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Theoretical and experimental study of the static behaviour of a nematic liquid crystal near the Freedericksz transition


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1984

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Theoretical and experimental study of the static behaviour of a nematic liquid crystal near the

Freedericksz transition

C. Oldano, E. Miraldi, P. Taverna Valabrega

To cite this version:

C. Oldano, E. Miraldi, P. Taverna Valabrega. Theoretical and experimental study of the static be-

haviour of a nematic liquid crystal near the Freedericksz transition. Journal de Physique, 1984, 45

(4), pp.755-759. �10.1051/jphys:01984004504075500�. �jpa-00209807�


Theoretical and experimental study of the static behaviour of a nematic liquid crystal near the Freedericksz transition

C. Oldano (*), E. Miraldi and P. Taverna Valabrega

Dipartimento di Fisica del Politecnico, 10129 Torino, Italy

(*) Gruppo Nazionale Struttura della Materia del C.N.R., U.R. 24, Italy

(Reçu le 27 juillet 1983, révisé le 20 octobre, accepté le 30 novembre 1983 )



Nous étudions la déformation statique d’un film nématique homéotrope


voisinage de la transition de Freedericksz en fonction de l’intensité et de la direction du champ magnétique. Nous montrons qu’une tech- nique interférométrique


incidence oblique permet de contrôler l’orthogonalité du champ magnétique et du

directeur avec


précision de 0,01 degré et d’éliminer pratiquement cette source d’erreur dans les



champ critique.



We discuss the static distortion of


homeotropic nematic film in the neighbourhood of the Free-

dericksz transition as


function of the strength and of the direction of the magnetic field. We show that an inter- ferometric technique at oblique incidence allows the orthogonality between the magnetic field and the liquid crystal director to be checked with an accuracy of the order of 0.01 degrees, and allows this source of


in the measurements of the critical field to be practically eliminated.

Classification Physics Abstracts 61.30G

1. Introduction

In a preceding paper [1] an optical technique has

been described, which allows very accurate measure- ments to be made of the director profile of a nematic liquid crystal under the distorting effects of externally applied electric or magnetic fields. The technique is

based on the interference effect between ordinary

and extraordinary rays propagating in a liquid crystal sample placed between crossed polarizers, making

an angle of x/4 with respect to the incidence plane.

The use of an oblique geometric arrangement provides

both an increase of the sensitivity of the method and

the possibility of evidencing the existence of statio- nary points in the light intensity curves, which permits

very accurate measurements of some physical quan- tities involved in the distortion process.

In the present paper, this technique will be applied

to the study of the Freedericksz transition in a nematic

liquid crystal.

This transition has been actually widely studied using several methods. It will be shown here that the interferometric method in oblique geometry, pre-

sently proposed, yields results which are much more

accurate and clear than the previously published ones.

In particular, it allows to check, with great accuracy, the orthogonality between the magnetic field and the

liquid crystal director, which is a common source

of error in the measurement of the critical field Hc.

In section 2 it is shown that the study of the direc- tor?s distortions in the proximity of the Freedericksz transition can be performed on the basis of an appro- ximate expression similar to that used by Landau for

a 2nd order phase transition in the presence of an external field This expression is used to calculate

the effect, on the evaluation of the critical field H,,

of a small mismatch angle between the magnetic field

and the normal to the crystal director.

In addition it is shown that an accurate measure- ment of Hc can be obtained even in the presence of a mismatch angle by means of measurements of ’ I vs.

H with a best fit proGedure.

Furthermore, in the case of a splay + bend defor- mation, it is possible, by using a suitable tilted field,

to find both the elastic constants K11 and K33.

Finally, in section 3, we report experimental results relating to MBBA nematic liquid crystals homeotro- pically aligned, which are in extremely good agree- ment with the computed values.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01984004504075500



2. Theoretical discussion.

The free energy for unit surface of an homeotropi- cally aligned liquid crystal in the presence of a magne- tic field H, making an angle OH


x/2 + EH with respect to a z axis perpendicular to the boundary surfaces, is given by

where D is the thickness of the sample, xa is the magne-

tic anisotropy, 0(z) is the angle between the liquid crystal director and the normal to the sample surfaces

in any given point and q is equal to (K I I -K 3 3)/K 3 31 K11 and K33 being the elastic constants of splay and

bend respectively.

The case where OH


x/2 has already been widely

studied [2, 3]. The usual approximation near the criti-

cal field He consists in assuming that 0(z) is a sinusoidal

function. With this assumption (1) gives for the free energy an expression similar to the Landau expan- sion in the neighbourhood of a 2nd order transition.

The amplitude Om of this sinusoidal function plays

the role of the order parameter.

A suitable extension of this method to the case

where BH is slightly different from x/2 consists in

assuming that

If strong anchoring is assumed, one gets 00


EH, k


(x + 2 EH/Bm,)/D (see Appendix) and :


In these equations Hc


n(K33jXa)1/2/D is the Free-

dericksz transition critical field.

We recognize in (3) a Landau expansion in the

presence of an external field [4]. The quantity ’EH


On - n/2 plays the role of the external field

The accuracy obtained by using this approximation

is discussed in the Appendix.

By putting dF/d0m


0, we get :

In figure 1 the real solutions of (5) vs. H/Hc, for diffe-

rent sH values, are shown. If EH


0 one obtains the

curve corresponding to the Freedericksz transition : for H H,, 0.


0 is the unique real solution, while for H > Hc, there are two stable solutions, symmetrical

relative to the abscissa axis. If SH =A 0, that is if the field is tilted with respect to the normal to the undis-

Fig. 1.


Plots of the distortion angle 6m


H/Hc. The

curves a, b, c, d, have been calculated with sH


0, n/1 000, n1180, n/90 respectively, and with KI1/Xa


4.6, K33/Xa = 7.3 (c.g.s. units). The dashed


f is the locus of the points

where the free energy




flexus with horizontal tangent. In the insert the Bm


HI Hc plots corresponding

to the upper

curves are


torted director, the Freedericksz transition does not occur.

Three curves corresponding to different values of SH are plotted. Each curve is constituted by two bran- ches, corresponding to values of Om having opposite sign. The upper branches, which correspond to the

absolute minimum of the free energy, describes the behaviour of 6m when H is increased without changing

its direction. The second branches correspond to the

condition obtained when the field is initially tilted

in the opposite direction and afterwards rotated to obtain the same value of EH by keeping its modulus

constant. The dashed curve f separates the two zones where stable solutions of the second kind exist or do not exist, and corresponds to the locus of the points

where the free energy curve has a flexus with horizon- tal tangent.

The Freedericksz transition can be used to deter- mine the elastic constants through a measure of Hc.

If methods sensitive to 0’ are used, as for instance

capacitive methods or interferometric methods with

light at normal incidence [5], rather large errors can

be easily made. In the insert of figure 1, 02m values

vs. Hj Hc, for several values of SH are reported From

this insert the occurrence of such errors can be easily

understood, by taking into account the fact that the

behaviour of the 02 vs. H curves for :0 0 can be


distinguished, from that corresponding to EH


0, only through the deviations from linearity observed

at small Om values. Our calculations show that an error of about 0.5 deg. in the field alignment, which is a quite reasonable estimate for methods sensitive to

0’ [6], gives rise to an error of about 2 % in H,. The

interferometric method in oblique geometry, proposed

in the present paper, allows a very good check of the conditions of orthogonality between H and,the liquid crystal director to be made. Let us consider the situa- tion described in [1] where the magnetic field H and the nematic crystal director lie in the light incidence plane. The relative light intensity Ij 10 transmitted

through the sample, held between two crossed pola-

rizers making an angle of n/4 with respect to the inci- dence plane, is given by :

where L1 is the phase difference between ordinary and extraordinary rays outside the sample. We recall that

where Ko


2 nIA, O is the incidence lightangle and 00

is the ordinary refraction angle. The extraordinary

refraction angle Oe(z) is given by

where D 2(z)


sin2 Ø(z)jn; + COS2 Ø(z)jnõ, and no

and ne are the ordinary and extraordinary refrac-

tion indices respectively.

The 0(z) function appearing in (8) can be evaluated

through the approximate expression (5) only for small

values of both Om and sH5 i.e. in close proximity of

the critical point However the following plots of Ij 10 vs. H are generally extended beyond the region

of validity of approximation (5). As a consequence, in these cases, 0(z) has been calculated numerically starting from (A . 6).

In figure 2a, 2b, 2c the curves representing the intensity I/Io vs. H for different values of EH are report- ed These curves correspond to the upper ones of

figure 1. They show how sensitive is this method in

checking the orthogonality condition : a deviation of 0.01 deg. is in this case easily evidenced Furthermore, contrary to the methods sensitive to 02 it is now possible to evidence also the sign of the deviation with respect to orthogonality, as figure 2d, having an

CH opposite to that of figure 2b, shows.

Incidentally we notice that the broad maximum with I/I0 1, occurring in all the curves corresponds

to an extremal point of the phase difference.

Fig. 2.


Calculated intensity of the transmitted light 1110


H with


incidence angle 0; = 80°, with



of the liquid crystal D


20 gm, (ns - no)


0.225 and the

following values of EH : a) 7c/l 000, b) (n/2)


10-4, c) 0, d) - (n/2)



3. Experimental results.

The calculations of the transmitted light intensity, given in the preceding section, have been experimen- tally verified on a homeotropically aligned sample of

MBBA. The sample had a thickness D


109 ± 1 gm and the measuring apparatus was the same as des- cribed in references [7, 8]. The sample was kept at

23 ± 0.5 °C. The rather large thickness of the sample

was chosen to reduce errors, if strong anchoring

conditions are not met This also further enhances the sensitivity of the interferometric method.

In figures 3a and 3b, experimental results concern- ing different values of 0 H are compared with the theo- retical curves calculated by using the K11, K33 and

An values obtained for the same specimen in a pre- vious experiment [1]. Namely On


0.225, KIIjXa


4.6, K33/Xa


7.3 (C.G.S. units). It is seen that the

agreement is exceptionally good for the whole curve.

In figure 4 results concerning geometrical condi-

tions very near to orthogonality are reported By comparing these results with the theoretical curve, in which OH


89.99o with the other quantities the

same of figure 3, it can be, concluded that in the experi-

ment the deviation angle BH was smaller than 0.01 °.

The incidence angle O¡ was chosen to obtain the maximum sensitivity in the curve I/Io vs. H for

H Hc. The value of H, corresponds to the maximum



Fig. 3.


Intensity of the transmitted light I/I0


H through


homeotropic MBBA sample for Oi


44° 20’ and D


109 pm. The values of EH

are :

a) 1 ° 30’, b) 3°. The points represent the experimental values, the full lines the

computed values.

Fig. 4.


Experimental points of the relative light intensity III,


H for the same MBBA sample


in figure 3, with



42° 45’. Full line represents the theoretical curve

calculated with c,




10-4. The values of the other parameters


the same of figure 3.

value of H, above which the light intensity I becomes

unstable because of the close packing of the inter- ference fringes.

We estimate for the reported KiilXa values an error

of the order of 2 : 3 %. This error is mostly due to

the uncertainty in the measurements of the sample


4. Conclusions.

A new technique for studying the Freedericksz tran- sition by interferometric methods in oblique geome-

try is described.

The use of the Freedericksz transition to determine the elastic constants characterizing a nematic liquid crystal is limited by the difficulty of verifying the orthogonality between magnetic field and liquid crystal director in the undistorted conditions. Actually

small deviation angles give in general rather large

errors in the evaluation of the critical field Hc. Con-

ventional methods, based on capacitance measure-

ments or interferometry with normal incident light,

which are sensitive to em, easily give errors of the

order of 0.5°, while with the technique proposed in

the present paper a deviation angle down to 0.01 °

is easily detected. This allows to practically elimi-

nate this source of error.

Another important point of this technique is the

fact that, in an oblique geometry optical arrangement, stationary points appear in the Ij 10 vs. H curves.

As discussed in a separate paper, these points can

be related to the ratio K11/K33, and thus allow a

further elastic constant on the same specimen to be

measured with great accuracy.


In this Appendix we discuss the problem of the best choice of the parameters 60, Om and k appearing in (2),

under the boundary condition

Instead of using a variational method involving all

these three parameters (which gives rise to rather complicated expressions), we prefer to derive an approximate expression for 00 and k on the basis

of more intuitive arguments. A variational method is then applied to obtain only the quantity Om.

In performing these calculations, we were guided by a simple mechanical analogy. In fact when ’1



the expression within the integral appearing in (1) corresponds to the Lagrangian function of a simple pendulum whose oscillation angle 0(t) is identified

with the quantity 2 9(z). Furthermore the term con-

taining q, which is of the order of 0’, has a small

influence near the critical point, where CH and 0(z)

are also small, and cannot greatly change the pendu-

lum-like solutions.

We first consider the case of EH


0, which has already been discussed in [2], where a sinusoidal

solution is assumed, which corresponds to (2) with 00


0 and k


7c/D. This is not the best assumption (in the class of the functions defined by (2), a purely

variational method gives, for H > Hc, a value of 00

which is zero only in the limit Om -+ 00) but is the

simplest one, and it is good enough to describe the

configuration near to Hc.


In fact with this assumption one easily obtains :

For il


0 this equation corresponds, in analogy with

the pendulum, to the relation between the oscilla- tion amplitude and the period, and is correct up to terms in 0m. This means that the 00 = 0 assumption gives not only the correct value of the critical field He

but also the exact slope of the 0’ vs. H curve in the

H = He point.

Next we notice that the Euler-Lagrange equation


and that, for EH


0, the result 00


0 can be obtained by requiring that the function 0(z) (given by Eq. (2))

satisfies this equation in the point where d20jdz2



The 00 and k values for BH =1= 0 have been obtained

on the basis of this same requirement and of the boundary condition given by (A.1). The validity of

the extension of this argument to the case of sH :A 0

lies in the fact that, near to the critical point, we certainly have 00 Om, as suggested by the mechani- cal analogy. This can be also seen as a logical conse-

quence of the assumption that 00


0 for EH


0, by considering that, for H > Hr, Om is different from

zero in the limit EH


0, and that the Om vs. 00 curve

is continuous for any value of SH different from zero.

By inserting (2) in (A. 2), and considering the point

where d’O/dZ2


0, one easily obtains, for small 0.

and 00 values :

From equations (A.1) and (A. 4), and taking in account

that 00 0, one then obtains :

Once 00 and k are known, calculations proceed in

a straight-forward manner. We observe only that (3),

which gives the Landau expansion of the free energy, has been obtained from the defining (1) by perform- ing the following steps :

a) the free energy has been linearized with respect

to EH ;

b) the obtained expression has been expanded in a

power series of Om up to O;

c) the term containing SH 0§§, which is negligible

with respect to the other terms, has been omitted.

The consistency of an expansion where the terms

in 8£ are omitted, while those in 0’ are retained, is

justified by the fact that the (5), for H


Hc, gives :


= -

8 6H/[7T(1 + q)]. This also confirms the ine-

quality 00 EH Om near H,,.

We finally notice that the Euler-Lagrange equa- tion admits the first integral

which has been used for the numerical calculations.




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