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Order and micellar density fluctuations in the biaxial, uniaxial (Nc and ND), and isotropic phases of a lyotropic nematic liquid crystal studied by light beating spectroscopy


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Order and micellar density fluctuations in the biaxial, uniaxial (Nc and ND), and isotropic phases of a

lyotropic nematic liquid crystal studied by light beating spectroscopy

M. B. Lacerda Santos, Geoffroy Durand

To cite this version:

M. B. Lacerda Santos, Geoffroy Durand. Order and micellar density fluctuations in the biaxial, uniaxial (Nc and ND), and isotropic phases of a lyotropic nematic liquid crystal studied by light beating spectroscopy. Journal de Physique, 1986, 47 (3), pp.529-547. �10.1051/jphys:01986004703052900�.



Order and micellar density fluctuations in the biaxial, uniaxial (Nc and ND),

and isotropic phases of a lyotropic nematic liquid crystal studied by light beating spectroscopy

M. B. Lacerda Santos (*) and G. Durand

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Bât. 510, Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

(Reçu le 19 aout 1985, accepte le 15 novembre 1985)

Résumé. 2014 Nous avons réalisé des mesures de diffusion de lumière (Rayleigh) pour étudier la dynamique des

fluctuations thermiques dans les phases nématiques uniaxe et biaxe d’un cristal liquide lyotrope. Le paramètre

d’ordre nématique biaxe a été défini par de Gennes comme un tenseur d’ordre 2, symétrique, à trace nulle. La dynamique des fluctuations du paramètre d’ordre prédit 5 modes normaux : 2 sont associés aux fluctuations de module des paramètres d’ordre uniaxe et biaxe (modes scalaires) : 3 sont associés aux petites rotations rigides de l’ellipsoide représentant le tenseur autour des axes principaux (modes orientationnels). Nous avons estimé, en

utilisant le formalisme de Landau-Khalatnikov, les dépendances en température des taux de relaxation associés aux

5 modes, pour les phases uniaxe et biaxe. Nous présentons des données du taux de relaxation obtenues en lumière diffusée polarisée et dépolarisée dans les phases biaxe, uniaxe Nc, uniaxe ND (Nc 2014 biréfringence négative; ND biréfringence positive), et isotrope du système lyotrope nématique K-laurate, décanol, D2O. Nous avons identifié

chacun des 5 modes prévus associés aux fluctuations du paramètre d’ordre. Notamment, nous présentons la démons-

tration expérimentale du nouveau mode orientationnel associé aux rotations du directeur biaxe et l’observation des fluctuations associées au module du paramètre d’ordre uniaxe et biaxe dans les phases ordonnées. En plus des

7 modes, nous avons trouvé un nouveau mode scalaire en diffusion polarisée. Ce mode lent est attribué provi-

soirement aux fluctuations de densité micellaire.

Abstract. 2014 We have performed Rayleigh scattering measurements to study thermally excited fluctuations in a

lyotropic nematic liquid crystal system exhibiting uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases. The biaxial nematic order parameter has been defined by de Gennes as a symmetric, traceless, 2nd rank tensor. The dynamics of the order parameter fluctuations predicts 5 normal modes : 2 are associated to the fluctuations in the (uniaxial and biaxial) magnitudes of the order (scalar modes); 3 are associated to the small rigid rotations of the order parameter ellipsoid,

around its principal axes (orientational modes). Using a Landau-Khalatnikov formalism we have estimated the temperature dependence of the relaxation rates for these 5 modes, valid for the uniaxial and biaxial phases. We

present relaxation rate data obtained from polarized and depolarized Rayleigh scattering in the biaxial, uniaxial Nc, uniaxial ND (Nc-negative birefringence; ND-positive birefringence), and isotropic phases of the K-laurate, decanol, D2O lyotropic nematic system. We have identified the 5 expected modes arising from the order parameter fluctuations. In particular, we present the experimental demonstration of the new orientational mode associated to the rotations of the biaxial « director », and the observation, in ordered phases, of the magnitude fluctuations of the uniaxial and biaxial order parameter. In addition to the 5 modes, we have found a new scalar mode in pola-

rized scattering. This slow mode is tentatively attributed to fluctuations in micellar concentration.


Physics Abstracts

64.70E - 61.30E - 78.35

1. Introduction.

Liquid crystals are intermediate states of condensed matter that may occur between a solid crystal and

a completely isotropic liquid Among them, the nematic state is the simplest one, as it exibits orien-

tational order only. This order shows no polar cha-

racter. As pointed out by de Gennes [1], the natural way to describe the macroscopic order in a liquid crystal is via a 2nd rank symmetric traceless tensor.

In many cases of interest, the liquid crystal order is subjected to important fluctuations originated from

thermal excitation. Rayleigh light scattering has

shown to be a useful tool to study fluctuations in

liquid crystals, as the light waves couple directly

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01986004703052900


with the order parameter fluctuations via the optical

dielectric tensor. Such studies in thermotropic liquid crystals started more than fifteen years ago [1].

More recently, these studies have been focused on new materials presenting liquid crystal order, e.g.,

polymer mesophases [2], and lyotropic liquid crystals [3, 4], with which we are concerned here.

Differently from thermotropics, which are consti-

tuted of one single kind of molecule (more or less rigid, anisotropic), lyotropics are made by dispersing

surfactant (soap) molecules in water. Such molecules have an amphiphilic character, that is, they show one hydrophiphilic polar head and one hydrophobic (flexible carbon chain) part. When brought in contact

with water the amphiphilic molecules tend to form aggregates that accomplish the spatial segregation [5]

between polar (water) and non-polar (paraffinic)

media. The topological properties of the (polar head built) interface [6] between these two media are

strongly influenced by the amount of water available, resulting in the wide variety of phases displayed by lyotropic systems. Though the phase diagrams

differ for each particular system, the following general

features are commonly observed [7] : in the amphi- philic-concentrated region we find the viscous bire- fringent phases that result from the formation of infinite aggregates, e.g, lamellae (or bilayer), etc.

On the other hand, in the dilute region we find the isotropic solutions of micelles, that is, aggregates of limited sizes. Bilayers, micelles, etc. have in common

the shorter dimension of approximately twice the length of the amphiphile [8]. Anisotropic solutions

without long range positional order, i.e., lyotropic

nematics [9], can occur in the concentration region

intermediate to these extremes, if non-spherical

micelles are present. Magnetic [10] and structural studies [11] have established the existence of two types of uniaxial nematic phases classified as « cylindrical » (Nc) and « discotic » (ND), according to whether

the optical axis (or « director »), n orients parallel

or perpendicular to the external magnetic field H.

Birefringence studies [12] indicate that the amphi- philic molecules tend to align parallel to the optical

axis in the Nc phase (An > 0) while they align rather perpendicular to the optical axis in the ND phase (An 0). In between these negative and positive

uniaxial phases, Yu and Saupe [13] discovered a

biaxial nematic phase (Nbx) in the K-laurate, decanol, D20 lyotropic system. The observed normal sequence of phases apart from reentrance phenomena [13]

is the following (arrows in the sense of increasing temperature) : Isotropic (I) - ND --+ Nbx -+ Nc I.

Recent high-resolution synchrotron X-ray studies [14]

have shown that the ND -+ Nbx -+ Nc 2nd order [15,16]

phase transitions can be understood as being pure order-disorder phase transitions of biaxial shaped objects. According to this view, no important change

in the shape of the micelles should happen at these


Pretransitional phenomena near an order-disorder

phase transition may include diverging fluctuations that induce a diverging intensity of scattered light (analogous to the critical opalescence in a pure fluid [17]) as well as, from the dynamical point of view, a critical slowing down of the thermal fluctua- tions. In the case of the nematic to isotropic (N-I) phase transition such effects are associated to the fluctuations of the (uniaxial) order parameter around its equilibrium zero value, and have been studied

long ago [18] in the isotropic phase of thermotropic

nematics. Recently the divergence of the scattered

intensity from uniaxial fluctuations has been observed in the isotropic phase of a lyotropic system in the vicinity of the ND phase [3, 19]. However, due to the

first order character of the N-I transition, these critical fluctuations do not really diverge. In close analogy,

there should also exist [20] biaxiality fluctuations,

in uniaxial nematic phases. Such fluctuations tend to

destroy the revolution symmetry around the director.

They have never been observed in thermotropics.

The occurrence of the biaxial nematic phase in lyo- tropics opened the possibility [21] to observe biaxiality

fluctuations as a pretransitional effect in one neighbour

uniaxial phase, « disordered » with respect to the biaxial ordered phase. The first experimental evidence of biaxiality fluctuations has been the observation [22]

of a critical opalescence near the ND -> Nbx and Nbx ->

Nc phase transitions. The associated critical slowing

down of biaxiality fluctuations has been recently

demonstrated by Lacerda Santos, Galeme, and

Durand [4] in the ND phase near the Nbx phase of the K-laurate, decanol, D20 system. In this paper we present the first Rayleigh scattering study focusing

on both the uniaxial and the biaxial phases, in the

same system. To analyse the data we recall that the tensorial order parameter introduced by de Gennes [23]

takes five independent variables to be completely specified [24], yielding to five normal modes in the

fluctuating part of the free energy. We present here the first estimate of the temperature dependence

of the intensity associated to the five fluctuation modes in presence of the biaxial phase. We do this

in a simplified way by working out the fluctuations

near the equilibrium defined by a specific Landau-

model [15, 16] allowing for the biaxial phase. Next, using a Landau-Khalatnikov [25] formalism we derive

the temperature dependence of the relaxation rates

associated to the 5 modes. Among the five modes,

two are scalar » modes, associated to the fluctuations in the magnitude of, respectively the uniaxial and the biaxial order parameters. The other three are orienta- tional » modes associated to the small rigid rotations

of the order parameter ellipsoid Among the latter

three modes, two are the well known [1] ] uniaxial

« director » fluctuation modes, recently extended to lyotropics [3, 27]. Here we present the first observa- tion of the mode due to the rotations of the « biaxial director ».


To our knowledge, scalar modes have never been

reported in the ordered (non-isotropic) phases of

nematic systems, except in the previous work, refe-

rence [4]. Here we present relaxation rate data, that

for the first time show fluctuations in the magnitude

of the uniaxial order parameter in the nematic side.

We also present preliminary relaxation data in the

isotropic phase of our lyotropic system. These measure-

ments could be obtained from low frequency light beating techniques because of the exceptionally weak

first-order character of the N-I transition, which is

known to be caused [26] by the existence of the biaxial

phase. Completing the characterization of the scalar

ordering fluctuation modes we present the critical

slowing down effect on the biaxiality fluctuation as

the Nbx phase is approached from the Nc (first pre-

sentation) and ND sides as well as the data of this mode in the biaxial phase itself.

Finally, an unpredicted supplementary mode has

been found This low relaxation rate mode can be

explained by the fluctuation in the density of the

micelles at constant density of amphiphiles, that is,

the mechanism of creation and destruction of micelles [42]. These micella density fluctuations also affect the anisotropic part of the dielectric tensor

(the « norm » of the order parameter), although they give no effect on the isotropic part

The plan of the article is the following. In section 2 .1

a qualitative discussion of the expected order para- meter five modes is given, as well as a brief recall of the light beating methods for measuring relaxation

rates. The Landau model describing the equilibrium properties of nematic systems allowing for a biaxial phase [15, 16] is reviewed in section 2.2. Next, in section 2.3, we present simplified calculations of the

fluctuations, using the Landau-Khalatnikov forma- lism in deriving the dynamics.

This allows us to estimate the temperature depen-

dence of the expected 5 modes. In section 3 we describe

the experimental techniques. Finally, in section 4

we present and discuss our light scattering data in

addition with the simple model proposed to explain

the extra (6th) mode from micella density fluctuations.

2. TheoreticaL

2.1 INTRODUCTION. - It is well known [28] that

when light is propagating with a wave-vector k;

through a homogeneous dense medium, the scattering

of light in the direction specified by k f is caused by

the thermally excited fluctuations of the dielectric tensor E which have spatial dependence as exp(iq . r),

where q = kf - k;, r defining the spatial position.

For a nematic liquid crystal we can [23] decomposf

into a sum of two terms :

Here the first term contains the isotropic part of the dielectric tensor while all its anisotropic parts are

in the second term. Fluctuations of 81

= 1/3

1 t E are associated to density fluctuations [28] and are of

little interest in liquid crystals [1]. The important piece in the (anisotropic) second term of equation (1)

is the traceless tensor Q, called the tensor order para- meter. In fact Q can be defined [23] macroscopically by equation (1), the coefficient E. being related to

the anisotropies for a completely ordered sample [24, 18]. As pointed out by de Gennes [23] this definition of the order parameter covers both uniaxial and biaxial nematics. For an oriented sample the undistorted state can be represented, in the appropriate coordinate

system x, y, z, by the diagonal form of Q :

Here P is a measure of the degree of biaxiality of the sample. In the uniaxial nematic phases P = 0, and the order is described by a single number, e.g., S, in case that the optical axis is chosen along the z axis.

S should be proportional to the conventional order parameter [1] defined on molecular basis (see next section), provided the molecular anisotropies super- pose in a simple additive way. In the case of lyotropics

the weak birefringence ( ~ 2 x 10- 3) allows us to

use the dielectric tensor in this context [29].

In the presence of fluctuations, Q can always be diagonalized in a reference frame rotated with respect

to the laboratory axes. Keeping the laboratory frame representation, at a given time, must now be written

in a general non-diagonal form. Note that a biaxial

(symmetric) traceless tensor takes five independent

variables to be completely specified [24]. It follows that, in a system with a tendency to undergo a biaxial phase transition, the order parameter fluctuations must split into five normal modes. To learn more

about these modes, at thermal equilibrium, we write

down the Landau-de Gennes [23] expansion of the

free energy density in terms of the order parameter invariants, in the general form,

where summation over repeated indices is implied, and 0 .. = ð/ðxa. From equation (3), the change in

free energy associated with fluctuations in volume V is obtained as


Note that by taking the Fourier transforms of the Q elements,

6F can be expressed as a sum of q components, which is useful in the presence of gradient terms. The analysis of the fluctuating modes is simpler in the isotropic phase where all the equilibrium values

vanish and the terms of orders higher than Q2 can be neglected Let us take q, along the z-axis. It results that the following set of five independent variables,


diagonalizes the Landau-de Gennes free energy in the isotropic phase, as shown by Stinson, Litster, and Clark [18]. A similar set of normal modes appears in a microscopic (mean field) model by Blinc, Lugomer,

and Zeks [20], when applied to one uniaxial nematic

phase oriented along z: As is usual [1], let us specify

the preferred direction of the uniaxial nematic sample by a unit vector n, called « director ». Then, the first

two modes from (6) (sketched in Fig. 1 (a, b)) represent only changes in the magnitude of the order parameter (i.e., its eigenvalues) and are thus called « scalar

Fig. 1. - Scalar modes ðO (biaxiality fluctuations) and 65 (uniaxiality fluctuations) in the uniaxial nematic phases;

Nc (a and b), and ND (c and d), oriented accordingly to the

text. (Obs : the sign of An was not taken into account in the


modes : QZZ represents a change in the magnitude

of the z axis of the order parameter ellipsoid, which

is compensated by opposite changes in the x and y

axes. It is a « uniaxial » mode. 6(Qxx - Qyy), on the

other hand, represents a change in the plane trans-

verse to the z-axis, the magnitude of the latter being kept constant. This mode tends to destroy the sym- metry of revolution around z and thus is called

« biaxial » mode. The other three modes are asso-

ciated to the off-diagonal tensor elements. In the example, 6Qx,, and ðQvz are dominated by rigid rota-

tions of the ellipsoid axis, or, equivalently, of the

director n, respectively around the x and y axes (Fig. 2(a)), which cost few energy [1]. These « orienta-

tional » modes of uniaxial nematics have been known for a long time for thermotropics [30, 1], and more recently also for lyotropics [3, 4, 27]. The fluctuations

on Qxy (see Fig.1(a)), on the other hand, are equivalent

to those (scalar) on (Qxx - Qyy), being related by a

450 rotation of the x and y axes in the transverse plane.

These biaxiality >> fluctuations become important

when the biaxial phase is approached (pre-transitional effect), as it has been theoretically predicted [21] and experimentally verified [4]. Now, what happens with bqxy when the biaxial phase is reached ? Assuming

that the biaxial phase is oriented along the principal

axes, it is natural to expect that bQxy becomes domi-

Fig. 2. - Orientational modes in uniaxial (a : Nc ; c : ND)

and biaxial nematic phases (b, d). The two representations

of the biaxial orientational mode refer’to how it appears both (b) near the Nbx - N, and (d) near the Nbx - ND phase transitions.


nated, in its turn, by the new orientational mode

arising from the rigid rotations of the ellipsoid

around z (Fig. 2(b)). As the revolution symmetry in the x-y plane is now broken, let us introduce a new

director m taken along one of the principal directions

in this plane, say y. The « biaxial orientational mode »

can now be associated to the small in-plane rotations

of m (Obs : the triad of orthogonal vectors cha- racterizing the undistorted state of the biaxial nematic

can be completed accordingly by, I = m x n [31]).

Obviously, the three orientational modes correspond,

at a given time, to the rotations which bring the laboratory frame axes along the fluctuating eigen-axes.

Once the normal modes are found, the equipar-

tition theorem can be applied to calculate the mean

squared fluctuations at thermal equilibrium, as done

in reference [18] for the isotropic phase. We shall

present the extension of this calculation for the biaxial

phase in section (2. C). As Q and E are linked by equation (1), light waves are directly coupled to the

order parameter. The fluctuations

o i -W

will then

produce Rayleigh scattering in the material. As stated,

when the sample is illuminated with an incident laser been along ki the light scattered in a given direc- tion, along kf, results from the particular Fourier

component bsif(q) of the fluctuations in the dielectric tensor whose wave-vector q = k f - k;. Here, the subscripts i and f denote the unit vectors i and f specifying respectively, the polarizations of the incident

and the scattered wave fronts. That is, the fluctuating

component of the dielectric tensor,

couples the incident optical electric held, Ei i, to the

scattered field, Ef f. To observe the resulting temporal

fluctuations in Ef the scattered beam is focused on

the photocathode of a photomultiplier (PM) tube (a square-law detector). The output current i(t)

of the PM is then sent to a correlator that analyses

the corresponding fluctuations.

Two regimes of detection have to be distinguished, leading to different interpretations of the measured autocorrelation function. We briefly review the main results concerning these two regimes, referring the reader, for more details, to the specialized litera-

ture [32, 33]. In the homodyne (or self-beat) regime only the scattered light arising from the fluctuating

processes impinges on the photocathode. Calling E.

this « signal » scattered field, the autocorrelation function ( i(O) i(t) > ( ... > meaning time average), describing the fluctuations in the photocurrent i(t),

will be proportional to the « homodyne correlation function » [32],

that is,

where is = 1 Es{t) 12 ), and a is a constant related

to the efficiency of the PM tube. In the « heterodyne » regime, on the other hand, a small portion of the

unshifted laser light is mixed with the fluctuating

field signal Es, providing a local oscillator field E10

that beats with E. on the photocathode surface.

Only the slow time varying (and dc.) terms contribute

for the photocurrent autocorrelation function, which is now given by [32]

where i10 = I E10 12), and gl(t), that intervenes

in the light beating term, is the « heterodyne corre-

lation function » given by,

Where the proportionality coefficient I, groups the

physical parameters characterizing the light scattering experiment, all being time independent quantities.

For t = 0,

is the scattered intensity.

Note that when the amplitude of the local oscillator is much greater than the signal amplitude, i.e., when 1 E10 I >> 1 Es I, the homodyne contribution is g2 in

equation (9) can be neglected We mention that [32],

as far as Es can be considered as a random Gaussian

variable, the following relation between the cor-

relation functions gl and g2 holds :

The main consequence of (12) is that, for a one- exponential relaxation process, the homodyne cor-

relation function is still exponential but with a half

relaxation time compared with the heterodyne cor-

relation function.

Considering again the connection between c and Q,

we note from equation (1) that, whenever the fluc- tuations on 81 (isotropic part) can be neglected, the

whole time dependence of the scattering amplitude beif(q, t) comes from the order parameter fluctuations,

that is,

Coming back to equation (7), two types of light scattering are to be retained : one « depolarized »

with il f, arising from fluctuations in the off-diagonal

components ofit The other, « polarized » scattering,

can be made only due to the diagonal fluctuations

of E if we put *1//i. With these arrangements, from equation (13) it can be seen that orientational modes will appear only on depolarized scattering while


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