0) such that (4.10) can be equivalently rewritten as

(4.14) si =fi(ri, r1, s1)

with fi(0,0,0) = 0. Since the solution (r1, s1) is known, putting the values r1(t,0) ands1(t,0) into (4.14) and notingfi(0,0,0) = 0, (4.14) can be equivalently rewritten as

(4.15) si =Gi(t, ri) +Hi(t), where Gi andHi are C1 functions such that

(4.16) Gi(t,0)≡0


(4.17) kHikC1[0,T] is small enough.

Similarly, for eachi = 2,· · ·, N, we have

(4.18) ∂Pi


(0,0,0,0) =Vi− q


Then, in a neighbourhood of (ri, si, r1, s1) = (0,0,0,0), condition (4.10) can be equivalently rewritten as

(4.19) ri=Gi(t, si) +Hi(t), where Gi andHi areC1 functions such that

(4.20) Gi(t,0)≡0


(4.21) kHikC1[0,T] is small enough.

Moreover, under the assumption of Lemma 4.1, it is easy to see that the conditions ofC1compatibility with (4.15)(resp.(4.19)) are still satisfied at the point (t, x) = (0,0) (resp. (T,0)). Then, applying the results given in [13] and [8] to system (4.8) for the i-th canal, we get the solution (ri, si), i.e., (Ai, Vi) for each i = 2,· · ·, N, which, together with (A1, V1), satisfy the initial condition (2.5), the final condition (2.10) and the energy-type interface conditions (2.7) atx = 0. The proof is then complete.


Remark 4.1 Lemma 4.1 is still valid for a star-like network of string-like sub- networks, when a piecewise C1 solution is known on one string-like sub-network and T >0 is suitably large.

Figure 4.2. A star-like network of string-like sub-networks

§5. Exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a tree-like network of open canals.

A network is called to have atree-likeconfiguration, if any two nodes in the network can be connected by a unique path of canals. In other words, a tree-like network is a connected network without loop. In what follows, for T >0 suitably large, taking the results given in§3 as the first step, we will successively use Lemma 4.1 or Remark 4.1 to get a desired piecewise C1 solution on the whole network, which implies the exact boundary controllability for a tree-like network of open canals.

Arbitrarily choosing a node as the starting end, we construct a desired piecewise C1 solution as follows.

Case A. When the starting end Ok is a simple node, on which the boundary flux qk with smallC1 normkqk(·)−AkVkkC1[0,T] is given, we assume that the initial data and the final data satisfy the conditions of C1 compatibility with the flux boundary condition (2.6) atOk. ForT >0 suitably large, by the procedure illustrated in Figure 3.1, we can get a C1 solution of system (2.1) on the canal with the end Ok (another end of this canal is denoted byOl), which satisfies the corresponding initial condition (2.5) and the final condition (2.10) on the canal and the flux boundary condition (2.6) at the simple node Ok. This procedure can be shown in the following figure :

Ok Ol

Figure 5.1. Starting from a simple node

Still for T > 0 suitably large, applying Lemma 4.1 illustrated in Figure 4.1 to the local star-like network of open canals jointed at the multiple node Ol, we get a piecewiseC1 solution which satisfies the corresponding initial condition (2.5) and the final condition (2.10) on this local star-like network, the flux boundary condition (2.6)


at the simple node Ok, and the energy-like interface conditions (2.7) at the multiple node Ol. We illustrate this procedure by the following figure :

Ok Ol

Figure 5.2. Extension to a local star-like network

Then, repeating the procedure given by Lemma 4.1, we can construct a piecewise C1 solution on the whole network of canals, which satisfies the initial condition (2.5) and the final condition (2.10) on the whole network, the boundary condition (2.6) at the starting end Ok and the energy-like interface conditions (2.7) at all multiple nodes. Finally, we substitute this solution in (2.8) to get the total flux interface controls Qi(t) for all multiple nodes, and in (2.6) to get the flux boundary controls qi(t) for all simple nodes except the starting endOk. We illustrate this procedure by the following figure :


starting end Ol

Figure 5.3. Exact controllability starting from a simple node (23 controls for 23 canals)

Case B. When the starting end Ol is a multiple node, on which the total flux Ql with small norm kQl(·)−P

j∈Jl±AjVjkC1[0,T] is given, we assume furthermore that the initial data and the final data also satisfy the conditions of piecewise C1 compatibility with the total flux interface condition (2.8) at the multiple nodeOl. For T >0 suitably large, by the procedure illustrated in Figure 3.2, we get a piecewiseC1 solution for the local star-like network jointed at the multiple nodeOl, which satisfies


the corresponding initial condition (2.5) and the final condition (2.10) on the whole local star-like network, the interface conditions (2.7) and (2.8) at multiple node Ol. We illustrate this procedure by the following figure.


Figure 5.4. Starting from a multiple node

Then repeating the procedure given by Lemma 4.1 as shown in the previous situation, we finally get a piecewise C1 solution for the whole network of canals, which satisfies the initial condition (2.5) and the final condition (2.10) on the whole network, the total flux interface condition (2.8) at the starting multiple node Ol and the energy-type interface conditions (2.7) at all multiple nodes. Thus, in a similar way, we can define the flux boundary controlsqi(t) for all simple nodes, and the total flux controls Qi(t) for all multiple nodes except the starting end Ol, respectively. We illustrate this procedure by the following figure :


starting end

Figure 5.5. Exact controllability starting from a multiple node (23 controls for 23 canals)

Case C. If the tree-like network contains string-like sub-networks, we can use the procedure shown in Figure 3.3 or Figure 3.4

as the first step and then apply repeatedly Remark 4.1 to get a desiredC1piecewise solution for the whole network of the canals (see Figures 5.6 and 5.7). In this way we can reduce the number of controls, however, the controllability time should be correspondingly enlarged (cf. (3.4)).


starting end

Figure 5.6. Exact controllability starting from a simple node

for a tree-like network containing string-like sub-networks (15 controls for 23 canals)

starting end

Figure 5.7. Exact controllability starting from a multiple node

for a tree-like network containing string-like sub-networks (15 controls for 23 canals)

§6 Some remarks

1). The exact controllability time obtained in each case is optimal.

2). The flux boundary condition (2.6) can be replaced by the water level boundary condition

(6.1) x=ai0 : Ai =qi0(t).

Accordingly, the energy-like interface conditions (2.7) can be also replaced by the water level interface conditions

(6.2) hi(Ai) +Yib =hj(Aj) +Yjb, ∀j ∈ Ji0.


3). The flux boundary condition (2.6) can be replaced by the following boundary condition of underflow gate (cf.[7])

(6.3) x=ai0 : AiVi|AiVi|= 2gu2i0(yi0−hi(Ai)),

whereyi0is the water level outside thei-th canal andui0 is the height of gate opening at x=ai0.

Accordingly, on each intermediate joint end ai0 of a string-like sub-network, the interface conditions (2.7)-(2.8) can be also replaced by the interface conditions of underflow gate (cf.[7])

(6.3) Ai−1Vi−1|Ai−1Vi−1|=AiVi|AiVi|= 2gu2i0(hi−1(Ai−1)−hi(Ai)).

4). When one considers the friction in a network of open canals, Saint-Venant system (2.1) becomes







∂t + ∂(AiVi)

∂x = 0,

t ≥0, ai0 ≤x ≤ai1 (i = 1,· · ·, N)


∂t + ∂Si

∂x +Fi(Ai, Vi) = 0

with Fi(Ai,0) ≡ 0 and ViFi(Ai, Vi) ≥ 0. For any given equilibrium state (Ai, Vi) = (Ai, Vi) with Ai > 0(i = 1,· · ·, N), we still have the exact boundary controllability.

5). Since both the initial and final states belong to a piecewiseC1 neighbourhood of an arbitrarily given subcritical state, our results give only the local exact boundary controllability for unsteady flows in a tree-like network of open canals, however, that is enough to get the corresponding global exact boundary controllability. In fact, in order to drive any initial state given in a piecewise C1 neighbourhood of a subcritical state to any final state given in a piecewise C1 neighbourhood of another subcritical state, it suffices to use the previous results to drive the initial state to the first equilibrium state, then successively transfer the first equilibrium state to the second equilibrium state, and finally reach the final state. Thus we get the corresponding global exact boundary controllability, however, the controllability time must be enlarged many times.

Acknowledgments. LI Ta-Tsien is supported by the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Projets of China. The paper was written during Rao Bopeng’s visit in the Institut Sino-Fran¸cais de Math´ematiques Appliqu´ees (ISFMA) at Fudan University on 2003- 2004.



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In this paper we deal with the local exact controllability to the trajectories of the Boussinesq system with N + 1 distributed scalar controls supported in small sets.. In a first

FATTORINI, Estimates for Sequences Biorthogonal to Certain Complex Exponentials and Boundary Control of the Wave Equation, in Lecture Notes in Control and Information

have proved the null controllability of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equa- tions in a manifold without boundary... We conjecture that similar results hold true for