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Relaxation modes of the fluctuations of the order parameter in the vicinity of the uniaxial-to-biaxial nematic phase transition


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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Relaxation modes of the fluctuations of the order parameter in the vicinity of the uniaxial-to-biaxial

nematic phase transition

Y. Galerne

To cite this version:

Y. Galerne. Relaxation modes of the fluctuations of the order parameter in the vicinity of the uniaxial-to-biaxial nematic phase transition. Journal de Physique, 1986, 47 (12), pp.2105-2115.

�10.1051/jphys:0198600470120210500�. �jpa-00210404�


Relaxation modes of the fluctuations of the order parameter in the vicinity

of the uniaxial-to-biaxial nematic phase transition

Y. Galerne

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Bât. 510, Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

Résumé. 2014 Une analyse classique des modes de relaxation des fluctuations du paramètre d’ordre, est développée au voisinage de la transition de phase nématique uniaxe-nématique biaxe. En employant des

coordonnées polaires, on peut suivre les 5 modes de relaxation du paramètre d’ordre à travers la transition de

phase nématique uniaxe-nématique biaxe : 2 de ces modes sont des modes d’amplitude, et les 3 autres sont de type orientationnel. On montre que les modes d’amplitude en phase biaxe, mélangent les composantes de biaxialité et de biréfringence du paramètre d’ordre, le mode critique (quasi-biaxe) présentant des variations en

température deux fois plus grandes qu’en phase uniaxe conformément à la théorie classique. On étudie aussi,

sur des cas particuliers, les effets des courants induits sur le comportement prétransitionnel des modes orientationnels, en phases nématiques uniaxes et biaxes.



A classical analysis of the relaxation modes of the fluctuations of the order parameter is developed in the vicinity of the uniaxial to biaxial nematic phase transition. Using polar coordinates, the 5

relaxation modes of the order parameter are followed across the uniaxial to biaxial nematic phase transition : 2 out of these modes are amplitude modes, and the 3 others are orientational modes. It is shown that the

amplitude modes in the biaxial phase mix the components of biaxiality and birefringence of the order parameter, the critical (quasi-biaxial) mode presenting temperature variations twice larger than in the uniaxial

phase, according to classical theory. The backflow effets on the pretransitional behaviour of the orientational modes are also studied in the uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction

The biaxial nematic phase Nb , recently discove-

red by Yu and Saupe [1] in the lyotropic mixture of potassium laurate, decanol and H20, is an interme-

diate phase between the two uniaxial nematic phases (indifferently noted Nu) of disk Nd and cylindric

( Nc ) types, both well known in the lyotropic

systems [2]. These three different nematic phases of

micellar aggregates dispersed in water have naturally

stimulated experimental and theoretical studies [3], especially around the Nu-Nb phase transitions. In

particular, it has been noticed by Jacobsen and Swift

[4] that the Nu-Nb phase transition has some analo-

gies with the isotropic to nematic phase transition in two dimensions (because the biaxial orientational order in the 2D-plane perpendicular to the uniaxial

director n, is isotropic-like in the Nu phase, and

nematic-like in the Nb phase). The Nu-Nb phase

transition may therefore be described by a reduced

order parameter ’aJJ’ and the de Gennes model [5]

of the isotropic-nematic phase transition may be extended to the Nu-Nb phase transition. This allowed Jacobsen and Swift to predict the pretransitional

biaxial modes which have recently been observed in the Nu phase using Rayleigh scattering [6]. The 2D- analogy with the isotropic to nematic phase transition

is a fruitful approach which can also be used to show that the Nu-Nb phase transition may be second order

[7]. The argument is that the same 2D-nematic state

corresponds to the same orientational order parame- ter, but with opposite signs depending on whether

the director is chosen along m or I (Fig. 1). This

Fig. 1. - The orientational order parameter

of a two-dimensional nematic phase, keeps the same amplitude, but changes sign when chosing the symmetry

axis I instead of m as the origin axis of the tilt angle 0 of

the molecules (sketched here as ellipses).

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198600470120210500


shows that the free energy of the 2D-nematic phase

is an even function of the order parameter, and consequently that the 2D-nematic-to-isotropic phase transition, and with the analogy, the Nu-Nb phase transition, may be second order.

The analogy with the 2D-nematic phase and the

reduced order parameter’ a{j’ though satisfactory

for most questions, have to be left when studying the

relaxation modes of fluctuations of the order para- meter Qa(j in the Nb phase, because it artificially decouples the components of the order parameter

Qa{j. In this paper, after recalling the basic equations

of the nematic phases (Sect. 2), and briefly presen- ting the 2D-analysis of the critical modes in the

Nu phase (Sect. 3), we analyse the relaxation modes of the Nb phase on the more general basis of the order parameter Qa{j (Sect. 4). The analysis of the Qa{j relaxation modes is performed in the vicinity of

the Nb-N. phase transition, within the framework of classical theory, and using the « one-constant

approximations » [8] on both the elastic and viscosity

coefficients to simplify the problem. The relaxation

modes are divided into two categories : the modes of

the fluctuations of the amplitude of the order parameter (amplitude modes), and the orientational modes. Their temperature behaviour is examined around the Nu-Nb phase transition, respectively in

sections 5 and 6. In the remaining section we

summarize the results and make some concluding


2. Free energy and dynamical equations of the

nematic phases.

The order parameter of a uniaxial or biaxial nematic

phase is a symmetric, traceless, second-rank tensor

Qa{j [8]. With the order state variables (temperature

and presure), it determines the physical state and consequently, the free energy and the dynamical equations of the nematic phase. Diagonalizing these dynamical equations yields the hydrodynamical

modes of the order parameter in the uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases.


2.1.1 Local free energy. - Probably depending on

the experimental conditions, the uniaxial to biaxial

nematic phase transition is observed to follow a

classical [6, 9] or a critical [10] behaviour. In the classical regime, to which we restrict our attention here, the free energy density of a uniformly oriented sample may be expanded in powers of the tensorial order parameter Qa{j as :

being the invariants of Qa{j. To a first order approxi- mation, the coefficients a and b may be supposed to

have linear variations with temperature, while the

other coefficients c, d, e and f are constant [9]. The

free energy expression (1) is valid for both the uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases. In the Nu phase,

the invariants are linked by the relation cr 3 = 6 uj,

while they just obey to the inequality ui> 6 o- 3 2 in

the Nb phase [9].

2.1.2 Elastic energy. - then fluctuations of the order parameter are considered, elastic terms have

to be added to the free energy of the uniform sample (Eq. (1)). To the lowest order, these elastic terms are [5]: [5] : "2 L, Ll 1 V.QOY V.QOY VaQ{j’Y VaQ{j’Y and and "2 1L2 Lz V-Q-P VyQ-yP’ VaQa{j

Making the usual one-constant approximation, we

may group them, and write the elastic energy in the

simplified Frank form [8] :



The dynamical equa- tions of the order parameter come from the tensorial relation between the force conjugated to Q a/3 and

the velocity of change of Qa/3. To the lowest order, this is a linear relation [11]. Making again a one-

constant approximation, we may assume that this linear relation is just given by a scaler, i.e. [5] :


where F = Fo + Fel is the total free energy, and v is

a viscosity coefficient. Because the expression of Fo cannot readily be reduced to quadratic terms, the diagonalisation of equation (3) is not straight-

forward. The uniaxial and biaxial cases have to be considered separately. The only evident feature on

the form of equation (3) is that the hydrodynamical

modes of the order parameter in the nematic phases

are of relaxation type [8].

3. Relaxation modes of the reduced order parameter

in the uniaxial nematic phase.


PHASE. - As suggested by Jacobsen and Swift [4], it is often sufficient, when studying the uniaxial to biaxial nematic phase transition, to use the two-

dimensional order parameter’ a{j’ obtained from the traceless projection of the order parameter Qa{j in

the plane perpendicular to the uniaxial nematic

director n. This reduced order parameter vanishes in


the uniaxial nematic (disordered) phase. It therefore allows no to expand the local free energy in the Landau form around the transition. To a first order

approximation (valid for describing small biaxial fluctuations in the uniaxial nematic phase), this expansion is limited to one term (§ 5.3) :

a being a coefficient varying linearly with tempera-

ture and vanishing at the Nb-Nu transition (Eq. (19)).

The elastic terms of equation (2) may also be written as a function of the reduced order parameter

’a¡3. For a fluctuation of wave-vector q, the elastic energy reads :

As equations (4) and (5) show, the total free energy of a q fluctuation in the Nu phase is a quadratic function of the components of the reduced order parameter ’af3. From equation (3), we deduce

then that each’ aJ3-component relaxes to zero

according to its own differential equation. However, because’ af3 is a symmetric and traceless tensor, its

diagonal and off-diagonal components are respecti- vely linked, and thus, aJ3 has only two independent

relaxation modes in the uniaxial nematic phase near

the biaxial transition: the diagonal and the off-

diagonal modes. These modes, because they concern

the order parameter C,,,, which vanishes in the N.

phase, are the two critical modes of the N.-Nb phase


3.2 DIAGONAL MODES. - A pretransitional (or cri- tical) fluctuation of ’aJ3 in the Nu phase is sketched in figure 2a, ’af3 being represented by an ellipsis of non-zero trace. This fluctuation which belongs to the diagonal mode, is drawn in the simple case where q lays in the plane perpendicular to the uniaxial

director n. The mean-squared amplitude of the diagonal mode q is obtained by writing the equiparti-

Fig. 2.


Pretransitional biaxial fluctuations of the order parameter in the uniaxial phase, the uniaxial director n

being perpendicular to the figure, and the wave-vector q horizontal. The ellipses and circles represent locally the

order parameter’ afJ. a) Diagonal mode. b) Off-diagonal

mode. The arrows sketch the hydrodynamical flow which helps the order parameter fluctuation to relax back to


tion of energy: (A 2) = - kB T 2’ and its relaxation

B + Kq

time constant T is given by the dynamical equation (3) :

The coefficient if varying proportionally to the

temperature difference to the transition (Eq. (19)),

this equation expresses the critical slowing-down of

the diagonal mode at the Nb-N. transition. Such a

critical behaviour, depicted in figure 3a for two

different wave-vectors

(qf = §q) , has recently

been observed by Lacerda etal. [6 .

Fig. 3.


Relaxation frequency of the pretransitional

modes in the Nu phase versus temperature for two wave- vectors q1 (heavy line) and q2 = J2 qt. a) Diagonal

modes. b) Off-diagonal modes. Because of back-flow,

these modes are faster than the corresponding diagonal

modes. Let us note that they both extrapolate from the

same zero-frequency point.



In figure 2b is sket- ched a critical fluctuation of ’al3 of the off-diagonal type in the Nu phase, again with q laying in the plane perpendicular to n and using the same representation

as for the diagonal mode in figure 2a. The mean- squared amplitude of the off-diagonal mode q is

again (A 2) = - kB T 2’ and its relaxation time T is

a+Kq given by :

It has to be noted that the viscQsity coefficient v’ implied in the relaxation of the off-diagonal mode

is different from that of the diagonal mode v. The

reason is the hydrodynamical coupling [4, 5] of the off-diagonal terms of ’aJ3 to the shear flow. This back-flow effect (arrows in Fig. 2b) helps the relaxa- tion process and makes v’ smaller than v. Equa-

tion (7) expresses the critical slowing-down of the off-diagonal mode at the transition. This critical

behaviour, depicted in figure 3b, has also been

experimentally verified [6].


4. Relaxation modes of the order parameter in the biaxial nematic phase near the uniaxial transition.

In order to get the behaviour of the relaxation modes of the order parameter in the biaxial nematic

phase, we now use the complete order parameter

Qaø’ instead of the reduced order parameter

which artificially decouples the components of

Qaf3 .

4.1 POLAR COORDINATES. - It is often more

convenient to use polar coordinates than Cartesian coordinates to describe the order parameter Qa/3 in

the biaxial nematic phase, because this representa- tion directly explicits the eigen-values and the eigen-

directions of Qaf3. In order to illustrate this point, let

us come back again to the (symmetric traceless) two-

dimensional order parameter l af38 Its components

may be written in both Cartesian and polar systems :

’0 and - ’0 being the eigen-values of , a3’ and 9 and

0 + ; the angles of its eigen-directions with the laboratory axes. The fluctuations of ’a3 from its

average state (the eigen-directions of which defining

the reference axes) are.:

-1y -1y


This-shows that the fluctuations of the diagonal and off-diagonal components of ’a¡3 in the Nb phase respectively correspond to fluctuations of the polar

and angular variables, provided that the reference

axes are chosen along the average eigen-directions.

Such a use of the polar variables, however, is acceptable as long as the angular fluctuations of

03BEa3 are small ( d e 1 ) , which implies (when estimating d’11 - d’12) that dCo .r. ’0’ i.e. that the fluctuations of the amplitude of the order parameter

are small if compared to the order parameter itself.

If one just considers the thermally excited fluctua-

tions of ’a/3’ this condition is equivalent to the Ginzburg criterium [12]. It indicates that the variable

change is valid in the Nb phase far enough from the

uniaxial transition to follow the classical regime.

Similar considerations readily extend to three

dimensions. The six components of the symmetric

order parameter Qa¡3 (only five components are

independent because Qa¡3 is traceless) may be converted to the three polar and the three angular

variables (the eigen-values and the Euler angles of

the eigen-directions with the reference-frame of

Qa/3) under the condition that the Nb phase is

considered in the classical regime.

Let us now express the free energy and the

dynamical equations of the Nb phase, using the polar

and angular variables.

4.2 FREE ENERGY AND ELASTIC CONSTANTS IN POLAR COORDINATES. - The free energy of a uni- form sample, being a function of the invariants of

Qaf3 (Eq. (1)), is a function of the eigen-values of Qaf3 only, i.e. a function of the polar variables only.

The elastic energy Fel may also be written as a function of the polar and angular variables. It is a

quadratic function of the gradients of the polar and angular variables, without crossed terms because, containing angular variables, the crossed terms are not invariant in a mirror symmetry while Fel is. In

the two-dimensional example, the elastic energy may be written :

which illustrates the decoupling between the polar

and angular variables. From this expression, we

deduce the elastic constant associated to the angular

fluctuations :

while K is the elastic constant for the polar fluctua-


This result readily extends to three dimensions.

The reference axes being chosen along the average

eigen-directions of the order parameter Qafj (§ 4.1),

the gradients of the diagonal Qaa and off-diago-

nal (Qafj with a # /3) elements respectively corres- pond to polar (or amplitude) fluctuations of the order parameter, and to angular (or orientatio-

nal) fluctuations around the eigen-direction y ( # a, f3 ). The extension of the two-dimensional

example to three dimensions shows that the elastic constants of these elementary deformations are K and ky = 2 K Qaa - QfJfJ ) 2 respectively. The Nb phase has therefore 3 different orientational elastic constants in the « one-constant approximation » model, instead of 12 in the general case [13], and its

elastic energy expresses as :

1 1

Let us recall that this result is valid for small fluctuations only. This condition is also needed for the rotations around the three orthogonal eigen-

directions to commute in equation (2).

At the uniaxial-to-biaxial nematic phase transition,

two eigen-values becoming equal, the two corres- ponding orientational elastic constants K become

equal, while the third one vanishes. In the Landau

approximation (§2.1.1), this last elastic constant goes to zero as AT, the temperature difference to the transition : ky - K AT.




The dynamical equations of the biaxial


nematic phase (Eq. (3)) may be written using the polar and angular variables, under the condition of small fluctuations, as for the free energy. The reference axes being chosen along the average eigen-

directions of the order-parameter, the polar and angular variables are decoupled in the free energy

expression (§ 4.2). They are therefore also separated

in the dynamical equations. It results that they

describe independent relaxation modes of the order parameter, the amplitude and the orientational modes. The amplitude modes, which correspond to

fluctuations of the diagonal elements Qaa, undergo

the same viscosity coefficient v. The orientational modes (which are fluctuations of the off-diagonal

elements Qaf3’ i.e. fluctuations of rotation around the eigen-directions y (=F a, 8 are submitted to

the rotational viscosities v ’Y = 2 v’ Qaa Q fJ fJ ) 2.

In this expression, v’ stands for v corrected from the back-flow effects (which depend on the q direction),

as for the off-diagonal mode in the Nu phase (§ 3.3).

Except for the back-flow corrections, the Nb phase presents therefore 3 different orientational viscosities in this simplified model, instead of 12 in the general

case [14]. Let us notice that the problem of viscosities remains simple, as the problem of the elastic coeffi-

cients, because the wave-vector q is decoupled from

the eigen-directions of QafJ in the « one-constant » model (Eq. (10)). Let us note also that similarly to

the orientational elastic coefficients, the rotational viscosities exhibit a pretransitional behaviour

( V ’Y - V ’ AT until they vanish at the correspon-

ding Nb-Nu p ase transition.

5. Relaxation modes of the amplitude of the order parameter in the vicinity of the uniaxial to biaxial nematic phase transition.

As discussed in § 4.3, the reference axes being

chosen along the average eigen-directions of the

order parameter Qaf3’ the amplitude modes of the order parameter in the Nb phase correspond to

fluctuations of the diagonal elements Qaa. They

appear therefore to continue the diagonal modes of

the uniaxial nematic phase already discussed in

§ 3.2. This continuation of the diagonal modes through the Nu and Nb phases allows us to apply the

same treatment from both sides of the transition.



Let us first consider a perfectly oriented

sample free of orientational fluctuations. Its Nb physical state may be represented by the vector Q = 611 i + Q22 j + Q33 k, {i, j, k} being unit vec-

tors parallel to the eigen-directions of Q.0. The

problem being restricted to the vicinity of the

uniaxial-to-biaxial nematic phase transition, it is

convenient to use the orthogonal basis of the unit vectors :

This new basis has the advantage to evidence the pure isotropic, uniaxial and biaxial states, respecti-

vely (i being parallel to the uniaxial director).

Calling z, x and y the components of the state

vector Q in this new basis, the invariants of

Qa/3 may be written :

z = 0 expresses that no isotropic fluctuations of QafJ

are considered here (QafJ being a traceless tensor).

The problem is therefore restricted to the two- dimensional xy-fluctuations of birefringence and biaxiality.



Let us now consider a homogenous sample,

i.e. perfectly oriented, with a constant order parame- ter ( q = 0 ) . The free energy given by equation (1)

may be rewritten:

where A, B and C are independent polynoms in x, A

and B varying linearly with temperature through the

coefficients a and b :


The equilibrium state is given by the minimum of energy :

This system has two solutions :



which correspond to the uniaxial nematic state (biaxiality y = 0), and to the biaxial nematic state

(y :0 0 ) respectively. Let us note that the N.-Nb phase transition being second order (Sect. 1), the

biaxial solution (Eqs. (16)) joins continuously the

uniaxial one (Eqs. (15)) at the transition. It thus results that y2 and consequently, B and Ax, vanish at

the transition as AT, the temperature difference to the biaxial transition.

5.3 EIGEN-VALUES OF THE FREE ENERGY. - The second derivatives of the free energy give the

coefficient of the restoring force to the equilibrium

consecutive to a small fluctuation. To the first-order in AT (or y2) at the transition, they are :

On the uniaxial side of the transition (y = 0 ) , the coupling factor C between birefringence (x ) and biaxiality ( y ) is zero, i.e. the matrix of the second derivatives of the free energy is diagonal in the { I, U, B} reference frame. It results that the

amplitude modes are of purely birefringent and

biaxial types in the uniaxial nematic phases, with the respective eigen-values :

This last eigen-value g. allows a comparison to the Nu free-energy expansion (Eq. (4)) used in (Chap. 3) :

Calculating we deduce:

The coefficient ii undergoes therefore linear varia- tions with temperature, and vanishes at the Nb-Nu

transition (Eqs. (16)), as announced in § 3.1.

In the Nb phase (y2 = - B/2 C ), the matrix of the potentials (Eqs. (17)) is no longer diagonal (C # 0). Consequently, the amplitude modes are

no longer purely birefringent or biaxial. However, C vanishing at the transition as AT, the mixing of the birefringent and biaxial components begins slowly at

the transition, and the amplitude modes keep a

dominent character, birefringent or biaxial near the N.-Nb transition. To first-order in AT, their eigen-

values are respectively :

with a

A comparison with equations (18) immediately

shows that Àb and J.Lb are different from the values

A. and - u./2 that one would have expected at first sight. This is the consequence of the coupling factor

C. Let us notice also that, for vanishing AT, which makes B - 0, both J.Lu and J.Lb tend to zero, and that

Àb tends towards Àu =F- o. This confirms that the quasi-biaxial mode is critical at the transition whe-

reas the quasi-birefringent mode is not.



The average squar- ed amplitudes of the dominently birefringent and

biaxial modes are given by the equipartition of

energy to be respectively :

As a consequence of the « one-viscosity approxi-

mation » (§ 4.3), any fluctuation of the amplitude of

the order parameter Qa/3 relaxes with the same viscosity coefficient v. In other words, v is like an isotropic viscosity in the three-dimensional space of the amplitude fluctuations. This property remains valid when going from the orthonormal basis of this space {i, j, k} to another one : {I, U, B }, or equivalently to the orthonormal basis of the eigen-

vectors of the free-energy. v is therefore the viscosity

coefficient of both the amplitude modes (the birefrin-

gent and biaxial-like ones). Their relaxation time constants T are given respectively by :


TUDE MODES. - In the framework of classical


theory, the temperature variations of the viscosity

coefficient v may be supposed to be regular at the N.-Nb phase transition. The temperature depen-

dence of the amplitudes and time constants of the amplitude modes around the N.-Nb phase transition

comes therefore mainly from the temperature depen-

dence of the eigen-values A and A of the free energy.

In the Nu and Nb phases, and to zero-order in A T,

the temperature variations of the (quasi-biaxial)

critical mode are respectively given by :

temperature derivative of the birefringence in the N. phase at the transition, and by :

Eq. (16)) is the temperature derivative of the bire-

fringence in the Nb phase at the transition to the N.

phase. After a straightforward calculation, it reduces

to :

So, though /Lu and A b are not in the usual ratio - 2,

their temperature derivatives are (the compensation being exactly realized by the difference between the temperature derivatives of the birefringence in the Nu and N phases: dx I u and dx The quasi-

biaxial (critical) amplitude mode undergoes there-

fore temperature variations twice larger in the

biaxial nematic phase (ordered phase) than in the uniaxial (disordered) one (Fig. 4). This result is

classical [15]. It has already been given in refe-

rence [6] where the reduced order parameter C., is

Fig. 4.


Relaxation frequency of the critical quasi-

biaxial amplitude-mode versus temperature for two wave- vectors q1 (heavy line) and q2 = J2 q1. The Nu part is the

same as in figure 3a. The dashed lines give the non- hydrodynamical limit.

directly chosen for describing the N.-Nb transition,

and in reference [16] where the coupling factor C

between the purely birefringent and the purely

biaxial deformations seems to have been neglected.

A comparison between the temperature variations

of the quasi-birefringent (non-critical) mode from

both sides of the transition, may also be calculated :

In general, as verified from the expressions (12),

none of these factors are zero. The temperature variations of the quasi-birefringent (non-critical) amplitude mode should therefore change at the transition, as depicted in figure 5. This point is new.

It could not be predicted if using the reduced order-

parameter C.,, which measures the biaxial order only [6], or if crudely decoupling the two dimensions (birefringence and biaxiality) of the order parameter

(Eq. (33) of Ref. [16]).

Fig. 5.


Relaxation frequency of the non-critical quasi- birefringent amplitude-mode versus temperature with the

same representation as in figure 4.

5.6 AMPLITUDE MODES OF NON-ZERO WAVE-VEC- TOR. - The sample is now supposed to undergo

fluctuations of non-zero wave-vector q. The corres-

ponding elastic energy has to be added to the free energy (Eq. (11)) :

This isotropic term in the xy (birefringence-biaxia- lity) two-dimensional space, does not change the eigen-vectors of the free energy. It adds Kq2 to the eigen-values, which become A + Kq2 and u + Kq2,

and adds conse uentl Kq 2

to the relaxation fre uen-

and adds consequently q to the relaxation frequen-

v q


cies (Eqs. (22)) of the two amplitude modes (Figs. 4

and 5). Let us notice that the effect of a non-zero

wave-vector is more sensitive on the quasi-biaxial mode, because it introduces a limitation to its critical

slowing-down at the transition, than on the quasi- birefringent mode which keeps relaxation frequen-

cies of comparable order of magnitude (Fig. 5).

5.7 LIMITATIONS TO THE CLASSICAL MODEL. - The above calculations are developped within the frame work of classical theory (§ 2.1.1 and § 4.1). The

central parts of figures 4 and 5 around the transition have therefore to be rejected. First, is suppressed

the part (not indicated on the figures) which does

not obey to the Ginzburg criterium, i.e. such that

1 AT 1 åTG, Ate being the temperature difference between the Ginzburg crossover and the transition.

Second, is eliminated the non-hydrodynamical region defined by q03BE > 1, where 03BE = 03BE0 t 2013 !

region defined by q03BE > 1, where 03BE = 03BE0 T

is the correlation length of the order parameter.

The correlation length in the Nu phase being given by Ke -2 =,U, the non-hydrodynamical limit reads

Kq2 = .L. The non-hydrodynamical limit to the

critical amplitude mode in the Nu phase

(¿ = Kq2 + JL) corresponds therefore to :

T v

Its temperature variations are linear, twice larger

than the modes (dashed line in Fig. 4). In the Nb phase, the non-hydrodynamical limit of the critical mode (¿ = 2 :-) undergoes also linear

T v

temperature variations, but twice larger than in the

Nu phase, as the critical amplitude modes, because

the inverse susceptibility tk has a twice larger tempe-

rature dependence in the ordered phase than in the disordered one (Eq. (23)).

The non-hydrodynamical limits to the non-critical

amplitude modes in the Nu and Nb phases, is similarly given by :

It makes again linear variations with temperature, but not going to the origin (dashed lines in Fig. 5).

6. Orientational modes in the biaxial nematic phase.

6.1 TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS OF THE ORIENTA- TIONAL MODES. - As noticed in § 4.3, the orienta- tional modes in the Nb phase are fluctuations of rotation around the eigen-directions a, /3 and y.

They are of two kinds depending on whether the axis

of rotation is perpendicular or parallel to the

uniaxial director n of the considered Nu-Nb transi-

tion. The former case is trivial and corresporids to

the two uniaxial orientational modes which are not

concerned with the transition. They should therefore

exhibit regular variations with temperature across

the transition.

The other case where the axis of rotation y of the fluctuations is parallel to n, is more interesting,

because critical. The reference frame being chosen

along the average eigen-directions of Qap’ this

critical orientational mode corresponds to the off- diagonal fluctuations of C ao (a, f3 =F 1’). It

appears therefore to be the extension from the

Nu phase, of the off-diagonal mode already described

in § 3.3 (Fig. 2b). Its average squared amplitude diverges at the transition (from now on, the subscript

y is omitted in Ky and v -y) :

but its damping time ? follows less evident tempera-

ture variations (§ 4.3) :

v’ being the viscosity coefficient v corrected from the back-flow effects (§ 4.3). Let us examine the temperature variations of equation (25) in two typi-

cal examples.

6.2 PURE BIAXIAL TWIST MODE. - In this example,

q and the rotational axis y are chosen along the

uniaxial director n. This corresponds to the pure twist mode relative to the biaxial director m (as

defined in Ref. [17]) (Fig. 6a). In this configuration,

no back-flow can help to return back to equilibrium [8]. Consequently, in the twist mode, the viscosity

v’ is equal to v. v’ should therefore not depend critically on temperature, nor the relaxation time T of this pure biaxial twist mode (Fig. 6b), given by :

Fig. 6.


a) Twist mode relative to the biaxial director m

in the Nb phase. The order parameter, sketched as an ellipsis perpendicular to the uniaxial director n, oscillates around n. b) Relaxation frequency of the biaxial twist mode versus temperature. The critical orientational mode in the Nb phase is continued by the off-diagonal mode in

the Nu phase (Fig. 3b). Because no back-flow couples to

the twist mode, the associated viscosity v’ equals v in the Nu and Nb phases. The continued off-diagonal mode in the

Nu phase has therefore exceptionally the same relaxation

time as the diagonal mode (Fig. 3a).


6.3 PURE BIAXIAL m-BEND MODE. - In this exam-

ple, q is chosen perpendicular to the common

direction of the rotational axis y and of the uniaxial director n, but parallel to the average direction of the biaxial director m. This corresponds to the pure biaxial bend mode relative to the director m

(Fig. 7a). As mentioned above, back-flow effects

can reduce the viscosity coefficient v’ of this bend mode. Using the notations of reference [8], and taking the back-flow into account, the effective bend rotational viscosity vb is calculated to be [8] :

Fig. 7.


a) Bend mode relative to the biaxial director m

in the Nb phase. m oscillates about its average direction

parallel to q and perpendicular to the uniaxial director n.

b) Relaxation frequency of the biaxial bend mode versus

temperature. The orientational mode in the Nb phase is

continued by the off-diagonal mode in the Nu phase.

Because of the back-flow effects, the frequency relaxation

of this bend mode varies linearly with temperature in the

Nb phase, while its non-hydrodynamical limit varies qua-


Let us estimate the bend rotational viscosity vb in the case of a strong coupling between the director m and the shear flow. In this frozen-in

situation, the Miesowicz viscosities become simply [18] l1b - a3 and l1c - - a2. From the relation

y1= a3 - a2, we then estimate vb ~ l1b’ i. e. the bend rotational viscosity corrected from the back- flow effects, is of the order of magnitude of the

shear-flow viscosity. vb should therefore not criti-

cally depend on temperature in the strong coupling

case (Fig. 8).

The opposite case -of a complete decoupling

between m and the shear flow corresponds to a case

where no back-flow can help the relaxation of the bend mode. The rotational viscosity vb for the bend

mode remains then uncorrected, and equal to the

twist rotational viscosity v(y1 in the usual notation).

It depends now critically on temperature (§ 4.3) : vb = V - v I1T (Fig. 8).

The general case of the intermediate coupling

between m and the shear flow corresponds to a case

where the two above relaxation mechanisms do exist in parallel, and compete. The effective bend rotatio- nal viscosity is then smaller than both TJb and v, and

Fig. 8.


Temperature variations of the bend rotational

viscosity vb from the decoupling (Vb = 9 ) to the frozen- in (Vb = 1Jb) limits.

joins these values respectively far from and near to

the N.-Nb transition, where the two extreme relaxa- tion mechanisms dominate. In between, the effective bend rotational viscosity vb follows a crossover regime schematically represented in figure 8 by the

dashed line. The temperature behaviour of the relaxation frequency of the pure bend mode is

deduced, and represented in figure 7b. Far from the transition in the Nb phase, the frozen-in case domina-

tes, and the temperature variations of the relaxation

frequency may be approximated by :

This linear temperature dependence of the relaxation

frequency of the biaxial bend mode has been experi- mentally observed by Lacerda and Durand using light scattering spectroscopy [16]. Let us notice that its extrapolation to zero frequency gives an easy determination of the transition temperature Tc. On

the other side of the transition, in the Nu phase, the

biaxial bend mode becomes the off-diagonal mode

discussed in section 3. As shown in figure 7b, the

two modes do not coincide at the transition because

they undergo different viscosities in the Nu and Nb phases. On the biaxial side of the transition, the back-flow coupling vanishes, and vb - v (Fig. 8) so

that the bend mode joins the twist mode (Fig. 6b),

while in the Nu phase, the off-diagonal mode, keeping coupled to the back-flow, undergoes a lower viscosity ( v’ v ). However, there is no disconti- nuity at the transition in reality, because the above calculations, being developed within,ctassical theory,

are not valid very near to the transition, making the

central part of figure 7b to be discarded.

6.4 LIMITATIONS TO THE CLASSICAL MODEL. - The calculations of the relaxation modes of the order parameter at the Nu-Nb phase transition are develop-

ed within the classical theory (§ 2.1.1 and § 4.1). As

in § 5.7, the part around the transition in figures 6b

and 7b has to be eliminated from this study. A first

part, such that I åT I TG, has to be suppressed


because it does not satisfy the Ginzburg criterion.

The second part to be rejected is the non-hydrody-

namical region where qg > 1.

The non-hydrodynamical limit being characterized

by the relation Kq2 = ’a (§ 5.7), the limit of the critical orientational mode in the Nu phase (off- diagonal mode of ’aP) is given bY : / = 2 03BC . In

general, this limit is different from the limit of the critical amplitude mode (diagonal mode of but

in the particular case of the twist mode ( q//n ) , it is

the same : 1 - 2 A , because of the absence of the

T v

back-flow effects in this geometry (Fig. 6b).

The non-hydrodynamical limit of the critical orien- tational modes in the Nb phase depends more clearly

on the back-flow effects. The biaxial twist mode,

which involves no back-flows, relaxes with the

frequency 1 = q Kq2 (Eq. (26)), and has therefore its

T v ( ))

non-hydrodynamical limit at .! = IL. This limit

T v

undergoes linear variations with temperature, and because ii has twice larger temperature variations in the Nb phase than in the Nu phase, the two non- hydrodynamical limits in the Nu and Nb phases have

the same slope in figure 6b. The biaxial bend mode,

which on the other hand, involves back-flow effects,

relaxes with the frequency - 1 = Kq2 åT (Eq. (27)),

T 71 b

and has therefore a non-hydrodynamical limit:

which varies quadratically with temperature

(Fig. 7b).

7. Summary.

Let us now summarize the main results of this classical approach of the relaxation modes of the fluctuations of the order parameter in the vicinity of

the uniaxial to biaxial nematic phase transition.

Using polar coordinates in the appropriate reference frame, the 5 relaxation modes of the order parameter

Qa03B2 (for a given q wave-vector) are followed across

the Nu-Nb phase transition: 2 modes are amplitude (or diagonal) modes, and the 3 others are orientatio- nal (or off-diagonal) modes. As could be predicated

when using the reduced order parameter C.,, [6], 2

out of these 5 modes are critical : one amplitude

mode and one orientational mode. However, the use

of the reduced order parameter should be limited to the Nu phase where equation 19 is valid. In the Nb phase, the use of C,,,, is misleading, and masks the

mixing of the biaxiality and birefringence compo- nents of Q,,o in the amplitude modes. The critical

amplitude mode (Fig. 4) is therefore quasi-biaxial

instead of being purely biaxial. Though the problem

is greatly simplified by using the « one-constant

approximation » on both the elastic and viscosity

constants, the temperature behaviour of the critical orientational mode is complicated by the occurrence

of back-flow effects which depend on the q-direction (Figs. 6 and 7). Among the 3 non-critical modes, one

is the quasi-birefringent amplitude mode which,

because of its interaction to the quasi-biaxial ampli-

tude mode, should present a break in its temperature

variations (Fig. 5) ; the two other modes are the two non-critical orientational modes. The relaxation fre-

quencies of these non-critical orientational modes do not vary at the Nu-Nb phase transition. They are :

where v’ stands for v corrected for non-critical back- flow effects.

As discussed in § 5.7 and § 6.4, the classical approach is limited by the Ginzburg crossover, i.e. is restricted to temperatures farther from the transition

than A To. Specific heat measurements are lacking to

estimate ATG, but from the analysis of the tempera-

ture variations of the order parameter [9] and of the

critical slowing-down of the biaxiality fluctuations

[6] at the Nd-Nb phase transition in the typical system of K-laurate, decanol, D20, it appears that åTG is

smaller than the temperature resolution of these

experiments, i.e. åTG 0.05 K. On the other hand,

this system is shown in reference [10] to behave critically below 0.03 K from the transition. We may therefore estimate 4TG in the range 0.03-0.05 K,

may be slightly depending on the sample composi-


The non-hydrodynamical region ( q > 1) cannot

also be described within the classical model. For a

typical q - 1W cm-1, and taking 60 = 10-6 cm from

the light scattering measurements at the Nd-Nb phase

transition [6], we estimate the temperature range of the non-hydrodynamical region to be AT -- 0.03 K.

This value, as the Ginzburg temperature, falls inside

the temperature resolution of the light scattering experiments, so that the classical model developed

here is adapted for describing the available q-depen-

dent data at the Nu-Nb phase transition [6, 18].

The comparison to the preliminary experimental

results,is interesting. The temperature behaviour of the biaxial bend mode around the Nb-Nu phase

transition as depicted in figure 7b, is in good agree-

ment with .the experimental results reported in the figure 5 of reference [16], except for the transition temperature which for unclear reasons seems to have been chosen at the intercept of the uniaxial

mode to the temperature axis. The existence of the

crossover between the frozen-in and the decoupled

back-flow regimes, which deviates the biaxial modes from going to the origin in figure 7b, has also not yet been observed. More experiments would be neces-

sary to confirm this point. At the same time, it would

be interesting to study the temperature behaviour of

the biaxial twist mode, and to compare it with


figure 6b. These two measurements would provide a good test of the back-flow effects in the Nb phase.

We are very grateful to G. Durand for helpful



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