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Sensor Observa,on Streams within Cloud-based IoT Pla:orms: Challenges and Direc,ons


Academic year: 2021

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Sensor Observa,on Streams within Cloud-based

IoT Pla:orms: Challenges and Direc,ons

Antoine Auger


Ernesto Exposito, Emmanuel Lochin

ISAE-SUPAERO, Université de Toulouse, France




Internet of Things (IoT) and data explosion


Many “IoT plaTorms” for many use cases providing different

services and/or APIs


“Black box approach” so far

Which requirements? Which so[ware soluMons? Why?


Common challenges when building so[ware plaTorms, need

to explain:

–  Concepts, technical issues –  How to cope with them, good pracMces




We focus on:

–  IoT pla:orms: ingest informaMon from Things, create value from data, services exposed to users or applicaMons –  Cloud-based: available on demand via the Internet, So[ware as a Service model (SaaS), other non-funcMonal requirements –  Sensor observa,on streams: physical-observed phenomena or virtual-occurred events


ContribuMons of the paper:

–  Insights for researchers who are interested in IoT plaTorms capable of handling sensor observaMon streams –  Takeaways for developers




“Lessons learned” coming from:

–  State of the Art –  Study of available tools/components for IoT plaTorms –  Acended conferences (in parMcular, see [Kamienski2016]) –  Own experience: development of an IntegraMon plaTorm for QoI Assessment as a Service (iQAS) [Auger2017]



–  Not exhausMve! –  May contain subjecMve thoughts…




ObservaMon-related challenges

What? ObservaMon streams, levels, quality


ImplementaMon consideraMons

What solu5on? How? ObservaMon collecMon, processing and consumpMon


Non-funcMonal requirements

With what features? AdaptaMon, scalability, availability


ObservaMon-related challenges


We assume that an observaMon is


produced by a

sensor (either physical or virtual)


IoT plaTorms are asked to create value from received


–  Data-centric systems


Heterogeneous observaMons:

–  Level –  Quality –  Sensing rate –  Coverage –  …


ObservaMon-related challenges


Taxonomies to denote different observaMon levels

–  Useful to esMmate the level of complexity required to process and “understand” observaMons by final consumers Context annotation Semantic annotation

Analysis and processing

Wisdom Information Raw Data Knowledge An augmented version of the “DIKW ladder” of Sheth [Sheth2016]

Observa,on levels


ObservaMon-related challenges

Observa,on quality


Several quality dimensions:

–  Quality of Service (QoS) –  Quality of InformaMon (QoI) [Bisdikian2013] –  Context, Quality of Context (QoC) –  Quality of Knowledge (QoK)

In short:

ü  All dimensions not always needed ü  Acributes to consider may vary according to use cases (delay, obs. life5me, accuracy, trust, ) ü  Recent works consider mainly QoS-QoI (e.g., FP7 CityPulse)


ObservaMon-related challenges


OperaMons on streams ≠ databases


ObservaMon streams

–  Unbounded –  Heterogeneous –  Real-Mme


ReacMve Streams

–  hcp://www.reacMve-streams.org –  Asynchronous stream processing with non- blocking back pressure –  Java APIs

Unbounded observa,on streams

5 4 2 -1 9 8 8 4.5 0.5 ?? 5 4 9 8 8 Time Sliding window Incoming stream "Sliding" mean Filtering (obs > 3) 8


ImplementaMon consideraMons


A jungle of IoT plaTorms

–  Open-source soluMons, projects: FP7 INSIGHT, FP7 OpenIoT, FP7 CityPulse, H2020 OrganiCity, –  Commercial or proprietary soluMons (SaaS): AWS IoT, IBM Watson IoT,


Researchers may want to add new features:

–  By extending exisMng soluMons: requires a learning phase –  By developing new prototypes from scratch (preferred)


Most popular data architectures:

–  Lambda Architecture hcp://lambda-architecture.net –  Kappa Architecture hcp://www.kappa-architecture.com


ImplementaMon consideraMons

Speed (real-time) layer

Batch (offline) layer Observation

ingestion Observation

sources Observation consumers

Distributed storage

Cloud-based IoT platform

Observation collection Observation processing Observation consumption Serving layer Unified Stream Processing layer Observation ingestion Observation

sources Observation consumers

Distributed storage Cloud-based IoT platform

Serving layer Job version n Job version n+1 Result n Result n+1 Kappa Architecture Lambda Architecture


ImplementaMon consideraMons


Virtual Sensor Containers (VSCs)

–  For preliminary tests –  To assess plaTorm scalability –  APIs to modify sensor behavior on the fly


Apache Nifi

–  hcps://nifi.apache.org –  Open source, web-based GUI –  Run in local/cluster mode –  Supports directed graphs of data rouMng, transformaMon, and system mediaMon logic Sensor Observations Virtual Sensor’s API

Observa,on collec,on


ImplementaMon consideraMons


Event Stream Processing (ESP)


Pick one framework according to your needs

–  Final choice may depends on many features [ESPcomparison]

Observa,on processing

ESP / CEP Applications Sensors File Systems Message logs Applications Databases File Systems Message logs


ImplementaMon consideraMons

Observa,on consump,on


Message Brokers

–  “Shock absorbing” technology –  Compliant with ReacMve Streams iniMaMve


Trend: Kapa for the IoT

–  Developed by LinkedIn, open sourced in 2011


Benchmarks for

comparison but biases


Real boclenecks: final



Non-funcMonal requirements


FuncMonal requirements depends mainly on use cases


Some non-funcMonal (NF) requirements are recurrent

regarding Cloud-based IoT plaTorms


Among them, some NF requirements may be fulfill by relying

on the Cloud CompuMng paradigm


Non-funcMonal requirements


Autonomic CompuMng [Kephart2003]

–  IBM MAPE-K control loop •  Monitor •  Analyze •  Plan •  Execute


IoT plaTorms act as mediators

–  Sensor capabiliMes –  Consumer needs –  Service Level Agreements (SLAs)


AdaptaMon is needed

Pla:orm adapta,on

Autonomic manager Managed element Managed element touchpoint

Sensors Effectors

Monitor Execute

Plan Analyze



Non-funcMonal requirements


VerMcal scalability

–  Allocate more resources –  VM migraMon


Horizontal scalability

–  Load balancing –  Cluster


Scalability ≠ elasMcity

–  Scalability = add resources on-demand –  ElasMcity = add or remove resources on-demand

Pla:orm scalability


Non-funcMonal requirements


CAP theorem [Brewer2000] proposed by Eric Brewer

–  “You can only have 2 of 3 features among”: •  Consistency •  Availability •  Tolerance to network ParMMons


CAP theorem has evolved [Brewer2012]:

–  Network parMMons can be handled –  Tradeoff instead of exclusive choice (latency consideraMons)


IoT plaTorms raise new issues:

–  PlaTorm availability may depend on the Cloud Provider (SLA) –  Sensors availability

Pla:orm availability


Other challenges

Many other challenges such as:

–  General architecture for the IoT [FP7 IoT-A] –  Interoperability [FP7 Fiesta-IoT] [FP7 OpenIoT] –  ObservaMon collecMon (e.g., CoAP protocol) –  Development tools to create IoT applicaMons or services –  Specific challenges for Smart City plaTorms (many stakeholders) –  “Big Data” challenges: Volume, Value, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and more

=> Not covered in this paper


Conclusions and perspecMves


IoT data explosion


A jungle of IoT plaTorms but:

–  Complex to add new features to them, requires a learning phase –  SaaS = “Black box approach” –  Need to sensiMze researchers and developers about concepts, issues and good pracMces


In this paper, we focus on sensor observaMon streams within

Cloud-based IoT plaTorms

–  ObservaMon-related challenges –  ImplementaMon consideraMons –  NF requirements and benefits of using Cloud CompuMng



[Kamienski2016] Carlos Alberto Kamienski. Development of IoT-based ApplicaMons for Smart CiMes. Tutorial given at IEEE WF-IoT 2016 in Reston (USA). Available at: hcps://www.researchgate.net/publicaMon/311607654_Development_of_IoT-based_ApplicaMons_for_Smart_CiMes [ESPcomparison] Available at: hcps://www.madewithtea.com/images/streaming.png [Bisdikian2013] C. Bisdikian, L. M. Kaplan, and M. B. Srivastava, “On the Quality and Value of InformaMon in Sensor Networks,” ACM Trans. Sen. Netw., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 48:1–48:26, 2013. [Sheth2016] A. Sheth, “Internet of Things to Smart IoT Through SemanMc, CogniMve, and Perceptual CompuMng,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 31, no. 2, pp.108–112, Mar. 2016. [Auger2017] Auger, A., Exposito, E., & Lochin, E. (2017). iQAS: An IntegraMon PlaTorm for QoI Assessment as a Service for Smart CiMes. IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things 2016. [Kephart2003] J. O. Kephart and D. M. Chess, “The vision of autonomic compuMng,” Computer, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 41–50, 2003. [Brewer2000] Brewer, E. A. (2000, July). Towards robust distributed systems. PODC (Vol. 7). [Brewer2012] Brewer, E. (2012). CAP twelve years later: How the" rules" have changed. Computer, 45(2), 23-29.


Antoine Auger



Sensor Observa,on Streams within Cloud-based

IoT Pla:orms: Challenges and Direc,ons

This research was supported in part by the French Ministry of Defense through a financial support of the DirecMon


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