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An optical study of the interfacial region of a surface-aligned nematic liquid crystal


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An optical study of the interfacial region of a surface-aligned nematic liquid crystal

J.P. Nicholson

To cite this version:

J.P. Nicholson. An optical study of the interfacial region of a surface-aligned nematic liquid crystal.

Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (1), pp.131-139. �10.1051/jphys:01987004801013100�. �jpa-00210415�


An optical study of the interfacial region

of a surface-aligned nematic liquid crystal

J. P. Nicholson

Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Bldg., 107 Rottenrow, Glasgow G4 ONG,


(Reçu le 30 juin 1986, accepté le 23 septembre 1986)



Le coefficient de réflexion optique de la zone de séparation entre la phase nématique du 7CB et une

frontière solide a été mesuré en fonction de l’angle d’incidence et de la température. Il existe une déviation considérable de la réflexion de Fresnel pour le rayon extraordinaire, mais le coefficient est semblable à celui de Fresnel pour le rayon ordinaire. La modélisation des données expérimentales exige une zone de séparation d’une

densité ~ 1 1/2 % plus grande et un paramètre d’ordre 10-20 % plus grand que celui en masse. L’épaisseur de la région interfaciale est ~ 850 A. On propose donc qu’il existe une couche quasi smectique le long de la surface.



The optical reflectivity from the interfacial region of a nematic/solid wall boundary has been measured

as a function of incident angle and temperature for 7CB. Considerable deviation from Fresnel reflectivity occurs for

the E-ray whereas reflectivities for the 0-ray are similar to Fresnel. To fit the experimental data an interfacial region having a density 2014 1 1/2 % greater than bulk as well as an increase of order parameter by 10-20 % is required. The skindepth of the region obtained is


850 A. It is postulated that a quasi-smectic layer exists near to the boundary



Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

The alignment of a nematic liquid crystal (LC) into a single domain by the action of the enclosing cell walls

has been known since the earliest experiments [1]

where simple unidirectional rubbing was found to produce the desired results. A recent review of the various chemical and physical surface treatments has been given by Cognard [2]. The effect of the pre- treated boundary however is more complex than merely providing a uniform detector direction. In the region of

the nematic/boundary interface, the nematic molecules

experience short range forces due to the solid surface itself as well as the longer range intermolecular forces within the nematic which produce such bulk properties

as long-range order, anisotropic elasticity and viscosity,

etc. This is liable to produce localised variations of nematic parameters (such as order parameter, density, etc.) in the interfacial region from their bulk values.

Theoretical models [4-6] describing this interfacial

region have been mainly confined to temperatures

around the nematic-isotropic transition where the Land-

au de Gennes expansion [3] of the free energy in term of the order parameter, S, is valid. Their results derive

S ( z ) as a function of distance, z from the boundary ; S ( z ) is expected to decay from its value at the

boundary to the bulk value over distances of order 50- 500 A. A more ambitious approach to the problem using mean field theory to obtain the free energy in the presence of a boundary has been developed for the case

of homeotropic alignment by Telo da Gama [7] with a

further paper on the parallel alignment case expected.

Experimental measurements in the interface have been mainly confined to the isotropic phase [8-9] by obtaining the optical phase shift between light polarized parallel and perpendicular to the director after passing through the cell (parallel alignment). Measurements,

other than this paper, of the L.C./boundary interface

with the L.C. in the nematic state have been performed by Mada and Kobayashi [10], by effectively measuring

the optical transmittance of the interface, and by

Salamon [11] using fluorescence emission from a dye

loaded nematic. Both report a different order par- ameter at the surface than in the bulk but make no

estimates of the skindepth of the interfacial region.

Mada and Kobyashi’s work, in fact, is seriously marred by lack of any consideration of the effect of the

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01987004801013100



skindepth, d, on their results. Their expression for the optical transmission is derived using the simple Fresnel expression for the amplitude reflectivity at normal

incidence : r


(n1 - no ) / ( nj + no ) [12] where n1 is

the refractive index of the L.C. at the boundary with

the substrate and no that of the substrate. In fact the

reflectivity of a thin interfacial layer is a complicated

function of no, nl, n2 (the bulk refractive index) and d (see below, Appendix, and Refs. [17-19]). In this paper the optical reflectivity of the interface is measured as a function of angle of incidence (not merely for normal

incidence as in Ref. [10]) ; this enables a calculation of the skindepth, d, and some indication of the profile, S ( z ) , in the interfacial region.

2. Experimental.

The cell containing the L.C. (which was heptyl- cyanobiphenyl or 7CB) and the optical arrangement

are shown in figure 1. The L.C. is contained between the hypotenuse faces of two right-angled prisms made

of F2 flint glass. The refractive index of F2 glass ( n =1.62 ) falls between the two refractive indices of

Fig. 1(a).


Experimental arrangement for measurement of

optical reflection from glass/nematic interface. The L.C. cell is wedge-shaped to enable the reflected beam from the lower interface to be rejected.

Fig. l(b).


Magnified view of upper glass/nematic interface showing nomenclature used. Media (0), (1) and (2) are F2 glass, L.C. interfacial region and L.C. bulk respectively.

7CB (1.65-1.68 and 1.51-1.52) thus ensuring a reason-

able reflectivity for either polarization direction. The interface is illuminated by light from a He-Ne laser at 6 328 A which may be polarized as shown in figure 1,

either with its electric field parallel to the plane of incidence, Ell (transverse magnetic or TM case) or perpendicular to the plane of incidence, El (transverse

electric or TE case). The reflected light from the first

F2 Glass/L.C. interface is detected and measured by a

Hamamatsu S1227 type photodiode followed by a

stabilized D.C. amplifier. The reflection off the lower surface emerges at a slightly different angle because the

cell is wedge-shaped, and thus can be distinguished and ignored.

Prior to assembly, the prism faces are treated to the following procedure : (i) unidirectional polishing, with

3 >m diamond paste to microgroove the surfaces in a

direction perpendicular to the plane of figure 1 ; (ii) ultrasonic cleaning in detergent ; (iii) ultrasonic

rinse in distilled water ; (iv) rinse (twice) in deionized

(18 Mfl) water. The cell was then assembled and expoxied with a 350 >m spacer at one end, to provide

the required wedge angle. Prior to filling, the surface

reflectivity was checked, to verify that it corresponded

to the expected Fresnel reflection [12] from a simple

clean surface. This confirmed that the microgrooves

were insufficiently deep or numerous to significantly

affect the reflectivity.

After filling with 7CB the cell was studied carefully

between polarizers each at 45° to the microgroove (n) direction, and illuminated by monochromatic

light. Satisfactory uniform alignment was indicated by a

uniform set of parallel interference fringe parallel to

the n direction. Each bright fringe occurs when the path

difference between 0 and E rays is an integral number

of wavelengths.

The cell was mounted on a rotating table and arranged as shown in figure la. The whole apparatus,

including laser and detector, was placed in a tempera-

ture controlled box which could be stabilized to within 0.1 °C. Reflected intensities were measured by the photodiode for varying incident angles, (J 0 as well as

over the whole nematic range of 7CB (30-42.5 °C). If V

is the actual voltage response of the detector for a given angle and Vo the response to the direct laser beam,

then the intensity reflectivity off the F2/L.C. interface is given by :

where T,


Here, T ( i ) is the transmittance through the two

side-faces of the prism, having allowed for reflection losses. The amplitude reflectance, r ( i 1 ) , at the F2/air

faces is given simply by the Fresnel formulae [12] :



and subscripts ( j = 1, 2 ) refer to the first and second media (in this case air and F2 glass).

The accuracy of the reflectivity measurements

(- 2 %) was mainly limited by the stability of the

laser except at the very lowest values of R (near to

Brewster reflection) where the lower limit of the accuracy in R was ± 10- 6.

Experimental results for R are shown in figure 2

which shows the trend of R with respect to temperature

for a given incident angle, 00


66.2°; and figures 3 and

4 which show the variation of R as a function of

00 for a given temperature.

Fig. 2.


Experimental reflectivity as a function of temperat-

ure for constant incidence angle ( 80


66.2° ) . Dotted lines

are the theoretical Fresnel reflectivity between glass and bulk

L.C. (i.e. d


0). A single set of readings in the isotropic phase is also shown.

3. Theory.

An enlarged diagram at the F2 glass/nematic interface

is shown in figure 1b, giving the nomenclature used in this paper. The light is incident from the glass, which is designated medium zero, having incident angle 8a and

refractive index no. The latter is known to high

accuracy, viz. no = 1.61656 + ( t - 20 °C ) x 2.28 x

10- 6 [13]. Medium 2 is the main bulk of the liquid crystal (7CB) whose two indices, n2o, n2E, are also known from the literature [14]. Medium 1 is the inter- facial region expected to be oooooo 50-500 A thick, having

refractive indices n10 ( z ) , n1E ( z ) which become

equal to the bulk values at z oooooo d, but vary to some unknown value No, NE at the boundary (z



itself. The refractive indices are related to the local order parameter, S, by [15, 16] :

Fig. 3.


Experimental reflectivity as a function of angle at a temperature of 32.3 °C. (a) TE polarization (b) TM polarization. The large range of values in the latter case dictated a log plot which exaggerates the similarity between

fitted and Fresnel curves.

where åa Iii is the fractional polarizability anisotropy

of the L.C. molecules and nl n 2 + 2 n2 ) /3 is the

average refractive index. A similar equation also relates the bulk values n2o, n2E to n2 and S.

Since S = S ( z ) is a function [4-7] which probably decays from a high value at the boundary to the bulk

value over the skindepth, d, both indices n10, n1E must also be functions of z, the distance from the boundary.

Therefore we have to deal with the problem of E.M.

wave propagation in an inhomogeneous or




medium, a subject in which fortunately the literature is



Fig. 4.


As for figure 3 but at a temperature of 38.2 °C.

abundant [17-19], and which has been reviewed by

Jacobsen [17], and Abeles [18].

The optical properties of any thin film can be

represented by a


transfer matrix




Imij] - This

relates the fields at the entrance to the film ( z


0 ) to

those at the exit of the film ( z


d ) by [18] :

A similar formula applies to the TM case with E and

H interchanged in the column matrices. It can be shown that the amplitude reflectivity is then given by [17] :


We must also use the appropriate index in medium 2 for the two cases, i.e. n2 = n2E ( TE ) and n2 = n2o ( TM ) . The matrix elements are also different in the TE and TM cases as the wave equation in the two

main cases differs (see below or Refs. [17, 18]).

To ealculate the intensity reflectivity, R = I r12, for a

given index profile n1E ( z ) (TE case) or njo ( z ) (TM case) the matrix elements mij need to be computed.

Three approaches were used, one outlined below, the others described in Appendix 1.



The method described here is a brief summary from reference [17]. The differential equation for both

TE and TM EM waves of amplitude U can be written

as :



for a non-magnetic medium (A ---= I-LO)


and where

nlE, o ( z ) sin 81 ( z )


no sin 00.

For small values of k = 2 v/A, i.e. A > d, the

solutions of U can be written as a series expansion in

powers of k. The two particular solutions of interest here are F and f


i 0, where :

For particular solutions having the required boundary

conditions (F(O) = 1; ~(0) =0; F’ ( 0 ) = 0;

¢’ ( 0 ) = ky ( 0 ) /3 ( 0 ) ), substituting in equation (7) yields:

with and



It can then be shown [17] that the matrix elements in

(6) are given by :


evaluated at z



This method was the predominant method used in the analysis since it was relatively fast in computer time. However its accuracy needed to be checked. This

was done by comparing its results for the TE case of a

linear-E profile (n E = NE ( 1 + n’ z ) which is one of

the few profiles whose wave equation solution has been

rigorously derived (Appendix 1). This comparison

showed that the series expansion method, when used to

4th power in k (i.e. v=2) gave values of R which agreed

to within 0.5 % of the rigorous solution in Appendix la

for d = 1 000 A. For d = 1 200 Å agreement fell to


1-2 % and then rapidly diverged as d was increased.

None of the profiles tried here was rigorously soluble

in the TM case, so TM values of R were compared with

values obtained by direct stepwise integration of the

wave equation (Appendix 2). This indicated a similar degree of accuracy in the 4th power computations for

TM reflection also.

4. Results.


The general trend of our experimental results is indi-

cated by figure 2 which shows the reflectivity for a given incident angle ( 00 = 66.2* ) as a function of temperature, between 30-41 °C. A single measurement at 43.5° (where the 7CB is in the isotropic phase) is also

shown for comparison. The theoretical expectation for simple Fresnel reflection between F2 glass and bulk liquid crystal (i.e. d


0) is also shown.

The results for the TE and TM cases are quite

different. TE reflectivity (of the E-ray) is considerably higher than the Fresnel value - in fact almost up to

100 % higher near to Tc. The TM reflectivity (of the 0- ray) however is very close to the Fresnel value, being

on average about 7 % lower than the Fresnel reflec-

tivity. Broadly similar experimental results were ob-

tained in reference [10] at normal incidence.

This asymmetry in the results means that a simple model, where only S varies from the bulk value in the interfacial region, is unlikely if not impossible, to fit the results ; for equations (3) and (4) show that increasing

S (near to z


0) will cause n1E to increase and nla to decrease. The glass refractive index, no has a value

midway between the 0 and E indices of the bulk

nematic, so increasing S alone would cause I no - nlr

for both 0 and E cases to increase. This, for a given d,

would cause an increase in reflectivity for both TM and

TE rays. The only way, as we shall see below, therefore, to fit our experimental results is to hypothesize that n1 (and thus the density) also varies from the bulk value and rises at the surface. Then the TM reflectivity - Fresnel reflectivity since for the 0-

Ray, the two effects almost cancel out (Eq. (3)), leading to little change in nlo from the bulk value.

Typical results on which the actual fitting procedure

was performed are shown in figures 3 and 4 which show

both TE and TM reflectivity as a function of incident angle, 00’ at constant temperatures of 32.3 °C and 38.2 °C respectively. Similar results in all were obtained for eight temperatures between 30-41 °C and also at

43.8 °C (isotropic).

To analyse the results exemplified in figure 3 the intensity reflectivity, R


r2, was computed using equation (6) and the 4th order series expansion method

outlined in section 2, using several postulated refractive

index profiles, n nip ( z ) ( P


0, E ) for the inter- facial region (0 z d) , and n


n2P (bulk value)

for z > d. Profiles tried were :

Linear-n profile

Linear-E profile Hyperbolic profile Step profile

The latter profile is that of a simple uniform film of thickness d and is known rigorously [12].

Best fits to the experimental data were obtained by weighted least square fitting procedure by obtaining the

minimum of

where yi, Ri and (7-i are the experimental and theoretical

reflectivity respectively for a given value of 009 and ai i

the experimental error. Good almost identical fits were

obtained for the first three profiles with the ai cor-

reponding to 2 % error, whereas the step profile gave

significantly poorer fits. The best-fit curves, shown in

figure 3, thus yielded values of the surface indices

No and NE and skindepth, d, shown in table I for the linear-n profile. Results for the other two


good-fit » profiles were virtually identical within experimental

error. Also shown in table I, for comparison, are

interpolated bulk values from reference [14].



Table I.


Fitted results for linear-n profile.

The results show that for this particular nematic (7CB), the interfacial region has a skindepth which

remains roughly constant at d oooooo 700-1 000 A, within

experimental error over the whole nematic range. As

expected from the earlier discussion above, the surface

index, nlo, was close to, but greater than the bulk value whilst n1E is substantially greater.

We can now compare the order parameter, S, and

average refractive index at surface, N and in bulk, n2, through the equations below, obtained from

equations (3) and (4) :

and identical equations for the bulk v4lue S2 with NE, No and N replaced by the bulk indices n2E, n20 and n2.

The average refractive index is related to the density,

p, by [15] :

where k


3 m/4 Tra is a constant with m the molecu- lar mass.

Using equation (13) and one known value of the

density of the nematic (p


0.995 at 36 °C [21]) we can

now obtain estimates of the density at the surface (with



N ) and in bulk (with n


n2). The results of these calculations are shown in table II, together with those

for the order parameter from equation (12) using a

value of a /Aa = 1.34. The latter was obtained by comparing absolute values of S obtained by Raman scattering [22] with the bulk values [14] through equation (12). The accuracy of this estimate is probably

not of importance here, as we are mainly interested in

comparative parameters at surface and in bulk. In summary, our results indicate an interfacial region of

thickness - 850 A with a surface value of S from 10 %

(at 30.5 °C) to 20 % (at 40.9 °C) greater than that in the

bulk, and surface density of order 11/2 % greater than the bulk density.

Table II.


Derived interfacial parameters.

5. Discussion.

It should be emphasised that the refractive index

profiles considered are probably’not the only ones

which would fit the data. The method used, although discriminating against the simple step profile, is not

very shape-dependent for similar profiles. With these

reservations our results indicate a skindepth (- 850 A)

substantially higher than that indicated by theories

based on the Landau-de Gennes expansion of the free- energy [3-6]. The theory developed by Allender

et al. [6] suggests skindepths of order E =

Eo [ T*l ( T - T* ) ]’/’ where eo - 5 A for 7CB [9].

This yields a value of E - 53 A for our single set of

measurements in the isotropic region which compares

favourably with best fits giving d - 30-100 A. Lack of

accurate refractive index data in the isotropic phase precluded more accurate estimates of d, so further

measurements were not pursued in the isotropic phase.

Two drawbacks arise in the above-mentioned theoretical approach : (i) the theories are confined to

the neighbourhood of the clearing temperature, TC (ii) no provision is made for a possible change in density near to the wall. Both these objections however

are avoided by the theory developed by Telo da

Gama [7] for the homeotropic case which not only envisages but predicts a rise in density near to the wall.

However his results for the skindepth are comparable

with E obtained by the simpler theories, and it seems unlikely that the parallel alignment case (yet to be published) would produce results over an order of magnitude greater.

A possible explanation of both the large skindepths

and rise in density in the interfacial region indicated by

these measurements could be the formation of a thin solid phase or quasi-smectic layer at the wall surface.

Observation of smectic layers for octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) above its smectic/nematic transition have been observed by Rosenblatt [23] by observing anomalies in

the Frdedericksz transition critical field. A tendency for

both 8CB and 5CB to form smectic layers at the nematic/vapour surface has been inferred from surface tension measurements [24]. Indications of smectic ten- dencies by 5CB and 7CB (which do not exhibit a

smectic phase) even in the bulk of the fluid have been


shown by the X-ray diffraction results of Leadbetter et al. [25], who infer local smectic order extending

over 150 molecules in the case of 7CB. Such large

local ordering however was not observed for MBBA and EBBA. Thus 7CB (and to a lesser extent 5CB), being similar to the smectic 8CB, is liable to have its

smectic tendencies enhanced in the neighbourhood of

an alilgning boundary, and show an interfacial region having quite a large skindepth. It is quite likely

however that a nematic such as MBBA with little smectic tendencies will show much smaller skindepths.

Finally, work on the interfacial region at a nematic/vapour free surface is of interest at this point.

Als-Neilson et al. [26], using X-ray diffraction, show significant smectic ordering near to the nematic free surface for 80CB above the smectic/nematic transition.

Other work by Pershan et al. [27] and Ocko et al. [28]

use the deviation of the X-ray reflectivity at the

interface from the Fresnel value to show similar conclu- sions for 12CB and 80CB.

6. Conclusion.

Preliminary investigations have been made into the wall/nematic interfacial region of 7CB by measuring the optical reflectivity of the interface. Substantial differ-

ences from the Fresnel reflectivity of a simple walllbulk

nematic boundary were observed for the E-rays,

whereas for the 0-rays the reflectivity was slightly

lower than the Fresnel value. The experimental results

could only be fitted by assuming an increase in density

as well as order parameter in the interfacial region. The

interfacial region was thus deduced to have a thickness,

d - 850 A with order parameter 10-20 % higher at the

wall than in bulk, and a density rise of order 1112 %.

These results are difficult to explain on a simple

Landau-de Gennes nematic model, but could be ex-

plained by the formation of a quasi-smectic A layer at

the surface of the aligning wall.


Thanks are due to Mr. David Lang whose help in developing the detector and making preliminary meas-

urements are greatly appreciated, and to Mr. Bob

Dawson for fine technical work in making much of the apparatus. I am also grateful to Drs. M. Bradshaw

(R.S.R.E.), D. Dunmuir (Dept. of Chemistry, Shef-

field University) and T. Faber (Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge) for helpful correspondence

and refractive index data on 7CB. I acknowledge also

the support, both logistic and financial, of my -col-

leagues in the Dept. of Physics, University of Strathclyde.

Appendix 1.

TE REFLECTION FOR A LINEAR-E PROFILE, nl = N2 ( 1- n’ z ) . - This is one of the few profiles which

is soluble analytically, and is treated in the book by

Wait [19].

The differential equation for the TE electric field in medium (1) 1Elf + k2(n, (Z)2 _ S2 ) E = 0] be-

comes :

where k


vacuum wavenumber


2 03C0/03BB ; C


(N 2 _ S2) 1/2 where S


no sin 00 and the E suffixes have been dropped since this section is TE throughout.

Making the substitution :

we obtain Stoke’s differential equation :

The two independent solutions of this equation are

the Airy functions Ai ( t ) and Bi ( t ) [20].

The article by Wait only treats an infinitely thick layer (yielding [ R I = 1), but we can easily extend the

result above to a thin layer of thickness d. The general

formulae for the matrix elements has been obtained by Abeles [18], which, ignoring constant factors and as-

suming a non-magnetic medium, are given by :

Here Ul, U2 are two independent solutions of the wave

equation for the index profile in question. Thus for the linear-E profile we must make the substitutions :

where t is given by (A.2).

The primes in equation (A.4) denote differentiation with respect to z ; thus :

where the dot superscript indicates differentiation with respect to t.

Appendix 2.

TM REFLECTION - GENERAL WAVE EQUATION INTE- GRATION. - For TM reflection it is easier to consider the H field since there is just one component perpen- dicular to the plane of incidence. There is only a single

transmitted wave in medium (2) whose time indepen-

dent form is :



where k2 = n2 k ; a = no sin 80 = n2 sin 02, and the y- axis is along the interface boundary in the plane of


We therefore seek solutions in medium (1) of the

form :

Both C ( z ) and S ( z ) obey the time independent

wave equation which for the case where n1 = n1 (z) only is [12, 18] :

The procedure is then as follows :

1. Starting with the correct boundary conditions at the (1)/(2) interface viz :

(assuming that n1 ( d) = n2) the functions C ( z ) , S ( z ) are evaluated by step-by-step integration of (A.8) until z


0 is reached.

2. This yields the computed values C ( 0 ) , S ( 0 ) , C’(0),8’(0).

3. Correct boundary conditions at the zero/(l) face

are [12] :

The field Ho in medium (0) is made up of an incident and reflected wave having amplitudes I and R respect- ively :


Combining equations (A.7), (A.9) and (A.10) and setting z


0 at the boundary :

Combining equations (A.12) and (A.13) :


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It must be remarked that the repulsive image force between the body disclination and the surface counteracts the attractive interaction worked out above..

Knowing these masses, which were determined by weighing before and after each run, and knowing the densities p(T) of the nematic and of water as functions of

— By using the macroscopic theory of van der Waals forces, the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal and the interfacial free energy of a nematic on a glass substrate

described in reference [2].. The dots and circles are calculated with viscoelastic ratios obtained with the help of computer fitting procedures, and using elastic

We show that an inter- ferometric technique at oblique incidence allows the orthogonality between the magnetic field and the liquid crystal director to be checked with

Abstract 2014 The temperature variations of the order parameter invariants are measured in the uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases of different mixtures of potassium

Orientational optical non-linearity near the instability of nematic liquid crystal flow over an inclined

- The variations in the orientation of the long axis of molecules in nematic liquid crystals induced by an ultrasonic wave have been studied using optical methods..